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old >>122747237
faq https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
first for suffocation
I dreamt there was a new subgenre on rym called "raw prodding death metal" or something
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Starting off strong
Holy reddit, batman
You're such a cool contrarian, faggot.
>You're such a cool contrarian, faggot.
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Grim Reaper
Keep crying, retard. Post you cool and sophisticated blastings, so we can laugh at you.
One of the first metal albums I heard. My dad had the original cassette and I’d play it all the time in the car. Very influential to me
>Post your* cool and sophisticated blastings
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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Reminder that all reddit metal is hated and despised here.
>not a single true black metal album on reddit list
>classic albums are for tourists and redditers
>If people I don't like like something, then that means it's bad. No, I refuse to evaluate it on my own, and will be just a brainless reactionary sheep.
Get a job, you fat retard. Your poor mother will thank you.
It's saturday, pajeet
Why aren't we doing something like this
Unironically based taste. I would rather discuss metal on there but I hate the website and most users are really young which makes me feel uncomfortable. I do like using specific genre reddit communities tho.
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Because we all hate each other. It’s only cozy during the month that the black metal fags/spammers use their containment thread
Immortal, Darkthrone, Gorgoroth
Hello 4chan
Fat sausage-like fingers typed this post
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Thread is complete shit so far.
Did fatty get mad? Did sweat start to pour down his fat forehead?
look in the mirror
I can't hear you over your jiggling rolls of fat
The black metal subreddit apparently bans mentions of entry level bands.
you got a fat fetish
Hyper reddit autism with hyper black metal autism sounds like an awful combo
Why the fuck is rust in peace the most voted
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Ajfa reigns supreme
for being the most reddit.
these threads are designed for metal elitists who listened to everything. take this tourist garbage elsewhere.
Do they ban discussing Burzum? Varg is a very important figure in Black Metal, so it would be weird.
no shame
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trve norwegian gothic symphonic black metal
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>Ajfa reigns supreme
are you here just to annoy people?
Varg is not important. Everything to be said about him has been said a thousand times over. He is stale and hasn’t written anything compelling in a loooooong time.
I'm convinced you're projecting, your reddit-loving retard
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Correct, varg is a worthless diaperwhoreson
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>you're projecting
Back to shreddit, a place where you belong
He made multiple classics. Filosofem is one of the highest-regarded BM albums ever made, and an entry point for anyone interested in BM.
You have so many reddit pics. Why are you so interested in it? You are projecting, aren't you?
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>You have so many reddit pics. Why are you so interested in it? You are projecting, aren't you?
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We make sure only the right people play blackmetal. Its not just some fashion that will go away. If they're not right, we'll use whatever means necessary to get them to stop devaluing blackmetal. It is our way of life.
Gross alcoholic. Varg would knock him out in one hit if he ever tried to stop varg from making shitty music for the last two decades
>reddit reddit reddit
You're not being very convincing
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Söythrone were shitty trendhoppers since day one. Now ted and fenriz are the alternative lifestyle romantic life partner commandeers of a mob of ironic torch wielding söyboys who claim to be all about CULT, OLDSCHOOL METAL even though they only just discovered Agent Steel and Manilla Road in the last 5 years
It must suck only being remembered for Transilvanian Hunger and Under a Funeral Moon, which are just shitty imitations of Burzum

Söyside Journey: generic Swedish style DM album #928192819

A Blaze in the Söythern Sky: "now we're kvlt black metal because Euronymous said black metal is cool!!!! nevermind the songs are still basically death metal riff salads that happen to have some Mayhem ripoff riffs tossed in!"

Under a Söyneral Moon: MUH ICY GUITAR. it's SUPPOSED to sound thin and weak! that's the point!

Söysilvanian Hunger: wow, it's like Burzum, except without any of the dynamics or songwriting or interesting use of feedback and distortion! And the first pressing has a REALLY EDGY message in the liner notes haha but don't worry they weren't serious!!!!! they were kidding around!!! (Fenriz needs non-white people's money too!)

Panzersöy: the "we're out of ideas" album

All the pure BM albums after that are even more uninspired than the C-rate Darkthrone clones coming out around the same time like Craft and Katharsis.truly pathetic.

Then they went comedy rock, and that's where they remain today.

Fuck fenjizz. Fuck Cockturnal Culto. Fuck söythrone.
Metallica is a shreddit band as I empirically proved. What more is there to say mr shredditor?
Ai post
stop shitposting and go look after your kids, louis.
Can you make one post without referencing reddit? Nobody gives a fuck.
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>stop talking about how reddit I am
I refuse shredditor.
this but about varg
Holy redditroonie vargy pargy wickey wacky sooooooi
If you don't have anything meaningful or interesting to contribute, you reddit-obsessed faggot, then fuck off.
I would rather listen to fagjizz play his sabbath rip off shit than burzum(NEW)
does anyone have the Der Stürmer copy pasta
Discussing Varg should be banned here too
Correct. And 4chan does not. 4chan worships the "entry level" a.k.a. originators and masterminds of metal.
They call it blacklisting, so the same stuff doesn’t keep getting posted
norway has never produced anything except tourism, the most reddit country by far.
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Shilling bandcamp tourism should be bannned. Only revered chads such as Varg should be allowed for discussion here.
>stop telling me I'm reddit
Not until you stop posting reddit metal.
Basedriz and kot
Didn't you say you were leaving /metal/ norsecore poster?
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We should only discuss Technical Dissonant Death Metal here.
He has a reddit account, believe it or not
>0 music discussion
>whining about reddit
>personal drama
Oh, it's one of *these* /metal/ threads...
He's like Barneyfag, kek
That's only what's funniest about it.
Shame he privated it after people found it
Who? post it?
Or Nicotranny, for that matter.
/Hector/ general.

We only talk about Hector here
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They really are a bunch of faggots
Until our king takes back his throne, we’ll be forced to talk about the lowly viscount.
4chan metal = Third Wave Black Metal, Dissodeath, Blackened Death, NSBM, Prog, Tech Death, Industrial (Real) Metal, Polyphia, Tech Thrash, and Neoclassical Shred
Unironic reddit user here. This is by far the worst place for metal discussion.
Prog metal is the most plebbit genre there is.
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hes goated
meanwhile reality >>122756141 >>122755964
Reddit metal = 80's and 90's baldcuck tourism
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4chan metal = every band in picrel.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Why do they put some of the bands in the same lines?
Name a single prog metal band that doesn’t suck orangutan balls
if this is what reddit hates, then it is what i love.
>”Tech” anything
Utter garbage
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Those bands are "banned" for being so reddit that reddit won't discuss anything else without them being banned. That might as well be a list of the official most reddit black metal there is KEK
Reddit loves that doe
>blacklisted on le ddit
Plebbit finally shows its face
As >>122756437 pointed out, they are banned because they are too popular on reddit.
Copium overdose.
Blacklist just means it’s posted too much. Like dark funeral is here
This should be put in the FAQ as the trve 4chan-guy metal
>Peste Noire and Satanic Warmaster aren't banned
They are not popular on reddit exclusively tho
>most reddit black metal there is
Most of those bands were around from the beginning of the black metal scene.

Reddit metal is modern hipster shit.
dark funeral isn't posted nearly as much as death, deathspell omega and morbid angel to name a few, all of them equally shitty btw
Absolutely correct.
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Literally the most reddit black metal there is, this is the new reddit black metal list.
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>As you'll notice if you peruse past posts, songs by the likes of Bathory, Mayhem, Darkthrone, etc. will receive a large number (30+) of upvotes,
More cope kek
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>songs by the likes of Bathory, Mayhem, Darkthrone, etc. will receive a large number (30+) of upvotes,
Who the FUCK cares
These are the bands that reddit doesn't allow. Therefore 4chan will.

4chan metal as proven here >>122756415
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>will receive a large number (30+) of upvotes
4chan whitelist:

Emperor Darkthrone
Burzum Satyricon
Dark Funeral Marduk 1349
Bathory Behemoth
Carpathian Forest
Dimmu Borgir
Rotting Christ
Old Man's Child
Moonsorrow Gorgoroth
Wolves in the Throne Room
Belphegor Anaal Nathrakh Deafheaven
Drudkh Watain Leviathan

We prefer full albums by those bands here.
Correct. My mistake.
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upboated my reddit friends!
Reddit is hated here.
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>will receive a large number (30+) of upvotes
Then why are you posting reddit metal?
Never posted such.
I believe you did though, have you seen the list of reddit black metal >>122756488?
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This is a King general
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>will receive a large number (30+) of upvotes
Every post there has at least 30 upvotes, you should've known this by now reddit-man.
settle down with the shitposting retards
Hector completely lost it
>black metal tourists mindbroken after finding out touristcore isn't kvlt
Apparently black metal is anti-reddit which is cool.
Funeral doom reigns supreme.
Varg is a genius.
>not on the 4chan whitelist
Reddit. >>>/r/eddit/
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>reddit starts posting my music again
>now i have to go even more dissonant
This, except the opposite. So reddit that it has its own subreddit where even redditors got fed up with reddit bands like Dark Funeral being spammed by their fellow redditors that they banned them.
>not on the 4chan whitelist
Reddit. >>>/r/eddit/
>black metal tourists
You are shitting on the bands that invented black metal.

We love and cherish the classics here.
>not on the 4chan whitelist
Reddit. >>>/r/eddit/
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>You are shitting on the bands that invented black metal.
I don't see Thorns or Stigma Diabolicum there though? I am shitting on the trend hoppers and reddit posers who were just a bunch of losers ripping off a superior artist.
So what bands are they talking about?
That's her
>not on the 4chan whitelist
Reddit. www.reddit.com
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JG filtered reddit and has 0 (zero) bolded albums on RYM. Same thing with Ehnahre. These are the true anti-reddit bands.

Incredibly embarrassing even for him.
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>makes some spooky haunted house tunes
>inventing black metal
Deafheaven isn't on that list. Is this a way for plebbit hipsters to rationalize listening to blackened screamo and act like they're super underground for it?
Old school death metal
Deafheaven is reddit.
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>Literally invents and codifies the first real black metal riff
>the same riff that Varg stole for Filosofem years later
>Literally invents and codifies the first real black metal riff
Says you.
Bathory never wrote a single black metal riff in Quorthon's entire career. NBM.
4chan whitelist = reddit blacklist

4chan blacklist = reddit whitelist

remember that.
But Mayhem and Master's Hammer did. Cope.
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How long are you going to be mindbroken over finding out that the reddit blacklist was blacklisted for being too popular on reddit? Bet it'll be for a week at least.
Neither had a single arpegiated minor chord riff tremolo picked and shifted up or down the neck. NBM. Also pic related.
reddit blacklist equals 4chan whitelist.
Yes yes, I know, this will be your spam for the week. The mind of the mongrel is built upon reinforcing his failed beliefs no matter how much reality refutes him.
Mayhem literally did all that lol
Didn't you lose this argument with another anon already?
Spotify's audio quality is absolute garbage.
snorrefag lost
Snorre already had his demo out, and there are no real black metal riffs on henhouse because Oyveystein didn't know what chords were beyond power chords. Pic related was the height of his "artistic genius".
Mercyful Fate is a big influence on black metal. It's not just about how they play their guitars, but the themes, lyrics, face paint, imagery. A lot of the early black metal bands cited them as an influence.
>CD-10 Freezing Moon 5:59
>black metal classic
>no real black metal riffs
Just admit you lost, retard.
>themes, lyrics, face paint, imagery.
Not music, try >>>/tv/ instead?
I don't see what that deathrash song has to do with black metal.
>will never admit he lost

Euronymous had better riffs.

Themes, lyrics, and imagery have nothing to do with music?
Reminder that Trey has more black metal riffs under his belt than Oyveystein. (1>0).


As I've said with Norsecore poster, either its Trey who invented black metal, or its Snorre. Oyveystein was a terrible power chord using hack whose sole contribution to black metal was turning it into a poser embarrassment by closing down his shop after his mommy told him too.
They do. Do not engange with him.
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I’ve already mentioned other bands to you but you just say Snorre came first even when those bands had demos out before snorre
>other bands
they didn't write black metal
None of those bands have any black metal riffs.
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Uh, but Spotify is telling me their audio quality is very high? Checkmate, chud.
Reminder that bathory mogs every black metal band
Just as black metal as the haunted house riffs. Remove the distortion and play it faster and what do those riffs sound like?
Based thrash fan!

Is this what you're hinting at?
Carnival ride
>They do.
trve japanese black metal
You forgot the gook avatar.
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Kinda ironic that you even go as far to say that Trey has black metal riffs, but Beherit is "not black metal" and Drawing Down the Moon is not black metal, but "Satanic death metal/war metal"

Why is it so hard to admit that Beherit was already playing black metal in late 80s (formed in 1989) unbeknownst what was happening in Norway?
That’s just opening a can of worms though. If beherit was playing black metal back then so were many others
Beherit is a black metal band. No reviewer even on metal archives has argued "ish achually death metal". Everyone thinks it is a black metal record, every single reviewer since the fucking 90s has unanimously agreed that "Drawing..." is a black metal record
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>as far to say that Trey has black metal riffs
I linked a tremolo'd arpeggiated minor chord riff, Beherit never wrote one and have nothing to do with black metal.

No one cares when a band is "formed", only when music is released. Not that 1989 was significant anyways.
Already late to the party. Not that they wrote any blak metal anyways.
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>Metal archives
>every single reviewer
>Beherit is "not black metal" and Drawing Down the Moon is not black metal, but "Satanic death metal/war
That is LITERALLY what Beherit called it back in the day fucking retard.
I've never seen any distro selling Beherit releases under death metal category and we are talking about sellers who have been in the scene since the early 90s

Only few 4chinz YouTube "black metallers" categorize Beherit under "death metal" label, no one in the real world
>ad populum
>appeal to authority
Neither of these are arguments. Beherit never wrote a black metal riff. NBM.
Remember the abbath quote where he says they called bathory death metal and immortal was the first black metal band?
Immortal always knew Mayhem were the first. Chad Abbath.
Nobody will ever take Hector’s historical revisionism seriously.
I can’t distinguish enough of what is going here but the breakdown sounds black metal to me

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>black metal
Perhaps you are confused coreshitter? We are talking about black metal, not >>/lgbt/
literally just sounds like incantation jej
Jute Gyte is bandcamp garbage.
I use the term loosely if you’re going to get autistic about things I take it back
We love independent ways for artists to release music without the tyranny of a label cucking them out of their own art.
Regardless I don't see how cavercore death metal has anything to do with black metal.
I don’t. They let bands rip off fans and don’t hold them accountable
>rip off
Complete non-issue, DsO has already proven to me that if you have talent then no one can copy you and succeed to the same degree you have.
You think record labels aren't infinitely worse?
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Archgoat stomps bald pussies like Snorre
>my low fi death metal is now black metal because.... because it just is ok?!?!?!

I’m talking about shitcamp. Labels use it too
Are you unironically autistic frfr?
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There's people like this with every band, how many trannies love DsO do you reckon? Probably half of their fanbase
kek the cope. archgoat is peak cringe anon, they play like literal shit. only trannies are going to listen to them.
Average War Metal enjoyer
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Average War Metal enjoyer
Seth was based
the hardest metal known to man
Hector is a /v/ tourist , it explains many things
And we're all /mu/ tourists, that also explains many things.
Not me I only post here. And sometimes /g/ If the autism takes me
>watching public freakout videos of minorities inside popeyes kitchens
metal for this occasion?
>I only post here.
That doesn't make you a non-tourist
playing this tonight
Where would I be touring
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Metal, and music in general, peaked with Alice in Chains.
Quintessential American antifa warrior.
Bandcamp, Youtube
It's a Finnish xomen
What does your ghetto ass, below-the-poverty-line, jive talkin', single mother household think about you worshipping sad yt boi grunge
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I don't live in that type of environment and never have. I have no family that lives in that environment. I grew up in a typical middle class household and my parents went to college.
I wear my AiC beanie almost everyday, sometimes my AiC shirt, mostly my Sabbath shirt, and my family doesn't give a shit. They ask about my music taste all the time to see if I've gotten into any other bands.
My mom likes Nirvana, Alanis Morissette, Evanescence, and other garbage bands like that (Nirvana is alright).
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Would Curry King approve of this?
you people are miserable
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you are here also
you are here more than anyone else
We hate people who say racists things here
i haven't been here in at least 2 months.
you mean the same 10 people?
Enjoy your ban :)
Black Metal is unironically the whitest subgenre of heavy metal
and that's a good thing

You should try listening to death metal sometime then, grandpa.
God I wish Pogorelich did the full Scriabin sonata cycle so bad.


Its perfect.
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For me, it's Millennium
Metal needs to become more political.
And by that I mean we need more POC and more left wing politics.
I don’t click random things on YouTube. I don’t take recs from here or anywhere. The way I find stuff is I take something I like and look at what else the label has put out. Or I look at what other projects they’ve been affiliated with. I also just buy stuff that’s on discount
why is your life like this
ironically or unironically?
Adam Kalmbach just said he was trans in his Instalive
Jute Gyte is finished
Nazi band
I wish...
Boring, one riff band.
Let me guess, you need more?
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