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Vargcube edition.

Varg Vikernes (direct quotation):
>What are you? A man who finds solutions, or a Loser?

Det Som Engang Varg: >>122790853
FAQ: https://burzum.org/eng/news.shtml
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Norsecore tourist is currently on his way to suggest that getting fucked in the ass by another man isn't gay as long as you say it was for shockvalue.
More I listen to this more I realize it is the GOAT
we love the trinity here (Liszt-Bartók-Ligeti)
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Celtic Frost anons pushing in
No matter how great a man he is, he has never gotten quints.

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mountain: taken
i should listen to this soon again, been a while
This, except Scriabin, Durufle, and Ravel.
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flatbrim hat essential northeast brutal death kino today
I'd say each major country has their own (I won't attempt Russia and expose my plebness)
WTF I was just blastan this a few hours ago
just saw em saturday, they still rip, played basically this while damn EP and some demo songs
I watched Slave to the Grind. Grinders are dumber than I expected them to be.
True, as long as each composer selection was before Bach and after Ives.
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JUST BLAST YOUR HEAD OFF, PAL!!!!! https://youtu.be/f4DbmSlZSZg?t=389
lol are you also a fan of Eames furniture?
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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True that time where you begged /classical/ for a req and then posted it here pretended you weren't a complete classical tourist was laughable.
I've spent my entire evening listening to the dwarves and jerking off to granny porn. My dick burns, I smell like shit, my free time is gone and I'm still horny as fuck. And I'm still listening to the dwarves.

>dude anal cunt lmao
They completely fucked that documentary up.
norsetourist soon to be the every genre tourist at this rate LMAO
>My dick burns, I smell like shit, my free time is gone and I'm still horny as fuck.
Hello, Me.
Its becoming harder to remove the noose from my neck these, might be very close
Your taste in classical is laughable, Schizo
>laughable laughable laughable
Maybe you shouldn't be so obvious every post norsecore poster, is this really the best "stem" has to offer? As I said before "stupid tard emulates monkey" perhaps.
he's an ESL and is trying his best leave him alone!
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This is still the peak of meloshit
No other band has combined metal with keyboards and clean vocals so well
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is this the only acceptable groove metal album?
not groove brah brah wtf are you smoking
How the fuck is this groove metal
Never happened award
Groove. Go to war, son. War with yourself. TRIALS. Faggot limp dick. Yes, Sir. I will eat your liver.
slam bands have groovy parts too? are they groove metal? Demilich is obviously death metal, groove metal is trash like pantera
grooves so hard it broke my turntable
Do you also call Demigod doom metal?
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NSBM is bad and you know it
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Trying the new Krallice and it's a bit shit.
NSBM reigns supreme
NSBM is great lyrically but mediocre musically
is there ns power metal
Varg R. Vikernes was raped in the summer of 1992
>Themes: White nationalism, The Legend of Zelda
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Saint Vitus
Is there actually Zelda themed metal?
Fool. Mouth for sucking Southern dick. Nope. Daddy ain't spankin' you. Flag raised. Fist up the air. Champ. Ballsy motherfucker. Live in a hole of needles, son. Damn right. Path and God. Dawn and Sunset. Oops. Did not like that tone. Stink of shit. Very good.
>Mouth for sucking Southern dick.
Based Taake a cock fan.
That song by SOAD
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You tell me.
>white nationalism, the legend of zelda
Sweet bush in time. Gross skank. Dinner served, son. Ballsy crotch. Yes, Sir. Solid erection. Plowed the gran'. Nope. Not braggin'. Damn right, son. When the needle man cries. Passin' the rivers in a funhouse. Flowin'. Good and Bad. You will be raped. Yes, Sir.
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Queensryche just announced another US leg of their Origins Tour. They're playing their first two albums, the S/T ep and The Warning, in their entirety. Dates in picrel
Diapershytche is universally hated here.
Sometimes feelin' like fucking. Not you, Sergeant. A hole. Share a river and fuck 'er to sleep. Nap. Sit down, kid. A hole is to be filled with Texan cum. Nope. Your hole is for shittin' Southern barbeque. Frank Zappa and The Faggots. Bustin' me up, son. Will open your skull soon. Nope. Ain't messin', Sir.
Varg Vikernes here, the famous TikToker. Just wanted to say that I eat dogpoop for breakfast
Total Goron Death
Fail Incelmo nonsense poster is the newest fail meme after that third wave garbage.
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Decent Sabbath worship
how do I become the riffmeister
Every groove metal album is acceptable since groove metal killed off the shit genre known as t(h)rash
Lady in cum. Stuff the skank up. Grab my sack, son. Stiff and ready to explode. One needle two rivers. Three Southern children. Stinkin' of faggotry in here. Slow draw you got there, kid. Yes, Sir. Pretty slow. You are livestock. Cooked and Served By God.
are there any more True Metal bands like Manowar?
Sorry, not acceptable.
Extremely Disparaging and Offensive
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Interesting, that this post hasn't been removed. It really makes you think.
Metalcorechads where we at?
Not acceptable.
not metal
I love all that remains.
Probably drunk because metalcore seems to devolve into the current year drinking/party/joke genre. Can't wait till it starts to merge with all the renaissance fair stuff and we get castlecore
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I'm tired of pretending that Six Feet Under isn't a Top 5 Death Metal band. Their newest album fucking rules
Any new Section 8 Fitness vids coming in hot? What you got planned?
i'm stuck in 2004
not death metal
More like Six FEEEEEEEEEEEEEt under
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It is indubitably GOAT.
Six Feet Under is what people who hate death metal think DM sounds like
Artist: Not from Sweden, Finland or Denmark
Album: Panzerslop
Song: Beholding The Throne of Slop

>And destruction upon the retarded faggot
>Who hails me
it's hecky's trannyfriend mcdohl aka gg schizo
thats trannypoper the guy that spams kpop pictures
varg fans when bzzzzzz and AAAAAGH noises: omg this is trve kvlt kek so based
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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This is awesome
(the first 50 seconds is literal noise, I think it's on purpose)
Absolutely and indubitably correct
There are two kinds of posters in this general
1. Those who absolutely love Kultur
2. The JIDF/low IQ crowd
Take gorgoroth riffs and repeat them for the entire song and you have this
Still better than vegan straight edge black metal like DSO or Kaecum.
Gorgoroth drumming is ass
thats krusty
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What if I think it's 3.5/5 what camp do I fall into
>Yes I am a craft beer connoisseur, how could you tell?
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no, there's a few acceptable groove albums
a whole genre like KSE's cover of Holy Diver would be kino
The RYMtard crowd a.k.a. the low IQ, so 2.
Every Gorgoroth drummer was (and is now) top tier
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only the hoppiest IPAs and craft sauce from the local hot saucery for me
>no Low by Testament
Yes, these are the two kinds of kaevum posters, often they are both at the same time.
i have respect for that one (and anthrax sound of white noise) but i think they aren't as good as their thrash albums
this song is great: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ati4ansiWU
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>That will be $34.99 plus tax
thats negru
Demanufacture is so much better than the rest of FF discography
thats bongman
thats me
Probably the only based American poster on this entire board.
Dave Mustaine here. Im better than all you dickheads. You all are the products of cousins fucking.
>not a black metal fan
>I had Ulver albums in my backlog
>I download them but I always skip them before I play them on my music player
>I find a sick soundtrack, when I check it's Ulver playing
Until then I had only liked one really obscure black metal band that I found on RYM and now I like the entire genre
Dvorak metal
I need some obscure Scandinavian black metal albums on YouTube.
>actually great metal
Doesn't exist.
What about Asking Alexandria?
>buttrock, metalcore
Uhhh, I wouldn't support Mayhem after their whole... V*rg ordeal, listen to some more wholesome bands instead like Darkthrone or Bathory. Rock on, brochacho!
The only mistake Sherman made was not genociding all southerners
5 Poser Crushing Black Metal Albums
What's with all these black metal fans that looks like they belong at a truck stop. He also chose a lot of slop based on the cover artwork.
i dont think any of the turbo autists here are flexing that they have a personality
no one here values having a personality in any way, shape or form
Don't reply to that person
does anyone do good death metal vocals? working on a demo, but my ouii ouiiiii's kinda blow.

if you wrote lyrics that would also be good.

just curious
Which Hellenic black metal bands are actually good?
I love these kinds of videos
uploading some personal favorites and not being clickbait or begging for subs is kvlt, and a good way for others to find brutal tunez. upvoted
When you say Hellenic do you mean bands that happen to be from Greece or bands that worship Rotting Christ?
Both of those bands are decently popular, xj9fan. Just cause you saw them here first ut doesn't mean no one else likes em
based other-than-the-red-in-the-sky-is-ours at the gates appreciator
>buying official merch
Not even once
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I guess the latter. Warm, mid-tempo, triumphant vibes.
>Winds of the Black Godz
Based black guy in the band naming a song
why the fuck do shirts need to be pre-ordered. these people are ridiculous
why are they ashamed of their best work? just like carcass. fags.
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Reminder that we hate and despise reddit metal here.
if I fucking love Triarchy of The Lost Lovers basically more than any other black metal album what would be the next Rotting Christ album to try (ain't heard any others cus I'm worried I won't like them as much)
Probably still working out the order at the shirt company.
This except Dissection
Dissection is on there lol
>bands/albums everyone into metal has listened to a bajillion times
What does that even mean? Just get the shirts and sell them, no pre-order BS
How is that unreasonable?
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Industrial and noise are the sloppiest slop genres to have ever slopped. I think its the low bar to entry, but holy shit these guys have no fucking talent.
Go backwards and forwards through their albums from TofLL.
He probably doesn't want to keep inventory.
>wait for all orders to come in
>make bulk order at shirt company
>drop ship directly from shirt company
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It cuts down on excess. Having a storage unit filled with unsold shirts isn't something to be proud of.
Do you have any common sense?
You don't order a storage unit full of shirts. You order a reasonable amount to keep in inventory. Look the bottom line is I'm not buying a shirt and waiting 2 months for it ship. Fuck you
How do you know what a reasonable amount is? How do you know how many S, M, XL to order?
>You don't order a storage unit full of shirts
No shit.
>You order a reasonable amount
What is a reasonable amount of shirts for a niche musical act? How many smalls or XXLs? You know what's a good way to gauge how many you need? Preorders. Then you can even get some extra to have as inventory without tying up cash in shirts nobody wants.
He probably doesn't have/doesn't want to tie up the capital.
The bulk going strong, Jake!
Well, if you've sold shirts before you can probably be safe doing the same thing as last time.

From a customer stand point, it's dumb. You'll probably find another shirt you want more by the time the stupid thing ships.
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Any powerchads ITT?
this. y'all are too quick to hate. people have reasonable reasons
I LOVE the heading northe track.
Are different gen in kpop similar to how there are different waves in black metal?
if I go backwards, is it still kickass in the melody department or does it get more raw? It's probably not kvlt of me to say but I dig that TofTTL doesn't have a lot of needless blasts. More metallica-type drums.
There isn't a steady state of people that want a Leviathan shirt at any given time. Also demand in designs varies.
>From a customer stand point, it's dumb. You'll probably find another shirt you want more by the time the stupid thing ships.
You can have more than one shirt.
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
>Well, if you've sold shirts before you can probably be safe doing the same thing as last time.
Doesn't seem like a good assumption. One shirt could be really popular, while another isn't.
Jute gyte is obnox.
I like Caedes Cruenta
You just don't get it.
Not even Jon Blow is as pretentious.
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What is pretentious about what was written?
I never listen to that album because it is too good.
>gear queer larperator
>is a fatass
The word lugubrrious
Mentioning basic bitch philosophical concept
The phrase "imitative polyphony"
If I could find a wealthy gay boyfriend like Trey Azagthoth, I could finance both my demo and my MMO.
>if I have to search a word up on good because of my lack of knowledge, its pretentious
>if you mention the themes of your album, its pretentious
>if you use musical theory to explain music, its pretentious
Why can't you just admit you are a low class mongrel instead of this pretentious charade where you need to make some grandiose point about what he writes ?
Sibelius metal
>on good
On google*
What's the best entry level metal albums for a metal nufag? I don't like the really heavy shit. I like vocals I can understand. Megadeth, Judas Priest, Dio/Ozzy, Sabbath, Alice in Chains, etc.
use the actual FAQ which stupid faggots never include in the OP
Why do we hate TOOL again?
I don't!
Any diaper-rocking tool fans in this festy?
listened to 10000 days earlier today
>List of what is not acceptable here:
>Prog metal that is more prog than metal
Actual dogshit.
it's more buttrock than both
Opiate/Undertow did have some buttrock elements
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the rough mixes
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Are we ready to admit it was good?
I'm down with the clown.
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Joey Jordison was undeniably a fucking badass drummer.
I'm not. That dude's ego is fucking massive. Same with Corey. Both are a couple of assholes.
that I PUSH MY PINGAS INTO MY song is good. that's about it
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Reddit Band
not that guy, but what has Corey done that was wrong? I dont know shit about slipknot lore
other than Jim Root being massive and Joey dying
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>/metal/ hates numetal
>loves Alice
What gives?
Slavonic Dances metal
>well written songs
>Layne was a god damn master vocalist
>Jerry is an amazing guitarist
Simple as. They made a mockery of every other Seattle band.
AIC fag is a schizo. Learn 2 pattern recognition, you really need it in this era of 4chan
Too popular to be obscure, not popular enough for it to be ironic
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Are we ready to admit that metal peaked when Limp Bizkit came on the scene or are we still coping
1) They're not very good
2) They're promoted as "intelligent" music when they're actually music for midwits
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>nu metal schizo is back
therefore they're the best
Thats right, takin over flows is the Limp Pimp
Need the Bizkit to save this thread for
Vargs gayness
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how the fuck has this been completely ignored on the metal archives?
BDM gets wrongfully ignored when in reality, it reigns supreme.
it's weird, it gets its dick sucked on rym but has no reviews on the archives and it isn't even hipster or tranny shit. the complete opposite really.
it's on MA
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Mortician supremacy
I meant it has no reviews despite being significantly better than overrated garbage like dying fetus and the like
Someone here was talking about making a general called /dark/, are you here
reminder that you will never be a woman
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Yejibros what comeback are we most looking forward to?
shut the hell up
Are there any disso-black bands with a female member? It seems like absolute woman-repellant
This is the gayest hipster board on this entire fucking site
>no women
that's how you know a sub-genre is good. It's all about music and not about attracting simps
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Whoever thought you’d be better
At writing this song than me
Even though my version’s shite
We love Meshuggah here.
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Three dollar bills is their only album worth listening to. Try listening to picrel. Raw and heavy as hell
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we love wigga shyt here, have you heard of this anon? SOAD’s wu tang cover hits
>we love wigga shyt here
not correct
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Yes we do, my wigga. Get dem braids ready
Listening to Mercyful Fate
Don't forget to change your diaper afterwards.
I won't.
there are plenty of females (male) in dissoshit bands
doesnt count
>post-hardcore sounds nothing like hardcore
what gives?
Does count. We love and support our trans metal goddesses here.
How does Fugazi sound like Agnostic Front?
music taste is heavily influence by how you grow up, your self image + being shoved into a box by society
which is why the meme is that trans girls make extremely loud industrial music and trans guys make ukulele feel good music
a trans girl liking male dominated music is not surprising at all
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incorrect, it's dogshit posercore. Aesthetics is important, but you never put aesthetics over substance. Terrible song writing and shit riffs, there are so many modern over looked great doom bands that deserve the recognition but dont receive it because they dont have their tits out
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I need more recs for meloblack in the vein of early Dissection. I'm familiar with most of if not all the No Fashion records catalog and other bands like Dawn, Necrophobic, etc.

It can be symphonic but that's obviously not a requirement as Dissection weren't symphonic at all but I love when bands add symph elements to the meloblack sound. I love Odium, early Cradle Of Filth and Satyricon too if that helps.

Bonus points if it's from the 90s. Not opposed to newer stuff but I feel modern production will kill the sound.
based retard
in flames, dark tranquility, the list goes on. dissection is hardly black metal
I've not found much meloblack like Dissection as they were always a bit more thrashier or closer to regular BM than most counterparts.
The only two big meloblack bands that come to mind that I still like are Dawn (for Slaughtersun) and Suhnopfer (who are modern but still decent) but you probably already know them.

There's also that band Autonoesis that got shilled here for a while, and while not worth of the shilling are alright, but not super meloblack
it's just MA has them as "Melodic Thrash/Black/Death Metal"

I'm finding out that black metal sucks since 2010. What bands have released something good since then? DsO, Aosoth, Funeral mist, Inquisition.. ? Who else?
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>I'm finding out that black metal sucks
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you might dismiss it as hipster but this is the best bm related thing released in recent memory
Early Taake is all you need
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Generally, all genres/sub-genres are bound to be majorly mediocre, that's why people give their attention to what's exceptional within those genres. This is quite exceptional NSBM, and it's only an instrumental intro:
incredible album
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it's never been topped
current best BM band : mgla
current best DM band : ulcerate

cope and seethe
El Perro
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QRD on this band?
Which albums are generally considered their best? And at what point did they change their style?
ulcerate are barely death metal at this point
Put your trip back on.
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First two are classics, maybe even the third one, but I haven't listen to that one enough. By the fourth they changed their style but further evolved their sound by their seventh album, which is another favorite of theirs(picrel) along with their Åsgards Fall EP, which is a tribute to Bathory. Their albums afterwards seem to follow along the style of their seventh, maybe not always on the same level but they have some good tracks here and there.
This was very helpful thank you.
Mgla hasn't made album even half as good as Taake's any from trilogy
That's extra impressive given Taake hasn't made a good album
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No, dissonance is inherently a male enjoyment. Disneycore and atmoshit attracts a lot of women though, even deathmetal has more women. The only consonant genre to not attract some of woman is shred.

Not disso, called "Transcendental black metal" for a reason. Its mick barr minimalism, aka pure atmoshit.
basado. Sad that they split so soon.
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>best bm band is boring atmoshit where every part of every song sounds the same
>best dm band is boring atmoshit where every part of every song sounds the same

Current best BM band is JG
Current best DM band is Ad Nauseam.

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>dissonance is inherently a male enjoyment
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desu the band has the perfect level of mystery and brevity. I'm not sure what else they could have contributed.
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>dragged into sunlight, thou, electric wizard, blasphemy
Guaranteed the "DsO" he pretends to like is Popcletus.
True. They're all excellent.
Ah yes, industrial hardcore dungeon synth, a classic combination. Sounds 100x better than keller synth tbqh.

>bm retards pretending that they are above cringe behaviours
You fucks lack so much self awareness.
Second wave is disneycore, third wave has no such cringe.
>best bm band is boring atmoshit where every part of every song sounds the same

that would also be jute gyte



too early
Best blastings of the thread
NGMI Iass.

>made at 310 perfectly
>too early
NGMI Iass.
you made it at 309 you retard
Made it at 310 perfectly, stop crying numale bitchboy.
im boycotting your thread as it is an imposter. I eagerly await the true thread to be made
checked. Real NU, real dubs, real edition

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