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Violin Concerto Edition


>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

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now playing

start of Violin Concerto No. 1, Op. 35, M. 37:

start of Violin Concerto No. 2, Op. 61, M. 71:

start of Mythes, Op. 30, M. 29:

no matter how much I try, I just can't get into Bartók's Concerto for Orchestra
i find bartok’s third and final period to be very weird and repulsive whereas his supposedly more experimental second period is far more in line with my taste.

Any drum-heavy pieces by highly regarded composers? I quite like this piece.

I believe that this guy and sisterposter are actually the same person.
Is Chromatic Fantasia and Fugue part of ClavierÜbung II? I don't think it is. Yet I see it often performed inbetween Italian Concerto and French Overture
john dowland emo meme
Brings me to tears every time I listen to it
>Bless the Lord, O my soul;
>and all that is within me, bless his holy name!
virtuoso slaveslop
>virtuoso choir
This is your brain on HRT and daily seething, sister.
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Post some well engineered recordings


I love the sound of this recording, I can pin point each individual section and appreciate their parts individually while still seeing the whole. I have recordings I like better in terms of performance, but this one still sounds lovely from a engineering and recording standpoint, which certainly warrants appreciation for Horst Kunze and his splendid job on this record.
Is there any performer that consistently improvises his cadenzas on almost every recording of his concertos?
love Beethoven's cadenza for this piece
How was music printed in the old days? What's the nitty gritty of the musical printing process back when we had to use printing presses?
Basically any Kenneth Wilkinson recording.
How's classical saxophone? I just picked up the sax for fun
let's start the day with

first track and two random ones:

Rienzi, WWV 49 - Overture:

Lohengrin, WWV 75 - Prelude To Act I:

Parsifal, WWV 111 - Prelude:

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whoops forgot
A Glen should Beethoven Bagatelle
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>Overture is more interesting than every aria in the opera combined
Why is this so common?
Cause Opera is gay
you are
This doesn't hold for choral music though: the music of Mass in B minor > anything in Wagner's overtures and preludes.
I tried listening to Bela Bartok because I heard he was influenced b folk music, but didn't enjoy it. I did enjoy Dvorak's Slavonic Dances. What else would I enjoy?
Jon Leifs Gay sir
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>I did enjoy Dvorak's Slavonic Dances. What else would I enjoy?

first track in playlist of the entire recording:
Mahler has totally consumed my music listening habits for months now. When I'm on the way home, I already mentally make plans of which three or four symphonies of his I'm going to listen to that day -- today it's the 3rd, 2nd, and 10th, and maybe 5th, then repeat through the others or mix. It's almost an addiction, I need help, but my god, what perfect, immense in scope and beauty works of music and art his works are.

Tchaikovsky is a great composer, wish people focused on more than just his ballets and the 1812 overture. This symphony is wonderful.
In this general and its community at least, we primarily talk about his 4th, 5th, and 6th, violin concerto, and piano concertos, and if anything not enough about his ballets! And Manfred. The overtures are nice but I could easily live without them.
But yes, incredible work, one of my most listened to symphonies, and great and highly acclaimed recording.
more like tchaikovsky is a gay incestuous pedophile
He's incestuous now too? Damn, Britten never had a chance to keep up!
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Been really liking Neumann's Mahler.
thank you sister
need a good piano piece to learn. i've been trying to learn scriabin's sonata no. 5, but it might be too difficult. fun and challenging piece recommendations?
"Tchaikovsky is gay" is legit one of the most disgusting things I've seen.
>Dude says "I love you" to his brother
Fucking hate this narrative.
Besides Faust, did Gonoud made anything else worth listening?
It was his nephew.
What are the Mozart works that really inspired Beethoven? I know he fanboyed extremely hard over Mozart, but what where the specific works that made him do so?

Magic Flute is the obvious one, but any other?
>scriabin's sonata no. 5

My favorite solo piano work ever. I'd imagine it'd be very difficult to learn and play.
Which is the best classical piece to goon to ?
Piano concertos 20 & 24, string quartet in A
he was always incestuous
i agree, incestuous faggots are extremely disgusting. even worse is the coping slavesloppers who defend their inbred buttmuncher behavior.
Have you been touched?
Where's the evidence he was incestuous?
no, i’m not a faggot.
>Tchaikovsky's dedication of his Sixth symphony to his nephew Vladimir "Bob" Davydov (21 at the time) and his feelings expressed about Davydov in letters to others, especially following Davydov's suicide, has been cited as evidence for romantic love between the two.
nasty inbred homo slaves
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Are you supposed to listen to Bagatelles while playing Bagatelle?
while eating a bagel or a baguette
Who cares if Tchai was gay? His music is wonderful, that's all.
sisteranon is just bantering. granted he genuinely dislikes Tchaikovsky but this is way of expressing it
Then he should be ignored. Why engage with a madman?
>loves his family
>is sad when his friend suicided
Damn, he really wasn't gay.
yes, i’m sure you enjoy the sounds of gay incestuous romance
if this is your way of censuring “wanting to stuff his butthole with cum and eat his poop from his anus” then sure, i guess you could say that
*gay incestuous lover
Do you think gays are some kind of psychopaths?
i can play some difficult stuff. it's his polyrhythms that really make it complicated. it feels like my mind is splitting in half trying to play the part around 1:30. it's a wonderful piece, very uplifting.
you probably have to be some sort of weirdo to want to have sex with a man’s hairy butthole with dingleberries hanging off of it yeah
Show proofs that Tchaikovsky had sex with men.
what, you want me to dumpster dive at the gay bars he frequented and fish out his condoms for you?
It's how you usually spend your Saturday nights
i’m not the one bending over backwards to defend a renowned homosexual
>i’m not the one bending over
That's not what I heard

captch RAAY
well yes, you were listening to tchaikovsky, of course you heard about men bending over
He wrote two True Kvlt metal pieces for harpsichord and the rest were pretty unremarkable(and some operas). Strange

Have you heard any of Vaclav Neumann's Mahler recordings, sisteranon? With the Czech Philharmonic or Gewandhaus. Thoughts if so, but if not you should really check them out; they don't have the same profundity as many other great interpretations but Neumann has one of if not the most 'musical' Mahler I've ever heard -- recordings less for the heart or brain perhaps but more pleasing for the ear. Here's the Gewandhaus 7th that I loved:


You'll immediately notice that it's far less atmospheric as most Mahler 7ths generally are and instead more melodic and thus to me more beautiful. Loving the 3rd I'm listening to right now as well.

Again, less focus on intensity and power like most other recordings but does it get any more beautiful and heavenly than this?


Come check it out!
Since it's from the Japanese release and the title and therefore link preview is in that language, the link I posted is for:

Mahler : Symphony No.3 in D Minor ; Second Part : 5. Lustig im Tempo und keck im Ausdruck. "Es sungen drei Engel"
i have. i’ve never been very impressed by them, they’re not bad but i don’t find them particularly special interpretively.
I wonder why Japanese releases are so prevalent.
Any symphonies?
>Say "i love you" to your brother
>Some ukranian 100 years later calls you gay
Ah fair enough. I've been going back-and-forth with his and Kondrashin's cycles lately and really liking both, except for Neumann's 9th which I didn't find to be all that great -- Kondrashin's was actually really good -- but I'm gonna give both another listen. After these I don't think I have any other unfamiliar ones in the backlog so I suppose it's time to go and revisit Bernstein's, MTT's, or Abbado's now that I know all of these symphonies as well as I know any music, lol, whereas I didn't when I last listened to theirs.

Big fans of classical, iirc, hence the presence of Japanese conductors.
Nephew, retard. Not his brother.
>say “i want to have steamy incestuous gay anal bathhouse sex with you” to your nephew
>some slave 100 years later says you were totally straight all along
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let's see how his 2nd with the 'Ceska Filharmonie' is

if anyone else wants to listen as well:

start of Symphony No.2 in C Minor, "Resurrection":

i actually didnt know neumann had extra recordings with the czech philharmonic. i was only aware of his gewandhaus 5 6 7 & 9 on eterna.
You are also a slav, piggie
i don’t give a shit about your faggy little territorial dispute, i’m not a zigger slave or a piggy slave.
Yeah, a complete cycle. I've liked what I've heard so far, and if it means anything it seems Hurwitz was a fan as well, though if I'm understanding what he says in his review correctly, it seems he has two cycles with the Czech Philharmonic, one with Supraphon and one with Canyon.
bordering on abbado levels of excessive remaking with 2 1/2 cycles
Sure thing, piggy.
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lol right? With the same orchestra it becomes another level of confusing -- I thought Solti having two 5ths with the CSO was bad enough (one is markedly better than the other)! Since I've been really enjoying what I've heard so far though, I'm just downloading the Supraphon cycle to make sure I have the right one instead of streaming.
slave delusion, i could not give less of a shit about your part of the world.
at least the solti remake is live vs. the original recording being studio, for the few people who give a shit about the distinction. i can’t imagine what 2 studio cycles with the same orchestra would have to offer the second time around.
ok piggy
cope slaveoid
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alright last Mahler link spam I swear.

Since the Neumann Canyon cycle is supposedly inferior to the Supraphon one (parts of the first movement were sounding awkward to me anyway, much to my surprise at the time, so it's good there's an explanation), I put a hold on listening to >>122851759 so I can instead listen to the Supraphon complete recording later. In the meantime, switched to the best 21st century recording of the 2nd, and one of the all-time bests and personal favorites:



Klemperer's and Mehta's might still be my overall favorite by a hair but this is very close after, if not as good.
ok piggy
cope slaveoid
ok piggy
cope slaveoid
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>switched to the best 21st century recording of the 2nd

this one may be superior, but that one is still excellent
what’s MTT supposed to be superior at, sucking cock and fucking man ass?
why do y'all niggas hate Barenboim?
bad conductor, worse pianist
>worse pianist
slow, soft edged and affected
How does that make him bad?
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This one actually mogs Klemperer. The tempo of Mehta / Vienna puts them in a different category.
The greatest composers of all time:
1. Bach
2. Tchaikovsky
3. ???
Who's third?
Chopin and Rachmaninoff
i prefer my piano playing to sound like it wasn’t played by a geriatric with narcolepsy.
if i wanted to listen to european bernstein i’d just listen to bernstein. .
third gayest? definitely saint saens the pederast. also you misspelt britten as bach. their names both start with B, confusing i know.
>Tchaikovsky, though wholeheartedly accepted by naive music lovers and sophisticated composers alike, is still suspected by the West's intellectual lower middle class. Resistance to Tchaikovsky, like most snobbery, arises out of a self-protective need. Putting down what is popular is an easy way to assert an anxious connoisseruship, but those secure in their perceptions can afford to recognize originality and expressive power, even when it is not cloaked in crowd-excluding difficult. This dismissive posture is revealing not of Tchaikovsky but of those who assume it.
Only midwits dislike Tchaikovsky.
High-brow and low-brow alliance, this is the truth
The sisterposter likes to take one or two recordings from a performer that he really dislikes, and then he generalizes their entire oeuvre based on his initial impressions. Don't take him seriously. He's basically the equivalent of a reactionary Twitch streamer that sees a clip and judges someone's entire life based on it.
translation: it’s popular so you can’t dislike it!
except it’s true of pretty much everything barenboim has interpreted both at the keyboard and on the podium. his interpretive style universally leans soft, suppressed and “expressive” (affected). saying this is about as controversial as saying that solti has strong brass sections or that furtwangler was fond of rubato. it’s really not the own you think it is.
ok piggy
cope slaveoid

"Soft" and "suppressed" Barenboim
ok piggy
Tchaikovsky is genius in every little piece he makes
by the chicago symphony’s standards, this is very soft. have you heard solti’s bruckner?
cope slaveoid
you misspelt gay
Moving the goalposts. I accept your concession.
so who are some sisterposter approved pianists?
pointing out that the orchestra makes a difference is moving the goalposts? okay lol
I love scrolling down to the comments of a Hurwitz review, only to find him being condescending towards people who correct him or disagree with him.
Solti's is actually a little less sharp and less loud anyhow. He even buries the horn triplets more than Barenboim.That's another one of your problems, you rely too much on your memory which is filled with bad generalizations rather than doing A/B comparisons.
ok piggy
solti is definitely not less sharp LOL, are you sure your tiny brain isn’t getting the production vs. the actual sound of the orchestra confused? burying the horns is a matter of balances (which solti has never been spectacular at), not brashness or otherwise. you don’t seem like you know what you’re talking about with interpretation and style in conducting.
cope slaveoid
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what a lewd cover, pls censor
ok satan piggy
The burying of the triplets absolutely makes the climax of the Scherzo less sharp, without those triplets piercing through the overall sound profile is more rounded on the whole. Outside of that, they are fairly comparable in terms of their overall sharpness.
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now playing


cope slaveoid
not really, solti’s pacing and balances in the tuttis are much more aggressive and have more forward motion than barenboim. lack of contrapuntal detail is down to solti being something of a simpleton, which i already mentioned earlier. you’re really not revealing anything new with this exposé of yours.
>not really
Yes really.
Is it a pianist that recorded in the 60s and 70s and was approved by Gramophone or David Hurwitz? Then he probably likes them
Scratch that, this sucks. I should've known better because I didn't like Strauss' violin sonata the last time I tried it but wanted to give his violin work another shot.
I can't believe someone made sistersister make a critical post beyond "this is rancid".
What if he was Hurwitz?
yeah, nah.
what are you talking about? i hate arrau and michaelangeli and i’ve literally been shitting on barenboim for the last 2 hours lol. what are you smoking?
>i hate arrau
It's still his usual robotic reply though, he uses the same criticisms for every recording he doesn't ljke
i can believe that your reading comprehension sucks ass.
agreed, arrau is one of the most soulless pianists i’ve ever heard
it’s almost like i have consistent standards with regards to the recordings i like and the recordings i don’t.
No it's just the only way you know how to critique things even when they are objectively wrong
Michelangeli is based tho
nah, i’m right and you’re mad that i dislike what you like. sob about it
the only tolerable recordings i’ve heard from ABM are his debussy preludes. his beethoven sonata 32 is possibly the worst one on record.
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now playing

first track of the playlist for the recording
Finlandia, Op. 26:


and speaking of Hurwitz, from the Amazon page under Editorial Reviews:

>This budget-priced disc contains some very fine performances. Eugene Ormandy and Leonard Bernstein were both dedicated Sibelius interpreters, and their approaches are both complementary and shrewdly highlighted in this collection. Bernstein is represented by a single work: Pohjola's Daughter. This is not only Sibelius's finest tone poem, but this performance has also long been regarded as the best available. Ormandy, on the other hand, selected the kind of Romantic, colorful music that he always conducted with special authority, and the Philadelphia Orchestra makes some gorgeous sounds, particularly in the Valse Triste and The Swan of Tuonela. A bargain. --David Hurwitz
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvU1XAqYeg8 indeed
Sisterposter is like a stray dog of this general. He never posts anything(most - if not all of us - do) no youtube links, or what he's currently listening to, or whatever.
He never asks questions to even hint at what he's listening to, because he supposedly knows everything and does not need to learn from some stupid anons.
All he does is engage in arguments where both sides are ready to die on their hill and he never stops replying, resorting to thread-flooding shitposting. Rarely he'll share some kind of experience with recordings and be useful(as if classsical forums or fucking Hurwitz videos weren't more useful anyway lol), and super rarely he might say something interesting at best. Only anon that'll take his side is the Malhersperg because he has to listen to 200x recordings of the same piece for some reason(and post every single one here) and """discuss""" about them, or rather just get laughed at by sisterposter.
No one knows why he's still here, but he is. Apparently shitposting is as important to him as the "elitism" he thinks he's promoting.
Sisterposter doesn't post he just replies with shitposts.
Sistersisters... our response?
tldr: stop talking about things i don’t like in ways i don’t like
cry me a river LOL
Yep, he's more interested in hating things than enjoying things. It's actually kind of sad. Plus he's here all day, so I imagine he probably doesn't even have a job.
Hey why you gotta bully me too. It's fun exploring new Mahler recordings, and there's such a wide range of interpretative possibilities with his music. And I post them here for discussion, hear other's thoughts, and because often there's nothing else going on here so why not.
Not bullying you, you're a nice anon, but you're the only one anon who defends the schizo every time he's criticized.
i talk about recordings i like all the time. selective reading is a bitch.
he’s a vindictive sperg trying to spin a narrative about person he doesn’t like because i talk about music in ways he doesn’t like LOL
what a petty queer, i bet he likes slaveslop.
>i talk about recordings i like all the time
No you don't. All you do is point fingers at which recordings are 'unacceptable' and leave it to the reader to guess which ones are 'acceptable'.
hilariously absurd. i’ve recommended the same recordings so often that people have even gone so far as to accuse me of having baby duck syndrome or believing that there’s only one true baton for the entire goddamn mozart piano concerto cycle. if anything, i should stop recommending recordings because apparently people here are too retarded to consume one person’s subjective opinion without sperging the fuck out.
>As a listener, it's quite easy to feel the passion that Mr. Zander has for the music about which he speaks. Telarc is quite generous to provide the bonus commentary disc in this set. It's over 70 minutes of insight into one of the greatest late Romantic symphonies ever written. Having heard the commentary on Mahler's 5th symphony over 5 times now, I'm convinced that it alone is worth the price of the CD.

Christ, imagine... five times, why
so much seething lmfao
He probably has nothing better to do than shit and piss on classical composers 24/7, let him be
Yeah, from you
>(oh wow mahler recording discussion #82717 this week alone)

Me and him were talking about something and his reply there is directly about what I had just said, so don't see the problem...
you wish, LOL
we’re discussing something he doesn’t like, which is verboten, obviously.
Yeah, if you happen to be discussing something that he actually likes, then it's fine. It's whenever you slightly even mention something that he doesn't like that he begins to sperg out like a spaz.
oh the irony
You're just getting mad at people having a conversation anon
excellent question sister
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now playing, first time listening to this, it's actually fantastic (still on the violin concerto but I expect it all to be great)

start of Violin Concerto, Op. 14:

start of Capricorn Concerto for Flute, Oboe, Trumpet and Strings, Op. 21:

start of Cello Concerto, Op. 22:


give it a listen! great album cover too. and of course it's got another Hurwitz blurb in the Editorial Review section on Amazon:

>Barber's Cello Concerto is one of the several great modern works for cello and orchestra. It's not as well known as it ought to be, and the reason is simple: it's appallingly difficult to play. The Violin Concerto, on the other hand, has always been a popular favorite. The first two movements are so lusciously beautiful feel you ought to pinch yourself after hearing them just to prove that they were real. The Capricorn Concerto is an acerbic, neo- Baroque pastiche very similar to Stravinsky's Dumbarton Oaks and Martinu's Concerto Grosso. All three works are performed and recorded with total commitment and genuine Romantic flair. A great Barber record. -- David Hurwitz
ok piggy
I don't know why I find this album cover so appealing and interesting. Gotta love the (lack of) hair and nose on the middle guy oogling the girls, no wonder they changed it to a generic record label collection cover on the remaster. Anyone know if it's from something?
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It's by Thomas Hart Benton. His other covers are also similar.
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cope slaveoid
wtf is this supposed to be even?
never been a fan of him his playing just leaves me flat and I don't get why his dick sucked so much.
Thank you!
ok piggy
because gould ghouls are attracted to needless novel invention and little else.
i don’t know what that is
cope slaveoid
ok piggy
>cope slavoid
>ok piggy
>ad infinitum
Highest quality /classical/ posting
>because gould ghouls are attracted to needless novel invention and little else.
Also his playing sounds like a really really good midi recording and I don't know why.
what I'm listening to now:
cope slaveoid
such is life when dealing with schizophrenic slaves
trust me, i’ve heard more sensitive playing from notation playback software.
ok piggy
cope slaveoid
>youtube link
>mahler youtube link and youtube music link
>youtube link
Highest quality /classical/ posting
according to the vindictive sperg spamming youtube links is the peak of /classical/ discussion though

you don't need more
we need the IP count back
Actually it's:
You can literally discard the rest.
How can you tell if it's Bohm or Karajan? Youtube is confused.
It's Bohm, YouTube just made a mistake by uploading it under the wrong channel for whatever reason.
Yep, definitely Bohm with it's being too fast and all.
brahms isn’t a slop composer though?
Neither are the other two though?
lol, lmao, rofl even
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Not to be confused with his arch nemesis- Boastful Mussorgsky
>generic late romantic piece no.1565
>reddit: omg this moved my soul!
that’s why rach and chopin are slop, yes
And Brahms.
you wish
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now playing, realized i've never tried a more recent Bruckner recording so trying one out

start of Symphony No. 8 in C Minor, WAB 108 "Apocalyptic" (1890 Version):


vomit-inducing album cover tho but it's no biggie
the premise of this bruckner cycle is so fucking absurd, i hope the performances are at least decent.
>Indeed, the orchestral playing is of the highest order throughout, on a level with that of the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra for Mariss Jansons in his marvellously cogent recording on BR Klassik.

t. gramophone review

I'll probably try Jansons' too for a 2nd recent recording.

Recording all the versions of the symphonies? Why's that?
comparing it to jansons is definitely not a good sign
>Recording all the versions of the symphonies?
a retarded premise when you realize that most of the versions aren’t really even versions at all and more akin to snapshots of bruckner’s progress in revising his works at a given point in time.
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>As a resident of Cowshed, Missouri, allow me to expound on Bruckner's intentions
I always thought that Sakari Oramo was a japanese woman, but surprise, he's a white male.
Has anyone heard his recordings? I liked his Ravel's record (his Tombeau is similar to Boulez's) and his Nielsen's Symphony no.4.
between the zigger slaveoid and the flyover schizo we definitely have some actual crazy people in this general
>comparing it to jansons is definitely not a good sign

lol knowing your feelings about Jansons is why I had to share the excerpt, but also for anyone else's feedback

And oh, admittedly I never really cared to investigate what '(Haas)' and '(1890 version)' on Bruckner recordings ever really meant but yeah if that's the case it is kind of silly. I suppose if both or however many versions have both had sizeable representation in performance and recording frequency to where it's common for classical listeners, always picky, to have a preference then it makes sense I guess, but again I never really paid attention or looked into it outside of knowing Bruckner periodically revised his work long after its premiere. Just trying to have a 'hook' for their project too, I suppose.
Bruckner grips me from beginning to end of symphony.

Mahler loses me five seconds into his neurotic rambles.
That sounds AWFUL. I can't even explain how, it just sounds like all the fat has been cut out and the conducting is on autopilot.
for the 8th, there are some fairly significant differences between the haas and 1890 versions. the former is something of a patchwork between the 1890 version and several cut sections of the 1887 version (which quite significantly changes the pacing of the adagio in particular), while the latter is bruckner’s actual final score for the symphony. in spite of purism, i do prefer the haas edition because i find the structure of the restored cut sections quite compelling.
nothing is more neurotic than bruckner’s blocklike symphonic structure.
Now Playing - Das Busch Streichquartett - Beethoven: String Quartet op 130

do hissters really
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>NO I'm from Cornston, Colorado and I INSIST you play Bach as it was intended (on a modern Steinway)
it’d be really embarrassing if the flyover schizo spent all this time bitching about midwesterners only to be from a second tier major city like DC or chicago or philadelphia or some shit like that
Hmm, sounds great to me, honestly, but fair enough.

Ah thanks, I think I've only ever heard the Haas version, so once I finish listening to this Poschner 1890 I'll have to do a direct comparison with Karajan's VPO Haas to see the immediate differences, or see if I can tell something is off when the Adagio comes up.
Yeah, I really think of 'neurotic' when I hear 'blocklike', you utter imbecile. If you prefer Mahler to Bruckner, just say so, you don't have to embarrassingly attempt to be witty by inverting my statement.
The main thing I do grant non-fans of Mahler is he really does not have any catchy melodies, but rather only memorable 'moments.' I think the only time I've ever hummed something from his music is one of the vocal parts from the 3rd after listening to it earlier.
bruh that's debussy :skull:
you will definitely notice the complete restructuring of the climax of the adagio in the 1890 version, it’s not subtle. an entire chunk of music was taken out.
bruckner’s autistic bar counting with every single phrase and obsession with themes in inversion and retrograde and endless imitative counterpoint even when it’s inaudible is absolutely neurotic. do you even know what neuroticism is?
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now playing

start of Symphony No. 2 in D Major:

start of Symphony No. 3 "Liturgique":

Now Playing - BWV 1005 transcription for harpsichord

I actually quite like that performance of the 3rd symphony. It doesn't have the power or virtuosity of Mravinsky or Karajan, but the balances are quite well done. It's one of the only recordings where you can actually hear the piano throughout, on Karajan's recording it's almost completely absent.
karajan? drowning everything else out with strings? say it ain’t so
In the case of this recording it's the brass and strings. You kind of feel bad for the pianist because he's barely audible in the last movement even though the piano has a pretty prominent role throughout
he’s just taking the place of the woodwinds in every other karajan symphonic recording really
Thought it was great, and yeah the piano had equal stature.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8a-HfNE3EIo Is this considered classical? Idc because its beautiful and great
I like Vangelis but I wouldn't say so.
no, try >>>/mu/ instead
eccentric gimmicky playing attracts retards
ok piggy
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>still can't read scores
What are some ways to make it easier to learn? I want to be able to read a score and be able to at least somewhat hear it in my head. I also want to be able to write ideas down without any instrument near me. And most importantly learn from the scores of symphonies and concertos and learn some decent part writing from them.
What are some symphonies by well known composers that DONT start out in sonata form?
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Your queen has arrived, /classical/, what do you do?
cope slaveoid
mahler 5 begins with a funeral march in ternary form, the second movement is the one in sonata form. mahler 8 begins with a cantata.
ok piggy
cope slaveoid
ok piggy
cope slaveoid
funeral march is certainly an apt way to describe mehler LOL
well yes, it literally says trauermarsch in the score. have you literally spent this entire time complaining about a composer that you’ve never actually listened to???
life's too short to waste on mediocre jew kitsch
>mehlerposter has been bitching about a composer he’s never actually listened to for 2 whole months because da jooz
it’s not looking good for schizo sisters
i'd like to remind /classical/ that mehler's 1st literally has a klezmer movement that's introduced with as much grace as an elephant collapsing down a flight of stairs. oyyy oyyy oy vey baby welcome to new yawk baby krusty the clown composer
We always here so much about how Bach was supposedly the GOAT et cetera and yet he was utterly incapable of writing even one(1) symphony of note.
so basically mehlerposter listened to mahler’s worst symphony, lost his mind over the funeral march with a nursery rhyme and klezmer music, and proceeded to spend 3 months shitting up /classical/ with mehlerposts every single time the composer he’s heard one work from is mentioned. it might be over for schizo sisters if we’re being honest.
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>*ruins another singer in your path*
>proceeds to deflect with century old caricatures
yeah i’m thinking mehlerposter is done
ok piggy
Any composer that writes really long symphonies who isnt mahler?
cope slaveoid
bruckner obviously. if quality isn’t in the question, havergal brian has the longest symphony on record i believe.
It's weird that from all the evidence Mahler appears to have been a very decent human being when his music absolutely screams narcissism
>havergal brian
now that's a name i haven't heard in a long time
perhaps because the only music you’ve heard from him is his first
for good reason
No, I'm not the mehler guy, I'm actually familiar with all of his symphonies. However the only Mahler I can still listen to now are the outer movements of symphony 9 and the Rückert Lieder... most of his stuff is far too self-indulgent, or self-absorbed rather for me to enjoy. Narcissism set to music basically.
Mehler wrote 0 good melodies
what’s narcissistic about the inner movements of the 9th or the 6th for the matter?
not that you’d know since you’ve only heard his worst symphony.
>what’s narcissistic about the inner movements of the 9th or the 6th for the matter

Mahler seems to think that we the listeners should be interested in his inner turmoil. Thank you, but no.
you’ve been listening to too much preachy faux-programmatic bernstein bullshit, none of his music is about “inner turmoil”.
It literally just sounds good to me. I never know what you guys are on about with this 'too neurotic' or 'narcissism' stuff, maybe I'm just dumb.
it’s all either actual schizos who’ve never listened to his symphonies and are sperging out about da jooz or retards who take all the faux-programmatic bullshit from the bernstein school of conducting seriously.
ok piggy
cope slaveoid
ok piggy
From time to time I do read stuff like his first symphony is autobiographical or is about unrequited love and I try and hear how exactly it is and what these people mean, but it ultimately is just beautiful, moving music to me.
Speaking of Bernstein, that Maestro movie is dreadful.
It feels like one of those "see? jews are artistics geniuses you goy!" flicks by other jews like La La Land. He was a shitty person but the movie portrays him as a victim of society, like lmao.
cope slaveoid
the lieder eines fahrenden gesellen is about unrequited love, and the first symphony quotes several melodies from the song cycle, but beyond that, no. it’s not about unrequited love.
Ah that makes sense why the person said it, thanks.
ok piggy
cope slaveoid
reading comprehension?

I was agreeing with you, but also saying that the singing in choral music actually is superior; basically choral music > opera.
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Where the magic began
more like where the dog began shitting all over the floor
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now playing

start of J.S. Bach - The Art of Fugue, BWV 1080:

It doesn't help you gall asleep then?
no, but it shocks me that columbia had the gall to release this garbage
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actually scratch that, i think this version sounds better to me:



this Juilliard one is less HIP-ish, at least to my ears. would be curious for others to sample both and tell me which they prefer!
It's an obvious fact that Mahler is trying to express poetic ideas with his symphonies.
Keller isn't really HIPish. Playing it on a string quartet is the furthest thing from HIP anyways
Saw somebody call Carmen the Five Nights at Freddy's theme.
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Herbert Von Karajan looked a lot like reviewbrah when he was young.
The two pieces

Marc-André Hamelin - Circus Galop
Score included for those who want to play along at home
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now playing

start of J.S. Bach - Mass in B Minor, BWV 232:

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Music to UnRavel to
Vi sonata no 2
no more than beethoven, brahms or mozart.
G. Ph. Telemann: Sonata in D major, TWV 44:1 Bremer Barockorchester

The way the man on the telly wanted it heard
do HIPsters seriously
an intriguing inquiry sister sister. Maybe Telemann wanted his music to be played on instruments that didn't exist yet?
which must be why telemann wanted his music to sound like pins rattling in a tin can, as dictated by the HIPster overlords.
This baka. Don't these people know that Telemann intended this work to be played with a 200 man orchestra?
telemann insisted on having only 1 person per string section and the strings must sound like a cat being electrocuted by chinese cat torture gangs
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Just a random tip: if you're based and keep music on your hard drive (and use archlinux) I recently discovered a package that extracts individual tracks from an audio file (flac, cd), easy metadate editor with UI, it's called flacon.

Extracting Emerson's String Quartet Beethoven CD
tell that to >>>/g/ instead tranime sister
Thanks for the useless comment sister.
thanks for the off topic garbage tranime sister
>someone comes into the thread to share something that might be useful to another person
>grr I'm angry
Sisterbro, you need to relax.
>tranime sister comes into the thread to post offtopic garbage not related to /classical/
>this is permissible for some reason
should i start posting about how to file your taxes or change a flat tire since “something that might be useful to another person” is now /classical/?
Sure, go for it. Don't pretend like you care about the quality of this general when you litter it with your inane schizo babble.
>b-but i dont heckin like your posts so they must be off topic garbage!
lmfao, the absolute state of tranime schizo sisters
I didn't say anything about whether or not your posts are on or off topic. Please work on your reading comprehension (as well as your listening comprehension, while you're at it)
you effectively equated them with offtopic bullshit, so what difference does it make? sob more that i shat on your favorite recordings.
Forgive me. I frequently forget that autistic schizos such as yourself are incapable of grasping nuance.
>sob more that i share on your favorite recordings
Oh, no worries. You didn't.
ah yes, the fine nuances of whiny petty faggots online bitching that posts aren’t up to their standard of spamming youtube links.
>Oh, no worries. You didn't.
someone certainly seemed very upset yesterday afternoon that barenboim’s bruckner was being referred to as soft edged and dull.
Who has the best Chopin sonatas (especially No. 2)?
Anyone else? Already heard Rubin, I preferer Horowitz to him
I just used CUEtools on Windows and worked great.

I haven't listened to enough to really a 'best' but this recording is nice:

Ah, you still don't get my point. Well, that's fine. You can't help that you were born with autism! I won't hold it against you.
if you’re willing to die on the hill of shitty faux-furtwanglerian bruckner conducting you absolutely deserve to have that label stuck to your forehead.

Not that anon but while Rubinstein is great he didn't end the note on worthwhile Chopin recordings forever
Thanks will check it out.
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now playing

start of Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 "Choral":

Actual new thread.

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