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Mozart Piano Concerto edition


>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>122868191
OP is ugly and stinky
Mozart vs Haydn
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What did he mean by this
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now playing

>string quartets
>piano trios

Etc. etc.
Conclusion: Haydn > Mozart
Prague beats any Haydn Symphony
Did wagner invent opera with motific development? If not, who was before Wagner with similar ideas?
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the use of leitmotifs began with early romantic composers such as Weber, but Wagner raised the standard of leitmotif technique to a level rarely matched by other composers before or since.
If only there were recordings singing those motifs properly.
you mean with their asses?
Is there any good non-hisster sister wagner recording? Preferably with video
just listen to a recording of The Ring without Words and mark when each theme is played.


you could apply the same method to Parsifal:

Aren't the leitmotivs mainly in the orchestra?
The leitmotif to the Höllander gets a whole aria dude

Was there any given reason as to why this piece didnt have a sonata form movement?
now playing

He has a beautiful personality
This is the correct way that sonata is played:
Glenn Gould is shit.
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why have six variations when you can have nine?

K. 331's first movement is one of those pieces where virtually no recording does a satisfying representation of the score: it seems every performer is hell-bent on ignoring its dynamic markings
Mozart piano concerto 23 lady movement on the Fortepiano
If I didn’t know any better I’d say he was taking the piss out of Mozart, I know wasn’t a huge fan at least of his middle and layer stuff. It does actually pick up a bit later in and I quite like the way Turkish March is played; just for contrast I flicked through Barenboim playing it and his Turkish March really did sound too flashy and fast compared to Glen
>using a tablet in a historically informed performance.

It’s an earlier model of the kind Mozart would have used
oh I do like Glenn's take on the march in theory: it's not retardedly fast like Lang Lang, instead being taken at the appropriate allregrino/allregretto. and he plays close attention to little details (such as swiftly finishing it with two staccato chords instead of holding onto the last one like most people). It's just his eccentric phrasing that ruins it like with everything else he ever did.
the steins gate recording of the first movement sound better unironically
>neither answer the question
I like fortepianos but i hate the HIPness of its recordings, any balanced recording between hip and traditional, taking the best elements of each?
probably inspired by Haydn idk. Mozart loved experimenting in general but I'm sure out of Haydn's 1 billion sonatas one must begin with a theme and variations movement
I get what you mean. The harpsichord has the same problem.
I dont even hate HIP, just wish youd have a recording using a orchestra with gut strings and fortepianis, but not cut down on its size or use baroque brass instruments and stuff like that
Andreas Staier is probably my favorite HIP Mozart performer, usually chooses very beautiful instruments as well. He does use a smaller scale orchestra with less vibrato but it's not the super harsh HIP sound you'll hear these days.
I think there's a balance. A smaller orchestra is fine, but the OVPP shit is full retard.
>but the OVPP shit is full retard.
I think it sounds neat. Love the rifkin Mass In B minor for that precise thing
I don't really like how it ends up making the harpsichord sound so prominent (thinking about the Butt recording) I prefer my Mass in B minor to sound softer.
Rifkin's performance doesn't have a harpsichord, and it's by far my favorite recording of the piece.


Just has a nice balance of everything, not harsh, no harpsichord and very clean and beautiful singing.
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My biggest problem with hip is their low tuning A = 412 hz or whatever. Just sounds wrong to me.
no one asked, delusional kraut
fortepiano alone is inherently more quiet than the modern piano and therefore must be accompanied by smaller forces. it’s not an easy one and done switch.
HIPtrannies are so embarrassing
HIPsters are deaf, they can’t even tell that their shitty thin wiry recordings sound like ass, you think being able to grasp that their intonation sounds totally off to literally anyone that’s not brainwashed is within their grasp?
>Tradnny still seething
aren’t you banned from listening to the mass in b minor because bach never performed it in his lifetime? LOL
>intonation sounds totally off to literally anyone that’s not brainwashed
I guess Bach was brainwashed
bach was accustomed to the standard tuning of his time. i’m accustomed to the standard tuning of my time. what sounds right to him does not and should not sound right to me, so why should i force myself to pretend otherwise?

Why can't modern recordings have good singing?
Ngl, I like the Et in unum dominum duet on that recording. But please don't tell me you think a performance in Bach's time would have sounded anything like Rifkin's.

Also, Bach's music is so incredibly great that it can withstand almost any interpretation, even the m oist ludicrous ones
>But please don't tell me you think a performance in Bach's time would have sounded anything like Rifkin's.
I don't think it would, but I like it because it's nicer to folow along with while reading the score. And I have a soft spot for recordings that I can do that easily with
lol. Get real
so basically you’re a terrible score reader and you’re using HIP to compensate for it. what happened to muh heckin authenticity LOL? HIP truly is the cope of performance practices.
I'm not even the faggot you are arguing with, I'm just having a conversation with this dude about a recording i like, you anal bead
how convenient that both of you like the same shitty recording for near identical retarded reasons
Thank you schizo sister
Wanting the clarity that you see in the score to be reflected in the performance is fine.
Are you literally retarded? Obviously people are going to like recordings for similar reasons....
>bach was accustomed to the standard tuning of his time. i’m accustomed to the standard tuning of my time.
sounds like a (You) problem
i’m glad that the art of coping is alive and well in /classical/
do your standards apply to wagner operas too where the orchestration makes it deliberately difficult to comprehend all the voices on paper at once?
and 2 of our premiere copers are here to show us why joshie munchkin is the best for all coping HIPsters
not really, i just listen to actual good recordings and the tuning sounds fine.
Literal schizophenia
where? i just said it was convenient. i didn’t say why. are you implying something coping HIPster?
Literally nobody in this thread likes you.
you mean like how literally nobody likes HIP? LMFAO
Of course Hurwitz chooses Dohnanyi's Webern disc over Karajan's as "Greatest Recording Ever" ... how contrarian can he get?
best WTC recording. dont @ me
yeah if you’re a faggot with AIDS in your butt maybe
No. He means how no one likes you.
Apart from the tempo this is pretty un-H.I.P. right?

If it's deliberately obtuse, that's fine, but I also don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with wanting a performance that betrays that and just gives you transparency in lieu of the composer's intentions. Ultimately I don't marry myself to any one performance and usually have a few contrasting views of a single work within my library.
>and 2 of our premiere copers are here to show us why joshie munchkin is the best for all coping HIPsters
I literally have no love or hate for HIP, you're so insanelly obsessed that a reasonable remark about people liking things just gets ignored.

wtf is a "Joshie Munchkin" anyways?
The ideal path is becoming a HISSter sister instead

much like nobody likes HIP, yes
this isn’t HIP period, not that that means that it’s good.
i think there’s something wrong with being a shitty musician and creating bad recordings and phony performance practices to make up for that, yes.
joshua rifkin. we’re talking about joshua rifkin. has the joke gone over your head?
What are ways I can find hisster recordings?
No, he's just specifically talking about how you made an entire group of people wish for your harm simply by being obnoxious for years on end, without even have to meet them. No HIP comparisons required.
i’ve made an entire legion of impotent copers seethe and cope at words on a screen like the limpdicked losers they are? glad i could help.
>this isn’t HIP period, not that that means that it’s good

What's wrong with the Schwarz recording?
nothing? i just said it’s not HIP, which is not any indicator of quality.
The second part of your sentence sort of implied that it's not good, but fair enough
>something wrong with being a shitty musician and creating bad recordings and phony performance practices to make up for that, yes.
Is it a shitty thing to do? I mean, it happens with most musicians. Probably even ones that you're favorable of. Most Schumann conductors tend to completely ignore his directions and change things around to make things more audibly transparent to the ear. Even someone as strict and faithful as Szell pretty much re-orchestrates the thing. I can see why you may have issue with doing this under the umbrella of "historically informed" or "authentic" but such labels aren't really of any import to me as a listener, I only care about the end result.
i think it’s fair to say that there’s a pretty big difference between making minor reorchestrations to schumann or beethoven for clarity on modern instruments and whatever the fuck you would classify OVPP as.
Maybe, but that's probably a matter of perspective. At the end of the day you're still changing things around for a similar end goal, even if one side does it underneath pretentious pretenses.
it’s really not. even something as extreme as mahler’s reorchestration of beethoven’s 9th is still not adulterating the score as much as OVPP or any similar HIP. and you can’t argue that the end goal is similar because it’s obviously not, they only share a singular similar motivation on the surface level.
End goal is probably the wrong phrase, it's more like end result. Most proponents of OVPP from the listener side pretty much always put forth transparency as its primary benefit for them, and I think that's fine. That's really all I care about personally. The performer and their philosophy on this type of performance, whether it's authentic or not, whether it's the composer's intention or not; it's not really that important to me. It is, at the end of the day, an alternative viewpoint that fills a niche and does things that other performances do not; you can argue about how it sounds like shit or whatever, but for me that's how I organize the blocks of my library. I don't really have a problem with Richter or Klemperer living side-by-side Harnoncourt or van Asperen or something, because they tend to excel in different spots from one another. I don't really like OVPP personally because it makes things too bright for my tastes, and, especially if you have audio equipment that's already tilted towards brightness, I could see how that would be extremely nauseating. That being said, I did listen to a OVPP recording of Bach's VC in my car one day, which is a shitbox of an audio system, and was surprised by how things were easily discernable by comparison to my usual performance with Oistrakh. That's another thing to take into account with this stuff, not only does everyone have different ears but we all have different pieces of equipment that we're listening to these performances on, and it can make a huge difference at times insofar as how those performances are perceived.
the clarity achieved by szell reorchestrating schumann is totally different from the “clarity” (more like transparency than anything) achieved by OVPP. it’s like comparing a table lamp to a floodlight, except all you want to do is fill out a four part chorale at 3am. i don’t find “alternative viewpoints” like that to be legitimate for the same reason i think hector is a laughingstock when he claims that replacing every string part in a brahms symphony with pizzicato is a valid interpretative decision - it’s not.
as for the audio equipment point, i agree wholly, but i also believe that anyone listening to classical music on shitty muddy gear is suffering from a literal skill issue and either needs to either upgrade their rig or stop pretending that their opinions matter.
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let's get HIP again

that actually sounds quite nice. at least for a one-time, novelty listen
>i don’t find “alternative viewpoints” like that to be legitimate for the same reason i think hector is a laughingstock when he claims that replacing every string part in a brahms symphony with pizzicato is a valid interpretative decision - it’s not.
Alright. Let's just agree to disagree here, but what the actual fuck is this? Has it been recorded? Lmao

this was hector trying to argue that you could objectively describe the techniques used by karajan to achieve his distinctive string tone, and in the process he basically said that you could replace the string parts of any given piece with pizzicato and it would still be a valid interpretation because of some weird philosophical farthuffing bullshit. no, it’s never been recorded, thank god.
Dave Hurwitz has tricked me into buying so many Cleveland/Dohnanyi recordings over the years and literally none of them are great, lol. Well played Mr. Hurwitz, well played!
He's generally good at 20th century stuff, but it depends. I like his Webern quite a bit.
For stuff like Mozart or late romantics he isn't bad but isn't special either.
this is so fucking real, i have downloaded way too much clevaland dohnanyi shit i don’t like at all thanks to him
I like Dohnanyi. I perused Hurwitz' site the other day for the first time and saw he absolutely loves MTT's Mahler recordings, so I will say thanks to seeing that I'm gonna give them another try.
hurwitz is a bernstein sycophant so of course he will advocate for his fellow bernstein sycophants.
So how do you say it?
Yan-iss Ze-nah-kiss?
I like his Bruckner. That I would keep. Maybe his Brahms. All the other stuff leaves me cold. His Beethoven 6 on Telarc is fun in a perverse way: bolting through the countryside in fifth gear.
Is there a way to summon ‘hector’ to explain himself?
I've been gone from /mu/ too long so I just immediately assumed it was some musicologist, not someone from here. That's pretty funny though
yeah, go to /metal/ and ask him why he’s such a fucking faggot
it was a lot less funny when he was literally spamming the thread with metal albums and trying to justify why it was actually /classical/.
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you gotta admit, the cover art for Bernstein's Mahler cycle is stellar. gonna go through the cycle again too
Yeah I listened to the Dohnyani / Cleveland Bruckner 5 the other day and thought it was spectacular.
yeah, some of it is alright. too bad i’m not listening to the cover art.
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Back when DG still had a good marketing department and put out banger artwork.
3, 6 & 8 are also very fine imo.
I think I added those as well, might listen to them later today, noted, thanks.


Oh, no? You should give it a try -- the cover art transfigured into audio sounds amazing.
search by label catalog

marston, preiser records, biddulph, naxos historical symposium, etc
>no mention of pearl
not even good at being a hisster sister
These two YouTube channels upload a lot of older recordings:


The first one in particular has a very good collection and has many of my favorite recordings, and at minimum they're almost all great.
Pearl is pretty uneven to be fair. You kind of have to hunt down specific transfers from specific people. Sometimes Marston did them, sometimes MOT, sometimes Seth Winner. Those are good. The rest are pretty awful at transfers, even if they are unfiltered they tend to have pitch instabilities or too much surface noise present.

For me it's Edwin Fischer.
yeah, but the good pearl transfers are the best there are for their respective recordings.
I still listen to his Schubert Impromptus occasionally. Especially for the last one I think the tempo is just perfect.
Yeah. Like the Schnabel set. Ideally, though, they would go back to the metal pressings and make transfers from those instead. Unfortunately most of those are destroyed by now. Occasionally they show up in someone's garage or something.
Listening to Dohnanyi's Webern right now: symphony op. 21. The sonics are nice, the different timbres of the instruments (so important in this music) are very distinct, but the performance lacks forward motion
Can't find shit by Pearl, post some
They aren't on streaming services cause the label is long dead. I can upload some stuff when I get home though
every dohnanyi performance lacks forward motion. he’s such a bore.
rutracker has some
https://www.youtube.com/@2ndviolinist (RIP)
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speaking of the Cleveland Orchestra, now playing
back when cleveland was actually good. a shame szell’s brahms kinda sucks tho
Hmm yeah one of the reviews I read while listening to the Academic Overture kinda turned me off, might change off of it.
Huge Wang playing Scriabin prelude in B major op11
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now playing, nanie into the 4th

Nänie, Op. 82:

start of Symphony No. 4 in E Minor, Op. 98:

Now THIS is an excellent 4th. At least so far.
Ah yes, Scott Ross
I call to you Mr Jesus Christ BWV 639
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By far the greatest recording of the entire Opera.

So true HIPster sister
The fuck, how is Karl Böhm HIP? What do you consider not HIP?
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now playing

start of Symphony No. 11 in G Minor, Op. 103 "The Year 1905":

Bohm has both of the sets with the best singing, but I do wish he was a bit faster.
Much prefer the slower tempo, too fast destroys a lot of the pieces.

>wanting bohm to be faster
Never heard that one before. Normally he just speeds along.
bohm’s mozart is notoriously slow. have you heard his symphony cycle?
In Wagner he's a speed demon. In Mozart he's pretty slow.
Beethoven should have just stuck with the first movement of Moonlight Sonata, the second and third movement are a waste of time and ruin the sublime mood of the first movement.
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What do you guys think of Radiohead and Thom Yorke solos? I personally enjoy playing their songs on the piano. For me, this particular piece holds a special place. Its so simple and beautiful.

romantitards really out to embarrass themselves lately
not /claasical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
Agreed. The change of pace and expression really melts the setting story of the 1st.
>setting story
incomprehensibly embarrassing
I disagee. The second movement might seem out of place and too happy, and third movement is undeniably as good as the first, but overall it is great as second movement and fits into the structure very well.
I though it sucked too when I was younger.
no one is impressed that you can sit through hours of this garbage "classical"slop, and pretend to enjoy it in an attempt to look "intellectual" lel, you literally all watch my little pony and jerk off to it all day.
thank you schizo sister
face it, "classical" music is plebeian garbage, listen to some real music like Noise Rock or Drone.
this shit has parallel fifths or nah? more so in the part after 2:30, the voices kinda blend together, but i haven't had ear training or learned how to read sheet music properly so i wanted to find outside info to confirm my suspicion.

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pic related
>but muh complexity
fuck you, Trout Mask Replica is a million times more complex while also being listenable, unlike "classical"slop, some classical inspired rock is alright, but pure classical just appeals to the lowest common denominator. also "classical" is a misnomer created by history revisionists, most of this shit was made in the 50s-60s, the only traces of real classical music can be found in some folk music.
they fetishize dynamic range like audiophiles, maybe they have shitty audio so they think pop music lacks dynamic range but most mainstream songs from at least the last several years are very competently produced (songwriting can be dogshit though like in katy perry - woman's world, which has been shat on by critics and redditors alike), like if you listen with your motherboard's built in audio it sounds overly compressed but if you get a top tier DAC pretty much anything sounds great, audiophiles tend to enjoy taylor swift songs because of the production even if they're not into the girly lyrics
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
avoiding parallel fifths is mainly a classical meme
i've tried asking elsewhere but no one knows the answer
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
answer my question and i'll leave
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
inb4 i shit up the thread for 6+ months because i might want to study classical music to prepare myself for my artistic endeavors
no one cares
bait used to be believable
plz can you tell me if this score has parallel fifths >>122909263
Kek listen to the most mind numbing music on the planet instead, ok chief.
see >>122909404
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billions of streams can't be wrong
see >>122909404

Nec audiendi qui solent dicere, Vox populi, vox Dei, quum tumultuositas vulgi semper insaniae proxima sit.
boomer sheeple hype up what they're told is good, such as shitposting mozart, songs by the beatles that are 2 minutes long, queen who made the so tastefully written song "fat bottomed girls", daft punk
enlightened people can listen with their own ears using state of the art audio equipment and decide for themselves that there are great modern day artists and producers
casting pearls before swine, friendo
do your job, janny!
this is not me, i don't listen to this shit, this is just as bad as classicalslop, try Cows, DNA, Glenn Branca, Sunn O))), Earth, Unwound, This Heat, these all take classical elements and elevate them into High Art, with real emotion and atmosphere.
there's a considerable overlap between classical music enthusiasts and audiophiles, both insufferable people, you constrain yourself to oldfag compositions but constantly chase the highest quality modern performances/recordings
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
i think it's because they like the classical compositions and just want to hear it in high quality.
Who's the greatest conductor of Mozart? Walter, Bohm, Beecham, etc.
bait oven
an impossible category, no single conductor is the greatest at the operas, symphonies, sacred choral music and concerti all at once
now playing

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Today I found out that Romance countries, Chinks and Japs don't use C-D-E for note names
Yeah but was there motific development stuff in Weber?
i love Big Black Cock so much it’s unreal.
I hope you get banned.
everyone please ignore the imposter above, I am the real Pathetic Loner (German cuckold) and he is a stinky Indian.
jannies do your fucking job!
now playing

>This video is not available
try this
>I don't understand it so it's bad
Back to >>>/mu/
>He never got home
Dumb frogposter
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now playing

Andras Schiff > Gould when Bach
Give me some good hisster recordings of Der Fliegende Höllander
I remember listening to a performance of Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto 1 performed by an acquaintance of him fron before the 1900s, anyone happen to know whicg one it was?
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I love gay porn too!
wrong tripcode. try again.
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do you count adagio for strings as classical music? where do you draw the line? debussy? do modern compositions like by philip glass fit within the same "genre" or will it always be pleb tier to you compared to mozart, beethoven, bach etc?

to me classical music is defined by form instead of style or texture. In classical music there are primarily two types of form: sectional (sonata, rondo, etc) and polyphonic (canon, fugue, etc).
waking up to

start of Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 77:

This is probably in my top 5 recordings of this piece, if anyone else is interested in giving it a listen.
now playing

Why is there no modern performance that has singing like this? Hate the wobblyness of modern recordings.
the reasons are many, and very complicated
fucking retards insist that this is a goated song regardless of boomer nostalgia bias etc
now can you see why not everyone is excited about classical music as you are, like how you don't like this song
Philip Glass koyaanisqatsi
An intriguing observation sister
it's meant to be the most compelling example as to why you should want to use a noise gate. i hate it. a noise gate is where it cuts the volume in quiet sections so it's like a band-aid fix for a noisy recording.
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>It actually comes from something else. It was used in the TV show Miami Vice during one of the longer shot sequences almost in it's entirety. Miami Vice was one of the more iconic shows of the 1980's as it integrated big budget film ideology into the pastel popularity of the more main stream MTV music videos. The show propelled the popularity of the song which then propelled the popularity of the of the show.
recommend me some recordings of Walthers Preislied (morgenlich leuchtend im rosigen schein) from Meistersinger
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>Karl Böhm
>Wiener Philharmoniker
Sign of a great recording
>tranime pic
Sign of a terrible opinion.
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The greatest Mozart conductor and the best girl
Shit I might actually like opera if the singing was more like this.
Maho is 21 thoughbeit
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dont hear any difference from a modern performance
Are you supposed to only listen to Sonatas and symphonies all at once or do you listen to movements on their own like tracks from an album?
you listen to them as one piece, retard. do you think people pick and choose movements at performances?
However you feel like. But it is best to listen to entire piece.
Do you think he is talking about performances, retard? Have you ever heard of recordings?
I personally am pretty autistic about always starting a piece from the very start/first movement/part, but really so long as you've heard it the 'proper' way at least once, then just do it however you like. Same as a book, poem, or movie; once you've completed it once, nothing wrong with rereading or rewatching specific parts on their own.
>Have you ever heard of recordings?
oh yeah mozart meant to have his music listened to recorded
Do HIPsters really?
mozart sure as fuck did not intend people to listen to Best Of Mozart (tm)
Jon Lefis Hector
Bela Bartok, Concerto for two pianos, percussion and orchestra
Conducted by Rev Dracula
The first rock n roll song; at least the opening is
>Jurowski was born and trained in Moscow, within a Jewish musical family.
of course
Double concerto for Marimba, Vibraphone and Orchestra, E.Séjourné
E. Séjourné: Concerto for Marimba and String Orchestra

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now playing

Better than I expected, honestly. Especially as far as Abbado's contribution is concerned, he's certainly more fire-y here than he usually is in Brahms. Still lacking a bit of that romantic suave I like to hear in my favorite recordings, but thanks for sharing.
Glad to hear you enjoyed it! I'm a big fan of Abbado's so added it yesterday and threw it on this morning while waking up and getting ready and was struck by how on point it was.

>Still lacking a bit of that romantic suave I like to hear in my favorite recordings

ooo mind if I ask what your favorite(s) is/are? That sounds like it'd be up my alley.
Posting some Spyridon Samaras since it's time for the Olympic Games
Thank you! I'm actually familiar with the first two, lol, with the Haifetz / Reiner maybe being my all-time favorite. Added the third one and will be listening to it later this week, thank you.
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now playing (specifically, the 24 Preludes, op. 11, and maybe some others)

start of 24 Preludes, Op. 11:

yeah i don't particularly care for it
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are augmented thirds real?
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now playing

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this is nice

I've also come around and really, really love the 9th from this cycle.
It's a very colorful 9th even if it's slow. The winds especially are totally unashamed of themselves and very front and center which is probably my favorite aspect of it.
more like MEHler.

but seriously, Mahler is fucking garbage.
t. still hasn't listened to any mahler symphonies other than the 1st
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
t. still hasn't listened to any mahler symphonies other than the 1st
come back when you’ve listened any mahler symphony other than the 1st
Colorful is the exact word I'd use to describe both of these Chailly cycles, which for music like Mahler's that is already vibrant and sonically variegated adds a whole new dimension to it, it's really enjoyable.
ok, Hurwitz.
if it's too slow or too fast why don't you just warp it in ableton
or i could just find a better recording that suits my preferences
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or i could just find numerous different songs with innovative and fresh content that makes full use of modern production techniques and normal singing so i don't have to larp as a baroque era aristrocrat who attends operas with my mistress as a flex and pretending to be sophisticated
my apologies. I forgot that Hebrew was your first language.

No but seriously, what?
buy an ad, David.
what the fuck are you smoking
This guy is single handedly curing me of my antisemitism.
Mahler was an Aryan.
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how the fuck do you even compose something like this?

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>today starts Bayreuth festival again
oh no
Do you like Emīls Dārziņš?
The worst part is when all the little Wagner munchkins start turning up. Contrary to popular opinion, they were not put there for decoration and are often are arrested for antisemitism.
This looks disgusting, wagner would not have approved. Wish HIPsters would say literally anything about inaccurate stage production from how it would have been
Why do modern opera productions look so pretentious anyways. I wanna see it the way it is supposed to look
Wot if Sarastro was actually EVIL
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>Wish HIPsters would say literally anything about inaccurate stage production from how it would have been
Not really their territory. And the management at Bayreuth wouldn't care anyways, you're talking about the egos of producers, which are much larger than any musicologist. The Wieland era was probably the coolest, though.
Because producers. It's all a big game to them, even the most mild modern producer is still more egotistical and interventionist than the most radical performing musician.
Why do we even have only these shitty producers anyways? Is there not a single one that's like
>Hm, my orchestra is HIPster, maybe make my production HIPster as wel
Not even one?
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Classical time signatures but they get more and more cursed.
(No modernist/postmodern stuff).
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>Hm, my orchestra is HIPster
What do you mean by this? The HIP movement has barely touched the romantics, and has only grazed operatic romantics.
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HIPsters have no value or talent, of course they don't say anything about something that would actually require talent to do right.
The problem with Wieland is that he completely abandoned the theatrical element of opera. He didn't (usually) bother with trying to get realistic or good acting out of his singers, he just got them to hold exaggerated poses. Likewise he removed horses and all those old practical effects from the theatre. I want to see some DAMN HORSES when I'm watching Walkure:


I wish I knew where this footage was from, but you can see what dramatic effect real horses have on the stage.




why are you ban evading pathetic loner? we all saw you get banned after you admitted to being a pedophile




Shut up, satan

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