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Delete this shit thread and let me make one please
Mendelssohn edition.


>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous: >>122901034
What the fuck keeps happening with the generals?
A mod is seething real hard about maho, thread was made right after bump limit reached, no reason for it to have gotten deleted
>A mod is seething real hard about maho
But why? They almost never did anything about sister spam.
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Don't know, my theory is that the sisterposter might be a janny himself.
That would explain a lot.
Get the fuck out of here and take your off-topic maho to >>>/a/. and stop ban evading, faggot.
stop being mad I beat you to making another one if your shit threads retard
My posts are on topic more often than yours, kek.
I do it precisely to get you upset like this, lel. Exposing yourself as a janny is a nice bonus. Keep trying to get that check above $0
>Man who hates anime becomes a free employee of an anime website
>Comstantly malds over anime during his shift
Cant make this shit up rofl
Where is the proof that he's a janny?
he's really really mad so he must be right
He types like he wears glasses and gets swirlies
Do you guys practice every day? I just practice again last night after a 15 day trip and luckily I was able to remember most of the last piece I'd been practicing and started learning a secondary one for fun
Are you talking about shitposting?
oh no no no
tranime schizos seething in full force today LOL
violin = le classical
Love that piece and recording. Shame Triumphlied isn't on it too.
Almost all recordings of Beethoven's symphonies sound pretty much the same to me with the only difference being the tempo. Which don't get me wrong most certainly makes a dramatic difference but I once got laughed at here by saying there isn't much interpretative range with them. Still masterpieces.
there is no way you can’t differentiate between karajan and szell in beethoven even though their tempos are not extremely different
I'll do a comparison right now, maybe you're right. I listened to Klemperer's 7th earlier and, great as it was I wanted a faster tempo, switched to Jansons' and it's just faster. Listening to Jansons' 6th right now and sounds the same as any, but I'll put on Szell's 6th right now.
Is this seriously the classical general?’What happened to the other one?
their balances, ensemble tone and phrasing all could not be more different.
Szell and Karajan, or you just gave the Jansons and Klemperer a quick listen?
szell, karajan, and klemperer. they all represent entirely different schools of conducting personified by the orchestras they controlled. i could not care less about jansons.
Szell: literalist
Klemperer: objectivist
Karajan: narcissist

(Just a little joke, I like Karajan.)
Name one absolute masterpiece from the first 24 Mozart symphonies.
People listen to those?
mozart is like the most famous composer according to normies but most all of his stuff is mid imo
doesn't hold a candle to
i guess it's the child prodigy fantasy
you lower your expectations when it's coming from a child
Divertimento K.136
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I can't get over these wonderful album covers. It's easily a good 10-20% why people love these recordings so much lol.
Are those cheap violins worth getting?
I'm a mediocre guitar player, and violins seems like something cool to learn.
Glen Gould would say the earlier stuff was better
>why didn't mozart write masterpieces before his seventeenth birthday?!?
The sisterposting janny got really mad.
Because this was the designated drama thread before you deleted the one people actually talked in.
incorrect, clearly szell should be fascist
classical cover art is such dog ass these days. the only label even using anything other than generic portrait of the performer or composer now is hyperion, and their cover art is pretty cookie cutter.
the tranime schizo is absolutely fuming ROFL
Who in their right mind would make sisterposter a janny?
Am I blind or is there no torrent available of all of the Kubelik Mahler on Audite recordings collected together? Lame.
the tranime schizo, in his mind at least
they’ve never been compiled into a box set, so it’s not a surprise. isn’t the 4th missing from that cycle anyways?
CPO uses decent artwork. The individual releases in the Brahms Lieder series all feature wonderful art by the great Böcklin
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I'll say, Mozart has always been more in his strength in his concertos. Not to say that his symphonies are bad, but he is at his best when writing for a soloist, be it a vocalist or an instrument.
oh yeah, i forgot CPO exist. the monochrome border around the actual artwork does bother me for the same reason hyperion’s does though.
>everyone that calls me out on my obvious bullshit is the same person
>they’ve never been compiled into a box set, so it’s not a surprise. isn’t the 4th missing from that cycle anyways?

Funny I was just looking that up (debating if I wanna go through Abbado's or Kubelik's Mahler cycle after I finish revisiting Bernstein's) and sadly yeah, it is. I've heard the DG set but it was still when I was getting my bearings in regards to understanding the symphonies, and it wasn't until the Audite recordings where I really began to fall in love with them. Plus I did do a direct comparison of one of the symphonies, I forget which, and the Audite came out on top. All in addition to your recommending the Audite one, of course.

But yeah I think I might start rebuilding my offline digital collection solely with my favorite recordings, which so far just means keeping the Chailly / Gewandhaus and maybe deleting the Neumann / Czech (it was only okay, from that cycle).
not everyone, just you, tranime schizo
the fact that he's acting like a massive faggot and is seething so hard for being called out.

the production quality on that DG kubelik set is inexplicably terrible; all the more reason to recommend the audite recordings over them. but yes, a shame the 4th is missing as i recall kubelik’s studio one being pretty decent. a live one could have been very very good.
it's not necessarily straight garbage, but doesn't live up to the one of a kind 200 IQ genius hype
Every thread this guy talks to himself instead of discussing the threads topic. How he's not been banned yet is beyond me.
he's the janny
The wonderkid hype was more about him as a performer than as a composer anyway.
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i’d be willing to bet money that if i randomly left /classical/ for a week unannounced there would still be schizos attributing random posts and happenings to me
Took you longer than a minute to post, very easy to fabricate in that time.
please tell me how to inspect element on mobile so i can abuse it in the future
>i’d be willing to bet money that if i randomly left /classical/ for a week
Please do. Actually, do it for longer, maybe even a year. That'll totally show us schizoposters!
maybe if you beg and plead hard enough, lil bro
I've been playing a 6 string guitar with only four strings tuned the same as a cello. Am I somehow the first person to think of this? I like playing in all fifths tuning like a mandolin and I started on bass guitar, so I want to go further with it. Most youtube content about cello is pretty lame though. They really seem to fetishize vibrato and music from hundreds of years ago instead of posting anything cool and original.
You realize you can get the mobile interface by simply shrinking the window? I've used it on numerous occasions to get out of samefag allegations.
and his improvisational skills
no, i don’t. teach me how to do this on brave on ios
use a computer, and make the window small. phoneposting nig
KV.250 is astonishingly good
yeah no shit you can inspect element ona desktop browser retard. i’m asking how to do it on mobile, because as far as i know that’s impossible.
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>classical cover art is such dog ass these days

Some are laugh-out-loud bad
just edit the image retard
>absurd pose
>skinny stretchy chinos with a black polo shirt that makes him look like an applebees waiter
>chelsea boots with mid calf socks that show his hairy fucking legs when his skintight pants inevitably pull while sitting and doing retarded fucking poses
there is nothing about this photo that isn’t comically embarrassing, wow
nah, too lazy. pass.
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My favorite album pic. Yuja... My queen.
Anyone im missing? We should catalogue the shitposters
this is more interesting than anything by yuja wang
>Black girl here, black girl with the black girl hair
>Took a little sunkiss just to look like this
excellent call and response
Yuja...on my Wang...
Best shit I've heard in ages
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What's some classical that uses the Microtonal scale?
any type of spammer or avatarfaggot should get permabanned from the site
"W." poster
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Danse Macabre
yes he is the one I'm talking about
What makes this "not classical music"?
An excellent question sister
try RYM instead
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
Why is it not classical? If someone played it on a harpsichord it probably would be.
There's not a single Brahms or Schubert piece that would make you do that. Ridiculous outfit as well.
My advice would be that it's better to practice 5 minutes every day rather than 35 minutes per week. Progress is made pretty much only when you sleep.

Edgar Varese has a couple pieces that use microtonality, but microtonality is pretty new. I'm sure that you can find more examples of "classical" composers using it though. Maybe Ligeti? Not sure.

There's more to classical music than timbre/instrumentation, which is why a lot of people don't really "get" classical. Bach, for example, manages to sound good with pretty much any instrument, including synths.
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not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
It's up to you to elaborate on your claim. What makes this shitty metal band "classical"?
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Feel like trying some unfamiliar Beethoven recordings and comparing them with some I know. Let's start with this one, has tons of rave reviews.

Egmont, Op. 84:

start of Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125:

Is Marin Alsop a good conductor?
I know there is more to classical music than timbre and instrumentation and in fact I was assuming that timbre and instrumentation are basically irrelevant. I posted a neoclassical technical death metal song with distorted and extended range guitars and a drum set. I'm saying that the note choice/melody/harmony is classical and largely derived from classical music, and aaking what about Archspire's music is so "non-classical". Obviously they had different instruments and styles to draw from hundreds of years ago, but this seems to paint classical as inherently antique. Is it the fact that the music was not (ostensibly) notated in standard musical notation and played by people other than who composed it? What is the essence of classical that makes it seem so different and superior to all other music in the minds of it's big listeners?
>szell, karajan, and klemperer. they all represent entirely different schools of conducting personified by the orchestras they controlled.
Could I get a rundown?
It's silly to say that classical music (or art as a whole) it isn't made for money when the upper class, concert halls, theaters and companies, among others, used to commision music for a variety of reasons. Besides, musicians still had to pay for food, clothing, etc. even if they were court musicians.
I think the vital difference is that popular music is made for mass consumption and has wide appeal, while even commissioned music is made for a select public. Nevertheless, there are several pieces of music that, despite being for a certain public, are able to transcend their intended public due their inherent quality as art.
>I'm saying that the note choice/melody/harmony is classical
How? What makes melody or harmony "classical" in your mind?
It is not classical in any sense. It doesn't even have a classical form. It's pop slop with guitar virtuosity, can't help but cringe listening to it.
If they were making music for money do you not think they would play something less difficult and alienating? Is guitar pro inferior to score? What about sibelius? If I want to make classical music, should I get a quill pen?
The melody and harmony.
This too. Classical musicians have less artistic integrity than metal musicians because it seems like 90% of them are uncreative and doing a job.
>The melody and harmony
What "The melody and harmony", kid? Answer this >>122932432
>I'm saying that the note choice/melody/harmony is classical and largely derived from classical music
This point is a bit broad, most western music is derived from classical music. Most metal is derived from romantic music.

>What is the essence of classical that makes it seem so different and superior to all other music in the minds of it's big listeners?
There is a museum-like idea in the minds of most classical listeners and a pretty significant number of performers, at least outwardly, that they're looking at the greatest surviving composers ever. And while this is partly true, there's a shitload of good classical composers that get zero performances on the regular.
Metal would need to have more acadamics circlejerking the grand and complex pieces that it has for it to reach the same status as classical in the "great masterworks" sense. There's plenty of good music all around, it's mainly that classical has hundreds of years of fans gushing about it. Also, from metal, isn't power metal really the only sub genre that seeks the same big structural and harmonic complexities of the romantic era, or am I missinformed?
Classical music also places less importance on sung lyrics, which is where most of modern music's pathos (if it happens to actually have pathos) tends to reside. Not to say that classical doesn't have any sung lyrics.

>superior to all other music
I disagree here, but I'm sure you'll get a couple of idiots in this thread arguing for this.
I'm personally of a much simpler mind, I like what I like and classical happens to be what I listen to the most and I make a living out of performing classical, but I also like plenty of other music.
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This might be the best album art of the cycle, which is ironic because it's the recording with the least acclaim and popularity.
this chart is made by a retard
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/prod/ hasn't been especially helpful on this.
Suggestions for this Bach orchestration?
more like alslop
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
whats is BWV number
>inb4 not recognizing a song immediately ngmi posts.
It's the fugue from BWV 596
this poster doesn’t know anything about classical music
ofc he's on /mu/ he doesn't know anything about music in general
Oh, did you get upset becase I didn't follow the circlejerk? Obviously classical music is some of the best on this earth, but there's more good music.
>szell, karajan, and klemperer
all shit
No, there is not.
very embarrassing post
thank you HIPster/hisster sister
I wanna take the classic pill, what's a good album to start with
it’s too late for you
yes, it is embarassing for a /classical/ general to listen to overhyped slop from decades past and have to be told they are shit
I'm honestly sad that you can listen to classical, that has diverse range of expressions and possibilites and be so retarded as to claim that. I'm not saying that you have to consume popslop, just keep your ears open
time to go back to /metal/ lil bro
bro...you will NOT gatekeep me
I WILL listen to whatever
thank you schizo sister
not my problem if you keep being an idiot
thank you HIPster/hisster sister
I've been reading old reviews of Classics Today and I noticed that the moment Hurwitz joined their team he literally monopolized the site.
thank you
He founded Classics Today.
My point still stands.
>when dave hurwitz founded classicstoday he monopolized it
uh… no shit?
eugh you lot sound pretentious.
>walks sideways towards open door slowly
erm...i think...I'll just.....yeahhh...
I think I'm gonna listen to more conductor box sets. I usually avoid them because I generally like picking each piece I listen to manually, but lately the idea of letting one play through with its variety of composers, forms, and eras sounds appealing. Any particular favorites? Just off the top of my head, stuff like the Kleiber DG set, Stokowski Sony, Giulini in Vienna and in LA, I think I've got some Abbado and Klemperer ones saved too. Any specific recommendations?
monteux and markevitch’s box sets
Seconding the Monteux recommendation.
Thanks, added two Monteux sets (one RCA Philips and the Decca) and turns out I had the Markevitch "Un véritable artiste" DG set already added lol.

Thanks. I'm guessing the Decca one specifically?
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Didn't really care for this, desu.

The 10 Adagio on this is fine but holy hell the production on the 8 is so bad it's unlistenable. Switched to this real quick, so much better.
i used to be a fan of fricsay’s beethoven 9th, but i got tired of its excessive romantic lushness. i like schuricht’s now.
Hey guys. I was the one who was posting about metal and Archspire earlier but my phone died while I was writing replies and I went and did some other stuff. I'm happy to continue the conversation if the people involved are still here, so let me know.
fuck off back to /metal/
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now playing

start of A Midsummer Night's Dream:

start of Symphony No. 4 in A Major, Op. 90 "Italian":


I'll probably give it another try. And hopefully finally give that Schuricht one a listen after having it added for what feels like an eternity now off yours and others' recommendations.
>This point is a bit broad, most western music is derived from classical music. Most metal is derived from romantic music.

I'm including romantic music under the "classical" label in speaking, which I know can be contentious because classical also refers to a certain period -between baroque and romantic if I recall.

Is most western music derived from classical music? If we're talking about popular music, I would count jazz, gospel, western european folk music and blues as major influences as well. The emphasis on pop music on repeating chord progressions I would consider to be more a heritage of folk music than classical, but maybe I'm mistaken. The accordion, for example, is more associated with folk music than any other kind of music and seems to lend itself to a chordal kind of playing that works well for that kind of thing.
>Metal would need to have more acadamics circlejerking the grand and complex pieces that it has for it to reach the same status as classical in the "great masterworks" sense.
I know of a guy who does that. It's pretty awesome.
>Also, from metal, isn't power metal really the only sub genre that seeks the same big structural and harmonic complexities of the romantic era, or am I missinformed?

I wouldn't say power metal, as a rule, is harmonically and structurally complex. Progressive metal, which comes from progressive rock, is usually the name given to more complicated takes on metal. Metal, including power metal, can be very simple harmonically. Often it will have 3 or 4 chords in a part like a pop song, and thet will be power chords. The complexity of power metal is more in solos and leads than in harmony in the sense of chords, although I'm not equipped to analyze harmony on a deep level. Any subgenre of metal can theoretically be prog though, for example this mixes progressive metal and black metal.

What do you play?
unfathomably embarrassing
Elaborate if you dare, nerd.
you are only humiliating yourself
Still weird how they only recorded the 9th of that cycle in stereo.
Dont project.
it’s because EMI were stupid money grubbing bastards and they had no interest in letting a french orchestra play german music, so their budget was limited to mono equipment until the final recording of the cycle, the 9th.
/metal/babies are so embarrassing
You're the one who is embarrassed and only types short replies because of it.
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now playing

start of Mahler - Symphony No. 6 in A Minor:

If Currentzis ends up recording and releasing an entire Mahler cycle of the same quality as this and the Tchai 6 in my lifetime I will be so happy.
you’re like an annoying kid brother trying his hardest to justify why he’s just as cool as his respected older sibling.
Now Playing - Guitar Recital (Fernández)

I dont care too much about being cool or respected.
you clearly do, or you wouldn’t be in this thread trying to justify your bastardized negroid music as being equatable or similar to classical music.
no thoughts?
I think it's better in a lot of ways than classical music. There are not many influential negroids in metal, but Terrence Hobbs and Mike Smith of Suffocation are two great ones. Do you not think the lines and articulation at 1:40 are cool?
I understand if you are mad at black people, because black people do a lot of horrible things, but you dont need to be mad at their music - and I would characterize metal in general as a move away from negroid blues and jazz anyhow. Metal that doesn't use pentatonic scales is pretty aggressively European sounding to me. For example, power metal. The falsetto vocals in this song sound quite powerful to me. They really hit the spot. Sometimes music is like food.
no one cares, lil bro. time to go back to your containment thread
we all care, big sister. stay here with us where you belong.
If you're really in total sperg mode about race, you ought to know esoteric nazi metal exists and some of it is very good.
didn’t ask, kid brother. it’s time to go back to /metal/.
Can you stop acting like an A.I? It's really dumb.
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now playing

Borodin - In the Steppes of Central Asia:

start of Symphony No. 1 in E-Flat Major:

start of Symphony No. 2 in B minor:

can you stop shitting up /classical/ with your drums + guitars slop? it’s really dumb. go back to /metal/
/metal/ is even more boring than you.
sounds like a you problem. it’s time to go back.
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this is such a perfect Mahler 4 I almost cried


>9 minute himmlische leben
i’m thinking that’s a pass
Several months ago I spent hours looking for a recording of St. Gregory's Day and here is one, lmao.
jej, there are several collections that show up in youtube music but not in youtube itself
there is a multiple volume series of his choral works, but some albums also have untranslated names, so it can be tricky to find some albums
I really don't understand how people listen to Mahler every day multiple times a day. It's all the same sappy neuroticism.
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>am I forgotten

Why is nobody on the knees worshiping this god right now?
It's funny how you can tel Mahler was a jew by listening to his symphonies.

I wish, this nigga is mad overrated.
I'm sure his string quartets, the piano trio and the piano quintet, and his preludes & fugues op. 87 are still considered masterpieces. Maybe his symphonies sound a bit dated somehow. Lady Macbeth might be a little overrated, but The Nose is absolute fun from start to end. And then there's that passacaglia from his first violin concerto!
What are you talking about, he's extremely popular and visible
I wonder how many Beethoven fans would be able to admit that something else was as good or better if it was
Why the fuck is the bridge so far down
It would be extremely painful.
being a "fan" of something is for teenagers
I was a Beethoven fan as a teenager.
I Was a Teenage Beethoven Fan, terrible 1980s TV movie.
None of those categories says classical music.
I chuckled.
Archspire isn't even a good example.
What does form mean in this context? AABA?

The most underrated Wagner opera. Even Rienzi gets more appreciation.
Agreed. Don't even know why, it's one of the shorter ones and it's plot's structure feels a lot like a 1930s-1940s horror film. You'd think it'd get some recognition for that.

Tranime sister embarassing himself outside of this general KEK
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That's not me, doe. I rarely post on this website outside of this general.

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