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dso edish
old >>122899398
faq: https://www.4chan.org/bans
Everyone loves Breaking Benjamin bit you
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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Fall out boy
bet you watch this at night
I love fall out boy
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>announcing sage
Do mods really?
Youtube recommended wolf metal
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my face when
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>band full of zoomies blacks and women
>they make genuinely great music that if you like 90s/2000s bdm you can't complain about
what do you say now
>>band full of zoomies blacks and women
>>they make genuinely great music that if you like 90s/2000s bdm you can't complain about
Only the first statement is true.
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For me, it's Cerebral Bore.
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Post your aoty-so-far contenders.
genuinely can't distinguish this shit from 90s/2000s bdm, there's like one part in the whole demo that you could say is not something you would hear on an album like that
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Full of Hell
High On Fire
200 Stab Wounds
Job For A Cowboy
Departure Chandelier
>>>they make genuinely great music that if you like 90s/2000s bdm you can't complain about
This statement is a contradiction.
>Be a 12 year old Amerimutt racial monstrosity
>Get signed to New Standard Elite
>Be a pure Aryan alpha Chad
>Waste your whole life on /metal/
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Based slamaholic
Totally forgot that Departure Chandelier album came out this year. I gotta give it another spin.
Oh I forgot new Diocletian and Antichrist Demoncore. Necrot was pretty good too I guess but I need to give it another listen. This year has been great for releases imo.
I'm actually not big into slam. I like the hiphop elements PeelingFlesh have tho.
Where is the woman?
They're all trannies. Zoomer bullshit discarded.
Derriere Champignon sucks balls
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Retard gimmickslam general?
God forbid.
>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called “anti-racist", they were pro immigrant, they were globalist, we cultivated this
Louis Cachet about the early Person Of Colour Metal scene in Helvete
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>Derriere Champignon
impressive, very nice
Ozzyhater lost
this is so repugnant
it's degenerate
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exactly. metal for this feel?
8 wouldn't have put up with this.
fucking cringe lil nigga
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Square up nigga I'll kiss u
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Imagine not having a girl guitarist who can play big boi riffs
a degenerate girl
kys homo
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>solves music
I listened to this and it sucked. I hate death metal.
blasting Bauhaus atm
What do you guys think of Agalloch? When I was younger I loved that band but now I got bored of it.
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>when the Dead but Dreaming riff hits
you gave up right before you heard their magnum opus
>band has a tranny in it
Do you listen y/n?
I have a favorite female traditional metal vocalist now
>Departure Chandelier
incredibly based.
Depends if it's a masculine tranny or not.
Fuck no.
Which is?
>I listened to this and it sucked.
>it sucked
>I hate death metal.
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In the mood for slam. Listening to picrel right now. Tonight's a slam night I guess.
oii ee oiii ee oii ee
Homo general.
one thing me and Heccsy definitely agree on is that Slam Stinks!
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Good thread for once.
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You're both dorks too
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If you don’t listen to the king get out of my face.
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>plays repetitive nothing burger riff
>does random double bass bursts
>slaps around his drum kick
>3 minutes later, still playing the same riff
>more drums being hit for seemingly no reason
>alright time for a new riff
>jk back to the original riff again
>its anudda 3 minutes of the same riff with random drumming
Ulcerate is literal atmoshit, nothing fucking happens in these songs, its just the same fucking riff with some mongrel on the drums who is clearly extremely bored and wishes he was playing in a jazz band instead. I don't say that lightly either, because I went to go read an interview from the man himself and he says that all his non-metal influences are jazz and jazz fusion.

Verdict: Overhyped midwit atmoshit
Ulcerate is "polite" false extremity for hipsters like Krallice
why does everybuddy love it so mutch then
Spite extreme wing-non dvcor dvco
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It's extreme metal for pitchfork worshippers
Same reason they like Popcletus over FAS and Synarchy, easier to understand for lower class people unable to think. RYM loves crescendos and single theme pieces that are built on textual nothing burgers. Its why they love Post-Rock so much.
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Listen to Warhammer.
Looks low class, won't be listening.
sometimes the lowies need a boost into something the wouldn't otherwise be able to get into thus its a POSITIVE thing
She should not lock the open dohr
Spoke too soon bub
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I was hoping you got drone struck in donetsk, pity
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Everything DSO did is bad
You wish.
My first reaction was genuine confusion since you seemed to be implying there's some difference in quality between paracletus and their other albums, which is incorrect. But then I just realized that you're probably new here, so I'll explain:
Deathspell Omega is hated here.
Is the middle not a woman? Regardless, someone who faces prejudice that this general does not like.
still does not make it any different from shit you would hear in the 2000s
have a good night guys
Its Popcletus, and we look down upon its fans here, however DsO is beloved and deified here. May I suggest you return back to >>>/mu/ my newfag friend?
>>they make genuinely great musi
Stfu you fucking retard
>t. muh extremityfag
grow up chuddy, some people just like music, you're projecting
Correct, ulcerate is basically post-metal that happens to feature dissodeath audial aesthetics
wtf bros shes actually kinda cute
Just saw Fallujah Monday night, was way more fun than I expected. Helps that they were playing their home town I think, so the crowd got pretty wild.

Only kind of like em, but live they were legit great.
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>Pop cletus
Just like DsO
There's two types of black metal. Before Paracletus, and after4rhth
I'm feeling down, but on the upside I have no future. Metal for this feel?
DsO has no relation to the type of songwriting that Post-Rock utilizes. This is just as embarassing as when you call them and other such bands "jazz".
It's literally the same thing.
Albums that killed the metal genre?
You wish.
Slaughter of the Soul
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Never died, so none.

These albums however saved metal.
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There goes your reputation
>anonymous board
keep in mind I haven't been on /metal/ in a long time
do we have a new lolcow or something
We love neoclassical shred here. Gods bless Muhammed (pbuh) for reviving it into its peak form though his son Jegas.

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Get the fuck out of my general
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Sneed metal is the least innovative genre in metal and all of the albums you posted are just playing sloppy Motorhead riffs. Keep that trite garbage to yourself.
>haven't been here in a while
People always say the same things
>avatarfagging as Snorre
not even going to respond
image MD5 filtered
Mindbroken and mentally dominated.
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>People always say the same things
I accidently almost became a normalfag but now I'm back to fix that mistake
We love Root and Mortuary Drape and anything that predates Snorre Ruch here.
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Before Snorre
After Jail

silence, chud
>tfw no barrshit gf
This, except the opposite.
>pentagram logos
not listening!
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When bands actually release music we like that too. Unlike Snorre, what was he doing all that time anyway.
Get out
>Mortuary Drape
Stay here.
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All of what time exactly? He was literally in jail. Before that he has his demos, and Oyveystein was screwing him around by promising to make a band with him and then never saying where or when they should practise (he has to steal all of Snorre's ideas first so people wouldn't think he was the retarded hack he was.). Uranus eventually decided he was actually going to have Snorre write the next Mayhem album after DMDS, which already included some of his demo riffs (the shit ones though).

Luckily he came out of jail just to reminds the world that black metal was never about disney lullabies, it was never about playing like total shit, it didn't need poor production to make up for a lack of talent, and it was inherently dissonant.

I accept your concession.
>in my mind, it was real
>When are we going to start playing bro YOU PROMISED
I refuse to believe this post isn't satire
I actually enjoy Necrophagist
>This album artwork or theme offends me
>Therefore it must be bad and you are only posting it because it's offensive even though that's completely subjective
Why is xe like this?
Never attribute to irony what can be attributed to autism
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Black metal was since the beginning dissonant: as per Snorre's creation. The only satire to be found was the entire second wave calling a bunch of nursery rhyme melodies "black metal".

When was the last time this genre had a big hit, a phenomenon? Time I? When's the next metal smash hit coming?
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>disney lullabies
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>a phenomenon?
2021: First Fragment - Gloire Eternelle


Gods bless Tougas for saving metal.
Snorre hardly did anything. The Thorns s/t is good but too little too late. You can't just make a spooky riff and have that be your claim to fame.
Not dissonant enough for me
Gloire Eternelle was never a Black Album, for example.
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Just this year, actually.
Lame coreslop
that would be fas
How do we keep the chuds out of here
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Black metal promotion (https://www.youtube.com/@bmpromotion) visits this shitty general
He got embarrassed and deleted his comment where he said Hotel California was the best song in the universe after we posted his comment here
chuds won
livin it up at Otel Caalifornia Bweedin deedindoo
no, the video was removed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EqPtz5qN7HM&lc=Ugw-n6wa-8Lh-PQ-zIV4AaABAg
After listening to coreshit, dissoshit doesn't sound so bad at all
dissoshit itself isn't actually bad though, it's just a particular person here who makes it look bad
>pentagram logo
not listening!
>cross on cover
aoty 2024
>c o r r e c t
c o r r e c t
>c o r r e c t
c o r r e c t

If this was NYP I would buy it, but because they needed to be Jews about it (34 minutes of music for $13.81 CAD is NOT worth it!!!) I will [redacted] it instead.
it's a pretty dense 34 minutes. that's like 70 minutes of normal-paced riffs, squished.
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This is the logical conclusion to metal
pull the plug!
great album. popular and good. not much to say about it at this point.
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I'm gonna listen to it regardless. Coming up next!!!!
>picrel current blasting
what's your favorite portal album
meta cringe
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Boring. Overrated. One might even say "mid."
>t. never listened to this album loud on speakers once
death are historically important, yet they are also historically mid
That's literally their best album you pleb.
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Did you guys ever heem a poser?
On 4chan, yes.
I'm on my way to heem varg rn
I made a woman upset after commenting on her shirt
Metal and coffee is the most textbook example of a pitchfork metal head. All her pics are so fucking predictable
I told the guitarist his band had no riffs after his set. It was a shitty slam band opening for a decent death metal band
Lol. Brutal.
Any other fans of Spire of Lazarus?
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Forgot pic.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Once I am drunk enough on a show I start asking random people questions about bands of their shirt, if they fail a legit check - I fight them
This is why I always wear an Avantasia shirt.
kekky is unfortunately too retarded to have any self awareness
An Avantasia shirt probably compliments your tail plug pretty well.
Breaking the Habit
>name three songs
>band is Darkspace
I can tell you that 3.16, 4.20 and 1.6 are my favourites without looking.
>can't even name one
>gets heemed
Am i dumb or do the number not make sense at all?
You might be dumb.
It's just {album}.{total track number}. 4.20 is their 20th track on their 4th album.
It's only the negatives that don't make too much sense but -1 was a demo so it was kinda "before" the rest. Dunno what -2 was, whether it was some unreleased track or just they label anything that's not an album as negative.
But shouldn't it be. 3.8, 3.9, then 4.0. Going from 3.9 to to 3.1 is where I'm confused
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Behead all posers
It's their TOTAL track number
1.7 to 2.8. You can basically consider all their tracks sequential, but they put the album at the front.

4.20 is literally their 20th album track.
this person likes metal
this person does not
Dont care, still listening
For me, it’s the antichrist
For me, it's regular Christ, the King
Or you just realize they're dumb math-lets and their music reflects their low IQ
Literal diapershit
I thought it was pretty dull, one of my least favourite releases by them for a while.
no one cares about buttrock
We love and respect buttrock here.
Stadium rock > butt rock
party rockers > all
Performed in a converted concrete garage/workshop > butt > stadium
>"polite" false extremity for hipsters
lmfao ok
performed in a sewer > garage > butt > stadium
What were the weirdest places you seen a band perform?
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Invincible shield
Simple as
>pentagram on wall
not listening!
How are people making charts now neverendingrendering went full schizo
>just let it be filled with people who only like the aesthetic bro, why are you gatekeeping:)
People mentioned Amorphis in the last thread so I just remember that Koskinen who was their vocalist in their butt rock era was also a vocalist for Shape of Despair
Why do new DM bands look so fucking weird? It's like a bunch of genetic dead ends dressed like clowns.
Converterd garage. Not the kind in a home, the kind surrounded by warehouses.
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I like slam
I like brutal death metal
I like goregrind

Simple as
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close to based
that's just what zoomers are like anon
played with some swedish dbeat acts in the rec room of a halfway house. no, they didn't remove the pool or ping ping tables
Sorry but this is a trad and doom general
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Nah that general would be on >>>/lgbt/
Posers. You don't belong here.
Go back to the nursing home gramps, and stop shitting up the general with objectively the worst metal genre of trad doom.
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fuck Christ
You will be forgiven in time anon. Jesus loves you
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get out.
i also like doom and a bit of trad but my favourite is brutal death metal :)
>the shittest genre is also christcucked
Checks out.
thin lizzy
infectious jelqing
the list goes on
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I SPAT in his FACE
Jesus wouldn't do this.
Picrel is the Mormon Jesus that's not the real Jesus picrel is the Mormon Jesus AKA not the real Jesus but a fake Jesus unlike the Mormon Jesus
If you guys were a frontman of a band, how would you greet the audience at your show?
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fuck Jesus.
Correct. He suffered so that you do not.
sup devils... LETS ROCK OUR ASSES OFF. 3 2 1 go!
>hi we're *band name*
after that you should not say a single thing except maybe introducing songs
Praise Jesus my friends. No not the Mormon Jesus, the real Jesus.
I would probably ask them to fight us
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I suffer
this, maybe growl it if you're a death metal band, if it's a black metal band finish the greeting by screaming I'M GAY in a very zesty manner
>feedback, song name, song ends, "hi we are band name", next song name
It aint that hard
But why?
Based and putnam pilled
Beyonce fans slam metal guitarist Gary Holt for saying she is 'OVERRATED' - while he claims Taylor Swift is more talented: 'Mighty white of him'
Hello, we are *band name*, lets go!!! And then introducing song names and saying thank you (or fuck you, depending from people in the audience) after song ends
Point to each attractive female you see in the crowd and tell them to come backstage after you're done.
By shouting the gamer word
This and dedicating every song to them
No women attend metal gigs let alone attractive ones lmao
based tranny chaser
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Gary Holt Opens Up on Relationship With Metallica's Kirk Hammett
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Taylor Swifts folklore album cover looks like a black metal album cover.
Corey Taylor opens up his mouth and breathes air
he pushes his fingers into his AAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSS
Varg virkenes SLAMS fenriz for DRUNKEN life style and MID crust punk output.
modern darkthrone easily mogs Burzum (NEW) thoughbeit
No shit ASSHOLE. I SAID crust punk out put. LEARN to read. Burzum NEW is hard to beat in terms of lazy talentless riffs. He NEEDS to stop
>Burzum NEW is hard to beat in terms of lazy talentless riffs. He NEEDS to stop
Varg Virkenes on Burzum BEW direct quotations
>I felt like getting some attention so I opened garage studio and shat some bullshit out so people would notice me
circle the wagons is beloved and respected here
We hate and despise v*RG here
We love traditional metal here and hate dissonant/avantgarde/gaze/atmos shit
Goregrind reigns supreme.
Who would like metal more?
Roman’s or Vikings?
It’s scientifically proven that Vikings would have preferred prog rock like genesis and elp. Roman’s would have loved death metal
We hate both of those here.
Vikings, of course.
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funkoposting is disregarded here
An institution around here
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Outre, Ion second.

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how do you feel about seepia
Its alright, has a few moments that are too close to normal death metal than they should be. More snare spam rather than tom usage, which makes them sound much more familiar rather than alien like they should sound. Outre is much better, same with ION, Swarth and Avow are better as well, maybe only Vexovoid is as bad as Seepia.
I think seepia has far and away the best guitar sound though
perhaps cliche of me but they achieve this maddening, swarming beehive effect that drives me crazy
>regular blast beats, less tom spam
I never paid as much attention to that but you're right. they drop those blastbeats right after that record
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I suppose the guitar production is nice, I actually like ION the most for that, its less typically portal but its one sharp sounding guitar. If there is chainsaw guitars I think ION would be a razerwire guitar.

Also they do bring back a lot of blasting for ION, but its more fitting in the jagged and treble dominated environment they have there. Also just as a sidenote, ION has fantastic artwork.
did you know that ION is written in E standard tuning? band themselves posted that on their facebook at one point p sure
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Not super surprising, its too treble-y for downtuning.
damn the art slaps, very different from their older stuff
Shame about the music
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Bielak is pretty good stuff, especially his extra Ghost artworks (not in pic related) are all amazing.

Also ignore the Vektor image there, its the wrong one. This is the Vinyl one he did.
deathcore is not allowed
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but I'm listening to this rn and you can't stop me
i apologize. deathcore is allowed. i don't know what I was thinking when I said it wasn't, but this is clearly metal and you were right.
It has a slayer cover, so it must be metal.
I've told about this guy before, I met him in university years ago. He told me that he is a "DM fan" and listened goregrind bands etc.
However, he did not recognize or know Morbid Angel when I put on "Altars of Madness" when I gave him a lift home after class in my car. After playing few songs he told that he didn't like the music. I told him "it's Morbid Angel", but he told me that the name "doesn't ring a bell to me". He had, in fact, never heard of MA despite he had a long hair and wore goregrind band shirts. Second ride I gave him home I had "Morbid Angel's" Domination CD playing in the car. During the song "Where the Slime Live" there is a vocal effect or some sort of phaser effect added on the vocals. Again, he did not recognize the band "Morbid Angel" (he said that he had never heard of it) and told that he prefers old school metal without any effects or "computer shirt" added on top of the instruments or vocals. He said that is one of the reasons he likes Autopsy and not these newer bands.
He also crossed the line that he actually turned down the music volume while I was driving as the music was "too loud" for his taste and he manually adjusted the volume down. After that I ghosted him and just told him that I would not be able to give him lift home as I had sold my car (just parked it a bit away from uni so he did not see me returning it). I also stopped speaking to him. He still wore goregrind band t-shirts from time to time in lectures/class but sadly dropped out of uni after few months. I still think he was a huge poser and probably does not listen metal anymore, it seemed some sort of aesthetic phase for him
Shame about your IQ.
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
>I posted it again!
>actually admitting to it too
No one cares.
Kinda weird he wore Autopsy t-shirts, but did not recognize or even know Morbid Angel by name
I wouldn't say a thing, I'd listen to what they have to say, and that's what no one did.
waiter, new thread please
Awful thread
it'll just be a schizo/autist OP and thus ruined
NU >>122915832
NU >>122915832
NU >>122915832
NU >>122915832
I still like them but nearly as much as I used to. A lot of their lyrics are very cringe too, just endless variations on "the sovl of nature"

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