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A Bathory edition

Faq https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
Christian metalcore fucks
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Why isn't there anymore spaz shit? I miss The Chariot, iwrestledabearonce, Horse the Band and Arsonists Get All the Girls
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80's metal peaked and concluded with Altars of Madness
Suidakra - Highland Hills
This has to be the worst fucking general on /mu/. You're all just so not open to any metal.
Gatekeeping is essential to keep metal pvre and trve
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Wolfchant - A pagan storm
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Lucifer's Friend - Lucifer's Friend (1970)
This kicks ass
Morbid Angel peaked with Blizzard Beasts
That's just jazz though
Weedeater - Jason... The Dragon
we prefer metal here
Not really
Reminder of what is not acceptable here:

Prog metal that is more prog than metal
“Slam” “groove” or other similar nonsense
“Technical death metal” this is in quotes because death metal that is technical is fine.
“Shred” metal
Buttmetal like mastodon or gojira
Is sad Christian metal on the rise?
Reminder of what is not acceptable here:

Anything with solos or riffs involving notes above the fifth fret
you need to kill yourself ASAP
>riffs involving notes above the fifth fret
I'm a retard who doesn't understand how music works so I don't know what this means.
no fretboard hanky panky
I think I get hellhammer now. I just had to drink a little too much beer.
i’m wearing that shirt right now
Somewhat based
I have no idea how speed metal chads of the 90s and various thrash gods learned how to play solos that fast. The soloing is legitimately 10x more difficult than the rest of the song. And I'm just supposed to match that level of intensity and fast twitch bullshit? It honestly makes me jealous. Even a Kerry King solo is one thousand times more difficult than Raining Blood as a whole.
>wearing clothes
not metal


kinda means less high notes in general.
i enjoyed kerry king's based retard soloing style with all the whammy squeels
Quo Vadis - Silence Calls the Storm
nice bass
I have a strong feeling that /metal/ doesn't even like metal
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i hate this little gnome looking retard
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My girlfriend has better taste in music than me and she introduced me to Bathory. God I love her so much broski....
Possibly the best norwegian bm album, or post a contender
that sounds like a cool theme
metal doesn't have to be anti christian I think if there were a tragic pro-christ crucifixion album and the riffs were killer people would be on board
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If you haven't heard picrel you're missing out

Imagine thinking King was a less technical guitarist than Hanneman
your girlfriend is hot just based on that
my girlfriend likes girly pop but she digs my metal demos at least which is all I can ask for huehuehue
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We saw Gojira, Ghost, Cure, Wintersun with At the gates, Mastodon, Deftones, ne obliviscaris, amon amarth and tool, crosses. Definitely worth marrying. She also likes this music too
Looks like spork shit
Impossible, Blizzard Beasts is the one best single example of bad shitty prod. There's good shitty prod, but Blizzards Beasts just has completely fucked up professional production. It can never be a goat. But! I admit the songs hit fucking hard, could have been the 2nd best Immortal album.
Best Norge BM album gotta be DMDS, I dunno.
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Literally the best album of all time
>Might actually trick myself into liking his music.
And here it is. Your contrarianism.
The other day I said you are going to listen to and enjoy the worst garbage because it's not popular, and you demanded examples, remember?
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Not even top 30 Norwegian BM my guy.
Here's top 5 in no order.
>Nattestid Ser Porten Vid
>Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
>Nemesis Divina
>Hordaland Doedskvad

If by now you haven't realized it after my shilling and praise, you're just being not being honest. We all know these are the best and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. cope&seethe&dilate&etc.
Getting Hellhammer in the 21st century is an illusion. But you know that.
Based, except for obtained enslavement. Taake doesn't deserve to be in top 5, there are better albums in your picture.
Lads, once again I beseech you: plz gib me recs for slamming brutal dm
Obtained Enslavement is top 1 and you seem extremely filtered. Taake's 2 albums deserve to be in top 5, not just 1
I like this
Did you have to buy 2 tickets for her?
One for her and one for her mobility scooter?
No they just suck, much like Gorgoroth.
Who they? Not a single band I mentioned "sucks" sister. Maybe try >>>/mu/ instead?
Enslaved obtainment suck dick.
Melanated post.
terrible disneycore sloppa
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>filtered by Taake
Name a more embarrassing /metal/ phenomenon

>inb4 no u!
Melanated foreskinelss post.
>the guy who can only enjoy one kind of riff claims others are filtered
>creams his pants when the riff is in le heckin 5/4 instead
>the guy who can only enjoy one kind of riff
Nice headcanon.
>creams his pants when the riff is in le heckin 5/4 instead
None of the riffs in the link I posted are in 5/4 you absolute pseud
There is 0 chance the norsecore tranny is not just another personality of one of the resident schizo trolls.
Melanated&foreskinless post.
>trying to trick me into posting my girthy, unmutilated penis for his own enjoyment
not today, rabbi
>no u!
Yet another foreskinless melanated post.
>he thinks somehow that's a no u
Esl or retard?
I'm not American thoughbeit, continue your seethe and enjoyment of terrible music.
>i call him a jew
>he call me a jew
>nooo that's not "no u"
Low IQ foreskinless melanated post.
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esl retard confirmed
Foreskinless and melanated seething confirmed
It 100% is the Kpoptranny. He always shits on high IQ music and the people that enjoy it.
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we love and respect lgbtq positive norsecore tourism here
On Deathgrind.club rn looking for slam to dl. How do I know what to dl other than by the cover? I'm just dl'ing shit that looks cool.
listen to it on youtube nigga
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Auschwitz, the meaning of pain
The way that I want you to die
Slow death, immense decay
Showers that cleanse you of your life
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An embarrassment for Norwegian black metal.
They should rebrand as Cradle of Obtained Enslavement.
An excellent post sister
I used to listed to bathory, still do sometimes, but now I mostly listen to kpop
Am I the only person who thinks Altars is mid? Covenant is way better
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>They formed in 1989 and decided to split up in 2000 because Pest moved to the United States.

So Pest released this pile of shit and then fled to the united states. Trve Kvlt.
Metal. Unmistakably metal.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
More like Eh...nah
>And here it is. Your contrarianism.
Totally incoherent, nothing in my post was about being contrarian. Apply yourself.
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
No one asked, no one cares. >>>/soc/ >>>/mu/ >>>/lgbt/
That last edition sure was great, wasn't it?
>>>/mu/ >>>/lgbt/
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>we love weird people who don't fit in. Might actually trick myself into liking his music.
>not contrarian
Umm skip it argh!
Nothing about that is based on contrarianism. If I were contrarian I would just listen to harsh noise with no music to it at all made by an artist with 2 followers. Strange people that don't fit in are the only real human beings there are, they are my "group" and within that I am no contrarian, the normalfags and masses outside of that are worthless garbage with nothing interesting to say or make and their opinions are irrelevant to myself. People on the outside of the normalnigger box are worth listening to and attempting to understand, thus one can "trick" themselves into liking something because all change in opinions is a self manipulation you have to be willing to accept. As a psychologist or hypnotist will likely tell you: they only work if you want them to, and what is a psychologist if not simply someone who tries to trick you into changing your beliefs or view of the world?

Contrarianism is something that has to be applied to a context of some sort of group, and using it as an accusation means you are stating that person to be contrarian for the sake of itself with no reason, which again would lead to me simply listening to only harsh noise OR stating all music itself is garbage, that would be far more "contrarian" than any other opinion to have. Of course you don't actually think about anything, you just see me having different opinions than the masses and label it "contrarian" as a lazy shitty accusation from your tiny normalcattle brain. Just like when some loser accuses anything of higher effort being "pretentious", it says far more about your own character than it does mine.
great metal discussion guys
No one cares, get a life.
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Best version of this classic.
Gäysöyer SucksSucksSucks is hated here.
One accusation fails so its onto the next one is it?
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you type too many word stop please
No shit, he has no life outside this general.
Literally sleep - /metal/ -sleep - /metal/ -repeat
That’s not an accusation, that’s simply a statement of the truth.
>unitelligent retard finds short paragraphs too long
Not surprising.
tr4nnypopper be like
>in my mind, it was real
You’ve been caught samefagging multiple times when you aren’t getting attention.
>even now I believe it
>Having girlfriends
Not metal. Normies GTFO.
You can’t run from the truth.
That you are a beta orbitor with HDS? True.
Beta what?
I don’t understand what that means.
If you did, then you would be intelligent enough to not be one.
Hecky is ESL and struggles with his spelling sometimes. He got made fun of for misspelling "orbiter" once so now he writes it wrong on purpose in an feeble attempt to turn it into a meme.
Kek, what a bitch.
>He got made fun of for misspelling "orbiter" once
>turn it into a meme.
In you mind, it was all real.
Why you reply to youself, Iass?
Trannypoper is boring today
Probably still depressed that her thread was ignored and on its way to page 10 before mod intervention KEK.
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Take your meds.
Why are you edit the inspect element, Iass?
>fregoli delusion
True, you aree spend most of your time accusing other people when I'm not here, sad shit Iass. Thats what happens when you are a beta orbitor.
Take your meds, I’m not your boyfriend.
Was already saying beta orbitor before that post, here is one roughly 4 months before that


You and what you say have no influence on what I do.
Correct, you are a beta orbitor instead. Eternally assblasted over it too.
You are a contrarian for listening to dissoshit almost exclusively and even admitting you want to listen to things that are "not normalfag" just for the sake of it. "Contrarian" does not mean someone that opposes EVERYTHING including breathing, eating or listening to music. But nice fucking try pseud.
>within contrarians I am not contrarian
I’m not a beta “orbitor” either.
Your worship of me proves otherwise, beta orbitor.
100% true
Laughing at a retard is not worship.
we respect you here
>You are a contrarian for listening to dissoshit
Totally incoherent.
>"Contrarian" does not mean someone that opposes EVERYTHING
Literally does. Popular opinion is to enjoy music, to be contrarian to that would be to say you are against all music. You have no thought, you are a mongrel.
I don't remember your angry tears of frustration and obsession to outright delusion being related to laughter. Beta orbitors bow down and worship every day, and hate themselves for their own pathetic actions. Many such cases.
>Why are you edit
What are the problem here, Iass?
Bro, no offense, but you are projecting big time here. Sad to see you reduced to this.
Mongrel mind exposed. Beta orbitor suggests I have any obsession for some loser whom I don't even know exists beyond being one of many with HDS.
Is he really this stupid or is he just pretending to be retarded for our amusement? I can't tell.
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This would be a lot better without the disneycore and chugshit.
get a room guys
Itagaki is a hack.
This, but the opposite.
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Frankly, you seem to be obsessed with a lot of people. There is a deep-seated hatred for most of the other "personalityposters" because they are almost all more liked than you. And then there is the clearly sexually motivated obsession with several male metal musicians. And last but not least, you are obsessed with people's opinion of yourself, always trying to impress others while also trying hard to seem like it's the last thing you want to do.
Really wish you could be actually obsessed with metal and talk about instead of always trying to make this general about yourself. Just food for thought. Genuinely hope things will get better for you and you'll find happiness someday. Sadly, I really don't think you will if you continue down this path of self-sabotage.
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>you seem to be obsessed with a lot of people.
Mongrel doesn't realize that this is contradictory statement. Imagine not even being one to make one (1) sentence without blowing yourself the fuck out. If Norsecore poster is easy mode, you are ninja dog mode. I do nothing and win by default.
lame dismissal. engage properly for my entertainment.
Wow, this really bad ass bing bing wahoo pic sure showed him.
Deathspell Omega return with another uninspired and uninspiring record entitled The Synarchy of Molten Bones. Their last record, Paracletus, was built on a foundation of Voivod-lite chords executed with the alt metal sensibilities of The Dillinger Escape Plan. In an effort to build ambience, additional guitar tracks would attempt to produce a microtonal effect without actual production of microtones; just more dissonance. These techniques were then deployed over pop-leaning melodies which become pronounced should one decide to hum the otherwise atonal morass.
This new record sees the band return to the intensity of their watershed title Fas- Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum which at least was black metal in a non-narrative but aesthetic sense. Unlike that record and its successor, The Synarchy of Molten Bones offers no pretension of an emotional lattice to the chaos of both melody and structure here. Devoid of distinct or memorable melodies, even during the intelligible slower sections which merely sound like Earth at double the pace, the music proceeds from section to section in short order enabled by blistering but uninteresting EZdrummer patterns. Vocals are multi-tracked to compensate for worn chords and subdued in the mix; follow the inane rambling lyrics without meter or meaning.
The record begins and ends with brief, obligatory and ambience that neither sets tone nor provides resolution after the fact. The music bursts forth without proper acceleration and collapses suddenly without exhausting its moment. The whole is a half hour flash in the pan which begs the question as to its purpose existing. The least that could be said about preceding efforts was that they attempt grandeur and climax despite how utterly empty the music ended up being. There are no such theatrics on The Synarchy of Molten Bones as it maintains an even but random dialectic between extreme and moderate.

The absence of thematic development or variation such as it leads to narration via internal development of character or spirit would be forgivable if at the least the unchanging center or subject of the work were experiencing significant external events as a form of somatic suffering as was the Satan character of the Fas album. Deathspell Omega are a deleterious artistic failure here as elsewhere save for perhaps the album artwork of which they themselves have never been responsible. At this point the only thing to look forward to with the prospect of a new release is a fairly interesting mythological painting. The musical content therein remains highly underwhelming and an utter betray to the subjects it attempts to address.
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Jute Gyte aka Adam Kalmbach aka Anal Cumbath
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Very interesting chapter
>still no PDF on Anna's Archive

blasting now
There was no "dismissal", what you wrote self contradictory and defeats itself. There is nothing for me to write as you have lost instantly in the very first sentence through sheer incompetence and lack of thought. I like arguing, but ultimately there is nothing for me to do here, you are an enemy that walks off a ledge just as I was getting ready for a fight.

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This would be a lot better without the marxistcore and SJW shit.
>There was no "dismissal", what you wrote self contradictory and defeats itself. There is nothing for me to write as you have lost instantly in the very first sentence through sheer incompetence and lack of thought. I like arguing, but ultimately there is nothing for me to do here, you are an enemy that walks off a ledge just as I was getting ready for a fight.
You forgot your gookpop avatar Iass.
Then I could not have posted that mongoloid that plays around with nunchucks, dummy
I saw hector the other day and… no I don’t want to talk about it
>Then I could not have posted that mongoloid
Yet I said you forgot your mongoloid avatar, I don't see the issue here.
We love Gojira here.That Olympic performance was legendary.
Both Blavk and Death Metals would be significantly improved if they vocalized normally(and gave up the cringe Satan stuff)
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>The absence of thematic development or variation such as it leads to narration via internal development of character or spirit would be forgivable if at the least the unchanging center or subject of the work were experiencing significant external events as a form of somatic suffering as was the Satan character of the Fas album.
Still kek everytime I remember the author getting his ass torn the fuck up in the comment section over this word salad garbage.
Post images that enrage Hector
Incorrect. Dry those tears
Where do people get the idea that ' if you type more words than me you are mad' idgi
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Instead lets post moments when all of /metal/ ignored Trannypopper's thread letting it page 10 and die in favor of one made afterwards.


Good times kek.
Youre not helping your case here
The DMU guys really are trolling kings.
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>dry those tears
I don't think the tears of disneycore baldcucks can ever be dried, everytime they see their wrinkly reflection its another waterworks show.

>if your thread gets ignored by everyone on purpose and dies, you win
What's a trannypoopper
Bongers and Negru have sympathetic sides to them whereas Hector is completely insufferable, on par with Nicotranny.
Prozak lives rent free in metal community collective mind
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>baldcuck dmu drones spam and copy paste his articles here day in day out
>r-rent free!
This is your mind on eceleb worship and losing all your hair.
That's a very controversial pick anon, I like your boldness
>Hector was able to have a meaningful conversation with others here
I still do, I had a decent conversation about Portal not too long ago. Beta Orbitors are simply just not capable of human conversation.
>something I don't like
>it's "spamming"
>copy pasting entire the same articles multiple times is not spamming
The BIDF (baldcuck internet defense force) aren't sending their best.
You get pissed every time one of their articles gets posted, they are successful trolls.
1. Massacra - Final Holocaust
2. Deicide - Legion
3. Morbid Angel - Blessed Are the Sick
4. Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
5. Sepultura - Morbid Visions
6. Incantation - Onward to Golgotha
7. Morpheus Descends - Ritual of Infinity
8. Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence
9. Obituary - Cause of Death
10. Suffocation - Effigy of the Forgotten
11. Atheist - Unquestionable Presence
12. Dismember - Like an Ever-Flowing Stream
13. Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus
14. At the Gates - The Red in the Sky is Ours
15. Demilich - Nespithe
16. Asphyx - The Rack
>if I imagine an "I AM SILLY" comic in my head, that makes it real
Mongrel mind strikes again.
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Why do you spam that image
Are you upset?
Spam image for spam posts. You get what you deserve.

Try wiping the tears off your face before writing that post next time.
What the fuck were Black Sabbath thinking with this album?


This sounds like the The Beatles or Lennon's Imagine
he likes to project his baldness
>blues rock band returns to rock n roll
Imagine my shock.
If Obituary is anywhere in your top ten, you desperately need to listen to more metal
I remember when he posted some Minecraft YouTuber’s face as his own to prove he had hair.
Le mountains of might
Post your list then
Are newfags unironically mad about pits at metal shows? I've seen harder pits at fucking indie concerts before
1. Ad Nauseam - Imperative Imperceptible Impulse
2. Ehnahre - Douve
3. Gorguts - Pleiades' Dust
4. Fleshvessel - Yearning: Promethean Fates Sealed
5. Imperial Triumphant - Abyssal Gods
6. Vertebra Atlantis - Lustral Purge In Cerulean Bliss
7. Tchornobog - Tchornobog
8. Portal - Outre
9. Teitanblood - Death
10. Convulsing - Grievous
11. Emptiness - Nothing but the Whole
12. Swallowed - Lunarterial
13. Gigan - Undulating Waves of Rainbiotic Iridescence
14. Howls of Ebb - Cursus Impasse: The Pendlomic Vows
15. Worn Mantle - Hole
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Hated here.
Why is /metal/ under attack?
I wasn't talking to you
Punks have no general to keep alive so they have to shit up this general with their "mosh", "pits" and "slam dancing".
I was talking to you. Thanks.
Have you ever been to a concert in your life?
Concerts are anti-music and I am pro-music.
Yeah, but only to techno ones where he took drugs and failed to get girls
Hector hates live shows because he’s too poor to afford tickets.
>Yeah, but only to techno ones
Based Varg.
Yet concertcucks are the people posting here everyday crying about $15 tickets they can't afford LMAO.
>Literally does
>a person who takes a contrary position or attitude
Nowhere does it say "in every idea regard". If it " literally did" then the word would be completely useless as a contrarian wouldn't exist.
Send it.
*fart noise*
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To label someone as a "Contrarian" as an insult you must in fact label them to oppose all popular things because your accusation is that they have no nuance besides being the opposite of what is popular. You can have a contrarian opinion SINGULAR, but to call someone a "CONTRARIAN" as an insult you must in fact be stating that is it literally a person who does so in every regard. Or else what are you really saying? That someone believes something that isn't popular in one singular area for one singular issue? In other words most of the entire planet must be "contrarians" if one only needs one opinion to be one, and if they are all contrarians then they must not longer be contrarians since they are now the majority, ad absurdum. You are an idiot.
And now we wait.
Don't send, that's mean
>anime pic
Automatic L
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Oh no, anything but that! Anyways, back to blasting Jute Gyte.

Anime website btw
Now Adam Kalmbach becomes even more reclusive after hearing about a stalker resulting in weirder and more dissonant material
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Based, everything is going according to plan.
Hector acting like he is not frantically writing an apology LMAO
Iass I don't think you realize I couldn't care less about Adam as a person, or any of the artists I listen to. I listen to the music they write but I haven't even had a face to face conversation with a single one, and even then if I had one I wouldn't be their friend unless I had many MANY conversations with them, and then even greater still to call them a true person I care for I would have to feel a deep bond with them that I highly doubt would occur.

I know you normalfags literally worship musicians as your idols and gods, but don't project your own emotional failings onto me. I don't create bonds with people I haven't even met.
What does disneycore mean
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Copy paste my previous answer to this:
Should be self explanatory, but any sugary disney princess tier consonant melodic riff that has no real place in metal, usually its some plastic attempt to sound "classical" or "folk", but sounds fucking idiotic coming out of a distorted guitar with harsh vocals and aggressive drumming overtop. This can be further emphasized through casiocringe resulting in the embarrassment of the "symphonic" "metal" genre.

Anyways, heres some prime disneycore cringe of the standard variety
you're basically a fangirl for that guy. you said in the thread yeaterday you readed everything he writes about his own music and would read pages more if you could. sad honestly
Not listening!
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Meh, not as good as theor big albums
absoluteley the truth
>you readed everything he writes about his own music and would read pages more if you could
Its not "readed" you stupid ESL mongrel. And yes, I read about his music and would read more about his music, because its MUSIC. Again, I know you normalfags only care about personalities, image, and having idols you suck the cock of - but try to imagine for a second caring about music and not /soc/ trash. Why else do you think I post about some guy with total opposite political beliefs as myself? Wake the fuck up idiot.
wow you got angry fast. probably alchohol?
Classic Mexican alchoholic meltdown captured live
Is this the hector guy you guys talk about?
Just the dumbest possible proposition you could have for someone like myself. This is the average intelligence of my beta orbitors, they project their own junkie habits on myself despite also spending half of their time calling me a straight edge vegan. Gotta laugh at the sad state of these rejects.
Yes, he’s perpetually angry.
nobody takes advice from your skin color seriously. you can save it
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Why is this beloved and cherished
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Ok goyim.
Reminder that metal is incredibly Jewish and materialistic
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>reddit metal
Hated and despised here.
everybody here knows you belong to the subhuman central america? it makes sense that you can't play an instrument knowing this
I'm talking about by other bands, for example:
Jon is a genius
>everyone here
I believe I have been called: american, hapa, mexican, brazilian, jewish, brown, black, african, and everything under the sun. Depends on the flavor of the third worlder reject of the week currently assblasted at my posts.
YouTube comments unironically have better metal discussions
It was popular.
>u mad
NGMI Iass.
u reply there fore u mad.

u type word therefore u big mad.
Anytime someone says "u mad" in some form, it is without a doubt projection 100% of the time from losing a conversation.
>you must in fact label them to oppose all popular things
Well, I do not.
>but to call someone a "CONTRARIAN" as an insult you must in fact be stating that is it literally a person who does so in every regard.
I must not and I do not, in fact.
>That someone believes something that isn't popular in one singular area for one singular issue?
An entire genre, band is not a single area or single issue. Your "IF YOU'RE INTO IT, I'M OUT OF IT" attitude is not a single issue.
Borderline personality disorder
so you admit you are a beaner?
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>I love the Aman Amarth he is very hard very heavy very fast
>Hail from Greece!!!
>edit. Thanks for the likes!
Love seeing people from around the world enjoy metal.
It's all fun and games until all the comments are huemonkeys
>Well, I do not.
You do, or else as I said (which you intentionally skipped over) "Or else what are you really saying? That someone believes something that isn't popular in one singular area for one singular issue? In other words most of the entire planet must be "contrarians" if one only needs one opinion to be one, and if they are all contrarians then they must not longer be contrarians since they are now the majority, ad absurdum. You are an idiot."
If your insult is that the basis of the formulation for someone's opinions on things "you merely take the opposite stance of the popular" then you are indeed saying it is in regards to all things. Otherwise as stated above, you are only stating that someone has a singular unpopular opinion, which is no insult as that would mean everyone is a "contrarian" and if everyone is contrarian then it is ad absurdum. Feel free to make a proper rebuttal.
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>enjoyment thing: :/
>enjoyment thing from third world: :OOOOO
The fucking state lmao.
I don’t encounter many Brazilians in metal comments, it’s mainly other spics.
It's just autism
Stop getting angry over the most inane shit, you autist.
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>Love seeing other men from across the world fuck my wife
Based redditcuck.
Shout out to my non western /metal/ bros
Who are you quoting?
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I killed a man cause he killed my goat
I wrapped my hands around his throat
He tried to reason
With sky and the clouds
But it didn’t matter
Cause they can’t hear a sound
Incoherent post.
Metal solidarity will unite the world.
Edit: thanks for the gold sirs!
You literally wrote that
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>>Shout out to my non western /metal/ bros
>Artist: Darkthrone
>Album: Panzerfaust
>Song: Beholding The Throne of Might
>>And destruction upon the holy man
>>Who hails a jew
Except I didn’t.
Snorre Ruch the GOAT
Ok redditschizo, you literally wrote that.
dont post jacksons youre going to get banned.
Metallica in Moscow is proof of that
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Paracletus unites the metal community. Have you paid your respects today?
Correct. Christcucks are viewed as beneath contempt over here
It just might
>Or else what are you really saying?
I go by the standard definition, which does not specify anything other than the following: "a person who takes a contrary position or attitude".
>has a singular unpopular opinion,
It's neither singular or regarding all things. I know you're too much of a brainlet to see the middle ground.
>"a person who takes a contrary position or attitude".
Then as I said, everyone is a contrarian and the definition is a failure. Ad populum is not an argument for a definition nor does it make your original intent as an insult have coherence. You have no rebuttal, you have no real stance, you are relegated to muttering out some definition you read from google with not a single thought behind what you copy paste. You are not a human being, you are a drone.
>Putin was unironically briefed about this concert during his final year as a KGB agent
early access metal
if you don’t listen to Parkway Drive then what are you even doing here




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>In time you will find
>FAPPED in a corner
>These soft hands my friend
>I promise you will not forget
>plap plap plap PLAP plap plap PLAP plap PLAP plap
phil tougas
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You wish.

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