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Welcome to the /core/ where we blast nothing but core.

How do I know something is core?
Good question, generally by how much leaking white fluid is coming out of the lead singer's asshole after the show.
I haven't sucked a single dick, can I be a true core fan?
No, unfortunately sucking cock is MANDATORY for core participation.
Is this a metal genre?
No, but keep pretending it is because it really hurt my feelings being excluded by metalchads.
How many times do we have to kneel for BLM?
Twice as many as the Muslims pray to Allah, otherwise you are literally Hitler.
Do we seriously need to have our own thread? /metal/ fags just went too hard?
Finally a thread where us corechads belong, thanks OP!
Core isn't metal, stay here with your fellow faggot trannies
suprisingly, still less gay than black metal.
About time, any other coresisters about to take their HRT with me, a toast to trans rights!
Fuck you. You don't even post metal songs in your own threads on a dead board. Go start a Discord or something.
I do post metal, and you faggots keep posting your hot topic garbage
Oh boy, TWO generals for corechads to post in!
Nice one sis! Love getting fucked while blasting some queercore, coresissies unite!

So true, I love having metalchads come and fuck my ass every night, and posting there is a quick way to get what I really want.
metalfags cant fuck
I love having big death metal cock in my coresissy bumhole, they love to whisper "you will never be metal" in my ear and it turns me on.
Finally an inclusive general for us, tired of the terrible bigotry and hate on /metal/. They kept telling me that I listen to "faggot music" and to kill myself. Horrible evil chuds! Thank goodness you provided us a safespace for our genre.
Hey >>122964680 come post that epic hardcore music here with all the rest of us coresisters, we are all waiting for you sis!
Why do we need this general, WHEN CORE IS METAL OK YOU FUCKING CHUDS
Man how do you guys heal from a long concert, my asshole STILL won't close after the epic metalcore show I went to three days ago.
Wheres all the CORE my fellow sisters!?!?!!??!
Bumping for my fellow core sisters!
this thread sucks cause a /metal/ fag made it
She doesn't even know how to greentext lol
*xe you misgendering bigot
terrible chuds who are hated here on /core/
uhhh all /core/ respect and worship our metalbulls, what are you, some bigot or something sis?
When I was a teenager (2001-07) I went to Grindcore shows and shows with bands that’d probably be called metalcore…now I hate that stuff.
It’s weird how many “cores” there are now—everything that’s supposed to be edgy, new, and cool is a “-core”.
Nowadays there’s one “core” I really like, and that’s slowcore. Yeah, maybe it’s gay but I like it.

Penultimate doomer record:
“I See a Darkness” by Bonnie Prince Billy – guy’s a total weirdo but I like that record.
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Listen to Teardown
this sucks
YAAAASSSS you tell em coresister! Although I kinda got a bit hot n bothered myself when I thought about that buff guy who "roughed me up" in MY pit if you know what I mean, metalfags will never know the joys of coreshows like that! That buff guy must have really been "blown away" by my performance, coresisters aren't one for a bad live show after all!!!!!
All core does lmao
You're mocking fags but I unironically got a little horny just now
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“Queercore bands” Holy KEK
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We’ve reached a new low in society.

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