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-coreshitter genocide best day of my life edition
Old: >>122960298
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
We love coreshit here.
Is this the thread?
Artist: Eminem
Song: Not Afraid

>I'm not afraid (I'm not afraid)
>To take a stand (to take a stand)
>Everybody (everybody)
>Come take my hand (come take my hand)
>We'll walk this road together, through the storm
>Whatever weather, cold or warm
>Just letting you know that you're not alone
>Holler if you feel like you've been down the same road (same road)
We love shitting on core here.
/metal/ needs to be significantly less autistic
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We hate -coreshit here
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Whatever, gay boy
girl here, these metal losers are giving me the ick
Kill corefaggots. Behead corefaggots. Roundhouse kick corefaggots into the concrete. Slam dunk baby corefaggots into the trashcan. Crucify filthy corefaggots. Defecate in corefaggots’ food. Launch corefaggots into the sun. Stir-fry corefaggots in a wok. Toss corefaggots into active volcanos. Kick corefaggots in the testicles. Urinate into corefaggots’ gas tanks. Judo throw corefaggots into a wood chipper. Twist corefaggots’ heads off. Report corefaggots to the I.R.S. Karate chop corefaggots in half. Curb stomp corefaggots. Trap corefaggots in quicksand. Crush corefaggots in a trash compactor. Liquify corefaggots in a vat of acid. Eat corefaggots. Dissect corefaggots. Exterminate corefaggots in the gas chamber. Stomp corefaggots’ skulls with steel-toed boots. Cremate corefaggots in the oven. Lobotomize corefaggots. Mandatory vasectomy for corefaggots. Grind corefaggots’ fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown corefaggots in fried chicken grease. Vaporize corefaggots with a ray gun. Kick old corefaggots down the stairs. Feed corefaggots to alligators. Slice corefaggots with a katana. Line up corefaggots’ families and use them for target practice. Dropkick a disabled corefaggots’ heads. Slice corefaggots up into lunchmeat and feed them to pigs. Drive a busload of Killswitch Engage fans into the Grand Canyon. Break a 2x4 in half over corefaggots’ heads. Choke corefaggots to death with a Gucci belt. Shoot groups of coreshit cultists on sight. Suffocate corefaggots with a shopping bag. Cave corefaggots’ heads in with a hammer.
post feminine penis
First names the genre "Beatdown Hardcore" for the beating they received from their bullies everyday, then "BeatOff hardcore" for the gay pride orgies they also held with their bullies LMAO.
Knocked Up's first track "Thirst" is right there to let everyone know what they are about, SUCKING DICK.
Second track "Piece by Piece", thats their way of saying "Cock by Cock", they will ensure none are left unsucked.
Third track and heres a more obvious one "Suffocation" from chocking on their favorite snack
"Don't reach for me" thats like when I woman says "don't touch me teehee", its a punk way of egging on another man to annihilate his ass
"Moss covers all" yeah hes referring to the green shit likely to cover you dick when you pull it out
Track 5 says enough with the foreplay just "Take Me Home" and bang KEK.
>punk (countable and uncountable, plural punks)
>1. (LGBT) Synonym of catamite: a boy or younger man used by an older as a (usually passive) homosexual partner.
>2. (chiefly US, LGBT) Synonym of bottom: any passive or effeminate homosexual male.
>3. (US, LGBT, slang) A boy who accompanies a hobo, especially as used for sex.
>4. (US, LGBT, derogatory, chiefly African-American Vernacular) Synonym of faggot: any male homosexual.
>5. (US, LGBT, prison slang) Synonym of bi

Reminder that ALL punks are INHERENTLY bottom bitches as they named themselves this from the beginning.
Starting to think this dude got molested by a punk listener
>he thought it was funny enough to repost
cringe and ick pilled
You guys wanna post some metal?
punk molests my ears with sonic aids
You faggots finally killed /metal/. Ill be back after summer
You will never be real metal. You have no test, you have no balls, you have no riffs. You are a homosexual poser twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.

All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your drop z tunings behind closed doors.

Metalchads are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed them to sniff out posers with incredible efficiency. Even coreshit who “riff” sound weak and effeminatel to a metalchad. Your whiny vocals is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a headbang, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your generic, uninspired breakdowns.

You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake horns every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your genre name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a punk is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably numale.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
I guess
GG Allin threw a dookie at his face
Metal. Unmistakably metal.
literal Reddit söyboy cringe
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Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
>They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your genre name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a punk is buried there
I really don't like the vocals but everything else is okay
Pure "bree bree" blast beat boring shit
They were making fun of (You)
>post "metal" no one talks about it
>post "not metal" everyone screeches
This has to be the absolute worst general on any fucking board
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fucking based sacrilege poster
Chris Barnes is underrated as a lyricist.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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>shit up the thread with off topic shit no one comes to a METAL thread for
>cry that you are getting bullied
Many such cases, in fact its just a daily situation for punkfaggots. If only you could make your own general and fuck off for good to prevent this from happening.

Correct, we love and respect him and his contributions to metal here.
Sorry you would get hurt in the pit anticore fags
We love women in metal here.
I wish she wasn't such a poser though but I love that album
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Sorry that your dead diaper genre can't even hold up a single thread on 4chan and has to come kneel before us. Whiny punkfaggots have to sit in our threads sucking our cocks begging us "PLEASE DADDY CALL ME METAL, I'M METAL AREN'T I?!?!?". Too bad you will never be metal, you will never belong here, you are a deranged subhuman clinging onto a genre that does not want him. A maggot or parasite that ought to be thrown in a fire.
fuck yes
how do I get a punk woman to molest me
We also love miserable men in metal btw
not my fave ion dissonance record but underrated band
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
Metal, and you belong here.
If it has electric guitars and screaming it's metal or punk
Why are you replying to yourself, Iass?
hector is a punk
>your music's awful just a bunch of fucking sluts you're full of shit you mother fucking cunts
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Someone explain to me how is it you can tell just from title and a single lyric sentence alone that this isn't metal? They really have no relation to this genre at all.
>press play just to check if I'm right
>those whiny hrt riddled vocals
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>metal I like
>metal I don't like
not metal
Not metal.

Whats hard to understand here?
this sucks desu and I like core
Okay, now how about a fusion of metal and punk?
>I like core
You seem to be lost, have you tried returning to your proper board on >>>/lgbt/?
you just don't get it, sweaty.
One drop rule, any punk = not metal. We don't tolerate any poserdom here.
Black metal finally confirmed not metal
So then you would say Motorhead is not metal, correct?
nah we love d-beat here
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Rock n roll is not metal, correct.
Lemmy on his music (direct quotation):
>We play Rock n Roll
I'm sorry, but homosexuals are only a "we" on >>>/lgbt/ where you belong.
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>some rotten bicycle collector qween voice sample calling you a racist
Holy shit everytime I think punks have hit a new low, they show me that they are even more gay than I previously thought HAHAHAHAHAHAH
How about that old Acacia Strain though
Whats this one going to be, someone telling me to check my privilege LMAO?
I love Slipknot
Who doesn't? Wait and Bleed is so good
>t. rachel
Didn't that guy get busted for being a pedo
for me it's I stick my fingers into my ARSE
his posting would suggest that but I believe he's actually completely asexual and just obsessed with dissoshit posting
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Be honest, how often do you punkfaggots get on your knees whenever a random bicycle collector tells you to? Do you lick the ground of wherever their red nike's step LMAO? It would be pretty bigoted of you not to do that.
you love cock
american moment
He listens exclusively to america metalcore where Qweens call him a racist and to check his privileged.
we love and respect big booty queens here.
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I would rather be friends with djent dweebs than -coreshitters
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I'm sure you do, Americuck.
If Slipknot is metal than coreshit is free game here
don't post that ugly whoreson ever again
Correct. We love and respect both here.
Slipknot is not metal, the only people posting it are coreshitters.
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bruh the one pouring the chocolate sauce on himself looks like he just escaped the holocaust KEK
There's no way this wasn't filmed in West Virginia
I don't know why but fuck Memphis
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Reminder that shred and wankery is boomer cringe therefore hated and frowned upon here
Make a /core/ and fuck off you dumb spammer.
real avant-garde shit
Devilock metal
holy autism
Don't get me started on djent or the black metal fags will start crying again
Reminder that punk is literally a diaper genre older than metal that we hate and despise here.
There must not be any good metal if all you guys are doing now is complaining and not posting anything
Thanks for turning everyone in my house insane
Let's see, the top 10 metal albums of the year so far are:
>more -coreshit
>more dissoshit
>baldcuck shit
>a re-recorded album from 1987
>literal diaper shit
>and Neige
Neige is a genius
I guess you don't like metal then and should rethink your life or something then but you should definitely not be here
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That trans girl playing the guitar is super cute, wow...
based feminine penis enjoyer
Alright corebros, tired of these metalchads bullying us, time to regroup and make our OWN thread. Later metalfags, you suck




Are you the fag who hates metal but insists on posting here?
Well I guess /metal/ is dead now. Fuck you faggots.
Grim and Frostbitten Kingdoms is the most legit black metal song
No, I'm straight. I just want to see her tiny estrogenized cock flopping around while I'm railing her ass.
>I just want to see her tiny estrogenized cock flopping around while I'm railing her ass.
Based coresister fucker, I guess this explains why they keep pretending they are metal, its all to get some metalchad cock.
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slam reccs please
It's a very bad time to ask for recs. Some Swede or something is having a meltdown
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Reblasting Convulsing since I only played it once or twice I think.

fuck you danskjävel
I have some epic reqs for you slambro, first up is to kill yourself, second up if that fails then chop your cock off and join the coresisters.
hot tbqh
If you manage to get a bitch to sit down and watch all 9 minutes of One Rode to Asa Bay, and she even pretends to like it, then you know you've got a keeper
If a woman ever says she like whatever metal it is you listen to then you know its not real metal.
It could just mean she likes you.
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>not even any blasts

Shit thread
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You scare the hoes so much that they won't even fake liking your shitty bands
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The homies. And fuck the gay spammer.
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This rocks
Sorry but there is already a general for this non metal, I suggest you take it where it belongs instead of derailing the thread




Work on your demo (tomorrow).
>platinum edition
goddamn Tobias
>I'm in control now
Fuck off
Whats the problem corebab? Don't like your true general kek?
you have PDS (punk derangement syndrome) and it shows
the locust are based. not coreshit
Look, your fellow coresissy is even calling for you to go where you belong




um this is really embarassing lass
anything like triarchy of the lost lovers, preferrably no clean vocals
In the past day, there have been nothing but core faggots shit posting in /metal/. This board is dead
True, these evil metalchuds keep ripping on us and its just so unfair!!!! We are like metal too ya know!?!?!?! I mean just because I spend my afternoons getting pounded at the local gay bar doesn't mean I'm not tought ok?!?!?!?
sanest meal poster
Imagine ever blasting USBM like Uada
Its ok coresister, we have a new home now (besides the one on LGBT), we can finally be free of the mean metalbullies by migrating over to our new home




Psychic breakdown happening in real time
Ultra Sound Black Metal?
Thanks sis, this is another victory for leftism, BLM, antifa, and trans rights. I love core so much.
No one loves you apparently. Get help.
>claims to be against core and punk
>doesn't help quell discussions of these genres but exacerbates them
nice one, hectroll.
Fuck you metalchud, core is real metal and I am a real woman.
Can we talk about metal or fucking not?
metal?? it's gay...
Uh of course metalchud, I'm talking about core right now and my eternal servitude to minorities. And don't you dare say its not metal because core is metal and being white is a sin.
kek what a retard
Hey guys, tourist from /core/ here, why aren't there more stories about being fucked in the bathrooms at concerts here? We love discussing that over on /core/, just wondering why its not the same here.
There's a book about that
I bet these metalchuds don't even realize the "pit" is just a euphemism for the transgendered gangbang orgy we have at our shows.

Part of the /core/ bible, never leave home (or a public bathroom) without it!
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meal posting
/core/ is kinda slow atm, can any corechads help me out with my question >>122964854
>enlarged edition
Gotta study tomorrow. Someone post some wiggerslam

>summer school 13th grader shitposting on 4chan
Kek Stray From the Path but just their first few albums before they went full Antifs
On it

Best slam here

1. Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
2. Immortal - Pure Holocaust
3. Emperor - In the Nightside Eclipse
4. Darkthrone - Transylvanian Hunger
5. Graveland - The Celtic Winter
6. Bathory - Blood, Fire, Death
7. Ildjarn - Det Frysende Nordariket
8. Summoning - Dol Guldur
9. Gorgoroth - Antichrist
10. Beherit - Electric Doom Synthesis
11. Enslaved - Vikinglgr Veldi
12. Havohej - Dethrone the Son of God
13. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
14. Sacramentum - Far Away From the Sun
15. Mutiilation - Remains of a Dead, Ruined, Cursed Soul
Ask and you shall receive

Anytime friend

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Hey faggots,
My name is Jørgen, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day listening to poser mallcore. You are everything bad in metal. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of hipsters because of your own shit taste, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than blasting Slipknot on Spotify. Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of a the skiing team, and got my debut album produced by Eirik Hundvin. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to trannies”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just conducted a blood ritual with me; Shit was SO kvlt). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch
Got something you'll love

Really fantastic slam here

Just pure brutal slamming ownage

I'll keep these epic slam recs going bro!

Total slam victory bros!

Good slamming brutality, I love ironic music!

I LOVE posting slam, the more is sounds like an entire album of core breakdowns the better!

Yep, nothing better than slam

Just can't stop the ol slam recs coming!

Heres some study material brah.

What is your favorite —core music genre?
pic related
Total slamming victory!

We all prefer demo slams here!

Slamming is so AWESOME, real metal and certainly not an ironic poisoned joke

True orthodox slamz!

mind status
cause of the breaking
Another rec for you!

Anything for you sis

slamming time!

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rate my AI gf
she plays Venom riffs, but good
Love slam!

Nothing but the bes recs!

This will be just what you need!

Good slam right here!

Another slamming adventure!

Perfect slamming goodness

The best slam possible!

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absolutely mindbroken.
Here brah

Thrash is glorified coreshittery.
Only NSBM is true metal
Real slam hours!

Sick slam here!

Almost none of these are wiggerslam...
Realest rec you can find!

Mad slamz for a real wigga!

Bestest slam there is!

Keeping em coming!

Finally some good slam!

I dont get why MA seethes about this album so much, its just dumb pizza thrash
More slam for slamchads!

Unlimited slamz!

Where can i buy a guitar that starts as a 5 string, then turns into a 6 string, then ends as a 7 string, like that one?
I won't allow it.
Never ends!

Slam for the slam gods!

Heres some for the slamchad!

Another slam win!

Need more wiggerslam
Pure slam!

Thank you for the slam gold!

Amazing slam!

Endless slam!

Unironically enjoy literally everything posted
Only the finest slam!

Someone please make the next thread a wiggerslam edition
How the fuck did this thread move so fast?
Best slam I have for you here!

Its a wiggerslam general now
Type O Negative
Just for you!

Oh, it's just Hector samefagging. Nothing to see here!
Epic slam brah!

Acid Bath invented slam on their demo
ngl this slaps
Real slam shit!

Final slam!

>samefagging until he can make jutey booty edition
Death invented wiggerslam on Human
Slipknot self titled is the first true wiggerslam release
I kinda wanna listen to that now
>*glares at u menacingly*
Green Day are metal
>pentagram head
not listening!
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Based Adam
we all say that here, chud.
this. punk riffs made 5x faster with blast beats are just black metal riffs
Paul Speckmann
based mobile cottager
>DTS Metal hasn't been updated in over a year
it's fucking over
>emigrates to the Czech republic because he hates the USA and black people
living the dream
I feel sorry for this guy getting dragged into this total fucking shitshow. Man just wants to make music and he's got one of the worst spergs imaginable attached to it.
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yeah im there with you. nightmare scenario for most artists
feeling nostalgic about the first NBBMN and when 'metal is for children' was the first post in /meal/ without fail
median age of this thread : 15
I don't. You get the fanbase you deserve.
Why does he deserve getting a kekky attached to his music? Just because the guy makes disso shit for pseudo intellects?
Pretty much, if you make Hecky core you'll have a good chance to get him attached. Sure, he's an extreme of the type of people his music appeals to but for me it's more a "you think you want that fanbase but you don't" situation
kek what a faggot
I doubt he'd be aware of how sperg heavy the fanbase will be, or he didn't make music to get a fanbase but just to make music, and now his a sperg sucking his cock and anti-spergs emailing him about the sperg.
If he was the sort of person running around shilling his music in much the same way our resident autist fellates it then yeah he deserves it, but I'd have never heard of the fucking guy without a retarded canuck wishing he was his bf.
>faggot spam replying his own request
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What’s extra kek is that this is his new obsession even though he talked shit about him before. Matches more with his edgelord worldview than Adam kikebach
Peak wiggerslam.
Tbh, his answer went: nazi persecution > schoenberg dicksucking > lqbt > imma donate to trannies to spite the guy.
So he himself seems spergy, his music is spergy (to me) and his fans in general are, too. At that point you just have to take a good look at your output and either double down or change smth. Playing clown for retarded kids can be a good thing but one day you will get feces thrown at you.
I guess, although that kind of answer is par for the course nowadays. You overly grovel to avoid a public shitshow and lose out on purchases as a result.
Still, I just think kektor is an extreme sperg that the guy didn't need to know about and him being dragged into this with emails and shit is unfortunate and not wholly deserved. You can make music for spergs and largely avoid interacting with the worst of it, especially if you have no familiarity with cesspits like these.
For one thing he shouldn’t describe his music in detail like he does. Hector admitted that’s what he likes the most, it satisfies his autism immensely
I wonder if Shane Embury would like me
Ildjarn haunts Norwegian black metal discourse. A benchmark of monomania. A persistent, violent, unremitting meditational cycle around the raw materials of black metal, unrefined, in their crudest form. Further, his work renders 99% of subsequent raw black metal utterly redundant. The scorched earth left in his wake means there is very little to add. The reductivism Ildjarn engaged in was both necessary by 1995 and a complete dead end. He came closer than any to the central kernel of black metal, beyond riff, melody, posture, or concept. A pure, immediate, unadulterated experience of noise. Mimicking the warped sense of self and time one might feel when confronted by nature in total solitude.
Can just imagine the diapershitter who wrote this gently stroking his micropenis.
He answered, so by mail proxy he's now dragged into this cesspit. One of us, one of us, gooble gobble.
If those appeal to Hecky I put that as an additional point for "you get the fanbase you deserve"
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It is this interplay between ambience, barbarically hostile metal, and elegantly sequenced harmonies borrowed from trance that makes this album such a unique prospect. Lightning in a bottle. And one of the few examples of a true collaboration in the sense that – speaking of Ildjarn and Nidhogg in particular as little is known about the other two members especially at the time this material was recorded – each individual’s abilities are both elevated whilst contributing to a wider whole. Indeed, listening to Nidhogg’s sole EP released in 2015, it’s also apparent how much Ildjarn’s penchant for punk rubbed off on him. The integration of that fluid, almost supernatural melodic motion is lacking on his later work. In some ways making the Sort Vokter material that bit more compelling. A singular alcove of Norwegian black metal delivered at the tail end of the scene’s creative peek.
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>Cucks all modern dm
Nothing personal kiddo
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>If those appeal to Hecky I put that as an additional point for "you get the fanbase you deserve"
I'd agree with you more too if that's true, as then he is leaning very hard into the "god I love pseuds" audience.
Serpent column sucks ass, its shitty mathcore trying to pass off as bm. Sorry, your marketing didn't work on me poser
The guy you posted is both
I said hi when I saw napalm death last year and he seemed cool
Listen to something else then
the ones I listened from here are all great
Everything posted ITT is not approved by Varg.
But to many, Ildjarn will forever be a hack, and the preceding description complete twaddle. In this context, Nidhogg deserves a great deal of appreciation for his achievements during his collaborations with Ildjarn. The reason this partnership worked so well was precisely because Nidhogg did not seek to temper or otherwise curtail Ildjarn’s creative instincts. But he managed to force them into a serviceable foundation for something new, much to Ildjarn’s chagrin at times it seems. An entity that retained the purity of Ildjarn, but injected just enough melodic coherence to charm a wider audience. Their joint work – especially on Sort Vokter’s ‘Folkloric Necro Metal’ – is perhaps the truest heir of Burzum and Darkthrone circa 1994.

Maybe Adam Kalmbach needs a collaborator to reach his music past the spergs

New thread when needed
Dont get butthurt, its just overrated by faggots. I got Fas to listen to you poser
not how it works vargfag (New)
I've been posting here 10 years. That WILL be the new thread and there is nothing you can do about it.
Fas was only a stepping stone to Paracletus
>posting here 10 years
>generic "Varg" general without any additional content whatsoever
Post your favourite album
lol so new
Who started the trend of ~1 minute instrumental intros on albums?

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