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VARG edition
Old: >>122963800
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
How many Varg editions are there? Out of all the metal in the world, you chose this dick to ride on?
He literally made the only good black metal.
Varg is the king of /metal/ you tourist faggot
Varg is gay and has aids.
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You spelt your name wrong
You're the one riding his dick. Get a real dad, bastard.
>pentagram logo
not listening!
I like the idea of metal, but it's juvenile obsession with rebellion and le Satan is so cringe.
Why does that make you seethe so much?
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lack of creativity (unsurprisingly just like their "riffs")
Only pentagram logos are trve.
ok then leave
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
eceleb worship is hated here.
Senpai please notice me
Just wanted to remind you that you're all edgy faggots.
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Just say that dissonance hurts your little ears
Varg is cool

Any wiggerslam recs?
Haha he's going to epicly samefag again
kek I unironically thought it was dark funeral, abigor ain't too bad. Still,
>pentagram logo
not listening!
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Varg is not an 'eceleb', he's a literal GOD. Bow the fuck down peasant
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>n....nooooo please bow to muh eceleb daddy
kys homo
What's this, it's got Le epic serious BM artwork
me on the bottom left
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You'll bow, peasant
Thy Darkened Shade
this was mid imo
Paul Speckmann > Varg
>some random mcchicken americuck
>better than GOD
Is OP the same sperg who flips out over Summoning - Stronghold?
name one metal eceleb that doesn't clear varg easily. its impossible.
why don't you kiss and marry him then you big fat gay?
Define 'flips out'?
wiggerslam > black "metal"
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Almost missed Adam's response last thread

I hope this "lore" doesn't end here
You didn't have to post this again
>posted it again award
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What if... Varg and Adam link...
Extremeists of two opposing sides both ideologically and musically. Would they cancel each other out like matter and anti-matter.... or would they merge into ONE being... A literal god...
Post Power Metal
What would it feel like to kiss Varg?
no im not gay
I just saved and posted it fuck off
Question of the century anon
Id rather not
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you need to be 18 to post here
>I only listen to le extreme metal cus I'm le extreme
lol, literal actual posers
No I listen to non-extreme metal, but Power Metal isn't worth bothering with given how consistently shit it is.
Back to Kulturblasting then!
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How do you feel about blackgaze?
great idea
usually gay
That reminds me I gotta listen to Sunbather while it's still summer.
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>How do you feel about blackgaze?
I like it but it is largely shit, especially Sadness who leans very hard into the gay hipster category.
Probably pretty prickly as he has a huge old man beard.
Why is everyone talking about foetal alcohol syndrome?
Some good, zoomer shit like sadness sucks balls
So what's your idea of good blackgaze?
i liked early blackgaze that emerged from 00s dsbm and post-metal like alcest and related bands, early deafheaven and maybe austere
It's a prequisite to enjoy DsO
Metal is for children
Depends what you consider blackgaze as I swear the definitions are always.
If you do stick with Sadness I'd take Atna or Alluring or even the first 2 albums as crusty as they are.
Early Alcest is obviously great.
I've seen Deadwood called Blackgaze and they're good.
I also prefer when blackgaze actually has some fucking aggro to it, so things like My Purest Heart For You works for me too.
Kenopsia are good sometimes too but can vary hard from song to song.
Nothing yet, maybe I'll do the skeleton with accordion album, alpenpasse, or some agalloch
>I swear the definitions are always.
always changing or different*
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It was a prerequisite for the band, but not for the listener
Gotta study tomorrow. Someone post some wiggerslam
I wrote him a nice reply
so true metalsister
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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Seethe, cope and dilate
How many shekels would you accept to stop posting this?
Who started the trend of ~1 minute instrumental intros on albums?
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Keep your shekels, untermensch.
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The Beatles
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>Would i lie to you baby?
>Would i lie to you?
Lets find out!

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>vargs AOTY
huh, pretty good actually. what do we think varg sisters?

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\m/ \m/
yes, we love trad metal here. varg knows is shit.
wow. loving this. cool that varg still loves metal
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>immediately starts sucking off every minority he can
Classic Adam, its totally hypocritical compared to his philosophy, but he is who he is! Shame he won't come to /metal/ though, would have been a great time.
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I wonder if he'll release in 2024 after last year's masterpiece
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I can't wait for this unadulterated masterpiece, how will they top "why do people have to live outside" lyricism?
How close to 1000
It's a disease
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Blasting Convulsing again.
Forgot link

u first
Alright see you guys tomorrow for the 3 or so hours the thread is usable.
>totally hypocritical compared to my cope
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Based, all numales must leave the premise immediately. I repeat: all numales must go.
Who the fuck is Adam. Is this another hector situation where you talk nonsense and refuse to add any context.
Incoherent post.
Hes the KING of filtration. No baldcuck ears can listen to his music and remain unscathed.
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If only there was someone who aligned with both my philosophies and musical sensibilities. It’s hard being Hector
I can’t believe that Thomas is doing all of this. So many artists have been affected by his actions, when will Thomas stop? I read his manifesto and, I guess it makes sense but is it really necessary?
For me, it’s Andrew. For too long his cuckery has harshed my basedness. He was the shiz just a few years back… I what I wouldn’t give for another tour. Andrew must put an end to Thomas. Only then will Adam find peace and hector will be set free. As for Johnny? Well…. Nothing can be done after his drama with Paul, when all is said and done, Daniel has some serious explaining to do concearning the allegations
Hector indirectly giving money to aid Trans rights…based
For every donation Adam sends for hector, Thomas will send an equal amount towards the kkk
Now who is Thomas? No wait don’t tell me, I’m not going into the /metal/ house of tricks again
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Adam reported these posts.

Actually it was the beta orbitor who did, I had no part to play in his HDS.
Edward is a genius
Thomas is beloved and cherished here, Iass.
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This Adam fella is the King of Cucks. Such an American.
>collection of mid albums
Celtuscore is only respected for not being baldcuckery or disneycore. We prefer the real evolution of metal with Ehnahre, First Fragment, DsO, Jute Gyte, and Ad Nauseam.
how do i sound like frank mullen?
Worship bicycle collectors, be american, eat mcdonalds, make shit music, post on /core/
how do i sound like mikko aspa?
Jude Gyte rejecting and denouncing him finally tipped Winsturd over the edge.
Be a nonce
shouldn't you be working?
Trannypopper never works, shes here to post about her unrequited love all day >>122968363
You’ve probably only listened to half of these
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>balds so hard he quits making music forever
headphones are on. filtering everything out.
>he really thinks there are third wave albums I haven't blasted.
NGMI Iasss.
That and reading the Ildjarn is Dead manifesto
this guys voice is incredible
>there are third wave albums you haven't blasted.
True, Mikko is the best vocalist in metal history.
I saw you rushing to keep up when I posted the video the other day kek
where is your passion?
>le I don’t know what to do with my hands pose
>rushing to keep up
Iass I literally have most of these rated on my RYM from many months ago. There are a few that I listened to before my RYM account existed (well at least this one, not the banned one) such as Ascension that I might not have rated, but I've already blasted every single one of these before. Its all tourist third wave, its not like its some ultraniche set of bands. I mean its missing like half the major Icelandic bands at least.

Its all mid shit though, these are just the aftershock of DsO, whereas stuff like JG, Ad Nauseam, etc is leading a new way forward.
the most important instrument in metal is
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Fretless bass.

metal reached its limit with this album
The European soul.
Forgot the pic
Solitude Aeturnus
this website is being held together by
Jude Gayed should khs
the DS
Make better music if you care so much.
these riffs are so good
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a love for Timberly.
without punk, there would be no extreme metal.

True, thats why we coresisters should all migrate over to our true general instead of spending our time with this metalbullies.




Why don't you, instead of begging him to? It's been done by most everyone.
i wish i could sing
Doing something different doesn’t mean a way forward. Throwing everything but the kitchen sink into your music isn’t evolution. Using cowbells and xylophones isn’t unique. Through compositions won’t make something sound good. Those bands are also gay.
Yeah, I'm thinking -coreshit won.
Yeah, I'm thinking slam won.
Yeah, I'm thinking they're both metal.
doing the things you are in the mood for? that's the way to go,
do metalheads listen to other genres?
noise, neoclassical, industrial, minimalism... the list stops there
File deleted.
I might, I still need to find a lot of industrial sounds and delve into classical more. I need to create a synthesis between noise, industrial, metal, and classical culminating into a ugly form that combines the depth of classical with the violence of metal. Maybe some electro acoustic ideas too. Dark ambient.... I need a lot of things to have it come together.

DsO's MGA album becomes more important to me by the day


>Throwing everything but the kitchen sink i
Never happened, putting in literally two minor instruments might mindbreak your bald head, but for a higher class people such a thing is nothing but ordinary. What is too advanced and " different" is not the case for myself. Don't both having opinions on things above your class, keep to the OSDM and worshipping eceleb losers like jbald/pozzak you aids riddled baldcuck.
I like hip hop but nothing /mu/ zoomers would ever listen to
They’re gimmicks, kind of like your whole internet persona
practice what you preach
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Absolutely Disgusting. Do not offend my sensibilities again
A much groovier album than the cover leads you to believe.
Yeah just like tunings are "gimmicks" to /metal/tards LMAO. Anything to avoid admitting they are just stupid people with stupid opinions.
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Was he trying to sound exactly like James Hetfield here or what?
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Testament itself is just a Metallica clone, so probably yes.
>hypocritical compared to his philosophy
What is his philosophy? Did he write a book or speak about it in an interview?
where do i begin with dark ambiance? and why did the file get deleted
Endvra is really good. Ranges from dark ambient, darkwave , to neoclassical like Dead can dance
Listen to Burzum
so which un-musician who makes un-riffs will hectroll simp for as his new king of filtration boyfriend? jutey booty has disavowed the hec, who will be the next bachelor?
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He has a bunch of interviews and notes in his bandcamp + lyrics. He struggles with things like the predetermined nature of life, the issue of if there is a self, perpetual suffering and pointlessness, and all the rest of the inevitable thoughts (for anyone of any reasonable intelligence anyways) that descend from the killing of God. The only natural position is to distance yourself from all ideology and the like if you were to actually believe this, but clearly Adam simply acts in any way a person who doesn't believe these things would. If you are attacking the concept of the self then I see no reason to spend your time championing self indulgent nonsense like trans rights, imagine barely believing in a self but making it your life goal to promote genderism instead. Totally incoherent, but hes probably just a "caring" person who cannot overcome his natural instinct to help people he believes are persecuted.

I could write a lot lot more on why this happens and such, but thats all more stuff that would go well over the character limit and be removed by the mods anyways because /metal/ can't handle anything that makes them feel inferior. Plus I need to go out for a bit here.

Don't know that much, need more time with it myself. Try Lordmord, its a good tourist pick.

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Moosegut album
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Can I have a quick rundown on this one?
What were they thinking?
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
have wonderful day metalheads
Kshitter why did you shill VMO
This is not good and offends me
Shut up. You can cancel /glam/, but not Black Sabbath
You are replying to a butthurt coreshitter still upset he was gatekept.
I like this song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZcGiL1xmwQ
Actually yes
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Who would ever think coreshit is acceptable here? Everyone is free to listen as they please but keep it out of my general. Thank you.
Love me some coreshit
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We cherish this masterpiece here
Do you like Black Sabbath? What you think of Technical Ecstasy? >>122969178
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Non-metal diaper garbage. We hate that shit here.
Any good Oi! / Rock influenced Black Metal that isnt straight up NBSM?
Absurd - facta luquuntur

It’s pre-nsbm
Wow really lost respect for you
Is metal the most beta oofy-doofy genre? Seriously, I’m not sure there’s been a good looking man who’s liked metal since the 90s.
Post face
why don't you like NSBM
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Need some new wiggerslam bros
>he had respect for the tranime poster with shit taste
>it’s only one poster who doesn’t like coreshit, that’s what I keep telling myself
Genuinely retarded if you thought that was my point, his taste is fucking dogshit regardless of whether or not you like coreshit.
Seriously what's wrong with Black Sabbath? I was watching some old live shows from them like from the 70s and was thinking that wow these guys really were heavy
>Seriously what's wrong with Black Sabbath?
Nothing except for Sharon.
Who told you something was wrong with Sabbath?
A mentally ill troon born in 2006?
They're boring diapershit for faggots.
Your point is what you quoted not some personal drama that you’re referencing.
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I love them
Perfectly articulate post
Hey /mu/, could you stop posting cats in these generals? Some fag is spamming /an/'s cat general with links to here.
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I can't tell how.
cum and blood
We love catspammer here.
shame i'll never see kanonenfieber live. great band
We've been telling the cat spammer to fuck off for ages but the toxoplasmosis has rotted his numale mind.
Why are you talking about yourself in third person, Iass?
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You listened to their gabber/techno album, dummy
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It was the only one on getmetal
He's an underage trans kid, so he'll just keep forcing himself on the general.
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Check for Violent Magic Orchestra
Based, glad to hear there's hope for the next generation of /meal/. You can fuck off and die now, grandpa.
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>catspammer posts a cat on occasion
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>That wasn't the hector inspector...
I am keenly aware of how to search things on the internet you cheeky schnitzelheimer, but that album's the only one on that site and a quick scan for downloads gave me nothing - so I got the easy download.
I am too autistic to listen to anything I haven't downloaded into my library, including just streaming it.
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>tfw been accused of being the catspammer just because I post animals with alcohol and the majority in my collection have ended up being cats
Sad times init.
Mongrelized post.
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Based. Cat-lovers are based and cats are metal. Toxoplasmosis is a cope and there's no evidence whatsoever that it affects humans(it only affects certain rodents)
Catposting is a welcome respite from this dark world hector has created
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Coreshit is gay, diapershit is based.
Warriors of Trve Metal™ sit upon their mobility chariot proudly!
it affects pregnant women you stooge.
why would you keep an animal that lets little cysts form in your brain from inhaling it's shit particles.
also cats are just assholes.
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Manowar is the definition of low testosterone music LARPing as high testosterone music. Pussy riffs, lame vocals, just utterly cringe.
Fuck this gay ass thread, I'm going to the wiggerslam general
Bad site then me laddy innit
You're thinking of DsO
>meet doom / black / extreme metal listener in real life
>ALWAYS a chilled out nice guy who is quiet but can be pretty funny and charming, usually into nerdy hobbies, just a cool guy
I wish i had more metal bro's in real life man
I actually don't really like Manowar very much after Sign of the Hammer outside of a couple songs here and there. The main reason is how polished their albums got and how cheesy their lyrics got. Their guitar tone is also thinner than my hairline.
Specifically pre-basedacletus DsO
Cats are not assholes, they are simply the best pets.
I don't believe they affect pregnant women either.
I'm indifferent toward cats, I like dogs more. I will give them this though, you generally don't have to get them dewormed as much because they don't eat other animals shit.
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How can you compete with this lad
>unabashedly makes literal tourist metal
you can't even be mad
Hight test coming through
>seen this cover memed but never tried it
>55% on MA
I'm going to have to give this a whirl.
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Its just boring burzum worship made by a poser
So just Burzum?
How dare you?!
are you saying burzum is mayhem worship? i'm not following
Is this a typical thread on /an/? They’re not very friendly toward one another
You add a little melody to your dissonant black metal suddenly people think it's the worst thing in the world. I think Drought is great.
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Metal. Feel free to stay here and continue posting, king.
newfags can't cross boardlink
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Best Dimmu Borgir in your opinion?
What the hell is he wondering?
Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
This band is so boring I can’t even sit through half of an album.
Why would anyone dare to compare them to GBK?
its just the le racist aspect
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How do I do it?
Reposting my earlier guide to Dimmu
>Spirirtual Black Dimensions (9/10)
Their best album, the most atmospheric and epic, amazing solos from Astennu and keyboard solos by Mustis. Only one other album comes close:
>Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia (9/10)
The drummer here will carries the show. The riffs are more thrashy, keyboards more symphonic and less atmospheric, but songwriting on par if not better than SBD
>Death Cul Armageddon (7/10)
Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia part 2, except it's simplified and more accessible, production is crystal clear and guitars have no grit, it has its moments but nothing too exciting.
>Enthrone Darkness Triumphant (7/10)
Different keyboardist here, approach is similar to Spiritual Black Dimensions but it's not as good. Some of the classic tracks are on this album, but also fillers that are out of the place. More accessible also.
>Stormblast (6/10)
Overrated by some as their best album, and let me tell you it's far from it. The musicianship and songwriting of mid era is much, much stronger than first 2 albums.
>In Sorte Diaboli (6/10)
Death Cult Armageddon but even less interesting. The opening track is worth checking out, and rest if you're into them
>For All Tid (5/10)
Failed attempt at music
Don't even bother.
For all tid and stormblast.
Enthrone and spiritual black dimensions.
Misanthropia and deathcult.
The EP green one and split in the shades of life.
Unlike some of the more respected bm bands dimmu actually had more than 1 or 2 good albums.

Most of old man's child is also solid.
you'll always just be a man with tits
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The true /meal/ animal is and always will be the noble orangutan.
Incorrect. It is and always will be a bat.
Bats are for fags.
Depends if you're using 4chanx are not
You ARE using 4chanx, right anon??
Dogs are European and therefore Metal.
Cats are African and you are American.
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>there's no evidence whatsoever that it affects humans
Actually there might even be benefits
>Toxoplasmosis, caused by the cat-borne parasite Toxoplasma gondii, can have some benefits for humans, including improved cognitive control and risk-taking:

>Cognitive control:
>Some studies have found that latent toxoplasmosis can improve cognitive control processes, such as action cascading, which is modulated by dopamine. These benefits can include faster response times, increased processing resources, and superior performance in challenging situations.

>Other studies have found that toxoplasmosis may make people more likely to take risks in business and entrepreneurial ventures. This may be due to a decrease in neophobia, or fear of the unknown, which can make people more open to new situations. For example, one study found that professionals attending business events who were positive for *T. gondii* were almost twice as likely to have started their own business.
cats are heckin based, there will be no further discussion.
I'm going to listen to Crust.
Based, we love that here.
Cringe, we only like d-beat here
What if the crust has d-beat in it
We only listen to Tony Martin era Black Sabbath here. Anything else is lowkey /pol/ bait.
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Not bad but I like this one better
Might wanna see a doctor m8
Their third album is the best.
Dogs are Siberian, chinese and middle eastern more than European. Learn some history tinybrain.
Link to the study?
It's the dried d-beat that makes the crust
Wrong, fuck-face.
What’s the difference between crust and crossover?
Crust lets the cum dry up
This is a cat general. Dog fags can leave the hall.
>Gotta see my Rock'n'Roll doctor
>Gotta see him, see him today
>He's gonna blow me away
>He makes me happy when I'm feeling down
>Take away my worry takes away my frown

Was Mötley Crüe's "Dr. Feelgood" tribute to this song?
"BBC Session" doesn't mean what it used to anymore
>Was Mötley Crüe's "Dr. Feelgood" tribute to this song?
No idea, go ask the other geriatrics at your retirement home
Luck of the Corpse
Whoa kinda rude. I think Sabbath is pretty based even at it's worst (Technical Ecstasy).

I used to only listen 80s metal, but I bought this today from second hand store ngl it got some Sabbath feel to it
We love and respect K-Pop here.
i dont
Chud opinions don't matter.
im a socialist and kpop is completely capitalistic or chudistic if youd like
Crossover is thrashier, Crust is punkier

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