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Origins of black metal edition
Old: >>122966569
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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>Artist: Darkthrone
>Album: Panzerfaust
>Song: Beholding The Throne of Might
>>And destruction upon the holy man
>>Who hails a jew
Bought this album from second hand store today. 22 years later, this has aged pretty well
>was shit back then
>is still shit now
>aged pretty well
Snorre Ranch
Wrong about what exactly, I'm stating facts you gigantic faggot.
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hi hector
Hello, Roy
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Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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BM is so trans coded and we love that here
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Correct. Black metal and transness are inseparable, and anyone who says otherwise is at risk of getting heemed for their chuddery.
I have unironically tried to listen to Sorry...
They are so fucking bad even for the low standards of the genre. At least it's not as bad as the other project the tranny(?) member touches but it's still not good.
Do you enjoy Black Sabbath / Ozzy?
dsbm is good when it actually sounds like metal instead of gay ass static noise over random screaming that sounds like seth putnam having a breakdown because he can't find his heroin
Do you like Black Sabbath? I like the song Rock'n'Roll doctor
I own that same penguin!!!
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we love transmetal here
>sausage fests
>sucking off replacement daddy varg
I don't even want to call you losers. You chose this. It didn't need to be this way.
what's wrong? I was watching old Sabbath lives from the 70s yesterday and thinking that holy shit these guys were something else

Similar to the extreme live energy of bands like Agent Steel:
Never seen newer bands post 2000 having this sort of live energy on stage. Extremely powerful performance
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>Never seen newer bands post 2000 having this sort of live energy on stage. Extremely powerful performance
Respect your elders
so was Orthoshit basically a failed movement, outside of DsO?
Monster RIP
Cletuscore is the new ortho
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>Atmospheric/Depressive Post-Black Metal
>from Mexico
I call them fatass
They are always a bit chubby
Whatever your implying here is not well thought out
Post more of him
looks like the cover art of filosofem
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Looks irish not slav to me
Nothing wrong with bald. Based DHT is what makes you a man

Is this the disney music you guys talk about?
DHT is nothing but a negative past 25~, it does almost nothing else else except kill you sooner and give you a ton of ass hair.
No it didn't fail, its just that dso set the bar way too high to ever be topped. Fas is the loveless of disso bm
Adam is a Hero.
Top kek. Keep posting this
>Fas is the loveless of disso bm
Overrated garbage then?
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>Implying Fas is good
>Implying Loveless was never topped multiple times. Their first album is better even.
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you are meant to put the cpu (Cat Power Unit) in after the motherboard dumbass
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True, but lower dht is bad. Look up Post-finasteride syndrome
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Here in this general we hold the position that Paracletus represents the best black metal has to offer up until this point in time.
it literally says that it doesn't matter the amount, even small amounts can trigger your follicles thus you can be bald and have low dht
It's relative. What's "low dht" is really just your baseline number and you don't want to lower it further than that.
why not just wear wigs
>Post-finasteride syndrome
/metal/ IQ strikes again.
it means lower than average, but it the end it doesn't matter because any amount will do the job it's in your genes
I show you how to cross link and this is what you do.
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Cope faggots, your favorite album will never be relevant or influential.
It's not my favorite though. I like old school stuff but I have to give credit where it's due
why not just wear wigs? why does it matter if you're balding?
If you don't wear this, leave the hall
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>he fell for the perfume jew trick
trans limmy.
Retarded take. Back then women were bred by the strongest tribe, the ones who did the conquering. It had nothing to do with smells.
>da jooz invented perfume and hygiene
I have known a ton of "ethnic" guys over the years obsessed with using cologne to smell good.
take a shower and put some deodorant on you smelly fuck
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there is one (1) scent we wear here
Depends on the shape of your head, basically. If it's a bad shape you look like this guy
Her transition went really well O_O
Talking shit about a happy man living the good life with his dog. I wonder how great your life is?
kek, why would i want to smell like a pirate. one of the most tryhard scents there is
we love it because we love pineapple here
Smelling like the things you eat isn't a good thing. That's for teen girls who go to Bath & Body Works
name one good album made by a tranny
Liturgy's entire discography
Okay Hector i'll bite
I mean those penguin cats are usually thicker than average. I don't have cats like that anymore but my neighbor does
>penguin cats
I always thought of them as tuxedo cats. True gentlemen
He said good
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Back to the rope you go
My apologies. Next time I'll try posting "good" albums instead of fantastic, groundbreaking masterpieces.
It doesn't exist, its an entirely fabricated symptom that is basically no different than flat earth cults. Do you own research (on real scientific papers) instead of listening to "dude I took 0.25mg of fin once and now my dick hasn't worked for 2 months brah" on reddit, 4chan, twitter, and random forums.
We don't want you here
It wouldn't meet that criteria either
/Metal/ doesn't approve of core faggots. Ywnbaw
Why is Hacktor so informed about balding?
Literally no one has listened to a Liturgy album all the way through.
Liturgy is a black metal band you fucking retard. Maybe try listening to music for once instead of being a poser.
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I was referring to your homosexuality faggot tranny. Liturgy isnt metal, its hipster garbage
>[Metal thing I don't like] isn't metal
It just keeps getting sadder.
We don't want your tranny shit here. Kys faggot
I'm informed about all aspects of aging because I'm not a retarded mongrel who mistreats the only thing you will always have, the thing that powers you day to day, that gives you thought, and the thing you can never be without. I thank the gods everyday in this aspect I am superior than even most of the world's wealth businessmen or the brightest scientific minds, how much of their shitty empire or awards would they give up to live even 2 more years on their death bed HAH. If there is one thing the religious understood (even if they don't practice it in reality), is to treat your body as a temple!
>We don't want your tranny shit here.
But we post black metal all the time here
Don’t you think it’s weird that all of /metal/‘s worst posters are Megadave queers?
No, in fact I would say that makes perfect sense.
That's incorrect though, you're only well-informed about balding and balding related treatment, specifically
I guess it does, you can’t have one discussion about thrash in any capacity without Megafaggots shitting it up.
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me more than once ^^
based :3
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Anybody know if these bands are worth seeing live for 15 bucks? Debating going
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What do I think of this?
Totally incorrect, from bone density to heart health, to skin aging, to eyesight, I have learned and continue to learn about health and how best to live according to the knowledge we have, and will continue to produce in the future. I'm sorry that you don't, but no need to project your own idiocy onto myself.
swanoshit is overrated and mid. opeth mogs
Shut the fuck up you Bryan Johnson wannabe faggot
Guarantee you look like shit despite your best efforts
No that's incorrect, that's just some talking points you quickly gleaned just now. You spend an inordinate amount of time posting online, sitting down. No, the likely scenario is that you deal with balding yourself.
Liturgy is American't Black Metal
Tony Iomi released a song called "Deified"
the same day Jerry Cantrel released a song called "Vilified"
are these events related?
The mongrel lashes out in anger as he realizes his own folly. Enjoy your early and painful death, for it effects me not.
>sitting down
I get up and move every 15 minutes, nor is there any research to suggest sitting has any inherent worse quality to it than standing. It only matters that you aren't moving from a set position or not, and that applies to both standing or sitting.
You move around every 1.5 hours at best, and tell yourself it was every 15 minutes, just like most people.
>nor is there any research to suggest sitting has any inherent worse quality to it than standing
You live a sedentary lifestyle, that doesn't even matter. Your priority is cutting the internet addiction. Also no one who isn't balding knows anything about these drugs
No. Also Iommi's song blows out Cantrell's out the water, as expected.
All that angry projection, imagine not getting up to do cardio in the middle of buck breaking a general full of fat balding rejects who drink beer and smoke themselves to an early grave. It's really the ultimate win knowing I dab on them while they are alive, and they are busy killing themselves unknowingly the entire time.
>internet addiction
No such thing exists, no one says someone has a book or walking addiction because there is no physical addiction. You are a mongrel spewing internet fueled ideas backed only by your fragile mind.
It's not projection, "projection" is actually an example of an "internet fueled idea" since it's just a dumb meme word people throw around on 4chan. No it's theorizing, backed up by ample evidence. I stand by it. Actually might have undershot it with the 1.5 hours, probably closer to 3 at best.
>no one says someone has a book or walking addiction
You can be addicted to anything, it's just that the nature of books and walking is way less conducive to addictive behavior than the internet
kill yourselves
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Cool indie rock album
EPs are still albums.
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What the
Brap metal
I was super surprised too when a random song popped up a few days ago for me. I listened to the full album yesterday and remember exactly nothing from it. Felt very uninspired. Vocalist does a decent job at imitating the original guy though.
So you have been in my house to record and study my movements? Of course not, you simply fabricated the idea of my character based on your own subconscious bias towards believe others must share in your 7th rate nature. In other words: projection.

Nor can you be "addicted" to everything, there are no withdrawal symptoms from not being on the internet, there is no physical widthdrawl, it is not an addiction in any real sense. I suggest you look up the symptoms of those who attempt to quit something like alcohol so you can educate yourself on what addictions are and are not. You are poisoned by the internet and by other poor characters who wish to excuse their poor habits under a term that makes them feel relieved of their own ill minded actions. Just as someone excuses their laziness under the guise of being "depressed", so too you your cock lust is acceptable when you tell yourself you are simply addicted to semen.
>So you have been in my house to record and study my movements?
Venetian Snares
Can you fall asleep in less than 15 minutes?
Fuck off plen.
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I never have sex but I really enjoy Type O Negative.
If its within my usual bedtime, yes, easily. I used to struggle getting to sleep many years ago, but now I never have such issues.
I don't have to literally go to your house, it's called a reasonable inference based on the amount of time you spend posting here, the way others with similar personality types act, and the way people act in general. You have what's called behavioral addiction
>you your cock lust is acceptable when you tell yourself you are simply addicted to semen.
Now this is actual projection, not just the 4chan "gotcha" meme version. You're gay yourself. And I'm not making that up, you've admitted such on here before
is there anything better than drinking 2 dozen beer and listening to metal
>I don't have to literally go to your house
What you mean to say is you don't need any real evidence when you are basing your statements on projection of your own character. Take the L already loser, what a pointless losing battle to die on.
>you've admitted such on here before
Feel free to link such a post, and no, suggesting that men are more aesthetic than women is not stating myself to be gay anymore than stating a sunset to be more beautiful than your ugly incelic stature would suggest I am sunsexual.
Knocked Loose won the yewr
Smoking an ungodly amount of weed and listening to slam.
man, I need to get my shit together

Knocked Up won the award for most cock taken in one year, true. I had that faggot whiny vocalist personally serve my cock and fed him HRT as a treat afterwards. He lived up to the punk genre name, and in case you forget, here it is:

>punk (countable and uncountable, plural punks)
>1. (LGBT) Synonym of catamite: a boy or younger man used by an older as a (usually passive) homosexual partner.
>2. (chiefly US, LGBT) Synonym of bottom: any passive or effeminate homosexual male.
>3. (US, LGBT, slang) A boy who accompanies a hobo, especially as used for sex.
>4. (US, LGBT, derogatory, chiefly African-American Vernacular) Synonym of faggot: any male homosexual.
>5. (US, LGBT, prison slang) Synonym of bitch: a man forced or coerced into a homosexual relationship, especially in prison.
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Thanks Varg.
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This looks cool.
This looks gay.
>taking estrogen
>tries to make a metal album
Why? Why not get jacked up on TRT or steroids so you're seeing red 24/7? Not even trying to be mean. I legitimately don't understand. I mean, Lemmy did meth for a reason.
My evidence is your posting history from which I can fairly quickly extrapolate a basic timetable that tells me you're not active. Also, you're balding.
>Feel free to link such a post
I don't have to. I've seen it, so have other people, and you know it's correct.
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Some random literally who third wave from norway. So far its mid.


Best advice I can give is when you are tired but don't feel "sleepy" as in when you lay in bed but your body won't go to sleep, just get up and do something for 30-60 minutes. I made a big mistake by trying to "forced" myself to stay in bed till I would sleep, but this only trains your body to think of the bed as a place where you are irritated and where you think about things instead of a place where you sleep. I'm not sure if you use any central nervous system stimulant (eg coffee, nicotine, adderal, etc), but if you can then limit its use to 8 hours before you wish to sleep. Obviously if you are addicted to nicotine or meth then would be basically impossible, but coffee would be much easier and a easy fix. Finally I suggest getting up at the same time everyday instead of playing "catch up" where you sleep extra hours to try to make up for less sleep the night before. The extra hours never made me feel better and only made my sleep schedule shift all over the place.
big H has a full healthy head of hair and feels pity for us baldbros so hes giving us tips
>not a single piece of real proof for two accusation, and the newest one actually already has proof of the exact opposite being true
Thanks for the W.
the problem is I smoke so much weed I barely feel it. I need to take a week off
It's not bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CYapeDGw8nw
Same here. Metal for this feel?
Not metal. >>>/mu/
You're not metal, you piece of shit.
>He doesn't recognize the Sweet Leaf riff
Just replying to my post to let everyone know this album is basically buttdisso, really dreadful.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6LOvN-EjLU New Moosegut, giving it a listen now. So far good, only two tracks in though. Already considering picking it up, just can't decide on format. Spruce Bog got my Aufnorden tape to me pretty damn cheap considering I'm a fellow leaf. Only thing was it took two weeks to ship a fucking province over. With no tracking info it was fun going down to the post office every day after the week mark.
No that's incorrect, my proof was in the arguments. No I don't have a smoking gun, but that's never been the standard for valid logic.
Like the long defeat? More dissonant stadium rock kino?
Disso is inherently butt
>the argument in question: "I don't have to. I've seen it, so have other people, and you know it's correct."
Thanks for the W.
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he has mastered the art of rigorous 4chan argumentation
The art of 4chan arguments is to never make a real argument, just make up random accusations and hope they stick
Yes, that argument is correct. That's how witness testimony works.
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>Yes, that argument is correct. That's how witness testimony works.
There's the fold
Melodic metalcore
I witness against what you said, also I witnessed you sucking dick for bus money only to walk home anyways. I've seen it, so have other people, and you know it's correct.
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thanks for the sleep tips
thoughts on this? i was searching for something like what you said previously about a darker version of virus. this is not really it but i thought you might enjoy it

We love that shit here.
I testify that this anon is correct as well, I certainly saw the other anon sucking and fucking at the bus stop near my place. Its a well known fact on /metal/, we all know its true.
pure concentrated aural homosexuality
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Von reign supreme
Its settled then, hes a total cock ucking faggot by decree of the official /metal/ council. The argumentation is perfect, the debate is settled, objectively he is a homosexual who works the bus stop every evening.
But enough about black metal

Not metal. >>>/lgbt/ >>>/core/

Your home general is right here:



On >>>/lgbt/ sure.
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You're hacktor samefagging though. But let's follow this logic through. If you did actually witness this, why only bring it up now? It would have been pertinent to mention at any time. When you mentioned homosexuality I immediately brought up the fact that you're gay, which is a much more logical thing to do than what you're doing. I think you actually didn't witness that at all, and you're just doing the angry samefagging routine
I witness this anon sucking dick as he was writing this post, I've seen it, so have other people, and you know it's correct.
im witnessing hector sucking on deez nuts rn
Amazing album, undeniably one of the finest metal releases of this year.
I counter witness to say it was actually me who was sucking on those nuts. I've seen it, so have other people, and you know it's correct.
Same, this anon's testimony is unequivocally the truth, we have all seen it happen.
hector is a genius
Hasjarl is a genius
True, I've seen it, so have other people, and you know it's correct.
Unironically true tho
No that's incorrect, and what I said was correct.
Correct. Witness.
Not metal
I saw hector kiss another man.
Incorrect witness, the correct witness was you sucking cock while writing that post. I've seen it, so have other people, and you know it's correct.
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hector "goyslop" rodriguez
I witness against this, Hasjarl is metal. I've seen it, so have other people, and you know it's correct.
I testify against this, however I personally saw this poster get beaten up at the corner store by the local high schooners for being in a dress and having 5-o-clock shadow. I've seen it, so have other people, and you know it's correct.
nobody has a witness testimony for this one so it's false
True, I saw that as well. What a bitch lmao. He was telling them "uhh having a melty are you chuds?" as they were kicking his head in. Sad shit, but deserved.
>screamo can't be metal

Shits in your general direction

Literal garbage, kill yourself
Metal. >>>/metal/
Oops meant for >>122976298
I can also witness that it was deserved and testify for him never being a woman. Its common knowledge that melty poster and trannypopper are both victims of trans hate crimes, probably why they lash out over H so much. They feel threatened.

You must think black metal or death metal is only metal. LMAO.
>listen to black metal artists posted as bait in /metal/
>actually enjoy them
Thanks guys, I’ve got some CDs to order.
That isn't me. Deathspell Omega is garbage.
which ones?
Whooops meant to write Deicide here, not sure how that got autocorrected to Deathspell Omega. Also I'm bald.
I can testify that this is what that other anon meant to say and anything else written is a false flag. I've seen it, so have other people, and you know it's correct.
>Hector is bald
Please log off and go to bed, you seem too discombobulated to continue
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>When the OSDM hits
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Good, death metal is cringe
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
Bald people hate OSDM though, see here: >>122976352
>when the labyrinthian leitmotifs go so hard they disintegrate your hair follicles
Hayley Williams is as metal as it gets.
I ordered Kaevum-Kultur the other day, I’m going to find a copy of Grausamkeit – Helveterich next.
>when the dionysian timekeeping drums are so metronomic you go up one norwood scale every album
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You guys really tried hard to make this thread as gay as you could.
thats based tho
>Still can't be topped
How did they do it lads? The seethe they bring only cements their success. Dissonance is the only way
I didn't post any core thoughever?
Core is metal whether you like it or not. It's objectively metal.
we love screamo here
>that pic
Kek, fucking gookmoot
Core is homosexuality, you faggot punk
It's fusion, like almost every metal genre that isn't Deathcuck or Blackchud.
Iron Maiden
So tranny music, thanks for confirming you absolute cock sucker
Obtained Enslavement
Marvel movies
It's literally in the name faggo
What do we hate again?
needs more strings
How gapped is your asshole after your core show?
what Disney song sounds like symphonic black metal
As a true core enthusiast myself, I don't go to shows because that's for posers, I stay at home.
So im guessing really gapped to where you live on your toilet
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I gape my asshole alone..
this thread sucks
post some good sludge
Sludge isn't metal
all of them
Sludge is metal
Sludge is metal
just not very good
I like dungeon synth
not metal
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And I do support those causes, so what bigot?
Cringeon Gaynth is not welcomed here. >>>/gay/
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is alternative metal metal?
Core is FUCKING metal you fucking retards, it has guitars, drums, etc. Only a total dumbass would think it's NOT.
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Metal for self gratification?
The Raunchous Brothers - Broad-Way
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nu-"metal" sure as fuck isn't
>from google
>Yes, metalcore is definitely a subgenre of metal! It blends elements of hardcore punk with metal, incorporating heavy riffs, breakdowns, and often a mix of clean and harsh vocals. It’s known for its intense energy and technical complexity. So if you’re into metalcore, you’re definitely diving into the world of metal!

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