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Metal God with a Metal Kween edition
Old: >>122971940
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
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nas dust
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Rank them
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Norwood 9/10.
They're already in the objectively correct order.
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cannibal corpse is the only good band here.
mad cause i told the truth
Thank you Hecsister
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Morbid Angel
Cannibal Corpse
I fucking love boomer thrash
we hate that here.
their popularity should have capped at and justice for all. giving them total mainstream pop stardom broke them and they never recovered.
i like this form of black metal, give me recs
rec the heaviest death you know
Speak for yourself

80s thrash is peak metal
Got you.

Have a seat
Already tried dso, not a fan
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Then there is only one path forward for you.

not usually a big fan of raw shit to this capacity, but this isn’t too bad.
Obtained Enslavement
biggest hack in the entire underground metal scene
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based and retardpilled
easycore is loved here.
I have a question about a few tunings that I've been using.
>C2-F2-A2#-D3#-G3-C4 (Two steps down)
>A1#-D2#-G2#-C3#-F3-A3# (Three steps down)
>G1-C2-F2-A3#-D3-G3 (Four 1/2 steps down)
>F1-A1#-D2#-G2#-C3-F3 (Five 1/2 steps down)
I've realized that pretty much every song I like to play are in these tunings. Even if a song isn't originally tuned like this I still play tuned down. If there's any music theory nerds here, what is it about these tunings that sound so good? I've just always gravitated towards these tunings and I don't know why. I also don't like playing in E, D, C#, B, A, G# or F# tuning. They just don't sound right to me, unlike the other mentioned above.
music theory is for faggots
MA > CC > D > O
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Why did BMfags even try?
We only support E standard here
is there anything gayer than drop tunings?
Open tuning
Music theory doesn't really explain taste. You like what you like.
Filling our the lower frequencies is usually appealing in more powerful musical styles; lower frequency sound waves are literally bigger and carry more power. In an orchestra, they'll generally drop in the deeper notes for power, and pull them out when trying to be gentle and pretty
That's what you're appealing to when you tune it lower, you probably are wanting to lean into that sense of fullness and power, especially if you're just playing by yourself. Most rock bands will just let the Bass take that role, but meal players often push it onto guitars,
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Alright Mcdohl I finished blasting this a few times, yeah it was alright. I like the second track the most for the female vocals which reminded me of the Nordic folk singing style "Kulning" that Siebenbürgen used.


I suppose there were a few other interesting ideas here and there with the noise elements, there were more than a few moments it was very rock-ish, kinda of like math rock in some ways, pretty light sounding, but I think Kailash did that better.

As for the dark Virus idea.... I think stuff like DsO gets it sometimes, its in bits and parts through the third wave, Verberis, Psicosfera, and even Imperial Triumphant https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rZqHXBMdsBs, its that empty dark sound with a load of space in the music. I wonder if its even Virus related, or just the room of it. Listen to the first 40 seconds of Snorre's Melas Khole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZjGImDXlQE, obvious the rest of it is loaded with disgusting excess and too many effects, but the reason I use this version of Funeral Marches is because the riff is played slower; its foreboding, ominous, there is a silent strength to it. Obombration is a lot like the Imperial Triumphant song (or rather I should say the IT song is like that entire album taking everything from DsO) but in a more advanced and complex fashion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNFDo_89GNk
>Gayjira was unironically the first and will probably be the only metal band to perform at the opening ceremony of the olympics.
Metal for this feel?
>this band is based
>no it's cringe
Fucking retards
Probably Gojira
I was hoping for a something actually good.
I can’t be the only person that hasn’t read a Hector blogpost in months. He’s like a monkey using twitter
Hector is an imaginary person.
We are all hector as a collective
I immediately ignore any wall of text mentioning DsO, Snorre, Ulcerate or any other disso unriff salad garbage
>no replies to Blasting
Very grim.
Disso metal is good, stop seething because you can't into it
I read them, better than the usual tourist crap.
Is black death/war metal "disso"
>Drop tuning
>More than 6 strings on guitar
This is how you out yourself as a faggot poser. Standard tuning all the way you turbo cucks
i'm just thankful it wasn't coreshit or metallica
It would have naturally been a French band, you dense American faggot.
Does it sound like gorguts or dso? If not then no
>DsO opens the Olympics as their first live performance
It should have been Sortilege. I don't even know if those guys are still alive, but it should have been them.
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>i'm just thankful it wasn't coreshit
Who is the Metallica of coreshit? Coretallica, if you will; or Metallicore, perhaps?
I asked an AI and it said Killswitch Engage.
Suicide Silence probably
>One of the earliest and commercially biggest
>Beloved member dies in a road accident
>Band 'sells out' and alienates fanbase
>Wins them back as nostalgia act
any heterosexuals?
Only me
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rec more groovy metal albums like picrel
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>groovy metal
I meant "groovy" as description rather than genre. Because the djent Meshuggah does is groovy like nothing else.
My pee pee inside your mum
>tuning below 3 steps
when you get to the point where the bass has to play the same pitch as guitars, its shit
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Ildjarn haunts Norwegian black metal discourse. A benchmark of monomania. A persistent, violent, unremitting meditational cycle around the raw materials of black metal, unrefined, in their crudest form. Further, his work renders 99% of subsequent raw black metal utterly redundant. The scorched earth left in his wake means there is very little to add. The reductivism Ildjarn engaged in was both necessary by 1995 and a complete dead end. He came closer than any to the central kernel of black metal, beyond riff, melody, posture, or concept. A pure, immediate, unadulterated experience of noise. Mimicking the warped sense of self and time one might feel when confronted by nature in total solitude.
Oh good we're just going to post all this again, are we?
>Part of Vidar Våer's motivation for ending Ildjarn was due to his 4-track recorder breaking (the same 4-track recorder used during Emperor's early days as Thou Shalt Suffer).

I find this hilarious
>Every song has a 1-2 minute long, pointless, instrumental interlude before and after it
Tell me you weren't creative enough to fill out an album with metal songs without telling me
Might I recommend:
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Case in point
We hate this dogshit here.
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Mornin' /meal/
We love this dogshit here.
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I won't be listening to this because I don't want to go BALD like the BALDcuck who made it
Look at those weak effeminate prey eyes. And is he wearing mascara too? Trying to look pretty for his boyfriend when he gets pounded in the ass later? SAD!
Baldbros are welcome here.
TT said a new mix of Opus IV is due on vinyl for its 28th anniversary, I think he uploaded it on Bandcamp so check it out, you retarded fucks.
Fas uses those instrumental breaks as a brief respite from the onslaught the rest of the album is filled with, so you can contemplate the lyrics and the concepts it is dealing with.
I don't know, man, nothing as groovy and as fun as Spasm on Nothing.
Is that really necessary or did the 45 remasters burn in a russian bombrun?

When it comes to death, listen to these:
He said they managed to rectify some recording errors from the original, to enchance the sonic spectrum on it, so I'm stoked.
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Rec time at /meal/
I took a quick look on discogs and that 2000ish ukra 45 press seems to be the only lp release it had. So I guess making another one actually is necessary.
me second from the left
It definitely is, much like it was with Supreme Immortal Art.
Guys can we talk about Summoning since the stronghold autist is asleep?
I'm not that into Summoning, but the project does a good job at highlighting the darker moods of Tolkien's works. Minas Morgul is a nice album, and I really like Where Hope and Daylight Die from Stronghold.
That looks to be the least patient one.
kinda fills a niche of the d&d clubs weedlmao music nowadays... Which is fine.
Kinda find them a bit mid. Nice for a change every now and then but really nothing I actively choose to listen to often.
How do you think the movie influenced Summoning and other music. Before that there was hardly any music based on his works.
Black metal bands have tried to create the music befitting of his works before PJ did his trilogy, so I don't think they have much of an overalp, particularly not with Summoning.
That's what I'm saying. And after the movie there was an enormous influence whether anyone wants to admit it or not.
Okay, I don't listen to Summoning inspired bands, but where have you noticed the influence from the trilogy's score on the bands that followed, and which ones specifically? I was always of the opinion that variou dungeon synth projects and Summoning were a much larger influence on them, than the film score ever was. Even had the opportunity to hear the Ukranian orchestra live last month playing the film score for almost 2 hours.
I was of the opinion that it negatively impacted Summoning's music, but it turns out Stronghold came out before the movie in 1999.
Weirdly enough the thing that negatively influenced summoning around that time was probably having lesser limitations
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Listening to Lugburz after a long time, no idea why that album gets shit on. It's really good
Not metal!!!
You could make the case for some of their albums
>Hector posting 16+ hours per day again
Lmfao he either got fired from or quit his job for him to be sperging out so often
I thought he was a "student' who uses the loan money to NEET out
i am going to listen to wigger slam today :)
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I am going to blast thrash-influenced metalcore today :)
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Have black metal influenced metalcore, as well:
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BASED. I discovered picrel a few days ago and have been pumping it.
i bought this on bandcamp when it came out and have never listened to it
Amazing. We love this shit here.
Based lads. Do you have recs for more DUDE WEED slam?
Why do retards think you can only like a certain sub-genre or certain band? Do you even like metal?

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