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Real classical music edition

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous thread: >>123345354
Schutz, Lully, CPE Bach, Weber, Faure?
I listened to John Cage's sonatas and interludes on a prepared piano and thought that they weren't that bad
if only the rest of us could have such vanishingly nonexistent standards.
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now playing

start of Piano Concerto No. 1, BB 91, Sz. 83:

start of Piano Concerto No. 2, BB 101, Sz. 95:

start of Piano Concerto No. 3, BB 127, Sz. 119:


Also plan on giving the Noseda / Bavouzet recordings a listen.
the only one I actually was Sonata 5 the rest were 4.5/10 I was expecting them all to be 2/10 at best.
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Any good fortepiano recordings of his concertos? The only good piano anything recording I can find of his works is the Hännsler collection with the laughably horrid covers. I actually like the trevor pinnock recording for the bigger orchestra. Is there any recording that has fortepiano + decent size orchestra?
What do you guys think of Dvorak's first four symphonies? Finally embarking on listening to Neumann's cycle and debating whether or not to start on the fifth symphony or from the first.

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There is nothing else like the Weberian melody, with its purity and chastity; every time I think of it, I see before my eyes a blossoming virgin, lovely in her modesty, whereas with Beethoven I receive no vision at all: he is just everywhere, like the great god Pan. It is like contrasting Shakespeare with Schiller.

Is Philip Glass /classical/?

t. Newbie
Yes very much so
no. it's not even music.

kill yourself.
anda / fricsay is better
Yes. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Mahler was right, the 6th really is better with the Andante second.
tone deaf retard moment
Holy old white males, Batman
The real redpill is that all of these are second-raters at best.
The best really does rise to the top over time. I do understand those who constantly desire new and fresh experiences though, and therein lies the value of listening to music from those other than the very best, as well as specific, differentiated tastes, but on the flip, as much as I understand and respect that, I also respect the person who wants to and is happy with listening to Bach everyday for the rest of his life.

dang guess Mahler was a tone-deaf retard
Which composers would you bring back from the dead into the present day?
Wagner so he could make people seethe.
Telemann, Haydn, and Reger
Wagner would call everyone a degenerate and demand to be sent back.
mahler was a KEK which is worse
mahler was a neurotic who second guessed his every move in a vain attempt to maximize his appeal to the viennese concertgoing public. there is no telling what he would have done to his extant music had he lived as long as, say, strauss; there’s really no reason to pretend that the last revision he made to the 6th is any authoritative statement on his true intentions.
put your trip back on, pedophile kraut.
>TJ: we should respect the intentions of the composer
OK so what about Mahler's 6th
>TJ: Nah bro ignore that
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who are you quoting, pedophile kraut? i respect good music and good music only, and the revised movement order of mahler 6 is bad music.
Cage, Nancarrow, Xenakis, and Sorabji.

just to kill them in the most painful ways possible.
>mahler 6 is bad music
Finally you admit it
Now Listening to:
you aren’t as funny as you think you are, groomer germ. put your faggy trip back on.
is he with us in the room right now, TJ?
he sure is, sucking off the only german composer so tuneless that not a single work of his made it into the general repertoire.
and who would that be?
figure it out yourself, smartass concern troll. you’ll get it one of these days.
ok, TJ.
put your trip back on, chomo germ
put your trip back on, kiddydiddler kraut
Please can one of you just accept not having the last word in the internet fight for the sake of everyone else and spare us from another thread of this.
no, chomo germ.
Do people really not like Mahler 6? I feel like right after 4 and maybe next to 1 it's his most accessible, instantly gratifying, and immediately appealing. The first movement or at least the opening is very reminiscent of that of Brahms 4 imo, and again, as surface-level (and with depth, obviously) beautiful. I guess anon was just trashtalking but still.

Also, someone a couple threads ago described Karajan recordings as 'soupy stringy mess' or something similar and it's all I can think about when I put on one of his recordings which has that sound, which is like 95% lol. On point tho
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Guys, if instead of "A minor" I can write "Am", can I write "Ama" in place of "A major"?
mahler 6 is a masterpiece. it’s just the andante-scherzo movement order that is unmusical and retarded.
Of course. I was referring to this post: >>123382552

Different strokes for different folks I guess, I can just understand hating 3 or 5 or 7 more is all, tho I guess some hate all.
if you are referring to chords, they should be notated as follows:

root tone, function of that root tone, type of extension

example 1. G, A, B, C

= Avi9 or CI13

example 2. E, G, G#, D

= Evi7+#3
Ermmm, this is kinda too much above my level. I was just asking because I prefer to write "Étude in A minor" as "Étude in Am" instead, and I was wondering how to shorten "A major"
that’s just the pedophile kraut being a retard as usual.
put your trip back on, pedophile kraut, and stop spreading misinformation to people who don’t know any better.
etude in A. if it’s not specified as a minor key, it is assumed to be major.
You can write A instead
has the internet and streaming made the value of classical music knowledge less worthy in terms of how smart you, the listener, is? take someone like mahler. most people didn't know who he was before the existence of wikipeda/reddit/google where you could just google who the most important composers were/are, put their name in youtube and listen to some 90 minute symphony, all while lying in your bed eating doritos naked. as recent as the mid 2000s, to even know who mahler was made you somewhat of a smart-ass (in a good way). then to actually go out your way to find a recording of symphony xyz (having had to go to the library and research what he wrote/who he was/when shit was written etc). you couldn't do all that half-assed, naked eating doritos with no effort. so the value of that knowledge is surely multiple times less than pre-2000s.
the standard practice is to write Am for A-minor and A for A-major.
mahler was already a popular composer in the 1960s. he’s not really a good example.
Just because you've heard something doesn't mean you know what you've really heard and can talk about in a smart way. But yes, *just* namedropping a composer doesn't mean shit if you care about proof of being smart or cultured. Talking about the music itself and the differences between recordings is how you differentiate yourself.
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Thanks. I began studying classical guitar yesterday and was confused

didn’t ask, pedophile kraut. put your trip back on.

I know all conductors have their strengths and weaknesses in the repertoire, but it's been especially fun going through Bernstein's catalogue after having avoided his recordings for a long time, and seeing which works and composers benefit or sound great with his approach and which ones sound worse given how expressive and all-consuming his style is, as anyone knows. For example, his Schumann is first-rate imo, as those symphonies become wonderfully exciting in his recordings (re: Sawallisch - his recordings are one of my go-to's, and while I think his recordings make for a more poetic and prettier Schumann, Bernstein's is more exciting and thus my current preference). However, now for the reason for this post, listening to his Tchaikovsky now, which is apparently even more lauded than his Schumann, and this might be the worst 5th symphony I've ever heard, it's like a caricature, an inside job of hyperbolic mania intent on making Tchaikovsky sound like unbridled hysteria. But hey, as they say you take the good with the bad, but damn, with how the reputation it has I really thought it'd be great.
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(link is to the complete Dutoit / Montreal Ravel set as this specific recording isn't on YouTube Music but I've linked directly to Ma Mere l'Oye)
the start of Ma Mere l'Oye*, as always
bernstein’s tchaikovsky is notoriously bad; heaven forbid you ever hear his vienna 6th

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Based. Join me in #NoDeadConductorsRecordings2024

No but really he's right. I suppose the problem is similar to why people generally prefer reading the classics over contemporary literature: you have the benefit of the judgment filter of time so you know you have a higher chance of spending time (and money) on something genuinely good and not sold to you by an industry peddling false hype for primarily commercial reasons. But contemporary art has its obviously benefits too, and to not make this post too long, I guess the point of this post is to work out my thoughts to myself on that I should listen to more contemporary recordings of classical works. Or do ya'll disagree?
he’s a retard and he’s wrong lol. modern digital recording usually sounds far worse than golden era stereo recordings as far as dynamics and naturalness of timbre go, and orchestras being more technically accomplished does not make up for the fact that they all lack distinct regional character and none of them seem to be know how to play a loud tutti to save their lives. this is to say nothing of the quality of conductors (objectively worse, there are barely any good major conductors alive today), vocalists (also objectively worse, none of them have a chest voice), or soloists (how many heifetzes or grumiauxs are there running around today? modern violinists may be just as technically accomplished, but none of them have nearly as much character of sound and intelligence in interpretation).
For me, whether or not a performer is dead or alive makes no difference. I listen to recordings all the way from the earliest Edison recordings, to modern ones. I have a bias towards earlier recordings because they offer a tradition of performance that no longer exists. Modern day pianists rarely interest me, but we still have plenty of great string quartets around. Performance practice for piano and opera are really the two major pillars that have crumbled significantly, I think. Opera singing especially is pretty much not worth a shit anymore. Even though you occasionally still get a great singer or two, the standard of performance in opera has fallen to such a horrendous low that the few great artists that we *do* get are still forced to still work with garbage and they drag everyone else down with them.
The problem with contemporary art is that academy values diversity and inclusiveness over quality and skill, on top of being a mega industry filled with neopotism to the brim. So, finding good contemporary art may be a herculean task. This is most obvious in painting and sculpture, where there are things like ebin banana on the wall, and to a lesser degree in literature, withall those terrible works selling millions of copies. I think the reason why music kinda escaped this fate is because the pop music industry was extremely successful, so it's pop music the one which "sucks" all that, and even recordings of classical music are extremely profitable on their own, so there's no reason the trick or deceive people into buying abstract compositions like Cage's works.
That aside, I think contemporary conductors have a wider repertoire and tend to cover post-war composers. I also know of the Chineke Orchestra, which is an orchestra made of up of bipocs. While I think that the idea is terrible to certain degree, they aren't bad players and are one of the few orchestras to have recorded Samuel Coleridge-Taylor's works.
none of this has anything to do with modern conductors being dogshit considering nearly all the major ones are white men.
modern refers to the 20th century
not in the context of recordings it doesn’t
Faure is the GOAT.
mf'n dmabz mfer
I hate these threads so much, i don't know why i keep reading them, you guys might be worse than the /jazz/ general guys.
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Do you prefer sonatas for solo instrument + basso continuo or sonatas for solo instrument + keyboard obligato?

Is there any value to bc, or would obligato be better in any scenario?
From an unlabeled Type 2 cassette I aquired:
wisconsin public radio 89.3 wpne green bay
Jan 8 1994, referencing United Express Flight 6291 disaster which happened jan 7
Program: Saturday classics by request hosted by Bill Lutes

Beethoven's piano sonata 28 in a major op. 101
Pianist Richard Goode

The Lark Ascending by Ralph Vaughan Williams
Pinchas Zuckerman English chamber orchestra
Conductor Daniel Barenboim

Plus some news and talk show clips.
yeah it's okay
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>best scarlatti cycle
>best partitas and wtc
>best couperin cycle
>best rameau cycle
>btfos glenn gouldstein
What has Gould got to do with it? He played piano.
I like the idea of Goode playing one of Beethoven's most lyric pieces
What defines "lyrical" melodies in a objective sense? I just kinda know one when I hear one.
You know there's no clear-cut definition, stop asking silly questions.
>When I hear nutcases like Glenn Gould who do: [plays staccato version of J.S. Bach's Partita no. 1, BWV 825, Allemande], I say he understood nothing of Bach's music! I've listened carefully to his records: he didn't understand. He was very brilliant; I respect him up to a certain point. For me, the fact that an artist doesn't appear in public poses a problem. But at least he was a guy with the courage not to do things like other people. All the same, he was wide off the mark, so wide off the mark that you'd need a 747 to bring him back. I'm hard on Glenn Gould. Well, he's dead now, so I won't attack a colleague.[3]
>being able to walk in cities is a meme to some people
Ask ChatGPT. This is just a summary
>A melody is lyrical when it is smooth, singable, expressive, and emotionally resonant. It often follows the natural flow of speech or singing, uses stepwise motion and expressive intervals, and has a clear tonal center. Lyrical melodies are often associated with vocal music, but instrumental melodies can also be lyrical if they possess these qualities.

>Examples of Lyrical Melodies:Chopin’s Nocturnes: These pieces are known for their lyrical, singing quality, with flowing melodies that evoke a sense of intimate, poetic expression.Schubert’s Lieder: Schubert’s songs (Lieder) are celebrated for their lyrical melodies, which are closely tied to the emotional content of the text.Puccini’s Arias: In operas, Puccini’s arias are often cited as examples of lyrical melodies, with sweeping, emotional lines that are highly expressive and singable.
pff hahaha
imagine listening to modern singing
cities where you don’t need a fucking gay ass car to get goddamn groceries has become a “leftist” talking point for some reason. it makes no fucking sense.
Yeah they are pretty bad
What are some classical songs with no skips?

Someone that would invent new music
If anyone’s going to be seething it’s Wagner when he sees modern Germany
new music is already here. it sucks.
Ravel is the best of all of them
but bartok isn't a talentless hack
evidently not
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When in December 1873 the Wagners lunched on a roast hare, Richard recounted a hunting trip in Bohemia during his youth. Apparently, he squeamishly fired at a hare without taking aim but somehow managed to wound the animal in the rear leg. At the end of the hunt, a hound discovered the poor animal and dragged it along. Its cries of terror pierced Wagner’s heart, and when he was presented with his trophy, he vowed to never go hunting again.

Living in Zurich, Wagner was shocked by the sight of a poultry worker “putting his hand in a cage, seizing a live hen and tearing its head off. The hideous scream of the animal, and the pitiful weaker sounds of complaint that it made while being overpowered transfixed my soul with horror. It is dreadful to see how our lives, which, on the whole, remain addicted to pleasure, rest upon such a bottomless pit of the cruelest misery!”
what a beta soiboy, no wonder he trooned
I had a similar experience shooting a gopher that was digging holes in the backyard. I was made to shoot at it and hit it in the eye, and I was so stunned and horrified while it suffered my brother had to take the BB gun to finish it off. Never again.

Best Brandenburg 3 hands down
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Fuck you, making me think there was a genuine reply
Does anyone have a full upload of Annerose Schmidt's Mozart Piano Concertos?
imagine being a disgusting little avatar freak attaching little girl reaction images in every post and thinking “this is me, i look like this little anime girl”. sickening behavior
Adds character to the thread, no pun intended. It's 4chan after all, a haven for weirdos.
yeah, the character of being a disgusting autogenyphilic pedophile
dur and moll
You should have think about the foundation damage and misery that fucker spread, and that animals have no soul
>quality of conductors (objectively worse

How so?

I think I agree with you on string quartets still being great, and pianists on the whole being... off.
how so? can YOU name 10 great conductors alive right now? it certainly wasn't hard to do so back in the 1960s or even the 1980s. i'd struggle to name more than 5 today.
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Bit of an overreaction. Even then I'm not trying to avatarfag, the vast majority of my posts are without images attached. I tend to use Maho reaction images when I think they fit. I do not think of myself as Maho nor do I think I look like her, I think she is a cute character from a VN that I like that has some funny expressions, hence I post those expressions as reaction images on a site designed for sharing images with text. A good example of an actual avatarfag would be the senkotard who spammed the board a week or so ago.

Either way, the posts that have these images attached tend to be much more related to classical music than 90% of the posts on this dogshit general. I don't really get the complaints, if I was spamming off topic nonsense with these images, that'd be understandably annoying.

Speaking of which, post music.

Sorry, I meant what do you think conductors of today are objectively doing worse.
didn’t ask, AGP pedophile
none of them hold their posts for longer than 3-5 years, meaning that none of them spend the requisite time to cultivate a meaningfully distinct sound with their orchestras, and nearly all of them are distinctly lacking in the ability to pace or shape the music they conduct.
>didn’t ask, AGP pedophile
I am not sure how posting a adult character as a reaction images makes one a AGP or a pedophile.
not interested in your excuses, AGP pedophile
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I want to sexually abuse myself in his light. I want to amputate my body if it meant that Wagner was given energy, I want to partake in blood rituals of the Necronomicon if it meant that Wagner would be revived. I would charge at any army, even a horde of violent niggers if Wagner gave me the command. His instructions are my orders. His sadness is my depression. His pain is my agony. He is everything. Wagner is everything and nothing else matters.
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now playing

start of Beethoven's "Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 'Choral'" (Honeck / Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra):

i'm sure i'd care a lot more about pittsburgh and honeck if reference recordings' production quality wasn't so consistently terrible.
It's just one guy, ignore him.
Their Mahler recordings on Exton sound so good, at least the 1st does. After hearing that I immediately obtained their recordings of the 3rd, 4th, and 5th, probably listen to one of those today and I expect similar stellar quality, both in performance and production quality.
Imagine being a bitter tranny janny-it must be awful
I really like most of what I've heard from Petrenko, Honeck, Jurowski, Eschenbach, and Yoel Levi. Harding and MTT too. I'd even say some of their recordings rank among the very best (eg Petrenko's Rach and Tchaikovsky, some of their Mahler's, Strauss from Honeck and Harding and Jurowski, Bruckner and Schumann).
the exton recordings are find. it's reference recordings specifically that have this terrible artificial sound to their productions.
kiril or vasily?
see the above
never been impressed. they're not bad conductors, but pretending that they operate on the same level as, say, monteux or markevitch is delusional.
Damn this is blisteringly fast. I dig it though.

Vasily. Oh his Shostakovich is fantastic too. Been listening to his Stravinsky lately as well and it's great, as well as all of the works included in those recordings.
what composers would have liked radiohead?
vasily doesn't do any repertoire i care about, so it's hard for me to take notice of him.
They would all cringe at r*diohead. >>>/mu/
The recent Petrenko Bruckner 5 is not bad at all.
kirill petrenko is a dogshit conductor in a long line of dogshit conductors at the helm of the BPO
Aphex Twin
Fair enough. Speaking of repertoire you care about, I really liked those Alsop Brahms recordings some anon suggested the other day.

O I shall check that out too. I listened to Honeck's Bruckner 9 last night and his 7 a little bit ago and they were very good too, the 9 was especially vigorous and exciting, quite unlike most 9s I've heard. I like how one reviewer put it, to paraphrase, 'more pagan than Godly' lol.


see, that bruckner 9 just sounds bad, even if the actual performance/interpretation is fine. the climaxes are so heavily brickwalled you'd think rick rubin was behind the engineering.
lol, Boulez has a Haydn Nelson Mass wtih Cleveland from the 70s

I will say that the production issues were especially noticeable during the choral parts of this Beethoven 9 I just finished. Anyway, fun recording but doubt I'll be listening to it again.
boulez doing haydn? nothing could be more terrifying
now you see why that boomer retard on amazon was being a deaf moron?
Well, on the whole I've been enjoying including more modern recordings in my listening diet (playing the Eschenbach / Philadelphia Mahler 2 right now, for example), not necessarily because I think they're always better or whatever, it's just nice to see how people these days are doing it and I think it's important to support contemporary talent, whatever the medium may be.

I just posted that part of the review to foster some discussion, anyway. People will have their preferences. Besides, I'd imagine that Honeck Beethoven 9 would be right up your alley given your tempo preferences (obviously that's not all you care about).
I read this really great quote about classical music. I can't remember what it was now but it was really amazing-it summed it up very well.
>there’s really no reason to pretend that the last revision he made to the 6th is any authoritative statement on his true intentions.
what a massive cope.
it’s nothing more than the truth, which reflects on what makes the most musical sense in the actual piece as well
Is the "Mozart effect" real?
you're basically just going
>i'm right the composer is wrong
Which composer has the best Symphony no. 3

Okay, same question but without Beethoven or Brahms

Saint-Saens? Bruckner? Prokofiev? Schumann? Mahler? Honegger? Nielsen? Scriabin?

Interesting in everyone's thoughts. I haven't heard Gorecki's.
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now playing

start of Berward's "Symphony No. 3 in C major, 'Singulière'":

start of "Symphony No. 4 in E flat major":

start of Schubert's "Symphony No. 4 in C minor, D.417 - 'Tragic'":

as has been common practice since the beginning of the baroque era. problem?
gorecki’s is barely even classical music.
Just mentioned it because I've read it mentioned before as a notable 3rd. No idea about any of Gorecki's music desu
its more the fact that "walkable cities" has become an obvious outlet of seething for people who don't have cars.
there’s literally nothing wrong with not owning a car if you live in a metropolitan area where owning one is both costly and highly inconvenient.
yes there is you can't escape the bughive as easily.
Now Listening:
>muh heckin bughive
i don’t know how to break this to you, but most normal (non-schizophrenic) people are just fine in cities and would be both jobless and utterly bored out of their minds in the middle of bumfuck flyover hickstate america.
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NTA but been riding the bus and lightrail a ton in the past few months since I got a card that lets me ride for free through state insurance, and I love it. Nice to travel in a communal way like that, plus it's a great way to meet people. Granted I live in Portland.
Most people also listen to pop music and think rap is good so I really don't see your point, the only good thing about cities is that they have orchestra's other than that i utterly loathe the places.
congratulations, you are a normal functioning person and not an antisocial retard freak.
big fucking deal, music is not nearly as important to quality of life as you think it is.
>the only good thing about cities is that they have orchestra's
and why do you think that is, hillybilly boy? could it perhaps be that literally the only way to get anything involving actual skilled people (including orchestral musicians) done is by living in a metropolitan area with a dense population?
Because 90% of muscians are complete bugmen? Imagine not hiking a mountain every week and enjoying the smell and sight of God's creation it would drive me absolutely insane.
then stop listening to music, or better yet, try to form your own little mountain hermit orchestra so i can laugh as your country bumpkin ass fails at accomplishing anything other than herding livestock.
>he doesn't think the greatest product of God's creation and thereby human activity is art in all its forms

not gonna make it, anon
poor little billy boy doesn't even realize that he wouldn't know the name of the Lord he prays to if Jesus Christ himself didn't live in a fucking city. the naivete of some people.
I know some beautiful mountains that would make you question that
Interesting fucking trips there you mendacious homosexual
Now listening:
>but the rocks! and also look at the pattern in the numbers!
certified schizophrenic moment.
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RVW's choral music is good stuff.
Imagine being so utterly disconnected from nature that you think the ground beneath your feet isn't interesting that vast vistas are somehow boring and that mountains are just rocks.
Yeah they are he and his students are really underappreciated in music history.
imagine being so utterly disconnected from civilized society that you think that banging rocks together in a forest like a caveman is somehow a reasonable substitute to classical music or pretty much any other achievement of western civilization that you can think of.
You should come out to the country you would make so much money selling that straw-man as scarecrows you might actually be able to afford that shoe-box apartment you have your eye on.
> This recording presents a singular achievement! As I listened to it the first time and it was so good, I started getting nervous that [composer] would blow it in one of the movements.

why are you using money? currency is the devilry of cityslickers, you should be bartering and trading exclusively. and while you're at it, shut off your internet; the high frequency waves are fucking with your connection to "nature" rofl.
literate people still believe in gods in current year?
excellent question tipster sister
Only one, not multiple.
oh good to know that Anon is the only person who believes in that stuff
I meant one God, because you said multiple. Idiot.
>boulez doing haydn? nothing could be more terrifying
it was fine.
fine because of boulez, or because of cleveland?
probably the latter but i'm willing to give credit to Boulez for not blowing it

it's very well sung as well, but lacking in energy in some of the movements.
t. got filtered trying to play Gaspard de la Nuit
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What is some early classical that would make me feel like I'm in a medieval anime?
>b-but it’s hard to play!
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How clueless can one be about 4chan culture? You have to go back.
but enough about Schoenberg's pieces
TJ is from reddit. he has no concept of humor.
4chan culture is being an AGP pedophile freak? sounds more like tranny culture to me
why am i unsurprised that you’re rushing to defense of pedophiles as usual, obsessed angloid concern troll.
I enjoy Stockhausen.
my condolences

a literal child would probably be more informed on anything classical music related than scaruffi.
buy an ad faggot.
That's really sad. I think experiences like this are essential to many people's development.
Bruckner, just because I like him the best as a composer.
>watch the WWI classic Paths of Glory
>there's a scene where officers and women are waltzing to Strauss, the Artist's Life
>BOTH the subtitles AND the snooty know-it-all comentator misidentify the piece as The Blue Danube because the commentator and whoever wrote the subtitles are a pair of plebs who make a lazy and incorrect association with 2001

I barely even know anything about classical music but even I know the Artist's Life Waltz. What a babby-tier mistake.
i'm obviously not scaruffi lmao
"nyaaaa~ Anon it's just 4chan culture, tee-hee!"
this is what you sound like with those images attached, faggot
hmmm maybe you should try learning English to better understand what my post was saying, since you seen to have misunderstood my use of the plural.
he just pulled that list from somewhere
Reading through a review on Honeck's Mahler 5 and the writer names two other conductor/orchestra's I'm not really familiar with, anyone heard their recordings, Mahler or not, and any thoughts?

>With the exception of CSO Resound, Exton is the most exciting label releasing new Mahler recordings. With Sieghart/Arnhem, Honeck/Pittsburgh, and Macal/Czecka, they are releasing breathtaking recordings of Mahler

Also I'll try looking it up but who's and which recordings is he talking about on the first label?
kek, I mean, yeah, that's exactly what's talking about. I've always found it harmless and amusing, but I suppose /mu/ has one of the highest amount of normies on any interest board so the opposition isn't too surprising.
>you oppose transvestite pedophiles? normalfag!
the absolute state of tranime faggots
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Well that's just rude. Even worse though is on the Mahler 10 (Samale + Mazzuca ed.) recorded by this duo, you only get the 4 minute third movement! At least on their 5th they give you the first... I get it though, but still. Plus they still get money from getting plays on these streaming services I thought -- if I just get it from RT they'll get none, but alas...
music board, maybe try >>>/a/ instead
no thanks, i don’t watch tranime, the 41% isn’t in my future.
not from reddit, and not a tranny, so no ACKs for me
I was with you on the initial point, anon, but you can't really use the whole 'kys' thing on someone who *doesn't* watch anime lmao. Anyway can you guys drop it
>come to imageboard website
>go to board about music
>spam autogynephile pedophile garbage
>complain when people tell you to fuck off
certified tranime moment.
Rach 2 is definitely his best symphony, but which do you think is better, 1 or 3? Gonna listen to them both back-to-back right now, been a while (Ashkenazy / RCO)
>random graph showing literally nothing ok lol tranime troon, it’s 41% time for you soon
you guys should really get along better, both the dune coons and you are pedophiles after all.
That's a good one
didn’t ask, tranime pedophile. go tell someone else about your irrelevant drama bullshit
not clicking, don’t care, didn’t ask. you are a tranny pedophile posting about pedophile cartoons.
>b-but these other guys are pedophiles too!
relax, you can all be pedophiles together, when you all get lined up against the wall as you rightfully deserve.
why would i be scared of calling a tranny pedophile a tranny pedophile? that’s literally what i’m doing right now.
i just called kris tyson a tranny pedophile, you illiterate retard. both of you are tranny pedophiles, and also morons too apparently.
i don’t need to do that or anything else to appease you. you are a tranny pedophile, i don’t need your validation.
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rate my composition, brothers.
utterly rancid
i’m a hypocrite for calling tranny pedophiles tranny pedophiles? roflmao, the tranime brainrot is real.
i named you (actual pedophile) and i don’t vote. looks like you were wrong on both counts.
not enough notes?
very stupid
would more key changes make it seem more intelligent to you?
quite moronic
you clearly are though, there’s no other reason you’d be defending pedophile cartoons.
>and you are jumping to conclusions
rich coming from the guy who thought i was enough of goyim cattle to vote LOL
didn’t read, not interested in your pedophile community drama. go find another child molester to discuss it with.
bizarre tranime pedophile projection, but i guess it comes with the territory of dealing with schizophrenic kiddy diddlers.
you’re gonna have to namedrop someone who actually matters outside of your little pedophile community drama
one of these days you’ll figure out that there’s a whole world out there with no relation to pedophile cartoons. until then, you’ll just have to wonder why no one gives a fuck about anything you’re rambling on about.
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There's no way these threads are actually real, right? It's just a fever dream? This isn't really happening, I'm not reading what I think I'm reading, day after day?
goal post shifting? we’re still talking about pedophile cartoons, aren’t we? you can all jerk off to little girl drawings with each other, in jail.
LOL, look at the pedophile crying about “pedophobic hate speech”. you love to see it!
As much as I wish sisterposter would stop spamming, other posters should know better than to feed the habit out of their own need to have the last say.
nah, all anime is pedophilic and you are a pedophile. eat shit.
this guy must not be from around here, i’d have recognized someone this demented if he were a regular.
when normal people without a sexual interest in children get killed, children don’t get harmed? that math doesn’t add up to me, buddy. pretty sure it’s the other way around; when tranime pedophiles like you get executed, children are kept safe.
i’m from /classical/. you are from some pedophile board like >>>/a/ or >>>/lgbt/. maybe go back there instead?
it appears the creepy desert cult of goofu hats and bad haircuts has mindbroken the tranime pedophile
not interested in your pedophile cartoon drama, maybe try >>>/a/ instead?
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complete refuse
sure, they can join you and every other pedophile up against the wall, i don’t give a shit.
Dude no one gives a shit, good lord, what thread are you in, what are you talking about, wtf
nah, i think normal people are generally against pedophilia and pedophile cartoons actually.
he’s lost, be nice.
>it would be funny if someone hacked this bitch and made him lose his face.
buddy guy, this website is 18+. it’s time to stop posting.
>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.
not too late to quit while you’re ahead, lil guy. it’s time to cease.
i’m sure you’re really desperate for any sort of easy gotcha to turn this whole thing around, but it’s just not working. maybe try coming back when you turn 18, or at least after your balls drop.
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Chailly, Prokofiev? Let's try it.

Also this review excerpt:

>I purchased the recording for the Mossolov entry. Prokofiev is merely noisy bombast.

I don't know what's funnier, purchasing a recording for a 3:36 runtime piece out of 56 minutes total, or dissing Prokofiev 3 as 'merely noisy bombast' while wanting this Mossolov piece; the Mossolov piece, which I'm hearing for the first time is whatever, kinda neat, would get annoying if it dragged on, but if Prokofiev 3 is noisy bombast, surely the other piece is...?


I mean c'mon
nothing dramatic about calling pedophile cartoons pedophilic. seems like a pretty matter of fact statement if you ask me.
I'm confused, you like anime so much you'll defend it in this absurd display, but you hate 'chinks?' Or is that referring solely to Chinese people? Actually asking.
don’t ask for consistent logic from the schizophrenic tranime pedophile, you’ll hurt his head.
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Bartok string quartets
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put your trip back on, pedophile kraut
stop ban evading, pedophile kraut
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Stravinsky coded
put your trip back on, pedophile kraut
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never had one
what are you listening to anon!
you aren’t fooling anyone, pedophile kraut. put your trip back on.
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mentally impaired
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no need to sign your posts
put your trip back on, pedophile kraut
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now playing

start of 3 Village Scenes for Female Voices and Chamber Orchestra, Sz. 79:

start of Concerto For Orchestra, BB 123 (Sz.116):

Kossuth. Symphonic Poem for Large Orchestra, BB 31 (Sz.21):


editorial review:

>A new recording of a work as often recorded as the Concerto for Orchestra should offer something unusual, as well, and this disc does. Kossuth, a 20-minute symphonic poem, was the 22-year-old composer's first major orchestral composition. The conception owes much to Richard Strauss and the style to Liszt, but there are plenty of hints of material that show up in his mature works. The Village Scenes is a particularly exciting choral-orchestral expansion of a work originally for voices and piano, and the Concerto of course, is enormously popular. Fischer is a firm and skilled conductor, and his orchestra is made up of Hungary's finest players. The performances are thoroughly convincing; unlike many non-Hungarians, these players seem to take the composer's folk-based rhythms for granted, and do not exaggerate them. Despite enormous competition, this well-recorded performance of the concerto, along with the rarities also included, is well worth investigating. --Paul Turok

Amusing cover too, Fischer looking like a Hungarian gangster here.
>One of my coworkers is a Hungarian citizen. One afternoon I tried to make common cause with his Magyar heritage by telling him I was spending a lot of time listening to Bartok. He looked at me quizzically.

>“Bar-talk?” Is that a new Iphone app for picking up women in bars?”.

>No, I responded, BARTOK, the most famous Hungarian composer of the 20th century.

>“Ohhhh” he responded knowingly. Always one to keep up with the conversational flow, he added “I hear its really challenging.” I observed that Bartok was considered difficult 40 years ago maybe, but no so much these days. “No, no,” he replied impatiently, “Not Bartok….I was talking about saying the right thing to women in bars…. I’ve never been very good at that.” Oh, whateverrrrrrrrrrr.

i just wanted you to know that i didn’t read of your schizophrenic ramblings and that you’re a still a gross autogynephilic pedophile freak LOL
and away the schizophrenic pedophile goes on a tangent to who knows where. at least, he certainly doesn’t know where.
one day you will look back on this conversation and realize that you’re basically just talking to yourself at this point. i pray that lucidity comes to you sooner rather than later.
you literally can’t decide if i’m a muslim, a jew, or chinese LOL. i’m honestly surprised you haven’t tried to accuse me of being black yet. the machinations of the schizophrenic mind are an enigma.
cool, they can be pedophiles too, i don’t really give a shit. you still whack off to cartoon child pornography like the freak you are LOL
actual incomprehensible schizophrenia.
i’m not the one who watches tranime though.
buddy, you’re not fooling anyone, we all know you watch tranime and whack off to cartoon kiddie porn.
I love the first work, however I can't help but wonder what a composer like Bach with all of his cantatas and choral works would have thought of it lol, if he'd find it appealing and incorporate such styles into his own works or run out of the church while covering his ears.
you’re just contradicting yourself at this point, all tranime is pedophilic. don’t bother pretending otherwise.

Seek help, anon.
>I have to be wrong, because the other team is right
American politics in all cases but Israel
Tell me about Mozart's Sonata No. 12
bruh what happened in this thread

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