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Haydn Edition


>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous Thread: >>123379965
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Favorite recording(s) of The Creation? Been really liking Kubelik's lately, might try Jochum's with the same orchestra tonight.
Is that 'warmer' sound present in some recordings more than others a result of just production and recording methods and choices and tools, or actually something that's created and amplified by the orchestra performance?
Neat thanks. Chailly's recordings, at least the ones embedded in my memory, always seem to characteristically have no warmth at all, so I constantly wondered "it doesn't make sense he just has the most expensive production everytime" lol.
that’s because of the tone of the orchestra (both the concertgebouw and the gewandhaus are kind of lean sounding orchestras) is not warm, and because modern digital recording has never been known for its warmth of tone.
Ah, well good to know it's at least partially an artistic choice. Not that I necessarily prefer one way or the other, but it certainly adds character and another aesthetic dimension knowing it's a deliberate choice and not merely an artifact of the production of the times.
Lots and lots of posts were deleted, which your post just made me notice the other post actually went back under the bump limit because of the deletions so is back to getting bumped to the top of the board on the front page!? Good lord...
the schizophrenic tranime pedophile is ban evading over and over to spam more posts that get him banned over and over. rangeban cant come soon enough.
lol, the pedophile is still going
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Ain't me, man. I was about to have breakfast and coffee. No clue whats going on, can someone give qrd?
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>grabs popcorn.
no worries, we know you’re a different tranime pedophile.
we get it, you jerk off to cartoon child porn.
stop ban evading, pedophile kraut
kek you're a fine poster but I can't help but laugh you thought he was referring to you, but I guess you missed the whole context of the thing.
easily disproven by the fact that you incessantly defend pedophile cartoons
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Who cares, though? This has jack shit to do with Classical. It's just seething about countries I don't care about and shitting up the thread because you think another shitposting retard might be Chinese. Taiwanese are the asian poles I swear.

And just the same ol' sisteranon getting someone so butthurt they try to out last word them, except this schizo thinks sisteranon is Chinese, hence the basis of his current 'attacks.'
Well, I tend to be the only one with that nickname.
Next time I want to do a full listen through of Bach's cantatas I should do it with Rilling's set, so nice and lovely. Only other times I've come close to that was with Suzuki's and Richter's.
You're in a classical thread
you don’t understand, tranime avatarpedo. he’s willing to say anything and everything to hide the fact that he’s a kiddy diddler who whacks it to pedophile cartoons.
point proven
cool, i don’t care and you’re still a pedophile lol
I like that he performs 3 part arias like Trio Sonatas with a singer. I see them performed in every way but that in other collections.
I didnt need to see that
ok, and? you’re still a pedophile.
i don’t see how this has any relation to you being a tranny pedophile, or classical music for the matter.
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now playing

start of Bruckner's "Symphony No. 8 in C minor":


Maybe I just have poor memory when it comes to Bruckner's symphonies, but I feel more than any other composer's music, recordings by different conductor's aka distinct interpretations really change the sound of the work. Sometimes I'll listen to one recording of a symphony, and then another a couple days later and I'll think "wait this is really the same one I listened to the other day?" Or I'm just not paying attention to the editions being performed, lol.
"I didnt need to see that" means "that's horrid, stop posting images like that", not " i dont care about cats dying" you fucking downie
funny, that’s how normal people feel about pedophiles like you!
i’m not japanese though?
>sisterjanny refuses to delete the posts as soon as they appear, lest it outs him as a janny
Hope you get a -1 pay reduction, so you need to pay to remain a janny
what does this have to do with you being a pedophile?
trust me, i wish i was a tranny janny right about now. i don’t know where the lazy faggot who was deleting all his posts half an hour ago went.
sure, the chinese can be pedophiles with the japanese and you. i don’t care.
>Jannies when someone spams the thread for hours in response to one spamming it for years
>Jannies when someone posts a new thread 1 post before bump limit
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actually switching to this

I see Eschenbach also has one from a 2005 live performance with the LPO, hmm. One of the Amazon reviews said they sound pretty close to the same approach, and although they say the LPO does slightly better, Hurwitz gave this Houston one a 10 / 10 so I suppose I'll go with this one for now.
i haven’t heard this brand of schizophrenia before, tell me more about it.
Well you do have a very bot like nature to your posts
it comes with the repetition, although you frankly don’t need chatgpt to accomplish something that simple.
I think the point was more it was a bizarre post to choose to make that claim about
sounds like something a pedophile porn addict would complain about
Thats how I know you're ESL. "Sissy" as a term has been co opted by faggots for ages
no need for pay, i make fun of pedophiles pro bono.
I am not the chink, just budged im to say that. Either way arent there other sites for you asians to argue?
i honestly don’t know why he started this china tangent, i always associated “lil bro” with zoomers more than any race.
Finally, it's getting deleted.

Relevant Coro

Very nice. Have you heard his Mass in B minor? I might listen to that tonight as I try and get tired and fall asleep.
Jesus there seems to be three different versions/recordings, one with CBS, one with hanssler, and one with Profil. I guess I'll pick the hanssler one since that's the one his cantatas are on too, so probably the best bet.
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Yes, but it's not that special to me. My favorite Mass in B Minor recordings are Richter and Rifkin.
Any late baroque/early classical sonatas for basso continuo that are in sonata form?
Curious about this too
It really depends on how strictly you cling to sonata form 'rules', which was a 19th-century invention anyway.
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now playing


Sonata form in the way Mozart would have written it
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As a Nietzsche fanatic, this Langgaard piece is not bad. Hopefully the Strauss Alpine Symphony is good, I have faith in this conductor and orchestra duo.

>As a Nietzsche fanatic

How is that working out for you? ;)
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>As a Nietzsche fanatic
As in the "Wagner is garbage" type, or the "Wagner and Nietzsche were going in the same direction" type?
according to Spengler, Nietzsche rejected Wagnerian philosophy in favor of Darwinism.

It is a common misconception to place both Nietzsche and Wagner into the same bucket since both Wagner and Schopenhauer believe the denial of the will to life is good whereas Nietzsche believes the opposite (survival of the fittest, will to power, etc.).

PS: Nietzsche was a failed artist and for this reason his opinions relating to it should be discarded.
In Wagner’s essays (Art and Revolution, The Artwork of the Future) he coins the term ‘Gesamtkunstwerk’ meaning all-encompassing art form or synthesis of the arts. He sought to unify all works of art via the theatre. Does this mean then that Wagner would’ve became a filmmaker if he lived today?
yes, most likely. Wagner was the James Cameron of the late 19th century.
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Favourite live performances?
Not entirely correct. Spengler claims Wagner was an apostle of Darwinism before ever reading Darwin, and that this was the Wagner that Nietzsche followed. Also, Wagner never completely embraced Schopenhauer's denial of the will, as he initially transformed it into an affirmation in Tristan und Isolde, and always preserved a sense of the value of the will-to-life with his heroic characters. Did Wagner reject the Ring and Tristan? No, he was a multifaceted artist, and the ascetic Parsifal just represents one aspect of his personality. It is wrong to lump Wagner into the same bucket as Nietzsche as it is to lump him in with Schopenhauer; he is transitional and belongs to both.
what the fuck happened?
autism overdose?
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>what the fuck happened?
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That was a long, long time ago...
Wagner.... he is trying to control my mind..

Everything leading up to this point was Wagner's fault. You can say that Wagner created this timeline. He planted thoughts inside the mind of Hitler who then messed the functioning of the world. The British could have kept everything under control with their proper application of sword and order. Rhodesia, India, China... everything is a shithole now... with the fall of the British came the fall of the world. If the Germans never messed around, the British Empire would be alive and well right now.
not clicking on your virus, pedophile kraut. put your trip back on.
>t. https://vocaroo.com/19uH7ALASdLH
No, you are retarded. Theatre and cinema are worlds apart, and cinema isn't even an artform.
not clicking on your virus, groomer germ. put your trip back on.

Can you talk about something else? Anything other then him?
Can you substantiate that?
>>Beethoven’s fart
>>Beethoven’s fart
>>Beethoven’s fart, Beethoven’s fart, Beethoven’s fart
>>Beethoven’s fart, Beethoven’s fart, Beethoven’s fart
>>Beethoven’s fart, Beethoven’s fart, Beethoven’s fart, fart, sniiifffffff
>>Beethoven’s sniiifffffff
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dis nigga wagner luks reall fukkin classyou kno wt im sayin fuk em nikkas up
lmao get a load of this retarded newfag. he thinks vocaroo is a virus. go back to plebbit, chuddie.
Tearin' up the place
I'm a rich nigga, got Chanel on my waist
Run up on me playin', I'ma aim it at ya face
And that go for anybody, anyway, ayy
I'm a rich Blood, by the way
And I'm havin' swag, Rollie old like a tape (woop!)
Fish scale, yeah, I got these bitches on the bait
Don't wanna talk, man, no'n to say, I need some space
Woop, woop, woop! My new car geeked up
I just paid the cop, now I'm runnin' out o' court (ooh)
Panoramic top, I'ma put it on the rocks (ooh)
Crawl, walk and hop, got all o' these bitches shocked (ayy, hey!)
Hey! Stone molly whiter than my socks (on)
I don't wanna talk if it ain't 'bout guap (chrome)
Clone a young nigga and still flop (woop!)
I got pints by the two, no Pac
i think you're projecting. also off-topic posting is a bannable offense. discuss some classical music, retard.
it’s just good practice when dealing with a known child groomer. why take unnecessary risks and unknowingly click on a virus or some CP he pulled from his stash?
no one asked, obsessed angloid concern troll
/classical/ has become a psychiatric hospital
always was. only the most insufferable midwits actually listen to classical to the point where they feel the need to discuss it with other people.
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Eclectic as fuck
It wasn't always this bad
I should check this out.
Knappertsbusch '62 Parsifal
It's not boring, that's for sure. Quite tuneful too.
What's your guy's favorite video recording of Wagner's Ring Cycle?
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let's try...

very fast first movement at 15:52, hot damn!
Boulez's is the only good one, despite the meme production.
It's actually a pretty decent 4th but Sunhae Im ruins it. God awful singing.
>It's actually a pretty decent 4th but Sunhae Im ruins it. God awful singing.

spoilers! but ah damn we'll see. I've heard the 5th is his worst of the bunch so far (but still good) so saving that one for last.
now playing, Martinu's Symphony no. 6 "Fantaisies Symphoniques":

first movement on a playlist:

Which is supposed to be his best, certainly is his most notable and acclaimed
btw if you're a fan of Wagner and/or Strauss you'll def like this. From what I read, Langgaard's two biggest influences on his music are Strauss and Nielsen, a potent combination for sure.
Didn't Langgaard resent Nielsen and his prominence in Danish music? Pretty sure this was written to parody Nielsen:
Possibly, that's the first and only thing I've ever listened to by Langgaard and I hadn't heard of him before finding that recording, so I can't really say, I was going off of the Amazon review on that recording which delves into Langgaard's piece quite a bit.

> Both Richard Strauss, whose Alpine Symphony, written in 1915, was a musical gloss on Nietzsche's work, following the similar Also Sprach Zarathustra of 1898, and Rued Langgaard, whose opera Antichrist was written in 1920-21, built their works on the idea of a more elemental life force, though Langgaard's own connection to the Antichrist was as much a musical attraction to Richard Strauss and Carl Nielsen as it was a philosophical one to Nietzsche.


>Both works are completely, ravishingly, beautiful, and ravishingly played by the great Seattle Symphony under Thomas Dausgaard. Elemental life forces are as well portrayed by the great orchestral works of Richard Strauss as they are by anyone or anything. Meanwhile, Rued Langgaard's strikingly original music, forged between his twin influences of Strauss and Nielsen, creates music of enormous power and beauty.

Certainly could be incorrect, or both true.
going through another unfamiliar Brahms cycle, always exciting! Especially because I'm a big fan of a handful of other Sanderling recordings I've heard.

start of Symphony No. 1 in C Minor, Op. 68:

start of Symphony No. 2 in D Major, Op. 73:

start of Symphony No. 3 in F Major, Op. 90:

start of Symphony No. 4 in E Minor, Op. 98:
On that note, favorite/recommended/best recordings of Brahms' Haydn Variations? I've never been a fan of it before and always kinda brushed it off and put it aside because I'm not really into the variations form in general, but I wanna give it a serious listen this time around.
i like monteux
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ty. gonna try this one first but that later/next time. the recording i saw also includes some actual Haydn symphonies so that's dope
Now listening:
No blacks allowed
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I can swear I know this soundtrack is a rearrangement of a classical one, but can't find it.

Now listening to:
>A good, if not remarkable performance. My problem is with the recording. Yes, I know Telarc has always been highly regarded, and the recording is very clean sounding. But it's got that typical modern digital sound; flat and two-dimensional. The more remastered analog recordings I hear from that golden era of 1955-1965 (Mercury, RCA, Decca), the more I realize just how lifeless and flat modern digital recordings are. It's a shame, really.

sounds familiar!
real as fuck, he gets it. fuck modern digital recordings.
People just lost valuable institutional knowledge in the production side of the industry or what happened? Do these modern day producers believe it does in fact sound better this way?
old analog gear was designed back when objective approaches to audio equipment design did not exist. engineers essentially had to rely on their ears to tell them what sounded best instead of aiming for the best possible paper specifications. now that audio science has dissected everything you could ever wish to know about frequency response and SND ratios down to a science, none of these lazy bastards give enough of a shit to sit down and really think about whether or not the amplifier/A/D converter/preamp/whatever they’re designing even sounds good to begin with. for the supposed audiophile labels like channel classics or reference recordings, modern day audiophiles are all deaf boomers that prioritize “detail” over pretty much everything else, even at the expense of dynamics or liveliness or timbral correctness, so the labels accommodate their target market.
Damn, makes sense, thanks for the answer.
for a lot of audiophile oriented labels like the above or BIS or telarc or tacet or what have you, they often list the equipment used in the recording in the liner notes of the release. most of the time, they’re using some RME dogshit A/D that castrates pretty much anything you put through it, and they’re monitoring it on some laser bright etched B&W 800 series bullshit or something similarly bright and stiff. it’s a fucking disaster; the major labels under UMG/WMG/SMG probably use the cheapest focusrite shit they could buy in bulk for cost cutting measures.
Karajan, Hengelbrock
Karajan is a bit stodgy but has the best singers by far
Hengelbrock is more idiomatic but is also HIP. Tastefully so though
The more I listen to Haydn the more I realize how much of a genius he was. I dunno why I slept on him for so long
the literal founding father of the entire classical era was a genius? ain’t no way
i don’t know, maybe we should try talking about classical music
Damn you guys pay that much attention to the details, huh? I suppose I get it.

I do really like Karajan's. I'll check out Hengelbrock, thanks.

117 year old singing i kneel...
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tonight's plan: Solti's Strauss set into his Mahler 8 to punctuate the night with a heavenly exclamation point :)
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What is some early classical that would make me feel like I'm in a medieval anime?
You sound like a Steve Hoffman forums boomer lol
steve hoffman boomers wouldn't know good sound if it smacked them over the head.
solti is gay as hell
I know that's why I said you sound like them
Why is Brunnhilde's awakening never played as an excerpt from the Ring?

it is though.
Link? All I see is the usual like Entrance of the Gods, Wintersturme, Magic Fire, Dawn and Rhine Journey, Siegfried's Death, etc. Sometimes rarer stuff like Siegfried forging the sword, but never Brunnhilde's awakening.
Beethoven's 5th sounds bad enough with regular instruments there's no need for this
Was Wagner into BBC?
The BBC was into Wagner:

What's your favourite recording of the 9th?

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Anyone else think that Ysaÿe invokes the anime feeling at times? III. Danse des Ombres sounds very anime to my ear. Was he the proto-anime OST?
forgot link. Also the player is Japanese so that might be part of why it sounds so anime.
They didn’t have anime in the Middle Ages
sato (violin) is all over inside and out around and about over and again the netherlands bach society
I love Solti but his Strauss isn't the best imo. Still love that Mahler 8 of his though.
Is this the best recording of Bartok's violin sonatas?
>Bernstein only performed one Bruckner symphony in his career - the
>Ninth, though he performed that frequently, and recorded it twice (once
>with New York and once, later, with Vienna Phil). He did not care for the
>other Bruckner symphonies. I had the privilege of working with Bernstein
>over a period of about ten years, and touring with him and the New York
>Philharmonic in Japan in 1979. One night after a concert, and after he
>had signed autographs, I asked him why he didn't do other Bruckner besides
>the Ninth - particularly the Eighth, which I thought would be magnificent
>in his hands. He made a face and told me that it was a terrible piece --
>too long, too many "false climaxes", etc. I argued with him, and he
>proceeded to drag me over to a piano (this was about 11:00PM or so), and
>play through the entire symphony (though he didn't take the Scherzo
>repeat), commenting along the way on what he found wrong with it. What I
>find most remarkable about this, if you think about it, is that he didn't
>like this piece, never conducted it, yet knew it well enough to pull it
>out of his head and play through all of it at the piano, not having been
>prepared to do so at all! He was one of a kind

interesting story i came across while deciding to listen to Bernstein's Bruckner 9
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My eyes were truly blind, British opera is vastly superior to anything.
bernstein was undoubtedly a great pianist and an excellent musician, he was just a fucking dogshit interpreter and also a gay pedophile jew.
stop being homophobic chud
Liszt travels to Wagner's castle, where he observes a secret ritual portraying a devilish Jew raping several blonde-haired Germanic nymphs. Wagner then appears with Cosima, dressed in Superman outfits, and sings how "the flowering youth of Germany was raped by 'the beast'" and that a "new messiah" will soon arrive to drive out the beast. At the conclusion of the song, Cosima marches the audience, composed entirely of children, out with a Nazi salute as they chant that they "will be the master race".
>To all we know about Leonard Bernstein, add this: Not only did the “West Side Story” composer kiss everyone on the lips, but he used his tongue, too — even on his daughter.
>“It was a kind of litmus test he liked to spring on people,” writes Jamie Bernstein, the most vocal and (one suspects) most French-kissed of the late maestro’s three children. “My dismay was tempered by knowing he did it to so many others. The intrusion of Daddy’s tongue was an occasion less for revulsion and more for weary eye-rolling.”
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Liszt confronts Wagner, who is unaware of what Liszt has seen, and inquires about his ambitions. Wagner confesses that he has been building a mechanical Viking Siegfried to rid the country of Jews. When Wagner awakens Siegfried with his music, the creature turns out to be crass and slow-witted. Liszt sneaks holy water into Wagner's drink, but the water has no effect. Wagner then reveals himself to Liszt as a vampire and threatens to steal his music so that Wagner's Viking can live. Liszt rushes to the piano and plays music, exorcising Wagner and bringing him to near death. Cosima, witnessing Wagner's moribund state, imprisons Liszt and then resurrects Wagner in a Nazi ceremony as a Frankenstein-Hitler wielding a machine-gun guitar. Trapped, Liszt observes as Cosima leads the Wagner-Hitler to gun down the town's Jews, after which she kills Liszt by stabbing a needle through the heart of a voodoo doll made in his likeness.
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In heaven, Liszt is reunited with the women he has romanced in his life and Cosima, but it never is explained how she got there after killing Liszt, who regret their behaviour toward him and each other and finally live in harmony. In the final episode, Liszt and the women decide to fly to Earth in a spaceship to destroy Wagner-Hitler who has now ravaged Berlin in a fiery machine-gun frenzy. Once Wagner-Hitler is destroyed, Liszt sings that he has found "peace at last".
Is that Lisztomania with Roger Daltery?
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I went with this one

Bernstein was at his best as a lecturer. His talks on music and his charisma were a gateway for many young Americans into the classical world. We don't really have anyone that can do that these days
what, you don’t think michael tilson “negative charisma” thomas is a good replacement?
What part of no response necessary don’t you understand?
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what part of start talking about classical music don’t you understand?
Also is there some sort of connection between Mahler and Klimt? I see his art used as album covers for Mahler recordings a ton. I suppose I can see the similarities in their art, and of course the same first name and being contemporaries, but did they know each other or something?
there’s a famous mural of beethoven by klimt in the beethoven frieze in vienna that was accused of uncannily resembling mahler.
They all wanted to f*ck Alma (Kokoschka most of all)
Yeah I gotta watch this at some point
So Uncle Dave has nominated Bernstein's Vienna Mahler 6 for "best recording ever" of said work. I have it on disc. Shall I or shall I? (I think Mahler 6 is rather disgusting by the way.)
Neat, I wasn't familiar with that piece, it is lovely, always been a fan of Klimt's art, and again I can definitely see the parallels between their artistic styles and even themes. So Mahler would be the knight? I guess I can see the resemblance.


Every day is a good day to listen to M*hler, of course you should listen to it! It's an incredible recording as well.
the knight is supposed to be beethoven, but more than a handful of people have complained that it looks a lot more like mahler.
>To console himself after the loss of his lover, Kokoschka commissioned the Munich doll maker Hermine Moos to create a life-size doll of Alma’s likeness in July 1918. The doll was designed according to Kokoschka’s own descriptions. Although the result was a bitter disappointment to him, he used this fetish doll in several paintings and drawings

>Although the result was a bitter disappointment to him

Poor guy.
Sounds like Bloodborne
Was fin de siecle Vienna decadent or what?
I'm not familiar with that culture.
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By the way, which of Chailly's two Mahler 6's do you prefer? I feel like listening to one (or maybe the Eschenbach one, which is great too and deserves a closer re-listen at some point), and can't decide. If the Gewandhaus, do you think all of those recordings are superior to his Concertbouw cycle?
i haven’t heard the gewandhaus one, those DVDs are too much of a pain to seek out in audio file formats
Oh, you didn't download the ones uploaded by one of the other knowledgeable anons a month or so ago when I first began inquiring about it?


Hopefully that link to the post works. When you go to extract them though make sure you rename all of the files to the same name and it'll unpack them all three, else only the first one will.
It’s a method of transmission for certain pathogens. Ask the sister Janny for more info
nah, those catbox links are dead.
Luckily I still have them! Uploading rq, one min
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here you go:


And again, make sure you rename them all to 'mahler' or something of all the same name in order to get it to properly extract the entire files, else it'll only extract the first one which'll just be the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th, iirc. And I agree with this comment made by the original uploader in that other post I linked:

>Personally, I think the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 9th in this cycle are up there with the best.

aka, the 8th is very weak (fortunately Chailly has an exceptional 8th on his original Concertgebouw cycle), and the 1st and 2nd are just decent, nothing special. All in my opinion, of course. Enjoy!
And I personally used 7zip to extract them all, but whatever works for you.
downloaded, thanks. i'll give them all a listen.
Happy to help! And thanks to the original guy who uploaded them because I had the same issue regarding being able to download and listen to them solely as audio files.
just realized the gewandhaus 6th does andante scherzo which immediately makes me dislike it. modern day mahler practice is in such shambles.
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I was *literally* about to comment the exact same thing haha, the last time I heard it I wasn't as familiar with all of the symphonies as I am now so I didn't notice or didn't care, but was just now reading some reviews on it and was surprised to see and now realize that it uses that order. Maybe I'll listen to the RCO 6th myself, though I also wanna listen to the 5th today after the Honeck recording I played last night left me rather unsatiated, so for that one I'm definitely gonna use the Gewandhaus.
the gewandhaus 5th is definitely better than the concertgebouw 5th, but that’s not saying much since the concertgebouw 5th was just meh.
we cultivated this.
Yeah the Concertgebouw 5th wasn't really good but was interesting solely because of its idiosyncratic approach and playing at many points, which is why I always intended on re-listening to it at some point before I heard the Gewandhaus 5th. Another one I heard recently for the first time that I really wanna re-listen to is Barshai's 5th, that one was incredible.
barshai’s 5th has a great interpretation, but something about the recording quality has always rubbed me the wrong way. i always end up defaulting back to schwarz even if the playing is sloppy.
Oh no he does what the composer wanted him to do lmaoooo
composers are not immune to making bad decisions about their music
Agreed. We can say that Mahler's music in general is one big bad decision
further proof that andate-scherzo tards are nothing more than musical puritans who have no interest in what actually sounds best in practice
If Hitler were still alive would he have enjoyed Mahler?
Hitler only liked good music, so no.
he banned mahler’s music in his lifetime, so probably not, though i’ve heard a rumor that he was fond of mahler the conductor when he was young (keep in mind this was before the first world war)
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It's funny you say that about the Barshai and mention the Schwarz because that's how I feel about the Schwarz one! Haha. Which is especially weird because I'm generally find with older recordings with flawed or even subpar sound quality but something about the Schwarz one has made me unable to really enjoy it, idk what it is. I actually tried again recently when I saw it on that Tony Duggan survey I posted about the other day and same thing, just couldn't get it into it. Maybe I'll give it another go soon.

But yeah would love to hear what you end up thinking about the rest of the Gewandhaus cycle, the 9th I found sublime the last time I listened to it, even better than the RCO 9th, absolutely another one that requires another re-listen from me before I solidify that opinion though.

The 7th is very good but I'm still on the quest to find one I'm truly satisfied with. Neumann's, also Gewandhaus funnily enough, comes to the closest for me because it does the best job at bringing out the work's musical and melodic qualities, instead of focusing too much on its atmospheric and similar aspects, especially as I truly think it contains some of the most beautiful music Mahler ever wrote, it just has to be played right to really bring it to life! But again the one at this Chailly set is indeed very good, and maybe I'll give that another listen today too. Gonna be a 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th day perhaps!
easily disproven by the fact that his favorite conductor was furtwangler
And? It’s their decision to make
you’ve probably been listening to the modern everest remastering of the schwarz 5th which is absolutely abysmal. a small label called omega did a transfer of the 5th to CD in the 90s which sounds much better, it’s the one on this video.
and it’s the performer’s decision if they agree and want to follow with said revisions. thankfully the vast majority of conductors have been lucid enough to disagree.
Nah it was Germany in general and all the music critics of the day
Hitler's favirite composer was Lehar
yes, germans are not immune to dogshit taste, as evidenced by their predilection towards literally eating shit.
Outside of just hearing it and being able to tell, which I have no doubts you can, how do you know it is that version? What sucks is YouTube Music actually has two versions on their streaming service and uploaded on their main site under a designated official channel, but, and this is something they do a lot, it's actually just two uploads of the same one for both -_-
And most performing artists in general. Furtwangler is the most widely respected conductor in all of history
because there’s only 2 versions of the schwarz 5th in circulation; if it’s not one, it’s the other.
respected by retards, yeah.
Name your top 10 performers. At least one of them will have had great things to say about Furtwangler
i like performers because of their music, not because i think they have intelligent opinions.
Thanks but I’ll take the opinion of the most respected critics of their day over some shitposting autist on 4 Chan
the most respected critics of the 2020s are currently still worshipping abbado, thielemann, and rattle, so i expect you to kowtow to their recordings from now on.
Why are there (relatively) a lot of left handed electric guitarists, but very very few left handed violinists and other bow instrument players?
Are guitarists attention whores? Maybe orchestras and teachers aren't accompanying to a classical player wanting to learn left handed? Something else?
guitar music is easy enough for lefty simpletons to grasp, classical music isn’t.
And who are the critics in question?
Just read his wiki page

The consensus on him is certainly not that he was a ‘dogshit’ conductor
Guitars, Classical https://youtube.com/watch?v=E2uO_Nak9Jg
gonna watch my local orchestra do the Mass in B Minor hope it's good the soloist at least seem to be.
I thought it was Bruckner
I never got what was so special about Furtwangler. He frequently seems to take extremely sluggish tempos in andantes and that bothers me.
the consensus on klaus makela and gustavo dudamel is that they’re wunderkinder. why aren’t you worshipping them?
you don’t get it, taking every piece at funereal tempos with an orchestra that’s unable to play a tutti in unison is profound. 2deep4u
His style was one of heavy contrasts, taking slow parts slower than most other conductors, but taking the fast parts faster. It is important to remember, though, that these are just generalizations. There are many different recordings where Furtwängler went against his reputation and actually conducting significantly faster than anyone else during his day.

There's plenty to dislike about Furtwängler, but I think much of it comes from a period in which he was well past his prime. He did the majority of his recordings after WWII, and the European orchestras he worked with at the time were in notoriously bad shape. After the 1950s, when his hearing and health had deteriorated significantly (by 1954 he was practically deaf), his conducting had lost some of his characteristic intensity and drive. A good comparison is his studio Tristan and the live excerpts from 1947; they sound like two different conductors entirely, with the latter recording being considerably more exciting.

I am an admirer of Furtwängler when his vision and the orchestra come together, but you have to more carefully curate his output.
I'm not worshipping either. You're free to dislike him, he's just objectively not considered a dogshit conductor
i don’t care about objectivity, i care about how furtwangler sounds to me, and he sounds like shit.
What composers tried to kill themselves?
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The doll in question
He liked 'em hairy. I can respect that.
Webern's early Piano Quintet is pretty great. Like some weird mishmash of Mahler and Brahms
the romantic phase of the second viennese school is all like that, i like it quite a lot actually.
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Maybe he was a furry?
I dig it, thanks for sharing.

>Like some weird mishmash of Mahler and Brahms

That's the dream.
What are the best recordings from him?
Stockhausen conducting Mozart

Symphony 5 (1942, BP)
Symphony 6 (1943, BP. First movement missing)
Symphony 9 (1944, BP. Pretty dreadful sound quality)
Symphony 1 (1951, NDR. Not to my tastes but very well executed in its way)
Symphony 2 (1944, WP)
Symphony 4 (1948, BP. The one on Audite.)
Symphony 3 (1944, WP. Again, not to my tastes, but well executed)
Symphony 5 (1943, BP. The 1947 one is good too, but has sloppier playing)
Der Ring (1937 Covent Garden excerpts. 1950, La Scala)
Tristan (1947, Acts 2 and 3 excerpts)
Don Giovanni (1950 or 1953 are both good. 1950 has based Gobbi)
Violin Concerto 2 (1953, Philharmonia with Menuhin)

Some may object to his Beethoven 9th not being on here, but I pretty much don't like his interpretation of the 9th at all.
post your spotify playlist! or just regular playlist if you don't use spotify
Not that other anon but neat, thanks.
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now playing

start of Bruckner's "Symphony No. 4 in E-Flat Major, WAB 104 'Romantic'" (Honeck / Pittsburgh):

Jeffrey Swann and Stefan Mickisch are better music lecturers.
very silly cover, i’m supposed to believe honeck is strolling around the countryside in a fine worsted business suit? ridiculous
which composers do you guys think went to heaven, and which ones went to hell?
>we want the skyrim audience
Might just be a park...
what is he doing, having a business meeting with naxos of america at schenley park? absurd, put on some tweeds and flannels if you want to wear tailoring casually outdoors asshole.
Are you okay?
i’m not okay with the standards of dress displayed by classical musicians today.
I actually did not care for the recording very much, sadly.
that’s a good thing, it means you don’t have to look at the goofy ass cover any more than necessary
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now playing



Would Mahler have liked Hitler?

Suzuki's recording of Bach's Magnificat really kind of sucks.
Good to know. Shaw's is still far and away my favorite of it. Still pissed there's no recording of his of SJP or SMP.
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Philip Glass went to India in 1966 after working with sitar player Ravi Shankar in Paris. He’d become transfixed by the repetitions of Indian music, and destroyed his old serialist and traditional western scores. In India, he met Tibetan refugees and, later, the Dalai Lama and began his lifelong support for their independence. The effects of the trip came out most in his politics, but it eventually led to his 1979 Gandhi opera Satyagraha.
Awful recording
Truly forward looking. More like an early Beethoven or late Haydn piece than anything else, CPE was so far ahead of his time. No wonder Mozart called him his daddy
Wow, that explains a lot of things!
good morning saar
What, Shaw's? Oh :( Which ones are your favorite?
Has anyone who isn't retarded integrated ideas from Indian music into Western classical
Would von karajan be considered meterosexual? He was pretty hot even at old age desu , could just be repressed homosexual as well
Philip Glass
They asked non retarded, that guy should've sticked to being a plumber
not what metrosexual means
is retarded
Philip Glass

Metamorphosis: One

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I genuinely wonder if he could truly love anyone but himself... but then maybe that is not so exceptional
Steve Reich Electric Counterpoint

karajan only really loved 2 things: himself and his porsches
I read pic rel years ago. HvK comes across as extremely shallow, almost like he has no personality at all. There is an interesting passage however where HvK and Vaughan visit Berchtesgaden and the conductor seems almost lost in reverie about Nazi Germany and what once was ...

>Rummel Blessed Jesus Here We Stand
What a strange name for a song
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>video unavailable
I did listen but it didn't sound familiar and I can't find any mention of it being based on a theme from classical music on a cursory search.
thanks. maybe it's just my subconsciousness.
What's your favorite piano recording, /classical/? And why?
something by edwin fischer probably
His WTC is still the GOAT
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Just picking one is difficult so I'll choose a boxset
do hisstards seriously
more like a slopset
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First one that comes to mind:

the average hisstard is a seagull? explains a lot.
Okay... What's everyone's favorite recording of the late quartets??
takacs, takacs, takacs
Whose late quartets?
the only ones that truly matter
Beethoven obviously
sussy gay quartet
Alban Berg
like the juilliard quartet but for people who wanted a german approach to stiffness and dullness.
You will never find peace.
i already have. have you?
I find that hard to believe.
thank goodness your approval matters little
Mozart then
I have a different favorite for each:
12: Doric
13: Guarneri (and I always include their Grosse Fuge before the finale as well)
14: Prazak
15: Talich
16: Hagen
>(and I always include their Grosse Fuge before the finale as well)
behold, the worst possible solution for playing op. 130
Schubert's are pretty good, I'll give you that.
his quintets are better.
pretty good, but rightfully overshadowed by the string quintet.
literally irredeemable; not even deaf boomers like this one
Why are you referring to yourself in the third person?
busch, hollywood and budapest
holy fucking hisstrranny
jesus christ have sex urgently
jesus christ dilate urgently hisster sister
Good choices but would add Lener as well
so true hisster sister, so true
New bread

good thing I your approval of it matters little
>good thing i ... matter little
agreed, you really do!

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