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Mozart edition

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous Thread: >>123397369

Bartok 5th string quartet, performed by the Vegh Quartet

they’re called the vague quartet because that’s what their intonation is
Nobody asked.
yes, nobody asked to hear the vague quartet
It's actually the Végh Quartet not the vague quartet that's a common misconception
Well, common amongst those with mental illness.
a common misconception given the theme of their quartet is vague intonation
the lady doth protest too much
The shoe fits
Starting the thread Reich

afraid not, i’m a size 8 or 9 depending on brand.
but enough about you
Okay continuing with the question about Beethoven from the previous thread, what is your favorite recording of the SQs by the following composers:

it took me 3 years to realize that the juilliard quartet actually has a stereo cycle of their schoenberg quartets, this entire time i assumed they only had their 50s mono recordings. that’s probably the best cycle of schoenberg’s quartets.

>I have a different favorite for each:

Holy based.
more like wholly retarded
I keep falling asleep today because of the medication I'm taking (and will probably be taking tomorrow) so I'm finding it impossible to listen to any work of any real length, ie symphonies. So, aside from Wagner, who has the best overtures or set of symphonic/tome poems or whatever kind of collection of short orchestral works? I just put on a Weber one by Sawallisch right now. Mendelssohn? Berlioz? Dvorak?
you keep ignoring beethoven’s overtures and frankly it’s your loss
It's sincerely impressive how you can always tell when it's me posting. And while I didn't listen to that Markevitch recording all the way through that you posted, I've heard most of the ones on it at various times before and I did listen to Consecration of the House from it like you suggested!
there is no single group of musicians that can do justice to all of Beethoven's output, even if we drive up the qualifiers to more specific chunks of his output, like the late quartets.
What's the best "music for someone who's looking for more music like Wagner, but can't quite find any"?
Strauss' tone poems, both the short and long ones, always seemed quite similar to me, assuming you're talking mostly about the solely orchestral music and not the operas themselves. But you Wagnersisters are a weird bunch so who knows.
quite laughable
i accept your concession
i don’t accept your laughable folly, i laugh at it
Sisteranon might disagree but I think it's dope you have a different favorite for each one. You probably have 32 different favorite pianists/recordings for his piano sonatas too, huh? That'd be neat.
there are obvious chunks of sonatas that were written at a similar time/at the same time, for which there is absolutely no reason why the same pianist could not play the entire set straight, for example op. 109-111
i'm not the original poster, nor do i have the same favorites, but i agree with the concept of having different choices for each quartet; their sound worlds are different enough and the works are too vast for any one artist to do justice to all of them interpretatively, it's the same with his symphonies and, as you suggest, his sonatas.

not saying you have to have a different performer for every work, but i find that's more often the case for my tastes in these works.

>You probably have 32 different favorite pianists/recordings for his piano sonatas too, huh?
not a different performer for each one, but i have a list of favorits for every single sonata, of which there are a few duplicates but overall there's a large variety
only an idiot who forgets that the late quartets were all written in the same 2 year span and as a result have an extremely consistent approach to voice leading, melodic expressivity and formal construction would believe this. the only thing different about their “sound world” is their surface level emotional content; what a shallow presumption.
quite laughable
yes, but that’s enough about you.
Right, I get the argument of your side of it, and it makes sense, especially when comparing the nature of string quartets/pianists and those works and how they're approached in comparison to, say, having a different favorite recording and orchestra/conductor preference for each symphony, but I get where >>123440489 is coming from too and I just think it's cool. The only realm where it'd cross the line for me is if someone had a different favorite for, say, each one of Chopin's 24 Preludes or something, lol. Also cool but just nuts.
it’s not really cool, it’s just neurotic and micromanaging, which certainly explains the musical tastes of the people who practice this behavior.
i'll grant that the guy who spends every waking moment in this general, responding to each and every single post with inane bullshit, is likely an authority on neuroticism.
didn’t i say that it was quite enough about you?
Thoughts on historical tempos for Beethoven?
the only historical tempos for beethoven are his metronome markings, which should be taken seriously.
got any recording recommendations that follow his tempo markings?
of what? for the symphonies, leibowitz and scherchem are the most faithful that don’t resort to disgusting orchestral practices.
>which should be taken seriously.
Disgusting interpretation.
romantiturds never cease to embarrass themselves
metronome markings are factual but it's important to remember Beethoven followed double beat in his time so they're actually way slower
very funny, but let’s not try to mislead the genuinely uninformed now.
this is how Beethoven was meant to be played
meant to be played by children, yes
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>only thing different about their “sound world” is their surface level emotional content; what a shallow presumption.
who are you quoting?
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I cant listen to anything else ever again after Götterdämmerung all other music just sucks now. Wagner was to talented my life is destroyed cause now everything sounds like dogshit in comparison. Even regular things in life suck cause nothing can compare to the emotions I felt during the entire piece.

What do I do now bros??
>What do I do now bros?

Ride into the flames
>writes many great pieces
>teach many great students
>be an absolute god in orchestration
>only gets remembered for bolero arguably his worst piece

Why is it like this bros?
Gotterdammerung is the worst opera of Wagner's mature period. Listen to Parsifal or Siegfried instead.
on 2.0 mg of clonazepam right now.
post music that represents my GABA receptors being destroyed for life.
Hagen, Mosaiques
Busch, Budapest, Alban Berg
Takacs, Végh, early Juilliard recording
Hagen, Fitzwilliam, Beethoven
Juilliard, Lasalle, Arditti
i think we can all agree that leck mich im arsch is peak western music
get off the stage
The GOAT guitarist

ABQ [Telarc]
Brandis Quartett
Tokyo String Quartet [DG]
Quator Danel [Fuga Libera], Pacifica Quartet
Wagner drove me insane.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - Die zauberfloete
Best filmed version of each Wagner opera?
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hissbros... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpLu0dbTnRU
Was Curt Cibain better than Bach? Could Bach have written Smells Like Teen Spirit?

>I was 8 years old
>I loved Bach so much
>I'd play Contrapunctus 11 every day
>one day I go to a party
>they have a piano
>they're playing smash mouth
>turn that shit off and begin to play the well tempered clavier
>suddenly this ugly fat brogre neckbearrd starts yelling at me
>he looks pissed off, red face
>"why the fuck did you turn all star off to play your Farquaad shit fuck you Shrek is love Shrek is life"
>he rambles on for an hour, making no sense
>he finally stops
>I look him straight in the eye
>"Shrek is dreck"
>he gasps
>the pungent smell of onions begins to fill the room
>smash mouth turns back on
>suddenly Shrek bursts in through the wall
>"What did ya say about me, laddeh?"
> I call him dreck again
>his face is seething with rage
>he pulls down his trousers and prepares to rape me with his massive eshrekt shrock
>I laugh at his puny shrock, and begin to improvise a six voice ricercar on "all star"
>Shrek turns all pale and starts to speak French like the green faggot he is
>suddenly the master himself, JS Bach, appears from thin air
>he looks Shrek straight in the eye, and says
>"fugue you"
>suddenly JS Bach pulls out his mighty pipe organ and impale shrek's face
>I can see his bloody eyeballs being forced out of their sockets
>Bach roars a mighty five voice roar
>I can hear Bach's fugue climaxing as the theme is heard simultaneously in normal and inverted motion
>Bach's JS cock explodes with semen, and I can see rivers of cum flowing out of shrek's mouth, ears, and eye sockets
>bits of brain are floating about
>JS Bach laughs, and says
>"now it's time for rectus"
>he puts down shrek's limp, mutilated corpse and walks up behind me
>I bend over, prepared for the fuguing at hand
>Bach drives his cocktrapunctus into my asshole
>he modulates to major, minor, and even modal keys
>my screams of pleasure can barely be heard
>at the final cadence, I black out
>I wake up alone to the smell of coffee
>Bach is love, Bach is life
that alban berg set of schubert quartets is such a snooze honestly
Is this a mistake?

There's a very short list of pianists I like, but I do enjoy:
Yuja Wang

I enjoy his interviews
Do people listen to any of Schubert's quartets besides the last three (and a half)?
Kissin' Yuja's Wang
no lol, even schubert himself said that all his quartets prior to the C minor quartettsatz weren't serious works.
Give me starter charts. Im a metal fag who listened to St. John Passion and I want more
stick to >>>/mu/ lil guy
Brahms, Johannes – The Four Symphonies

Respighi, Ottorino – Pines, Birds, Fountains of Rome

Schubert, Franz – Symphonies 8 & 9

Saint-Saens, Camille – Symphony 3

Bruckner, Anton – Symphony 4

Berwald, Franz – Symphony 2

Paganini, Niccolo – 24 Caprices

Anner Bylsma and Lambert Orkis – Sonatas by Brahms and Schumann
incomprehensibly random selection
Do you listen to metal?
no, but that has little to do with how all those selections have no relation to the st john passion.

Josquin - Missa Pange Lingua
Monteverdi - Orfeo
J. S. Bach - Cantata BWV 140
J. S. Bach - Well-Tempered Clavier bk. 1
Haydn - String Quartets op. 76
Mozart - Clarinet Quintet
Mozart - The Magic Flute
Beethoven - Symphony no. 3
Beethoven - Piano Sonata "Hammerklavier" op.106
Schubert - String Quintet
the idea of a fried dopamine receptor metalbabby trying to sit through josquin and wondering if he’s getting trolled is extraordinarily funny actually
Bruckner Masses, Haydn The Creation, etc

amazing performance, they really were much more exciting in a live setting
"They were just pranks bro"
If he can sit through a Bach passion... why would a 25 minute mass with crystal clear polyphony be a major problem? Because a capella?
Less than useless s*sterposter
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Levine's Mahler 5 is one of my favorite all-time recordings. Listening to that into his 6th, which I've never tried, so should be fun! Oh, hmm apparently the box set 6th is a recording he made with the LSO, whereas he has another with the Boston Symphony Orchestra. Anyone heard both? I'm listening to the box set LSO because I have it downloaded but have had the Boston recording added to my YouTube Music for sometime it appears. Guess we'll have to try them both!

start of the 5th:

mahler symphonies
one of my favorite all-time recordings of the 5th*
>b-but he was a pederast!!
Ask Hector.

Ban incoming
Thank you melanated sister
the sister poster
>Whether behind the scenes, in front of the mic, building empires, or shaking things up in the boardroom, our melanated sisters played a major role in moving music forward in the 2010s.
no, just juvenilia
bach’s choral music still has some aspects of it that would appeal to a neophyte; the sheer mass of sound (especially in traditional interpretations with large orchestras and choirs), the dramatic elements of the arias, etc. a renaissance mass has none of these; it is pure polyphony, a concept alien to the average tourist. you think he will have any idea what he’s listening to?
not /classical/, try >>>/b/ instead
i absolutely abhor this recording
do they really not come back?
He died
thank goodness your approval matters little
Did he really?
thank goodness you matter little, obsessed concern troll
Yes, he's exaggerating
Rival s*sterposters?
It was only a matter of time.
My favorite Parsifal

It's very good. Certainly the best choir.
the sister spammer turned simply into the rudeposter (alternatively the whineposter). What's the next step of his life cycle?
Crashing this plane....
for me it's Kubelik
becoming the petzoldposter
seeking mental help i hope
If I could keep only 5 Parsifals, they would be

Knappertsbusch 62
Karajan 80
Thank you based schizo sister
but beethoven isn’t a talentless hack
Chopping their balls off so they can sing like an eunuch for the local choir. (what churches did to singers with youthful voice, lmao.)
GOAT tier
garbage (not music)
sounds more like the fate of the obsessed concern troll tranny if you ask me
Because the Sis poster had already chopped their balls off
>obsessed concern troll tranny
Literally who?
what's with 4chan and autists spamming unfunny shit?
literally you, obsessed concern tranny
>i absolutely abhor this recording

o lol really? Do you like any of Levine's Mahler?
It's the nature of this general
Let's not resort to name calling
not really, and i’ve tried way more of his cycle than i really should’ve
if you insist, obsessed concern tranny
great question wignat sister
Webern unironically
"psychedelic" pieces?
Symphonie Fantastique
What, exactly, of Beethoven?

Webern composed atonal music, meaning he was spiritually jewish

Yeah I already know
>Webern composed atonal music, meaning he was spiritually jewish
It is now known that Webern was using music to shuttle Werner Heisenberg's discoveries in atomic energy to German spy Klaus Fuchs working on the Manhattan atom bomb project in New Mexico. Due to the secret nature of the project, which was still underway after the invasion of Berlin, Army officials at the time were unable to describe the true reason for Webern's murder.

Hans Scherbius, a Nazi party official who worked with Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, admitted at age eighty-seven that the Nazis secretly were behind the twelve-tone technique of composition, which was officially reviled to give it the outlaw status it needed to remain outside of the larger public purview.

"These pieces were nothing more than cipher for encoding messages," he chuckled during an interview on his balcony in Buenos Aires. "It was only because it was 'naughty' and difficult that elite audiences accepted it, even championed it."
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As an example, Scherbius showed Associated Press reporters the score of Webern's Opus 30 "Variations for Orchestra" overlaid with a cardboard template. The notes formed a mathematical grid that deciphered into German a comparison between the neutron release cross-sections of uranium isotopes 235 and 238.

Schonberg responded with a collection of songs for soprano and woodwinds that encrypted the chemical makeup of the polonium-beryllium initiator at the core of the Trinity explosion.

And in Japan, Toru Takemitsu took time out from his own neo-romanticism to transmit data via music of his nation's progress with the atom.

"The most curious thing about it," says composer Philip Glass in New York City, "is that musicians continued to write twelve-tone music after the war, even though they had no idea why it was really invented. Indeed, there are guys who are churning out serialism to this day."

Unlike the diatonic music, which is based on scales that have been agreed upon by listeners throughout the world for all of history, twelve-tone music treats each note of the chromatic scale with equal importance, and contains a built-in mathematical refusal to form chords that are pleasing by traditional standards. Known also as serialism, the style has never been accepted outside of an elite cadre of musicians, who believe it is the only fresh and valid direction for post-Wagnerian classical music to go.

"Even if this is really true," states conductor Pierre Boulez, a composer who continues to utilize serial techniques, "the music has been vindicated by music critics for decades now. I see no reason to suddenly invalidate an art form just because of some funny business at its inception."
lmao that's some good shit
every board in general you mean
>says composer Philip Glass
stopped there.
How does anyone genuinely like Glass? It's barely even music
At uni I once acted as a trip minder for some acquaintances who got high and watched Koyaanisqatsi at which point I understood the target demographic for Philip Glass.
minimalism in general is not music
Composers with autism:


Who am I missing?
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What does /classical/ think of Early Music Sources?
hideous henley shirt
not /classical/, try >>>/fa/ instead
i’m sure /fa/ approves of people wearing underwear as tshirts, maybe not on emaciated soiboys though.
We need to test the IQ of everyone on this general, we really do.
Levine's 5th has probably the best strings and percussion that I've heard in Mahler 5
too bad everything else about it sucks
stop being gay
Philip Glass appreciators(not fans) have very high IQs-you need to it fully savour the art.
you first
maybe if levine did he wouldn’t have a permanent reputation of sex offender
Mozart - trash
Schubert - trash
Bartok - Takacks
Shostakovich - trash
Schoenberg - trash
who hurt you
How can you like Bartok but not Shostakovich?
thankfully not levine
In terms of aura? I agree
NTA but I love Shostakovich's but don't (yet) like Bartok's
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now playing

start of Dvorak's "Symphony No. 7 in D Minor, Op. 70, B. 141":


Can't believe I hadn't heard of the Suite in A major ('American Suite') before, so I'm especially excited for that. Added a couple other recordings of it too because I just love everything Dvorak.
literal opposite
Mozart - Kuijken easily. Though for the quintets they have competiton with Ensemble Villa Musica.
Schubert - Diogenes Quartet
Bartok - not familiar enough to have a favorite cycle
Shostakovich - Borodin Quartet
Schoenberg - Schoenberg Quartet
Additionally my favorite Beethoven cycles are Hagen and Guarneri
favorite composers of chamber music?
Carmen vs Parsifal

no one cares about wagner
No one? This guy produces much higher quality content than Wim, yet he is never discussed here.
buddy, nobody discusses classical music here
Here is your dilator 2000 sister
Takacs is so bad at Beethoven. Rym-core garbage.
It's sterile
translation: their playing is technically impeccable and their interpretation is thoroughly thought out to a degree where i can’t really make any real criticisms, so i’m going to make up some bullshit that props up my poorly intoned dogshit favorite quartet that’s unable to play a tutti in unison
You have bad taste
what a shock, more non-arguments! definitely didn't see that coming.
You're just wrong and i'm merely presenting the truth
ah, i see. how astute. anything else, crybaby?
good. glad you figured out your place so quickly.
I am poopy man I wear diaper
hey, that's your words, not mine.
thanks for the recs Leibowitz's Ninth was a great recording
I know wim is an idiot so you can't trick me.
How can anyone dislike this? This shit slaps
slap bop fire banger no cap fr fr on god sheeeeeeeesh
I wouldn't call them bad but they're kind of boring. Sight read Beethoven.

The little guy is tuckered out and needs a nap
Thanks, added the ones I wasn't familiar with. As well as a bunch off of other people's posters. I do love Borodin for Shosty. Probably listen to those Kuijken Mozart first.
>there are people RIGHT NOW who believe that Brahms is superior to Wagner
this poster has never looked at a single page of sheet music from any of beethoven's quartets.
yes, those would be people, as opposed to wagnerites which are not.
Wagnerites are übermensch.
I've come to realize, and this is probably the reason I used to like just about every recording of it I heard, that most conductors can do a good first movement of Mahler 6 -- the difficult part comes in doing the rest well, especially the final ~30min movement.
did you type this post out and fill in the captcha with the tab closed, wagnersister?
Don't get me wrong, I like Wagner, but Brahms is leagues ahead of him.
server for composers, shitposters and songwriters
good afternoon discord groomer sister
Is this where the sister poster grooms children to molest?
it’s actually home to the pedophile kraut

EARLY Stockhausen, thoughts????
Oh I see you use a different discord to groom children
you wish i used discord, obsessed concern troll
I wish you didn’t molest children
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Even Jews know Wagner is superior to Brahms.

>At that time I thought that Brahms and Wagner had musically not much more in common than all musicians have. Today, they appear to me musically almost like brothers. I think Wagner to be the greater genius. He tried to solve new problems, to express grandiose visions. Yet, Brahms's untheatrical and less pretentious work is closer to me.
why would i do that? i’m not a pedophile, nor a kraut. sounds like you’re getting your wires crossed, obsessed concern troll.

How should I know? I don’t care to fathom the minds of pedos presumably the reason is you’re sexually attracted to then
Wagner was twice the composer that Brahms could ever be.
good thing i’m not a pedo then. try harder, obsessed concern troll.
and twice the woman, too!
If Jews like him that’s a strike against Wagner. It’s well known that Brahms is superior
I’m not interested in your many lies I wouldn’t expect a pedo to admit it
Brahms was simply jealous of Wagner.
people don't think critically that's why they like wagner
the burden of proof is on you, little guy. i’m sure you can do better than that, obsessed concern troll.
i don’t see why he would be, he wasn’t gender dysphoric after all.
Brahms did nothing new and only reciprocated tropes popularised by Beethoven a century later, it's no coincidence Brahms's first symphony was nicknamed 'Beethoven's 10th', and if he'd had even a single gram of originality in his entire body it wouldn't have been. Brahms is an entirely uninspired composer who only wrote music that was already familiar to himself, never once did he listen with an unbiased ear to the ground breaking work of his contemporaries. Marcel Duchamp said art stopped being art after a number of years because the cultural context it was created in is lost, and it loses the violent response truly great works of art elicit, if he was right then what Brahms wrote wasn't even art at the exact moment of creation; there's nothing interesting in writing stale music that sounds like it was written a century earlier.
Brahms was writing for pathetic conservatism, small mindedness and "I-don't-know-much-about-music-but-I-know-what-I-like", middle-of-the-road, kitsch crap.
so true wagnersister, so true.
Not interested in excuses
Most Jews preferred Brahms, even in his own day, because of their predilection for abstraction and objectivity in determining the value of music (just think of Hanslick and Schenker), which in itself tends toward conservative musical tastes, and because Brahms was a philosemite while Wagner was an antisemite. But the actually talented Jews like Schnabel, Mahler, Newman, etc. all recognsie Wagner as greater.
not interested in your lack of proof, obsessed concern troll
based Siegfried appreciator
>Marcel Duchamp said art stopped being art after a number of years because the cultural context it was created in is lost
That sounds like obviously nonsense to me. I don’t see why art requires a violent response. I’m not entirely sure what you mean by this
your head requires a violent response
A tediously predictable response. I’m not interested in more, stop trying to derail the thread with your off topic posts and bizarre nicknames
>everyone that prefers brahms over wagner is a jew, except for the jews that prefer wagner over brahms, then it's ok because they're "talented"
is this what estradiol does to your prefrontal cortex?
a tediously predictable response. i'm not interested in your lack of proof, stop trying to derail the thread with your obsessed concern trolling.
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>All I can say of him [Brahms] is that he's a rather puny little dwarf with a narrow chest. Good Lord, if a breath from the lungs of Richard Wagner whistled about his ears he would scarce be able to keep his feet. But I don't mean to hurt his feelings.
- From a letter by Mahler to his wife in 1904
which mahler symphony is your favorite?
>no U
Grow up
>more obsessed concern trolling
grow up.
>>everyone that prefers brahms over wagner is a jew, except for the jews that prefer wagner over brahms
Was this meant to sound illogical?
>being a jew is a problem unless you prefer wagner, then it's ok because they're "talented"
Das Lied von der Erde
I guess strictly speaking it isn’t a contradiction but it does come across as rather ridiculous
favorite recording?
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Walt Disney is thawed and puts together a team to make a new Fantasia.
Which pieces should go in?
I throw in what images accompany them since that’s the really interesting part
it’ll be nothing but wagner opera excerpts set to dilation instructional videos done by star wars and marvel characters.
>being something with negative qualities is bad, except when those negative qualities are not attached or are mollified
Ugh, yes? Again, not exactly illogical.
What a fucking shit answer
>except when those negative qualities are not attached or are mollified
tl;dr being jewish is ok if you’re a wagnertranny LMFAO
don’t blame me, blame kathleen kennedy.
Start with another Bach orchestration. Elgar's take on BWV 537 would really give artists something to work with.
For the fugue, abstract, firework-esque imagery would be excellent
>being jewish isn't bad if it doesn't restraint your ability to comprehend the truth
>brahmscuck coping
certified AGPbrain moment
Pictures at an Exhibition- the images would write themselves
The Dvorak one about the Water Goblin - likewise the images are obvious
animating a tone poem with an existing plot is possibly the laziest route you could take for a fantasia style movie.
Xenakis - Persepolis
Stockhausen - Hymnen
Varese - Poeme Electronique
Schaeffer - Cinq Études de bruits
That’s what they did for a night on bald mountain and the sorcerers apprentice - more or less
>the RYMtranny actually wants a cartoon movie for children to include a 3 hour long collection of random electronic bloops and national anthem samples
what do you guys think is the cause for this brainrot
yeah, and the results alternate between fucking lazy (the aforementioned) and fucking stupid (rite of spring set to dinosaurs; really?)
Music for children you say? Well, anything by Johannes Brahms.
At that point it sounds like you just don’t like the film
Sorcerer's Apprentice is great, fucking idiot.
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Damn, MTT's Das Lied von der Erde isn't on YouTube. Has anyone heard it and know if it's worth taking the time to download and listen to? I feel like trying a new one today. Maybe I'll listen to Sanderling's or Mehta's.
fucking boring, more like
what is it with gay guys and the tenor/baritone version of DLvDE?
I don’t think I’ve ever seen that poster make a positive comment about any classical music
that may be because you don't think at all
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now playing


Was Stockhausen a white supremacist?
>I heard the piece Aphex Twin of Richard James carefully: I think it would be very helpful if he listens to my work Song Of The Youth, which is electronic music, and a young boy’s voice singing with himself. Because he would then immediately stop with all these post-African repetitions, and he would look for changing tempi and changing rhythms, and he would not allow to repeat any rhythm if it were varied to some extent and if it did not have a direction in its sequence of variations.

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Oh come on it’s the Emperor has no clothes not the Emperor has a green loincloth
so true wignat sister, so true
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now playing, gonna give Sibelius one (or two) more try

start of Sibelius' "Symphony No. 3 in C Major, Op. 52":

is he actually Jewish?
You don’t need to reply to every post
Also this was a great Shostakovich 6, highly recommended.
the wignat sister would certainly like to believe so
so true wignat sister, so true
He was raped by Wagner.
so true wagnersister, so true
excellent question wignat sister
Kek he admits to being raped by Wagner
so true wagnersister, so true
I mostly dislike their tone. They play in that hyper aggressive HIP style where it sounds like they're slashing at their instruments.
not a denial, then
I just find them boring personally.
>having a discernible attack to your notes is HIP
>literally every conductor from toscanini to szell to reiner to munch is HIP
wtf i love HIP now
so true wignatsister, so true
it's simply too soulless for Beethoven
You want children to see a penis? You think that's appropriate for children's entertainment? A naked man's penis, that's your idea of what children should be looking at, you sick fuck?
Schoenburg wasn't even the king of 12 tone Scott Bradley was.
still not as soulless as the sussy gay quartet
Absolutely yes, that’s the whole point of the story
There's discernable attacks and then there's the way that Takacs plays it. They play it like they play their Bartok. Szell doesn't do that with Beethoven and neither did Toscanini. You're confusing pointed rhythmic articulation with phrasing.
it's just a penis it's a normal thing
These threads are cancer, and are filled with Mahler fans.

I'm with him kinda, i'm getting real tired of post-african repetitions.
That’s what I said but did the (((judge))) listen? No
>They play it like they play their Bartok.
they play everything like that. it's part of their sound, much like how bad intonation is part of the vegh quartet's sound.
>Szell doesn't do that with Beethoven and neither did Toscanini.
by that logic, neither do HIP groups, because quite frankly no other group has that sound to their string playing. didn't stop you from trying to claim it was HIP though.
This recording takes the dynamics to the point where some passages are barely audible and you have to strain to hear them and then as you're straining and your ears are completely open and unprotected you get hit with the frying pan. It's like being abused with music. An anxiety inducing recording. Tried listening to it numerous times, now I'm either donating it to the library or perhaps simply throwing it as far away from my person as I can without damaging my rotator cuff.
>didn't stop you from trying to claim it was HIP though.
That kind of phrasing originated with HIP groups
Looking forward to the Iannis Xenakis edition
>noooooooo they're TOO dynamic
just say you prefer your beethoven played by and for geriatrics and be done with it, no need to invent buzzwords like "soulless" to explain it.
it really didn't. there isn't a single HIP group on the planet that sounds remotely similar to takacs.
You need to listen to more recordings lol
i'll bet money i have more recordings of the beethoven quartets on my hard drive right now than you've ever heard of in your life.
I jest, but he turns very aggressive when called scholomosister
They remind me of Currentzis in that way, really annoying. They do the same thing where they draw a lot of attention to themselves with their super duper pianissimo which roars itself to a loud climax in a "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!" type way. It's very irritating.
>i hate dynamics i want everything to sound the same!
the kind of bullshit hisstards will invent to shit on any recording post WWII is kinda impressive sometimes
>my only concept of dynamics is going from 0 to 11, nothing in between
You do you, bro
New thread (special edition)

>This recording takes the dynamics to the point where some passages are barely audible and you have to strain to hear them and then as you're straining and your ears are completely open and unprotected you get hit with the frying pan
that's one of the few good things about it.

Why tf are you complaining about harsh dynamics in Beethoven? If you look at his music you'll often see changes with the subtlety of a sledgehammer. Maybe try listening to Schubert or Haydn if you want subtler dynamics. This is a bit nonsensical to complain about in Beethoven.

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