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Trans edition

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previously on /classical/: >>123438289
Takacs more like Takass
glad we all agree that the takacs recording sucks
there's lots in between, the difference is that they actually do have a 0 and an 11, whereas (insert your favorite group here) does 4-7 on a good day.
suske more like sussy gay
vegh more like vague intonation
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>90 bings until Bruckner's 200th birthday
>makes a fucking Stockhausen thread
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now playing

start of Sibelius' "Symphony No. 6 in D Minor, Op. 104":

Bruckner is too good for this psychotic general
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Enough about Beethoven

Let's talk about Bach. Post your favorite Sonatas and Partitas recording.
i wonder how many posters this general actually has
Man, this is so close to being a great symphony, except it's ruined by all these weird little choices, like random stoppages in the second half and boring note repetition in the first. When the music just plays normally it's great, why did Sibelius add all this other weird shit?
Bruckner's dead bro, he's not having any birthdays
Not enough. If we had more voices, at least the endless circle jerks would represent a lesser percentage of posts. I still remember when this general had rec charts for different composers for newbs.
recommendation charts are for faggot rockists
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let's try... it was either this one or the Blomstedt / San Francisco. Maybe that one next time.
They're for easy consuming. The general is supposed to be for in-depth conversation, but half of the posts are spam. So we get neither
>easy consuming
so yes, faggot rockists. point proven.
Everyone starts on easy mode. I didn't start listening to Beethoven by reading "Introduction to sonata allegro form" you dipshit
maybe if you did you wouldn't be an idiot advocating for rockist garbage
I did and so should you.
Starting on easy mode is for KEKS I always start on the hardest difficulty in either games or life in general
Now excuse me as I do another run of Doom on Nightmare with 100% kills items and secrets using only the fists
You have to be autistic, you obviously can't fathom the experience of another person. And charts are also part of the so called board culture, so it's easier to get people to try it. I don't give a fuck that it's "garbage rockist faggotry" or whatever, if it means one less spam post
And I'm not sure that you've ever read a formal analysis of a sonata-allegro movement ( YouTube doesn't count)
Even if we do that, which definitely could work btw, currently the general does neither. Result? Spam
>And charts are also part of the so called board culture
not /classical/, try >>>/mu/ instead
>And I'm not sure that you've ever read a formal analysis of a sonata-allegro movement
i've written more formal analyses of pretty much every formal structure there is than you've ever read.
The more I think about it the more I realize old cartoons got me more into classical than just listening to the music cold.
Sister spammer hates the idea of more people here. He wants this to be an endless circle jerk of him and that other guy he's always spamming recommendations to
i like the idea of new people here who are informed and intelligent, or at the very minimum are working towards achieving such a thing. rockist inspired charts are not going to achieve this goal.
Good thing you don't call the shots then
good thing you don't call the shots then
He does it on purpose so people pay attention to him. He's an attention whore at the end of the day, it's basically an informal tripcode.
not clicking on your virus sorry
the ramblings of a genuine schizophrenic
I literally teach classical music at the University level. Admittedly at a no name university. I think that I've written more analyses than you bud
Regardless of the dick measuring contest, I don't see how getting more people is a bad thing
don't reply to him, it's a lost cause
Educated people don't materialize out of thin air, you have to give them an entry point. The general is not going to get any less gate-keepy by adding more autista from 4chan in
cool, i work on a university level too, so fucking what? if you want to start pulling out dicks we can start namedropping our resumes and doxing each other.
>I don't see how getting more people is a bad thing
if you truly do work at a university level, you'd realize that the vast majority of people in this field are fucking retards. is inducting more retards in using retarded rockist methods really the solution to the current issue classical music is facing?
that entry point is not going to be recycling flowcharts made by transsexual narcissistic tripfags 10 years ago.
>cool, i work on a university level too

If you did you'd know that "i" is capitalized
i'm going to write my next academic paper entirely lowercase just to spite you.
Refer to this post
I know for a fact that most people in any field are beyond stupid, I agree with you. But you can work towards getting them educated and teach them critical thinking, that works regardless of medium. A chart is literally a image with pretty colors that says, hey, listen to this 40 minute symphony in full of you want to post here! Which is better than what you're currently doing, which is literally less than nothing
>my next academic paper

>But you can work towards getting them educated and teach them critical thinking
have you? because in my experience, no, you cannot. most people are literally incapable of critical thinking, especially so when the vast majority of people in the field of classical music are performers, to whom critical thinking about the music they play is literally anathema. you'd have better luck convincing a minimum wage mcdonalds employee to really think hard about how healthy a big mac actually is.
>A chart is literally a image with pretty colors that says, hey, listen to this 40 minute symphony in full of you want to post here!
retarded, this doesn't educate people at all on why they need to be listening to this specific 40 minute symphony and not any other 40 minute symphony by joe schmoe or sirgay blows.
>Which is better than what you're currently doing
this is 4chan, no one does anything of importance here. get real.
what do you think a formal analysis is written for, retard?
I don't believe you've written any formal analysis's unless you've collated all your daily shitposts into one document and called that an essay
thank goodness your approval (or the lack thereof) is of no consequence.
>Thank goodness
yep, inconsequential as stated
Just remember if on the off chance you actually ever do write a paper for a University they will expect proper capitalization and something more substantial than "so true wagnersister" in the way of analysis.
>you'd have better luck convincing a minimum wage mcdonalds employee to really think hard about how healthy a big mac actually is.
This is a great point, most people in the general aren't as hard stuck in the diva mentality as performers tend to be, therefore it's easier to get them.
In my experience it's pretty easy to get someone interested, as long as you present the information in a easy to digest way. Now when you hook them is when you can get significantly more technical and they will still remember. It comes from private classes I've given to children, and by coincidence, their parents, which are end up more educated than this entire board.

>retarded, this doesn't educate people at all on why they need to be listening to this specific 40 minute symphony and not any other 40 minute symphony by joe schmoe or sirgay blows.
If you infodump someone, they won't remember shit. Getting someone to listen for 40 minutes straight is a huge achievement in the deplorable state of
>current year

>this is 4chan, no one does anything of importance here. get real.
No, but I am autistically ranting about how shit the general has gotten, which easily let's me up on my high horse
>this is 4chan, no one does anything of importance here. get real.
No worries mate, I'll let you get back to your essay writing and formal studies
>most people in the general aren't as hard stuck in the diva mentality as performers tend to be
yes, because most people in this general approach classical music from the listener perspective, which is by and large composer and piece oriented, as opposed to performer and recording oriented (which is what performers actually care about). there's a reason why very few people here post recordings of their playing, but it's not uncommon for a composer to post a vocaroo recording of their (usually horrible) compositions.
>In my experience it's pretty easy to get someone interested, as long as you present the information in a easy to digest way.
the problem is how the information is presented. precisely the problem with the retarded album cover flowcharts that the tranny tripfags of yore made is that they are a concept borrowed from a style of music that is entirely performer and recording oriented, which is literally the exact opposite of what you want if you want to get people to critically listen to pieces and not players. and yes, those too count as infodumping, even if it's using bright colors instead of text. speaking of,
>If you infodump someone, they won't remember shit.
this is the other half of the problem. the average person is born into a culture of popular music, oriented around "stars" and their "hit" records. the culture of classical music is diametrically opposed to this, and introducing a new person to classical music is akin to literally teaching them about a foreign culture. if there is little motivation on their part to begin with, there is really no practical way to teach them. a child taking private piano or violin lessons is likely doing so through motivation by their parents, so of course they would have an easier time with absorbing a culture that they already have some sort of subconscious interest in.
how self-complimentary to think of yourself as such a hindrance.

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sisterspammer in a nutshell
not /classical/, try >>>/v/ instead
what is the Fallout of classical music
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While on tour in America, Stockhausen spent alot of time flying, and during these flights he would put his ear to the window to hear the various frequency combinations produced by the propeller noise as it encountered different atmospheric conditions. These slow-moving textures inspired him to do something similar with orchestral and choral forces (four in this case) moving in space.
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In this work he also attempted to compose beyond the 'time of memory', in other words, beyond what a typical music composition would expect a person's attention-span would be. Most people can tell the difference between 2 and 4 seconds, but after 8 seconds it is much harder to tell exactly how long something has been happening. CARRÉ uses a pitch row that has very slow-moving tempos.

Stockhausen was busy creating the electronic work KONTAKTE, so he didn't have enough to time to notate CARRÉ in time for the commissioned performance. Instead he created 101 diagrams (above and below), indicating pitches, dynamics, level of activity, and movement of sound around the four orchestra groups. His assistant, Cornelius Cardew, (a somewhat mythic figure in his own right) took these diagrams and with Stockhausen looking over his shoulder ("aided, irritated, confused, encouraged, and sometimes even guided..." - Cardew), completed the 3,000-note manuscript (one full score for each of the four orchestras and choirs).
no you don't, because any time someone mentions a recording you dislike (which should be often in their steps of "working towards being informed and intelligent") you relentlessly insult them, to the point where they wouldn't want to return, and if they do stay but happen to genuinely still enjoy those interpretations that you dislike, then you relentlessly insult them anyway because your narcissistic brain can't conceive of someone being both informed and intelligent AND liking something you don't.
yes, i'm sure you'd very much wish to be persecuted in such a manner.

Pretty much this. I barely come here anymore because of his autistic tantrums
woe is ye, self proclaimed intelligent poster.
he's a fucking cunt
any day that an australian is mad at me is a good day
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now playing

start of Shostakovich's "Symphony No. 10 in E Minor, Op. 93":


interesting editorial review excerpt by Hurwitz on the Amazon page:

>Herbert von Karajan undoubtedly wished to be remembered as this century's great German conductor. He recorded the complete Beethoven symphonies four times, Brahms twice, Bruckner almost twice. But in truth, he was better at other things, and when he worked outside his standard repertory he usually did his best work--like here, for instance. Von Karajan actually recorded this symphony once before, a good performance. But when he returned to it for a digital retread, he simply let himself go and played the pants off the piece. This performance reveals his stature as an interpreter far more clearly than any number of Beethoven cycles, and fans of the composer should add it to their collections without delay. --David Hurwitz

Also is my love for Shostakovich's symphonies returning? I hope, might listen to the 8th and 11th later today.
at one point, i was very convinced that this recording would be the one to convert me over to shostakovich; i even own it on CD! instead, all i got while listening to it was a mixture of disdain and confusion.
Wagner's Traume, in an arrangement by himself:

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Yeah doesn't do it for me anymore, sadly, but I'll still try from time to time. I still love his smaller scale works though, from his string quartets to piano quintet to string and piano concerti, and others.
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Lmao, this post got to him. Mind telling me how post related to Schoenberg and Wagner isn't music related?

Get a life, tranny janny loser.
anything similar to Les Noces?
>I've been found out
This is exactly what I was trying to get at when discussing recommendation charts. You can easily foment critical and intelligent listening while simultaneously gatekeeping and feeling good about yourself, which is what sister poster has missed. If you say that a recording is shit and then autistically ramble about why it is shit, it's significantly more valuable than just spamming the same canned one-liners and cluttering the thread
first a post has to be deserving of actual critical response, which is the hurdle that most fail to pass. what is there to be said to some hyperacusis stricken boomer that thinks that a recording of beethoven’s quartets is too “anxiety inducing”? not every post is worthy of debate.
why are you so obsessed with boomers and trannies, more than half your posts mention them
This recording takes the dynamics to the point where some passages are barely audible and you have to strain to hear them and then as you're straining and your ears are completely open and unprotected you get hit with the frying pan. It's like being abused with music. An anxiety inducing recording. Tried listening to it numerous times, now I'm either donating it to the library or perhaps simply throwing it as far away from my person as I can without damaging my rotator cuff.
how else would you describe someone with both sensitive and poor hearing at once?
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This recording takes the dynamics to the point where some passages are barely audible and you have to strain to hear them and then as you're straining and your ears are completely open and unprotected you get hit with the frying pan. It's like being abused with music. An anxiety inducing recording. Tried listening to it numerous times, now I'm either donating it to the library or perhaps simply throwing it as far away from my person as I can without damaging my rotator cuff.
I would just leave it at that
When everyone is a tranny boomer no one is
you may not know this, but defective hearing is very common amongst the elderly
The guy who almost exclusively listens to old meme recordings from the 50s and 60s calling everyone boomers has always been funny
the takacs beethoven cycle is from the 1950s? crazy
Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit
thankfully, mocking you is.
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This recording takes the dynamics to the point where some passages are barely audible and you have to strain to hear them and then as you're straining and your ears are completely open and unprotected you get hit with the frying pan. It's like being abused with music. An anxiety inducing recording. Tried listening to it numerous times, now I'm either donating it to the library or perhaps simply throwing it as far away from my person as I can without damaging my rotator cuff.
no one likes fartwangler here
i fucking wish

Also interested
>One advantage this recording has over the earlier BR Klassik disc is the relative lack of extraneous noises, including the near elimination of the sound of the conductor's humming, and the RCO's playing is exceptional throughout. Highly recommended.

which conductor?
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what a bizarre cover, are they trying to call mahler 7 a pillhead symphony or something?
the alban berg quartet is only good on dabussy and ravel
their recording of alban berg’s (heh) lyric suite is not bad
It's melatonin, symbolizing the 'Nachtmusik'

But nah that's funny now that you point it out, I hadn't realized I just subconsciously block out whatever is behind the text on these modern in-house RCO covers till now because I've pulled up this cover a handful of times as I've contemplated listening to this recording and never noticed.
more like the xanaxmusik


pretty good
Probably my favorite Mendelssohn work. He wrote it in the memory of his dead sister iirc
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now playing

start of Haydn's "Symphony No. 103 in E-Flat Major, Hob. I:103 'Drum Roll'":

ok now this is just nasty
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I'm not sure if I've come across a Kubelik recording I didn't like, and certainly not many I didn't love. He conducted with a poetic touch.

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