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The most metal man to walk the earth - Varg edition
Old >>123461267
There's nothing more Heavy Metal than killing somebody.
Killers make good musicians, metal was doing it before it became cool to do
>drill rap
homosexual OP
all right boys, time to post your BLASTINGS
he is a cringe nerd who lives off autism bucks
oh and forgot to mention i'm trans, not sure if that matters
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>oh and forgot to mention i'm trans, not sure if that matters
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based. fucking killer album
Welcome to Bat Country
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Where is the metal here
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check out the first 2 Bombarder albums
probably stripped and sold north by the gypsies
I never noticed Varg’s scar till now. Is this the new Mandela effect?
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wait this isn't cats
Mandingo effect*
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>not cats
I sleep
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These reddit bands are derided here.
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I shouldn't have taken so long to get into their later stuff, this album is deffo in their top 3
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
>no dissoshit
looks like reddit has better taste in metal than this general
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This project, and it’s members, are explicitly
anti-nazi, anti-fascist and anti alt-right.
We want no confusion in this

If you are racist, sexist, homophobic,
transphobic etc. please do this one favour for

Leave us the fuck alone,
Don’t buy our records.
You heard them chud
The secret goy content was Saunaman's cover of Bruce Dickinson's Tears of the Dragon. And now you know where Jari got the band name from.
>dude we...le suffering!
>Leave us the fuck alone,
>Don’t buy our records.
Oh no! Please don't threaten me with a good time!
chuds seething
Some obscure melodeath here
what is obscure melodeath but actual metalcore in its trve shitty and unpopular variety
Adam kalmbach x deathspell omega
I did, that's why I found a free download instead.
Catshitter got btfo the other day
brah brah
>is anti-Nazi
>is homosexual tranny

Checks out (and digits observe it)
damn this shit is good. the second long track is fucking delirious
the intro "written" by Karcharoth was stolen from the Song of the Sybil. he used another melody from the Song on what became the second Infernum album. the more you know
“Borrowing” melodies is a time-honored tradition
it's kind of retarded to lift a melody from a solemn christian composition for a pagan BM album. Darken probably didn't know the source though
Peak music
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This might be a Top 25 of all time Black Metal album. Mogs the fuck out of their more well known album Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne
not metal
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I've forgotten the name of one of those albums you find on yt, on channels like Stoned Meadow of Doom. It was about divers and sea monsters and whatnot. The last track, my favourite, started with an old narration about the dangers of pressure under sea and how it can explode divers' lungs. It's been like 6 years since I last heard it. Anyone have an idea?
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>Don’t buy our records.
ok if you insist
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we hate (((KISS))) here
>be chud making chuddy music
>literally named Darkie
maybe an Ahab album?
he's an Italian panslavist. don't try to make sense of his wiring
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the only people who like kiss are gay boomers in denial
how many of you have heard every album by a band that released 15+ ones?
I'd guess most of us. but this reminds me, I've heard everything Black Sabbath put out except 13.
Only megadeth
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uhhh... based??
15+ albums at some point is like shitting in the same diaper over and over again
Anything that comes 20+ years after the first album isn't worth listening to anyways
None. They all start sucking ass after 5 at most.
Cannibal Corpse chads keep winning...
>let's write the same song 200 times in a row
I heard every Iron Maiden, Paradise Lost and Devin Townsend album
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For some it only takes two
I am an autist who has to hear an album like 4 times to feel I actually heard it. Also I NEED to listen to them in release order. Even like this I've heard all Priest albums except the two Halford ones before Firepower (I skipped my way to their latest two because I was stuck at those Ripper albums and heard these were good). A lot of Motorhead including live albums. Almost all CC. The rest I'm working my way through. Last time I finished the Grave, Dismember and Entombed catalogue. Not a single album is worth listening to after Shoot, ride and whatever the fuck it's called. Currently I'm finishing up the Asphyx disco.
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>I am an autist who has to hear an album like 4 times to feel I actually heard it
Same I listen to most albums until I can remember all the songs

I have gone through most acclaimed Priest Albums so I don't feel like listening to their worse ones like Point of Entry, Turbo, Ram It Down and the Ripper ones
From Sabbath I only listened to Ozzy and Dio albums and Headless Cross
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“So how many albums are you going to release Adam?”

Russia has landscapes like scandinavia but much more expansive and untouched, christianity has a far more widespread role in society there and unlike scandinavians russians actually know real suffering. If anything they should be better at black metal than scandinavians
so what's the next deep dive?
>Same I listen to most albums until I can remember all the songs
I used to do that until I realised it meant I barely listened to anything new, stopped doing it at about 24 but until then I wasn't happy until I knew the track ordering b y heart and could identify each track just by the intro.
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>20 albums
>they all sound nearly the same
Yeah but they have lower iq and worse education hence less extreme music
>I barely listened to anything new
Most people do that after their 20s
With most pop and rock I can remember the songs after 2-3 listens but with some stuff like prog, atmospheric BM or tech death metal I can listen to an album 10 times and not remember anything
you might as well expect gypsies to form a vital BM scene.
That was a factor, as well as the fact some albums were mediocre/bad so I didn't feel like it was worth the effort.
At the moment I just try to make it so if you show me a cover of an album I've listened to, I can tell you what I think of it and at least a couple bits off it.
Tourist here
Is /metal/ a psychiatric hospital like /classical/?
people who suffer tend to make uplifting music, while those with high HDI make the dark/cerebral stuff.
Yeah brother, beware, you just entered the funhouse as we like to call it!! We're all mad here, AWOOOOOO
Shares the same schizos
Yeah if I don't really like the album I won't listen to it more than once or twice
I often remember albums based on their guitar tone and general production which doesn't really work with modern metal as most of it sounds the same
it's the containment thread for the most defective posters on /mu/. you're 100% sure to become retarded if you stick around
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Is there people that actually like this ?
Sepultura without Cavaleras is a glorified cover band
I heard their final album was decent but I haven't heard it yet
Point of entry is surprisingly good I dunno why people shit on it. Turbo it literally top 3 Priest. Ram it down is meh though.

Honestly I usually get bored after a while so I usually take a break and continue where I left off. I also like listening to live albums (bootleg or not), EPs and demos. Last time I was doing Sodom but stopped after Marooned live. I need to listen to the new Candlemass album, I also heard all of their stuff. Maybe when I get back into a doom/trad phase. I started Morbid angel, Immolation and Incantation but honestly they are all so damn boring I barely make any progress. Especially Immolation. Also working my way through Sepultura but I'm probably stopping at Roots, I don't like groove metal. Cannibal Corpse too, just got to Torture which is the most recent album of their I'm still familiar with. Also trying to finish up Asphyx, only their latest 2 remains and that almost 2 fucking hours long live album. I often get a ton of new younger bands to listen to then I'm back listening to the gorillionth album by some thrash metal has been. I just can't help it.
Yeah I know, but it surprises me they have been releasing records and touring for over 20 years
How many prog, heavy, symphonic, goth, melodeath and stoner metal discographies have you listened to?
>I dunno why people shit on it
Probably because of songs like You Say Yes
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I pretend Sepultura broke up after Arise.
Mostly mainstreams, Maiden, big 4, judas, I dont have the patience for that
Electric wizard, TBDM, At the gates
what are those gay genres?
Metallica, Exodus and Anthrax 11 albums
Slayer 12 albums
Testament 13 albums
Kreator and Destruction 15 albums
Megadeth and Sodom 16 albums
Overkill 20 fucking albums

Who has the time to listen to all that
I just like listening to softer genres sometimes and not black or death all the time
I will never forget this happened at a festival
Kisser plays a sepultura song with one his project bands
Soulfly plays a setlist of mainly Sepultura songs too show them they are the real one
Anthrax plays refuse/resist inviting Kisser ton stage
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I blame the decades of communism, it tends to stifle creativity and individualism. Finngolians must have sapped all the metal out during the Winter/Continuation wars
But the Russians did not invent Black Metal.
I listened to most of them when I was a teen and I had a 2 hours bus ride every day
Kreator /overkill /megadeth I listen to them when they are released and barely hear them ever again.
it sounds like you feel you're compelled to do this and really get to understand a band inside out, until it becomes a chore and you second guess your time investment? I'm also prone to marathoning bands so I kind of get it, but if I started to feel like listening to music was a chore, I'd pack up and quit
I think Darkthrone is the longest discography I've listened to beginning to end (21 albums). Glad I'm not the only discography dork in here that likes listening to an entire artist's output, even if it does get taxing for some bands. I'll even revisit some band's discographies in full when they're on the shorter side (sub-10 albums for instance). I basically have music playing all day besides when I'm sleeping or among other people, so it's not very hard to burn through like 20-30 albums in a week. I've done this for years and have done it for basically every band I have more than a passing interest in.
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>going through a band's discography
>only listen to the albums which are bolded on RYM
>prog, atmospheric BM or tech death metal
These genres tend to attract details obsessed spergs that can shit out decent sounding riff after riff but cant write a coherent song to save their lives.
Unironically I sometimes start with a band's worst rated album and then work my way up backwards
For me it's Black Sabbath (19 albums + 1 EP), the classic stuff is great obviously and the Martin era albums... well, I liked them well enough.
Re: your pic. It was all me.
13 might honestly be their worst and most inessential, with the other worse albums they at least tried while that one was a lazy nostalgia grab
the Finns flayed Russian corpses and left those skins hanging around the woods to fuel the rumor. there are photos of one of those skinnings if you look around
Cold Lake was the first Celtic Frost album I listened to
He's never wrong
Forbidden is definitely the worst. a clear cut "let's get out of our contract" album.
I have no words for how much I hate the mixing for that album. The songs are alright (I really like Loner) but it's kind of sad whenever you have a band that's clearly just trying to relive past glories.
Producer: Rick Rubin
Lmao of course
any sexist metal?
Megadeth, Blind Guardian, Sabbath, Anthem, Overkill, we'll count Yngwie but last 3 was a one listen only mostly, so like the other autist said, I don't really feel like they should be counted.
I find it easier when the band progresses or tries something new like BG or Sabbath, Dave is Dave and I like his style, the good thing is that it gets kept fresh enough by the new hired guns.
On the other hand you hear 20 fucking Overkill albums and after awhile everything melts into sonic slop, even the one that are objective bangers.
Would've been interesting to hear Shuldiner's descent into prog.

if you made it to 20 albums you must've some sort of mainstream recognition, in the genre at least
The instrumental demos for Forbidden are great.
>Blind Guardian
They only have 12 main albums
>symphonic, goth, prog
I've listened a worth of 20
Metal was always branded sexist, and women fucking loved that. Then came a generation of American males demanding to be called women, confounding the deal.
Ok tough guy
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Damn this is good
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Type O Negative
That's why I said if I get bored I just stop. I always listen to what I'm in the mood for. The moment it starts to feel like a job I drop it. I couldn't even form a proper opinion on it anyway in a mood like that.
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Pete was a simp
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I'm still waiting for this and Mysterium to click for me
Probably a matter of what kind of mood you approach them with.
nigga managed to do worse vocals than dave mustaine, legit impressive
I have listened to everything by Discharge. Demos, EPs, Singles, Albums, Live shit, Bootleg stuff.
maybe. I guess the lineup carousel they had after Harvey left caused permanent damage to the band. the last albums are on a different wavelength to all their other stuff.
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It doesn't always have to be perfect. Some things are simply an acquired taste. It's ok if you don't like them.
Baker nails those songs on stage, Shelton's voice was shot for real. he tore his vocal cords twice iirc
you sound like you have sex with men
it would be strange if she didn't
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Nah.. I'm just old and tired.
You sound like you're looking for faggots however.
Maybe you are one.
>I am...le tired!
yeah your life must be so hard
overdramatic faggot
>Grand Magus
Awesome. I've never em mentioned on /metal/ before.
listened to the first album of Runemagick some time ago
it was surprisingly melodic
I expected the new wave of trad metal to be a bigger hit since it’s actually accessible, but somehow extreme metal subgenres are way more popular
I've been avoiding them cause a friend told me they're fucking terrible live. what's a good album to start with?
I've been addicted to some songs from this album.
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Doesn't live up to the concept
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Who cares about 'popular'. If you like it, fucking listen to it.
Reddit metal
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First couple of albums are more doomy/bluesy.
Then they go into more trad metal territory with the rest of their discography. So one album is not representative. Overall they are simple but effective.
I have seen them live, nothing extravagant, but I enjoyed it.
lol reddit thinks wigger is a problematic term
What are your favourite moonspell albuns? I like Wolfheart, Irreligious, Sin Pecado and Memorial.
Listened to this because of T.T., he couldn’t save it from Russian unmusicality
Sombre Records
I’m more into black/death but I instantly liked them. Why do metal vocals of all types filter plebs so much
It doesn't say wigger it says wigga, which whites are allowed to say
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It really is an acquired taste. You need to persist and re-listen in order 'to get' what the artist wanted to convey. Plebs simply want instant gratification.
Nothing new really.
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That's right, I'm not even listening to metal >:)
those dregs expect singing to be socially coded and become confused and angry when it's not
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Absurd was and always will be a RAC band that claims its BM
Good morning /meal/.
Not old absurd
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listening to Magdalena Bay!
>Make high-fidelity musique
>Record it on my phone and upload directly to YouTube
>Sounds kvlt
>Ungrateful plebs will never know what it actually sounds like (because no one will listen to it anyway)
>Masturbate excessively
Absurd also sucks massive amounts of cock. The only good thing they ever did was that EP with Gelal and even that had a shitty butt oi track
Envy sucks ass. Literally hipster / poser screamo, except it's not even screamo, it's just generic 00s post-rock with boring samey screams
Piledriver is the coolest heavy metal band I've never been recommended. They're so adolescent.
I regret not being into metalcore growing up
waking up one morning as a kid and seeing Tim Lambesis on the news getting arrested for hiring a hitman to kill his wife was surreal
I was like 16 or 17 when that happened and I had just donated to his kickstarter for an Austrian Death Machine album as I'd gone off AILD but ADM was still fun.
I think I directly contributed to his "kill my wife" fund.
Metalcore was better when Metallica was still overrated. I cant believe they let something this good on guitar hero.
If you post non-metal at least post good shit instead and not the embodiment of " "thing, Japan", poser-kun
I don't give a shit what country it's from it's still good, faggot. Imagine getting filtered by post rock in your skramz
>Metallica was still overrated
they arent now ?
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I think I finna go to this with a bro of mine
My condolences
>As I Lay Dying
have some solid stuff
>Left to Suffer
The "over" part has pretty much died down. They're not really a big touring band anymore, after multiple decades.
>shadows fall
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For me it's Reliqa.
But they are still filling stadiums all over the world
la booba
Why do you keep posting this
See >>123473683
Also has it occurred to you I might actually like the music?? The fact that they're fronted by a hot zoomer chick is just icing on the cake.
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Holy wow
This is fucking great all the way through.
>by a hot zoomer chick
metalheads really have the lowest standards of all music subcultures lol
Liking the music usually doesn't mean people post the same fucking image and post repeatedly.
You are just a simp.
>generic acoustic intro
Instant skip
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none of the AOTY choices are metal this year
>You are just a simp.
Filtered fag
For me it's Ahklys
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The riffs on this album are very simple: sometimes they're just two notes repeating over and over. But to enjoy black metal, one must accept that simplicity and repetitiveness can be the most engrossing.

The guitar parts are deep, huge in size, and have a rolling rhythm to them, as if they're constantly in motion, with brief melodic interludes resembling old-school heavy metal or even hard rock. Meanwhile, the percussion is generally a blastfest and enhances the feeling of speed that the guitar sets up. As with most other black metal, I can hardly hear the bass, but it's definitely there, adding another dimension to the guitar melody. All these come together to create a musical landscape that is unexpectedly melodic and epic, and not nearly as violent, warlike, or disgusting as you'd expect from a band called Muhammad Pedophile.

Only the lyrics and an occasional sample of Muslim chants, convey the true message of this album. Delivered with pinched, gurgly, furious vocals, the lyrics paint lurid images of blasphemy and bitter hatred toward Islam. This contrast between the relatively innocuous instrumentation and the very explicit lyrics is what makes this album interesting
boring shit no one would care about if not for the name
I feel like people think it's kind of cringe if you're super into Metallica now because they're considered a beginner band. I think it relates to how in the fast pace of life in modern times, there is a tendency for growing listeners of metal to be seeking out the most intense material off the bat and be able to find it easily for free, so there isn't as ling of a time in life where Metallica or Iron Maiden or Children of Bodom or whatever is the gravest shit you've ever heard. A lot of the new generation seem to have gotten into later Bring Me The Horizon (when they stopped being metal at all) or Linkin Park in the way previous generations would've been getting their nuts blown off by "Master of Puppets". I listened to Linkin Park when I was a little kid but I didnt even put their stuff on the same level of seriousness as stuff like "For Whom the Bell Tolls". Metallica were trying to make art. Linkin Park, even at their most suicidally desperate, was entertaining and bouncy and "let me dazzle you with my aggressive dancing" type vibes. I was on the bridge between the old and new generations when it comes to metallica I think, cause I would hear Metallica on the radio, but it was the Last shit I got sick of hearing on the radio. I do remember always thinking they were needlessly repetitive though.
I should listen to them more when I get a chance.
Completely wrong. you're literally only saying that because of the name. No self awareness monkey
keep coping /pol/tard
Word salad
did they say anything about new material?
Early Bring Me the Horizon had riffs that I like a lot. I stopped paying attention when they stopped playing stuff like this. If the singer was ugly, they could've been something truly heavy.
Go listen to la quiete or daitro instead faggot. Sed non satiata mogs them hard. Eu skramz > weebshit
>la quiete
That really the best you're rolling out? Fucking hell fag go back to school.
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Talk about mutilation, right??
How does she give BJs when it'd be like sticking your dick in the kitchen cutlery drawer
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Correct. Deislamize is beloved and cherished by /metal/, AOTY confirmed.
Thank you melanated sisters.
Female fronted cartoon metal isn’t respected here
This album contained the purest synthesis of metal and skramz elements. The mid-2000's was a crazy time for riffs. They never turned the distortion this high again because it was too powerful.
So true sister
fatherless post
>when one retard's responses get filtered every time
It's just too easy.
word salad
riff salad
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>let me tell you how you’re brown and I shitpost in /classical/ so you should listen to me
But enough about Arghoslent
Riff sandwich lmao
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No one cares about your father's pussy.
Most Argho songs have like 4 riffs, what
Based lad.
Meant to reply to >>123474250 lmao
Candlemass are too powerful for this pussy ass general.

When I was a kid I thought that I could fly
throw myself out of a widow, right out into the sky
now when I am older I know that I could die
die from a depression, I would learn my lesson well
Life's so normal, nothing's shocking
Boring planet, cause no one here is rocking
Life's so tragic, nothing's clocking
Boring planet cause no one here is rocking hard
When I was a kid I thought that I was strong
the girls in school got beaten up by me every day long
now when I am older I know that it was wrong
to deal with girls in the first place, cause a broken heart is now the case
I'm broken hearted in disgrace
It's a boring planet, we're just lying to ourselves
It's a boring planet, thank's to us and no one else
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Love this song.
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we bussin'
Now That's What I Call Cringe
I only have this slip because I love that album.
Prefer this pestilence tbqh
Melanated post.
1/16 german
1/16 czech
14/16 mexican
16/16 american
>he has no other insult
You're definitely brown
Consuming Impulse > Testimony of the Ancients > Malleus Maleficarum > Spheres
This just makes Finns look like psychopaths
best songs on each?
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The absolute size of the mammaries on this bitch.
arghoslent is music for disgusting subhuman animals, retarded riff salad negroid blues riffs that resembles thin lizzy and running wild more than ATG or Dark Tranquilty, MAKING IT NOT MELODIC DEATH METAL ARGHOSLENT IS SHIT/GELAL IS A JEW AND THEY LOST CREDIBILITY AFTER THEIR SECOND ALBUM (GALLOPING)

anyway, heres chinese arghoslent

Not listened to Testimony but I bet it's not as good as Malleus given I can't legit decide whether Malleus or Consuming is better.
No idea. I really hope they do.
Holy shit at least get your facts straight before posting weaksauce bait like that.
Testimony is definitely on the level of the first 2. Spheres is the outlier, even if it's still a good album
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I'm on the road, I'm on the run pile drivin' every day
When I'm in town you'll scream and shout cause I'm gonna blow you away, yeah!
Who Am I? you ask yourself I'm a dirty rotten son of a bitch!
I just want to rule your mind... but first everybody get pissed!
They call me - the pile driver, the pile driver
They want me - the pile driver, the pile driver
I am the exalted, the one and only pile driver, pile driver
You're on my list, you're next in line get ready for a deadly shock!
Your eyes will burn, your brain explodes get ready for some metal rock!
Once you start it's like a drug I know it'll drive you insane
It'll knock you down and fill you up drilling holes right into your brain!
I'll take you on an endless ride you'll never ever want it to the end
Now I'm your God and I'm your Lord but I'll let you call me your friend
Gaseous Esophagal Gastronomic Emission (Optional)
That's a man
>shit music
Get some fucking standards, lad.
You wish fag.
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>what was the last gig you attended? how was it?
>what will be the next?
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Did you not see that fucking picture
Head is like a male suffering from cherubism
Bong genes.
arsenal of glory is their first album and has the best songs (mainly made by nick mertaugh NOT GELAL)
it's a compilation...
It's a demo you fuckwit
Shes fat and ugly

The Obese SHOULD BE Destroyed
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>what was the last gig you attended? how was it?
Dwarves. I got drunk and chimped out, danced and jumped around, it was fucking great.
>what will be the next?
pic related, the Waste gave me the best concert experience some years ago, no fucking way they'll top it but we'll see
CC always delivers but their gigs feel like slop, especially because of that shitter Fisher
I don't give a shit about the other 2, I can't even read the logo of one of them and Immolation sucks ass anyway
Perfectly describes >>123474405
Beherit, Death Worship, Hellbutcher and others. Was great, probably one of the most unicorn gigs you dont get to see every day. Was expecting a meme ambient set from Beherit, but got mainly songs from Black Blood and Drawing with noise interludes, so the best possible outcome.

Next one will probably be some local memery not worth a shit, Marduk with Valkyrja is probably the next bigger name.

you can see the back of my head in this video
I have still never been to a gig.
I caught Sabbat on their anniversary tour. Ginoir is the worst guitarist they ever had but they gave a killer show despite his best intentions. maniacal crowd utterly devoid of randos, I went home half dead. gonna see Satan later this month
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Nailbomb's doing a show in Arizona in November lol
You should sperg on vocaroo more
Women tend not to fit in metal because it is a masculine genre that is judged by how masculine it is. Western women would make better music if they weren't trying to act like men, including most of when they try to be in metal bands. The problem is that metalheads hate femininity or think they do, so feminine western metal like Amaranthe is not "kvlt enough" or whatever. Metalheads are scared of the feminine rifts that ooze out of their fingertits, if I may be so bold.
Furries, cosplayers and gamers.
Soulside Journey and Unquestionable Presence is the start of melodic death metal
Violet Cold is the start of trve metal
remember that this masterpiece turns 40 on the 7th
I should buy my Terror ticket before they get more expensive :I
That Amaranthe track you posted is some terrible pop shit.
remember that it's a shit album for diaperfags
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More JuteGyte, I was expecting this is be generic trite based on the cover, but its decent. Certainly much better than the usual second wave slop one might imagine from the cover. Isolation might be equal to this, although I expect the next two albums I blast from here on out to be much worse than this or Isolation, at least I think I remember his first album being really boring.

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Adam always has at least one song on every album that makes me contemplate something about music, this time as I replaying "The Failure of Transmutation" I couldn't help but notice the fantastic transition of the metal and ambient. At the 3 minute mark, the ambient is introduced into the fold of metal and allowed to play in the background, it is taken away shortly thereafter and it is not until 4:50~ that it comes back - this time as a stronger and louder element. The guitars in this appearance are playing the subservient role instead of the dominant as they were before, the ambient does not leave fully this time, but fades slightly to the background sometimes disappearing and reappearing in periods of 10 seconds or so, this continues until finally it takes the absolute center stage at 9:50~ as the song closer. Very nicely put together and never once feels disjointed or separate of each other, (even the closer contains some amount of guitar notes and drums, even if very minimal).

When I say FAS's ambient is filler, isn't transitioned to properly, and don't fit that well, this is what I mean as a counter example. I don't think the ambient in FAS is bad by itself, in fact when all the pieces are taken by themselves they are alright, but they aren't very coherent. Ad Nauseam's Sonorist ambient sections are better as well, especially since they also double down to promote a hypnotic feeling the rest of the music is trying to achieve especially with the vocals.

It's pretty fucked up how metal basically just goes out of it's way to be unappealing to women as an unwritten rule. I think this proves that metal, cor all it's strengths, must be transcended and incorporated into something greater and purer that half of humanity doesn't feel weird about approaching. Metal that is for the family. Metal you can tell your brother's kids about and feel confident that it will influence him positively.
I don't know if that's true, but those are great albums. Soulside Journey was the only darkthrone I would listen to for the longest time, and Unquestionable Presence is my favorite Atheist album. The intro on "Evil Dead" always stood out to me for it's (odious) melodiousness.
Kultur Kaevum
For me it's Epica and Simone Simons' hot lil body.
Metal is pop music at it's core.
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More like Gayvum
>Metal is anti-pop music at its core.
can't get rid of this song, always comes into my head, this is a god damn disease
thanks mom
next time I go home I finna wrangle you to this song
metal is pop music.
Not metal. >>>/lgbt/
Iron Maiden is Mariah Carey for people who like the idea of reading.
Pop is beloved here thoughever.
>Iron Maiden is Mariah Carey for people who like the idea of reading.
wrong that's deathspell omega LOL. Iron maiden is for comic book nerds and chads.
iron maiden fucking sucks ass, priest is THE heavy metal band
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Let's coreshit. Let's fuck shit up!

So true sister
Priest is better, but don't knock Iron Maiden. Especially not the DiAnno days. They're great, and though their quality got worse when they hired Dickinson, they were still a great band in the 80s. Their modern stuff is dogshit though
Best blastings of the thread
I listened to Metallica first, then linking park, but I really got into Metallica after the nu era was finishing (2007-8).BMTH was very cringe to me because it was the band of the scene emo kids, just now I am trully aprecieting their early stuff.

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