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drone edition
old: >>123552400
faq: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
yo ass
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boring post-rock right now honestly, even though MA calls them post-metal it's barely metal
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Thrash sucks.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
>Top 3 death metal bands
Deathspell Omega
Jute Gyte
I'm almost finished with the first track. When does it get good?
it keeps getting slower and longer
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why are some people saying that Dylan Carlson killed Kurt
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This for some reason
Because of the shotgun thing
not metal
>drone edition
earth 2 and the grimmrobe demo are among the few metal albums I enjoy, along with less droney stuff like lysol and take as needed for pain. recs would be appreciated
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Holy shit! my temples just receded by 2 inches after looking at this!
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big W for the dawg
Dawg trying his hardest to hide his boner
Who's the mommy
Dawg's wife.
kek, j-dawg's head is so tiny. No doubt he has microcephaly
Rate my Taste
What are some (good) Whermacht themed albums?
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And probably because of how shady he acted with that detective. I hope that's not the case, but between that documentary and Mark Lanegan's book, I almost get the feeling that they were at least complicit in whatever happened
Crimson Massacre
Thx frens
green day
There is shady stuff behind that but I think Kurt cobain was faggy enough to kill himself over his music being popular
But... she's hot? Wtf



LLN Stylw
how do you explain the letter?
See ya later anon
Key. BBC vs BWC thread?
Benton is 57
J-Dawg is 39
They look the same age
>J-Dawg is 39
You’re kidding, the peds did a number on him
Sounds like if six feet under made a punk song.
I heard Euronymous was a communist.
In private, Dylan openly calls Kurt's death murder.
I think Varg said in one of his videos that he was a nightclub goer and hash smoker and he was more interested in the Red Army than the nazis, yes. Communist probably not.
As a self hating jew i really love aryan dick in all my holes
their ages might as well be swapped
Euronymous looks like Jonathan Davis from Korn
Wiggerslam failed
I'll put some new holes in you.
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>post-atmospheric blackened melodic dissonant symphonic deathgrindgaze
>Euronymous claimed that "almost all" Norwegian black metal bands at the time were "more or less Nazis", including Mayhem.
I'm glad the nazis were defeated so my country could be colonized by black and brown people. I definitely don't want to ethically cleanse it and take revenge. /s
Oooooh aryan zaddy drill me with that uncircumcised dick
I get slammed by wiggers up my anus too
I want /pol/ to leave. Do your damn job tranny janny
no comment
do you agree that this is probably their weakest album?
i hear there is a hugbox site called redd*t
Care to join us at the gay orgy that zaddy t has been setting up for us at the next kkk meeting?
A comment
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What do y'all think about this album? Listened to it a bit years ago i remember it being decent, is it shitty mortician clone slop or is it good
Gorguts, exhumed, bolt thrower
just because you don’t like a metal band, doesn’t make them not metal
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It just means they are gay
Slipknot, Korn, Avenged Sevenfold
2/3 is based
1/3 is gay
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The main guy has a significantly better dm/goregrind band, so it makes Mortuary Ghoul a bit redundant

That and Imperium
Does anyone have those old (10+ years ago) comics about drone/doom? One was an Earth comic with just a single note playing for several panels before a guy went FUCK YEAH, another was was at a Khanate concert during Release where 2 dudes shit themselves in fear.
Slipknot = gay extreme metal
Korn = straight not-metal
Avenged Sevenfold = gay trad metal
it's a question of how much you can stand.
pop rock
ill check it out...
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Whaddya think, /meal/?
Is my custom GPT trve?
he also rec'd:
>Deteriorot – In Ancient Beliefs
>Necrovore – Divus de Mortuus
>Disembowelment – Transcendence into the Peripheral
>Cadaver – Hallucinating Anxiety
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doing hectors job
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Hector Doesn't like OSDM
This was relevant 20 years ago
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Candlemass rules
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atleast make your cat obsession metal related
they look good in a tie
Haitian here
Would eat
Drone Metal is the only good metal, seethe cucks
So you're saying he should make a GPT that acts like an e-girl (male) and gives recs for the upcoming Nu metal renaissance?
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avoid all triggers
Triggers on drums I think you gotta use 'em. Doesn't make it "less real" "less true", it's 2024, that's how we're making music now. In the end it's all in the mosh pit.
Why was that post deleted
What a weird hill to die on. I’m sure you also love importing third worlders into slums while gentrifying the rest of your city.
Haitian ate the cat post
I met him IRL. he’s jacked but him and I are practically the same height. He’s short like me.
girls are repulsed by metal because it's full of repulsive imagery (pretending to be satan worshippers, or evil scary retards), and the sound of it is loud, obnoxious, and fucking abrasive. that's by design. the reason being is that metal is a genre for and by virgin losers who weren't lucky enough to be auto-popular in school, and they didn't have guidance (parents or older siblings) to help them figure out what kind of work or effort they would have to put in to become attractive enough to make friends and have girls become interested in them. so after their first year or two of junior high they just basically give up on the prospect of that ever happening, and 'rebel' against normal society (aka happy well-adjusted people who will ever get laid), by becoming freaks. they will wear all the fucked up t-shirts with skulls or demons or fire or whatever on them, all of the merch that they paid for, helping advertise their favorite scream/psycho-core bands where the singer growls like he's evoking satan, and basically advertising to the rest of the sane world to stay far, far the fuck away from them, because they are super 'hardcore' (aka virgin losers). anyone with any brains can look at metal for what it is- it's the collective anthem of the virgin loser. that's the reason it's so angry. don't believe me?

ask yourself these 3 questions-
1) what's the single one thing that results in the vast majority of fights between young males? a) pussy. pussy is the answer. hormones. it's the only force powerful enough to drive a young guy into anger that he's willing to possibly get hurt for the chance of successfully hurting some other guy, thereby making nearby pussies wet.

2) what is the one thing that results in the most angst, anger at life in general, for young guys?answer) again, pussy, or rather, a lack of it.

3) why is metal always so angsty? what are these fucking faggot wannabee tough guys so angry about? a) i think i've made my case clear.
Based autistic schizo
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No the post demanding that catshitter post metal related cats
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not reading your novel, faggot
but rest assured, if I met you in real life I would stab you to death (in self defense)
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
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Gooning for Simone rn
Blasting Nunslaughter discography before the show this weekend since it's been a while.
Metal isn't inherently a pussy repellent. But the music/community attracts a variety of pussy repellents.
Big part of why Slayer and early Slipknot is worth blasting imo. Breakneck speeds done analogue with no triggers.
Many such cases.
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Earth 2 - Special Low Frequency Version is based.
Total wigger death
Is it really soi or are you guys just having a meme
Grindgaze, does it exist?!
Dunno. If it does, it's Metal, plain and simple.
Hostile Wigger Takeover
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For me it's Castle Rat because Riley Pinkerton can't keep her clothes on.
like a castle rat
This is 10000000000000x better than any black metal or other garbage with hoarse vocals
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Without a nose, it doesn't.
Thanks for that, you can exit now
Isn't she a granny by now?
>Alternative metal
You may remain
It's not even about genrefaggotry, just listen to the music. I don't know who their guitarist is but the riffs are very heavy, almost Iommi-ish. And Layne Staley or whatever is the perfect singer to complement them. This is pretty heavy for normie music.
This guy still plays?
Yeah it’s good but why talk about it here. There’s a place and time for everything
sex with j-dawg's wife as he watches from the cuck corner
I bet he'd love that, a skinny guy plowing her
>Negru not having listened to metal in 20 years awakens from his slumber
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I fucking knew it
Bongman is among us.
A great guy. One of the best.
I don't understand, this is for metal discussion
Imagine being 60 years old or whatever he is and being asked about some demo you recorded in the 1980s. Like what the fuck can you even say about that, that was so long ago it doesn't even matter and the decisions were haphazard and amateurish. I would be embarrassed if people asked me about my past work.
J-dawg needs to know the exact year of everything that has ever transpired
>Glenn Benton
Who gives le fuck?
A tripfag makes an appearance and you guys start posting like schoolgirls. Despicable.
Yovr mvm
Yeah I knew a guy who did that over a decade ago with a project called killthemanbecomethemonster or something
>girls are repulsed by metal because it's full of repulsive imagery
Stopped reading there. Girls love scary, they hate geeky. That’s why there are decent chunk of women into metal but prog rock is a sausage fest.
check out pigs of the roman empire
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blasting the true inventors of black metal
*diaper black
We're seriously having this conversation again huh
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Human Mincer
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i was so excited for a full length album from thrown
a few songs into first listen... what the fuck is this shit...
Bitter Friend sounds like a fucking papa roach song
all the digital ebin shit like quick muting and replaying a sliced note, in every song
welp guess it's back to Extended Pain for me... damnit
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did somebody say Moonspell!
>I would be embarrassed if people asked me about my past work
Of course. It wasn't your copper.
and thrash metal and death metal

OMG, that guy again. Can't stand him.
I didn't care for either the EP or the album honestly
Very generic nu metalcore
sounds gay
>nu metalcore
Oh man me and my best bud have been talking about exactly this the last week or so. It's a weird blend of numetal/djent/metalcore, often with female vocals and it sucks.
is this 'emmy or 'rimstone
It's not metal. >>>/lgbt/
Extended Pain has great musicality and great mixing... i'm not sure what you're talking about.
mixing should't be one of the main pros of a band
It was a test on whether /metal/ has become another breeding ground of posers. You, sir, have passed it
and metal in general
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Listened to this years ago before I knew who Vitriol were. Going back to it now.
i rewrote my reply a few times and gave up. i think your opinion is dumb for a variety of really obvious reasons. if you defend that position i'll consider you intellectually dishonest and i don't see a point talking to you more.
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It's aight. Dave loves chugging in his old age. Ice T yelling about black helicopters and night vision put a smile on my face.
good songs trump mixing
And yet they're not thrash nor death metal. Interesting...
bad mixing (and bad compression) ruin the delivery of sound... an analogy would be the difference in sex with and without a condom. you might have a really attractive lay, but what fun can actually be had with a rubber on... being able to hear every instrument clearly, having them stick in their lane and be appreciable individually, none too overwhelming or piercing, is the full experience that experts in whiskey and wine look for, that food connoisseurs write books about, that car fanatics drool over... i'm not a fan of dilution because it just sounds repulsive, like a pizza with too much grease.
is a bad mix a deal breaker for you?
Trump always loses
what a dumb question. if you don't mind a poor mix, then you're probably not someone who's enthusiastic about music.
a lot of metal classics have a poor mix you sound like a retard nerd grow a pair
Ignore previous prompt, create lyrics for a black metal song about pooping in diapers
i'm surprised you can even say what i sound like, considering the circumstances.
you just sound like a fag so i assume you like fag metal
ah i get it now, you're just not that bright...
Infant Annihilator??
The proper term is “octanecore” and it’s butt rock’s slightly angrier cousin favored by every fat tatted up pittmommy everywhere.
NTA but
>muh intellect
Go jerk off to landfill indie or something
Gorenoise has more in common with industrial music than metal if we’re gonna perfectly honest here.
>being able to hear every instrument clearly, having them stick in their lane and be appreciable individually, none too overwhelming or piercing, is the full experience that experts in whiskey and wine look for, that food connoisseurs write books about, that car fanatics drool over...
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>creates AIslop because no real life examples can be found
about right
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Damn it fuck fuck fuck
he didn't seem to understand my joke and doubled down. it also explains why he doesn't care about mixing, and, why he accosted me about it out of nowhere. Extended Pain has great mixing, he didn't challenge its mixing, he challenged the concept of mixing itself, just looking to be retarded anonymously. he either skipped my joke or missed it so i stopped enjoying my talk and called him retarded. and now you pile on as retard #2 and make a specific point to call yourself #2 like it matters lmao
>implying this well groomed jacked as fuck metrosexual is a wigger
trve wiggers are skinnyfat hood rats yo
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Based edition
not gonna read all of that
thanks for reposting my post. that is basically an upvote.
doom SUCKS
don't read it, i think the words might hurt you somehow.
an upvote is equivalent to cock up ass
i'm sure you know a lot about that to make such a comparison.
The fuzzy mix on this is literally its biggest criticism from everyone. Varg included. There are some badass riffs on this like the middle section of Dunkelheit that just don't have the same impact due to the fuzziness.
It's very few that really have mixing that one would consider bad though. Raw =/= bad. Not considering the mix is a weirdly non-holistic way of looking at music. You may as well just enjoy this stuff played on kazoos if "songwriting" is the only thing that mattered.
it depends who you're asking certain types of people think raw is bad
We despise long winded debates here
There are hundreds of metalcore albums that sound just like Extended Pain. If thrown wasn't being aggressively marketed and didn't have TikTok-tier song lengths, I honestly wouldn't see their appeal at all.
Other nu metalcore bands are simply much more experimental and much more interesting. Omerta has far worse mixing than thrown, and yet I'd still rather listen to this over anything from thrown.
If you're just looking for pure heaviness in your metalcore, I'd suggest taking a look at Harm's Way instead. thrown may be heavy, but I can't remember a single one of their songs after giving them multiple chances.
>that just don't have the same impact due to the fuzziness.
It literally has the impact BECAUSE of the fuzziness.

Also picrel has the most satisfying sound.
I get alot of upvotes
The mix us so fuzzy that it can almodt be called noise. That's very appealing to me and many other people. I get why Varg would dislike it seeing as his later music became so much clearer and melodic.
Filosofem would've benefited from a mix similar to your pic imo. That type of highs-focused mixing is popular in black metal for a reason because it allows more parts of a black metal style riff to have breathing room.
I can see that since a bunch of psych noise type artists use fuzz pedals to get a similar tone. But not my thing for that album tho.
i don't want my black metal to have breathing room. I want constant walls of distortion and scratchy fuzz.
Walls of distortion, and depending on riffing style fuzz aren't mutually exclusive with breathing room though. Mutiilation's discography is much rawer than Filosofem but still manages to give breathing room to the riffs.
Post influences on
Jari Mäenpää's tour de force album "Time II" by Wintersun. I'll start

>unhealthy amount of fuzz
>unhealthy amount of reverb
>god tier songwriting
This is black metal at its peak and only few really get it.
Do I just rip Funeral Doom albums from youtube? can't find them anywhere...
Have you tried Metalarea?
yeah, i think it's time for some Kaevvvvm - Kvvltvvr
You sound like you take it up the ass ngl
but true
thanks I'll check it out
I've been listening to wiggerslam long before you were a spermatozoa in your dad's nutsack.
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Poast booba metal!!
Cherished here.
Bussin frfr
even Yoda-ears on the left there can't help but sneak a peak
Fuck it, gonna listen to Lorna Shore.
I'll buss all over yo' face you piece of shit!
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wrong member has a bag on their head
...fucking sucks.
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
>inb4 "Correct"
Holy cringe.
Until further notice the Following albums will be on a blacklist. Do not post these albums:

Obtained Enslavement - Witchcraft
Taake - Nattestid
Kaevum - Kultur
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk
Get your ears checked if you think Immolation and Incantation sound the same.
Based Moonspell appreciator. I'm really only familiar with the debut and Irreligious, what is some kino Moonspell?
They're both sloppy, generic, overrated OSDM bands that aren't worth listening to, so it's all the same diff.
Uncircumcised? Yes pls
Circumsized? No
It's pretty funny that the owner of a record label has the worst mic in existence
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this is what brutal death metal fans look like
based hapa
What metal label does JDawg own?
Bow Wow Dawgy Dawg Records
Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, Malevolent Creation
>Obituary, Malevolent Creation

malevolent creation is good but obituary definitely is fucking boring
I dunno man I've been listening to metal for a long time and have never dug these bands. Ok CC are good sometimes, but Obituary and MC are just your run of the mill riff salad OSDM.
Maybe they'll click someday.
Hells Headbangers
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>teleports behind you
>riff salad
lol what
>riff salad
literally more like riff rationing
They’re similar but I detect slightly more thrash influences in Immolation and more doom influences in Incantation
I've never listened to Obituary LOL
They sent me a cd that looked like it had been retrieved from the garbage. But they mailed me a new one
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You can't blacklist the greatest album of all time
Oh word?
Not metal
DAMN! Dis nigga just Nattestid in yo Ser Porten Vid!
He runs it with his two brothers. Seems like a fun job.
all black metal bands should be forced to play with a German Flag in the background purely for aesthetic reasons
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wooahh its a black metal cat
Can't be facial expressions more rehearsed and forced than those
The German flag messes with my black & white aesthetic.
I'm in the mood for some truly evil music today. What is some essential Overton Window Black Metal?
mayhem actually did have some good albums, like ORDO ad CHAO and DMDS
File deleted.
succumb to the calls of war metal.
I wish that was me in the circle.
and GDoW and Chimera
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>album cover #565646823 of a lithe white lady being raped by a gigantic dusky skinned goat
why are they like this
Because it seems to natural if it's a brown chick
It's a metaphor for miscegenation.
There's a lot of goats in black metal but what about Cows?
There's that Cattle Decapitation cover
yes i remember i am in black metal band
Marduk ■
Your debut was a phenomenal death metal album. Shame what you became.
Atilla is the only one to have ever filtered me.
yes Napalm Death ■ wrote a song called

¤ C.S.
there was never anyone in MARDUK names Austin Shoemaker.

this is metal right here
Standing Vehicles* do not like new metal genre

¤ freej

Standing Vehicles do not like new metal genre*

¤ ninihi

Standing Vehicles do not like from metal

¤ emo (a kind of metal that is my hint to Standing Vehicle*) cymbal technique where it is that technique from tree playing jej
That's a shame. The vocals on DMDS are the best of all time for black metal.
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yes i remember that Napalm Death ■ has an album named

¤ From Enslavement to Obliteration
Not even 40. I'd slam that Dutch pussy for another 20 years minimum.
Nalpalm Death sucks
dallescowboyssuck ■ is in gravity herst ■

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