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bestial warlust edition
old: >>123586468
faq: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
first for varg is gay and has aids
Is Mikko Aspa really a pedo
Metal must retvrn to tradition
Cryptopsy, Suffocation, Gorguts
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Based. Diapershit will reign supreme once again.
Saxon, Accept, Judas Priest
Hated and disrespected here
>Is the greatest DSBM song in your path
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>opens and closes power metal at once
Are their any other bands or albums that started and ended a genre?
> https://youtu.be/YmJIccPWnEk?si=3A2zjaJLNWRvVAL8
I might have to kill myself
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Indonesian slamming brutal dm is based
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That is neither I Shall Lead, You Shall Follow, nor Exitus Letalis (nor Lamento Larmoyant).
You might be right……
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fucking BLAST?
Genuinely though what is the most /metal/ liked classic trad band? sabbath? Motörhead? or priest since they were the first to expose how gay metal is?
Dianno Maiden and that's a fact
We don't lsiten to that shit here
Grow up
/metal/ only likes extreme metal genres, especially black metal.
That’s called being a fag
Oops meant to reply to >>123593241
This is called being a angry fag
Mercyful Fate, King Diamond lives rent free on /metal/
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that's pretty lame
that's pretty cool
you are lame, faggot
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dad crust
we know our influencers. now we find out who perfected it.
/meal/ is a maiden general.
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Bretty good imo, some cuts are pretty thrashy like Your God Is a Corpse
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Any Iron man/Alfred Morris III chads?
Yeah, even after one spin its way more memorable than the previous album. I still wish they ventured a little more out of their element, but the few speed metal-y tracks or the tough stomper like Nail Bomb were a nice touch.
based edition
Mick Barr
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
>look mom (male)! I kvetched again
Is there no other song that maybe has something more interesting to say about the jew? Like communicating why the jew bad to someone who doesn't know rather than just
>be me
>lyricist of band
>"jew? thanks, but no thanks."
Read Grand Belial's Key's lyrics.
Beloved and respected here.
Well, why aren't they posted here instead of that one?
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Artist: Gaylord
Album: The Black Metal Scene Needs to Be Destroyed
Song: Varg Impaled

>NSBM fans will listen to anything
>Any shitty band
>As long as the politics lean to the far right
>They will support any fucking idiots
Why would they be?
variation, for one.
is being simple minded a good or bad thing?
I seem to be the only one here who can't stand maiden
Do it
wow you're so unique and interesting
Hell yeah man. They haven't released a bad album.
Yep, I feel all they just declined after the passage but all greatness regardless, Morris is genuinely one of the best riffers ever in my mind
wow you're so not unique and uninteresting
For what reason though? The vocals?’dianno and dickhead? The musicality?
Variation of what? Grand Belial's Key did not invent black metal, Darkthrone did(well, partially) I'm not even that anon BTW.
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>we hate Christianity
>but we yearn for the lifestyle it provides

>but we yearn for the lifestyle it provides
this thread is 90% baiting and shitposting. none of you actually give a shit about the music. bunch of juvenile posers
>gets destroyed in own thread
>crawls to other thread hoping someone else is as retarded/illiterate as himself
there were literally no counter arguments or rebuttals to anything i said in the other thread lmao. seethe you coping bitch.
yep, real metal
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>Stable civilizations for 2000 years

>1st Generation of Post-Christianity
>financial collapse

>not the slightest recollection of the day before
Correct. Christ is King.
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>Stable civilizations for 2000 years
>convenient lack of rebuttal
“A lot of time transpired. Therefore all our retarded theories are correct.”

What did retard atheists mean by this?
You're viewing a signboard by the entrance informing any passer-by of a simple fact: black metal is inherently anti-semitic. /metal/ does not own you an explanation on why that is the case as there's a certain other board which deals with such questions
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>wear AiC, Iron Maiden, Misfits, Megadeth, etc. shirts to work occasionally
>chicks there think it's "screamo" music
>think that all metal is death metal
Lmao are women just retarded or something?
Best blasting.
What's an atheist theory?
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>take your vaxxx metal bros! yay corporations! christianity suxxxxx
This is a common view of metal from people who have never listened
This bans sucks absolute ass and I'm honestly tired of pretending otherwise.
There’s a “theory “ in common vernacular and a scientific theory. They’re not the same
I fucked a dinosaur on the moon, checkmate atheists
did you miss all the wars, famines and economic collapses? but hey, i bet now it's worse because you can't get a gf, stupid clown
History is your "rebuttal" you low IQ subhuman. Read about the dark ages. Read about aeolipile and how it could contribute to industrial revolution much, much earlier
Just curious, what bands do you listen to?
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This is what atheists actually believe happened.
if you don't like slayer you don't like metal, simple as
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Christ is king.
>convenient lack of rebuttal again
>uses the blanket generalization ‘History’
I accept your concession.
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This is what atheists actually believe happened.
>becoming your own god
sounds based as fuck, am I supposed to hate this?
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This is what atheists ACTUALLY believe happened lmfao.
Are dinosaurs metal?
If you want to engage in fucked up shit like cannibalism, eating poop and pee, and gay sex, go ahead. That’s Luciferianism.
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uh oh, christkikes on the loose again
Oh so you’re one of those types of nutcases
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This is what atheists ACTUALLY believe happened lmfao.
You have to ask?
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>we can only go to the moon when cameras are shitty, not when they’re 8k HD

Repent you stupid fucks.
Well, you might think the answer is obvious but I can't actually recall any metal albums about dinos
>convenient lack of a rebuttal

Yawn. It’s so tiresome. I’m the stupid one but nobody can engage me in argumentation. Yeah okay.
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That’s some trash ass art. At least post Dan Seagrave you ignorant fool.
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ITT: History according to atheists.
It’s a fake belief system so I’m surprised atheist metal fans aren’t all about it.
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>once again no counter-argument

Fix your terminology and then start with a premise that makes sense. Then you can have a big boy argument
How about you just write a fucking rebuttal you intellectual coward.
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only satanists were on the moon
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What was he thinking?
Only thing I don't really like is their first vocalist but the music makes it tolerable.
I bet you think you did something there
The latter, I hate their guitar style. It sounds pretentious.
Not liking Iron Maiden is a sure sign of low T.
Middle aged moms listen to Iron maiden. Priest and Motorhead are the high T metal for men, not your wanking never ending shitty songs screeching about muh indians and shit, lmao.
Nothing about heavy metal is "high T"
It's weak shit for lead-poisoned boomers
I don’t care for him on the first album but he sounded great on the 2nd album I though
Motörhead covered Iron Maiden
Rob Halford is a screecher (and screamer)
Enjoys Number of the Beast, Powerslave, and Seventh Son of a Seventh Son. Other metal interests include sucking Bruce dick.

Knows S/T, Killers are the best. Also knows Somewhere in Time is peak Bruce era.
>can't discuss anything without mentioning penises and fellatio
have maidon covered anyone? they seem too far up in their own asses for that
also halford is screeching about fucking men and while gay as fuck you can't get anymore high T than that
True steroid users have reported to have extreme homosexual urges
True. It’s music for fake-hard nerds who had no athletic ability and thus rebelled against society.
>have maidon covered anyone? they seem too far up in their own asses for that
And there it is: you know nothing about their catalog.
>couldn’t hit the ball in gym class
Things that didn’t happen
>is the single best song by a classic band in your way
>metalcore fans
get a trip so i can filter you
I would love to know what was the reception to this when it came out
no u
fucked the fans over
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we cultivate them here
wasted effort
Beherit was laughed at in general until the Youtube era. Outside of certain niche groups
you can thank the internet for making everything accessible. so much for being trve kvlt.
>bro...BRO!!! you HAVE to listen to all 80 of their albums to be eligible of forming an opinion on them!
The Post-Hectorian Drought
>the Post-Hectorian Renaissance
We made it lads
>Knows S/T, Killers are the best.
>Also knows Somewhere in Time is peak Bruce era.
False. Not even close.
I get a furious urge to kill myself when I listen to Deicide.
Has extreme metal desensitized you to the point where everything else sounds boring?
I get an intense desire to keep living despite all my problems when I listen to Deathspell Omega.
I like maiden but they always added filler into otherwise great albums + seventh son is some horrible wankery
To mid level extrene metal yeah but softer metal and other genres still good
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>they're talking about metal again in the metal general

>allright I’m on it
nice bowl cut, faggot
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>put on incantation
>what the fuck man, how long is this fucking first song?
>I'm on the 4th one
kyle from incantation has a mustache
girls are repulsed by metal because it's full of repulsive imagery (pretending to be satan worshippers, or evil scary retards), and the sound of it is loud, obnoxious, and fucking abrasive. that's by design. the reason being is that metal is a genre for and by virgin losers who weren't lucky enough to be auto-popular in school, and they didn't have guidance (parents or older siblings) to help them figure out what kind of work or effort they would have to put in to become attractive enough to make friends and have girls become interested in them. so after their first year or two of junior high they just basically give up on the prospect of that ever happening, and 'rebel' against normal society (aka happy well-adjusted people who will ever get laid), by becoming freaks. they will wear all the fucked up t-shirts with skulls or demons or fire or whatever on them, all of the merch that they paid for, helping advertise their favorite scream/psycho-core bands where the singer growls like he's evoking satan, and basically advertising to the rest of the sane world to stay far, far the fuck away from them, because they are super 'hardcore' (aka virgin losers). anyone with any brains can look at metal for what it is- it's the collective anthem of the virgin loser. that's the reason it's so angry. don't believe me?

ask yourself these 3 questions-
1) what's the single one thing that results in the vast majority of fights between young males? a) pussy. pussy is the answer. hormones. it's the only force powerful enough to drive a young guy into anger that he's willing to possibly get hurt for the chance of successfully hurting some other guy, thereby making nearby pussies wet.

2) what is the one thing that results in the most angst, anger at life in general, for young guys?answer) again, pussy, or rather, a lack of it.

3) why is metal always so angsty? what are these fucking faggot wannabee tough guys so angry about? a) i think i've made my case clear.
You said they were "too far up their own asses" to cover anyone. Realising your mistake, your meds began to fail again, followed by your "80 albums" cope.
Summoning tripfags
You aren’t who I expected
i apologize
>everyone is the same poster!!!
Fucking based, hey do you like Naked Whipper?
(not true btw)
>How was the early blackmetal scene different from how people perceive it now, and what were some challenges you faced as one of the few early blackmetal bands?

People used to describe our bands, like “some satanic stuff”, but today Black Metal has become a well known symbol for the majority, mostly because of the Internet. Most of these younger fans have pretty twisted image of the scene of old days. People didn’t like black metal at all, everything was so small, you kind of know all the music makers in the scene (via flyers in tape trading scene, + fanzines) Most of the people fucking hated us BEHERIT, IMPALED NAZARENE… Drawing Down The Moon was self-funded by me and I had to sell my car, became homeless, and everything I had was that master tape and no label interested to release it, before Spinefarm. I am still thankful to ’em, because of the advance royalty.
I am the intellectual in question
Mortal Decay
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Make yourself at home, friend
Should I become the tripfriend this general needs, but doesn't necessarily want?
Even the worst tripfags are preferable to the despicable anonymous
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This guy is a walking meme
I’ll adopt a persona of trad tripfag
What if I act like a tripfriend, but still stay anonymous? Like a tripfriend in the shadows.
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>spoonfeed me
lol, lmao even
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>people compared The Dillinger Escape Plan to Deathspell Omega
>check it out
>kinda like it

Guess I'm retarded now.
Who are these “people”
Not sure how Redditer Escape Plan is related to Deathspell Omega
Daily reminder that Danzig is a small tiny guy. Dude is no more than 5'3
Other retards, obviously.

First album only. Considering Hasjarl was inspired by Botch I don't think it's a stretch to imagine him being influenced by Calculating Infinity. Not directly but definitely one of his many influences.
how is that tiny? faggot
lol I could heem Danzing
Seethe harder manlet

Early DsO was just playing copycat with the Swedish scene at the time then moved on to BaN copycat
yet you are a no name loser while he's world famous and rich
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I'm going to make low IQ unga bunga oi punk and sometimes cover jungle rot, six feet under and obituary
if there is a solo I'll obviously leave that part out
oh and of course the couple non shit tier hellhammer songs
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bretty gud for oldheads
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Is this peak atmo sludge?
The real beauty here is found in songs like "Fish," "Tribal Death" and "E-Scape," which like post-Beherit project Suuri Shaamani, take sounds as their own atoms -- for example, the texture of a volume gradient applied to distorted keyboard, or the repetitive cycles of a dopplered siren -- and expand them into explanations of their own relevance, like an inverse theodicy: earth's elements justifying themselves as a replacement for God. In this the band have left behind the Kraftwerk-style electronic "songs" of past works, and gone into the soundscapes of a more contemporary sound, but the problem with such poems of the medium explaining itself is that they tend to be linear, like essays cycling through the angles of analysis of an academic topic (the same problem afflicts Suuri Shaamani and later Biosphere). Part of the reason this album was ill-received is that it tries to keep one foot in the electronic-percussion and vocals world of "songs," and then veers off into pure sound topologies; it would do better to pick one direction and thrash it for all its worth.
Now THIS is a demo I'm pre-ordering.
Not trying to meme but parts of FAS, Drought and Synarchy are definitely influenced by mathcore bands like Dillinger.
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this band sucks
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this band rules
He's a giant in our hearts.
this is true, correct and factual
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>Consuming illusions made from hysteria and swallowed tongues
>Devoured by doubt, conducting arts of misconception
>Testimonial sufficiency declaring numbness of all perceptions

Lyrics that fit the current time.

dimmu were onto something
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It doesn't have to have had metal written about it yet to be metal. It's giant prehistoric monsters.
Every somewhat original subject in metal is something someone figured was interesting in a metal way, like some person, or sickness or tradition, or myth. Pleiades' Dust is about some ancient library.
bm bands name themselves after lucking lord of the rings.
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Wiggerslam won
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>(aka Raven Cock)
>Jurassic Fart
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apparently it's raven + peacock. yeah
>keeps spoonfeeding the same one line
forgot the cover
Is there any good metal live internet radio? Something like NTS radio but for metal?
Nah. Check some of their later stuff out, and you see why their not up there with dso
>went to prepare and cook a meal
>literally 0 (zero) posts since then
bro, what the fuck
It’s because I was gone too
I much prefer NHV bleep bloops over ildjarn or burzum bleep bloops
When atheists do it, it isn't hypocrisy.
Personally I bully freemasons and I seek the 'summum bonum'. I totally understand what you mean but I don't subscribe to that.
Didn’t ask
wiggers we won
>the bible says men are imperfect creatures in need of saving
>men act as imperfect creatures and start wars

>Rym trannies
Kek, good one m8. And no, odd time signatures is not exclusive to mathcore you turbo faggot. Have you heard of prog? Have you heard of jazz? Have you heard of classical music? Yeah whenever i hear some faggot punk core kid compare any music with odd time signatures to mathcore i cant help but laugh at their ignorance. Dso doesn't have any mathcore in their music. Core kids just think everything revolves around their faggot music.
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>thread derailed
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>shadowbanned thread
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post >yfw not banned
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Helnorsk Svartmetall - a grand proclamation that black metal will always belong to Norway, backed by this remarkable album.
Taake a dookie sucks bigly
Taake a cookie rules bigly
Don Dokken is Norwegian. Norway keeps winning.
>new Blitzkrieg and Satan in the same month
boomers are immortal
This post is equivalent to taking a shit in a paper bag and leaving it on someone's porch
Way to shit on your own post kek. Inferiority complex?
how the fuck is guitar so fucking hard to play? this is bullshit, I wanna shred and I can't even play a shitty 3 note ac/dc riff
Norweigian glowies don't own and didn't create black metal. Venom did.
Deranged thinking
skill issue
Keep at it. Like I mean practice for years. You'll get there. It's no fun if it's too easy.
Don't care your opinion.
What are your favourite metal intros? I like Sepultura Bestial Devastation. Even though I find it very funny I like it.

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>Way to shit on your own post kek. Inferiority complex?
I like the hi dee hi do one!
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The most famous MJ
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>for years
...but I'm already 30+
30 is young. Practice moar. Also, write your own songs instead of trying technical shit from other bands. Download some DAW and guitar vsts and go at it.
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>>for years
>...but I'm already 30+
>I can't even play a shitty 3 note ac/dc riff
>technical shit
I don't listen to debbie downers. Reaper is a good DAW. You should maybe do the same as the guy you're trying to annoy.
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I don't think there are any metalheads who don't like early Sabbath.

Motorhead is well liked but may be too punkish for some. Mercyful Fate is also well regarded but may be too weak and cheesy for some. Black Sabbath is not only a solid band, in general, but they encapsulate the spirit of metal better than any of the earliest progenitors imo.
Also, for the anti dog metal ppl in here. You rule! New one for you :) Freemasons trembling in their strange, empty halls... UFO truth soon too... kek
I don't like Wintersun. Sorry.
>Download some DAW and guitar vsts and go at it.
I have absolutely no idea what this means.
i felt the same way about guitar so i started playing bass, it was still discouraging but progress seemed quicker. i got ok at bass with my fingers and started messing around with a pick about a year in. once i got good at that i started feeling like playing guitar again so i bought one and it was way easier learning, even if the frets feel cramped compared to bass. really though once your fingers adjust to the idea of pressing frets and moving around the fingerboard and being in sync with your pick hand everything really falls into place. i started at 29 btw.
I'd have a pint with him. Wintersun not a bad band.
Don't worry, that's nothing to be ashamed of. Being LGBTQ+ is accepted in 2024. Especially here.
He's probably a really nice guy, but his music blows ass. The cheese level is off the charts.
Anyone here have experience with Pro Tools intro? Or just Pro Tools in general? How do you like it?
You should lurk /g/. A DAW is a digital audio workstation. It's turns your computer into a recording studio. A VST is a virtual studio technology, which for a guitar would be a software amplifier. You know those expensive amps you see in stores? Well, a VST is that, in software form that you load into a VST on your computer. Hope this helps.
respect, yo
Cool it with the antisaunism
In Flames - The Jester Race
This, but Varg who's also a confirmed douchebag.
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This is amazing.
All their music retroactively sucks prolapsed donkey rectum.
I'd like to talk to them about if they include any filler in their albums. Hate bands and musicians like that.
What do you mean? They broke up after Clayman.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqdN0F8mWCk ITS METAL TO ME!
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Yes, keep practicing you turbo faggot. Stop crying about it and just play. Try to emulate the music you love and then it will all come naturally. If you give up because your age then fuck off. Age isnt an excuse, don't listen to faggots who tell you its too late, they are just bitter they never had the drive to learn something which takes effort.
But unironically.
fuck you it's good:
real AI slop hours
Not metal.
have wealthy parents who will pay your bills for you so you can party with other guitar players and study from them without having to worry about adult responsibilities. Transition from wealthy parents to wealthy record company "parent".

That's how all the famous guitarists did it.
They were a suckier at the gates at best
I disagree. There's many talented guitarists on youtube with no illuminaughty 'studio' backing. You're talking shit and you know it.
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What the fuck is their problem?
If you didn't grow up during the 70's as a trust fund kid and your guitar teacher wasn't Satch Boogie, then it's already over for you
Guitar is the hardest instrument to learn, but that makes it the most fun when you can play along to a song, or even better, write your own. Fuck the illuminaughty and the record industry. Let them chase you if they want you on their label. Everyone should learn guitar, from an early age.
>He isnt self taught
Lmao you cucks are something else. I got a shitty Epiphone sg when i was 13 and learned on my own. The worst thing to do is learn covers instead of making your own shit, thats how you develop your skill.
100%. Trying to learn covers will just disillusion new players. Scorpions Rock you Like a Hurricane, Big City Nights and do your own songs after that. My pro-tip for any new guitar players.
If your goal is to play precise, complex riffs and sick solos, you're gonna have to practice your ass off - I mean hours (plural) a day. Every skilled guitarist, including the more gifted ones, put in countless hours and started off with the most boring exercises imaginable.

On the other hand, if your goal is to play raw black metal à la Burzum, you should be good to go within a few weeks.

Nta btw
Agree also. Burzum is pretty basic. I know before I started guitar it sounded very complex, and I remember reading the tips about having your guitar sound like Burzum's, but it doesn't take much effort really, nor do the riffs.
Recommending the WRONG Schenker brother
What? I don't give a shit about that. Alot of bands I like end up becoming 2 bands. I like both. Stop trying to divide and conquer.
Diaper label
DOGS OF DOOM!! \\m//
What's the difference between Nuclear Blast, atmoic fire and Reigning Phoenix?
Chainsaw Charlie calls out corrupt record company executives. I wonder do WASP think this about Nuclear Blast.
Taake? More like
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