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God Varg edition
Prev: >>123575094
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>mogs your power chord sloppa
I am indifferent to Varg's thoughts and opinions on everything.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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Please remember Striborg.
Varg is a genius
Dawg finally heard Slaughter to GAYvail and goddamn that was worse than i thought it would be.
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JIDF fags feeling uppity last thread? that ends right now.

I will always remember this absolute cringekino.

Varg thinking about Donkey Kong(and Final Fantasy 8)
He was once trve... Giving him an instagram account and autism diagnosis ruined his life.

Summoning Bongman, help me out lads
thanks to varg black metal is my life
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Lol on cue, the vargtard is pitching a hissy fit after anons shat on his hero
Varg Vikernes on his musical influences(indirect quotation):

>Turns out my music was primarily influenced by Tchaikovsky, Iron Maiden and NES music.
>pretending it's more than one
We lovr Varg here though.
>one with the braid
I want to FUCK that anime
this is bretty gud thanks for the rec random anonymous person
At least two. Burzum sucks.
>b-brown hands t-typed this p-post
Incorrect. You are talking to the number one Fanisk fan and Slav hater in /metal/.
Melanated post.
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>likes fanisk
>hates burzum
welcome to /metal/
Albino post
I can't get into Leeway, but I've been liking this song lately.
You'd probably find more support at your local taco stand, Pablo
Fanisk suck cock
Forgot pic
>number one Fanisk
fanisk is american
Varg will be remembered for centuries.
Correct. You are replying to a mutt.
I fucking love Leeway. Thats one of my all time favorite albums. IT took a few listens for the vocals to really click for me though.
Not metal.
Return to >>>/lgbt/ and bring your reddit memes with you on the way out.
*for being a talentless faggot whose music appeals to equally talentless faggots
Please do not bother replying to my posts ever again. Best regards.

Fanisk was peak black metal. Burzum makes easy listening designed to put you to sleep. It's really that simple.

I'm sorry, what gang of drunken Eastern European heroin addicts do you rank above Fanisk?
Alright, you're making me stoked. I'll give Leeway more of a listen.
I'm a huge NYHC fan so if that isn't really your thing you may have trouble getting into them. Desperate Measures and Born to Expire are both certified classics though.
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Burzum appeals to intelligent classical-appreciators as well as low IQ subhuman white nazis. Repels the midwit that thinks Fanisk is intricate and complex, despite being the most basic shit after lady gaga

Melanated post.
Only their first is worth listening, the rest is just generic thrash
quintessential ame*imutt lost
t. still practicing counting to his two digit IQ
burzum IS power chord slopp thoughbeit
>posts one of the worst, most wankey composers of all time
Why tho?
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Reminder that Witchcraft is THE /metal/ album and power chord sloppa is hated here.

Melanated post.
For being the ultimate thread derailer

i just can't take corpsepaint seriously
You're not supposed to retard, it's to repel the normalfags
>I'm a huge NYHC fan
Any recommendations? I'm really into thrash, which I assume has a lot of crossover fans.
Can it Hector
All hated, disrespected and despised here. Discontinue posting.
Thank you retarded sister.
We love Prokofiev here though?

Romeo and Juliet is quite literally the birth of black metal:
Thank you retarded sister.
Thank you schizo sister.
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/meal/ was pretty comfy for awhile until our Great Satan returned
One last blast before I leave this shithole for at least a week
It's the norsetourist eslfag, not heccy. even lower iq and even worse taste somehow. prepare for this thread to be nothing but samefagging dark funeral, obtained enslavement and other dangerously mid tremolotrite.
nu-metal is metal. you can all choke on a dick
rap rock with pop song structures. Not metal. Except maybe Iowa
Don't start sister posting as well
Oh I see, well thank you for clarifying
Wrong Romeo and Juliet link tho
Thank you schizo sister.
>Blackened Grindcore/Noise (early); Blackened Death Metal (later)
Leave and never come back.
We love Dark Funeral here albeit
>>>/lgbt/ is for nu-metal, grindcore and alike. We prefer neoclassical black/death metals here.
Thank you melanated sister
Hails to Dark Funeral!
Is Biohazard a good representation of NYHC? This isn't terrible, but sounds like watered down thrash metal.
We love that here.
Also this is some terrible album art. Did people really like this?
Merauder - Master Killer (early metalcore vibes)
Cro Mags - Best Wishes
Agnostic Front - Cause for Alarm
Ludichrist - Powertrip
Carnivore - Retaliation
Crown of Thornz - Mentally Vexed
Earth Crisis - Firestorm
Killing Time - Brightside
Zero Tolerance - Fuel the Fire
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Screenshotted. Thanks dawg.
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>Hasard - Malivore
Respected here.
Why are dissoshitters not discussing this more often? Explain yourselves.

Incorrect. Maybe try >>>/lgbt/ sister?
Women will make videos like this then get mad if you admit you jerk off to them.
It's just a fun tiktok dance trend. Don't sexualize them for no reason.
Yeah that's considered a NYCH classic. The genre will rarely sound as fast or intense as thrash though, the appeal is more in the mosh parts / breakdowns.

You have to embrace the cheese in hardcore just like you do in metal.
>holy shit is she...moving her hips side to side
>oh my godddd i neeeeed to jerk off
please go outside
those are both the same retard thoughbeit
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I feel like there's one of these giga-autists in almost every general.
>lurk 24/7
>literally say the same shit every day
>only wanna talk about their narrow interests
>if anons aren't talking about whatever it is they're obsessed with, they do everything they can to derail the convo like bratty children
>endlessly complain about liberals and anything that doesn't perfectly conform to their right-wing utopia

Fuck permabans. These people need to be gassed.
>likes dissoshit
>tells others to go to lgbtq
kek, I'm sure your donations have greatly improved the lives of many trans children friend
I experience high levels of arousal because I only masturbate once a week. You don't know my story.
Correct. The childish need to be the centre of attention even when clearly noone wants to talk about their lame taste is gigacringe, and they can't even allow other people to have discussion that doesn't involve them.
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
>lists metalcore and crossover
You had me until the last line

>ndlessly complain about liberals and anything that doesn't perfectly conform to their right-wing utopia

that's based
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>You have to embrace the cheese
Incorrect. We hate cheesy metal here.
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This album makes me cry everytime without fail.
True, second wave is hated here.
Essential MGTOWcore band
No it's not, it's fucking annoying. Not everything is, or has to be, political.

The problem with the anons (like you) that I'm referring to is that they're identity revolves around their politics to the point where they can't shut it off. They see "woke culture" where it doesn't exist. They see "subversion" when there's no indication whatsoever that the subject in question is promoting a message. They're just retards who need to be rounded up and gassed (bonus: it might prevent a mass shooting or two).
Stopped reading after I realized a tranny posted this (three words)
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More proof the Dawg is a HACK
All this shit sounds the same, what the fuck is the point?
He said he was really into thrash so I leaned that way.
Incorrect. Second wave killed 80s cheese metal and we are thankful for that.
Yeah pol brainrot has ruined metal discussion in both directions tbqhwyf
that was grunge retard, imagine thinking second wave was important enough to have any effect on real music lmaooo
That was grunge. Second wave only killed first wave.
Why are black metal fans so collectivist and un-individual? It's always "we" with those people and always the same cookie cutter taste
Truth nuke
>imagine thinking second wave was important enough to have any effect on real music
Correct. Diapershit is not real music.
>Slaughter to Prevail
Lol this is some shit I'd expect people who follow Andrew Tate to listen to.

I guess sometimes the dawg gets it right.
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So did he kill himself or was it just an accident?
Slaughter to Prevail are cool, don't shit on SoP >:[
Second wave IS diapershit thoughbeit.
Tonality is a psyop embrace grindcore + estrogen pills
The Dawg dickrides Deicide. That's enough for me to discount him and his opinions entirely.
>Nu Deathcore
how to get into dream theater records google
I don't understand why he thinks they're the greatest thing in the history of the universe, but their first few albums were solid.
Varg almost looks like a nice guy here
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Listen to this.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Jdawg is gay and has AIDS (he contracted it from Glen Benton).
I am honestly impressed at Dream Theater's commitment to making every single album cover look like a collage of lightly edited stock images.
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Best death/doom band of the 21st century, no question.

Death/doom is usually crap, how do I know this one is an exception?
Maybe try clicking on the ad-free link that I kindly provided, genius
I'm too busy listening to what I already have queued up, sorry narb.
Sorry, too busy listening to Slaughter to Prevail.
Go with your heart, anon. Krypts is good though.
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Janny delete all the non-metal posts right now or forever keep your mouth shut
he'd have to delete OP's
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Reminder that if it wouldn't work as an ice cream truck jingle it is NOT a riff
Now that's a metal-related ice cream truck. If only catshitter could understand such concepts.
Unironically true
They found a style and went with it, it works.
>I, Voidhanger
You almost had me, you were really really close.
Slaughter to Prevail seemed like they were going to do some really cool shit, mixing deathcore and numetal in a really cool way but they couldn't nail it. Agony was really cool at the time, but it's basically the blueprint for a modern STP song and they just kind of suck now. They had a really good balance of the deathcore, brutal death metal, and nu-metal back then. Demolisher was really cool too, but I can't get into anything they do these days.

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I unironically like wiggerslam more than this.
Same, but it was pretty cool 5 years ago.
This record sucks dogshit.
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It clicked
This thread is pure cancer and should be purged.
Summoning Bongman.
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>It clicked
Kek. Also relatable
>guys, please talk about this
Give me Bongman's address, I need to send him something
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It clicked
Guys, please talk about this
I agree, I never understood the love
>YouTube clickers click links
It clicked
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I just clicked all over the place
Bongman is gay and has AIDS.
I wish I had a gf. Metal for this feel???
Bullet for my Valentine
This response makes me want to kms
Sorry bro, but it's trve.
That kid probably gets more pussy than all of /meal/ combined lol

Fuckin hell
>Youtube links
let me guess, you're that nigga
No, and I'm quite thankful for that. I don't like sex nearly enough to trade places with that thing.
Hot wigga
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It is what it is and it ain't what it ain't
We hate this shit here.
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No we don't, reddit. Kill yourself.
The 100 Gecs of metal... and that's a good thing
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>youtube links
>brutal death metal
Another classic evening on /metal/
>two buddies aping as two separate artists doing splits but all their material is together
That's quite creative if I do say so myself.
Hell yeah brother \m/
real wigga hours
One of the big problems with Defeated Sanity's latest few albums is you can tell what the guitar is actually playing for to much of the songs. Ideally brutal death metal would sound like white noise maybe broken up by occasional half measures of slams
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>Cream (dairy)
Both metal and white. dare i say BASED
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Brutal slamming wigga metal
This is fake
This isn’t real
Maybe. Ponder this for a second though: is it really beyond the average Haitian to eat a cat?
Cats aren’t bottles of coca cola or fanta they are just cats
Based voice of reason
Haiti is basically the most metal country on Earth \m/
Holy based
Corechads, fuck this place we're going to our new home now

Shit idk
smelly diapershit, hated here
Interesting how from 2000 and onward there is no metal.
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Gif very related
lol, exactly what that clown deserves
A deathmetal.org review of Anon's demo.
Lmao doesn't Vargas know Lord of the Rings is inherently Christian and therefore Jewish
I drink chocolate milk because of Varg
He was acting weird before he died so at first I assumed he offed himself
Weird how so?
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Mom said I can listen to one Slayer song before I go to bed.
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Wiggin out rn
>infectious jelqing
absolutely beloved here
Angel of Death
>blunt force trauma
very based
2024 has been the year of bdm so far tbqhwyf
>Brutal slamming wigga metal
>huge udders
name a more based combo. ill wait
Die by the sword
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Thrill Jockey Record's own description of Liturgy calls them a "gestamkunstwerk." Undoubtedly, this term was provided to them by the band's frontman, Hunter-Hunt Hendrix; as it is doubtful that they know of the academic term for Wagner's music. Hendrix has described himself as a big fan of Wagner's time, of the grandiose Romantics, so of course gestamkunstwerk (translated as "Collective Art Work") would be something he would be deeply interested in: an ecosystem of variable art working together in harmony to produce a total, complete art. Outside of the music, we see this in Hendrix's various videos and diagrams describing the relationship of his music to philosophical principles, which inform the context of his art. There's another composer that he is a fan of as well that is relevant: Scriabin. The composer of the unfinished magnum opus Mysterium, which sought to be a total sensory experience rife with scent, vision, and of course sound that was meant to bring about the end of the world. Again, an example of Hunter looking towards "Total Art" for inspiration.
liturgy are legitimately probably the most interesting band in black metal right now but polfags will deny it
One thing that The Ark Work has going for it, as its visionary has described it, is that its reaction is part of the spectacle. In a way, the release of The Ark Work is its own event comparable to Scriabin's: the various people feeling the need to destroy or support it vigorously. The Ark Work exists as a provacateur of debate and yet also a testament to form and style. Simply look on any forum to find many unprepared listeners utterly baffled by the piece, call it nonsense and "trying too hard." Perhaps Hendrix was in a way calling out the inherent culture of anti-intellectualism in popular music: with how highly conceptual, comprehensive art pieces are often shirked in favor of the immediately enjoyable. Look at the glowing reception for Carrie & Lowell: an immediate, album, with immediate carnal pleasure. Sufjan didn't ask much of his listeners, and as a result the listeners unabashedly love it and defend it to death. The popular music listener does not enjoy challenge, and thus does not enjoy Liturgy as a band or The Ark Work as an album.

Gandalf is literally Odin.
Shut up no he's not.
hes jesus dummy
Interestingly though, The Ark Work is not an abrasive listen. What instruments have we here? MIDI horns? Well, any listener of Oneohtrix Point Never can immediately accept these. And of course when we look at an album like R Plus Seven we see this postmodern re-appropriation of sounds with a great deal of prejudice applied to them, the various MIDI instruments. And it is easy to see Hendrix applying these sounds now to the world of Black Metal; again, perhaps purposefully a provocateur. We also have bagpipes in Reign Array, which interestingly sound not unlike the guitars they harmonize with. Nonetheless, they provide not just an extra layer and extra loudness but a connection of the album to FOLK music (of all things!), again working towards the album as a gestamkunstwerk, THE Art Work. But perhaps the most abrasive instrument is Hendrix's own voice, which operates on drones that often purposefully diverge rhythmically from the instrumental material. It sounds of chant and ritual and this is also purposeful. Reading the lyrics provides a continual ritualistic feeling to the album as a work of conviction and action, and of communing with The World and in producing a wholeness in its own endeavor. Yes, on first listen it can sound whiny. But so does Jeff Mangum; so who gives a shit?

Going back to Wagner, the compositions are full of Liturgy's now sort of trademark harmonies, often quite lush with many twists and turns such as the opening of Follow II or the brass fanfare which opens the album. In many ways, actually, it IS a Liturgy album all the same as Aesthethica, simply ringed in other aesthetic, smaller choices that cloak the similar rhythmic experimentation, the similar grandiosity of endeavor, the similar quotes of the Classical. So what we have, in essence, is an album that is every bit as skilled as Aesthethica, yet enhanced with a complement of philosophical and worldly beliefs and ideas. We have a community of factors working together in harmony to produce a comprehensive artistic experience that is meant to challenge (at-first) as much as it does entrance. We have our gestamkunstwerk, our Total Art Work. Obviously, of course, it isn't Der Ring. But interestingly, we have leitmotifs in the similar, recurring bell or keyboard interludes. We have two Follow tracks. We have these many references and purposeful intentions to resemble the Great Romantics. And for just about all of them, it succeeds in concept and execution.
Tolkien explicitly stated his works were not metaphorical at all. Instead they're mythological and archetypical.
Was Wagner in a metal band?
>listening to the artist
Even without listening to Tolkien or reading The Silmarillion, it's blatantly obvious Gandalf isn't Odin
You don't know anything about Odin or Gandalf. Sit down. Be quiet.
I've said my piece Chrissy
A sassy black woman reacts to Anon's demo.
Old man with beard and staff = Odin, apparently. Gandalf still has both his eyes and doesn't have any kids or siblings you retard. Again, it's archetypical and mythological, so yeah you can make connections between the Valar/Maiar and the Vanir/Aesir, but it's not a direct metaphor as you can find pantheons of gods in every culture on Earth.
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Who was "Gandalf?" It is said that in later days (when again a shadow of evil arose in the Kingdom) it was believed by many of the "Faithful" of that time that "Gandalf" was the last appearance of Manwë himself, before his final withdrawal to the watchtower of Taniquetil. (That Gandalf said that his name "in the West" had been Olórin was, according to this belief, the adoption of an incognito, a mere by-name.) I do not (of course) know the truth of the matter, and if I did it would be a mistake to be more explicit than Gandalf was. But I think it was not so. Manwë will not descend from the Mountain until Dagor Dagorath, and the coming of the End, when Melkor returns
A sassy black woman engages Varg in a political debate on social media
An online DnD session with Varg as the dungeon master.
Varg rolls a natural 20 on Euronymous
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we desperately need wiggaslam lotr related
Furries, and cosplayers, and gamers.
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she looks pretty chipper for someone getting mauled to death
Getting mauled to death is fun!!!
So true trans sister
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Anyone heard the new Black Funeral?
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JIDF shills are a scourge on /meal/ with terrible taste in music
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Horna is back
Do we really need more 5/10 Finnshit from Shitrag?
Correct. JIDF need to stop shilling kultur.
Need recs for blackened melodeath with a full sounds and a dark, melancholic tone like Insomnium. I have already tried
>Omnium Gatherum
>Silence Lies Fear
>Countless Skies
>Dark Tranquillity
>Fractal Gates
six feet under
jungle rot
Not listening!
I might check it later
>blackened melodeath with a full sounds and a dark, melancholic tone
so like Dissection copycats?
Jag Panzer
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My wife would never listen to this sloppa
You have a wife? Get the fuck out.
Why are you always here
Mentally well individual
Death, Morbid Angel, Carcass
Death gud bin the rest
This. But only the last 3.
>I'll say the opposite to get (You)'s
Are we playing that game again
It is funny how the two people you hear say they're inspired by Burzum are either eastern european BM bands or western shoegaze/prog artists
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I genuinely like Burzum's discography but holy shit if it isn't overrated as hell... Varg is also a whiny autist who now that he's older doesn't like metal anymore.
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Black metal solo artists tend to not listen to metal themselves
No bhenchod that is my sincerely held opinion.
Human > Leprosy > Spiritual Healing > TSoP > Symbolic > SBG > ITP
^^^this is subject to change bt w
Were they ever into metal at that point? Seems like they were posing the whole time desu.
A classic.
Where the fack do I start with Striborg?
Rent free
>if it isn't overrated as hell..
Literally all the first 10 bands of a genre, death, thrash or black metal are overrated beyond comprehension. The sweet spot comes after actually talented artists(ihsahn, heks, hoest), inspired by those who kickstarted the genre(black metal for varg, euro, abbath) actually put effort and make something artistically worthwhile. After that it's almost all lazy Burzum/Darkthrone copycats hoping for the same success, but with no effort or dedication. That's why the best black metal comes from mid/late 90's when you really look deep into it, as in "Black Metal's Golden Year(s)"
Same goes for death metal, unbeaeable cringe before talented artists(Atheist, Opeth, Gojira) were inspired by it, or older artists, now with refined, developed taste finally started making good music(Chuck Schuldiner)
>doesn't like metal anymore.
Who gives a shit? It's not even true btw he listens to Kreator and Slayer to this very day.
You don't
you will listen to 3 albums at most
True and based but also fake and gay
good subtle bait until the death metal part
Thank you sisters
Norsecuckster is such a cringelord. Doesn't even know death metal history. Time to stop posting for a while.
>ihsahn, heks, hoest
Modern day Bach,Mozart and Beethoven!
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Thank you historylet low IQ sister.
Relative to other metal artists, they might as well be Bachs and Mozarts, especially Heks. Lol
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>Grouping Atheist together with Opeth and Gojira for any reason at all.
Thanks again lolcow sister
>>Grouping Atheist together with Opeth and Gojira for any reason at all.
Thank you low IQ sister
>grouping any of them with Death
What kind of new gimmick is this, sisters? Maybe I hadn't buckbroken imbecilic DMfags as much as I have imbecilic BMfags
oh nice, new Satan album
too bad about the shitty AI slop music video tho
Atheist is as old school as it gets, you're factually incorrect
it’s their best since the first comeback album, new flotsam is cool also
>Maybe I hadn't buckbroken imbecilic DMfags as much as I have imbecilic BMfags

>Maybe I haven't spammed the general with enough shit yet
immolation, benediction, the list goes on
Based retarded tourist sister who hasn't even heard Unquestionable Presence
Thank you seething sister
I'm only a few tracks in but I like how wild and frantic some of the riffing is
I guess i'll check out the new flotsam & jetsam album too
Demigod Demilich Convulse
>ai slop cover
boomers are still in awe of AI, it's like magic to them
Have you heard their last two? Their best in a long time, they are on a good run currently
even when it’s not ai slop it’s horrible looking like the last 2 priest albums, I’d love to talk to the bands about this shite
I listen to it and like it. But we were talking about how retarded you sound.
based, actual death metal bands
Cartilage, Adramelech, Mordicus
I didn't even say Atheist sounds like Opeth you cretin. I grouped them with the *talented* artists that don't just play baldcucked OSDM slop.
Not listening!!!
You grouped them together with bands that were "inspired" by old school. You should have just said "I like these bands", in which case I still would have laughed at you.
Opeth? More like Nope'd
why not?
I just can't.
Best blastings of the thread
Yes, they were influenced vy Morbid Angel and early Death, 80's Death Metal that is, OSDM.
i wonder if varg is aware of this place, i feel like he would make fun of his old self, judging by the fact he dislikes anything metal related

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