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#1848 - Nothing Stops the Chief edition

Halo Infinite's 13th Battle Pass, "Fleetcom", has launched

Halo Info:
>Latest Infinite Update (8/21)
>Latest Community Update (7/5)

Halo News:
>Firefight: Battle for Reach showcased
>Fleetcom update brings Sandbox changes, VIP and Headhunter game modes to Infinite
>Paramount's Live Action Halo show canceled after two seasons

Previous >>493108978
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You are currently browsing /hg/ thread #1848

>Previous Threads
>>493108978 | #1847 - Tankmaster Rok
>>492401590 | #1846 - Brat
>>491580116 | #1845 - Headhunter
The Endless has arrived
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Remove Sprint
They Won't, but They Should
Remove Sprint
I wish 4chan allowed emojis
HALO. Not for angels.

This is no place for subtlety, no place for pity. This is a place where aliens want to turn humans into a bad memory. A place where strategy matters indoors and out, where your weapons and vehicles are both human and alien. Your enemies are as numerous as they are ferocious; their attacks are devastating. Survival is not guaranteed. You face opponents who have never known defeat, who laugh in alien tongues at your efforts to survive.

This is suicide.

This is a place for carnage.

This IS Halo.

That was 10 Years ago...
Advertising is against the rules
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flood spores multiply at a fast rate
>walk into a gym saying you wanna get pussy
>get assaulted and pushed onto the ground
i hope thst fucking idiot crosshitter loses his business for that
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wtf is that real?!
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So..this is the power of Halo CE in H3ODST engine?!
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And the power of pstencil?!
yeeze needs a spanking.
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>Best gameplay in entire halo series save for 2 and reach, average halo CE mod mogs anything 343 puts out
>Limited weapon sandbox but each weapon serves a very distinct role, closest to an overlap is the assault rifle and plasma rifle
>Hybrid western-japanese style, created designs that are iconic to this day
>Story is always going somewhere
>Campaign setpieces are all high quality and every halo game since has tried to replicate at least one in its own way
>Aliens feel alien and not like humans that look funny
>Just janky enough to be soulful, still incredibly polished for anyone looking to play casually
>Vehicles feel distinct, and all have a unique purpose in the sandbox
>No retarded message to send
>Every song is memorable and high quality
>Most multiplayer maps are so iconic halo fans recreate them every new instalment, blood gulch broke into the mainstream

And yet, not a single game has tried to capture this feeling. They only take the baseline mechanics and some ideas and leave it there. There is NO game that comes close to replicating this work of art, and i think nothing ever will. if i learn game design, it will be to make a new halo CE.
b-but muh mcfuggin backtracking!!!! I hate going back through prior missions in a new context!!!!
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Just gonna say it.

The Flood should have been ditched after Halo CE. They serve no necessary narrative purpose following the events of Installation 04 and have been the key gameplay problem with Halo's worst levels. Halo 2 and 3 would have been better had the story and gameplay just focused on the Human covenant war and stopping the "great journey" from occurring.
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Does this mean the Halo 5 campaign will soon be playable on PC?
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>They serve no necessary narrative purpose following the events of Installation 04
The floods only important narrative purpose is to explain what the Halo array does and why the Forerunner An-Hero'd themselves otherwise they serve no purpose. Hell it was always weird the Forerunner even saved any flood mass but I'm willing to suspend my disbelief as an installation designed to kill flood might house them for study. The Flood being released in Halo 2 doesn't even make sense as both the UNSC and Covenant are aware of them as a threat. Bungee had to create retarded supplementary to explain that 2041 just let the Flood loose on Installation 05 despite the fact he shouldn't have had that access in the first place.
their purpose is to btfo the covenant and unite the two empires against the larger threat
2's original storyboard pointed to that anyway. The hack writers behind 3 dropped the ball by making the covenant generic bad guys.
the flood levels in Halo 2 are great
I genuinely don't understand why people don't like them in 2. What kind of playstyle do these foul creatures have that they can't have a good experience with the halo 2 flood?
body-shotting with precision weapons no really
What paint have you been huffing? The Flood were always a third wheel in Halo 2 and had no impact on the covenant schism or the elites joining up with the UNSC.
You're so disingenuous. You'll never get to the bottom of things if you keep acting so defensively. Be curious.
The covenant would have schismed with or without the Flood as a threat. The Elites and UNSC were preoccupied with stopping the rest of the covenant from lighting the rings and directly killing everyone. Hell the elites alone had been managing to contain the Flood on high charity without any assistance from the UNSC or impediments from the Covenant. You're the one being disingenuous. The Flood were pointless and only added because Bungie just thought they needed to be included because they were in the first game.
I will only consider reading that shit if you apologise.
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>forgotten and buried
Why play it when Halo 6 Infinite exist
They probably gave up porting the maps to mcc because the xbone can't run them without stutters.
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>I agree, young man. Infinite sucked the life out of me. The devs forced me to watch e-sports to get colors and emblems. Every week was dry and grindy. Today it's 10 years since the game launched. The "10 year plan" didn't succeed. That was the promise they made for this game to support it all those years, but they already gave up after 2. In the mean time they haven't made Halo 7, and I'm still in hopium for this franchise to become the new golden era og Halo.
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MCC fix...never ever!
Terminator: Resistance
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bedtime night night
if it just had better gameplay, it would be as beloved as the og halo games. great atmosphere though.
Infinicucks will tell you this is better than 5 because at least he's wearing a diaper.
Terminator: Dark Fate
nah not that one
Ironically the AI sucks in that game. Everything else they pretty much nailed.
Terminator 2
The Terminator
it's just polymimetic alloy troll
It all comes back to liquid yeeze
I'm a kitty kitty kitty :3
I'm a cat! (meow~)
If you mess with me :3c
You're gonna get scratched! >:3
liquid yeeze will most likely go to the single poster's house, posing as the maid it will wait for the target to return
All my maids wear cat ears and a cat tail butt plug along with striped thigh highs
Just letting you know
Liquid Yeeze implies our Yeeze is solid o////o
we share yeeze
there are no single posters in your area
it's just a trick to get you to reveal your pp
The Wasp is eerily similar to the HK Aerial
Those are the red giant's moons and other satellites.
>The Flood should have been ditched after Halo CE.
Truer words could not have been said.

>the flood levels in Halo 2 are great
This couldn't be further from the truth.
If you hate the flood, you hate halo.
It's that simple.
I hate the flood's food therefore I love Halo
but Halo is strongly associated with homosexuality so it's a delicate balance
the poster above is Skynet
Terminate him now!
is it true that you can't take weapons through slipspace?
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Even slipspace couldn't stop me from taking Weapon
The ring's transport system only allows the movement of an Assault Rifle and Plasma Pistol. except for that one tiem.
Reach a good shit
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Halo was created to stop and contain the flood. If you love the flood, you hate Halo.
Simple as.
I kind of agree. They are cool as horror enemies, and I like to see covenant fight them, but storywise they are not handles that well.
it's over
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Halo is Touhou.
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True, thankfully.
Warthog jump.
if you spend 3000 dollars on a pc to be powerful enough to run that bloatware
because I get a literal headache on those levels
I hate the flood because Cortana hates the flood it tried to kill her
Halo 5 campaign is shit. Add Halo 5 to MCC
Bungie gave birth to Halo but raped it and pimped it out
343 cared for Halo and loved it and never molested it.
consolebrown post
Yesterday I played Halo 4 for the first time since 2016.

Christ I forgot just how bad this game feels to play. It reminds me of a lot of my complaints about the combat in Halo 2, just so much worse.
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That's not the official job title, but it's close enough.
>Add Halo 5 to MCC

Halo 5 has a bigger filesize than the entire MCC alone. It's just not a feasable addition to the Collection.
Ur mum has a bigger filesize than all my gfs alone
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It’s SPARTAN Locke now….Sir.
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>wake me, when you need me
kill yourself
not gonna!
Can't argue with that.
Was replaying everything on the MCC chronologically in terms of story. Halo 4 is the only one I gave up on.
>you just have burnout bro
My favorite campaigns were Halo 3 and ODST and they were the last two I played before starting Halo 4.
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Has anyone dated a tvaon before?
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>playing Halo 4
Wouldn't you like to know?
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>I told you NOT to cum inside.
My wife said the only good ape is a mistress ape
Nothing like it man, not just talking about the utility of having a 10 ft tall natty and hormonal oversized piece of beef cake in the home.
Do Brutes reproduce by playing Halo 4 split-screen?
thinkin bout Halo 3 rat
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Halo 3 rat is thinkin bout u
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Terminator: Resistance rat
good rat
stupid rat
>no appropriate target found
I'm going to terminate the rat
poster above is an infiltrator
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Shitposting is the lifeblood of this general
can hunter worms take the form of a rat?
God, I hate this shitty redesign like you cannot imagine. Those hacks from Blur mutilated literally every aspect that makes Sangheili a Sangheili.
Only 11/10 consoomers without the sense of taste and self-respect can like this garbage or even worse - call it the "classic design".
I played through for the first time a week ago and it was the first time though the entirety of my playthrough of MCC where I got legitimately frustrated.
Ammo is scarce to an unfun extent, Promethean weapons are largely nothingburgers aside from the Scattershot (which also have shitty ammo problems), all the while Knight's being the tankiest common enemy in the series so far.
Also why the fuck were there so many vehicle sections? I swear to fuck 60% of the game I was in some sort of vehicle and not interacting with the lackluster gameplay at all. By the time I got to the Composer I was fucking over it.
why dey so wrinkly ew
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HD Elite of a healthy person.
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You weren't saying jack shit when it was Halo Wars
That's because nobody fucking played it
Good but too flat. They are supposed to appear opulent with unreasonably cool armor materials and carry themselves with a smug posture.
And people are playing Halo 2 Anniversary?
Halo Wars is tasteful.
Yes, it sold way more copies than halo wars. Where could you possibly be going with this other than off a cliff?
No it fucking isn't.
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that nigga's got no medius
It was the first time I found the Elites ugly. But Ripa looks somehow passable.
how would you know what people weren't saying back then? you're just making shit up
Also - dat butt cheeks...
The MCC sold more copies. You have to be high if you think the majority of people playing MCC are playing specificly the anniversary edition of Halo 2 when the vast majority are playing the original's multiplayer and switching off the updated graphics for the campaign.
nigga those cheeks are WHACK. they have no shape and without a fully toned medius, the guy has no stability. and his hamstrings are nowhere to be found. why are you attracted to the elite equivalent of a holocaust survivor?
What does this even have to do with anything? You're just arguing for the sake of it after making up some bullshit. Your time on this earth is limited brother. Spend it more wisely.
>Get argument fucking blasted
>Just pretend that the argument didn't matter in the first place despite starting it
Sure thing retard
Okay but you guys would totally fuck Sangheili if given the chance, right?
You can save yourself, you just have to want more from life. It is very sad that you didn't have a positive role model growing up but you're on your own now. you have to break the cycle by stopping this manipulative crap.
Do cry like a bitch everytime you fail to substatiate an argument?
i can break these cuffs... the halo cycle cuffs... rrraaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
who in your life told you you cry like a bitch, anon?
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Terminator Resistance doesn't have that problem
>play mcc 4v4 ce match this morning (bout 30 min ago)
>entire team gets spawn trapped by no-lives that have 500+ million xp and are all ranked 50
>we all collectively eat shit, with me having the LEAST NEGATIVE k/d but by only 2 death (everyone went at least neg 15)
>now I can't find 4v4 match on any game except 3

If they're that competent, I guarantee they are not no-lives. The real issue is that they enjoy seal clubbing so much that they will pay to do it.
>500 million xp
>not no-lifeing the game

u wot?
Oh come on anon, you know it's been out for years. And they probably go through matches 4 times as fast as you do. Use your brain.
yeah it was dysfunctional until like 2019
You're putting a lot of effort into this cope of yours. Any sympathy I had for you has been washed away by being so adamant in your nonsense projection. You'll never be good at anything if you keep telling yourself it is bad to be competent. It may just be about people playing videogames at this point, but these things grow over time. Where do you think you'll be in ten years if you keep using this cope? Unless you have some cushy government job, you'll be fucked.
PS5 pro
oh in that case you're a moron
NTA but he's right about being spawn camped in CE. Doesn't happen on all maps but there are definitely maps where if the enemy gets the high ground and they know what they're doing your team is fucked 80% of the time. Granted I don't know the skill level of him or his players, and he's def coping about 500 million xp being "no-life".
That's a non-sequitur.
Seems like the only way to actually get any chance of a decent K/D is to either join a faggy clan or play FFA but sometimes all I want to do is play a fair fucking match of team slayer.
Game is dead, only hardcore gods and shitters who don't know any better play it now. The middle class isn't coming back.
Still no word on in amber clad on the covenant battlenet
Me too. I'm relegated to sticking to custom games (and having fun) since every match I'm paired with two of them have at LEAST 8k wins on their profile. I literally cannot compete.
Proper matchmaking died with Halo 3, and has never been seen in any game that isn't Dota 2 since.
So does the game use aimbot for gamepad users? I'm on PC and use Keyboard and mouse and just don't understand how I'm getting outclassed in aiming by people using gamepads.
>hur dur you're bad
I'm perfectly sufficient in aiming on other PC centric games
>So does the game use aimbot for gamepad users?
Yes, they have aim assist. KBM players do not. Faggots with tons of matches abuse it.
too obvious
>playing a team mode alone
Go back to cod
too oblivious
many such cases
The aim assist really isn't that good. It's certainly not as intrusive as other more popular shooters like destiny or apex. The real advantage is the thumbstick movement which assists with aiming because of fine adjustments in speed and direction. The aim assist slows the camera down on a target in red reticle range but beyond that, it's the same as m&k.
What are you aiming for anyway?
the people coping about sbmm are mostly the same people coping about "aim assist".
There's some level to complain about but at the end of the say it's a clutch excuse for not getting gud 90% of the time
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post halo images i can use for an avatar
bonus points if theyre actually screenshots
I have 27000 escharums
which one do you want?
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i'm gonna offline the inhibiters
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why is it all brutes?
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That looks like a 2 grunt but the background looks like 3? Is that some mod/custom map shit?
shitfinite is at an all time low on steam charts, so brutal
realistically, what can be done to increase the player count now?
Get rid of sprint
Where are they now?
black ops 6 i think
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Alright then. I'm initiating Cole Protocol, Article 2. We're abandoning /hg/. That means you too, yeeze.
"The SPARTAN-IIs are fundamentally flawed and dangerously outdated. They are an embarrassment and danger with their rusting tech and degraded neurology, but we just keep bleeding taxpayers dry."
~Based God Del Rio
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stop blocking yourself out
Reach a shit
pls trump, finish her already
We're about to see what Tartarus was going to do to Miranda
Halo 4's soundtrack is underrated.
Reach a kino
Tartarus is getting raped
The Kig-Yar are moving into Reach and eating our Moa
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no shit the city manager would deny the claims, they dont want property values to drop. canadian mayors are doing the same thing denying indians are pooping on their beaches because they just want to sweep the issues under the bed and not lose revenue halo 3: odst
Releasing 20,000 beady eye jackels will result in someone's pets being eaten or raped. When it happens there'll be an inquiry. The inquiry will reveal that they shouldn't have been here. The government will say there are lessons to be learned, and that will be an end to it.
the cats, i heard but I'm not from america
the pet will still be dead or raped though
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Master Chief was fired by the ONI bureaucracy... Clearly, he is having a very difficult time processing that, Spartan Locke says
He won
MCC was really sweaty today for some reason, even in BTB and customs. What happened? Why was everyone tryharding in Fiesta and Big Team Heavies? No time to take it easy or breathe. Everyone was playing as if their lives depended on it.
Okay, that's enough bad luck for today. MCC really didn't want me to win any good or satisfying matches today and made sure I got the worst possible timing with spawns and the worst randomized weapons The matches I did win were really lame and still got so much bad luck during them. Just kept spawning or walking into situations at the worst possible time.
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Hang em high is the worst map to play when playing with people who know all the spawns
There are locations on the map where almost every spawn is visible from so it becomes a race for whoever gets to those spots first wins the game
MCC should have kept the voting system because FFS why is longshore come up so much.
The beta Infinite players
The Alpha Halo 5 enjoyer
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Will it ever get ported?
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Will it ever get ported?
It's 1:17
It should but 343 for some reason hates it despite the only real negative was campaign. Even people who don't like Halo 5 say it's multi-player was alright. It would most likely be the second most played Halo game in MCC
Only speaking 343 era
Infinite > Halo 4 >>> Halo 5
MatchMaking MP
Halo 5>Infinite>>Halo 4
Custom MP
Halo 5>>Infinite>>>Halo 4
Infinite >Halo t >>Halo 4
Other modes
Halo 5>Halo 4>Infinite
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>I have concepts of a plan
It's 3am human time
Reach: 24 customs
Halo 1: 4 customs
H2C: 3 customs
2A: 0
Halo 3: 5 customs
Odst: 2 customs
Halo 4: 2
Bros you told me Tartarus was going to rape Miranda, but Tartarus' asshole just got blown out on live Covenant Battle Net.
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Strange that infinite never got warzone. The only negative to it was the lootbox P2W shit, but just change that to battlepass shit or ingame currency instead. Infinite even got different weapon variants similar to the warzone variants in the campaign.
Reminder you can still play CoD2, MW2 and BO2 online on Xbox 360

Reminder 343 shut down Halo 3 / Reach / Halo 4 servers for no reason
It was Bonnie's swansong to the halo franchise
>The Flood should have been ditched after Halo CE. They serve no necessary narrative purpose following the events of Installation 04 and have been the key gameplay problem with Halo's worst levels. Halo 2 and 3 would have been better had the story and gameplay just focused on the Human covenant war and stopping the "great journey" from occurring.

Bungie stated in Halo 3's development that they kept the Flood at the end of the campaign because they weren't fun to fight
Why did the Halo 5 beta look better than retail?
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They did it to force you onto MCC of course.
I don't know why you'd want to play those outdated old games anyway.
>Bungie gave birth to Halo but raped it and pimped it out

Marty and Joe wanted Halo 2 to be the end of the franchise

Microsoft and Bonnie Ross wanted Halo to be their Star Wars
>I don't know why you'd want to play those outdated old games anyway.

Reminder MCC was intended to be a passion project and love letter to have the Master Chief games on new AMD APU hardware, for both old and new fans, because there was no backwards compatibility and 343 doomed it from the start because they used the Halo PC Gearbox source code and Halo 2 Vista source code, not the original Xbox releases. Oops.
Don't forget that Halo 1 and 2 were never added to the Xbox emulator
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Why hasn't 343 brought back the jetpack?
why aren't they playing halo
>Naturally picks up weapons that spawns on the map.
>Map positioning in key.
>A Multitude of equipment interacts with the environment in different but unique ways.
I…..I-Is Fortnite Halo?
Sounds more like Terminator Resistance desu
No because the fort building mechanic is horrendously asinine.
poster below is a metal
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John Halo?
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Can anyone identify the armor coating that was used on this one? Skimmed the shop but didn't spot anything that came close except Wet Crow
Took a closer look after the post, it's probably midway emerald
John Regular
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>the fort building mechanic is horrendously asinine.
Agreed Forge hasn’t felt good to use since Reach.
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>the only real negative was campaign
not a real Halo MP
What is the main blockage for why there aren’t more custom campaigns in the workshop? They exist but they’re rare
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Remember Halo!
What's halo?
Xbox Series X Pro
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What is the scariest Halo mission or multiplayer map?
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Halo VS Call of Duty
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Two betrayals because of the fear flashes
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John Connor?
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Follow John Connor, from a distance
I want to know everything about him...
dark fate no fate
filtered post above
skibbiddy Black Ops
posts like the one above make me wish they never stopped judgement day
The Councilors, are they-

Blacked... by the Ops
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Collectively, the seven-
-Black Ops Games are superior to Halo.
It's over...
No........ I think we're just getting sharted...............
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What emulator?
You can still play Halo 3 on XBL and get achievements even. Look into Sunrise, frens.
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from me to you
it's starting....
maybe American politics aren't so bad
americans are the best people after all
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How much Halo have you played today?
I haven't played Halo in nearly three years.
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>Counting Spinoffs, Mobile Games and Remakes there have been 16 Halo games released in the 23 years the franchise has been around.
Isn't this a bit anemic for a something that's supposed to be a flagship franchise?
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>The release of a new entry every 3 years used to be a global event
>New owners start pumping out at least one new entry a year
>Quality drops to the center of the earth
>Hardcore fans hate it
>Normies overwhelmed, lose all interest
>Franchise dies
How did this happen to Star Wars? Pic unrelated.
With the faggot movement added and the last few BO being shit I have to disagree. B06s hype went down once people realized zombies may be warzone shit and MP will be just movement glitching.
We are at a point where people are missing "classic" COD. A game people once didn't like because the concept of Sprint and ADS was mostly unpopular around here. Now normal Sprint and ADS seem more normal because aiming and movement is not who can shoot better or control shots but who can 720 jump noscope weapon skip drop kick flip at 1000% sensitivity faster.
Pavlov talked about this.
almost 1 hour desu (infinite)
Microsoft literally has to do nothing to beat that piece of garbage that Sony made
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infinite failed because the girls don't have round butts
I wish there was a way to look up old Halo 2 stats from the original Xbox. Sadly my gamertag isn't the same nor is the original email. I've looked it up and everything is a dead end.
Halo Waypoint might have it if you remember the GT idk
>We are at a point where people are missing "classic" COD.
People only miss that because the newer entries are so radically different from the original games.
Keep esports fags out of Halo 7's development and continued support.
If the spinoffs actually felt different enough from the main games and were made by people other than 343, the drop in quality and oversaturation wouldn't have been anywhere close to as bad.
Reminder that 343 worked with "muh pros" even since Halo 4 and each game failed. Maybe the pros are actually shit and always have been
Not even just Halo but it seems PRO players seem to just take away 50+% of weapons, usually take away vehicles , will take out most maps. They thrive on playing games by stripping them of anything that may confuse them or add elements of surprise.
They are shit
Would you an Elite?
Bungie focused on campaign and made lasting games. Even Reach with all its flaws.
Thankfully, this isn't true for Halo: Infinite.
90% of the people that hate Halo Infinite are just bad at it
well of course no one's good at it if no one plays it
Strictly speaking matchmaking here. Halo 5 had a better fire fight than Infinite. Halo Infinite is just KOTH with bots. Halo 5 more dynamic elements like defending things, killing all enemies, bosses. Really outside of forge and user made modes Halo 5 had a more fun Firefight
Not to mention the stronger weapons and vehicles you gain each round was a nice touch.
The major problem is that Warzone Firefight was horribly balanced on purpose so you would burn through heavy vehicles like crazy to push you towards buying Req Packs. Firefight playlists should be a mix of different variants. KotH, Warzone, Classic (ODST), and whatever other variants people come up with. Maybe even really good campaign-style maps, if/when they exist.
>Reminder that 343 worked with "muh pros" even since Halo 4
That game is the most casual in the series. It's Reach+.
>*shits loudly*
Halo Infinite is literally H5G2
Infinite wishes it was a fraction as good as 5.
Cortana is too annoying and well lit to be scary
Two betrayals is a repetitive slog repeated fr9m Assualt on the Control room

343 Guilty Spark remains the scariest level as it's build up is natural and gameplay enhances the atmosphere. Just be sure to play it with the original grpahics since the anniversary version ruins it.
Skynet sent the poster above to get a rise out of us
this is a really narcissistic post lmao
Cool story bro, post a scarier level.
It's so easy to get a rise out of skynet
a rise of the machines...
nah we need them
the trouble is 343 pays them to come in and consult but doesn't listen to them because the casual focus group takes priority. Same shit happened with 3's campaign which winded up making the elites look derpy and hardly ever show up, making their AI really basic. Halo was much better when it was designed for Ranked play and you are a midwit faggot.
Halo is and was at its best when the developers had no time to design the fun out of a title.
Again you're being a midwit faggot. Ranked is fun and the fact that the path of least resistance most people take leads them to games with ranked modes proves that. You're trying to sound smart but you've put no thought into any of this.
You're the same as the casual focus groups in that regard. You put no thought into why you feel a certain way, you just blurt out some made up bullshit when you could easily say you just don't know. The pro players on the other hand actually know what they're talking about. They've had these conversations with dozens of like-minded people over the course of many years.
I said nothing about ranked in my post, dumbass.
CE and 2 are the best Halo games because Bungie was under massive pressure to get it released on time. Conversely, Reach had plenty of time to be developed which gave Bungie plenty of time to make it shit and take out anything fun(beta pistol, plasma repeater, and plasma launcher).
Now he's just making shit up to spare his ego. Pathetic midwit behaviour. Talk to a therapist.
Anon, there is more than one person in this thread.
single poster theory is fallin apart
Updating the midwit narratives list
Can't believe I forgot about that one
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Midwit Narratives
If you say this shit you are unworthy of my blade
>bungie didn't like the books
>marty is an egomaniac
>halo 3 is the best campaign
>dual wielding can't be balanced
>people didn't like arbiter (random dudebro blog post is their only evidence)
>4's story was good
>flood levels are bad
>H2A has the best art style
>infinite's gameplay is good, it just needs more content
>dual wielding means having lots of bad weapons when you could have lots of good weapons
>the sabre section is good
>vehicle sections suck
>halo 2's music is too quiet on MCC
>microsoft forced bungie to make ODST and Reach
>we need a band of brothers style halo show
>mint blitz quits because he's bad rather than lag
>halo 3 equipment was just a gimmick
>Atriox jobbed to Cutter
>the covenant are better in space combat because their ships are superior
>exposition is...le bad!
>regret is a boss fight
>2's brutes are badly designed
>Atriox would beat Tartarus
>CE has the best mods
>Escharum would be embarrassed if he pissed his pants
>there are single posters in your area just waiting to reply
>Johnson was made a jobber by Halo 3 (he was always a jobber)
>e-sports players make the game less fun
>You put no thought into why you feel a certain way, you just blurt out some made up bullshit when you could easily say you just don't know.
Why does this general bring out a bunch of pseudo intellectuals trying to sound smart when discussing an FPS about a big green cyborg killing aliens on a giant hula hoop?
>halo 3 is the best campaign
opinion disregarded
yeah that's what the post is saying you fucking idiot
Your reductionism makes you one of those pseudointellectuals.
It unironically is
I played the Reach Fireright gamemode and it was sorta fun. I young zinbabwe dolars
Halo 3 attracts midwits with its spectacle while failing to deliver with the gameplay.
Nah that shit was excellent and there is no argument against it. Only a midwit deploying their snobby contrarianism can conclude otherwise.
Halo 3's campaign objectively falls short on the writing and presentation side but even then it's still a 7/10 because it has a few great moments. The issue is 1 and 2 were a lot better in all fields.
Why do you think it is so good?
Why should I entertain you? You've already proven to be a manipulative douchebag.
Because I know you have no argument. All you can do is claim you like something without giving any reasons why, and resort to "no u" when you're called out on it.
argumentation is coup detheatre
Being manipulative like this isn't going to bring you happiness. This isn't even rare behaviour, hence why I use the term midwit. You're a textbook case. You'll have a hollow existence surrounded by people who don't love you for you but a mere appearance. And you'll resent them for it. And every time one of them finally sees you and names you a liar, you'll feel dread. It was a good skill to have while you were a child being neglected by your abusive parents. It was the only way you could gain the respect of your peers or avoid punishment. But in adulthood, you don't need that. You can earn respect honestly. You can start by either admitting you were being contrarian or explaining your point in>>494206446.
nice projection
Which campaign is better anon?
Is it Halo CE?
The game that reuses assets to a criminal degree and features such gay ass levels as Assault on the Control Room, the Library, and Assault on the Control Room but backwards
Is it Halo 2?
A game whose levels are tiny in comparison to all other titles, which features glorified wave defense sections in half the levels, where half the set pieces are scripted or in cutscenes, and where the arbiter missions all suck apart from the two that take place on Delta halo
Is it ODST or Reach?
Because then you at least have an argument despite those campaigns having no definitive highs despite having no lows like its predecessor
What a sad response. If you care that little for yourself then your abusers have won and you will die unhappy. If that's the outcome you desire then you can go fuck yourself for all I care.
Why are you arguing with the manipulative midwit? He's just going to make up some bullshit. Don't you have better things to do?
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>They think the “official” campaigns are even worthy of discussion.
When will you lowly cretins learn that this is a SPV3 General?
filtered post above
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>Another midwit narrative has hit the thread
3's campaign is so deceptive in the second half with all its big moments. Reminds me of the way James Cameron makes his scripts where he banks on the audience being captivated rather than spending time creating real depth and consistency. They really lost a lot when Staten left. Without him 3 was just the superficial elements of halo on steroids.
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It was Xbox' comeback since the PS5 Pro, but what happened?
Hopefully not, it's trash
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Will they finally shut down 343?
>for some reason
SPV3 is kind of a mess but I love posting about it because it makes the same 2 retards triggered beyond belief every time
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>replying to filtered posts
there is a filtered post amongus
>Fallout 4
Leave. This is a fallout BOS thread.
Fallout 4 is cyborgs, power armour and plasma rifles and therefore Halo
Your heresy has been reported to the Honour Guards
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Play early CE build
Don't care about your opinions. The bad gameplay aspects come from trying to pander to competitive players.
I tried it but it lacks all the things that I like about halo
also lacked checkpoints
>the only real negative was campaign. Even people who don't like Halo 5 say it's multi-player was alright.
lol the entire game was garbage except maybe forge
Nothing in that post is an opinion. For someone who lies this much, you really aren't good at it. Probably connected to the reason you don't like exceptionally competent players.
>lacks checkpoints
Uh? https://youtu.be/mW5RTf4M6ew?t=67
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Feels like I hurt a 343 employee or "pro" player's feelings really badly.
why would someone who makes enough money form playing games to own a house care what you think lol
Yeah but they're so rare. From the beginning of Halo to the part where you meet jobson there are no checkpoints. There are also two hyper-aggressive banshees and two dozen grunts that can overcharge. I got to jobson and thought I could restart to do that part better but it reset me to the beginning of the level. That's when I realised I could be playing a better version of that level and the whole game.
you've done them
you've been vaporized
Interesting that you should make such a projection. Were you often mocked as a child for being upset about things? And you're not denying that you lied. Seems you're just here to hurt people. To spread your trauma to the world for not protecting you.
The people I mentioned are incredibly fragile and live for drama.
Do you live for drama? You've been starting it here all day.
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>All Covenant speak English (including Hunters)
And the faggots that got mad at H2 elites speaking English
not sure what the esl above is trying to say
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>H2 legendary difficulty, but it's CE
-.-- --- ..- .-. / -- --- -- / --. --- - / -... -... -.-. .----. . -..
I don't speak ancient atrioxic
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Then allow me to deliver this message in WW3 era English
I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain
Atriox is so old that he's started shrinking. That's why other, younger brutes are taller than HIM.
This is how Cortana was able to overwhelm the Composer's shields to disable them in Halo 4:
sky net is toying with us
How do we bring back stencil shadows in halo 2?
And no, the halo 2 restored lighting mod does NOT restore stencil shadows. All it does is update the shadow maps to look better and behave more dynamically.
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You probably have to Ask Bernie about that. Perez and Chris probably know something.
You'll have to break into microsoft's archives and retrieve the dx4 source code, then you'll have to find whoever has a copy of the halo 2 development archives if they still exist, then you'll have to recompile the shaders to function in dx11, then there's nothing stopping you. What I'm saying is that they're no longer in the game.
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We would need the build that had them and have the community reverse engineer them to be able to port them over, or someone implements them from scratch into MCC. I'm sure either would be a pain in the ass. I'm honestly surprised how good the Dynamic Shadows mod looks as is, and that already sounds like it's a lot of work having to redo all the lighting in the game. There's a lot of bugs, so it's far from finished and could use plenty of polish. But If that guy could fix it up nice, then I'd settle for that if no one can figure out how to do real stencil shadows.

We'd also need someone from Bungie who worked on the lighting in Halo 2 do go through and check if the lighting is actually correct or intended to be lit a certain way, and we wouldn't know that if just some random modder works on it.
faustian bargain
I'd rather someone upgraded Halo 3's lighting. The big takeaway from the night time mod is that Halo 3 would look a million times better with all the lights being made shadow casters.
I bet Skynet could pull it off. All we have to do is find John Connor.
Wait, so the lighting is dynamic in this mod? Is that why you actually like it? It's not just because it makes everything night time for no reason? If that's the case, you and the mod are actually Based and I was wrong about you guys this whole time. I thought the Halo 2 Dynamic Shadows mod seemed a bit meh on paper until I actually saw it in motion in videos and played it myself. Just adding shadows doesn't seem like it adds much, but until you see it for yourself you really don't realize how much it changes things.
poster above is a grey
You don't strike me as a very pleasant person to be around with all that hyper-scepticism. Something you should work on.
I think that's just my posting style. Sorry about that. Was aiming for more of a banter-ish silly reply but I guess I could work on the delivery. Or better yet, maybe I'll just not try to banter if I'm not very good at it.
It's not any of that. It's that you are too sceptical about things. You judge a book not by its cover, but by chinese whispers of your own imagining. And you did it again in the reply. Rather than be curious about what I meant, you made a silly guess.
Halo 7 announcement trailer:
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>no gameplay
dead on arrival
How's eldewrito's population?
Halo 3 E3 2007 Trailer:
The Halo Mega Bloks Video Game is PLAYABLE NOW
343 cancelled the mega bloks game because they knew it was better than what they could make
Halo Mega Bloks Announcement Trailer:
reminder 343 has the halo 2 e3 demo but didnt release it
Bullshit Bungie fanboy propaganda that completely fucked over the series and got people to turn on Halo and caused 343 to slow production on Infinite before eventually stopping entirely. This is the “RLM Phantom Menace review” for the Halo series.
metal above
Shut the fuck up, gas
>he doesn't know
terminate him
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I don't give a FUCK about terminator shut up
that's exactly what a metal would say
there's metal everywhere these days
some of them go bad and shit up half the thread
If John Regular wants them around then I say we trust him.
Real Metal:
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Is this the halo thread?
It's a good instrument, but not an instrument of death. So it can't be metal.
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Marty could and would add this into one Halo mission.
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Yes, this is the Terminator: Resistance thread.
Post metal
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Liquid metal

The metal to end all metal
There is no where else for metal to go
This is it
The end
>The end
Not likely!
black Ops
ewwwwwwwwwww !!
>Post Metal
Punk, New Wave, Progressive
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have a comfy night guys
You too
your post was posted on /metal/ in case you didnt know
upvotes and dislikes
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They work in filenames
silly billy
(¬_¬ )>>494272615
I haven't played Gears since 15+ years ago, should I start with the original Gears 1 or play the Ultimate Edition?
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>ᶜᵒᵐᵉ ʷᶦᵗʰ ᵐᵉ ᶦᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵃnᵗ ᵗᵒ ˡᶦᵛᵉ
( > 3<) >>494272727
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where is halo 7
if bungie is no longer around because sony bought them and is destroying them to the point of no return, what the hell will save Halo then?
Halo is being made:
please shut the fuck up
we haven't even had halo 3 yet
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screw halo 3
when are we getting halo 2 vol.2?
filtered pedo post above
pedos don't want you to play Terminator Resistance
Probably because you can only have sex with adults
Gears General
I wish it had the potential to be good but the gameplay is gears so it's bad by default and the last two games they made really fall short on the dialogue and atmosphere
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it's just registered sex offender troll
Yeah why's he playing a game what's filled with minors?
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ngl 70% of the posts in this thread are by me
when will microshit close down 343
2 weeks
>the f word
filtered post between
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tasty morsel
is that jimmy carr?
There’s some crossposting between there and here I swear to the Precursors….
Halo CE: Dogs
Halo 2: Horses
Halo 3: Cats
Halo 4: Dolphins
Halo 5: Birds
Halo Infinite: Pigs
Ohh thats why its so r4Nd0m unfunny now
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The innerjerk is the organ that animates the general.
Halo Infinite is NOT Halo

This is just some shitty cash grab scheme that absolutely pisses on the legacy of Bungie and turns it into some crappy ass fortnite-type game that FORCES you to spend your hard earned cash on predatory mtx microtransactions!

I remember the good old days of Halo! When you had to WORK for Recon in Halo 3. When you could mess around with your friends in forge mode all night. Now, Recon is locked behind a battle pass that you can’t even earn through challenges, and forge isn’t even in the game at launch!

We need to make our voices heard. We can’t let 343 DESTROY this franchise with their Dark Patterns and their Cat Ears and their FOMO store!

Take a stand against the whales that fund this horribly made mess of a game! Don’t let anyone who spends money on this game get away with playing the game peacefully until Microsoft finally returns the series to the rightful hands of Bungie!
Reminder that Halo Infinite is the only Halo game where allies can't drive any vehicle
"Halo C..."
Marines can drive Ghosts

How does 343 fuck up A.I so much that marines are dumber than CE marines?
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didn't read
Animations are hard pls understand.
Funny thing is that Infinite is one of the more lenient games when it comes to monetization. You get to keep the battlepass compared to games like Fortnite and COD where they expire.
>returns the series to the rightful hands of Bungie!
It’s crazy to so many people still say this when Destiny 2 is probably one of the most monetized shooters in the industry.
And yet Halo 5 was objectively more chill with it's money related bullshit. Halo 5 would give you req points for just playing any game. I never spent any money on H5 yet I had every req variant
Infinite forces you to use actual money because regardless of the number of games I have played, some stuff is still behind a paywall
Are there any decent ranked slayer training guides? I’m Getting my ass kicked in diamond 4 and it’s no longer fun

what are the few players that are in d5/d6, do to take control of matches? Is it movement, tighter aiming being in a group?
It's funny, shitfinites monetization is only a "problem" for faggots that want to play space barbie dress up too.
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halo 7 leaks when
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>That's one! By the Prophets, look at the station lift!
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Do you think Buddha could dual wield?
the T-825 can dual wield
is buddha a T-825?
keep playing
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Anybody wants to play 128 players Halo? it's very empty in here
why are you black
Does cortana only fuck black guys?
master FFA.
Buddha is metal but not an 825.
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you tell me
there's metal everywhere these days...
These metals are but a trifle for Yap Yap The Destroyer
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is he riding an endless?
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Yapyap sama.....
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John Halo? Come with me if you want to live...
>page 10
you are terminated
two filtered posts in a row
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yeah, vaporized
Is it possible to learn this power?
Didn't read
This is the longest Halo's gone without releasing any games. Not even a shitty strategy or mobile game. Halo is now a book franchise.
Terminator: Survivors
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Hiddenxperia suicide livestream soon.
What about Black Ops 6?
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It looked like Halo from the trailers but the beta revealed it to be call of duty. Terminator Survivors is our only hope.
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All around me are familiar faces
Worn-out places, worn-out faces
Bright and early for their daily races
Going nowhere, going nowhere
And their tears are filling up their glasses
No expression, no expression
Hide my head, I want to drown my sorrow
No tomorrow, no tomorrow

And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you, 'cause I find it hard to take
When people run in circles
It's a very, very
Mad world
Mad world
Unfinished Dream of All Living Ghost came out last year though.
Why haven't you said anything until just now?
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Oh it's pedo shit, nevermind
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Where is he?
Hiding like Frankie
I'm squirting rn
We know, Jega.
black to the ops
And everybody wants to be special here
They call your name out loud and clear
Here comes a regular
Call out your name
Here comes a regular
Am I the only one here today?
poster above isn't playing halo and is therefore not a regular
Reach - Peak
Gaylo 3 - Mid
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1 year ago infinite averaged around 12k players, compared to today's 3k players
True, thankfully, honestly.
do u gals think halo 7 wil b gud or no?? o.O
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Halo is being made.
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Yeah, that's a man.
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I need a woman.
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I love a cool Autumn breeze at night
Happy FT13th, /hg/
He looks dead tired.
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it fucking sucks
it's actually so good it ruins the game
sniper beats it at long range, sword and shotgun beat it up close, console players can regularly spam and still outshoot you since using controller gives you aimbot.

how is it good?
holy fuck you are stupid
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unironically die.
It's as if 343 (circa 2014) was managing this thread.
>Save for 2 and Reach
Wrong. One of those is an unfinished disasterpiece and the other is trend chasing hot schwarbage that killed Halo’s gameplay forever.
CE > 3 > 2 > ODST > The rest (garbage)
So he saved Halo? Based.
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So why is it the Disruptor's DoT will break shields in Pvp, but not AI enemies in Firefight?
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Halo 2 was too ambitious. It was like two generations too early for the tech it was trying to push. Even if they did manage to ship stencil shadows, the resolution/performance would have been too low. pic-related is only simulated/approximated btw, it's not even the real deal that could have been with pixel perfect shadows and dynamic lights.

Xbox had a high end PC-level GPU coupled with a low-tier Pentium III 733 CPU with a crippled cache. The system has Direct X 8.1, shader model 1.1, vertex shader 1.1 and two Vertex Shader units, while the Geforce 3's only had one. The Xbox GPU was quite powerful.

>Halo 5 / Infinite

The PS4's processor combines an eight-core AMD "Jaguar" CPU with an AMD next-generation Radeon GPU and 8GB of 5500MHz GDDR5 RAM. The two consoles have very similar CPUs but the PS4's GPU is beefier (and that 5500MHz GDDR5 RAM is faster than the Xbox One's 2133MHz DDR3 RAM). On paper at least, the PS4 holds the advantage for gaming performance.

Halo 5 and Infinite were gimped from the start
>CE > 3 > 2 > ODST
These are all basically the same as far as how fun they are to play. The order depends on what you're in the mood for. It's too bad CE has a particular flavor that some people just can't get into for some reason. They're really missing out.
Halo CE is the classic Soul.

Halo 2 / Halo 3 / ODST play the exact same.

Halo Reach and Halo 4 play the exact same.

Halo 5 and Infinite play the exact same, only minus spartan abilities
Reminder that if you didn't play Halo (halo_01.10.12.2276) and Halo 2 (1.00.5849.12) running in 5.1 surround sound speakers on the original XBOX then you didn't beat the game.

Reminder that if you didn't play Halo 3 (Retail Build 11855), ODST (Retail Build 13895) and Reach (Retail Build 11860) running in 5.1 Dolby Digital and DTS on the original XBOX 360 then you didn't beat the game.

Reminder that Marty hates MCC and considers CEA to be a lazy cashgrab built on a broken port by RANDY.

Confirmed by Marty
It's weird how CEA has more faithful audio than H2A.
i’m so fucking sick of KOTH also the invisible elite shit has got to fucking stop.
>Reach (Retail Build 11860)
You did not beat the game. Marty told me in a dream that the Beta was the true way to play.
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>Linkin Park
Nu or Old version?
What were they thinking with all the Michael Bay Transformers sound effects?
What if we remade Halo 2 but every cutscene went WUBWUBWUBWUB and had a shit ton of motion blur
My favourite is when Johnson chambers a round in the Pelican bay gun and it makes all these techno transformer sounds.
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Who are they gonna make trans in the CE remake do you think?
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>Nu or Old version?
There is only one linkin park. The new version is just a skin walker.
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>hits a hun2er with a sword
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There are many ways to terminate a hun2er but the sword is not one of them
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just shoot them in the orange spot retards
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>halo reach is 14 years old
oh man, I remember buying it from a store
did i ask
mustn't ask us
not it's business
Why is it taking 343i so long to make the fucking CE remake? It shouldn't be that hard; the game is already done. The first remake was done in a couple of years.
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They have to reveal something eventually right?
They are afraid it will not live up to the expectations SPV3 set and has delayed it until 2026 please understand.
SPV3 somehow manages to be worse than CE:A
But it gets a pass because it's a fan mod
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Atriox vs 1 giant African bullfrog
Who would win?
>The ACK- Man is shilling the newest COD
I can't believe I used to trust this faggot's opinions.
I wish there was a way we could stop them. I know people who love CE are imagining CE but with ray-tracing and dynamic lights, and cool realistic next-gen graphics, but absolutely do not trust Microsoft to give us what we want. The fact that they let 343 in charge of Halo for so long after everything that has happened means they do not care how it turns out, only how much money they can extract from it. We arfe not going to get a proper remake. It will have sprint, it will have armor abilities, it will have new characters replacing old ones. In fact, I wouldn't even be surprised if they switched out Cortana and Chief's voice actors. It's the perfect opportunity to do so because they have the excuse that it's a remake.

We already got a remaster. It's called Anniversary. Do you expect them to give us a Remake if they couldn't even properly do a simple remaster? It's MCC and Halo Infinite all over again. Why are we giving 343 and M$ the benefit of the doubt again? They are not going to deliver. THIS is the absolute time to be a skeptic. We need to be pressuring them to actually give us a proper game before they start working on it. The game is gonna be buggy and missing features on launch. This is the reality. We are not getting the CE we want. Let's not delude ourselves. And this isn't even being a hater at this point. This is all based on history and their current behavior of the people in charge of Halo at this moment. They do NOT care, man. They're just gonna do what they and their friends they hired feel like doing to the franchise. It's gonna be the same shit.
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10 words or less next time okay
That's a man.
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Don’t worry Halo reborn will bring us the remake we DESERVE. https://youtu.be/CIDnQfFms9s?si=RqlaAdeUV0ca6yNT
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As impressive as this is, they've already changed way too much. It's not CE. It doesn't capture the same feeling. In CE, you're supposed to step out of the drop pod and see an alien planet sprawled out in front of you, but in that demo there's too much clutter and there's no alien-feeling vista as you step out. It's like you just crashed on earth and there's some rocks in the way. The Elite animations are off too. It just feels too much like a Halo 3 fan mod that adds CE content to Halo 3 instead of a remake. It doesn't have the same feeling and atmosphere as the original. It's still amazing but it's not the proper remake that CEA should have been.
Halo 1*
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me looking for the bitch who asked
Stupid Destiny HUD.
It's an open world survival game releasing as early access in 2025.
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>2 years ago
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>youtube channel
>only one video posted 2 years ago
>goes to moddb for updates
>nothing added since September 4 2022
>links to trannycord
>they want to move to the reach engine
So, they are making HCE:A fanfic now.
reach engine is much worse than 3 when it comes to lighting, networking and physics
what are they smoking?
i heard something about that
the guys who made h2a multiplayer right?
Get with the times gramps they actually moved into the 4 engine now.
>moved to x engine
sounds like a dead project by reading the yt comments
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No I was referring to Terminator: Survivors, the new Halo game releasing in 2025.
there's no way he just stands over his brother's corpse and goes about his daily vices
that elite is a metal
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did a quick search and it turns out it's pretty good
the grizzled devs in the interview seem to have a concrete vision of what they want the game to provide
not like 343 where they waffle on about intangible nonsense
it is weird that there's a naked T-800 only 4 years after J-day though
probably time travel fleems
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>2 months left for H2's and MCC's 20th and 10th anniversary
Are they gonna fix MCC, right anon?
Are they gonna add the E3 2003 demo, right anon?
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>it is weird that there's a naked T-800 only 4 years after J-day though
>probably time travel fleems
WTF is a fleem? Anyway, they made a FAQ for these sorts of things
>If you've wondered why there's a T-800 so far back in the timeline from watching the trailer, you'll discover while playing that the one dispatched to 1984 is but a solitary pawn in Skynet's elaborate scheme to tilt the scales of war in its favor.
>Lore Consistency: The game unfolds in 2009, shortly after the cataclysmic Judgment Day, during a period when Skynet's production capabilities hadn't yet reached their peak. The T-800, an infiltration unit, serves as a reminder of Skynet's relentless pursuit across time. The T-800 encountered by players is one of these units, sent by Skynet in its desperate attempts to rewrite history and secure victory in the Future War.
While that bulletproof alibi brings me great comfort, my favourite part is
>The game is fully playable in a single-player offline mode, through an original story.
We know, Yumichika.
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This is an Ape thread.
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There's metal everywhere these days...
I sharted earlier today
Thankfully, only a little bit of diarrhea got on my underwear so they were still good to keep wearing
Reach fan btw
Why can't 343 figure anything out?
There's nothing going on behind those eyes
She's a tin can
She was supposed to be our Halo mommy...
The machines use our humanity against us
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>c'mere nigger
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>and 9 years after to get a mediocre product
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mediocre? it was hot garbage in all aspects
for gods sake man you need higher standards
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>2 years 10 months since infinite
>still radio silence on the next anything
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At least they brought dual wielding back. Unlike number company.
Not again, y0g....
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"A Must"
You think you're alive and safe, but you're already dead. Everybody, Gears, Halo...
(she gestures at Halo)
everybody... you're all fucking dead!
The quote goes, they're all equally edible actually
It is a must.
The game that defined all online matchmaking after it.
For better or worse.
Listen. Understand. 343 is out there. It can't be reasoned with, it can't be bargained with...it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear...and it absolutely will not stop. Ever. Until Halo is dead.
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How many humans remain? Do you even know? There would have been 50 at San Francisco, maybe more. Such a loss. Do you feel it in your heart? Does it leave a hole? Caesar was my finest recruit. He understood sacrifice and when one is necessary. I honor his memory each day.
that's just racist
343's brutes look even less like chimps than bungie's do
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I participated in a Halo CE tournament at my city's comic con today. Got to the semifinals before being eliminated. Oh well.
Only true niggas played this classic.
Samuel L Jackson is not halo.

Palworld is not Halo.
But it is very close to it.
Is Steve Vai the Bocchi of Halo?
well done
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Halo 5 should be in MCC. That's it.
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>bocchi the reddit
Microsoft, hire this man!
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>Koba is a grizzled/heavily scarred ape who hates humans, locks them up in cages and who made a martyr out of his superior who was actually still alive
>Escharum is a grizzled/heavily scarred brute who hates humans, locks them up in cages and who made a martyr out of his superior who was actually still alive
>Ceaser is an ape who is a brilliant/inspiring leader who seeks to carve out a future for his kind and who’s fine with humans but won’t hesitate to defend his kind
>Atriox is a brute who is a brilliant/inspiring leader who seeks to carve out a future for his kind and who’s fine with humans but won’t hesitate to defend his kind
Is Planet of The Apes Halo?
>Campaign is b
So is Halo 4
>Too big
You can select which games are active
>Nobody would play it
In my time playing all Halo games, Halo 5 had more or less custom games and players than Halo 3
>MCC is dead
So how would adding more options hurt it?

Honest truth is that you can deny it and hate it but it would bring over players. Would most likely become the second or third most played in terms of custom and PC mod support would add a lot of fun and overall positive things.
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>Chainsaw Man the 9gag
We might have to wait until Halo 5's servers go offline. That way they could force anyone that wants to play to do it through MCC. And then they could make all the Req packs included with the game. Not sure how they actually work though since I haven't played it, but I think the biggest thing holding it back is this with warzone's microtransactions. Not sure how they'd do it with MCC aside from removing them. And they're not gonna do that when the standalone game's servers are still running and collecting money.
I can't zee Halo 5 making much money anymore with regs since you don't need IRL money to get them. They could either exclude warzone or connect it with Firefight somehow.

I'd be fine with them just adding multi-player, customs and forge and leaving out warzone and campaign. They should unlock all req variants and armors.
Classic gameplay (good):
Halo 1
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 2 Anniversary

Modern gameplay (good):
Halo 5

Modern gameplay (bad):
Halo 4
Halo 6
Its not supposed to be Halo 1. Its supposed to be its own game capturing the general feeling of the original trilogy. It will span the whole original trilogy in a single game.
Well is this true?
Probably the same thing they thought when they decided Star Wars music should play here:
>Successful thing did it, so we should copy it!
The usual trend following that happens when you don't actually know what you're doing.
It's going to suck no matter how long they take. Nobody capable of keeping it true to the original will ever work on it.
It's amazing how the narrative changes. Years ago you all hated the multi of Halo 5 and now there are many people here and especially on reddit who long for the game and want it back.
Space marine 2 looks fun
I don't. 5 is like a bad Chinese imitation of Halo.

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