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Vargen-SS edition.
A change of heart subedition.

Varg Vikernes about the change of his white supremacist beliefs (direct quotation):
>Today I understand that mankind has no future unless Europeans DOMINATE this planet.

FAQ: https://burzum.org/eng/news.shtml
>got kicked out of the study group zoom call for changing my emojis to white skin tone
metal for this feel?
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What's the best spork metal album?
Also WASP turned into pussy assholes. Afraid to put swear words on their official videos. Fuck WASP.
Absurd - Als die alten jung noch waren (Original)
Hate forest
Gebrechlichkeit I
Det Som Engang Varg: >>123592787
Det Som Engang Varg: >>123592787
Det Som Engang Varg: >>123592787
WASP are the only good glam metal band
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>wacky time signature changes
>beauty and the beast vocals
>edgy high school lyrics
>literal circus music
>tech death fart bass
Glam/hair is great. Alot of great old/new bands of that genre. WASP used to be one of the few good ones, but there's alot of alternatives now.
Best NSBM album (with bonus tracks)
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This is fantastic. The music really benefits from having samples and electronic drums that go beyond human capacities to break up the usual monotony of Devourment clone slam.
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CRASHDÏET are great.
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>these are my favorite albums
What kind of person do you imagine?
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From now on, /metal/ is as hateful as ever, we will not tolerate weakness.
Burzum - My Journey To The Stars

>Darkness hate and winter
>Rules the earth when I return
>Between races
>A goal is reached
>Chaos, hate

It's over. Hate or Evacuate.
Obese neckbeard with glasses and greasy long hair
Tourist faggot
A based guy
I like love for my fellow humans. Not dogs though. Fuck them and their free food and shelter. Fuck freemasons also for being gatekeepers.
Metal was always hateful though. Ever since its early thrash days.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
>Metal was always hateful though
Black Sabbath was anti-war
Faux masculine dweeb
blackest shartbath is not metal.
Freemasons ride the dog or some shit in their 'rituals'...
Boomer guitar shitter from the last thread:
thanks for the encouragement! But I would've continued practicing anyway.
Now, this might be a dumbass question but I'm a complete noob. People play faster to hide their mistakes, I understand that (especially with distortion) but is it true for solos? I really doubt that any solo on Painkiller is "easier" to play (faster=hides your mistakes) than on the solos of Epicus Doomicus...
I feel like solos are a completely different world.
Please enlighten me.
ugly fat goth chick
>pig slop
>mutt slop
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I'd just become comfortable with the guitar and write your own songs. Don't try and emulate anyone else. Solos are hard, and if you spend months learning a solo that someone else learned, you can't use it in your own songs. Best to spend those months learning your own solo.
He doesn't have any diapershit in there though
Its just rym top pics lmao shut the fuck up zoomie
>first metal band
>not metal
ok retard
Judas priest
And that's based. I like this:
Someone that is open-minded, possibly intelligent and has a potential to develop taste later in life and maybe even start listening to classical someday, but at the same time, asking a question like that and making a chart of your favorites makes me think of a sore loser who thinks too highly of their taste to have a chance at developing a better taste.
I don't know.
>maybe even start listening to classical someday
Shut the fuck up
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Kinda fucked up how girls like this don't listen to goth metal but mainstream rap/hip-hop like a regular basic bitch
How do you know about top RYM albums
You're a simp for even sparing a thought about such nonsense.
Go back to your cave, pajeet
Sucks to be them. Shallow. Vaccuous. I've encountered a few that have the goth look, but are just posers. Alot of them are stupid af.
I just want a big tiddy goth gf who shares my interests in a genuine fashion
Why do you sound so defensive tranny faggot? Oh because you know you've been found out huh
You don't want her to share all of your interests retard. Maybe ONE thing that guys can do together that's fun. For the rest of the shit you do it by yourself or with your friends
What kind of potential does deathgaze hold?
I dunno. I'm single also, and I'd like someone with similar interests, or else it becomes awkward. At the same time, I'm not desperate to get a dog and devolve to the corrupt new world order, because society tells me to. Fsociety :)
Not sure if genuine post
>tranny out of nowhere
yep definitely obsessed
Dogs=chainsaw charlie=NWO=corruption
I get that but, but while learning some solos you'll learn some neat techniques, not? I mean the goal shouldn't be copying someone but while making my own shit it's obvious to practice others' techniques. Or am I wrong?
Caring about shared interests limits your dating pool way too much. Normal people discover things they like to do together after they already met.
Correct. Sad wings of destiny is the first heavy metal album ever released. Others can seethe and cope.
>not even drunk but I already lit my ciggi on the wrong end
brah brahs...
Correct. Great minds think alike
In my one experience with a girl who was into metal and hardcore, common musical interests did not lead to a long-lasting relationship, although I think it will probably be a good thing if you enjoy listening to music together because that is a point of commonality. Maybe metal is so masculine and dark that it would particularly attract the wrong kind of girl though, and maybe that's mean wording, but I just mean girls who might lead a man to negative outcomes. There is a subset of the listener base of metal who is attracted to the theme of evil because they are genuinely into doing evil, for example.
Uhh.. bros??
>insert the png of two kittens fist bumping each other
I always learned on my own. Not that good a guitarist myself, but it's fun to learn. You can replicate the solo technique of others, but learning others songs can take ages. It can improve your techinque, but I'd say get your own stuff out there and promote it, and I need to take my own advice also.
True. Sometimes people with opposite interests are cool also. I like chill conversations. Not dated that much to be honest. Beware of any bad wummen with agendas though. They can be gold digging whores!
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Listen to Wagner Ödegård if you wanna have å super güd time

I sometimes wonder how I'd get on with a christian girl who was really into me. Not happened yet, but I wouldn't care about religion. Only if the person if nice, honest and easy to talk to.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Renaissance was a pop metal album, and I like it. People who overrate ans underrate Polyphia are all gay posers who are judging his looks either positively or negatively and don't actually understand that their entire musical modus operandi is to synthesize shred guitar with modern pop music and to play guitar lines that sound like virtuosic vocals. They achieve this with no awkwardness in the sound in my opinion.
Alright boys and girls. Catch y'all tomorrow!
This sounds like a retard screaming at a washing machine while some bass plays in the background. Why do people like this, let alone rate this as some great artform?
My ex and I were both vegan atheists who liked metal but it still didn't work out, likely largely due to my inability to sexually satisfy her with my penis.
*instrumental shred guitar
(I know of stuff like "Beat It, but Polyphia's combination of populism and elitism goes much farther)
There he is
Eat some meat so that your meat can become the big meat
What else do you do with your life? I'm genuinely curious. Do you just post the same shit in /metal/ every day? That's your life?
I'm still scared to listen to the new Black dahlia with Brian on main vocals...he sounded so fucking shit on every live recording I've heard.
Penis and vagina compatibility is the most important compatibility
What are you talking about? There's more guitar than bass. I don't even hear a bass in some of the songs.

Why do I like it? The good riffs. The punk + BM is mixed to perfection - it takes the elements of both genres that I find tolerable. I like the fact that it's weird without being too quirky.

I r8 it 8/10
Havover Fist
Sucks. Hopefully find the right person soon. As this is 4chan, I guess we're all strong individuals that don't take any shit and tell the truth, and that's the best way to be. Catch y'all tomorrow. 'I'll be back' (if the jannys don't ban me :))
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYrZ26MmKPY :)
I do. I was only a vegetarian when I was a teenager and had not yet been blackpilled by existentialism into fully realizing the apparent implications of a Godless and ultimately finite existence as far as my conduct went. I'm sure the girl breaking up with me and the ensuing depression helped me to go that far, so maybe it was a good thing insofar as my intellectual progress has been a good thing. I guess I can never know what the "karmic" impact of my intercourse with people in the internet has been, but I'm mainly just being honest and well-intentioned, yet perhaps in a way that seems incomprehensible to many. I think my porn addiction has definitely had a negative karmic impact though.
Just pretend it's a new band and judge the music for what it is without telling yourself a story about it if you're that anxious about not liking a piece if music. It's not that big of a deal, ultimately. I put off Listening to Coronet Juniper by Gridlink for like a year and it slaps mamas.
If she wasn't so beautiful and nice, maybe it would've worked.
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Not that simple, I have a huge nostalgia for Dahlia, they were one of the bands who got me into extreme metal after Nocturnal came out and I really like everything they've released since then, Verminous is one of my favs. I just can't imagine any other guy fronting them than Trevor. Once I even posted that a link was blocked in my country at that site where they used to share his monthly or whatever selection of death metal bands and the fucker responded me in 2 hours. Like, what the fuck? What other motherfucker would do that? He really was one of a kind.
Side note: it was around 2020-2021 when they were already world famous doing headlining shows.
Even a coreshitter Linkin park fan boy friend of mine said they were good when we went together. Trevor even high fived him. Me? Some drunk half naked 30 year old bald cunt tried to pick a fight with me. When I was 18. Lmao.
*and I was around 120 lbs
I'm listening to the new songs now, and the vocals aren't great. It's basically just average-decent melodic death metal that I'm not very interested in listening to. I haven't listened to their new albums for a while though. Miasma-Deflorate era was my favorite. I though Nightbringers sucked and I have the CD to some guy in a TBDM t-shirt I delivered a pizza to. A later remembered that that guy was the vocalist of a local band I used to see live.
Nightbringers was one of their mid albums but check out Verminous.
Sorry, I'm phoneposting cause I can't afford internet and depression at the same time.
I saw them live with Strnad too. There was a religious feeling during "Miasma".
I'll intend to give it a try.
Remember when hector tried to turn /v/ onto First Fragment kek
Is "Hector" just what you guys call whoever is yapping currently?
He's lurking right now, you can lure him with a well concocted bait post
There is a rumor that Hector is a creation of Krusty, particularly during Krusty's manic episodes.
The black dahlia murder - Unhallowed reigns supreme
I'll heem everyone into oblivion who states otherwise
These people sound like the main characters in a collective fantasy made by people who are background characters in their own lives.
How would you do that? Saying there's only 12 notes?
Krusty is fat and real. I don't think xe can use xis trip anymore without getting banned.

The capture of the dog Cerberus
Was the last of the twelve works of Hercules
Half-god by the blood of his father
Who never faltered in the face of danger
I forgot about that album. I would have access to my actual opinions if I didn't delete my RYM account. I have all the data in a txt file, I think.
I'm listening to fretless guitarist, David Fiuczynski tonight. He was in Hiromi's Sonicbloom, which I recommend for fans of the intersection of progressive rock and jazz.
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What metal do slampigs listen to?
I would slam that where no wigger has slammed before
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>txt file
You are my kind. You can live without heeming...for now.
I keep all my shit in my Last fm profile
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A NEW DAY'S DAWN...........
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You can't bewitch me: I'm too strong for you
Varg is gay and has got AIDS.
You should see my midi files.
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I wish I had a gf. Metal for this feel?
He was also the guy who took Neo out the Matrix
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I am pretty seriously mentally ill. Not in the 14 year old girl kinda way like barely a functional human kinda way (not violent) and I'm reaching my breaking point.
Metal for this feel?
Correct. The future of metal is wiggers.
I'm sure I would have laughed at that if I had seen the matrix, but I became paranoid about life being a simulation independently.
Make A Change......Kill Yourself
gay and having AIDS pilled
that's not wholesome chungus 100. please do better
Ok listen to BMTH like a lil bitch, idc
built for bwc (big wigger cock)

This scene is metal af
It might be a good idea to avoid metal, my friend.

Try something more relaxing:

I'm wiggin out
we hate midi files here, never mind, prepare to be heemed
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Wow, they have the whole Hiromi's Sonicbloom live concert on youtube. This is awesome music.
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*ultimate riffing and double bass ensues*

What's the point of all that practicing if you're music sounds like shit?

Fuckin yuppie boat music
Inb4 *your
They get really abstract if the first song is too normie for you.
Ok, now it's avant-garde weather channel music.

I really hate this shit, sorry.
Nobody cares about your tranny faggot
Maybe because you're judging it based on really mundane shit you associate it with.
>no Friday the 13th edition
Disappointing tb h

I love Wulkanaz. It's more like 80s hardcore mixed with black metal to me.
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one of the best live gigs ever recorded
Opeth sucks huh
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when did you realize metal is a long dead meme?
About 2015
I have seen punk bands play in houses (including my own) and poorly guarded warehouses in America. Playing a Denny's isn't that strange where I come from.
That probably has something to do with it. I'm just not a fan of Jazz fusion, in general. It's basically "lofi beats to chill to" for yuppie boomers. If you're into that kinda thing, cool.
I don't like his Wulkanaz project quite as much, but it's still better than most of the shit coming out these days.
If you don't like the way it sounds or makes you feel, that is understandable, but the way you're expressing your dislike for it seems intent on referencing things that have nothing to do with judging the work as a discrete object, which seems in the way I habitually think to be a more legitimate way of appreciating music, but maybe this is just a bias among many that all have their own value and function in creating the artistic memetic environment. I considered calling you retarded, but I will not do such a thing.
this shit is just baffling me, how in the fuck are teenagers soloing away after learning the guitar like 2-3 years? or can a typical shitter make that much of an improvement in such time?
2-3 years is heaps of time to get good, satan
most people get good enough to play in a band within a year
There's really not much to say about the thematic and compositional style of the music because it's dull and hackneyed, even despite the experimental flair of the band you posted. It's just some 10,000-hours-of-practice musicians noodling and grooving out. It's boring af to me - and I like drone music lol.
Yeah, it depends on how someone takes to it, and the internet helps. The guitarist for The Human Abstract had only been playing for 3 years when Nocturne came out, and they really hurt themselves by kicking him out in my opinion. If I remember correctly, part of why they kicked him out was that his music taste wasn't metal enough, but these riffs are amazing.

(This isn't him, I'm just showing a video with the guitar in focus)
There are no white emojis, only brown haired, brown eyed wops.
Remove arghoslent
It's not just noodling. There are riffs where they all play in unison and recurring themes. There is a structure in which the improv was taking place. Here's one where the riff is right at the beginning.
That was a hardcore band playing
bottom line, if I grind it out I'll be there
No guarantees. Every decision is a gamble. Deal with it.
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this is feeling like an top 10 of the year contender, thoughts?
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based aoty enjoyer
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Actually based metalcore.
Yeah, I said noodling *and* grooving. I include the unified compositional parts in the grooving category. Sorry for the confusion.

When I listen to this stuff, I hear musicians showing off. Like "look how many notes we can play, and listen to how fast and precise we can play them". It's impressive on a technical basis, sure - but I don't listen to music to be wowed by musicianship, just like I don't appreciate paintings for how realistic the artist can render their subject.

Have you ever wondered why Bach is almost universally more well regarded than the more flashy composers? It's because he combined the best of both worlds - both technical skill *and* a kind of sublime quality that can't be quantified by technical metrics.

Not to get /pol/tarded on you, but Jazz fusion combines the worst musical impulses of negroes + the worst musical impulses of white people.
Just finished listening to Blackwater Park. That was the worst hour and a quarter I've spent in a long time. Fuck this overrated ass band, man.
A documentary on the making of Anon's demo (by Werner Herzog)
opeth are hated and disrespected here.
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The one time I listened to Opeth they reminded me of Tool. People think I'm trolling when I say that.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTdOMV-yTRg WOO!!!! Is the dude doing an illuminaughti symbol with his hands? I like the song anyways. Use their symbols against them :) It's the serbian schizo again btw. Nights :)
Tool is good tho
Just couldn't sleep. I love you all too much.
As good as Opeth. (;
Lateralus is good, miss me with the rest tho
>he can't into undertow
>miss me
Fr fr? Ong?
I'm physically and spiritually white, and I see technicality in a different way. The point of technicality is not necessarily to show off, and even when it is, it can be beautiful in a very human and animal way, being an emanation and beautification of some primal realities. Another side of technicality in music is that it is simy more content in less of an amount of time and provides different emotions and sensations of movement, or inspires different kinds of movements. The point of speed in fast metal is not just about the same emotions that drive an athlete to try to run faster than all other men - music is a dance and an art. The musician is dancing with his fingers intricately and the listener's mind at least is brought into participation with the rhythm. Technical ability and knowledge of the mental side of music and creativity, for a musician, is the equivalent of a writer's vocabulary. It defines the boundaries of what the artist is able to express and imagine, and technical music expands the imagination when you listen to it. I still remember the first time I heard music from "Planetary Duality" by The Faceless, reading along to the lyrics on their Myspace (back when we had a culture). It was like stepping into s different world. The music and lyrics were just beyond what I could understand, and I liked that. I learned new words from The Faceless.

There is also the sense in which technicality allows one to simply express more technical designs. Music is like skateboarding. Music is like quilting. Music is like embroidery. Music is like a spiderweb.

Hitler wasn't wrong about some stuff I think. Joining the tiktok zoomers in that theory :)
And as far as Bach goes, I could never get into him. I have an embarrassingly low amount of love for German and Austrian composers, despite my heritage being one with them. I prefer Edvard Grieg's lyric pieces above all other "classicks". This my shit.
And they are corrupt muthafuckers... In my opinon of course.
Have a good one guys and gals. Catch y'all tomorrow. Nights! :)
The beauty of skateboarding and the beauty of metal are one and the same. It is beauty with real danger involved. Look at this beautiful skateboarding and contemplate aesthetics while your hands ste not touching your penis. What a great video.

>The point of technicality is not necessarily to show off............
Yeah, nothing you said regarding technicality in this paragraph is incompatible with anything I said. See: "Bach combined the best of both worlds"

>There is also the sense in which technicality allows one to simply express more technical designs
I'd replace "technicality" here with "musicianship", but no need to get into semantics.

Anyway, I agree. However, Jazz fusion artists and wanks of various other genres don't make the most of their skill - instead, they let their virtuosity get in the way of creating tasteful music (subjective as that may be). Less doesn't always equal more, but excess is always dogshit.

>The Faceless
Fuckin hell
I'm sorry, but you have godawful fucking taste, man
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grip it and rip it
My taste is to be expected based on my combination of outlier high IQ, extreme antisemitism, and autistic detail orientation.
Dear Hells Headbangers

In recent year you’ve also become one of the most prominent distributors of NSBM and similar right-wing extremist music in the USA. We understand that your label is conceived of as apolitical and that you’re in it for the metal and not the ideologies expressed; however, you’re playing a leading role in normalizing neo-Nazi ideals in our genre and in providing a venue for this kind of bigoted propaganda.

We are living in times in which the extreme right is resurgent around the world and in which neo-Nazis have no qualms about targeting and murdering immigrants, LGBT people, racial minorities, and leftists. Fascists are using metal for propaganda and recruiting ends, and your distro and label are enabling them. This is no time for apolitical fence sitting, and we request that you take a stand towards a better state of things for metal.

With respect and appreciation for the bulk of your releases, we ask you to clean up your act and promptly do the following:

1. Cease your distribution of NS and far-right labels such as (but not limited to) Darker than Black, Pagan War, Werewolf Records, and Elegy Records

2. Purge your distro of NS/far-right releases and your label of NS/far-right bands, including Intolitarian and releases by SSP/Deathangle Absolution

3. Publicly commit to a policy, going forward, of avoiding relationships with NS/far-right bands, artists, and labels.

Should you fail to do so, we call for a boycott of your label by /metal/, journalists, distros, venues and fans, and will apply whatever other pressure we find appropriate. Your label is known for its high aesthetic standards; please consider whether you also want it to be known for promoting neo-Nazi trash.

We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget.
Edvard Grieg is most known for writing a Slayer riff called "In The Hall of the Mountain King". That's metal.
I enjoy music where shit happens.
Lol I had no idea a high IQ makes someone predisposed to having shitty taste in art. Learn somethin' new every day.

Whatever helps you cope, genius.
And the dawg immediately complied, right?
No, it just makes you a progfag cause it's a side-effect of being disposed to seek out and understand more complex things as entertainment.
Tbqh I'd bet my entire dick that my IQ is higher than yours.

But I already feel the hair on my neck growing exponentially, so I'm going to stop talking about this.
Final Fragment
My IQ is 165 and I'm wigging out.
>Genre: Slamming Brutal Death Metal/Goregrind
I will check this out. First 50 seconds sounds good.
I love this band. I'm tired of denying it.
>Genre: Experimental Slam
>The band was highly characterized and influenced by drug use
GWAR but for bald people
Where do you hear about this stuff, man? It's dope as hell.

'bout to buy the CD on discogs rn frfr
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Ok, just ordered 2 of their cds from bandcamp.

Thanks for the recs, wiggerslambro.
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There is no insanity rather a supersanity most suited to life at the end of the 20th century where everything is art and everything is trying to express it everything is art and everything tries to communicate it
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Lol 7.5/10
can anyone share an autumn or Halloween chart of some metal albums to listen to next month
what are you mean
The cat gets a 7.5 for its idea, and the video made me laugh at a 7.5 level.
I don't have a chart, but I can think of a few.

Mortician - Chainsaw Dismemberment (obviously)
Black Cilice - Banished from Time
Razor - Violent Restitution
Fulci - Duck Face Killings
Sunn 0))) - Black One
sounds good bud
What albums give you the irresistible urge to throw up a Roman salute and start goose stepping?
>t. ourist
Type O Negative discography.
Seconding Sunn O))).
Anything by Schoenberg
October Rust was already the one only autumn album I listened to!
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Did they fuck?
Bloody Kisses is the real pertinent one here.
"Evil Dead" by Death makes me lose my shit, anyone else?
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I know right. Just a boy thing
Do we like Prong here?
For Halloween, thorns, blur aus nord, and other snorre friends
I like the song Idealistic Types
Smoking tough to this track
Smoking crack and blasting crust punk
i unironically love crack. tried it a hsnffujm/handful of times over the years. Been a very long time though.
drinkin' beer and blasting Satanic Warmaster
Based what beer you drinking? I've got coffee lol. I'm listening to Lorna Shore at the moment btw.
what are you guys all about smoking drugs and listening to some hard tunes lol
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Paulaner "Oktoberfest Bier" along with Strength & Honour. Nice combo.
I just drink. But I'd probably try meth if someone offered.
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same until fentanyl fucked it all up. cheers
I've actually done fentanyl before. I've done a bunch of drugs, but I haven't indulged in quite a while.

I've just always wanted to see what meth is like.
Lorna Shore and Will Ramos are loved and respected here.
You're a fucking loser, mate.
Oh no, someone in a metal thread on 4chan (who listens to Lorna Shore, no less) thinks I'm a loser. How will I ever recover?
nah don't listen to that, you're a king
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Good metal for doing fent and meth, respectively?
Why do autists think if you do drugs one time you will get brain damaged and be a junkie, mostly only schizophrenic freaks have the reactions to drugs you see from people on the streets, meth is available pharmaceutically.
Sunn 0)))
Infectious Jelqing, obviously
Sunn o))) is LSD/psilocybin music.
Nah he's right.
All good drone is meant to be listened to on psychs.
Nobody thinks that. Why do autists think they will only use an addictive substance once and never again (built different for sure) is a whole different question
>meth is available pharmaceutically
not in the recreational doses
May I suggest the humble benzo as an option?
As far as autists on 4chan are concerned, I think their hostility towards drugs and drug-enjoyers is more due to their lack of social interaction than their psychological abnormalities.
>Why do autists think they will only use an addictive substance once and never again
Most people could do this, you only see the losers of humanity actually on drugs publically.
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Disso folk music
Just smoke weed holy fuck. I know metal is an extreme genre but it's just music ok?!
A lot of drone music would be great on psychedelics, but Sunn 0))) would probably not be very pleasant for most people.

Just the thought of listening to Black One on acid makes me uneasy.
It's a visual treat made for people who want to confront something in themselves and get some work done.
Weed is more harmful than alcohol on the brain.
Is Mortiis worthing seeing live?
No it literally is not.
I am completely sober and blasting NSBM
Still smoking cannabis. Currently got this on. Great album!
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>I am completely sober
Boutta start blazing in a min myself.
And the award for "least likely to procreate" goes to NSBManon!!

Congratulations, anon. Please try to get through life without shooting any random strangers.
Fuck You All
For me it's the "blasting NSBM"
Why would you wanna stand around with a bunch of smelly neckbeards watching a guy dressed up like a troll playing a keyboard?
>Why would you wanna stand around with a bunch of smelly neckbeards
This applies to literally every metal show. This genre is meant to be enjoyed alone.
Lol good point

Would you say this describes you
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Who else here is smoking weed and listening to bestial black/death?
that's cavern black
Never heard of that genre before. You sure you're not just splitting hairs? I kinda see what you mean though....
Both classifications are acceptable.

My word is final.
Immolation - Close to a World Below
Didn't quite reach the height of Here In After
more albums with this vocal style?
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Sure anon, whatever you say.
their best albums
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Got Kill 'Em All queued up next.
Hemp rope (cannabis sativa), correct.
Horrible stuff
pinch harmonics
We loathe pinch jewmonics here
you mean you?
how do these people survive irl
Spotted the jew
>ordered cd
>wrong disc arrived
Metal for this feel?
>post woman as pic related
>get a bunch of (You)'s
Do you listen to nsbm?
Sometimes yeah, for sure.
Pagan Altar
depends on what you ordered
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Sentenced - Shadows of the Past
Yep, but I got Frozen instead
How do you spot a metal poser?
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Fuck it.
If you're a Deicide fan, know that there is help.
there's no saving a deicide fan
Might as well put em out of their misery. Hans! Get the gas.

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