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Alamo edition

What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Prev: >>123604280
Walter White is a progger?
>music legend
not that good!!!
Phillip Gabriel >>> Peter Collins
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>Peter Collins
why does he shiggy diggy?
How can we make prog rock more inclusive for black folx?
Dragon Ball references
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>Peter Collins
>Peter Nicolls
more kanye samples
I will make a prog band called tnd, I'll talk about black people on the lyrics
>I'll talk about black people on the lyrics
that's just Peter Gabriel
I dont recall peter gabriel doing that, maybe on his solo career after genesis?
Nah Walter canonically listens to Steely Dan and America
Mcdonald, Giles, Fripp & Wetton > everyone else. If Wetton was a founding member, then that would be the perfect band. the only way that lineup could be improved is with brian eno the lead singer
has brian eno ever made prog rock doe
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he did when he wanted to (which was like once)
the real problem with my scenario is that he didn't even become a musician until like 1971
is Peter Gabriel a nazi?
is Tony Levin a nazi?
are there actually any notable blacks in prog rock?
Fripp >>>> all, if you disagree it's because you like big black cock jammed down your throat you fucking faggot.
drummer for black midi
drummer for mahavishnu
reebop kwaku bah played percussion in this album
that's all i can think of but there's probably 3 more
Chester Thompson
Malcolm Mooney
The guy who played bongos in Traffic
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Rene Garber was one of the founding members of Magma and composed one of their best tracks
Is Adolf Hitler a member of Magma?
what are the best editions of Magma albums on CD? i only have the SHM of MDK but it's pretty compressed, is the Studio Zund box set better?
is Adolf Hitler a nazi?
yes, but he wasn't actually antisemitic, he loved jews, that's why he kept them in camps, to keep them safe, the media of course slandered him, he was actually a very anti-racist person, and he loved africans and even arabs.
are there actually any notable blacks in prog folk?
your mom
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Milton Nascimento was in a prog band called Som Imaginário and he's the blackest mf on the planet.
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Something is missing
tell them to forget about Soul, R&B, Blues, learn from the whites that made jazz more interesting, learn more about classical music and THEN start a band

i would also add that they should have The Beatles as one of their inspirations
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based, that mofo has done everything. his new album is kino too
is this prog?
this is getting old
True, it is 30 years old
Yeah he's the man.
A lot of final fantasy music and retro videogame music was definitely inspired by ELP, so let's just call it prog-adjacent
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My FUARKING heroes… and Roger
Goddamn Dave is such a chad
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Christian Van der Graaf Generator
Greg Lake of Tears
Emerson Lake Embalmer
what if Christian Vander did vocals for VDGG? is there any band that sounds like that?
or alternatively if Peter Hammill did vocals for Magma.
guys, what if Phil Collins did vocals for Genesis
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why do people ignore this album when talking about the earliest Prog albums? it came out a month before ITCOTCK
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step aside
The Beatles invented prog with Revolver
yeah but TAGM sounds more "proggy" Caravan didn't get "proggy" until IICDIAOAIDIAOY
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is it prog?
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Damn we're going through threads fast
Listen to Matching Mole
i already have, i have it downloaded on my cumpooper
don't ignore the fact that where but for caravan would i was chronologically the first prog song published, even if it wasn't from a prog album
Acknowledge Kansas
Acknowledge The Flock
Unironically their best album
>dies alone and it took a year after he died for police to discover his corpse in his apartment
no but this is

the live tracks are 11/10 but the studio stuff still filters me desu.
for me it's meddle.
No and it’s horrendous. Thank god the best rockers shed the country shit early on. Country music goddamn sucks
In Held Twas in I came out the year before it
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The p in mbp stands for prog (not true but I like it anyway)
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Holy Shit
I recommend a fifth of jack and a bottle of prozaKc
Can you settle for a fifth of bottom shelf vodka and Tommy by The Who?
sure, if you swap it for quadrophenia
Well, I listened to that the other day and I haven't heard Tommy in years so that's what I'm doing right now
bros, is the moody blues the best proto prog band
The OP looks like one of those terrible joke videos on YouTube.
I feel it's about time I'm dumping a bit of my 'tism about Roger Waters in this thread
you see I'm actually quite a fan of Rog's vocal despite people complaining that he can't sing for shit and I don't necessarily agree with it but that's not what I want to say here
Basically we know how Rog was more shy when it comes to singing at first, songs like 'If', 'Set The Controls...', 'Grantchester Meadows', 'San Tropez', 'Brain Damage, 'Eclipse' just to name a few, had him singing in a relatively quieter and lower-pitch vocal style.
i think it was 'Shine on You Crazy Diamonds' where he finally realized the capability of his vocal range and that became the go-to of his singing style, whiny, shouty and constantly touched 5th octave even in full voice. in Animals he started to have more singing roles than Gilmour and it became the trend until The Final Cut. Then he left the band but he still sang like that in 'Pros and Cons.."
but something happened in 'Radio K.A.O.S' where his vocal seemed to age 20 years in the span of 3 years since Pros and Cons. more strained, hoarse, maybe the smoking habit got to his throat + years of shouting recklessly to the mic. He barely showcased his huge vocal range anymore in this album although he could still reach some high notes in 'Towers of Faith' from When the WInd Blows OST.
then 90s and Amused to Death came around and his vocal was more hoarse than ever but it managed to hit some impressive high note like in 'Too Much Rope' or the sustained A4 in 'What God Wants Part II'. And that's it for his 90s, he was mostly hiatus during this decade, perhaps some seething time from seeing how highly successful The Division Bell is. oh yeah I almost forgot he did that The Wall Live in Berlin and his vocal range was still pretty impressive despite some aging. his other output in this decade was 'Lost Boys Calling' that had 2 versions, the demo one where he was still wailing pretty high. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gbLxCd-670
and came 2000s which was pretty much the last instance where Rogers could still sing with high pitch. he's in his 60s already but he still could belt some high notes in some tunes. the last part of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSD9hMc7NQI, and surprisingly this track https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvW7IWGPOlA which was recorded when he was already 64y0 which I found surprising because the chorus had his best high notes since forever (?) I was surprised he could still those notes and it's pretty clear as well, I thought maybe some autotune was involved but who knows?
anyway that's pretty much from me. his 2017 solo albums didn't have many impressive high notes which is expected considering his well advanced age.
I liked your ted talk a lot
im not a fan of Rogers voice when it shows emotions, but its not like I think he cant sing
absolutely based
Milton is a god among men
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Holy Shit
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it's prog
Why is Hatfield and The North so good and much better than shit like Yes and Genesis, bros?
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You know why
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Some of Fripp's most perplexing comments on other music concern the Western art music tradition. On the one hand, the music of some of that tradition's masters has figured prominently in Fripp's own musical self-education. He has often acknowledged his debt to Bartok, particularly the Bartok of the String Quartets, many of whose movements sound positively Frippian, with their intense linear counterpoint, percussive rhythms, odd metrical schemes, extended tonality, exotic scales, and piquant dissonances. Stravinsky's name comes up from time to time, as when Fripp mentioned the Russian in a discussion of tuning, temperament, and enharmonic pitch notation; on another occasion he called early Stravinsky "really hot stuff." Fripp expressed admiration for Handel, Bach, Mozart, and Verdi in a 1980 essay, but he was not focussing on their music so much as he was making the point that these composers had had to teach themselves how to thrive creatively while working in "very difficult political and economic conditions ... Surely the most surprising point is how much inspired work had prosaic origins."
Fripp came to believe, however, that many of the progressive rock groups of the early 1970s were not so much intrigued with the intangible spirit of King Crimson - that special way of listening, of doing things, of making music - as they were intent on aping Crimson's outer musical vocabulary: the virtuosic musicianship, the epic, extended forms, the exotic harmonies, the quasi-mystical, mythological lyrics, the wide variety of instrumental sound colors. Full-blown Gothic rock was a genre for which Fripp had absolutely no use. Declared a majestically scornful Fripp to John Rockwell of the New York Times in 1978: "I don't wish to listen to the philosophical meanderings of some English half-wit who is circumnavigating some inessential point of experience in his life." Fripp's rhetorical attack on the movement he'd helped create continued in his own column in Musician, Player, and Listener in the early 1980s, ridiculing "enthusiastic art-rock space cadets whose sudden success seemed to validate pretensions on all levels; they huddled in unholy quorum with pliant engineers to generate excess everywhere."

Fripp's critique of 1970s rock extended to jabs at the stars who had let themselves get fat: in his view, they "became more interested in country houses and riding in limousines, expensive personal habits and all that. The rock musicians who were public figures in the 70's copped out, and now we have cynicism towards our public figures that is wholly justified."
enough of this loser
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You should be so happy
You should be so glad
So why are you so lonely
You 21st century man?
God he's such a cunt.
All these years later I still don't know who or what the fuck this is
it's shit
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>Fripp's critique of 1970s rock extended to jabs at the stars who had let themselves get fat: in his view, they "became more interested in country houses and riding in limousines
was he that butthurt about Greg lol
>makes fun of prog rock in the late 70s like everybody else did
>this somehow makes him uniquely cuntish
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Kek, never seen that before.
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Does Bitches Brew count as prog?
Ah, country music, an exquisite tapestry of tradition and emotion, often misunderstood by those masquerading as discerning music aficionados, its genuine storytelling and heartfelt narratives, serves as a natural filter for midwits, those who skim the surface of complexity without appreciating deeper meanings. It stands as a profound reflection of the human experience, intertwining the raw simplicity of rural life with intricate storytelling that demands a more sophisticated listener. While the uninitiated may dismiss it as mere twang, those of us with a more cultivated aesthetic recognize its rich heritage, steeped in folk influences and poetic lyricism that surpasses the superficiality of most rock/pop. Truly, to indulge in country music is to embrace a nuanced appreciation for themes of love, loss, and the human condition, elevating one's auditory palate beyond the pedestrian confines of contemporary musical trends, Verily, the sole domain that eclipses the profound artistry of country music lies within the exalted realms of Baroque composition, particularly as exemplified by the eminent figures of Heinrich Schütz and Dieterich Buxtehude.

However, to address your query in an unequivocally articulate manner: Townes Van Zandt cannot be classified as "prog" in the traditional sense, unless one refers to his affiliation with the "Progressive Country" movement of which he was indeed a notable participant, however, this affiliation bears no substantive relation to the genre of "Progressive Rock."
Ah, how delightful it is when individuals attempt to intertwine the illustrious tapestry of progressive rock with the avant-garde brilliance of Miles Davis's "Bitches Brew," a rather audacious endeavor that only underscores a lamentable ignorance of musical sophistication. no, i will not explain.
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Okay, a simple "no" would've done just fine...
fuck off
Not funny for the umpteenth time.
can't tell if he's channeling the spirit of coltrane or hitler
I like them but they ain't that good
Sheesh, touchy.
La máquina de hacer pájaros
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I'm going to be honest with you guys... I like the non-improv songs of Starless and Bible Black more than the songs on red. Nothing on red kicks so much ass as Lament or Great Deceiver.
Acknowledge Earth & Fire

yeah but you anime post so your opinion is less than irrelevant
fripp was a fucking asshole to david cross though
>yeah but you anime post so your opinion is less than irrelevant
Miku isnt an anime doe. She is a vocaloid artist :)

Fripp could eat someone alive on camera and I wouldn't care. Once you as an artist release atleast two classic albums you can do generally whatever.
Fuck off
>frippfag is also an animefag
well, color me surprised
Not only is this an anime website it is also a fripp website.
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Yes and this one
Does anyone else imagine camels singing when they listen to Camel high?
>james brown + ornette coleman = prog rock
no, sounds based though
So, James chance and the contortions then

The best thing about it is they don't sing too often.
>it is also a fripp website
if that were true no one would be allowed to post KC pics
Lake and Belew won.
P mogs
If Hendrix joined ELP like initially planned, they would be HELP
Palmer’s way too stiff for Jimi tho
They were so easy to instrumentalize, a joy
I could see him better with The Soft Machine, desu
i only count the first 2 as proto-prog. but even then, yes. the only other contender is maybe giles, giles and fripp
The Doors
Vanilla Fudge
Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band
Spike Jones
Raymond Scott

The list goes on
I am the one who knocks (in 13/8)
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here's some AI where he did
the first 2 being the nice and procol harum?
there were other bands making proto prog anon...
The Beatles are proto-prog
Hawkwind has a HUGE discography and 95% of their stuff sounds the same
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except they are not
its called pop rock, learn the difference
pretty much everything after Quark, Strangeness And Charm, can be ignored, except maybe for Levitation.
But then there’s psych, there’s no definite system
hall of the mountain grill is their best imo
how would you define proto-proto-prog anon?
i like Space Ritual the most, but if we're just talking studio albums then Doremi Fasol Latido and Warrior are my favorites.
the first two albums, days of future passed and in search of the lost chord. the other 5 (1969-1972) are just regular prog with psych/pop leanings
those are the first? what about their debut album
>person on 4chan is also an animefag
great post
the "tranime" meme was literally created by r*ddit/d*scord trannies, they think this is the way they can "take anime back" from le evil 4chan.
This is a prog thread
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anime is prog
If I were to start posting Patrick Bateman reaction images while discussing Gentle Giant you wouldn't have a temper tantrum even though Patrick Bateman isn't prog either.
I would not
the moody blues debut album is nothing special. english blues album. Pretty good one, but still generic and outplayed for it's time. their one and only 'hit' was a song they didn't even write. However what's really interesting about early moody blues would be the year 1967, which was after they reformed with justin and john, but before they got famous with nights in white satin. At the beginning, they had almost no intention to change from the bluesy style that denny laine cultivated, but there were certain elements of progressive pop in their Singles from this time
When they got mega famous, they completely abandoned this 'hybrid' half-progpop half-rnb thing they had going on that year. Shame really, they could've had a good transitional EP from all these
Let me get some, uh, progressive country music please
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>not posting Miles' one actual rock album
No, it's still not prog, but Right Off IS one of the most jamming rock tracks of all time.
No, it’s good for miles maybe, but not for rock, not really for fusion, and definitely not for funk.
Current 93
Tim Buckley
Ralph McTell
Bob Dylan
Gentle Giant
16 Horsepower
Van der Graaf Generator
Townes Van Zandt
Pink Floyd
Johnny Cash
Marty Robbins
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this is his best album
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This is prog
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Forgot how good Gazpacho was, no wonder they named a whole band after it
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>Fripp Jews out a live 80s release now that Beat is touring
what a goy
I wish
allow me to spell this out in painfully clear terms: I am not attempting humor, for it is painfully evident that the cognitive capacity within this gathering is woefully subpar, such reactions can perhaps be attributed to an unfortunate defense mechanism, as it seems one may be rather daunted by the evident preeminence of my intellectual capabilities and eloquent lexicon.
i must insist that his true artistic zenith lies in the resplendent 'Pawn Hearts'. Yet, should we consider his solo offerings alone, it would be remiss not to acknowledge 'In Camera' as his preeminent achievement.
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Uh, excuse me?
What? Andrew Tate: Why You Can't Stay Motivated is one of Magma's best songs, even though it does stretch a bit too much
there's a youtube bot that creates a lot of playlists for classic prog and rock albums and slips in andrew tate videos

like thousands of playlists
Please kill yourself.
He's on the record for saying that he loves money.
I think Jethro Tull's Aqualung prophecized Reddit.
them musicians really do be prophetic at times
so true, tranime sister
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No, they prophecized something worse...
i wonder how much tate paid for that
>motivational spoken word section in the middle of album
How progressive.
The uber famous Patrick Bateman meme when he's discussing albums is actually music related
Based and correct
Incorrect and filtered
prog archives disagrees, sorry anon, the prog gods have spoken
holy based
progarchives is fucking trash
Anime is inherently prog
the composer for this is an actual avant-prog musician who's been around since the 60s
not representative of anime music
>progarchives allowes Mercury Rev to be added to their site, despite not being prog or prog adjacent at all
>progarchives doesn't allow Glenn Branca on to be added, despite having Swans under the Post-Rock category
why are they so retarded?
how come?
In some ways, I think Robert always managed to land a good timing with when he broke up the band, by the mid 70s, prog was starting to meander as a genre, some good albums still came out, of course, but there were legitimate reasons why people got tired of it.
It helps that whenever the band did come back, they always did so with a radically different sound than the last era, adapting to the time but still keeping their identity.
see >>123647021
Fripp seriously is the reason KC is good, why do you think none of the others ever got close to the level of Larks (an album that was solely Fripp's creation)? think about ELP is TRASH, McDonald and Giles is TRASH, etc. etc.
Thank you very much
>breaks up the band 5 years into their run
>starts wearing suit and tie
>starts working with Brazilians

He's zoomer Fripp
Happiness is a Warm Gun only. anything else you might think is prog is actually proto symphonic rock.
Out of the Blue by Roxy Music from Country Life
>>starts working with Brazilians
now you've caught my interest
>Geordie’s debut solo album boasts a brand of high quality, all-embracing alternative pop fun not heard in a very long time, walking the line between the ridiculous and brilliant with a teflon-coated aplomb.

>How the record came about is a thing to marvel at. Over thirty session musicians were involved in its making, on two continents. Greep says, “Half of the tracks were done in Brazil, with local musicians pulled together at the last minute. They’d never heard anything I’d done before, they were just interested in the demos I’d made. The tracking was all done in one, maybe two days.”
amazingly based
brazilian musicians are literally god mode
and I've looked it up: the drummer in this song is Thiaguinho Silva, son of famous Robertinho Silva, who recorded with Milton Nascimento, Som Imaginário, Lô Borges, Marcos Valle, Luiz Melodia, Gal Costa, etc
kino of the highest order
Gradually Going Tornado
Gradually Going Tormato
Yeah we are musically based people yes, thank you for acknowledging this.
And it's such shit
And specifically Genesis. It was his quote about how early Genesis was "too artsy, too intellectual" that got me into prog in the first place. Absolutely on-topic.
That's the problem with any music archive site
i mean let's be real though are there at least a thousand of people buying this thing? this is like what? their hundredth live album because they pumped out so much so can't think a lot of people will be buying this.
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>Robert get down on your knees so Adrian can see your asshole
>Don't just stare at it, eat it
>too intellectual
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bondage fruit
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rank your favorite prog artist/band's discography
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fairly comprehensive. i agree pawn hearts is their best but i've only listened to like 16 of those
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any /prog/bros know of any Christian bands that aren't a Neal Morse project?
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He's even starting to favor him a little
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this is the face of a man who is about to kick everyone out of the band
and this!
Eden - Erwartung (christian german prog)
Richard Sinclair
Every band he has played with is simply staggering
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In my thoughts I thank punk everytime I remember it killed off this pretentious flood of shit called prog. Fakiest genre ever for fakiest douchebags ever.
Holy shit I hate it so much.
good for you
Exposure is the only true punk album
Thank god punk was itself never killed off
ChatGPT is now banned from /prog/
Honestly, it is not that wrong. Too bad it's missing the "Is this prog?", "Vander is a Nazi" and Tarkus posting.
Still more sane than /moooo/
It got the Vander is a nazi thing here >>123652405
Jon Theodore, Thomas Pridgen, and Linda-Philomène Tsoungui were all drummers for TMV.
How the does it know? Do they actually use /mu/ to train chatgpt or something?
Good bot, missed that one
>chat gpt can describe individual generals on mongolian basketweaving imageboards with 90% accuracy
as impressive as it is, that probably means this site's probably going to be flooded with chat bots soon
As long as the bots keep recommending me new music I dont know I wont complain
Maybe, but it's more in the way these chatbots work like. They are pretty much advanced searched engines with some very fancy language processing algorithms behind. They pretty much use whatever data they find on the Internet, like the /mu/ archive and generate a response based on the analised data. My cousing is studying this shite and explained me some of that stuff.
Some nerd on /sci/ or /g/ could actually explain this much better.
it's not that accurate honestly, i never see people talk about Italian prog here aside from the most popular ones and Goblin.
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acknowledge Yezda Urfa
Verbose fag if you’ve just been using chatgpt I am very disappointed in you
i don't think that's actually the full story, i've been researching this "verbosefag" along with "nicosperg" and actually the rabbit hole goes deeper, but i don't want to talk about it because this rabbit hole leads to conclusions that you cannot un know.

Holyshit: capcha: PR0G not even kidding
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for me? it's Boris
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i agree Boris is probably the better album, but Baboon has better cover art (on both versions)
Why the joker look?
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Snap back to reality
the Fripp haters can't argue against these points.
it's all complete bullshit
Larks was a group project, in which Muir, Cross and Brufford are pointed out as having tremendous influence
as a matter of fact, as soon as Muir left the band, they weren't able to produce anything like that anymore, regardless of how great the remaining members were
ELP was brilliant, even if after BSS they fell off
McDonald and Giles was spiritually closer to ITCOCK than anything else
plus, it was was far superior to ITWOP, Lizard, SABB, and anything post-Discipline
fripp never had a good original thought in his mind, he's a mediocre improviser, an egotistical autistic manlet who can only play repetitive dissonant scales up and down, and a terrible bandleader with a frail ego copying Bartok for most of his career
We get it, you're mad at your dad for having better taste than you.
And Discipline is so good way more because of Belew than Fripp.
Is there any metal with Canterbury-style organ sounds? You know, that fuzzed organ flavour
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Let's keep metal out of the Canterbury Scene. I don't want any greasy headbanger to tell me how Robert Wyatt was "metal as fuck, bro!".
I want my very English, whimsical music to stay away from people who don't know colours other than black and red.
Good shout, fair enough
absolutely based
>I don't want any greasy headbanger to tell me how Robert Wyatt was "metal as fuck, bro!".

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that's the very concert that inspired my wyatt drawings
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I think there's a few psychedelic black metal bands with fuzzy/spaced out 70s organs but I'm blanking on the names since I haven't really been into metal for close to a decade now
I don't really mind metal (as in I have no strong feelings about it) but dear god metal fans are insufferable. The way they try to intellectualize it by claiming it's actually SUPER SIMILAR to classical music I SWEAR BRO is just embarrassing. Don't even get me started on "battle vests".
>Larks was a group project, in which Muir, Cross and Brufford are pointed out as having tremendous influence
blah blah blah, that is all nonsense shut the fuck up
>ELP was brilliant
topKEK they made ONE decent album, and 3 mediocre, generic prog albums, the rest are trash
>McDonald and Giles was spiritually closer to ITCOCK than anything else
>it was was far superior to ITWOP, Lizard, SABB, and anything post-Discipline
>fripp never had a good original thought in his mind, he's a mediocre improviser
that's just your awful opinion
>can only play repetitive dissonant scales up and down
yeah because that's what sounds good
>an egotistical autistic manlet who, and a terrible bandleader with a frail ego
is there evidence of this other than hearsay? because it's pretty common for people to lie about shit like this.
Get a room
I don't understand soft machine. Third is basically a Jazz album. Like I'm sure if you're into Jazz its great but I want to listen to prog ROCK.
its not totally jazz, its jazzy rock...
>expecting ROCK from SOFT Machine
It's both, out-bloody-rageous is a straight up prog rock instrumental
I knew frippfags were as autistic as their idol, but you're a special kind of spaz
great album, mainly because of McDonald, Giles and Sinfield
derivative and dry, fripp tried copying what his former bandmates had done before
everyone acknowledges this as a lesser version of their debut
terribly mixed and produced
Collins and Haskell make it shine when they can, but their talents aren't enough to cover the mess fripp made in the middle
Jon Anderson's contribution is amazing as well
again a merit of based Mel Collins with his pastoral passages and jazzy sensibilities
Boz's voice is tremendous
merit of Muir, Cross and Bruford, as cited before
awful production, fripp pretty much puts down everything the band did
still you can hear the brilliance in Cross's, Wetton's and Bruford's playing
Wetton and Bruford are the ones who made this an amazing album, alongside guest musicians Cross, Mcdonald and Collins
fripp couldn't handle the band being that great with him contributing so little, so he freaked out and disbanded
Belew and Levin carry the album, it has their names written all over it

nothing really worthwhile after that
just fripp trying to repeat tired formulas and firing people for no reason
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fripp bros... I think its over
the post that saved /prog/
These two are the most based guys here.
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Okay chief.
I love this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe
fripp haters... I kneel
>he actually replied to my retarded post
frippfags on full damage control
anyone going to san diego beat in a few hours?
I'm gonna beat one off in a few hours
>beating off while listening to beat before I eat my beet dinner
to be fair you do have to have a pretty high IQ to understand my sense of humor.
not that anon and i'm not a huge fan of Fripp, but it sounds like you have a hateboner for him, he's definitely slightly autistic and that makes him come off as an asshole sometimes, but he seems like a nice guy in interviews, and i also don't care about the personalities behind the music that much, so i really don't know that much about Fripp or any of the other members, so i'm open to being proven wrong, but it just sounds like a bunch of assumptions, also my copy of Lizard sounds pretty good, which one do you have? i've heard the original CDs are pretty bad Vinyl transfers.
>derivative and dry, fripp tried copying what his former bandmates had done before
>everyone acknowledges this as a lesser version of their debut
this is nonsense, ITWOP is not that similar to ITCOTCK, sure some songs sound similar, but nothing on ITCOTCK sounds like Cat food for example, Cadence and Cascade is also a great song, much better than ITTTW
I don't hate Fripp and I acknowledge his importance, since he put together such band. However, listening to King Crimson, I never fail to notice just how much the rest of the band has contributed to each album. It becomes even more apparent when you hear Fripp's solo works. Why didn't he made something like Islands? He worked with David Sylvian, his voice was perfect for something similar.
Same, I like some bands, but the overall thing is just too much.
But, but, but what about friends
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Fripps best work is playing on Peter Gabriel's albums.
Fripp's best work is the Windows Vista startup sound
>he didnt even play on the best track
The fact you think it's just a jazz album tells me you never listen to jazz
totally agreed, they always overstate the similarities between classical, sometimes jazz too. like no bro, a violin or piano playing a solo that would sound just like a standard metal solo on guitar is not fucking classical music
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>wake up and check /prog/
>yet more shitslinging about fripp
what happened these past few threads
And Bowie's
It’s really only the more elaborate stuff like power metal and symphonic metal that invite the classical music comparisons. No metalhead would ever argue that Iron Maiden, Motorhead, Slayer or Darkthrone are “the new classical”.
The same thing that destroys every long-term general on this website.

Shitposters and teenagers looking for engagement to the point they're willing to destroy entire threads for days, if not weeks or in extreme cases years on end for attention.
>he played on the worst Windows OS
>people are hating on muh fripp, they must be shitposting!!
what is this cope?
can't you fathom the idea that maybe some people dislike the guy?
I've never seen anyone complaining whenever he's praised as le epic guitar man instead
you mean that which passes, passes like clouds?
disliking fripp is fine
I know he's not for everyone and there are parts of his playing I'm not entirely into
but people seem to go out of their way to entirely write off practically anything he contributes to an album and that giles and macdonald are gods great gift to prog or something
it's not valid criticism or actual discourse, it's just being a sperg
Fripp unironically lost
Fripp raped your mind.
maybe if Fripp can play good melodic guitar solo then maybe people would rate him more
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Calm down Robert
his Golden Hours solo on that Eno album is beautiful
Imagine if Fripp was here and read everything you guys post about him, what would he think about you fucking cucks?
Vista is actually good, it's a pleb filter.
bill bruford created the first ubuntu startup sound based on melodies originally whistled in 1971
yeah, you can tell the anons shitting on him are underage, because they never post actual criticism, it's all just shallow speculation based on little to no actual evidence, basically youtube drama level shit, and they clearly want to hate him, i'm fine with people disliking Fripp, but these posts are obviously from edgy teenagers that are looking for any reason, even the smallest thing to hate him, so i just ignore it, who cares.
I think it's mostly a counterpoint to people who overglorify him
I frankly think he may be just autistic, which grants him the reputation of a difficult person to work with, from what I've gathered
but overall, one can't deny his role in what made King Crimson what it is, regardless of how crucial his bandmates were in every incarnation
Anything before Windows 8 is preferable to the unbearable slop they’ve been serving up since then. MS was ground zero for tech companies that have nowhere left to expand so resort to bleeding their existing userbase dry.
I love the smell of fresh bread

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