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#neverfor/gg/et edition
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should i do it bros?
13K for Ibanex. Are you retardant Anon
candy apple red strat. end of.
Who the hell is Jay Yuenger
he did a few albums with white zombie then fell off the face of the earth
Who the hell is White Zombie
For that kind of money you could get a nice PRS instead
more like pee rekt ass haha gottem
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I won't judge PRS too harshly because I've never actually played one, but this is sooooo fucking gaudy. hell, the company doesn't even matter, colored wood grain is hideous on any instrument.
PRS is shit
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PRS Wood Library Custom 24 Electric Guitar - Bonni Pink, 10-Top. End of.
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I've played a lot of them. They're good.. but they could be a tad more innovative. Things like offering SS frets, different neck carves and fingerboard radiuses, pickups, bridges, etc. Some of the colors they offer are utterly disgusting. But I guess that's true for any manufacturer. People have horrible taste.

On a side note, I just got my Universal Audio Volt 176. As soon as my new desk gets here I'm going to transition my helix floor from my gaming PC to my macbook pro with XLR running to the Volt in logic pro. I also have a few neural DSP plugins that I love to record with. It should sound absolutely magical.
Knaggs is everything PRS wanted to be and more. Have you ever seen a more beautiful guitar? Be honest
any violinist here?? please help me
had this violin since 3-4 years ago lying in the corner, never played it because of reasons. now I say fuck it, I wanna play! and obviously, dont even know how tuning works
is the string allright? no matter what I do, the string does not get tense or hard at all. I try to but it goes back, I have no idea why the string is like that
That's ugly as shit man
The string looks fine. When you turn the tuning pegs you also have to push them in a bit. There are no gears or anything keeping the tension like on a guitar, friction is the only thing holding it in place
does this look like violin general kid? scram.
>push them
it worked haha thank you a lot! was very scared

so any help with the tuning?? I have to tune it to G, right? ok I did what you said and now it's in F#. I am aware there are two things: pegs, and "fine tuners" (i just googled the violin parts). what is the way to tune a violin? use the pegs to get, what, one half note close, then use the fine tuners? or what?
also fine tuners are very, very hard. I try to use them but I can't, my fingers are starting to hurt now

that and the other 3 strings aswell. I have to tune them all, but it's very hard!
(also, how was I supposed to know that you have to push the peg??? holy shit why it's so complicated)
...I realize they go out of tuning by themselves! it was F#, one minute later it became F, and now as I'm typing it's descending to E
same with the other strings

fuck fuck fuck what is happening!?
Your fine tuners might be tightened all the way already. Try loosening one and see if it's easier. You should use the tuning peg to get as close to in tune as possible and then the fine tuners for the last couple cents or so. The strings are tuned GDAE, low to high. Honestly you might be best off taking it to a luthier or someone you know who plays violin. It's pretty easy to break a string if you don't know what you're doing, and they are surprisingly expensive. The plus side is violins tend to be very stable when you get them in tune, I really only have to tune mine if I have been playing it outside
The tuning pegs are slipping. You have to push them in more as you turn. It takes more force than you would expect or probably feel comfortable applying. Just take it to a luthier, man. He'll be able to get it in tune in a couple minutes. It could also just be a crappy/poorly maintained violin
yeah I give up, I'll take it to a luthier. too many things I don't know. also some of the strings are a little rusty (the 3rd one)
yeah, also I just remembered: I got the violin in 2019. 5 years!

ok, thank you very much
>Try loosening one and see if it's easier. You should use the tuning peg to get as close to in tune as possible and then the fine tuners for the last couple cents or so
cool, good to know, thx
does anyone know where can i learn this song? like tabs or something, can't find shit
You just posted the link you need to learn it
can't see shit, not good enough at music theory to figure it out
what key is that and what position does he play in?

I might get a knaggs when I graduate from law school
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How have you fa/gg/ots been? Still sucking? It’s been a long time

LMAO all those headstocks
kek, everything you need to know about knaggs desu
These are going to be discontinued so quick, Gibson will see a drop in sales of Les Paul standards


Where's Foxy? His fat face has been missing from the server for a while. Has he died?
Jack White has been shitting out a bunch of signature gear. what a sell out.

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Nobody is going to pay $1600 for a studio when you can buy them used in good condition for $900
a lot of stores still have the older model brand new for $1200
Gibson consistency
imagine owning a bunch of gear when you don't even record or perform live
Imagine being so broke you criticize others for being able to afford things with their discretionary income
Is Musima Lead Star a good guitar?
that the same cope you use when people see your dildo collection?
the only les paul studio worth getting are the early 1990s ones
C'mon homos......lets see your gold hardware so we can laff.
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>/gg/ is actually buying gibbons now
damn this place somehow got worse lmao
And now the unplugged version. The song is called "In the Walls". A ballad for the misunderstood paranoid friends out there.

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It's here.
more like "In the Folds", tubby.
How's it play?
better be hand wired
I am beautiful, no matter what you say.
very nice. Extremely low action, the guy sent it to me with a perfect setup.

I am surprised by the fingerboard edges, it's EXTREMELY rolled. It definitely wants me to keep my thumb over even in the lower positions which I don't normally do on my other guitars. Neck is smooth but the string spacing is also tighter than I'm used to. Plays wonderfully overall.
reminder that if you're using plugins you need to let the cpu cores warm up and cook for a little so you can get the best tone out of your amp sim

i recommend changing the fan curve to do this as well
I'm practicing on a $50 guitar and I'm enjoying it a lot and getting better at it. Should I get a more expensive guitar?
Nice. Congrats, Anon.
Acoustic btw
Imagine not knowing different pieces of wood have different grain and absorb stain differently. Anyway, why would this matter to you? Want the exact shade to match your earrings or something?
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forgot pic
Thats the Gibshit way Lmfao. Now watch someone come up with some cope about how its better that way
If Harley Benton can put a binding on a $300 guitar then Gibson could make Standards at the the price of the Studio
exactly. binding and figured top should not cost $1200 extra
For some basic home playing, is it better to use some amp simulation and play through speakers or to use a real small amp?
depends on what works best for you when playing/writing/practicing. I personally like being able to feel it so I play out of a half stack most of the time
I tried to listen to this retard and my pc shut off 30 mins into playing guitar
Went to a music shop today and confirmed that modern C shaped necks are all mid and I need thick and chunky U/V shaped necks. Good thing Fender only includes those in the wildly inconsistent Vinteras and the overpriced American Vintage. Guess I gotta scour the used market.
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>extremely small pee pee
You got glitter on your guitar? Are you gay
you ok bro?
>extremely small peepee
>incel rose
How do you virtualize the fretboard when you don’t have a guitar? How do you see it when you close your eyes and think on tone?
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1 cable down, but my other Neutrik connectors are lost in the mail....
>the resident gds baboon started violently rocking its favela cage back and forth again
lmao all it ever takes is it seeing a picture of a gibson on its screen and it starts screeching
I'm glad it got there safe.
I'll keep you posted.
modulation is what makes it interesting
where did you buy the bulk cable from, and did you need to use one of those solder hands or could you do it without it
He's the sole reason White Zombie was ever good. Listen to anything from before the God Of Thunder EP, then listen to everything from that EP until they stopped being a band.
Denial is the 1st stage of a problem, tubby.
Your words can't bring me down.
You’re like the redditors saying only dentists own PRS

You wish you could buy all this shit but you can’t because you’re a dumbass

Enjoy being ascetic and poor

I also have a shitload of power tools, I do not use them at all. It’s just cool to have a bunch of tools
Guess we'll have to wait for congestive heart failure
I still feel like a clumsy retard any time I have to play more than one note at a time
I've been practicing for almost a year
I did it without a solder hand, but I think I'll get one, it was a bit of a pain.
bulk cable from Amazon.
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I am in the market for a Taylor Guitar. I am at the conclusion they are the best.
I can go either entry level 214ce brand new.

Or I can get my choice of 2nd hand but great condition 314ce, 414ce or even 814ce for not so much more. Advice is telling me full wooden is better, so 3 range and up.
While others say 214 is fine.

I have only tested the 214ce and not the others. any advice or guidance please.
I don’t particularly like Taylors but the 214 is a massive rip off. Laminate wood is ridiculous at that price point. Go for 3xx or above pre owned.
Any reason for not liking them?

Also the 3 and up has V bracing. Is it such a big deal
Very bright and modern tone. It’s articulate but I don’t like singing with them, much prefer the warmth of a Martin.
this. makes everything sound like you're playing a 20 view youtube cover
>any advice or guidance please

it's just wood
jesus christ marie it's lumber
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>current rig

>rv-6 (reverb), ds-1 (distortion), marshall rg-1 (phaser, flanger), digidelay and multichorus
>dreampop/shoegaze and garage rock
what do you think bros?
I also have a compressor/sustainer but I doubt I'll need it
For signing, you want the pronounced fundamental of a Gibson
just get a fender
The martin or the Taylor?
Is this good or bad
it's good if you want to sound like someone who plays youtube covers
Ok. What Martin is better than the taylor 214
Or say the 314 and up?
based on every taylor I've played any martin is better, but my favorite is the HD-28
Not according to reddit
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yes, tubby
>thinks they are on his side
Should we tell him bros?
I'm a stupid dick fart.
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Add to chart
>expecting the godfather of hocus pocus tonewoods to innovate his instruments
not gonna happen
>song has beautiful funky catchy bassline
>sound mixing is shit and I can barely hear it
It’s your your room
some songs just have quiet basslines and a lot of other much more distracting stuff going on. I feel this way about a lot of rhcp songs for example.
should I get a hizumitas or a fuzz factory
it’s less than $300 for both, just get both
what is a non-meme simple Reverb pedal that sounds really good? what do you guys recommend?

i have a gibson SG and a pro junior IV tweed amp. Been using this EHX Holy Grail Max that I bought used for a while but it's kinda dogshit, it isn't bad but it's not spectacular.
Is it worth it? I mean it looks sexy as fuck.
reverb is a dogshit effect outside of recording but Holy Grail Nano is breddy gud
Firstly, stop taking advice from anyone on here
including this post
your entire mom
Well I never!
Must watch

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>thumbnail is some ponytail glasses nerd
>beat me to it
i don't watch dorks talk lol
I think I'm going to make this a birthday present to myself.
beyond ugly
the catalinbread spring reverb pedal is simple and good.
I forget its name.
Hey /gg/, what have you guys been working on lately?

Here’s a snippet from a Michael Hedges piece I’m working on, it’s been an awesome challenge. There’s a stretch from the fifth to the ninth fret in the recording, the sixth string is tuned all the way down to G so I have to be careful not to use too much pressure and keep the note from going sharp.

I’m always blown away by Hedges’ insane talent every time I listen to him, the guy was brilliant.

Michael Hedges - The Happy Couple
Honesty with a 24 inch scale length covered pickups and a floyd rose option, This would be a pretty cool guitar
Go used and save yourself some money. You’ll want something with solid sides and tops, avoid anything laminate. If you can, play it first to see if it’s a good fit — maybe look around for an authorized dealer in your area and spend some time with the different models.

I own a 714ce and it’s a fantastic instrument but there’s also some great brands out there that don’t require you to pay for the Taylor “name”. Eastman and Yamaha make some phenomenal acoustic guitars. I don’t think you could go wrong with either brand, their pricier offerings ($1000+) would edge out any similarly priced guitar from Taylor. Yamaha gets shit on a lot because of their entry level line but they really punch outside their weight class.
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guys anyone knows if this guitar is good enough to play Death songs like this hottie is playing in the video

U identify with manlets?
if it was up your ass you'd know
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there's so many models ibanez could bring back but no they would rather just shit out another RG
Even an 8 year old can kick my ass
Never forget sams big cock
Why did I hit the mute off button?
any guitar works honestly, as long as you have the X2n in the bridge and a Valvestate amp
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I’m gonna do it, I’m gonna buy a TV yellow P90 Les Paul Special. I’m torn on single vs double cut. I’m leaning single but not by much.
I'm sure they match your purse and high heel collections quite nicely
dead general
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who is he talking to
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I just want a Vandenberg so bad bros
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how long does shipping usually take when buying from the gibson website. I just bought a les paul
Usually ships next day, arrival depends on destination
When the headstock breaks off, how long is the shipping back to Gibson?
They don't ship to Brazil so you won't have to ever worry about return shipping lol
what is this
the finest luthiery /gg/ can muster
first try at acoustic recording
Low end is drowning the highs
Sick sounds like the start of a Behemoth song
Is it better now?
tuning a violin is a hell in itself, I do not get how autistic idiots put up with this crap
centuries of history and the bitch lowers by a semitone from 5 minutes of playing, the pegs slip so you have to redo the whole thing, but if you miss the mark a bit the string snaps, and you can never precisely tune it without some fine tuner gimmick
>gone all day working
>thread's a drag
im going to buy a ppc412 today
Better but now its too shrill. Grain of salt i'm retarded and tone deaf.
Kinda gives me these vibes.
picked a lil bluegrassy tune

what is that- like a fancy Teisco? Looks good
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Decent sleeper brand right here
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>Retard: "All I want for Christmas is a basic bitch $600 superstrat but I want it to cost $3000 and be ugly as shit."
>Santa Claus: "Nice bubbles, Corky! Keep up the good work!"
I always buy used
Of course you do lol
Too retarded to do maintenance of your instrument?
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Is there any software for bulk downloading tabs off Ultimate Guitar? The ability to select 'guitar pro' would be great too.
my shitty chink amp doesn't have an internal load but i do

t. cumshitter
why would you need them downloaded
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Need some help bros. When I play with some distortion the higher strings especially on really high notes have a really nasty sound when I play them together. They resonate really badly and make a sound that muddles the sounds together in a way that you can barely distinguish them and it just becomes screeching. What could be the problem? I can make a vocaroo or something if necessary. It's probably in how they resonate together because if I play the notes one by one it works perfect but when I play them one after the other the problem comes out. Maybe I should adjust the amp or the pickups? I play on an old used ibanez gio with a relatively new mooer hornet. Also my cable is pretty fucked up but I don't really think it's the root of the problem
idk, that sounds normal. Try dropping gain or raising the strings if you're ok with messing with the truss rod.
I've rewritten it a bit, what do you think now
What is your recording gear/mic? Also what scale and key is this in? It's pretty cool.
Yeah when I drop gain it gets a bit better. Just when I want to play some chords for the chorus I like the way it sounds on the lower strings so I was hoping I can fine tune it in a way that I can pull it off without a pedal. I'm pretty afraid of fucking around with the action but it's pretty high already. I was thinking of lowering it because everyone advises for that lol
I'll say this, with heavy distortion and tons of gain, you don't see Cannibal Corpse play chords on the high notes, the solos are there of course but it's played one note at a time at 500bpm.

The only instance where I can think of chords or multiple strings being played in the upper octaves, WITH high distortion is to create dissonance, like a minor 2nd interval inbetween breakdowns 0 0 0 (7-11) 00 0 in metalcore and deathcore. for example:

I don't know if that's a rule but it seems playing more than two high strings with high dist is to be avoided.
Ibanez AEG51 with E standard tune -> chinese sm57 -> motu m2 -> cubase
Oh yeah it makes sense. I'm practicing When The Sun Hits by Slowdive and I got pretty much everythig down but can't get it to sound just right. I know they use a shitton of pedals though so that probably makes it easier
can you criticize it?
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hope this helps
>I like the way it sounds on the lower strings so I was hoping I can fine tune it
Yes, by using your volume knob. It sounds like you're pushing too much gain. Dirt pedals should be set and forgotten about imo.
Sure, but take it with a grain of salt, I'm an amateur who doesn't know a ton of theory. It's a rich melody, it reminds me of the doom metal band Amen-Ra a little, with the minor chord that goes to an augmented or diminished chord next. https://youtu.be/bUGCXd0-tY0

I see you're going for a neofolk type sound and it could be prolonged into a full song with going to an adjacent key or slowing it down of course, but if you enrich your chorus first, what you posted that is, the extension of the melody into a full song could flow more easily and naturally. If it was my project I'd add some OD/distortion to the bass to make it heavier, I can't tell what you're using for bass, it sounds like a downtuned 7th string, but I like how it hits at every other measure, I thought 'what if it was more complex' but maybe less is more so leave it as is. As far as drums: for me it's missing simple slow drums on the off beat at like 40bpm, something like

>one and - loud thick SNARE w/ reverb and - three and - KICK KICK

I don't know what you're going for exactly but think of including some ambient sounds, waves, wind, flute harmony.. murderfolk vocals? https://youtu.be/6pQMBE6iuWE
That was very temping to read indeed! Thanks.
But hey anon, sorry to dissapoint you.
That was just a cover from the song:
from 4:00 up to 4:53
Ih shit this looks like a useful site
Tried this, works really well. I really did use too much gain but holy shit it was already set really low what the hell do I use all the rest for? I can't really do it quick enough to keep up with the rhythm (I'll probably eventually need a pedal for that) but for practice this is going to be perfect
>Two twin reverbs
That's a lot of amplification
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ive adjusted the string tension on my shitplank and now it plays like a dream
that colour is the most pretentious indie whineband shit I've seen
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Thoughts? Sure, here’s a thought. Wang bars are very gay
screws on the back
Scared of it?
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19 year old me probably would have enjoyed playing it.
Well shit I got bamboozled. Good song.
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Should I sign up for some lessons with him?
I very had over 40 guitars. Ibanez is my choice of all the brands. My favorite one was the RGD7521pb for a hardtail. This is just my project guitar. Wizard necks can’t be beat, well maybe by all the bulky baseball bat necks!
I like MusicMan necks. That 1 5/8 nut is better than sex
Any alternative suggestions?
what do you want to learn??
literally and unironically start with the greeks
Martin Miller
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Esteban is the only choice!
Don't worry, you can't afford it
I have no idea

Guitarists listen to the weirdest music

Nobody gives a fuck about Joe buttafuko but guitarists on reddit
I have no idea what any of the second stanza means
I'm >>123656173 and I just visited a guitar shop and holy shit, a $750 guitar plays much easier than a cheap $50 one. The snares are easier to press and it's more comfortable and enjoyable overall. I've been missing out. Fuck.
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Will (you) get one, anon?
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>Be me, late 20s, flaming homo, work in a music shop
>Surrounded by tunes and guitar strings, love my job but playing guitar around other dudes is fucking tough
>Heart pounds like a kick drum, hands moving, bodies swaying, it's too fucking much, can't concentrate
>One day, this fucking Chad walks in for lessons, tall, broad-shouldered, laugh like a goddamn earthquake
>Sit next to him, shoulders touch, feel his fucking heat, try to focus on the guitar, not his bulging biceps
>Eyes wander to his hands, mouth drier than the Sahara, guide his fingers to the right chords
>Like this," I whisper, hand on his, feel his warmth, pulse steady, eyes lock, fucking lightning bolt
>He grins, slow and sexy, heart fucking races like a drum solo
>Weeks pass, lessons continue, gets easier being around him, kinda
>Focus more on music, less on his fucking heat, look forward to lessons, a shared love of music grows
>One day, after a killer lesson, Chad turns to me, a serious voice
>Dude, always had a thing for musicians, but your passion for music is fucking hot
>Look at him, shocked, see the fucking sincerity in his eyes, realize I might have a shot with this straight-acting bro
>But fucking plot twist, turns out he's just being nice, already has a girlfriend, just thought I was a "cool gay dude
>Pick up guitar, start to play, let all my fucking feelings out, sad boi hours activated
>Create some emo-ass melody, Chad tries to play along, but it's fucking awkward now
>In that moment, realize I fucked up, let my fucking feelings get in the way, should've just stuck to the music
>Guitar not a fucking bridge, but a fucking barrier, reminding me I'm just a gay dude with a crush on a straight bro
>Fml back to square one, just me and my guitar, forever alone
Anons, please send halp, how do I unfuck my gay fucking heart?
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I was wondering what people thought of kill switches.
my strings buzz like shit. i love it. makes my noise even more noisy.
>that Herodotus story in Book I about how Cyrus memorised the fretboard
Show us your nub
running it through my waveformer destroyer and my homemade ring mod sounds diabolical
Give me a min.
post it
>The snares
Rob Zombie's old band
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Double the pleasure!
Damn bro, that’s gnarly. You get that from eating pussy?
I admire the dedication to the Lt. Dan Band bit
Should've got the VA buy you a custom shop Les Paul for medicinal reasons
I gave it my best!
Your mamas snatch
Not a huge fan of Les pauls
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Gibson used to have licensed versions of their guitars in walmart for under $100

they were sold under the Maestro and Baldwin brands
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what do you listen to faggot?
>Your mamas snatch
Hell, I could have warned you not to go near that

It's like a tremelo bar, it can be cool if used tastefully and disgusting when used as a crutch
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The schizo got fired from his pizza job didn't he?

We was rooting for you nigga .....
he will never own a gibson now
I tried playing Every Breath You Take and Message in a Bottle just now. I'm not a fan of this 5-7-9 shape throughout the whole song gimmick, bros.
True.. I use it tastefully.
baby bitch with tiny hands lmoa
also listen to better music jesus
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Playing some blues with backing tracks rn. I like to set the mood. What are all of you up to?
How do I become as good as this?
kys you are ruing the quality of this general
sorry babe
But at the same time it was very fun to cover that part. also, did now there are correct tabs for that now.
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Pic of Leo's first electrified experiment. A Martin D-18. I don't know how I didn't realize the relation between Martin and Fender before. It's kind of obvious now.
I'm honestly playing the drums more than guitar these days
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I had a custom (single hum, single volume, thinned down body) RG body years ago that had an original wizard neck on it. It was so much fun to play, especially fast. I've thinned down to 2 electric guitars now, one of which is a Prestige S1520 just for when I get the itch. I've moved on to preferring thicker necks these days though. I'll see if I can find a picture of that single hum ibanez though. I ended up selling it to someone stationed in Okinawa and regret it from time to time. To answer your question about killswitches, I've always preferred having a spst switch installed where a tone knob would go, but only on guitars that I'm only going to play heavy shit on. I never got into the arcade style switches.
can you stop posting this shitty ai art.
im so sick of it
No, I've already got an interface/ir loader pedal, but if I didn't have one, I'd still wait until this is discounted on used market first
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How do you tell that was AI?
Nice, I’d like to see a pic of that guitar!
Look at it
I thought it was not AI, guitar looks as it should, it has real logo that looks correct, not AI.
show us doggo
That’s a raccoon
Is it like a ON/OFF switch or does just mute the guitar while you hold it down?
It’s a momentary switch. Push down, sound cuts off.
Idk man I don't see the real use for this. With a proper potentiometer you can do volume swells like Yngwie does which sounds pretty cool.
My niece made them necklaces that day.
I’m putting a Malmsteen volume pot in it to. Kill switches are for emphasizing certain parts.
Check it out on YouTube sometime. It’s nice to have (for me anyways).
Has anyone ordered a guitar on Amazon? And does it take ages to process the order? Mine's been pending for almost 30 days.
Stop being gay. Love God instead.
Nope. I usually don't order anything from the smaller shops or unless they have some Prime option, then I know the item is able to be quick shipped by Amazon themselves. Those smaller places with their own shops could be asleep at the wheel. One person I ordered jewelry from once took like a month. They were out on vacation apparently.
>the favela ape started crying about his /gg/ bully completely unprompted again
kek he really did buck break you
It says sold by Amazon US, and the address is somewhere in Seattle
I don't remember posting this bros. But the story is true none the less.
Yes. No
That's weird then. Unless it said the item wasn't in stock yet. If it hasn't shipped and charged, you could cancel it easily with Amazon.
I’ve ordered seven guitars from Amazon. Never had a problem because I looked at most of the reviews. Small shops that go through Amazon can be a problem though. I ordered an amp and never got it. Amazon reimbursed me over the phone and they said that they’ll go after the seller.

I have and it's normally next day if it's fulfilled by Amazon. It's actually nice if you want to try out a guitar and send it back if you don't like it. Amazon pays shipping both ways
It’s the buckethead technique, very distinct
A masterpiece
Some accapella
In my time we used to do this with the pickup selector switches of our Les Pauls.We turned the volume of one pickup to zero and then wiggled the switch as fast as we could. Those were times...
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>Replies after 5pm

How's the pizza factory job going breh?
This vocaroo single-handedly defeated Neil.

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I use to do the same with my Gibson Invader. I like to have the ability if I want to. That’s why I put it in this Jem Jr
Alright I have actual things to do now so no more shit posting have fun yall

Why do they hate telecasters

Small amp and good pair of headphones does the trick for me for casual home playing. Blackstar Fly 3 amp (with extra speaker) + AT headphones. Amp is plenty loud if I want to take the headphones out.
More to the point: It's easier to turn on a small amp than fire up the computer with programs and stuff. Less barriers between you and playing the better.
i learned a new word today
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The tele!
wtf I hate teles now
I always relate teles to country music.anyone else?
neither is better desu its just different. Personally I dont own an interface so for me playing out of an amp is my only option. But i like the fact im not tied to my pc.
I relate it to the 60s British blues-rock bands.
This guy and the pedal bros are intolerable
>only likeable member of the pedal show
>#37 on rolling stone's greatest guitarists of all time
>owns a springer spaniel
>based enough to see the lies behind the moon landing
Mick can't stop winning, bros.
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>#37 on rolling stone's greatest guitarists of all time
he should change his fucking goddamn name
The 00018 will be the best bang for your buck and will sound better than any garbage taylor. You will just need a nice set up or if you buy it used it will probably already be set up. People recommending the hd28 or d28 are wrong, The dreds will be too big compared to the taylors you are looking at.
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>too big
get out
yeah. compared to the taylors "x14" shape you retard.
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irrelevant, someone buying a taylor has already demonstrated they don't know what they want
true. can't argue with that one
i'm not the bully who buck broke you anon i just enjoy the fact that he did
Na. You’re him. No one else cares.
>everyone is my bully
the absolute state of this broken buck
Why are some guitars 10k these days?
Profits must be made

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