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That sweet nitrocellulose vanilla smell when you open the official Gibson™ hardshell case edition
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the Les Paul Studio is a good guitar
this jew's first act was the cooler guitar, too bad he was such a weak manlet that he couldn't handle a 9lb guitar hanging on his shoulder
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>such a weak manlet that he couldn't handle a 9lb guitar
should've just gone the albini route and gotten a fruity waist strap if he couldn't handle a heavy guitar
Kek I like how the strap highlights that giant roll of fat around doughboy's waist
Wonderful bookmatched veneer work
>max headroom always the first post in /gg/
>posted 16 seconds after the op
how does he do it bros? that's a superhuman response time
Mine didn't come with a hard case
They knew you weren’t going anywhere with it
OP is Max Headroom
Probably a bot
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>I was salty to a rando on the internet
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This fucking glows
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give me one good reason not to string a floyd rose this way
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I just got a Fender Squier for $0.00 (no, I will not gib it back). Wat nou? How do I get started on learning to play my favorite tunes--or just learning to play in general? Is it just a matter of learning chords and piecing them together? What about other technical aspects of playing guitar like using a capo, using an amp, or the more Music Theory-related stuff? Should I change the strings? I think they look a little rusty. What are the chances that the strings will come loose when undoing them and whip me in the face?
>What are the chances that the strings will come loose when undoing them and whip me in the face?
Very high chance, just like a piano the strings have so much tension they will literally decapitate heads and flay skin if not treated with utmost respect
Oh my. How dangerous maintenance is.

What kind of music should I have playing while attempting to gently change strings?
Will this suffice? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AR8D2yqgQ1U
Should I whisper sweet nothings into her headstock while doing so? "Hey baby girl~"

Should I just give up and let some poor bastard set for the electric chair at one of my local music centres do it for me? That seems kinda gay. I don't want some nigga touching my shit.
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Good tune.
not like this /gg/ bros...
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Twin Les Paul attack
I'm okay with it going back underground desu
>Les Paul Special is gonna arrive tomorrow afternoon
I am excited. Princeton tubes gonna be warming up until then, P90s though blackface Fender amps sound so good

The lemur shirt makes up for it, my nigga Steve is a chad Zaboomafoo enjoyer
At what point for you did playing guitar crossover from being a net positive to being a net negative?
For me, when I was in a band and had to pretend like I gave a shit about other peoples ideas
Will guitars become some niche instrument like lutes at some point?
kek its not underground at all its just gone to the dweebs
djent got the ball rolling and guitar youtubers were the last nail in the coffin
I made a post the other day about a comment from Segovia. He said the guitar is the only truly polyphonic instrument. Which is to say it's like a mini orchestra in one instrument. It's capable of multiple timbres and even mimicing other instruments. The only thing that can do it better is a piano.
If guitar disappears, then people are retarded. It's an amazing thing. Just throwing away timeless gifts because some zoomer decided to jerk off to blacked porn or some other faggot wanted to be German and just listen to gay club music is a form of suicide. But then, humankind has a habit of destroying itself for all kinds of stupid shit. So it isn't impossible that the guitar will be gone too.
polyphonic STRING instrument* that is. While piano is technically percussive.

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Go fuck yourself s*muel
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nitrocellulose smells good but not as good as the stuff they put on good cellos
Varnish rather than paint.
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I just want a Vandenberg so bad bros
Damn did this dude buy that Silverburst from Trogly? Looks like one of the ones he resold a few years ago.

>I just got a Fender Squier for $0.00 (no, I will not gib it back)

You don't have to. They left it on the side of the road for a reason
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Smells sweet like maple syrup or spent gun powder
>Les Paul Studio
Disgusting + poorfag cope
At that point I'd rather order a chibson and go balls to the wall with hardware upgrades. Get that bitch ass ugly ass no binding having ass piece of shit out of my sight.
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Ask a bilateral below the knee amputee that’s been practicing guitar for 27yrs anything.
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Is it dangerous to eat pop rocks and drink soda at the same time?
Only if you’re a bird.
>Ask a bilateral below the knee amputee that’s been practicing guitar for 27yrs anything
Yes, what the fuck does that have to do with playing guitar
And why haven't you stained that fretboard black, light brown fretboards are ugly as shit

Why do you own a guitar built for satanic music? It's widely accepted knowledge that Jesus would've played a telecaster.
> what the fuck does that have to do with playing guitar

Playing shows and performing in general.
Classical players do it sitting (granted they look like fags every time, but they have both legs)
>well hell
I think Jesus would make his own guitar.
Ive play in classical stance when sitting for the last 18yrs.
Long before I lost my legs, I played in classical stance. My prosthetics are great to.
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>internet says lowering string action makes bends easier
>lowers action
>now bending strings don't even sound like they are being bent
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I keep it high because the other strings get caught under my finger too when bending with low action.
You just need more dexterity is all.
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What happened to your legs?
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One thing I love is the location of the output jack. It should be the norm on all guitars! Thoughts?
Show doggo
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Blood vessels constricted and totally collapsed in my feet. Frostbite at a NFL game. -20+ Fahrenheit.
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Again? Fine..
Damnit, that got me in trouble with the mods the other day. Let’s see if they give me another warning…
I actually didn’t see it the other day.
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Nobody home?
Mods please don’t wanna him. Doggo are part of the creative process for guitar playing and serve more use than most idiots pedalboards.
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I’ve been playing Ibanez’s for a while.
This is Dino Cazeras’s prototype signature guitar. I played a show with him and he was in awe that I had it. Had him sign it and I still have it. He wanted to buy it off me.
Oil that fretboard niger.
It's Peavey time. You do own one of America's greatest guitar manufacturers' instruments, right?
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No picture, stupid fucking website
Let's just forget
Everything Sam
Every thing he did
Best posts
And better tone
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That was right before I oiled it. I got it this way. Here’s after
I have a prototype roadster 2 540p (the white stach guitar drum surfin).
It need some TLC ….and by tlc, I mean a restoration. The white is a nice pee yellow now.
Time to get on it!
holy mother of samefag batman
It’s funny that you wasted a part of your life doing this.
I had a peavey practice amp as a kid. Don't know where that went.
Damn beat me to it
I always wanted to offer a girl a ride while having this song play on my truck's stereo

Similar to that one scene of Transformers
Damn. Beat me to it.
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the samefagger didn't like this post at all, did he?
Damn. Beat me to it.
It's filtered excrement from specific type of a bug.
I judge guitarists more on their form than anything
Top existed in the 80s too, they were the studio musicians that producers would bring in to fill for the druggies who couldn't clean up for a week to record
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>wrist pain
It's over
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is it true he played this whole album with no butt plug in his ass?
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How’s the gain on this
Does it really matter when you're only gonna be playing in your room?
the low is the image they went for not what they actually did. If Slash had drank half as much he'd ended like Alexi Laiho
Yes. Gain is very important to me
Plenty of rock stars had horrible drug problems
>Which is to say it's like a mini orchestra in one instrument.
He wasn't wrong, but it takes some insane skill.
fingerstyle is the way to go if you wanna be a chordnigga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LvhCLc2fh4
For those that use modellers with studio monitors - does anyone have one of the "fancier" ones like Genelec? I have a pair of KRKs which are honestly too big for my setup so I was thinking of switching to genelec 8030C's. Would it be a worthwhile upgrade?
Just use some headphones
He was a cringe edge Lord who publicized and promoted cp.
>being a junkie is GOOD
Gibson needs to bring back this body style for their budget guitars.
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*fixes the Explorer look*
This madman made another classic shape look twice as good with yet another pickguard change

I'll physically kneel if he can fix the SG too
why? it looks like shit. How about introducing stuff that is ACTUALLY an improvement, like stainless steel frets, comfortable body carves, modern pickups and lock-in tuners?
if you want that shit, don't buy gibson. get a faggy ibanez or something.
*gets an Ibanez Destroyer II*
*gets an Ibanez Rocketroll*
A little riff
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that's what we're doing, boomer. Your time is up. Your shitty mexican-hands-made guitars are history.
Ugly so fucking ugly
Anyone has experience with matte/satin finishes? I want tocpainy my glossy guitar to satin black but I keep getting warned that pic related might happen after a while by playing so how would I go and avoid that? Do guitars tuat come in that finish also get the same problem?
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posting see-through guitars
*to paint
>pic related might happen
what might happen?
A spot of patina
The dot the guy is pointing at
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Looking to buy my first bass ever. I'm a fender fanboy so I will probably be mostly checking out P and J basses.

Only ever played guitar, I have a white telecaster.

Anything I should know about buying a bass? I guess I should haul my ass to a shop and touch some actual (b)asses, but I don't want to just be at the mercy of a salesperson

Pic related looks like a nice offbeat color with the matching headstock.
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Is this a good practice amp?
and what the fuck is that?
or you mean gloss?
ofc it will go back to glossy finish
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are these the worst Gibsons ever made?
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I have a Peavey Fury bass, with the P-type pickup and it fucking rules. Nice thin J type neck. Love that thing, great value. I got it for like 200.
>practice amp
Just get a modeller
Jesus Christ.
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What are they? They look like kids guitars, but not Epiphone brand. Probably great for a starter at least.
I regret not buying a very cool 77 one recently that was modded with HB's.
I saw Omni last night at Liverpool, ask me anything.
Frankie Broyles is the second best rock guitarist alive right now. Give me your guesses for number one and I'll tell you whether you're cool or not.
And no, it's definitely not Frusciante, so the frush schizo is pre-emptively disqualified, mental illness is not cool.
What exactly is a guitar cab and amp? What different does it make between a cab 1x12, 2x12 and 4x12? And amps? What difference does it make between a Marshall, Fender and Vox?
There's a lot of great - no, legendary - guitarists still alive. Too many to list. I don't have a clue who you have in mind.
Let's say, young, still touring and releasing albums, less than 10 albums. So not counting legends I guess, if they peaked before the 10s they might as well be dead.
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Is this autism?
Gibson reinventing the guitar again
A cab is a speaker cabinet. A 1x12 is a speaker cabinet with 1, 12 inch speaker. I will leave it to you to parse the meaning of the others.

Fender amps have had several eras all with different general (very general) characteristics. The earlier designs tended to distort more easily than the latter, so we find that they tend to be cleaner as you move from 50s Tweed to 60 Blackface to 70s Silverface. Modern designs seem to tend to be some take on one of these eras.

Marshall Started out building knock offs of early fenders but took it in a different direction when they realized people wanted distortion. They started tailoring their circuits to have more articulate 'high gain' tones. Largely through filtering out low end and creative cascading and cold clipper gain stages that intentionally distort one side of a signal.

Vox is something else entirely. Fender, Marshall and Mesa and Soldano (sort of) can be all understood as within a family of guitar amplifier topologies, but other older companies usually had their own thing going on which is wonderful. Vox, old Gibson and Magnatone amps for example are quite different from the aforementioned and are somewhat underappreciated by some. You have to hear them to kind of triangulate how they all differ from eachother.
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is a dead battery in an active bass after one month of casual play a cause for concern? i unplug it whenever its not being played
>is a dead battery in an active bass after one month of casual play a cause for concern?
probably not
I don't usually play this kind of stuff and I'm having a lot of trouble with a section where I just can't figure out how to make it not sound like shit.

1:09 if it doesn't embed properly.

Found it hard but now I can play the actual notes after some practice. However I can't stop all the excess ringing of the notes when you are constantly alternating . What's actually the correct way to tackle this? Does it come from the fretting or the picking hand and how so?
Don't really know how to describe a section like this so I'm not having much success trying to search it up.
Maybe it's so you can lean it against the wall, it won't fall sideways.
Thanks for the answer!
QRD on guitar plz
random ass question, I have a 7 string and i wanna tune into a double drop d, as in the lowest 7th sort of matches the E string. How would I tune that string? just lower octave D im guessing?
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What kind of person gets a 7 string guitar
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why does my distortion not have that oomph?
do I need to dial in more treble, or roll back the bass/mids?
I'm including the clean track for comparison
I had a dream last night where I was a rich and successful blues guitarist.
My ex was in it and she wasn’t impressed with my success.
I don’t even play blues IRL
Not sure what sound you're going for but a lot of the guys in the 80s used chorus with distortion. Alexi Laiho also had slight chorus always on
i'm aiming for it to sound spacey. kind of like the drop in Stuck on You
>I had a dream last night where I was a rich and successful blues guitarist.
>My ex was in it and she wasn’t impressed with my success.
Thats half of every blues players biography. Thats 100% of every jazz musicians biography lol
Not sure what you are going for but I would definitely reconsider my EQ, as in go back to the drawing board. It is hard to know what to tell you without knowing what kind of tone stack you are working with but if it is basic TMB style tone stack I would turn everything to zero, add mids until it sounds good, add treble just until it is peaking through the mids then add bass only just until it fills out a very small amount. That might make for a good starting point. Don't pay attention to numbers as that can be misleading.
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Nihon-no gakki-wa subarashi desu, honto-ni.
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Speaking of nitro smelling good, I recently finished tele project in which I stained it with coffee (20 ish coats with sanding in between) and finished it with spray on nitro (3coats). The result is that it smells really good, like a latte or something.
The pickgaurd was decorated by my 3 year old, in case you were wondering.
these look pretty good for a gio
Why is your low e string falling out
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Thank God it wasn't your arms, right?
You ever think about the Eastern Orthodox Church?
That's pretty lame. You should start telling people it was just frost bite.
>the average intelligence of a cheese head causes em to get frostbite
Are you atleast good at guitar
Agreed. Hear that Gibson?!?
was that really the reason he used it? that guitar does not look very heavy at all
I've been thinking about getting one to okay indie alt stuff but they all look like pointy metal shits. I like metal but if I want a seven string for alt rock then I'd prefer it to look like a tele or something.
Ernie balls have shitty end wraps that don't fit. Next time I'll get a better brand like D'Addario. Or maybe this issue shows up on those too and I'll reem it out with a drill.
It's made out of aluminum and oak.
Playing alt indie stuff on a metal-looking guitar would be the truly indie thing to do. Indie bands in the old days got Jazzmasters etc because they were considered dorky guitars at the time, before the indie trend made them cool. Getting a gaudy heavy metal guitar would keep up the tradition of saying "fuck you" to conventional taste.
I wonder who got his guitar. Always wanted to try one.
The guy that made JM's popular with that crowd was Tom Verlaine. But he just did it because he was poor, liked Fender, but they still practically giving away JMs and Jags in those days. Then the first hipster copied him: Elvis Costello. Then more to follow through the 80s that it became synonymous with alt rock. But by that point, Verlaine himself finally had enough to but a Strat, so he did. But he screwed on that old JM neck because it was still just a classic 60s Fender neck.
but they were practically giving away JMs in the 70s*
>I wonder who got his guitar
If I had to guess I'd assume it either went to one of his Shellac bandmates or to his wife. Considering the amount of rare gear Albini had I'm assuming his will included elaborate instructions regarding who gets what. Dude had multiple Travis Beans, a Veleno, the Harmonic Percolator and that's not even getting into all the esoteric analog recording gear he had
At that point I might as well just get the cheapest seven string they offer.
I've been playing over ten years and I'm a big believer in the looks of a guitar giving you certain inspiration.
I could probably work around the humbuckers but looking at a guitar that fits the aesthetic of the music I'm thinking would help me write the music better.
Most 7 and 8 strings are boring strat body types, not BC Rich pointy shapes.
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Maybe an ESP E-II T-B7? Not a cheap guitar, but kind of indie-looking as far as 7-strings go.
Yeah I could swap the pickups out for passives.
Super strats. Strats aren't really what I'm looking for.
Why not just buy a pedal? You'll spend 50-100 bucks instead of 1k+
You mean something like the DigiTech Whammy?
JM's don't have humbuckers. At least not the standard ones. Just wide looking single coils. Mostly close enough to Strat, but the middle pickup switch is kind of a out of phase twang that's good for surf. No other fender sounds like it (just like Strats and Teles have their own niche settings).
A pedal for what? I like the way barre chords sound with a lower fifth, I don't think a harmonizer person or whatever would sound comparable.
Shit like this
No I was talking about just getting a seven string despite the metal aesthetic. I've got two JMs, they're my preferred lead guitar. I would use a 7 string tele thing for rhythm and a jm for leads and weird textures, theoretically (right now I only play a squier bass vi in an instrumental rock band lol).
I wouldn't be using it for chugging I'd be using it for jangly chords with a lower fifth.
Ah shit, my bad. Wasn't keeping up.
hi everyone
im 30 neet
i wanna be a folk singer songwriter
and at least play for tips
how can i get from 0 to there
i barely know guitar
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If you want whammy get an old digitech RP. same algorithm. i paid $30 for mine.
I would ask fender to bring back the FMT showmaster but after what they did to the FMT tele (reissue is made in china) I don't want it
Learn the most common cowboy chords (G, A, E, Em, C, D, F, B, Bm etc) and then lean a few Bob Dylan songs
Just work your way up from there
What’s the worst guitar Gibson ever made?
Worst guitar Fender ever made?
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So CAGED is useless for solos but I assume it’s okay for some kind of improv where you target some chord tones???
Reverse V
L6-S Midnight Special
any acoustasonic
>worst guitar Gibson ever made
those self-tuning monstrosities they made in the '00s
Special came in
more like special ed!
enjoy the new guitar, looks rad
I wanted one of those so bad when I was a kid
This TV yellow is a lot less mustard yellow than I was expecting, I like this color a lot. I’m excited to wear the nitro off the back of the neck from playing it. P90s have really, really grown on me.
My neighbor had one. It's just a Les Paul with a gimmick afaik. I don't know if they were more expensive though.
Yeah they were
2000s was sort of a dark period for gear. Digital made them scurry about and think of new (mostly pointless) ways of adding value/create new models that weren't needed. If you look back on old company Youtube channels, you see a lot of this shit, but it's hyped up like the next big thing.
Same here. I watched an employee at my local guitar store show one off when I just started playing as a 10 y/o kid and I was staring like a söijak the whole time

What's special about it
Did any of them actually hit?
AFAIK even guitar midi controllers are a flop
It wears bike helmets wherever it goes and it licks windows. It sounds great tho
CAGED is just a shortcut for really learning the fretboard and chord locations. Once you're fluent with CAGED (which shouldn't really take long at all), you'll want to learn drop 2 chords (which are sevenths instead of basic bitch triads). If drop 2 chords are too much, learn some shell voicings (no fifth). If you know CAGED you'll probably have a good idea of root locations, which makes learning drop 2 chords a bit easier (1 of the 4 possible configurations should be close to automatic, but the rest will be easier to locate too). Then you want to start experimenting with rootless voicings - an easy one that sounds good in major/minor is replacing the root with the second (2 frets higher) and for dominants 1 fret higher (flat 9). Or altered dominant chords, so moving the fifth up/down 1 fret. Then trying goofy chords, like lydian (moving the fifth down 1 fret on maj7). Half and full diminished too, augmented chords are just extra credit too. Then you've got pretty much all the chords down, combine that with whatever scale knowledge you have (https://fretastic.com/guitar) and you're better than 80% of guitar players IRL and 100% of /gg/ posters. From there you're only limited by your creativity. Good luck, anon!
Amp modelers, I guess. Which came out a little before this, but a lot of those models from then aren't around now.
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How the fuck do i play without hurting my wrist
my slap speed is getting very fast. just thought you should know
Just habit. It'll hurt again if you stop playing.
How do professionals not have permanent arthritis or similar problems?
It's nothing serious like that. I think arthritis is in the joints, but this is just you working a fairly unused muscle.
the most important thing to do is keep both of your wrists as straight as possible while you're playing

they have tons of issues you just don't hear about it often. slash was talking before about how badly his arm tendons tighten up during a tour and he constantly uses a theragun to loosen it up.
>your wrists as straight as possible while you're playing
So keep my strap as high as i can?
Im glad im not the only one. I stopped playing 15 minutes ago and my wrist is still on fire
>they have tons of issues you just don't hear about it often. slash was talking before about how badly his arm tendons tighten up during a tour and he constantly uses a theragun to loosen it up.
Well shit, I stand corrected. I'm not a spring chicken myself, but I don't have any problems. Granted I don't play as much as he does either. It could be that he doesn't chill enough.
Richard Fortus from gnr talks a little about it here
you can angle the neck upwards and/or outwards also. strapping your instrument at your waist or below is peak retard no matter how cool you think it looks
>I'm assuming his will included
maybe i'm prejudiced, but steve albini does not strike me as the type of person who would take the time to prepare a last will and testament
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Those guitars are just hilarious because I simply can't see a viable target audience for them. A self-tuning guitar is like a bike with training wheels, but they were expensive as fuck so anyone willing to spend that kind of money on a guitar should be competent enough that tuning your own guitar is trivial. Were those things explicitly intended for blues lawyers who have no idea what they're doing?
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me irl
The neighbor I know who got one (that I mentioned above) was a spoiled kid at the time. He had a shitload of instruments and he wasn't even a guitarist, but a drummer (he later got pretty good at guitars too though). So that's my experience: spoiled kids.
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I have this guitar and it just leaves hand marks from playing. The Peavey Void I used to have was so awesome and never left any hand marks but I don't have it anymore.
Is that Jeff Beck?
pure, white rock 'n' roll, with no blues influence
caged is for people who are unable to learn the fretboard or how chords are constructed
Aren't all of their songs 12-bar blues?
looks like an ape
still can't wrap my head around what caged is supposed to be
I’ve been playing since I was 10. I’ve been in a few good bands. Played advanced jazz for 4 years. Opened for two bands that are pretty famous.
Probably. Still one of the funniest things said.
Never heard of it. I have an awesome church! I have two groups a week and volunteer with people that need help. Next year I go on my first missions trip!
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>midi controllers
Not a necessarily a flop, but definitely niche.
>picrel has a MIDI rail slotted in front of the bridge
I don't/haven't ever listened to her (Joni Mitchell?), but damn if that isn't a clean looking guitar. A mate of mine has one on his meme Warlock that comes out with some pretty sweet sounds too. Still very niche though.
That's called playing wear, and it is what the relic guitars are trying to simulate. People who "warn" you about playing wear are retarded.
Satin doesn't exactly "relic" in a cool way. It looks like shit and sometimes gets even more glossy rather than worn.
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On the topic of clean guitars away from the original point of MIDI controllers since this thing doesn't have one (piezo saddle pickups). Just looks so fuckin clean. I'd love to build something myself with no pickup routs like this.
Ibanez.... reissue the Jetking.
That depends entirely on how thick the finish is. Anyway a worn-in satin--->glossy neck is absolute peak.
Fair enough, it does work out for good on the neck. I just think it's a cost cutting measure mostly for the company's benefit and not the player in the longterm. I'd take their cheap polys that they do on imports than a satin on an affordable US model. Unless it's like a transparent where's it's not as noticeable.
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Went to the church book sale this morning looking for guitar books. No luck.
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I agree to disagree sir!
>doesn't know how to use google.
seems about right
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Took a pic of the electrics together, I need strap locks for the Gibson so I caved and bought sets for the other three that don't have any already. The P90s on the Revstar got me hooked on P90s and having individual tone and volume controls per pickup on the LP Special (plus just being better pickups than the still good sounding ones on the Revstar) makes the LP a real joy to play. It sounds great through my Princeton and the pickups go from a very clear clean to a nice dirty sound with just the volume knob. I like it more than the Revstar already and it feels really weird finally finding a LP that I feel actually clicks with me. Yeah it’s brand new and we’ll see how I feel once the new guitar dopamine hit wears off but still, it sounds and plays excellent.
Thank you for coming to my blogpost. Go buy a dual P90 guitar.
Not always. They are the ones making the OP.
They are also a janny.
>ctrl f
No mountain? thread fucking sucks
Nice collection, Anon. I've been here since the Rosewood Telecaster days. P90s are great and in my top 5 pickups, but you gotta try Dynasonics if you like P90s. Nothing like them out there.
>better than 100% of /gg/ posters.
None of what you said makes you a better guitar player. Piano players know this same information and can't play guitar for shit. You obviously haven't been in /gg/ long, there are some actual virtuosos that post. Only reason I even come to these threads is to see the retarded takes and listen to the roos.
I still want another Tele just to tinker with, I was gonna buy one instead of the LP but I want to wait for the right deal. A relatively local shop is a G&L dealer and often has good deals on used G&Ls and I want another Tele to put either a P90 humbucker in the neck. I want another Tele that I can really dig into and mod and just play around with different pickups and stuff, I play the rosewood Tele at church every once in a while but I’m always a little nervous in the back of my mind that I’m gonna really ding it up because it was expensive and a cheap beater Tele to not need to worry about would be a nice compliment to it. The LP Special is very Tele like for me, just a slab of wood and a versatile selection of sounds and I love that about both of these guitars. I’m a Strat guy at heart but it’s hard making a Strat sound like something else, but with the Tele and LP (and Revstar) I feel like I can play anything.
church people learn by ear
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>need strap locks
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I wanted some juicy vintage boomer examples.
favourite guitar
favourite candy
Nah I’ve used Dunlop ones since I was a teenager
Still Strats probably
Payday or Salted Nutroll (lmao), I’m allergic to chocolate so 90% of the good stuff I can’t have
Heritage H530
Sponge toffee
1962 precision bass, 3 color sunburst with pickup and bridge cover installed
salted licorice
Ibanez Rgd7521pb

Jolly rancher
Who actually gives a shit?
samefag/bot/brazil no way this is organic
Beep boop jajajajaja
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I feel like paul gilbert is the only person that would be able to get them to bring it back
cope seethe dil8 post something
serves me right for spoonfeeding a phoneposting weeb. Pearls before swine is the /gg/ motto
bussin fr fr ong ong respectfully

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What ever you think man.
Where the fuck has tubby been?
His IP get caught up in a ban?
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He goes his own way.
Anything but practice guitar am i right?
This is not a Mountain vocaroo this is just a tribute.

Omar is that you?
Should i get the yamaha revstar or pacifica 612? I've played the revstar in a store and really liked the playability and the sound. Would like to compare it to the pacifica but there are none in stores nearby
Not everything is about external validation you desperate whore
If you mean me I got bored of you all.
the price tag
>strat again??
>les paul
How much more of a basic bitch can you be?
Shellac, made with bugs.
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>strat my parents bought me 20 years ago that I’ve held on to
>les paul
*ssssiiiiiiiiipppppppp* yep
t. Brad
like that lp special
I do too, I opened the case expecting like a solid mustard yellow like you see in all the stock pictures of TV yellow Specials, not a paper thin diarrhea yellow and I like how it looks. I like seeing the grain clearly beneath the finish. The guitar fits right in with my other dookie colored guitars.
>24 bit 44.1 kHz
Amazingly, this is about on par with scams like nanocortex, and only a bit behind modern boss pedals
I picked up my guitar for the first time in 5 months after my ex broke up with me. I still suck
anyone else just brute force learning the fretboard instead of using some silly CAGED system or memorizing 3NPS shapes?
i just learned the intervals and how to use them to form scales and just learned all the notes on the fretboard from memory and that was basically it. i learned all the pentatonic shapes and just filled in the rest of the notes based on the intervals
i thought this was a meme so i bought a pack of these beers (which are delicious by the way) and put the rubber washers on one of my guitars and they work great
Yeah I just learned what notes the frets are and was able to transfer over what I learned from playing mediocre trumpet through six years of school.
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here's your less paul bro
>tonewood is a meme and has no effect
>therefore having a heavy back breaking solid chunk of mahogany is pointless
what's wrong with this?
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>Gibson produces actual worthy innovations and upgrades like the volute, maple necks, and weight relief
>boomers seethe
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someone actually posted this asking what model it was as if it was real.
found her IG

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Some good foundational (and beyond) resources (in my opinion) are:

>Pete O'Mara's "A Chordal Concept for Jazz Guitar"
>Nelson Faria's "Acordes, Arpejos e Escalas" (Chords, Arpeggios and Scales)
>Adam Kadmon's (Kabbalistic pseudonym) "Guitar Grimoire: Scales & Modes"
>Noel Johnston's "Voicing Modes"
plus anything by Don Latarski, Don Mock, Robben Ford, Frank Gambale, Jimmy Bruno, Paul Hanson, and Keith Wyatt

>Lincoln Brewster's "One on One with Lincoln Brewster" Volumes 1 & 2
>Ross Bolton's "Funk Rhythm Guitar"
>Rusty Cooley "Basic Training"
>Paul Gilbert's "Intense Rock I," "Intense Rock II," and "Guitars From Mars 2"
>Joe Stump's "2, 3, 4 & 5 String Arpeggios"
plus anything by Richie Kotzen, Paul Gilbert, Paul Hanson, Frank Gambale, Jimmy Bruno, Noel Johnston, Nick Johnston, Keith Wyatt, and Arlen Roth
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I want it so bad bros
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oh they brought back the blacktop tele. hopefully the pickups aren't as muddy on this one. I couldn't wait to replace the ones in my blacktop strat
>HH on Tele
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I'm not a retard nor a smoker (redundant) so no
mac demarco hrt
What are some cheap, around 100$, looper+drum machine combos out there for a beginner who would like to start playing with making his own backing tracks and use it to get better at rhythm guitar?
So far i found pedals like this:
-Mooer groove loop X2
-Flamma FS21
Would appreciate any other suggestions from people who have experience with looping on budget equipment and in general.
Do Jazzmasters really make more noise?
I wouldn't do this because the lube I use on my nut might cause cancer if ingested.
Use a top finish that you can touch up or take back to flat with 800 grit or something. My last few builds have been semi gloss or less. They are very comfortable, but surely harder to keep clean.
Yes, all soap bars do. The trade off is they sound much more transparent and deep but also bright.
The times they are a changing old man
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Chill bro it's just a guitar
Yup, literally the most shit guitar ever made
just want to update yall that the broken epiphone les paul i bought with a broken headstock for $200 has been fixed, upgraded, blessed by an orthodox priest and sounds great
Sure you may see it that way, but I'm buying to make walls of pure distortion my friend.
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i fucking fell for it bros
wtf is that?
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this thing
kek that's got to be one of the most retarded naming conventions for a guitar manufacturer, right up there with Ibanez.

Either way, are solars good? How do they compare to other bang for the buck brands like Schecter?
Shoulda just got a Telecaster smdh
I'd put them on par with indonesia schecter or LTD, so they're pretty good for an overseas brand. personally they're not my cup of tea though. most of them look like the batmobile
>Either way, are solars good? How do they compare to other bang for the buck brands like Schecter?
from what i gather, schecter has some good shit, some horrible shit, solar has a lot of good will in the guitar community right now, they had some fretboard splintering issues but seems good now?
for the price, i thought why the fuck not. and my heart wanted it.
locking tuners, rosewood fretboard, maple neck, graphtech nubone nut and heynico humbungers for the price..
i can smell that picture through my screen
your vocaroos sound like someone who would build the pepe guitar
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hell yeis
Curious of what that sounds like
if it was up your ass you'd know
1 inch per pickup position
Get one with a PJ configuration instead of a p or a jazz bass, since you're a beginner and probably don't have a specific sound you want to go for so might as well get the best of both worlds.
>As for what his preferred axes are at the moment, Mustaine offered:
>"For guitars, it's any one of my Gibson Flying Vs, although I love my Explorer and my Les Pauls. They all sound great. The only difference is the wood, the finishing process and if the guitar has binding because that changes the sound and how it vibrates from the center to the edges. These are the things that are really neat and interesting and have to do with physics and logic and all that shit. Most guitar players don't worry about that stuff, but I'm very picky."
>physics and logic and all that shit
Fucking lmao.
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Nice bend!
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