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obituary edition
old: >>123794847
faq: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt

Teutonic pissrael-crushing metal

Heil Hitler o/

Slowly we dwell..............
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>ends his decades long friendship with Schaffer for being a chud
based Hansi
I don't think the did, I think Schaffer's collaborators are just distancing themselves from him to avoid the heat. Can you imagine if they all said "I STAND WITH SCHAFFER", that would not only alienate some of their fanbase but labels and festivals won't touch them, they might not even be allowed into the US. It's a business decision not a personal one.
He stopped being trve the moment he cut his hair
When I say I'm blasting that actually means I'm crying
holy schizo thread

anyways, BLASTING
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what's the spicy keychain of metal?
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incomprehensible captchas today ffs
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da fuck is dis
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
>someone says they like metal
>make them listen to the sludgiest shit that even you don't like very much
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2024 has been a LEGENDARY year for Metal!!!
Thanks, Reddit
All shit except for The Obsessed. Hail Wino
Metal for a spirit rising from the grave and the world knowing he was right?
post albums that have an acquired taste
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missing the actual AOTY
>one good album (Suffer and Become)
>two decent albums (Servitude and Songs in Crimson)
>mediocre everything else
I want to get piss drunk with negru blasting pop punk and melodic hardcore then at the end reveal I'm a hungarian chad
The Anal Cunt 5643 Song EP

Unless anything truly earth shattering drops before year's end, Banished by Sin will rightly go down in history as 2024's aoty
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Monday night. Who else is going?
there was a new The obsessed album?!
Not me but I saw Goatwhore last year with Eyehategod and it was a good time
I saw the word obituary and I came to see if the thread was about Eugenia Cooney.
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
I went to this like 2 weeks ago when it came through my town. It was a blast. Have a good time, anon.
Morbid Angel
Not going, but $25 good price. Wish more events charged that instead of being greedy.
every time I see the word Deicide I come
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_6ZiGocaSg \\m//
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Guys. Did you know that Kyle from Incantation has a moustache?
Why haven't they been able to consistently put out good albums like their fellow Tampanians Deicide?
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Horrible bait. Try again.

saw them live once, quite decent, got that t shirt from the gig
>the waste won't play the terror shark this tour
I don't even care because they absolutely maxed out everything you can at OEF 19, fucking no one will top that shit
...yeah and there will be that retard george fisher saying the same stupid shit I've heard literally 15 years ago
Morbid Angel has no bad albums.
...and other retarded opinions held by posers
based captcha
>picking 1 song and ignoring the album
Morbid Angel has five (5) good albums.
>implying there are good songs on Ilud
Destructos vs the World or whatever it's called is catchy, I'll give it that.
>ignoring the album
As anyone with taste should
Blades for Baal and Existo Vulgore are the only two listenable songs on that album and even then they're overproduced and unremarkable
Alex webster is a good bassist
I'm going to open up a metal theme amusement park on top of an active volcano somewhere in Iceland
However, to keep it trve, it cannot be fun and -corefags will be shot on sight by snipers
What are some attractions for my theme park that will filter posers and women?
Not bait. 13 full-length studio albums, all ranging somewhere between good to great, except for the two duds at the beginning of the millennium, is a pretty consistent and much better track record than most bands
Gayicide never started making good albums to begin with
>Alex webster is a god bassist*
fixed that for you
cock and ball torture with every ride
Strength and Anger by Ildjarn plays on loop the entire time the park is open.
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Wrong. They have exactly 3 good albums, 3 ok albums, and 3 totally trash albums
Perfect setting of the mood for the gay orgy
Blessed are the Sick is overrated. Sounds generic compared to their other albums.
That's their finest album you turd sniffer
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>no band named Deathsimile
Perfect un-taken band name is mine.
Formulas is better.
Thanks, been looking for a killer band name. We're just finishing up our first demo. Will be sending off copies to labels in a couple weeks
Just use Deathmetaphor instead
By mid January I will have seen 12 of those bands live in less than a year
Rotting Christ are so painfully mid, I don't know why they have the huge cult following they do.
Yeah, that's just as good >:(
This band sucks.
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
In the alternate universe where you raped him in the butt
There's still Mortemsimile, It doesn't have the same rhythm but is etymologically correct.
What albums are you listening to?
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This band is coming to town and I'm listening to them trying to understand the appeal because I have a ticket to see them, but it just sounds like teenagey poser core shit to my ears. What am I missing?
I like Non Serviam but haven't listened to much of their other stuff
Nothing. People are only pretending to like them 'cause their old frontman died and they're trying to move on without him
It sounds like what it sounds like. I don't think it's much of an acquired taste. if you don't like it you don't like it.
you are a poser, end of story
They're just a melodeath band. Literally no core in their sound at all.
You're thinking of linkin park
their first 5 albums are corekino, they steadily fell off after that and then the original frontman (and only remaining original member) killed himself and now it's a zombie band being puppeteered so the other guys who were in the band when he died don't have to get a real job
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Verminous was their top 3
now post huge tits
I've heard all the early ones plus the one with the Greek title. Like they're okay, but they're more hit than miss in my opinion. The Greek titled one or Triarchy are my favourites.
you suck
It's accurate for both bands
>gauges and lip piercings
>short hair & emo hair
>Elvis sideburns
>baseball cap
>basketball wristband
They're definitely -core my dude
damn I forgot how many good albums came out this year
>music genre is decided by fashion
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Here's my favorite black metal band
>outfits equal genre
Yikes. I bet you think viking metal a real genre too.
superficial retard
Living Color is my favorite black metal band
>I bet you think viking metal a real genre too.
It's this https://youtu.be/XVrnhF50dx0
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Based. Here's mine
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For me it's the OG
Midwits. If Mayhem had dressed up in pink tutus and did gay dances while playing their music in the beginning do you think they would have ever been taken seriously? No, of course not. Genre and image are inextricably linked you low-iq posers.
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Wouldn't change the genre.
The step from genre-tied-to-image to genre=image is where the mistake was made, friend.
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>has to resort to wild hypothetical to deflect from outing himself as an image/fashion obsessed retarded fag
Wife material
How do I join a generic mid death metal band as their generic mid singer
Used to be Craigslist idk about now
Ask Glen Benton when he's retiring
Yes it would because if your image is gay, or poser like in the case of tbdm, your music inevitably comes out sounding gay or poser. It wouldn't sound exactly the same
Never said "=". I said linked
The wild hypothetical disproves your retarded reasoning, and I guarantee you look like a poser faggot. That's why you seethe so hard at anyone who considers image an important element of the overall art
when CC's vocalist kicks the bucket
>It wouldn't sound exactly the same
You serious, bro? Changing my t shirt changes how my riffs sound?
Listen to literally every single album that isn't this and verminous. Hell even Verminous has some good tracks but holy shit this album. Was Trevor writing all the riffs? And the solos? And doing the mixing? What the FUCK happened? There isn't a single memorable thing on any track, they all sound like the exact same boring mess of background chugging. Where's the melo in the death? Hell, where's the fucking DEATH? THE SINGER CAN'T EVEN GROWL. Like, it's so easy to tell because this band that's grieving their dead vocalist is now pushing their new singer to the absolute top of the mix drowning everything else out, there's no fucking grit or rasp in his voice, he's literally just tensing his throat and doing a cartoon monster voice.
Every single thing about this album is godless turbotrash and I am DISGUSTED by every fucking consoomer in every fucking youtube comment section absolutely GLAZING them for this amateurish deathcore dogshit. I will be ASHAMED to call bdm one of my favorite bands if they think a second round of this throwaway SLOP is acceptable. I cannot express how fucking hard this band has fallen. Because the singer died. In a band that's always been about catchy riffs and great solos. I dont even UNDERSTAND how it could be this bad.
>Yes it would because if your image is gay, or poser
No. it wouldn't. And only a poser would think so.
>Never said "="
If the genre changes with the clothes, your saying the genre = the clothes. And you did.
They've had unremarkable material before.
>he doesn't mic his shirt up
>In a band that's always been about catchy riffs and great solos
Yes. https://youtu.be/K0lhfICzWKI
kek. excellent bait, hats off to ye
Nocturnal is okay.
Some filler tracks and overuse of boring tremolo verses is NOTHING compared to this. There literally isn't a single redeeming moment aside from the 40 seconds of acoustic sections. A 40 minute album without a single good idea or well executed bad idea. Their first album without a SINGLE good song.
Verminous was their first album without a great song, even THAT had Oaken Stake and Wereworm's Feast. Hell, How Very Dead too! This has NOTHING
I was serious :c, i wanna do it at least once
learn to drum and we have a deal
Bands with drummers who also do vocals are pretty cool.
how am i supposed to wave my arm and do the claw if i'm drumming bro
very carefully.
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>On pace to go to 16 shows this year
LA/OC metal scene is growing
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Not too shabby so far
What kind of food and refreshments would be served as concession stands?
I'm thinking pic related but instead of cheesy mashed potatoes and gravy as a side, they'd be replaced with blood sausage and fish gut oil
No I'm saying if a person's appearance is that of a poser then there's something fundamentally un-metal about them that they might not be able to perceive themselves but that nonposers will detect, and no music they produce will sound authentic because they fundamentally don't get it and can't produce authentic sounding music. This is why TBDM still sounds core-ish even though they try to just be a MDM band. All the core and poser trash they've ingested inevitably seeps out into their sound
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AOTY right here, lads.
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I unironically like every album on this list. Some more than others. But all good imo
the new Deicide and Gatecreeper are good, didn't listen to the rest of that
England really did invent Black Metal
Meant for >>123802708
Sounds like a good title for the next Hate Eternal album amirite
Ride out the storm, no looking back
Stand up and fight, fight for glory
Live fast die young, you're born to run
Stand up and fight, fight for glory
imagine living in a gulf state or in tornado alley
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No moon healer?
Can they get Pat O'Brien back now?
Help your brother out, if any of you live near him.
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Bros, is Cavalera going to redo all of the classic albums? I just found out he did Schizophrenia. I thought it was just a one-time thing with Morbid Visions/Bestial Devastation.
Depends if you're a melody appreciator or not. Their sense of melody is pretty based
Why would you want him to make more classic Sepultura albums sound like current day Soulfly?
idk i cant bother listening to that shit
I've no interest in these recordings, but the live shows are not to be missed. "This is the fucking real Sepultura," shouts Max.
Could never get into Sepultura. I'm just full of contrarianism today aren't I. I do like metal I promise.
>AI can help me recreate The Hanging Gardens of Babylon and generate the labor costs, material costs, logistics and transportation costs, auxiliary expenses, as well as list and define the cultural, political, and religious influences I might take advantage of during the project and also hypothesized a 5-year plan accounting for potential challenges such as weather, transportation, and political instability (and how I might crush or control a peasant uprsing); gives me extremely detailed plans on transporting and caring for exotic plants imported from Medina, as well as installing hydraulic system, including chain pumps, buckets, and water conduits as the ancients would have done
>same AI gives me a warning that I violated the ToS when asking it to critically analyze the Holocaust

metal for this feel?
Me either. Always thought the 'War for territoryyyyyy' thing was cringe as well as Pantera and Machine Head. Preferred Slayer, Venom, Mercyful Fate, King Diamond.
Xentrix > The Whole "Big 4"
you are a massive faggot if you can't get down with beneath the remains or arise
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>we have Slayer at home
Beneath the Remains was alright to be fair. They got promoted way more than other bands though, when they weren't as good.
>we have slayer with competent solos and better riffs at home
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>been to 108 shows this year
>most likely going to end up at 140+
Step it up, Commiefornia
Necrofier is the American Dissection
Now you know who's running that AI
>Job For A Gayboy
I've never listened to this band but I can already tell they suck balls just from the stupid band name
>140 shows a year
>isn't in a band

The eternal NPC
>Gigachuds make an album called “Of Aryan Blood and White Power”
>It’s awesome
tell the 216 roofer story
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What an amazing painting
>created the same year Hitler was born
What's the best album on this list? I need something new to listen to
Of course it's the almighty DEICIDE
Ok I'll give Sepultura another chance.
I haven't met a person that used the term poser unironically and had regular sex
Meh. They're a 1 album wonder. Better than the others besides Slayer though, but that's not saying much
I haven't met a person that has regular sex and knows anything about real metal.
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tfw it finally clicked
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For me it's this masterpiece
Metal music theory is the only youtube channel about metal.
tied with crust punk and juggaloshit for being the stinkiest genre
honestly they should just make a genre called 'shitshit' or something which is literally just audio of somebody shitting
That exists already, it's called Anthrax
Would still be better then Bolt Thrower
can someone help me find this band
its i think melodic/classic skandinavian sound, the cover is blue and features an evil demon face in the clouds and beneath is some forest or something

i think the band was named Night- something and they have an album released a long time a god and this one is from last 2 years
Would female shit sounds be more pleasant that male shit sounds?
more like Analthrax
holy shit i know what you're on about.

genuinely hope this gets found it was really good
The opposite in fact. Have you ever been inside a really nasty women's washroom?
funnily enough no kek. why were you in a women's washroom anon?
>Have you ever been inside a really nasty women's washroom?
story time anon
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Dark Funeral was so great with Emperor Magus Caligula. I want to like the new albums but I can't stand that pony-tail dork.
Do you ever share your Bandcamp purchases with your frends?
Not me but my mom and sister have told me some horror stories. They would put the worst of the men's rooms to shame. Like blood and shit on the walls and ceiling.
>blood and shit on the walls and ceiling
what the actual fuck
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found it

The singer of Hatebeak shits all over the place cause he is a bird.
I like the newer albums but yea the vocals aren't hateful enough anymore
holy fucking shit the singer is actually a bird. for the longest time i genuinely thought it was just some crazy filter or something. thats fucking rad
bro how could you not know lmao
i've never listened to them sober to be fair so i think i can be forgiven
>i've never listened to them sober
kek based
based record
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Varg is gay and has AIDS.
Varg is straight and has cancer.
Ass cancer.
Varg is a pansexual forest spirit
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This shit really worth 80 bucks to see or should I pass?
Varg literally killed someone.
and has AIDS.
From the AIDS he gave him.
There will always be the 45th, and then 50th anniversary tour.
>dream theater concert
you'd get a lighter sentence for murder
Varg needs to repent of his sins and find Jesus.
That's what's called "bug chasing."
more like Meme Theater
he orced-out
How? The chaotic parts are incomprehensible to me
What are some good sludge metal albums? I never really checked out this subgenre before
Hey, my favorite album.
Acid Bath - When the Kite String Pops
ISIS - Oceanic

Nothing else is true sludge
Eyehategod - Dopesick
Fudge Tunnel - Hate Songs in E Minor
Hey, your shit taste.
Kinda gay desu.
Really? Based.
first grief album. the musical form of hitting rock bottom.
>Morbid Angel
Beloved here.
Hated here. Spat upon.
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This would be good but the cringe anime style vocals FUCKING ruin it.
Buzzoven - At a Loss
Brainoil - s/t
Crowbar - Odd Fellows Rest
Soilent Green - Sewn Mouth Secrets
Cavity - Supercollider
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>t.greg balls

Also correct.
Song of the Year.

>Burzum (NEW)
What did he mean by this?
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What is the greatest black metal song and why is it "The Majesty of the Nightsky" by Emperor?
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I appreciate the fact that we all have unique, different tastes in metal :)
My taste is better than yours.
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This is sick: https://nirriti.bandcamp.com/album/asuryasparsha-2
No u
Varg (New) killed Varg (Old)
>What is the greatest black metal song
It's actually Det Som Engang Var from the album Hvis Lyset Tar Oss by Burzum.
Objectively correct.
Jute Gyte
the title track is actually a better black metal song, but that one is a better song in general, if that makes sense.
In self defense?
A nobody. No one cares about him.
A celebrity in this general. His works are celebrated here.
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Is this the peak of bean death metal?
Yes, but with AIDS
Too obvious to be considered good b8.
Most people don't have a it click
Adam Kalmbach gets a DsO invitation.
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>doesnt include any of the amazing bdm thats come out
Correct, based, loved and respected here.
such as?
the list goes on
Unironically some of the best metal I've heard in a long time

kek did they just combine all of the Warlords of Draenor into one character
Stinky. Death metal was perfect the way it was. Why they gotta fuck it up with all the subsubgenre shit
why is black metal so gay?
>Varg Vikernes on Anon's demo, direct quotation:
>"I don't like it. Never lsitened to it."
Anon's demo bros, how do we recover from this?
It's an AI generated metal band. No joke
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Holy shit this shit bangin
Anon is Brazilian, there is no recovering from that
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>i will keep listening to this album until it clicks
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I am a melodeath enjoyer
What's the best Christian metal?
Black sabbath
Kys poser
Demon Hunter, Underoath, Living Sacrifice, Becoming the Archetype, Soul Embraced. I've heard Zao are good but I've never checked them out.
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Wtf kinda production is this. The drums sounds skibidi af
poser trash/not metal
I can verify that all of these are objectively metal.
Zao is great. Blood and Fire rips. They were really only a Christian band on the first couple of records.
Listen to this you fags. It's heavy as all fuck.
>Snore metal
Not listening!
It's Vedic themed black/death/noise. For fans of Tetragrammacide and the like.
First post in lierally 10 years and suffo is still the best band
Dmshareguy, is that you...?
no, but I am old as fuck
This shit just made me really sad
It's the metal AOTY for a reason.
fucking MOGS all black metal albums this year
>when you can;t find that song so you settle for some gridlink
its kind of intenseI guess
>Snorre metal
>First post in lierally 10 years
>and suffo is still the best band
Incorrect. Morbid Angel reigns supreme.
i dont want anything to do with India, musically, or otherwise.
traditional Indian music is good
Graham Bonnet metal
Suffo is a lot more consistent and Pierced and Effigy easily mog anything in Morbid's catalog
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I actually don't care for MA that much desu. they were great musicians who picked up on a trend and made some killer songs. But their 'visionary' status is much over stated. It was big retard Glen who really innovated, dumb as he was
>Pierced and Effigy
Overrated. Don't like it. Never lsitened to it.
trips of tourism
Slayer literally introduced me to how hard metal can go
Pierced is the best dm album. Same as Godfather II or whatever. Even if you don't like it, it's just the best example
100% correct
This but Linkin Park
Does anyone else feel a kind of eternal, sucking resentment that Chuck got so much credit? He literally happened to be around at the right time and not even make anything THAT good but people are forever more like
if you want heroes go listen to rock, this fag was nothing
>muh Italian mob movies
Do people really like these? I thought boomers only liked them because Jews told them to.
yes we are all seething about someone who died a quarter century ago
ah sound glad it's not just me
Not really. But we do make fun of him here and recognize that his influence and importance pales in comparison to someone like Trey.
>and not even make anything THAT good
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How about narrative metal?
pls name 1 song from chuck that is good death metal and not just good 'hotel california' nostalgia wank for old casuals
>bearing in mind I quite like all of Death's output
early death is still some of the best dm ever
Flattening of Emotions.
Chuck's boyfriend at the time wrote that album.
Damn I didn't know death metal sucked so bad
c'mon bro as proto-death goes compare this to Chuck's stuff


and I'll openly admit americans did it better overall so it's not sour grapes. just have some taste ffs
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NEW: >>123807869
bagpipe riffs
I knew he was a pedophile, I didn't know he also had a moustache.

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