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Chuck Schuldiner edition
OLD: >>123800720
FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
he looks like he gets fucked in the ass
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Chuck is olev
>brutal death reigns supreme
chuck gave varg aids by prolapsing his anus.
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What are you fucking blasting?
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None So Homo
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what is the name of this phenotype and why do I want to punch them so much?
Sami blood.
Varg is gay and has AIDS.
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Taylor Schuldiner Swift edition.
AIDS edition
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Greatest black metal album of all time.
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how much longer are you going to keep pretending to like metal for? it's time to grow up
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Ignore him, Hes a fat ugly filthy subhuman non verbal autistic 5.2 mexican that can easily be mistaken for a child if you only saw the back of his head, when he Reveals is disgusting visage all you can see is a protruding pouch-mouth alonge with his with souless pitch black brainwashed eyes, (which of course comes along with exposed mongoloid eyelids to cap it all off)
dead genre
dead had nothing to do with it, im glad that retard kys'd
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>Marilyn Manson shirt
Absolutely disgusting
[spoiler]outward appearance is only a fraction of your perception of yourself, she most likely still listens to """metal"""[/spoiler]
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Popped up in my feed, not my normal kinda stuff but I dig it. Tasty solos.
You faggots said this was bad

J-Dawg back with another goddamn post. What the fuck is up with these BOZOS over on /mu/? I thought the Sponge Dawg shit was embarrassing but HOLY SHIT the canoes on that board take it to a whole 'nother level.
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My bad
one look at this and I already know it's going to be unlistenable garbage. you don't belong in this thread. leave the hall
Its metal its all shit
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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Al llegar a la epoca de la banda
Asaltantes habian elaborado ya
Las siguientes posibilidades
Primero: Dios no existe
Segundo: Dios existe y es un canalla
Tercero: Dios pero a veces duerme
Sus pesadillas son nuestra existencia
Cuarto: Dios existe, pero tiene accesos de locura
Esos accesos son nuestra existencia
Quinto: Dios no es omnipresente, no puede estar en todas partes
A veces está ausente en otros mundos, en otras cosas
Sexto: Dios es un pobre diablo
Con un problema demasiado complicado para sus fuerzas
Lucha con la materia, como un artista con su obra
Algunas veces, en algun momento, logra hacer joyas
Pero generalmente es un desastre
Septimo: Dios fue derrotado antes de la historia
Por el principe de las tinieblas
Y derrotado convertido en presunto diablo
Es doblemente desprestigiado
Puesto que se le atribuye este universo calamitoso
>he's still shilling that mid-ass semi-deathcore band
>tranmie pic

oof it just keeps getting worse with you.
and those fucking vocals! jesus fucking christ how can anyone stand that shit? I'll grant the music is tight and heavy but all good faith is lost with those horrendous vocals. even though growls were dogshit.

if you can't instantly identify and differentiate false metal vocals then you're a poser and aren't a true metal fan.

its their best album, i say this is good all the time.
I can't understand people who like black metal
It's a pile of boring cringe fucking shit filled with retards
But I still like it.
This except death metal
Black metal is actually pretty cool
Death metal is peak metal while black is budget crust punk
Fitting how it's called black metal because literally everything in it is stolen and the retards who laid down the foundations couldn't stop denying that they stole everything
Absolutely hilarious
Never post that again here
Holy fuck the vocalist is certifiably insane
The guy from Full of Hell is way crazier than this.
Death metal is pretty shit and boring while Blck metal has nothing to do with punk and is the logical conclusion of metal, merging elements of ambience, folk and classical into one dark substance, it reigns supreme.
I wish more bands mixed and matched styles like this while keeping a consistent atmosphere
But I still like it.
Got a video of it? I wanna see
Albert Fish was a lying sack of sh!t, and we need more serial killers that take out the trash.
Finally, a fucking based edition for once.
lets go

Great album
loved it when it came out, not sure if I'd like it as much now
What are your Sunday plans bros
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sitting home, listening to bm all day and working for a side hustle
it's raining outside so I'm excited not to go out and just blast bm whole day
Thoughts on Curta'n Wall?
I discovered him with his split with Fugitive Wizard but listening to his big album I thought it was cringe, me living in a real authentic European medieval town and him from Burgertown, America... like fuck off with your gay larping.
And then trying his album again now I think he actually gets it. This is it. This is better than what Europeans can come up with in 2024.
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Stuff like that Crocodile Moat EP has charm for sure, but I much prefer his other projects like Bloody Keep. Overall its fine though
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
>Bloody Keep
>Rats of Black Death
>"The Beast of Gévaudan"
Oh wow, a song about a Vosgian folk tale. This guy is an honorary Eurochad for sure.
That chud from burzum
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I listen to metal but look like the male equivalent of the last picture. Has nothing to do with growing up. What do you listen to, mister "grown up"?
ur mom
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That The Body & Dis Fig album is probably my metal AOTY
I binged the discographies of all his projects this year and enjoyed them immensly
anon we discuss metal here
thanks, I'll stay clear of that shit from now on
daily reminder that Deathspell Omega is a Christian band.
hey bros, does CC, MW or immolation has any cool merch on this tour? not really fond of immolation but I like their logo so I'd buy a t-shirt with some cool artwork #notaposer
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>get the Lord on your side
>become better
many such cases
Sanguinary Consummation is gud, but they really love to bang their ringing bell chime singing bowl, don't they?
The bass tone on this is great, and there's enough variety to keep me interested throughout. Great release for 2024 standards.
Priest, Judas
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i am disappointed tb h, I liked their first album more. it starts off great (Idée Fixe especially) but then it falls into the pit of generic melodicism and doesn't leave it much. still a good release though
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thoughts on Myrkur?
Excessively mid ulver worship
damn, this general is full of life
been braindead for a long time
Started reading Music theory for dummies
My first demo is incoming
>Chuck Schuldiner - Cause of death: pneumonia
>Freddie Mercury - Cause of death: pneumonia
Morbid Angel - Blessed are the Sick
how long has it been dead?
this but the exact opposite
Listen to Morbid Angel all day.
2010 was metal's last breath.
Piano has no vibrato and no sustain therefore it sucks.
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What albums do you have to listen to several times in order for them to click?
Which song?
Any black metal song
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This song is basically perfect
>tfw I don't have enough muscle to play the guitar
it's over
Gibson mahogany too heavy for you?
Cattle Decapitation - Forced Gender Reassignment
That's okay, you don't need muscles testosterone or guitar skill to play black metal
I don't have any of those and still I have no demo. It's over.
Possessed - Seven Churches
do any of you faggots actually make music?
I came up with a few chords on my Oberheim OB-X softsynth the other day.
i'm a consumer
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Uhhh, metalbros? My spotify isn't working.
Uhh, workingbros? My spotify isn't metal
Immolation - Close to a World Below
Saliva - Every Six Seconds
Youtube disabled a bunch of songs because a contract expired and is yet to be renewed.
e.g. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AINHDstO_w
source: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41684645
>look up the tab for Blitzkrieg bop
>lmao this shit is easy
>can't even figure out how to finger the first two fucking chords without breaking my fingers
Didn't you say Jesus was coming?
No need for those.
Power metal ist krieg.
brutal slamming death metal
So similar:
Both are gay,yes
Immolation, Morbid Angel, the list goes on...
Today I daydreamed of a husband. No joke.
Will he accept you despite the fact that you never shower?
He took me away to paradise.
Anyone know any melodic death metal like this? I personally really like the girls singing in this
Sounds exactly like Anaal Nathrakh.
chopping off your genitals is pretty fucking metal when you think about it

I'm thinking some DSBM
>band only has a couple albums worth listening to
eunuchs(unix) and dnd, everyone's favorite
triggered drums ruined metal
>chopping off your genitals is pretty fucking metal when you think about it
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Thrashdads ganging up on some BM twink
mental illness and suffering that's so bad you end up mutilating your dick, then killing yourself?
that's pretty brutal. perfect subject for DSBM or brutal death lyrics tbqh
I started dressing in black clothes with leather and skulls just over a year ago, although I've been a life long Metal fan. At some point I figured life was too short to wear jeans and hoodies forever.
>Start dungeon synth project
>Start adding real guitar parts
>Decide that I want to play "crossover dungeon synth / doom metal"
>Can barely play rhythm guitar
>Now I have multiple unfinished tracks because I can't actually play the shit I write
>Keep going back and replacing synth sections (aka the only proficient parts) with guitar because they feel out of place
>Everything sounds worse and worse and worse
>Album never ever
I tried going to a hardcore show last night (not my scene but there were a couple death metal bands in the lineup) and I got my shit fucking rocked by some great big fat man. Today my head still hurts. I'm going to pick mushrooms in the woods with my mother and drink coffee. No appetite for any more action.
>>Decide that I want to play "crossover dungeon synth / doom metal"
I want to play crossover power metal/black metal/country music
so much of Dungeon Synth sounds like it belongs in Ocarina of Time.
The instruments do sound a bit like them, I don't like the vocals though
Compositions in OoT are in a different league than dungeon synth which actually belongs in early 90's budget cRPGs
Chuck was zesty

I want to start dressing in the colder seasons like Morris Day at 0:16. I always loved those kind of coats.
I am zesty.
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is this dungeon synth?
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This is like Rebaelliun with more black metal influence
would you have bummed Chuck?
first cold day of the year
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>holy hecking satan, is that an upside down cross?? epic :o
can't wait to get shitass drunk in our regular shitty pub while wearing a suit & tie among the plebs
I will be so fucking based bros
drop the metalhead look, it's cringe af
>I got my shit fucking rocked by some great big fat man
Not the first time I've heard about anonymous gay sex at a hardcore show. Fucking disgusting.
the ankewyu tribe plays metal
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Post your top 5 favorite death metal albums! All subgenres welcome! Here are mine (in no particular order):

None so Vile - Cryptopsy
Luster of Pandemonium - Crimson Massacre
Last One on Earth - Asphyx
Formulas Fatal to the Flesh - Morbid Angel
Ritual - The Black Dahlia Murder
fukk you
holy fuck I just checked the prices for getting a fitted suit
what the actual fuck, what the fuck is so expensive about this?
>Ritual - The Black Dahlia Murder
>Formulas Fatal to the Flesh - Morbid Angel
>Luster of Pandemonium - Crimson Massacre
I'll just list the ones I've listened to the most
>The black dahlia murder - Nocturnal
>Entombed - Left hand path
>Unleashed - Where no life dwells
>Cannibal corpse - The bleeding
>Cannabis corpse - Tube of the resinated
OK, Akercocke.
5 Morbid Angel albums.
holy cringe lmao
yass trannysister
answer my question you assholes
>the only person not to name the meme band
>None so Vile - Cryptopsy
this is just peak performance death metal tbqh. perfect
>t. poser
TBDM reign supreme whether your low test body likes it or not
Martin Eric Ain
Good question, Sam!
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The metal tier:
Trad, Death, Thrash, Doom, Speed
Sludge, Metalcore, every other weird shit
Black, anything atmospheric
Objective metal tier list:
>power, pagan black, metalcore, screamo-cringe, pkcore
>proggy trash like vektor (someone once told me to calm down)
>death metal, thrash
stick to getting fucked in the ass brah brah
What's wrong, friend?
Not him but I will tell yuou: someone is bullying me in /classical/.
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For me, it's blackened metalcore screamo-cringe
Luster of Pandemonium
Like an Ever Flowing Stream
Slumber of Sullen Eyes
Bless Are the Sick
Marilyn Manson has the best discography of any mucisian
>shit taste and can't even count
but of course
See >>123812265
>awesome taste you can't even make up your mind
but of course
pretty funny that Tony talked shit about Cannibal corpse not letting people stage dive at OEF and now they are touring together
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fuck you poser
You really are a brainlet
Slowly We Rot
Cause of Death
Altars of Madness
Blessed are the Sick
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Just looked at the band pic of CC on metal archives. Disregarding that Fisher wears a t-shirt a size of a fucking tent, what the fuck is THAT (pic related)?!
BASED Florida man
says the retard
same poster
>no u
>OSDMshitter can't even count to 5
I see the dementia is setting in
Guess I have to spell it out for you
WE *clap* LOVE *clap* THE *clap* BLACK *clap* DAHLIA *clap* MURDER *clap* HERE *clap* YOU *clap* FAGGOT *clap* *clap* *clap*
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Everyone point and laugh
It's a Top Six now deal with it nerd
>check out my level 2 paint skills dood
The people crying about Florida, osdm, and TBDM have yet to post their own top 5. Curious.
>want to do a Mudoven cover for shits and giggles as the last song on my album
>would get cancelled and black listed immediately even before I make it
Job For a Cowboy - Demonocracy
Shadow of Intent - Primordial
Whitechapel - This Is Exile
Devourment - Obscene Majesty
AngelMaker - Dissentient

What now, bitch?
Now I kneel and am forced to admit your superiority, king.
We love deathcore here.


>learnt the first 2 riffs properly and cleanly
>an anon said I wouldn't be able to
>proven him wrong
Thnx, now we know it's core posers shitting on florida dm
>t. poser
thoughts on new dahlia album?
No thoughts, we try not to think here
Someone posted a long angry post about it yesterday and I'm inclined to agree with his disappointment.
acquired taste is the best taste
Remember to listen to classic albums first before moving on to newer stuff.
Still haven't listened. Same goes for the new Unto others but others called it shit so I'm not really keen on doing it. Strength was way worse than Mana anyway.
An asshole form /classical/ kept trolling me and it made me very upset.
I'm listening to Negru's old favorite now.
Finally something worthwhile posted in these threads
kek. babby need pacifier now
Really? I really liked it, just sad it's very short. Obviously it's incredibly different to their old material but i wouldn't call it "slop."
Pacify me.
I might need another listen. But after two full listens, I can't get into it and I say that as a massive fan ever since Deflorate came out.
Reminder: The girlfriend of The Black Dahlia Murder's Trevor Strnad was a sex worker. He performed with her in a livestream, where she pegged him, and he sucked on dildos. He was dick-shamed and ridiculed online, leading to his suicide.
If only I had enough testosterone to make something like it......
I'm listening to it for the first time now and even though I was a huge black dahlia fan back in during their first 5 albums the last 5 albums all blend together for me. They are all solid just not as memorable.

The new one holds up so far though. Brian always had the final say in the songwriting anyways so I'm not that surprised the songs don't sound too different without Trevor.
>in today's episode of things that never happened
Hit my dick while playing drums again. It hurt so fucking much, nigga.
I have the most Dahlia street cred here and I still haven't listened to the new album. I shall decide on whether it's good or not in the following days.
Sample dick-as-drumstick. Perhaps a meaty sound?
Synarchy and Popcletus
being a metalfag is just cope because you can't afford to dress nicely and/or have absolutely zero taste
i show up to your mom's house in sandals and a tshirt
And yet I'm still cooler and more respected than you and whenever your mom sees me I make her feel young again
>afford to dress nicely
but I wear both nice normie clothes and ''metal'' clothes
Correct and we love him for that
no way, so you are that loser she keeps heeming
me and chuck have the same hairline but sadly I was born with that hairline, imagine being born a norwood.
you can stop replying to me, sweaty
This holds up
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Chuck! is timeless
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Got confused for a second thinking this was a new album, but it turns out it's their debut which I've somehow completely missed. BUT, they did release a new album this year after Sabbaoth and their guitarist died died.
holy shit
Best Deicide album?
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Finally, some good fucking metal
It is perfectly fine to listen to the s/t, Legion, and nothing else. Pick which of the first two as your favorite. Some people will say Stench of Redemption or Serpents of the Light, but they are wrong.
looks like a Negru album. Pass
vital remains is like deicide but the songs last 8 minutes instead of 4 which is not a bad thing at all, glen benton truly is a gentleman and a scholar
Negru's a fag, but blackened speed reigns supreme
Glen Benton sleeps with women without telling them he has AIDS
not illegal in California
>8 minutes instead of 4
>just play the song twice, bro!
All of their songs could get edited down.
>>just play the song twice, bro!
but they're great songs so no problem
Morbid Angel > Deicide
first, how is this a question? classic after classic
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Black metal.
looks like a goddamn liturgy album cover
ultra based
wish I could sleep with women desu
David Vincent was more scholarly
I love Judas Priest so fucking much bros
ever had the feeling you wish you could fuck music?
All you need is a working car with a trunk an a blackjack
Guys I haven't posted in like 2 months
Is the general good now?
Wouldn't that be gay tho?
>Is the general good now?
lmao even
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I sorted out my CD/vinyl collection and found this randomly. Never ordered it, I think it came free with something else.
It's pretentious and quite shit. It's giving me Chat Pile vibes which is not a compliment, with its just boring drum riff and spoken word vocals.
>Hector gone
>Hector Jr. still here
>Negru back
>Krvsty back
Benton is one of the musicians ever
Honestly worth the tradeoff
Thank you for your insight.
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Krvsty actually gives me not-shit recs occasionally
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myspace revival bdm
Cannibal Corpse (feat. Glen Benton)
Fine, I'll listen to this since it gets posted every thread.

We can dream
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>he dresses up like KISS and grabs his friends' wieners innawoods
>he goes to the public library to translate edgy phrases into Latin
>he growls and screeches like an autistic retard but tells people it's supposed to sound "eeeeeeevil"
>he thinks listening to XTREEM metal music makes him a brooding dark badass like Guts even though Guts prefers ambient and J-rock
Absolutely fucking embarrassing to be brainwashed by teenagers and manchildren
When I listen to TRUE METAL (trad, death, thrash, speed) I imagine I'm Doomguy blasting BMfags into bloody paste which is still edgy as fuck but violence against Satan's whores a an acceptable measure
Based if true
>We can dream
It happened
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smile jannie
I always did think that the lyrics on that song were uncharacteristic for CC/Barnes. Makes sense that the "God is le dumb" lyrics has Benton on it.
I'M really glad they fired the fucker who was responsible for cutting the Judas priest video clips for Firepower because the adhd way of cutting every fucking 0.2 seconds is absolutely nauseating to watch.
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>nooooooooooo you can't just reply to the post even when it's deleted nooo
Fucking jannies kek
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this makes the bmcel cover in fear
how new are you, faggot?
I've been on a 4...5? I can't even remember, long bender again and it's hindering my progress on the guitar but I just can't stop. Help?
Absolutely based
2/3 of that post is your sick fantasy
If you can't remember it sounds like you need another drink to kickstart the brain, dummy

just checked it on snopes and it's a 100% true
Blackened screamo is my favorite zoomer genre
genuine question, why are there so many kpop threads
It's that simple
Good for you. Just wear whatever you want. I don't feel like I need to wear typical metal scene clothes
Literal bots. I've checked the kpop thread before and it was mostly webms with a throwaway sentence in the post at best.
Just because he was fat, ugly and useless doesn't mean he didn't have a girlfriend. Cope.
Are there? I literally never browse /mu/

Even they've dropped the suit nonsense. Been to see them every time they've toured since they reformed tho, fucking excellent band.

The side project, Voices, is worth checking too.


Went to see them on thursday, £35 a shirt, and the designs were pretty boring, imo.

The best I ever saw Deicide play was the tour where Benton couldn't leave the States so Asheim got a Polish dude off the support band to stand in for him for the whole EU part of the tour.
>David Vincent

Second least pleasant member of Morbid Angel, lol. Met them when GF's band supported them years back, the only one that wasn't a total weirdo or arsehole was Thor from Zyklon who was filling in on guitar. Sandoval was the worst, Trey just standoffish and didn't want to interact with anyone not in the band, unsurprising for an obvious Autie who lives with his mum at 50(?).....
That's a (You) thing. Trey interacted with you GF's mouth.
this is actually so fucking good, you have anything more like this?
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nothing else comes close to this, sorry

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