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RABM edition!
old: >>123888357
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total core victory
racist metal is generally bad as music first
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This is the thread
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Famine was gang raped in Ukraine by the TCC. Real fact. Perps are in the background of this video.
Benton, Glen
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
norseshitter btfo
Burzum NUEVO
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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Bros please I NEED more doom metal like this
Side note that got deleted with the other thread. I hate dogs on the beach. If they run up to me and are aggressive, I will defend myself, and the dog or the nutter owner won't like it.
Pan.Thy.Monium is the GOAT
you're listening to the wrong racist metal then desu
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Famine and Neige, my beloveds. I ship them!!! <33
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Who would be the top?
Enslaved - Eld is peak ice cream truck worship
neige is the most beautiful french woman fr no cap
my behateds
holy shit stop posting that cringe Neige pic
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All heavier than Reign In Blood.

All came out before.
All diapershit.
Bathory s/t is almost as close to Venom as SNM is. Not heavier.
>dude this was the heaviest album EVER in 1986
>what about these from 1984?
I hate the narrative around Reign In Blood.
what's next, nightwish is heavy?
>the narrative around Reign in Blood
all you have to do is not read the stuff Rick Rubin says and not be autistic and you wouldn't have this frustration
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All heavier than Reign In Blood.

All came out before.
You ignored Hell Awaits which was the darkest and heaviest thing upon release.
Every documentary is like
>Reign In Blood is where things REALLY got extreme, man.
>It wasn’t quite “death metal” but it was like, the next step towards it
That simply isn’t true when Seven Churches came out the previous year lmao
>Every documentary
Why are you using documentaries made by an ingroup of people up their own ass to gauge what people generally think? I've never seen anyone say RiB was the heaviest record to drop when it did, at least not outside of a context relative to the rest of the mainstream thrash bands at the time.
In the gay diaper department, maybe
Neige represents the peak of masculinity in metal community
In an alternate universe, Euronymous survived and black metal became big worldwide, and society benefited bigly as a result. No more would the normies settle for what their corrupt leaders told them, or fight over trivial issues. It would only be the truth. Also UFO tech was released, cause black metal became too big in all countries, that they couldn't hide it anymore from people calling them out. This is what should happen in the future, and I'll do my bit for that.
nah thats you
Any recs for prog metal that isn't fucking lame as hell? Or at least doesn't overstay it's welcome? I WANT to like Thy Catafalque, but his albums feel like they never fucking end. I do not want any sporkcore or circus metal either.
Borknagar is excellent. Almost any album, but I suggest starting from the first. It gets more prog on the second album, and True North is usually everyone's favorite
Night Verses
I'm familiar, but never given them a proper listen. Now is the time.
A rock band?
progressive black thrash
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6JpxDebokM \\m//
>progressive black thrash
Actually if you just want prog listen to True North but early albums are worth a shot if you like standard BM with good songwriting, desu they're probably my favorite
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what the fuck are you BLASTING
Raw sound and abrasiveness isn’t heavy though. By that logic all noise music mogs metal music. Reign In Blood is far more aggressive, lean, punchier which leads to its reputation.
This is a common axiom rooted in the modern Western liberal idea that "racism" is the absolute greatest and most uniquely irrational evil and therefore could never inspire great art.
It's completely wrong.
Any strong feeling can inspire art
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this album is insanely good and i'm enjoying it immensely
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Why'd this guy never pop off the way polyphia did?
his music is much better
Maybe not the most perfect comparison, but this reminds me of a more restrained Dodheimsgard. I'm digging it so far.
'Racism' is just how the rich divide and conquer, so people in general don't turn their attention to them.
>invents the genre
>gets a signature guitar
Stupid zoomer. Rawness and abdasivness ARE heavy, and "heavy" isn't automatically "better".
Noise is neither aggressive or metal
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Yeah, but it's 4chan. Just sayin'
They love divide and conquer, and it happens in metal also. Chainsaw Charlie and freemason types. It won't benefit the majority. It benefits their secret societies.
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I'm going to ruin it for you
the america we were promised no longer exists
And their bank balance, especially if they bought oil at a lower price a couple of weeks ago for example.
Everyone should call them out. It's sad, but if everyone does their bit, the truth always wins.
>I'm going to ruin it for you
sad that you'd think that, have a (you)
But noise music is inherently more raw and abrasive than the rawest, noisiest metal. Heavy absolutely isn’t better, but to pretend those four albums that guy posted already did what RIB did is a failure of understanding RIB’s impact and what fundamentally makes Metal “heavy”.
>doesn’t know mog has been used on 4chan for years before zoomers adopted it
I can definitely see the lack of experience and knowledge from here lmao
nothing to be done
Not following gender norms is integral to metal.
Nice. Good stuff here also:
Correct, which is why I let my gf peg me
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Recommeded bigly
I don't care. Noise is not metal.
>makes Metal “heavy”.
It is the distortion. Ever since Black Sabbath. The more distorted and rawness, the heavier, simple as.
>doesn’t know mog has been used on 4chan for years
Not sure in what shape or form is this related to what I said but okay gayboy
Love this also:
Great stuff! \\m//
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I never said noise is music, are fucking dumb or trolling?
>Sabbath distortion
But Sabbath weren’t even the most distorted band of their time. The Stooges, TVU on White Light White Heat, Les Rallizes Denudes, Destroy All Monsters, and Lou Reed in MMM were all more distorted. Noisy, abrasive is the realm of noise music, not heavy metal.
>muh basedboy
You tried to greentext me on saying I am a zoomer on mogs. But this whole text chain shows how dumb and stupid you are on every possible level.
Not the worst, but this stuff isn't something I'd add to my playlist :)
i love ska
>the shape of noise to come
What does this mean
I'm blasting this atm \\m//
Chainsaw Charlie is what I think of when I see RHCP version. Never was much into RHCP, but people I know like them. Each to their own :)
I hate Napalm for censoring the 'bad words' on this song also. It ruins it.
This version is the proper one.
Have a good one peeps. Good chat. I'm drunk af, and need my sleeps :) See ya next time.
>Forever Underground
their best album imo
Can't sleep. Fuck the gatekeepers. Don't be a sheep. Be a wolf. Until next time :)
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>MA artist picture is a mugshot
trve as fvck
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It's a reference to the avant garde jazz album, "the shape of jazz to come"
A title so ballsy I'm not surprised ot gwts parodied a lot
They're both a reference to the phrase "the shape of things to come"
pretty based desu
>Aryanwulf discog is a dozen splits and a few compilations
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He who refuses to take part in modern mediocrity will forever stand alone, an outcast. He is the bringer of change, changes that instill fear in all who go with fashion's flow. Their power comes from others, not from within. They are false! Woe unto them for the bringers of change have banded together. The time is now! We cannot be stopped! We are riding up, riding hard on the will of the people.
The battle rages-Choose your side
Fighting the World
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Born to pain but never again, no
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what do I think of this album /metal/?
I remember these guys and they were genuinely pretty good. Been years though. 2010s Classic.
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They're sex crazed abusers, just like all RABM "artists".
>spreads unsourced claims as true fact
sure bud
Based Iskraguy offending chudcel moralfags
I can find whispering of it but nothing definitive. Seems like you might sadly be right though. Anarchist or Red or not they were a cool band in high-school. Didn't want to hear they were accused of rape by anyone. Not sure if this ever went to court (seems unlikely) but I'm going to guess it happened because they still broke up and it seems like multiple sources are saying this.
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Completely mogs the new Blood Incantation.
Uh huh,okay.
The production is definitely a step up but this band is still missing something, at least on record. Really enjoyed them when I saw them live though.
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In my opinion most of the straight up NSBM is pretty cringe ie Goatmoon. Just kinda shitty music and the nazi satanist larp makes it even worse. They obviously have no understanding of Nazism because they are basically using it as an analogy for misanthropy. But BM with pro-European or Pagan themes like Drudkh is based as fuck.
Hohol metal is awful and Ukraine is not a real country
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>shitty music
In my opinion, your opinion is pretty cringe.
I hate that this video is filmed like a nigger rap video
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That's probably because they know it's career suicide and they've spent a lot of time on the musical aspect. Loved Drudkh in high-school aswell lol. Definetely some subtext here and there.
how do you know this?
I would listen to it, but sadly I have no idea what that's suppose to say.
>zoomer doesnt know how to reverse image search
I know how to do it, it just involves 2 more steps than I'm willing to do.
the album title under the band logo is perfectly legible brother
it's standard practice for the TCC, and strong men like Famine are even susceptible to this anyways. research the Kevin Nash 92 incident.
What about THC?
you are a nigger
I'm not from Ukraine?
you are from africa
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listen to Arkona
Yes, but the good one from Poland.
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Very good.
black metal is gay and boring kek it do be like that tho
Terrible post. You suck!
Metal has become so boring and unsophisticated.
I can only enjoy classical music.
I'm a subhuman mexican who has gay ERP sessions with brazilian trannies on /int/ btw
It was never sophisticated, pseud.
>scroll through whole thread
>no cute cat posts
i'm out
shut the fuck up faggot
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i know i said i'm out but i'm actually really upset about it will you hug me fren
>boring and unsophisticated
>I can only enjoy classical music
You're aware classical was the pop music of its day, right?
Obscure folk music played in rural areas about plowing the land (and the lord's wife) was the trve patrician shit
Other way around champ.
Classical was for the wealthy class (patricians)
Folk was for the commoners (pleb), the role taken by pop music when it could be recorded and manufactured for mass market.
Morbid Angel
What do your initials stand for?
Worshiped here
Seven Churches mogs all of those.
Reign In Blood has only two (2) good songs. The rest is filler.
I prefer NS bands to be a bit more subtle than this.
Correct. The definition of mid.
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>discover one alcest song
>"damn, this is good"
>listen the rest of the albums
>"damn, this is great, where could I find more music like this?"
>discover the genre is called "black gays"
>search for more black gays
>they all sound nothing like alcest except for the few bands that are related to neige himself
is there anything you don't hate?
Bjorn "Speed" Strid
Me mum :)

good heavy metal song

Good songs on RiB:
Angel of Death
Altar of Sacrifice
Raining Blood

The other songs are also good. Solid album throughout.
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I did before they removed all the folk metal elements turned into a boring black metal band with Hram.

Vo Slavu Velikim remains their crowning glory and one of the best metal works ever.
>Solid album
it's an EP
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metal died long ago. no point in reviving it.
For the re-recorded album? Blackie did that himself.
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GBK getting torn apart lmao
Yes, yes, now will any of them post face and physique?
you get butthurt too easily
I hate to agree with reddit but I saw a recent of GBK and they are looking really fat and gross
Grand Belial's Key - Mocking the Philanthropist
Sumerian Fairytale
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>I never said noise is music,
I don't care what you said faggot, noise is or can be music, it's just not metal.
>Sabbath weren’t even the most distorted band of their time.
They definitely were one of the most distorted along with the most sucessful, the combination of both results in the new unique path or a genre.
>on saying I am a zoomer on mogs
Why are you misinterpreting what I say? I called you zoomer because you hypothetically suggeated noise "mogs" metal because it is heavier, you are one dumb fuck.
get a room retards
Everyone posting there is fatter and uglier than Unhold
I like Dream Death - Journey into Mystery
>GBK music le "good"
Incorrect. American't black metal. GBK suck cock.
nah, I'm a skinny school shooter looking permatwink
I agree and I am a "racist".
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What is the Metallica equivalent of racist metal? No dm/bm
>Any strong feeling can inspire
Okay, I get that in theory but racist metal has not actually achieved any of that potential. Show ke otherwise. And black metal screeching is objectively a lower form of art(nihilists/satanists will agree with me here). Show me racist metal that could be utilized by a modern army or the fitness industry or at least could play in an arena. But you won't because there is no racist Metallica equivalent because it is all underground crap only idpol fags listen to and they are all too socially awkward to play in arenas anyway.
Wolfnacht makes great music even though the level of natsee cocksucking is a little too much
Actually the German NS bands are more subtle because of the censorship
>let's make something very offensive and take advantage of the spergs
nsbm in a nutshell

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