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Previous thread: >>123857938

>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Use vocaroo to post WIPs.
No youtube, soundcloud and other shilling websites allowed
First for music
Second for gusic
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I can't settle on which genre to pursue and I don't have time to learn/make more than one. I hate this.. I thought I had it settled, but no.
It's not just the genre, but the instruments (or lack of instruments) that I will need to practice to achieve the dream.
I think the developer build of Furnace Tracker supports OPL4 now. Yep...
Been considering getting into making music, problem is I don't know anything about production or how to play any instruments (tried my hand at guitar a few years ago, been considering picking it back up). I think I have a decent voice but no training in singing. Where should I get started?
is it better to get a reverb plugin or is the default one fine.
depends on the daw
i'm using fl studio
Just go torrent a bunch of shit but air windows is not a meme and is very useful
You start by banging your head against the concrete wall between you and Parnassus. Eventually you break through. There are no shortcuts, advice is useful but mostly for emotional support on the longest grind available to a person.
luxeverb is amazing, don't need much else. you also have fruity convolver
So what is some good advice or a jumping off point?
What kind of music do you want to make?
1) learn guitar and/or piano
2) learn a daw
3) make terrible music for a while
4) leave this place

don't torrent a bunch of a shit, fabfilter and valhalla bundles will cover all your bases at the beginning.
I'm thinking trance/electronic, but also have an interest in rock and metal
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thoughts on this?
I would replace that main choppy riff with something else. I like the choir and organ melodies through out the beginning and chorus. I would come up with a better post chorus and also mix up the drums a bit in the intro.
Thanks, all sound advice.
is it just me or do some melodies beg for certain harmonies so much that you can basically hear them already without them being there? Am I going schizo?
hahah i am LE QUIRKY music theory schizo of doom xDD
You're just recalling things you've heard before. There are multiple ways to harmonize things and with more experience you'll be able to imagine more options.
every possible melody already exists thoughever
Guess how many combinations exist in a single measure of 8 beats where each beat can be occupied by 1 of 4 voices each of which can be 1 of 12 notes

I'll give you a hint. It's bigger than you think
bout tree fiddy
How many of those aren't complete shit though?
there's only gonna be a few option that fit the specific song
Torrent Ableton and splice packs. A Scarlett2i, an sm57, and a guitar
More than you'd think but sure I agree
None of them, and it's only 1 measure of 8th notes
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Not really asking about the singing or weird, edgy lyrics, I just wanted to know how the mix was on balancing out the vocals and junk. I know I got a ways to go to be comfortable singing, but I'm just doing this shit for fun, man.
sounds like corny shit right off the bat, not making it to the vocals

oh no i made it to the vocals lmao
regular show type beat
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Lmao Poor bastard couldn't lift his wrist quick enough to turn off the track. At least so you checked it out, so thanks for that, I guess.
do more than one take when you sing a line
Fuck im starting to get good fuck fuck fuck I haven't had sex in 8 years I'm gonna gig and have sex fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
why does it take so long to kick in? is that part of the genre?
>I'm gonna gig and have sex fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
let me crush your dreams early and assure you this wont be happening
this is such BULLSHIT there's like zero incentive for me to gig if i'm gay since guys don't care about this stuff wtf
im allowed to project
Looks like Ableton Move is their anwser to novation circuits tracks and the like. Will I get one? Probably not. Its standalone with a whole 3 hour battery life~
I still have no fucking clue what any of those toys or the push shit *actually* do but the marketing and every person i've seen use or endorse one is so bad i've already been convinced they're completely useless
You get the ableton "workflow" in a physical controller!

Yeah, I don't know why anyone would buy any of that shit either, I can only assume it's battered housewives who can't handle anything more intuitive.
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What is the ideal number of aliases/projects? [Serious]
One per radically different projects that appeal to completely different audiences.
If the kinds of music you make are (or can be altered to be) similar enough to be marketable to the same kind of people, one project is the best.
Different projects should be avoided unless you're already famous (and can count on a larger portion of your listeners to find out about the other projects, which isn't going to happen if you're not already big) because growing one audience is already hard as fuck and spreading yourself thin across what are effectively multiple careers can be a challenge even if you're willing to increase the time and work you put in accordingly.
Multiple projects do however give you the advantage of being able to try different things out and seeing what shows the most promise, so you can pursue that instead of going all in from the start on something that doesn't work.
>make something for 8-10 hours
>end up hating it

Why did no one tell me how miserable making music is
>Why did no one tell me how miserable making music is
have you ever read these threads? any musician forum ever?
it's literally always flooded with hopelessness

yeah you gotta take breaks though bro
if i'm not making steady progress on something or hit a wall on a long day like that i always switch to working on another song or starting new sound design stuff specifically to avoid this lol
yeahhh that's about what i'm thinking

objectively only 2 seem worth pursuing "seriously," the rest are just for fun, but i feel like it's worth splitting up dark ambient from shoegaze from hyperpop and so on.
even if it doesn't matter to anybody stumbling upon it i kind of want it all compartmentalized because... idk, autism, and it's easier to think about
how do i get this good bros...
Can you sing like that? That's the most defining thing about it.
why would I use pregain faders when I can just turn down the output on my compressor? I don't get the big deal with gain staging. are prefades absolutely necessary or is it a workflow choice?
Other options could be:
>only make one genre "professionally" and the others for fun
>make songs that are rooted in one genre but incorporate elements of the others
>mainly make one genre but add songs of other genres to your albums (dark ambient for example could work well for interludes).

Branding is very important, and the music itself is a huge part of it. Having a clear vision of what you deliver to your fans is usually much more effective than making things that are all over the place because most listeners don't really like *everything*, so they'll know you as "ah yeah I liked a couple of their releases but the rest isn't really my thing". If you stay consistent with a style that appeals to the same person they'll more likely like most, if not all of your work, and those fans are far more useful because they'll buy your tracks/merch/tickets, they'll interact with your social media, they'll recommend you to people, etc.
Gain staging is a meme that began when some boomer mixing engineer started giving advice based on physical mixing desks to people using DAWs. The boomer didn't understand that digital has infinite headroom as its just numbers describing a waveform and so cannot distort ( you just pull the fader back down) So ya basically gain staging is pointless unless you are using a fucking Neve console or something
i choose all of the above

>I don't get the big deal with gain staging

>throw on distortion; "oh yeah that's better"
>boost EQ highs; "better!"
>insert giant EQ cuts after adding processing; "hm... sounds different in a way that's not just EQ? it's worse..."

If you want to a/b something to ACTUALLY hear if it sounds better you need to volume match.
Keeping a sensible gain structure just eliminates a bunch of potential headaches and makes your chain easier to keep track of.
so why can't I just gain match with adjusting a compressor? when and how would pregain become necessary? If my initial levels are already set correctly to provide enough headroom, it seems like a redundant step to gain stages
i believe it
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if i collab with you in RL and you move the master fader i will throw a chair in your direction.
I'm beginning to think faders are becoming increasingly useless in modern music production. plugins have replaced them. I think faders are just there as a symbolic gesture of physical consoles. much like how the save icon is still a floppy disk. it's a form of metonomy
wait are you just asking about the input levels of compression specifically?
honestly i never touch them aside from multiband compressors, but that's a sound design thing.

the only reason i can see to use them would be if you already fucked up the gain earlier so you crank the input on the compressor so you can get more gain reduction lol.
the only levels you need to do with a compressor is your threshold, and then readjusting the output so it sounds about the same but better as before.

babe what
how are faders useless. i dont, i cant.
no I'm talking about output and threshold levels on the compressor. I never touch the input level. I'm asking when would would one ever need to use pregain on a track if I can just use a compressor and adjust the output on that?
What do you mean by that? Like layer the takes or do several then piece together the best lines?
>babe what
you fucking heard me. faders are archaic and useless with modern plugin use. they are a meme
old technology that has passed into the digital age because boomers still control the world and our thoughts. if faders are always kept at unity and people adjust the gain through pregain or compression, then what is the point of a fader? just use the output on your plugin.
>gain staging is pointless
not true as many plugins operate best at like -16db due to being modeled after le analog circuits.
i mean... if you're not compressing anything then why would you?
that's not wrong, there's just no reason to... you could say that about any plugin with an output control

you know what's stupid is it took me years to realize saturn was expecting 0 going off the starting 20 on warm tape being the starting point of small but noticeable
I'm going to create a DAW that has no faders. I will call it Faderless, because it has no faders you see. Under the hood, everything will be kept at unity.
so when does pregain come in handy?
>had sex with condor am i pregain?
Still no need to gain stage an entire mix in a DAW , just that specific plugin that's been purposely designed to be unnecessarily finicky and larping as analog
you already asked this
re-record the same lines a bunch of times.
I can tell you don't do this because o lot of your vocal takes sounded bad.
>start looking at 100 dollar GAS
>doesn't quite have the feature set I want, but this slightly more expensive piece of crap is a bit closer
>10 hours of googling later
>now strongly considering blowing a grand on something I barely need, that still isn't perfect
I need help.
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the only thing that really matters is rockwool
valhalla vintageverb really is awesome
any other must- have best- of effects i should check out?
valhalla delay lol
Which else.
Is there some good chorus or distortion? I already have some krush distortion but its not really good
Waves bundle
>buy waves plugin
>license randomly gets revoked
yeah i'll stick with pirating
Why are you surprised at all?
Tal does good chorus and its free
Analogue Obsession plugs are good also free
Airwindows stuff is good.
Soundtoys plugs good
My God these valhalla plugins are terrific
All these years i used stock reverb, delay and chorus, no wonder my music sounds like shit
Its like i was deaf and i hear. So many more options and they all sound so incredible
Another 8 pads in a row...
Mother fucker. If it was 16 in a row, I would jump on that shit so fast. But 8... that's just half a measure of 4/4 in 16th notes. Fuck 'em. Never gettin' that shit.
Have you looked into the Monome?
That's only buttons, no?
I've been familiar with that since the mid 00's or whatever thanks to Daedelus.
The Akai Fire is basically what I want... but for Ableton. I know there is some third party script, but it's ~$40 and not officially supported.
while we're talking about controllers, I have a launchkey mini mk3 and I get it, it's a babby toy keyboard but holy fuck do I want to shit directly down the throat of whoever it was that decided that the best default pad light option was "MAKE THE PADS CRAZY BRIGHT! MAKE THEM NEVER TURN OFF!". I guess this keyboard really was made for zoomers.
while we're talking about leaks, I can't stand how tubertards are pronouncing it as tahn-verk. IT'S TONE-VERK YOU SHIT FUCKS!
I feel like most light up controllers are like that. I was watching a video on the SQ64 earlier and they were like "look at how much brighter we made it for the zoomers!". I'm guessing the point is making them bright enough to be seen in a well lit studio or direct sunlight, but in a dark room that kind of thing is a pain.
let's not overreact
even in a lit room the dimmest setting is bright as fuck and I hope the person who designed it is murdered in front of their family
its part of the faggot tranny agenda
I don't think so, I'm a disabled nonbinary queer furry and they still annoy me.
You just reminded me that I have one of those sitting in a cardboard box in my basement.
I wonder if I could write an Ableton Control Surface script to be able to use it to sequence clips.
don't fucking make me find you and slit your throat you stupid fucking cunt
since no one could actually answer me about the advantages of pregain and if ans when to use it, I am just assuming no one here has a clue and you're all retarded
It just means making things louder at the source, it's like a quicker and better version of compression.
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just did this to my master. my song is finally complete and ready for the masses
ok Marjorie, it's time to take your pills and nap.
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I don't understand the OP pic
Volume matching isn't gain staging
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i watched some video about digitakt, and first comment was shitting on guy for pronouncing it with hard g lmao.
Anyway, anyone using analog rytm? I have problems with unresponsive pads, can't use them for finger drumming at all. Looking for tips
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>pronouncing it with hard g
sorry anon, I tried to bait people who did know into explaining it by posting an obvious misunderstanding but it didn't work. i think you're right, everyone here sucks.
the 3d audio stuff really shows how jewish these software businesses are. their implementation is flawed along with the numerous rival implementations. it's not doing anything too fancy under the hood, it's really just marketing and having the balls to present a half-baked technology as if it's the next big thing.
>buy waves plugin
why? boomer protools meme
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you used a lot of fancy words just to say the joos.
next time include
>schizo, zoomer, autist, tranny
in your post so you get some extra 4chan points for your post.
Soundevice Front DAW
thank you for your service. time to retire to reddit

how retarded is this
I can tell you're a nazi
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piano thing i wrote
Hi Trent, nice of you to drop by.

jokes aside. It's very late 90's early 2000's judging by the sound.
If I am to critique it. Dont add distortion just for the sake of making things harsh sounding. It isnt all that interesting on it's own and it's a detriment to the rest of the song as it becomes grating to listen to. You can have distorion on elements in the mix, but when you apply it to nearly everything in the mix, it becomes very old. That is an opinion, others might like that kind of sound.

Drums are very loud, drowns out nearly everything in the loud parts.
you're good
has potential in certain parts but i feel like too much is being thrown at me to the point of being incoherent at times. The spoken word intro was my favorite part, you could lean on that more. Overall toning things back a little bit could do a lot of favors for the song.
Equing -db major scale granulizer panning velocity sidechain compression counter melody hihat saturation FUCK OFF im just going to record my boomer guitar to 130bpm add kick and a snare and call it a day. Fucking nerds.
Im just going to embrace the slop i produce and start shitting it out by the hundreds
fuck yeah. its going to be better than 90% of the shit posted in here anyway
I tried doing clean vocals but it didn't have the same impact / sounded weak.
Yeah, a lot of it needs to be streamlined. But I added a lot of the schizo shit while drunk after bouncing down to stems, so it kind of sounds like a remix / overhaul.
For the spoken word part, are you referring to the sample or when my vocals come in?

im going to work on it now
yeah but if you start it from the right spot you're gonna be staged

yeah i stopped responding when i realized you were probably being dumb on purpose.
please stop taking advantage of peoples' good will, that's pretty shitty.
By the ten thousandth you should have an idea how things work
I spent 10 years trying to make really complex, well thought out music with complex sound design and composition/arrangement, I was desperaly chasing the zeitgest in electronic music production.

It all sucked fucking dick. At some point I started making music I wanted to make when I first started out making music 10+ years ago, but couldnt due to my skill being non existent. It was just fun and I could imagine my teenage self bopping to the music I was making just for shits and giggles.

Then something curious happened. It started to actually sound good. Like proper good. Everything was stupid simple, but it was focused, the ideas were clear, the sound design and mix didnt sound cluttered and messy. It started to sound like shit I could release, just updating the sounds a bit, move the sound design and arrangement from 2012 to 2022 and it sounded actually good.
Nothing revolutionary or genious, but just simple, strong songs with catchy hooks, shit my teenage self would have loved.

Theres something to be said about stopping trying so damn hard. Theres retards who picked up a DAW and a midi keyboard last christmas and are putting out bangers after bangers. None of them have the same experience and skill I have, but they dont know any better and most importanly, they're getting out of the way of themselves. They're not overthinking this shit. They're just plonking along "hey this sounds cool" and just does the most basic shit to it and it sounds great.

Sometimes, you just have to go full retard.
I havent heard a single interesting idea or atleast an ear pleasing track posted here. Its all just absolute steaming hot fresh poop. And im supposed to take your advice seriously? Telling me about multiband compression volume automation midside equing bullshit. Stereo or mono? Idk one sounds like its being played through a cassette player the other one sounds like its piercing me in the earholes.
this is why I'll never make it kek, you're completely right, I don't believe you at all, your advice is maybe the best that's ever been posted here and I will never follow it.
did you really just come here to shitpost?
is that fun?

just close the tab and go do something else dude sheesh
I feel half of this is moving the sound design and arrangement from 2012 to 2022
>Theres retards who picked up a DAW and a midi keyboard last christmas and are putting out bangers after bangers.
it's maybe a bit extreme but the less you think about it, the better your music is. just a fact I'm afraid. I wish it weren't the case.
>yeah i stopped responding when i realized you were probably being dumb on purpose.
>please stop taking advantage of peoples' good will, that's pretty shitty.
I'm going to keep posting, I'm going to get better at hiding when I'm doing this and you will never really know if you're talking to me or not.
the "pregain" question doesn't even make sense
I always just record guitar like a boomer. I want other sounds but the flex thing in fl studio has only whack sounds, sakura is whack too. I want some nice synths or pads or whatever the fuck, what do i download? All this serum bullshit has 1000 knobs waveshapes i dont know or care to understand all that bullshit. Just gimme a nice synth thing or something.
All these harsh beep and boop sounds straight up kill my vibe.
sytrus, kepler, kepler exo, 3x osc
i'm gonna respond even less now when people ask questions and try to learn things now.

real cool anon. very funny
so I'm not even the person you started with, you have no information I want. maybe you'll provide some in the future. maybe someone else will. you're doing the right thing, don't post again, you aren't that special.
this is what sour grapes do to a person
no really, it is. take note and don't be like this.
hahah you fucking suck you retarded cunt. cry more. i have already found multiple answers on reddit. you couldn't produce an answer because you know fuck all
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how can i make the transition to verse 2 smoother?
how do you stand yourself making something so cringe
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personally it doesn't bother me much
don't post cringe in my presence again
all music is cringe until it gains an audience
should i upgrade cubase elements to artist or even pro? am i missing out on much if i dont upgrade?
After months, nay, years, of suffering, due to a fucking bed and bed frame, and after many iterations of moving everything around, I have finally solved the problem
Bed frame out, bed in. Lean bed against the wall during the day for space..
Shelves need to be moved but this solves my problem 100% and I have all the room I need to have a comfy studio in the room with the bed
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mixing hammocks
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>he doesn't know about kitchen set ups
go ahead, ruin your comfy bed, but just know there are better options.
For some reason I imagined someone mixing then a horse pops its head in through the top half of that green door
I'm currently messing around with the free stuff by u-he and it is fun.
Triple Cheese
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anon's psychedelic gastroenteritis pt. III
learn to read OP, fuck off back to shill
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Started messing around with sampling a bit more. I’m going to add another part and a better ending. Haven’t really touched the mix yet either. Hat are you thoughts anons?

I don’t care for the choppy guitar thing. The bell is cool and I like the choir a lot. Maybe try doubling up the guitar on the solo part thing to make it more full.
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>found multiple answers on reddit.
>you couldn't produce an answer because you know fuck all
im dying
what chair do you guys use? i think i need a new chair tb h
im not happy with this
>still can't answer the question
im living
Should I run a reverb buss into a compressor buss or the other way around?
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not your personal army.
>still can't answer the question
So i used 3osx in fl to make synths like some anon suggested and i just made runescape music man, wtf is this shit. It sounds like ass
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we gainstage because we are in a cult. for the sake of your own safety stop bringing it up.
ikea markus comfe and cheap but kinda needs a cover or it rips easily.
Is french house making a comeback?
Whats that video got to do with French House tho?
depends on what you wanna do, does the reverb have dynamics that you wanna tame? then you’ll want to compressor further in the chain, otherwise it’s pretty standard to add the reverb after as it allows more breathing room.
My guess is that anon thinks it sounds vaguely like gesaffelstein/justice. Doesnt make it french house though.
I remember French house in 98 it was part of the retro 70s disco revival that was popular at the time. French house = house drums + rare funk/soul sample loop + play with the filter = Retro Disco thing. Mainstream stuff had their own singers
I thought compressors were the common way to "glue" things together in the mix
there are better ways to do this, i usually use compressors only to reign in very intense sounds i.e. from delays, or sidechaining them to help stuff slot together in a crowded mix, in other words to make individual tracks more audible in the mix
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did you know there are occult texts available on the internet they are called "manual".
like maybe read the "manual" for the most widely used thing, the 1176.
i have found one here:
dont read at once, you might get dizzy.
This doesnt sound too bad, right? https://voca.ro/139NRIn9fLu7
too bad to be considered music? correct
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>posting "not music" but not posting music either
boring. like women.
>like women.
Why, what's so great about them?
i think it could use stronger melodies, it also gets repetitive very quickly, maybe also add more ear candy and variate more things.
So youre basically saying its slop....
you timid cunts. you need to take more risks
you have been granted unbridled power to sculpt infinite galaxies of sound. time to stop splishing about in the shallow end. follow where you don't know where it will lead. take a fucking risk. use a took you dont know what it does and turn all the knobs all the way up. surprise yourself. that is how great art is made
you goddamn lot of pussies
You were already shooting for "not too bad," what were you expecting really?

There's nothing awful about it but nobody would actually go out of their way to listen to this.
y r u such a faggot anon
i was trying to be insparatinal
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>use a took
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>turn all the knobs
Ok ok, so you think youre better then me? Post your work lets see.
i would turn his knobs you better believe
This is why you're making great art, you fucking risk taker.

You're probably not even that anon and idc about entering a pissing contest.
Get a grip dude.
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DAE feel like sometimes your DAW 'sings' for you like it wants to make something and other times it's like eh fuck off dude.
/prod/ been pretty shit lately
Nah nah, its me the op. Im just messing bruh, i made that slop in 5mins. Id like to hear what youre cooking up tho, its all love my guy.
Im gonna open my daw rn and take a huuuuge risk.
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Each and every day, the moment I double-click the exe shortcut for FL Studio from my desktop, it sings. I hear the lyrics clearly, as clearly as you would hear your favourite song playing though your logic usb speakers. If you don't get this experience each and every day, then it's easy to say you're not gonna make it. The lyrics usually guide me in what song to make that day; the genre, the tempo, the sound selection, the effects, the fader settings for each track, how much compression to use on the master - everything. It usually lasts anywhere between 5 and 30 minutes, so I will sit quietly with my eyes rolled back and let it play out in full before I even think about moving a finger towards my m-audio oxygen25. Sometimes, this is where I black out. When I come to, the composition, mixing and mastering is there in front of me, completed. It's usually several hours later. Sometimes a day has passed. If I don't black out, it's as if another person is in control of my body and I can only observe helplessly as my hands work feverishly at the keyboard. It's a beautiful thing to watch, according to my parents - like a conductor, masterful and graceful. I really do pity those that don't experience this, as it seems to be the essence of what makes me create truly special music and I would wager my life on all successful artists, living or dead, having to go through something similiar for every song they make.
i cannot wait to discover what treasures may be born from the union of your imagination and the chaos of the universe, anon
I used to have a cracked copy of FL Studio 10 that I loved so dearly. It felt like we could have done anything together. Now I have the broken fetal alcohol syndrome retard child that is FL 20 and it's like poking a dead dog everytime I turn it on. I threw away my midi controllers, my pop cap... I just mumble into my ASMR mic and make a drum beat with ripped OVO samples and shit some shit out on Massive synths and then want to kill myself every day
Can someone pls give me feedback? I'm trying to improve. Last time everyone ignored me despite my feedback to them. Please one (you) anons.

Have some birds (great tits) so you view the post.
The list of things is too long, you're in the category of too new to help.
The biggest things that stick out are poor sound selection, levels all over the place, and nothing compelling going on (i.e just not good).

Don't feel bad about it, just focus on pumping out songs and learning a little bit every day at this stage.
>its all love my guy.
trolling or you had a shitty upbringing
hey that groove that starts around 1:00 is pretty sick
but I agree with above anon somewhat, there is a lot to improve in terms of mixing.
I would advise to get some nice headphones (ATH M50 at a minimum) + monitor speakers, if you can afford them. So that at least you can hear what you're doing properly. Your mix sounds scooped (heavily eq'd) but I like what you're doing compositionally, like using the organic sounds in techno I am a fan of personally
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the snare is awful but i say that to 99% of tracks that are posted here but i still mean it everytime. what can i say, i cant even pay attention with a snare like that.
That snare sounds like a turd hitting the bowl dawg
too much schizo and tard wrangling as of late.
Second, people with good ideas dont want to post them here in fear of people stealing their shit and posting them to tiktok.
this is kind of what i mean when i'm horrified to see anons have some fantasy about being the next mozart with some intricate songwriting while neglecting the technical production aspect. if you have great production you can make even a fairly simple song shine and a simple song might be even preferred especially by zoomers
if somebody blows my song up on tiktok, I will take the free exposure + lawsuit payout gladly lmao
You'll get neither of those things. Especially if they just plagiarize the song and don't simply reupload the vocaroo.
And that's if you even find out about it.
>implying anybody under this thread has the skills or patience to recreate one of MY tracks
i think this song is amazing and yes there is complexity in the songwriting but i think it's in a more traditionally straightforward style like his piano playing in >>123897912 whereas the original dua lipa's training season is kinda cringe and foreign but it's tolerable to listen to because of the production quality
We all do. You're just projecting your "worst of the thread" status on everyone else

can these Ableton fucks add a dedicated drum synth for once? yes i know about the dsynth m4l device but that one is ages old and has like 1 parameter per sound.
>implying anybody under this thread has the skills or patience to recreate one of MY tracks
They dont have to. They can take the vocaroo wholesale and upload it. You didnt copyright it, vocaroo doesnt copyright it for you, they just host audiofiles, you have no claim to your own creation because you cant prove that the person who stole it didnt make it.
And if you show up with the project files, they'll just claim you recreated it. And the vocaroo? They'll just claim you took it from some soundcloud upload they conveniently deleted.

And if you want to go all the way with IP adressed and upload dates and metadata and all that shit, you're going to be broke before you even see the inside of a courtroom. There's a million ways to fuck over musicians.

Trust me, if you have a good idea that can actually go anywhere, dont upload it anywhere online untill you're ready to copyright that shit.
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idk if anyone saw in last /prod/ but i was about to work with a session drummer and was confused about whether to go with a modern (fat) snare sound or a 90s (tight) snare sound

welp, the session is done and this is what we cooked up…
fat snare:
tight snare:
medium snare too (why not):

anyone have a strong preference out of these 3 sounds? our goal after mix is to sound like this - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ug0yTXlqjM

just wanna make that fucken indie radio hit mane

(also: if anyone needs to hear the song without the drums, here's the drumless version https://vocaroo.com/1oAaAhhQkyyO )
I RISK my LIFE to make my random noises THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Most producers don't make their own drums and wouldn't use a drum synth even for its presets because of how commonly available preprocessed drum samples are.
Plus you can already make drums with regular synth so the advantage of having a dedicated one is even smaller.
I would love to have a stock version of Sonic Academy Kick but I don't see it as something Ableton would prioritize desu.
The fat snare. The Tight snare is a bit too aggressive and energetic, the medium one just sounds out of place, a bit too polished for the sound you're going for.
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Anyone know why i'm not recording the midis from sting64p lugin?
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Providing a project file that can identically reproduce a complex track, when the person who stole the track can provide no files at all, is %100 incontrovertible evidence.
Alright big man, want to give it your best shot? This one's mine. >>123913348
I'll give you until the end of the NEXT thread. Here, I'll even show you what the rack looks like. Good luck chum
tight and it's not even close. the fat one is distracting
medium could work with EQ but either way please turn these down lmao

I still don't understand why they even bothered with wavetable desu

drum synth would likewise be a waste of time
>Alright big man, want to give it your best shot?
Kek thanks for the feedbacks anon. Guess I'll keep going/researching (into snares).
too much trolling

too much posting about made up people and hypotheticals that will never apply to anybody here
I win :^)
That was terrible and I've yet to hear a "pro reharmonization" that doesn't sound like a shitty berklee audition. It's always about fitting in as many chord extensions and as much chromaticism as possible and never actually trying to serve the song and make it sound better. It's the typical Jacob Collier/Adam Neely brain of being all knowledge+technique with no ear for musicality.
you guys are really mean but I'm a much better musician for it now so thanks
Not in life
The snare isnt the concern here im afraid anon...
It's not about being mean, but I dont care to spend two paragraphs pampering someones fragile ego because they cant stomach hearing that their drum kick is 12 decibels too loud in the mix and is clipping.
>you drums are way too compressed
I'm just getting straight to the point and not wasting your time.
You hath cut me in mine heart, anon :^(
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What the fuck is going on i can't record into a new midi track at all
Because it's set to midi channel 2. Set it to midi channel 1 or all.
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everyone in my band hates this song but i think it's gonna be our first crossover hit haha. idk, i think normies and the algorithm will enjoy it

our bassist wants it produced like modest mouse the lonesome crowded west but i think slow pulp's 2nd album is more euphonic and accessible

ty both -- outside of you guys, so far i have 1 vote for tight snare, and i prefer the fat snare myself. gonna talk to the co-producer/mixer tomorrow and see what he thinks too
I Don't get it, it worked, i deleted the channels, redid it and now it's not picking up any notes again. What the fuck.
I dont know ableton, but my guess is that the 1 in yellow and 2 in blue represents which midi channel is the input on that particular track. Check your settings in the daw if theres anything weird going on there where it sets every new track up with a seperate midi channel.
Its gonna be a hit, huh. Good...good...
https://voca.ro/1f2t2JVJJNnC pretty sick RIFF, right boys?
whats up sweetie? are we having problems? im your ableton trainer. i am here for you. watch me over at youtube. you are fabulous.
go work on music and stop being such a tool anon jesus christ
Guys I signed up for that class action lawsuit against googles incognito fuckery maybe I'll get a ride symbol out of it
trolling? you named a track "VST" then named another track "Midi" and set the input as the first track...expecting it to do what?
wavetable is pretty great
>everyone in my band hates this song but i think it's gonna be our first crossover hit haha. idk, i think normies and the algorithm will enjoy it
Peak delusion. Your song isn't bad exactly, but this is getting ahead of yourself. Post back here if you prove me wrong, though.
Guys ill be real, i dont actually have any idea how to add variations to a track, i just come up with a melody loop, throw drums on it and call it a day. I dont know how to make drumbreaks or anything like that. Its holding me back, im afraid. It seems very complicated and im scared alright. IM SCARED.
You see anon, you have to put delays on all of your tracks and CV control them using oscillators running at different frequencies. This is the secret.
I didnt understand anything u just typed. Is that a guitar chord? Kek. Is there a video example of what youre describing? Help me out, i have great tracks but if i learn this thing here ill make it, for real this time.
it's mid at best and there's really no reason to use it over the plethora of wavetable synths out there, namely vital seeing as it's free.

it's usable obviously, it was just a waste of resources on Ableton's part
There is a direct inverse correlation between how much an anon posts ITT and how much they actually care about music (and consequently how good they are or will be).

good thing I only come in here once every 3 weeks or so lole
When i try to add a break, the melody just cuts out abruptly and maybe ill leave a shitty synth for atmosphere, what else can i do broski

Is this gay?
Yes (didn't listen)
this was nice but the bass tone is too phoned in and general midi sounding in a bad way
This guy is dealing with the same issue i have, he has a cool melody going on, but then you need to give it a break, right. So he just lays down a bunch of slop in the middle just for the sake of it.
snare roll around 1:20 as well, need some small amount of velocity dynamics
i mean we do ok, 3k listeners rn, next release hopefully gets us to 5k, and then this song hopefully can crack us into the 10-20 range

it’s not the best song i’ve ever written but it’s more like — “this song is under 2 minutes, still sounds like us, but is an appropriate platform for all of the production techniques that allow for it to be playlisted as morning indie”

the rest of our work is indie folk that’s too energetic for what people would normally put into an indie folk playlist, and ever since pitchfork hype died down (wherein the flaming lips, father john misty, and iron and wine all could co-exist as indie folk in someone’s playlist/life) i’ve noticed that the most successful indie acts have really consolidated their production into an easily identifiable sonic/emotional aesthetic (like how “indie rock” as a sound is now defined by what hippo campus sounds and feels like, even though it used to be a broader term that incapsulated acts like vampire weekend, arcade fire, alvvays, jeff rosenstock etc) — this song is just adherence to that new trend i guess

to me this song is written like jeff rosenstock and modest mouse but there’s no playlist niche for that kind of sound anymore, so we’re gonna produce it like slow pulp and it’ll be playlistable as morning indie

death cab did the same thing for their most recent album. idk. nirvana made overtly sad songs with lots of 3k and crash cymbals and major chords in them. there’s just no room for that kind of contrast anymore, but i’m not gonna let that other anon larp as an authority on music when i’m just making stuff for an audience and reacting to my own actual data
I tend to prefer stock plugins over 3rd party ones because of the pretty much guaranteed future project compatibility, the always visible gui, and in some cases a better integration with the daw.
Thanks, I’ll mess with the bass tone. I definitely agree with the snare roll thing. Going to add a section with minimal drums. Luv u guise
I really like it.
things /prod/ likes
>tranny tier electronic music
>le sad piano
everything else gets instantly shit on
Or maybe the people who make those types of music are simply better, and the other types of music get shit on because those who make them aren't as good (if they were they would get praised just as much).
ok tranny
Just started learning an instrument 2 months ago and started music prod 1 month ago. I'm 31. I will make it.
Plenty of time just be patient the value is proportional to the cost
based and optimist pilled
>newfigs listening to /prod/'s advice
never heard a good hip hop beat here ever
If you consistently put a bit of time into it, and you always push yourself to learn new things, it's not going to take very long before you can make something you're proud of.
I've never heard a good hip hop beat outside of here ever
The majority of those who make hip hop are low iq retards, which is why they're into hip hop in the first place.
The rare few who are good at it aren't here.
>my guess is that the 1 in yellow and 2 in blue represents which midi channel is

Those numbers are the track numbers, MIDI channels are chosen in the drop-down menus to the left of the track numbers


What device is on the "VST" track? Does it send MIDI that can be recorded in another MIDI track, cos right now it looks like you might have set up the "Midi" track to record audio from the "VST" device's Pre FX audio output

Need more info - TLDR is you've got something misconfigured in the routing, look it up in the manual
a hiphop beat can be literally anything
That's one of the biggest problems with hip hop.
Ive been thinking. Producers are sort of competing amongst each other to blow up, right? So its literally a bad thing that there are more people then ever making music these days. So what is the incentive to help out the new guys? Eventually theyll get good and potentially take your place type shit. All these youtube guys etc. I get some of them are not good, so at least they make money off views and sample pack sales, but generally, yeah, makes you think dont it? Place like this sure, were all learning and sharing, cool, but the official tutorial makers and stuff? Is it possible theyre throwing bad advice to people who are at a loss? Because everyone is lost when they first pick up a daw. Hm.
>Producers are sort of competing amongst each other to blow up, right?
no. stop thinking, stop talking, stop posting
I don't trust any of that youtube stuff, besides tutorials that strictly show how to operate a piece software or explain how to replicate very specific techniques, mostly for sound design. So objective vs. subjective information. There are no turn-key solutions in production, anybody offering one is just trying to sell themselves for clicks. I don't think it goes so far as maliciously spreading disinfo, necessarily, but I think a lot of youtubers who lack serious production knowledge do spew out loads of bullshit to try and seem knowledgeable, and again to try and sell some kind of 'secret production hacks' to get clicks. But the intent behind that is pretty much always self promotion for direct financial gain from youtube, not exactly sabotage, I think.
>So what is the incentive to help out the new guys?
what an incredibly shallow question, the functional answer is that it helps keep the threads alive and incentivizes others to give me feedback. The other answer is that I enjoy helping others in their musical pursuit because I'm not a complete narcissist.
Au5 is an example of a youtuber I respect a lot and enjoy his vids, because usually he's just showing his own process for making cool sounds. Not really trying to sell you some miracle cure, it's just straight up documentation and you can learn a lot more from watching that than some top 5 tips hack telling you to hi-pass the master
If you sort through the garbage you can find a select few who have already made it and feel secure enough to share their knowledge openly and for free. Guys like Au5, Virtual Riot, Disclosure, etc. But yes it should go without saying that 99% of professional tutorial makers should be ignored.
I've noticed 90 percent of tutorials are the same beginner knowledge repackaged across genres, exceptions being some complex sound design. But there is a cutoff point to how useful they are, a majority of getting good is spending the hard hours covering music and getting your feelings hurt a for your shitty originals for a very long time, no way around it.
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>I am very deep
Who are you quoting?
But even in here, this thread, if someone posts something sick, maybe its unpolished and badly mixed, but the idea is genius. Wouldnt a part of you deep inside be like "damn, i could never come up with that, fuck that guy" and say
>"AYY, this is ASS bruh, delete your daw and find another hobby, faggot!"
Or maybe someone posts absolute slop and you say
>"Yeah man, i like it, just add saturation on the snare and youre set!"
obviously 0404 and the retard below you
Team players go further than loners pure economics. Any drama you see is usually just ploys for attention
Yeah I get what you're saying, but for me I always get stoked when people post sick stuff. The only time I really want to put somebody down is when they are being an ass, flexing their spotify stats/trying to self promote, and stuff like that. But typically you just ignore that, since talking trash just gives them more attention. I do try and be positive toward the beginners, but it's not to be deceptive, I want to encourage people. Fuck competition, if more people are pursuing their dreams and getting closer to making the shit in their head, well we all get more cool music to listen to and the world is a better place for it. Money and clout are poison. As toxic as this place is, those things don't really exist here and that's why I like it.
Same with gigging. We aren't really competing bc say someone gets sick or can't make it out you need a ringer. If you can't make your slot it's very convenient to have someone else available to fill so we gotta work together. You leave the venue hanging you might not get back in
only online idiots with no interaction of the real world have that loser mentality
Exactly, you see that especially in local scenes. Bands are trying to organize WITH eachother to build everybody up. It's about the community and the music first. It's only in the online space where everyone is disconnected that you see people being so cutthroat. If you act like that IRL you just get booted from your scene
The "better" we get the more unique we get. When I hear something sick I don't think damn I wish I could do that, or if I do I just steal it and Incorporate what I want from it. But usually it's not something I want in my projects, I just enjoy being the audience
Very few musicians are true lifers. It's not really something you can have as a hobbie and expect to compete with the professionals. And the pros are all very much doing their own thing
Ofc theres trend hoppers but that's it's own thing too
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>sound design
>music theory

it all feels like too much
More music == more gigs
Pure economics..zoomers have a lot to learn bc attention is not a transaction like it is on social media. It's a summation of all the attention. we aren't exchanging but rather we contribute to the collective pool
That's not even 1% buddy. This is why it takes every hour of your entire life
2 broke girls
>I just enjoy being the audience
Fucking this. I get pride out of it because 4chan is muh secret club and it feels awesome when other people here post awesome shit.
>Very few musicians are true lifers. It's not really something you can have as a hobbie and expect to compete with the professionals.
That's a good point. But I think most people here at least want to TRY to get to that pro level. There isn't much separating a pro from a hobbyist if they've put in the same amount of hours. It's the arduous learning process that weeds people out before they get there, or a lack of motivation to practice and learn that keeps you stuck at beginner level.
Music theory skippable, mixing and mastering are one thing, recording wure, get good. Sound design skippable, just record sounds, or download from people who put them up for free. Focus on composition the most, thats the most important.
Let me simplify things for you.
>Make music
Boom. That's all you gotta do, you will learn everything else automatically by exposure
It's a heavy early grind but it's exponential. im 10 years in and Im improving faster than ever, ever single day I see big improvements its insane desu. My growth is limited purely by my time rn. Before there were technical and then conceptual limitations but that's all gone it's 100% craftsmanship now but I had to earn that and it took a very long time. Easily 20k hours

Ofc everyone wants to sound good and if a hobbiest is really focused on just a few areas they can easily make it to a pro level but for me I have a dozen projects and it literally eats my entire life. Very few people are with me on this but most people do very well at what they do. we each get what we want, it's just a seriously insane grind especially the first 8 years. But I'm not kidding my improvement went vertical and just keeps accelerating
didn’t know this was proddit
I dont believe you need 10 years to get god tier. Literally a year or two, just STOP shitting out slop and listen to music, see how ur davourite songs sound, and ull get the idea quick. People here saying "oh yeah just shit out 5 tracks a day and its all good man." Nah, sit and work on a track for a month or two, see what happens.
you can make not terrible techno with two years of heavy grinding, 4 would be much better, but jazz is a different story
Especially if you have a group of friends who make it well and youre immersed going to shows DJig etc. you're right for prod it's much less but getting tracks at a beat port or radio level is no joke a lot of people involved in that
> oh yeah just shit out 5 tracks a day and its all good man
you can do this easily. a lot of genres are typically just loops with drums and vocals over them. a monkey with garageband could make a hip-hop loop.
your'e wrong. try making it in 2 years from scratch. every producer and musician you know of spent 10+ years of childhood/teenage years completely obsessed with music and supported by parents, mentors, and/or teachers

you barely know anything about music or the software you use 2 years in
Yup I agree, learning instruments or a DAW is like learning a language. Learning how to speak it is hardest at the start and you feel totally lost, but once you have a foundation it gets a lot easier to add more advanced words into your vocab and you can actually start writing what you envisioned.
Hey, sometimes we are nice too.
In 5 months i learned to record at good level. Learned proper eq, all of the effects, now im grasping synths and bass layering, interested in better reverb control too. I believe that this is all you really need to make great music. Will it take me 9 years to learn above list? I dont think so, i fucking hope not.
>In 5 months i learned to record at good level. Learned proper eq, all of the effects
no, you didn't
my 10 years of being in school band makes me better than all of you
I agree with this anon somewhat, it can be really good learning to focus on one track and make yourself keep trying until you get it to sound how you imagined it. Even if it doesn't turn out great, I feel like usually you'll learn more from going deep on one track than from spamming out 5 shallow tracks using techniques you're already comfortable with. We're talking like 30+ hours on one track here.
wrecker advice, noobs polishing turds is the last thing they should be doing
Every. Single. Song. Ever was a turd before someone sat down chiseled at it long enough.
nah, some songs are instantly good
Why not? Most of what you make as a newbie is likely to be a turd. It's not about producing something good at that point, it's about learning. And I feel like you learn more from working with a single project for a while. I think the scattershot method is better for an intermediate, because you get more shots at a good idea which you can then hone in on.
an important creative lesson is not getting attached to what you're making and being able to objectively look at it. you need to be able to put things down when you realize you're not making progress on it or you don't like it. you can come back to it another time with more experience and fresh eyes. you also need to take breaks from working on something to see it with a new perspective or how a stranger would experience it
I def. agree with you here. I just think a little turd polishing is healthy to do, because when you do end up with a diamond in the rough you'll have an idea of how to start dialing it in. If you don't practice mastering until that point, maybe you'll get fed up and end up scrapping your good project because you got so frustrated from not knowing how to polish it.
the thing for me is that I treat software plugins as instruments so for me, wavetable does indeed produce different results than something like vital or serum does because the process is different. not that you are incorrect though.
you can also map stock plugins faster which seems small but isn't. it straight up boggles my brain that Ableton knows that parameters in something like say serum exist but there's no way for me to tell Ableton to remember that whenever I turn a certain midi dial with serum open, I want to affect a specific parameter. its really annoying to play something cool and want to record it but wait, first you gotta assign the parameter! then you need to map the dial! you are still totally in the zone right? ludicrous.
vital never supported windows 7
love you guys /prod/
hand in there. keep working hard
you are gonna make it
(it=cool musics)
>defending turd polishing
>there's no way for me to tell Ableton to remember that whenever I turn a certain midi dial with serum open, I want to affect a specific parameter

There is a way to do it, but it involves setting up your default template to always have the synth loaded within a track in the template, and that way Ableton will save the mapping you've set up for the synth within that template.

If you set up the mapping and then delete the synth before saving the template as default you'll lose the mapping. But you have the option open to you as long as you're ok with keeping the synth loaded in the template, janky but probably worth it if you set up lots of controller mappings.
I was trying to mix a song but the goal and original intent collided so the mix didn't quite work out. I must go back to the drawing board.
post songe
i originally recorded with only guitars in mind but decided to add a bass and drum track. it sounds like shit because i tried to "retcon" the song idea.
I see what you mean, yes the bass gets a little bit lost because your guitar tone also has very low frequencies in it. You might try sidechaining the guitar to the bass to help it 'sit on top' of the mix. Or you could try to reduce the low end of the guitar with EQ, or play with your bass tone to give it more grit i.e. hi freqs so it silhouettes a little better against the guitar. That's how I would go about working with overlapping frequencies in electronic music, anyways. I have never tried producing metal though.
yeah exactly. I originally intended the guitar to be all low end with some mid but tried carving out the low end further when I added the bass and so they conflict with each other. but I will try side chaining, it seems like it could work. I think I will just go back to the original idea though and rip off sunn o))) with layered drone guitars instead of the stoner thing I was attempting here.
I like your guitar tone, kinda lofi/garagey? I would lean into that, maybe dirty up the drums, like some stupid amount of reverb or something to match them because the drums do feel a bit clean imo. Maybe that's not what you're going for, I'm mostly comparing in my head to an overall more lofi sound like 90's black metal. Maybe a much sharper, louder drum sound (compression) could work too, which seems to be more common with metal bands these days. But the drums just feel a bit lukewarm atm. I know it's wip :) gl anon
thanks anon, I liked the guitar tone too. I'm still chasing a tone that sits right in a heavy/washy mix but yeah I think it's working out at the moment. and I agree with the drums. I was thinking "come my fanatics" by electric wizard; the drums in that are thin and almost non-audible, I think to compensate for the very low end heavy guitar and bass tracks. I'm thinking of adding a distortion or tape filter with a hpf so you were definitely on the right track.
do you guys have good ambassadors for your respective daws? I have dom sigalas for cubase and he is BASED. he doesn't try to sell me anything, just spitting straight facts
cubased lol
haha lol so true haha
new thread where?
no more /prod/ I'M SICK OF YOU GUYS
Good bye.
I will make it. I will make the /prod/ on /mu/dor
>shitty image that has nothing to do with the thread

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