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The greatest composer of all time edition

This thread is for the discussion of music in the Western classical tradition.

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:
https://pastebin.com/NBEp2VFh (embed)

Previous thread: >>123881448
bait is supposed to be believable edition
You just don't get it, you don't understand my plight. You just cant grasp what Cage wanted to tell, it is understandable as there are other composers you might want to listen to.
bait is supposed to be believable
>listen to
beethoven, bartok, xenakis, bach, ravel, biber, liszt, reich, schubert

wagner, tchaikovsky, rachmaninoff (absolute garbage), brahms, alfred shitke
Admit it, you only hate Cage because you will never be as revolutionary as him.
>admit it, you hate Pol Pot because you will never be as revolutionary as him.
>comparing Cage to Pol Pot
I apologize. Cage was far worse.
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my favorite symphony is Dvorak's new world symphony. I like the variation in mood throughout the movements.
It's a little bewildering. I generally find something to enjoy with every Mahler recording I try, or at least see the appeal, and yet every Zander one I've listened to (I think I've heard his 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 9th now) is just awful, save for the 5th which I stand by, though should revisit. Oh well, still would like to see that note someday, and you're right, the other goodies are quite seductive, might buy the CD if I ever come across it in real life.

My preferred set too, but >>123901181 is up there.
correction: on second thought I do remember hearing the appeal of is 6th, but I didn't really care for it.
What are your favorite string trios?
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let's try and start the day with



>Peter Dijkstra conducts an achingly beautiful live performance of the Mass B minor conveying a considerable depth of sacred expression, making this a highly desirable addition to a collection.

---- Michael Cookson
there’s a reason why zander’s day job is directing youth orchestras despite his age and experience, and it’s not just because he likes kids a little too much.

It's funny how this general is actually usuable without the animeschizo
I dig it.

There is no animeschizo here, the only person who posts anime is a nice, normal guy who's really into Mozart and Bach.
Bach is shit.
> the only person who posts anime is a nice, normal guy
Funny joke, me laughy
Maybe he's intentionally hiding his true talent in order to keep up the facade to work with them
Everything Fricsay did was kino. Imagine if Fricsay had the BPO though the 60's and 70's...
if he were that clever, he wouldn’t be a pedophile
The greatest composer of all time is
Eugen Suchoň. All the others suck: beethoven, bartok, xenakis, bach, ravel, wagner... please. they are all babies. nobody is worth half of the slovak post-romantic absolute chad. Suchoň is what the peak of humanity look like.
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So now that the dust has settled, what are the best recordings of Rachmaninoff's 2nd symphony?
Is it just me or does this opening Kyrie sound really weird? It's way different than anyone I've ever heard before, and not in a good way, at least on first listen.
preferably the shortest possible one
Can't find any fast tempo recordings of it, sadly ;) Maybe Fischer's comes the closest, and is actually quite good.
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>He is extremely forgetful and absent-minded, because inwardly preoccupied and distracted. In fact, he used to be much more so. The strangest things would happen to him! The most extreme instance occurred in his youth, while drinking black coffee at a party. Without thinking, he stirred the cup with his cigarette instead of his spoon and then, imagining that he had smoke in his mouth, blew coffee across the table right into his hostess’s face!
lmao that's great
based mahler
Why didn't Bach write anything for harp? He wrote for most instruments that existed in the baroque period, but not for it.
Also, why does no ensamble use the baroque harp in the continuo section? I see a lot of theorbos, is there any reason a harp couldn't play the part?
For me probably still Previn lol, but recently discovered Temirkanov Royal Philharmonic is up there.

There may be better ones but I usually tend to listen to the recordings I'm familiar with more often than not.

I haven't listened to that one for example. How do you search for so many recordings other than forums, /classical/ and hurwitz recs?
Beethoven obviously goes on both tiers at once
posting the same shit every time you post automatically makes you a schizo and not normal
Because harp is gay as fuck
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Usually Amazon and reading the reviews, where you'll learn if the recording is worth checking out and if not usually you'll read them recommending other, better ones instead, or looking up recordings on YouTube music and recognizing the conductor (like Rozhdestvensky), then looking it up to read some reviews of it and see if it's well-regarded. I should revisit that Previn one, been a while. And I've heard Temirkanov's, it's pretty good. None of his recordings have ever blown me away or would be among my favorites, but he's consistently solid, much in the same vein as, say, Jansons, who also has a solid but again not amazing Rachmaninoff orchestral work set.

But yeah try looking up 'rachmaninoff symphony 2' on Amazon right now and you'll see Previn, Ashkenazy, Temirkanov, Ormandy, Slatkin, all great. Just avoid Nezet-Seguin lol.

I'd also highly recommend Petrenko's, fantastic conductor, his recordings are almost always worth checking out, from his Rachmaninoff to Tchaikovsky to Shostakovich to Stravinsky.

Literally just an image to give his post a little more flare and perhaps for fun, who cares? The substance of his posts are good.
Y'know what, almost through listening to this and it's fantastic, highly recommended. Will definitely be one of my go-to's for a more recent recording of the work.

thank you tranime sister
I used to read a paper magazine about classical music back in the day. I miss it.

Is it not around anymore?
Such a shame that as time passes, real and valuable culture is just tossed away.
I recommend looking for magazines on issuu. Libgen is lacking in the magazine section. No gramophon, no bbc music, no diapason, nothing.
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Chopin DJ like a mad cunt edition:
This is the only track I've heard by Rachmaninoff:
love john cage
especially love his essays. read em.
I kinda love parallel 5ths... not just as a color thing, but as a neat way to harmonize! :)
not /classical/, maybe try >>>/mu/ instead
thanks RYMsister
Alright I'll try that sometime, thanks.

Anyway, today I learned that Mahler once conducted Rach 3 with soloist as Rach himself, who was amazed with his conducting, always interesting to know composers' relationship with each other lol. I wonder if Rach listened to his symphonies
Thank you TJ
Listening to Liszt and avoiding Rachmaninoff, and listening to Beethoven and Schubert but not Brahms makes absolutely no sense at all.
>Literally just an image to give his post a little more flare
yes we have a name for that. it's called avatarfagging.
TJ? like, The Amazing Atheist?
Exactly yes
thank you obsessed rachjeet
Tchaikovsky has his moments
my ancestor...
Rachad is >>123905353 not >>123905356
Obsessed sister
Just because I'm eating poppadoms right now-
that doesn't make me an Indian, or a Rachmaninoff listener(I just haven't got round to him)
thank you rachjeet
it’s actually the rancid smell of shit that gives you away, jeetsister
Drop whatever you're doing right now and listen to Rachmaninoff
yes sar
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speaking of Rachmaninoff's second symphony, listening to the Gergiev/LSO recording right now and gotta admit, it's pretty damn good.

Pretty sure it's been established already that he is, in fact, not avatarposting with the images he posts.
no tranime avatar pedo, nothing has been established other than that you’re an avatarfagging pedophile
can't spell classical without ass
can't spell click without the ick
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>In earlier years, I used to urge Mahler to let the beard grow again in some form. He protested vigorously: ‘What are you thinking of? Do you imagine that I go clean-shaven out of whim or vanity? I have a very good reason for it. When I am conducting, I communicate with singers and orchestra not only through hand-movements and glances, but also through mouth and lips. I secure the notes with every expression, every tiny facial movement. I can’t do that with my face hidden by a beard. It must be quite free.’
the Solti Ring teuly is great EXCEPT for the big orchestra-only parts. I think that he tried to componsate for a perceive lack of "drama" in instrumental sections without characters/plot, so he does dumb shit like playing the funeral march's brass so loudly that you can't hear half the orchestra.
that’s just solti’s modus operandi period. playing the brass excessively loud and overcompensating in slow movements is something he does in everything he conducts
This is like when people used to accuse me of being you when I'd defend you, we've come full circle haven't we lol
now playing

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Saw the BSO perform Mahler’s 8th today. It was a fantastic performance and it’s easily one of Mahler’s best works. It’s criminally underrated.
too bad andris nelsons can’t conduct anything worth a shit, especially not a piece as difficult as mahler 8
I'm always talking it up! But yes it's the Mass in B minor or Missa Solemnis of the modern era. Did they open with anything? I've read Jurowski opens with Tallis' Spem in Alium, nice and interesting pair of choral works.
unlike jurowski, nelsons is a lazy fat shit who can barely conduct to begin with, so the mahler 8 is all he can muster for the night.
Cope and seethe. Nelsons is actually rather skinny now and the BSO is top tier.

Only played the 8th.
dude, you’re not fooling anyone, the guy is still clearly overweight and the BSO haven’t been good since fucking charles munch died. get a grip.
Ah, still very cool. The 8th would top my list of works to see.

I'm probably overestimating how common opening works are for something as long and grand as Mahler anyhow, the Jurowski thing was probably a special occasion.
as Mahler 8*
Nah he’s lost a lot of weight. Imagine being this mad over some random dude lmao

I’m sure you’d do a much better job, champ!


a short opening work like spem in alium is not that out of the ordinary, especially considering that both are choral works.
at this point i think a literal spastic retard with a baton could do a better job than andris nelsons.
>Imagine being this mad over some random dude lmao
i think most people would be pretty upset to know that the principal conductor of one of the most important US orchestras is a fucking moron who's never had a single competent interpretation of any piece of music ever. really makes you wonder how these fat idiots are getting hired.

the Vagner meme
Why does this guy endlessly seethe in this thread about performances he's never heard?
why are you so emotionally invested in an incompetent fat retard? were your BSO tickets really that expensive?
Is this a Liszt variation from a Schubert work? Picrel is solo piano.
Forgot pic
they’re arrangements of lieder for virtuoso solo piano
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speaking of BSO, let's listen to a different one with Baltimore; plus I haven't been disappointed by a Alsop recording yet

Symphonic Variations, Op. 78

start of Symphony No. 9 in E Minor, Op. 95 B. 178 From the New World


also check out this review excerpt, you could replace the specific names with any other work and it wouldn't miss a beat lol

>Recorded live in Joseph Meyerhoff Symphony Hall in Baltimore, Alsop's Ninth is robust and energetic, with muscular rhythms and stalwart tempos. Her Molto vivace Scherzo has real heft and weight and her closing Allegro con fuoco has drive and strength. Better yet, Alsop coaxes warm, characterful playing from the Baltimore musicians. Their ensemble is tight and direct in the fast movements, but their playing is colorful and soulful in the slow movements. Their burnished lower strings in the opening Adagio and their solemn trombones at the start of the central Largo are deeply felt and quietly affecting. Preceded by a brilliant and bumptious account of the same composer's Symphonic Variations, this disc will add luster to both Alsop and the Baltimore's reputation. -- AllMusic.com, James Leonard, June 2008
>Marin Slop
Thanks mate
Aslop, as in apolitical or atheist, as in *not* slop!
i'm convinced beethovens 9th doesn't exist
What makes you say that
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Who to trust!?

I am going to kill myself tonight
livestream it.
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did you OD on Wagner again?
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There exists only one "force" that can save you.
you fucking druggo.
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This cursed world gave me nothing but pain, I wake up to misery and disdain. My body feels numb the more I study humans, such immoral, pathetic and greedy creatures who tainted this good earth.

Wagner was one of those Humans who brought hope in this world, His composition is like a "divine choir", it cures your mind, heart and most importantly your "soul". I would have offed myself long ago, but Wagner came, took me in his arms and gave me a hug. I knew, that moment.......that not everything is wrong with this accursed world.
if you need help with your addiction please use the following link.

Skrjabins music can save you
If Wagner is an addiction then I am an addict.
If Wagner is a disease then I am sick.
If Wagner is pain then I am a masochist.
Truth is that Wagner is basically like Heroin. Once you are consumed by his music, there is no coming back. Those horns and trumpets will become dopamine receptors, like an alcoholic suffering from the pain of withdrawal, you will curse the day you first listened to Wagner. It will be at this moment, that you will admit that your mind was raped by Wagner.
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I starved myself and lost 10kgs after my very first hearing of Tristan and Isolde. Not joking. It was a Solti rec if I remember correctly (the sound was relatively new was clean).
new and* clean
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Cheer up guys. I know the world is fucked but relax.
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I too remember my first hearing of Tristan. I stopped caring about school and being a functional human being. It was like seeing color for the first time after seeing only black, white, and grey.



What has this world become? What are we doing? We need Wagner. BRING HIM BACK NOW! BRING HIM TO ME!
Scriabin (warning a bit schizophrenic)


Normally when you hear something for the first time, it never strikes you. It is only after the second, the third hearing that you gradually ease into it and start enjoying the sound. Wagner was a completely different case, I still remember the shivers and shakes. Damn. That "moment" was always reduced on consequent hearings.
sorry consecutive*
fucking keyboard is drunk



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The reason why Tristan hits you like that is because of its otherworldly sound world. At first glance the harmonies in this piece appear to be just an indulgent use of chromaticism, root motion by third, and extended chords but there is more to it than that. You see, virtually all of the material used belongs to an 8-tone projection of the tritone like so:

C, Db, D, Eb, F#, G, Ab, A

(interval content = p6m4n4s4d6t8)

I am new to reading sheet music but right at this point. When it moves to Dm, and the consequent buildup....what can I even say.......ORGASM....
Scriabin is the only good russian composer.
Not even the best Russian composer
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The orchestral stuff is just so mediocre, as much as it pains me to say.
Early Scriabin is definitely romantic unless you're a giga-retard, which he seems to be if he considers Rach a joke. Everything Russian romantics tried to achieve was culmiated with Rach, this is basic entry-level knowledge
It's just a post I saved because it had some Russian composers I wasn't familiar with, so I wanted to be able to reference it when I felt like trying something new from the Russian romantic tradition. I like Rach a lot too but with all the others he likes, I gotta respect the poster's tastes, it's not just blind hate.
Rachmaninoff is too ""sentimental"" for some people, or at least that's what contrarian, soulless people say. Proves he's difficult to get into and appreciate, which is always a good sign.
kek your second statement does not follow from your first, you didn't 'prove' anything, anon. Maybe the original poster will see this and reply with his reasons.
>it's not just blind hate.
Yeah it is autism or simply inability to feel moved by music.
Because you disagree on one composer? Yikes. It'd be another thing if he dismissed Russian composers entirely, like another anon here...
>you didn't 'prove' anything, anon.
And I do not need to.
The facts are on the table, some people fail to appreciate russian Romanticism. It's not that they like it but prefer the other stuff, they stright out dislike it. The word filtered is what we use in this situation.

The image is literally them stating all of the other Russian romantics they enjoy, are you serious? Stop trolling me, I just woke up!
Rachmaninoff made kitsch.
the wagnersisters have been feisty tonight
HAHAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAH the slave actually thinks hallmark christmas movie music is “difficult to get into”
Did I reply to your pic though?
Ok tranny
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Which is better, 2 pianos or piano four hands?
Now listening to Antonio de Cabezón
Maho's 4 fingers on my genitals
Rach IS a joke.
Well no one actually has 4 hands so two pianos-twice the megapower
Is it Maul-er or May-ler?
It's MEHler
More like you are a joke
he doesn't appear to be a slave though
Better be a slav than a mutt, muttsister
Rach is still gay though
amerimutts aren’t the ones pretending that hallmark christmas movie music is high art though
and also he fucked his cousin, very gross
So did Einstein
An amerimutts' opinion is worthless.
But it's what started the convo! You're killin' me, anon. And 'them' is a perfectly acceptable word there, wtf, you're trollin' me good today, I'm actually mildly seething now
>it's what started the convo
And the conversation shifted to something else, shocking, I know.
>I'm actually mildly seething
You've been seething ever since someone replied to your post
Forgive me for thinking that the person you were talking about disliking Rach was the person in my picture who wrote about disliking Rach which also started the convo instead of some hypothetical other person(s), silly me -_-

In which case what's even the point of discussing it. I like Rach a lot, was just defending the person whose post I posted an image of.
>Forgive me
>In which case what's even the point of discussing it.
Newfag moment. Ctrl+F slave
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now playing (K.548)

start of Mozart: Piano Trio in C Major, K. 548


Wait a sec, two Barenboims? This his kid? Is Du Pre his mom? :o
lol really?
Rachmaninoff is better described by the terms normally and justly applied to Mahler &co.: Bloated Meandering Firetruck Garbage for impressionable teens such as you.
You are best described by the words: pseudointellectual, artless, genetic dead-end.
>impressionable teens listening to any classical

That's a great title and programmatic theme for a musical work. Hope it's good!
seems like a consistent pattern of retard behavior
and somehow still not as worthless as slave music
genetic dead-end like an incestuous cousin fucker?
yes, they tend to listen to virtuososlop and slaveslop, bonus points if it’s emotionally dishonest ala rach.
more interesting than good
Out of curiosity, for those anons who consider Schumann one of your three or five favorite composers, what are your top five or so favorite works by him? I like him quite a bit, so just curious what superfans of his consider his best stuff and what I perhaps may be overlooking.
Considering you spend your days sexually grooming children and teenagers you really ought to know better. There's no teenagers listening to Rachmaninoff or Mahler
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now playing

start of Balakirev: Symphony No. 2 in D Minor

In Bohemia

Overture on Three Russian Songs

start of Suite in D Minor of Four Pieces by Frédéric Chopin


This is great stuff, check some of it out if you're a fan of Russian romanticism, and even if not!
>There's no teenagers listening to Rachmaninoff

Rhenish(as well as other 3), Violin Sonata 1-3, piano/violin concertos, piano sonata 1. You can't go wrong with Schumann really, but these are the obvious ones. I don't make top x lists but I love Schumann.
nice projection obsessed rachjeet, but we all know the only child groomers in /classical/ are the pedophile kraut and the tranime sisters. i wouldn’t expect you to know considering you are a child yourself.
Yes. Teenagers don't listen to any classical you muppet. Maybe 2% of them at best do
Jeez what an awful post. Delete it and try again
Thank you. Do you have a favorite recording for the violin sonatas and concerto?
and what does that 2% listen to? rach and chopin.
what an underage post, turn 18 and try again.
We'll agree that I'm right and move on
we’ll agree that you’re underage and will cease posting until you hit 18.
Yes certainly
it’s time to stop posting, underage b&
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Thank you very much!
YW. Cute cat.
Really love the Violin Sonatas, especially 1st(which was Schumann's least favorite), will be listening to those now
It's time to stop being a Tranny Janny
based cat
if i were a janitor i’d ban you right now for being underage.
Nice try Tranny Janny
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Pretty accurate
if only, if only.
(Except Gershwin who shouldn't even be there)
the idea of a bunch of retarded russians being above all the late mozart piano concerti save 2 is hilarious
Not too bad, actually. No Bartok 2 though? And Prokofiev's 1st and not the 2nd or 3rd? Mine would look quite different but I respect it.
Beetoven Trans remix
An Americ*n muttoid jealous of Russians, their arch nemesis, nothing new there.
Who? Definitely gonna check this out when I get back from my walk.
mozart was american? who knew.
You're a mutt, classical music is not for you. Leave it to the native Europeans >>>/mu/
this may be news to you, but one does not need to be american to live in america, much like how slaves are not european but still insist on invading europe anyways
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Is that seriously how that Symphony starts lol?
How are you this obsessed with Slavs? You're constantly going on about them.
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>21st century classics
>muh actually i'm not from america
kek the sisterlore grows
>much like how slaves are not european but still insist on invading
They are European, their art represents European culture, their music is European, St Petersburg is one of the most culturally European cities, and they are not invading Europe, merely saving it(and more importsntly themselves) from am*ricans who have no say what is European or not.
because the slavesloppers won’t stop posting about them, obviously.
my passport is objectively not an american passport, i am objectively not american.
>their art represents European culture, their music is European, St Petersburg is one of the most culturally European cities
all false, they are retarded mongoloid rapebabies who write music for other developmentally stunted mongolid rapebabies. i wouldn’t expect a (underage) mongolid rapebaby to understand though.
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Year 1910. Mahler is told there is no audience left in the hall because everyone is needed to perform in his mammoth symphonies.
Well where are you from?
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Year 1907. Mahler on a bomb, Arnold Schoenberg (1874-1951) at a rat-a-tat sewing machine, and Richard Strauss (1864-1949) with a heavy weight about to fall on the public – all combined in one performance. (Illustriertes Extrablatt 31-03-1907). Cartoon by Theo Zasche (1862-1922).
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Year 1905. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) sends for Mahler because he has ruined ‘Don Giovanni’ and no one will believe in Mozart’s genius anymore. (Wiener Caricaturen, XXIV, 12-1905)
wouldn’t you like to know, underage slave?
Well yeah that's why I asked
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Year 1902. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827) accuses Mahler of ‘disfiguring’ his music. Kikeriki 24-04-1902. (See: Max Klinger (1857-1920)) (Kikeriki 33)
Lebanese politician.
For some reason, contemporary composers decided to make horror film soundtracks even when they don't work in cinema.
>the sisterlore grows further
A self-hating slav or lying americuck, which one?
>all false
So brave of you, arguing against the overwhelming amounts of evidence in art, music, literature, culture and history. American-tier education.
yes, you certainly did.
>the world only consists of mutts and slaves
LMFAO, the absolute state of the eastern “european” brain
>the overwhelming amounts of evidence in art, music, literature, culture and history.
their music overwhelming proves that they are in fact low IQ mongoloids, yes.
The first few seconds actually really sounds like something from Dawn Of The Dead
completely deaf
You are overwhelmingly proving that you are illiterate.
you are overwhelmingly proving that you are musically illiterate and mentally deficient
He's actually a much more talented musician than his dad. Solid modern violinist.
>uhh i must be the last one to reply!
there’s no need to add a > if you’re quoting yourself.
Okay that's hilarious.
You just know he has lost sleep trying to be the last one to reply lmao
>hurr durr i need to fight for europa on an an imageboard! i must save them from very bad russian music and ebil mongols!
Russian music killed classical and is directly responsible for shit like modern game and movie soundtracks
watching a show on Netflix on mute with subtitles on while listening to classical :)
Did normal people really get to enjoy bruckner his masses when he wrote them? Like they were actually just played in your sunday mass?
Russian music is corny af frfr
quite untrue, in fact, you don’t know me, lil bro
who are you quoting, sirgay?
I recall reading about Brahms attending a premier of the third Mass and extolling its quality and congratulating Bruckner on a job well done.
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>because the slavesloppers won’t stop posting about them, obviously.
And never will. This is /rachmaninoff/ general.

If anyone is curious, I listened to this last night and it was outstanding, top-tier Bruckner 7 for sure.

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now playing, felt like trying a new Schumann 2

start of Schumann: Symphony No. 2 in C Major, Op. 61

Webern: Im Sommerwind

Schoenberg: Kammersymphonie No. 1, Op. 9

Could just be in my head, or this recording, but it's kinda hard going back to Schumann's symphonies in their regular state after having heard Mahler's re-orchestrations, they all sound slightly but noticeably lacking and off-balance now.
Schumann wrote some pleasant tunes, but he was an incompetent orchestrator.
I guess I'm just unsure if there really is that big of a difference or if it's just in my head lol, but I feel like the re-orchestrations are indeed better.
Do you like Andras Schiff?
Very much, many of his recordings are among my favorites. Just to name a few, all of his Bach and his Mendelssohn Songs Without Words.
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Amazing stuff really
embarrassing post
All music is Dionysian, that's the entire point of The Birth of Tragedy.
Of course but you can re-appropriate the categories further among music.
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let's try...

start of Mahler: Symphony No. 6 In A Minor


Got sold by this one review:
>Defiance against the mainstream Mahler
>Rediscovering Sinopoli's Mahler through the Sixth 'Tragic'.

>Wild and idiosyncratic, clinical and eccentric, with emphasis on peculiar balances and dynamics, irregular tempo choices, this account of the composer's 'Most Personal' work is a fierce defiance against the mainstream Mahler that has long been established by the likes of Bernstein, Kubelik, Haitink, Neumann, and Abbado.

>The Philharmonia Orchestra - the London't most Germanic ensemble - plays like Gods with utter refinement and panache. In great sound.
2nd symphony has perfectly fine orchestration though. It's the 3rd and 4th revision that have the really bad orchestrations.

Brahms correctly said that the revision to Schumann's 4th was a mistake as far as its orchestration was concerned.
I post other stuff too
was 1888 the greatest year in classical music?
retarded eccentric interpretation. People who love performers like Gould would probably like it.
There's a difference between mixing it up and outright destroying a work's qualities. Of course, which it is we shall see. I love the 6th so much though that I generally find something to enjoy in almost every recording I listen to (though of course I spend a lot of time deciding which ones to pick so they tend to all be good ones anyway).
Ah I'll keep that in mind, thanks.

thank you brother
boring, but his early recordings on hungaroton are good
The successor to Gould. A human MIDI.
gould wouldn’t be half as repulsive as he is if he were a mere human MIDI
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now playing

start of Schumann: Piano Sonata, Op.22 in G Minor

start of Scriabin: Piano Sonata No. 3 in F-sharp Minor, Op. 23


Anyone familiar with this pianist, Vera Drenkova? Just searched up recordings of Schumann's Op. 22 on YouTube Music and picked it because it had the Scriabin too.
It's true that Gould has some repugnant interpretive decisions, but that's really only half of what makes him an undesirable pianist. His lack of legato in combination with his lackluster rhythm and metronomic tempo are what complete the package. Schiff is the same, just usually - but not always - without the retarded interpretations. He does, at the very least, somewhat avoid some of the driest Gouldisms by generally favoring a more wet acoustic, but it barely helps.
schiff is far more capable of legato playing and slightly less metronomic than gould, let’s be real.
only sometimes
God DAMN his Beethoven sonata cycle is bad. Such a shame it gets recommended so frequently.
to my fellow scherchenbro - is there any reason you do not rate steinberg on your beethoven cycle? his fourth comes out quite favorably for me with regards to adhering very nicely to beethoven’s metronome markings
It really depends on the recording. His WTC on Decca is more palatable, than his one on ECM, which exaggerates those issues I was referring to. Sure, I still wouldn't quite say that it's as bad as Gould's WTC, but I really do wonder how much of that is due to the instrument, acoustic, and recording. I have no hesitation in calling it the worst recording of the WTC since Gould's.
his ECM recordings seem to be uniformly worse than his decca recordings, but i think quite a few of his decca recordings are perfectly serviceable
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now playing

start of Brahms: Violin Concerto in D Major, Op. 77

This one is still so funny to me.
It's not a cycle I've heard in a long, long time. Since back when it only on MCA. Listening now.
i’ve been doing a survey of 4ths and his is coming out on top for me at the moment. everyone seems to take the opening movement a lot more leisurely than what beethoven marks, save the toscanini school of time beaters.
now playing

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guess we'll end the day with

Scriabin: Rêverie, Op. 24

start of Symphony No. 3 in C minor, Op. 43 - "Le Poème Divin" (only 1 min long)

2nd part of 4: Symphony No. 3 in C minor, Op. 43 - "Le Poème Divin"

Le Poème de l'Extase, Op.54

I think it's very very good, but I'm remembering why I didn't have positive first impressions and it has to do with the recording itself; very soft in the bass, and too shouty in the mids. Has a murky quality to it. Addressable with EQ, though, and certainly worth keeping in my library, thank you for the heads up.

I kinda wish American orchestras didn't take so long to adopt hard mallets for the timpani, it's something that bothers me about some of Szell's Beethoven as well. It's at least half the reason that I elevate Scherchen's London recordings so much, since the timpanist just goes wild throughout and my dumb monkey brain can't help but love it when they bang the drum.
How would you rate Giulini among conductors?
Nice Don Giovanni.
Nice Bruckner 9.

true, the command classics stuff is not amazingly produced, but his tempi are so much faster than most of the other recordings of the 4th that i’ve heard (doubly so if stereo). people really like to take this symphony at a relaxed pace for some reason, which really makes no sense. either that, or they skip the exposition repeat, which is equally as irritating.
good verdi requirm, as far as the verdi requiem can be good.
>the command classics stuff is not amazingly produced
What's weird is that they're secret Mercury Living Presence recordings. Robert Fine did the work on them.
Sadly miles away from the sound quality that, say, Dorati got for his Beethoven on the same label. Not sure what happened.
strange, it really doesn’t sound anything like dorati’s recordings from the same label.
on another note though, any recordings of the 4th you would recommend that similarly follow beethoven’s metronome markings faithfully?
I haven't really listened to the 4th discography nearly as much as I probably should have. I've said it before, but I'm mostly satisfied with Scherchen, Leibowitz, and Kleiber for performances that are metronome adjacent (and now Steinberg too), but those three do lack the exposition repeat which I similarly find annoying, especially when the tempo is so quick.

As we've discussed before, many modern recordings should get close since it's very common to adhere to them these days, but you may have to dig to actually find palatable playing styles. For example, Chailly's cycle very closely adheres to all the metronome markings, and he even uses a modern orchestra. But then there are HIPisms in the style of playing that personally bug me (clipped phrasing, for example).

Bout to head to bed, but a cursory listen of this earlier Mackerras recording seems to fit the bill as far as modern and palatable is concerned:
Yeah, yeah.
What'd you gonna do? Not a whole lot of options for metronome markings minus the HIPisms. Orchestra sounds a bit small, though.
i was quite surprised with how flexible and spontaneous while keeping with the metronome marking kleiber’s performance was, until he skipped the exposition repeat. oh well.
>Not a whole lot of options for metronome markings minus the HIPisms.
i hate modern recordings so much it’s unreal. steinberg it is i guess.
if i can remove repeats in audacity, then you nerds can add them
What does that mean? New to classical.
It means no worries for the rest of your days.
How many albums do you listen to in a day?
not when the repeats involve music that isn’t played on the second runthrough, which is the case in the 4th.
schizophrenic moment
4 hands because 2 pianos is expensive.
Considering modern Germans are all Russian rape babies, you'd most likely be a "mongoloid" by your own definition. If you're from any nation that made good music anyways.
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Posting Russian music to make sisterposter angry

thank god i’m not german then.
>If you're from any nation that made good music anyways.
so not including russia then? got it.
>thank god i’m not german then.
So you're genetically unfit to discuss music. Get out of my general.
you don’t own this thread, ban evading pedophile kraut
Badass post
Wrong guy
So true racister
So sisterposter is black? The plot thickens
So true racister
Interesting. The schizo talks about how he hates slavs and slavic music and then here he is calling out racism. KEK
>retarded racister doesnt know what racism is
I bet you believe in "reverse racism"
I know very well what racism is, and I don't care in your american libshit terminology
So true yuropoor racister
who the fuck is so ADHD fried that they go into audacity to REMOVE repeats?
fuck off clown



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