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Meowzart edition


This thread is for the discussion of music in the Western classical tradition.

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:
https://pastebin.com/NBEp2VFh (embed)

Previous thread: >>123900628
Wagner... I need COCK
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>no zoomer descendants of the bayreuth monarchy
Who will save the Wagner bloodline? YOU must do it anon.
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>Greatest concerto ever written
You were saying?

Honestly bored by this Flute Concerto. The flute itself is also a quite irritating instrument.
Imagine being filtered by a instrument kek
I like it in moderation. Good symphonists handle them well. This concerto is just boring and the flute won't shut up for a minute which makes my ears bleed.



Who is the baked beans of the classical canon?
Beethoven Sonatas
I LOVE BBC (Beethoven,Brahms,Chopin)
Who is the baked beans of the classical canon?
Who is the baked beans of the classical canon?
nigga shut the fuck up

Who is the baked beans of the classical canon?
Who is the baked beans of the classical canon?
Who is the baked beans of the classical canon?
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for all their “superior intellect” these retarded krauts sure love to eat up bait, hook line and sinker. maybe they really are slave rapebabies, only explanation for how they could have become so retarded in less than a century.
average scriabincel (homosexual)
greatest at wasting the listener’s time, yes
more interesting than good. >>123927490
thank you RYMsister
who knew i had a talent for posting while asleep? with this newfound technique i can increase shitposting efficiency by up to 33.3%, repeating of course.
oh, we’re doing this again? i thought we already did the african conspiracy arc like 6 months ago.
Great another shit flinging thread
Tonality is more like an artificial system imposed on music at the start of the baroque which people have been struggling to work within or escape from ever since. Except in the classical era when they loved that shit and they believed they were imitating the regularity of greco-roman music, which they actually knew nothing about.
Your behavior is similar to that of monkey
yes, tonality was forced upon baroque composers by… what exactly? hitler? god?
as opposed to slaves, which are in fact indistinguishable from monkeys.
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leftist meme
i’m sure you wish that were true, wignat sister
Ockeghem was claimed by Webern, along with his younger Flemish contemporary Obrecht, as a source of profound inspiration. It is a basic concision which they share, but of course Ockeghem's finely spun melodies are far out of proportion to Webern's, and this is certainly the aspect of his music which appeals most directly to the modern listener. The melodies seem to go on forever, never losing their sense of invention or identity, and so it is this fundamental melodic integrity which can be seen as the driving force behind Ockeghem's contrapuntal prowess. This is one way in which he differs from other great contrapuntists in Western history, as Ockeghem never lets technique obscure his material, and such brilliant material it is! By adopting different phrasings in difference voices, and employing deceptive or partial cadences, Ockeghem allows his melodies to continue unimpeded by the structural design of the music. In that sense, they contribute to the architecture while at the same time being buoyed by it. It is only too clear that Ockeghem had mastered the idea of "never-ending melody" long before it became a rallying cry.
Of course it is precisely the ambivalent cadences and essential lack of climaxes which make Ockeghem's masses so difficult to wrap one's mind around, and then it is the continuously spun legato line which makes them physically daunting. The latter is, however, more benefit than fault, as they do not require any superhuman breathing, but rather subtle and perilously gained insights into the nuances of phrasing. For anyone obsessed with the finest details of phrasing, Ockeghem's music provides a reservoir of seemingly infinite depth. Wrestle with it for a while, and anything else seems either nonsense or child's play.
yes, but what pieces by ockeghem should one listen to?
Missa Prolatonium
Missa Pro Defunctis
Missa Mi-mi
quite the conspiracy you’ve cooked up for yourself, wignat sister
post the best classical album covers
Yeah, it's one of those rare Kleiber performances that show him at his best. Miles above his studio Beethoven.
great question wignat schizo
yeah, i really enjoyed it, too bad about the lack of an exposition repeat in the first and last movements. lazy fuck.
So this general is basically under the thumb of one black janny that has a hateboner for classical music?
yes wignat schizo, the black israelite janitors are out to get you.
Says the faggot thinking everyone who disagrees with them is a tranny
Something wrong with Kleiber's Concertgebouw Beethoven?
so true schizo sister, so true.
if you insist, wignat schizo. don’t let the black israelite tranny jannies bite.
Nice quads.

HIPisms in this context are things such as the shrinking of the orchestra, the minimizing of vibrato, the clippings of phrasing, implementing sharp, jumpy accents, and, of course, the utilization of period instruments. Not all HIPisms are bad, but I find that, especially with modern performances, the aforementioned aesthetic characteristics are exaggerated to the point of caricature and are detrimental to Beethoven's compositions.
You're talking about Erich Kleiber, we're talking about Carlos. Erich Kleiber's Concertgebouw recordings are actually quite nice, especially the 7th IMO, but I don't know if they make my list of favorite mono Beethoven.
Actually, Carlos has a Concertgebouw 7th as well, recorded much later.
carlos actually has a 4th and another 7th with the concertgebouw that was exclusively released by philips on video. i don’t think it was ever even released on DVD.
I think I heard that 4th on video at one point but I don't remember for sure.
>You're talking about Erich Kleiber, we're talking about Carlos

Right. Carry on :^)
Is it just me or are Vivaldi's works overshadowed by the Four Seasons (not even the full set of 12 violin concertos) and La Stravaganza?
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not really, all his concerti basically sound the same.
It would be more accurate to say that Vivaldi had five hundred ideas for a concerto, and that none of them ever was fully worked out. It is only after his wonderful opening bars, his extraordinary beginnings (which taught J. S. Bach so much), that his concertos bog down and begin to resemble each other in the deployment of harmonic cliches-cliches which would not matter (as they do not matter in Handel) if the large harmonic form were coherent and interesting, the cliches given a sense of direction and movement instead of a feeling of jogging on a treadmill.
Vivaldi's operas are coming in for attention now: the same faults and virtues are manifest there. The arias begin strikingly, but continue with little of Handel's energy, Bach's intensity, or Alessandro Scarlatti's subtlety. These deficiencies are less crippling here: an aria is generally much shorter than a concerto movement. In comparing Vivaldi to Bach and Handel, some of his admirers (Marc Pincherle, for example) either refused to face his weaknesses, or else-what is worse-they never understood the strengths of the already established masters.
I will now listen to your performance.
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Posting the greatest piece Haydn ever wrote
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I hate baked beans they’re so gross and beany and their sauce gets everywhere -not like you
When I was really obsessed only a month or so back, I was listening to classical almost from waking up to sleep, so like... 10-12 recordings day from start to finish? But it's kinda waning now, getting back into reading and such, so down to like 3-5 a day now.
Having said that I’ve really only had Heinz baked beans or similar which are the disgusting ones. Perhaps there exist baked beans, say from New England, that are actually good: I live in hope. And I do enjoy other beans, butterbeans, white bean casseroles, stews and salads- kidney beans? Not so much.
It’s funny to think you’ve almost certainly listened to more classical music than any classical composer(barring the newer ones)
Winter is the only that sounds somewhat like the season it’s named after
lol because the older composers were only able to hear music live, right? That's true. But they certainly understood it far deeper than I!

Must be interesting living in those times though, when listening to, say, Beethoven's 9th was a special occasion thing you only got to experience every so often, whereas now we can hear it on demand as many times as we like.
Sisterjanny still deleting these posts
Four Seasons is extremely catchy and memorable, much like Moonlight Sonata or 2nd Nocturne, for example. Composers always tend to have a piece that is the most beloved out of all the others, mostly because of cultural reasons(like an iconic name, or was featured in some movie), luck, and also because it is accessible. So that happens all the time, nothing new with Vivaldi's case.
Why didn't Brahms write a non-Requiem Mass? so sad
the german requiem is really not even a requiem mass either, it’s just settings of biblical text for chorus and orchestra.
Brahms wasn't very religious.
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Even more sad! At least we got his brilliant orchestral chorus stuff and then the short ones like these:


I just like choral music is all. I think Brahms could have written an all-time oratorio.
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speaking of choral music, time to finally give this an in-depth listen

start of Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 2 in B-Flat Major, Op. 52 "Hymn of Praise"

Mendelssohn has such a strange discography for a very famous composer. What's he most known for? Can't be his symphonies, they're good, but not among the best. His violin concerto? The string quartets? And if anyone knows, what was he most famous for in his own time? I remember reading his oratorios, Elijah and Paulus, were actually quite famous and acclaimed in his era.
Have you listened to Brahms' Rinaldo?
you already said his violin concerto and string quartets, those are exceedingly famous in their respective gentes
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I actually haven't! Funny you mention it though, because I saw it when I was listening to some stuff off of pic related the other day (great set, even if none of the recordings are my favorite for anything except for Triumphlied but only because no one else has really recorded that lol, but it's a great convenient set to get all of these works in one place, even if it's missing some of the shorter choral songs if I'm not mistaken, like the heavenly Op. 112b and Op. 103) but decided against it once I saw it's for tenor and male choir -- I much prefer female vocals, and if it must have male vocals then it's gotta have female too.

But if you think it's worthwhile then I'll give it a listen.
>What's he most known for?
being jewish
>What's he most known for?
making Wagner butthurt
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Looking for your preferred version, what do you recommend?
Mariage D'amour

The thumbnail for this was very ass heavy-I'm not sure I should reward that behaviour or not.
I like Fabio Bondi's
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let's try...


Also added the Rattle, Schaller, and Wand/NDR recordings of this work to try.
I actually don't know if this is Classical
Is this what young people call tradwifebait?
I dunno either, but I think she's having a stroke.
I know I am
Goddamn I forgot how much I love this symphony. I think it's the most cheerful and uplifting of all of Bruckner's symphonies.
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Yeah it's a lust provoking thumbnail
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now playing

start of playlist:

What's worth checking out by Glinka?
Try these
Awesome, thank you.
Looks like Carlos takes the exposition repeat for the 4th in his Concertgebouw performance on DVD.
Mahler >>> Strauss
Well, duh, who questions that
Me, who hates Mahler. Strauss actually had redeemable qualities. Mahler is overrated jew with no redeemable qualities.
If you hate one, then your opinion on who's better doesn't carry much weight. I listen to both regularly; Strauss is great but Mahler was a genius, they're at least two tiers apart.
strauss is second rate, mahler is first rate. simple as.
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One of the best

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Hell yeah double beaters
pff ahaha
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Berg on Mahler vs Strauss
strauss curved paenus
Strauss was a genius, if you doubt that then you never understood either of them to begin with.
a second rate genius maybe
They're both second-rate because they're just followers of Wagner.
so true sister, so true
Mahler >>>>>>>>> Wagner
Can someone tell me what Mahler symphony this is cribbing?

Dishonest Jew slop. You will never understand the Teutonic musical tradition.
I will find you and I will kill you and your entire family.
Bruckner >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wagner
redpil me on Les Six
2 and 6.
thank you wagnersisters
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shiver me timbers. this now be playing.



De la Rue


I think I'm finally starting to get Schoenberg.
what piece
Huh, this sounds kinda good. I mean obviously cheesy but it's supposed to be, so good for what it is.
Reminds me of a poppier version of this:
gays have ghastly taste
Official list of decent - good composers (if you think of a popular composer who didn't end up here, chances are they are shit): >Machaut, Dufay, Ockeghem, Brumel, Marenzio, Josquin, Gesualdo, Sheppard, Monteverdi, Buxtehude, Vivaldi, Handel, Bach, Haydn, Pergolesi, Krauss, Mozart, Schubert, Beethoven, Rossini, Wagner, Brahms, Liszt, Strauss, Mahler, Dvorak, Chopin, Debussy, Ravel, Rimsky-Korsakov, Shostakovich, Faure, Varese, Hindeminth, Pfitzner, Scriabin, Grieg, Schoenberg, Berg, Webern, Szymanowski, Stravinsky, Villa-Lobos, and Busoni.
What do you guys think of the list this page, link in next post, char limit

1926 Queen’s Hall Orch / Wood / Beulah 2PD3 (4/27R)

1936 VPO / Weingartner / Naxos 8 110956 (11/36R)

1939 NBC SO / Toscanini / Music & Arts CD1275 (12/41R)

1944 VPO / Furtwängler / Orfeo C834 118Y (7/13R)

1944 Prussian St Orch / Karajan / Koch Schwann 315092 – nla

1950 BPO / Furtwängler / Audite AUDITE21 403 (9/09)

1950 Concertgebouw Orch / E Kleiber / Decca 482 3952 (4/51R)

1951 BPO / Van Kempen / Decca Eloquence ELQ482 0270 (12/54R)

1951-52 RPO / Beecham / Sony SMK89887 – nla; Mastercorp Pty Ltd (1/54R)

1952 Philharmonia / Karajan / Warner 2564 63373-5 (7/53R)

1957 Südwestfunk Orch / Horenstein / Vox 7807 – nla; BNF Collection (4/60R)

1957 VPO / Monteux / Decca Eloquence ELQ480 8895 (11/63R)

1957 Cleveland Orch / Szell / Sony 88883 73715-2 (2/58R)

1958 Columbia SO / Walter / Sony 88875 12391-2 (3/61R)

1959 Philharmonia / Klemperer / EMI 404275-2 (3/62R)

1962 BPO / Karajan / DG 463 088-2GB5 (2/63R)

1964 NYPO / Bernstein / Sony 88883 71833-2 (10/66R)

1967 BBC SO / Barbirolli / Barbirolli Society SJB1040 (3/68R)

1971 BPO / Karajan / DG/Unitel 073 4107GH3 (5/06)

1978 Los Angeles PO / Giulini / DG 447 444-2GOR (5/79R, 8/96)

1984 BPO / Karajan / DG 439 002-2GHS (6/86R)

1985 NDR SO / Wand / RCA 88697 71144-2 (3/86R)

1986 Academy of Ancient Music / Hogwood / Decca 452 551-2OC5 (11/86R)

1987 Orch of the 18th Century / Brüggen / Decca 478 7436DC7 (11/88R)

1987 London Classical Players / Norrington / Erato 083423-2 (4/89R)

1990 COE / Harnoncourt / Teldec 2564 63779-2 (11/91R)

1993 Orch Révolutionnaire et Romantique / Gardiner / Archiv 477 8643AB5 (11/94R)

2001 BPO / Abbado / DG 471 488-2GH (11/08R)

2001 BPO / Abbado / EuroArts 205 1138 (5/09)

2002 VPO / Rattle / EMI 915624-2 (4/03)

2008 Leipzig Gewandhaus Orch / Chailly / Decca 478 3494DH (A/11R)

2012 Bavarian RSO / Jansons / BR-Klassik 900119 (12/13)

2015 BPO / Rattle / BPO BPHR160091 (6/16)"
Just on first thought, no Bruckner, Prokofiev, or Elgar? So sad, but to each their own. Wait, no Tchaikovsky or R*achmaninoff, but you like Rimsky? Hmm.
>no Scherchen
>choosing the vastly inferior Vienna Monteux recording over his Concertgebouw one
This is just a random list of performers as far as I'm concerned. Tasteless.

Oh, of course it's Richard Osborne. No wonder there's not one, not two, not three, not FOUR, but FIVE fucking Karajan performances here.
Yeah I got no idea who the guy is but was reading an Amazon review where the guy was praising him and his list ("According to no less an authority than music critic Richard Osborne...") so figured I'd check it out and get ya'll's input.
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>Friedrich Nietzsche, who in his younger years was one of Wagner's staunchest allies, wrote that, for him, "Tristan and Isolde is the real opus metaphysicum of all art ... insatiable and sweet craving for the secrets of night and death ... it is overpowering in its simple grandeur". In a letter to his friend Erwin Rohde in October 1868, Nietzsche described his reaction to Tristan's prelude: "I simply cannot bring myself to remain critically aloof from this music; every nerve in me is atwitch, and it has been a long time since I had such a lasting sense of ecstasy as with this overture". Even after his break with Wagner, Nietzsche continued to consider Tristan a masterpiece: "Even now I am still in search of a work which exercises such a dangerous fascination, such a spine-tingling and blissful infinity as Tristan – I have sought in vain, in every art."
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now playing (Prokofiev Violin Concerto no. 2)

start of Prokofiev: Violin Concerto No. 1 in D Major, Op. 19

start of Prokofiev: Violin Concerto No. 2 in G Minor, Op. 63

start of Stravinsky: Violin Concerto in D Major


How and why is Oisktrah so good!?
he's a big guy
I think this piece essentially classical and pretty straightforward once you get over the initial "shock" of having sound events instead of individual notes. My guess is he was inspired by Beethoven's 14th quartet, which, by the way, has inspired almost every composer since Beethoven wrote it. It has the same style of beginning, that is, progressive entrances, is in one movement and explores a variety of textures. I don't mean that to sound reductionist but that's how I hear it. The voicing is always clear as far as the "counterpoint" goes (maybe "counterevent" is a better term), meaning, each voice is always distinct. It's never a mess, it's just complex. I think that a difficulty arises in some listeners because they (and I think this is based upon the survival instinct we have as beings to identify things in our environment which could pose a threat) have a tendency to try to hear individual notes and when these" events" take place it creates a certain stress because they are hard to clearly grasp and picture in the mind as they rush by. But once you get used to a sort of listening in a general sense, it doesn't seem as complex as it does at first. In fact, far from it. And if you do choose to look at the score and "slow it down" mentally so to speak, there are many internal layers. In short, it is music that acts upon our nervous system at least as much as it does upon our mind.
Damn that's fire
What's a grand, long violin concerto that isn't from one of the big names? So something like Brahms' or Elgar's but one I haven't heard.
thank you RYMsister
I don't use RYM
coulda fooled me, RYMsister
Fascinating stuff, thanks for the effortpost.
Disliking Wagner and liking Mahler is a sign of insanity.
yes, schizophrenia can be fascinating
so true wagnersister, so true
>the brahmscuck is already seething
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tonight on Mahler Radio, we continue on with Sinopoli's cycle by playing the 7th.


>With these words, AW's note wryly anticipates the character of Sinopoli's latest exercise in radical deconstruction. The conductor's Mahler is rarely uncontroversial, but this recording of No. 7 strikes me as an extreme example of interpretative de-bagging. Where in a performance like Solti's the work becomes a brassily optimistic concerto for orchestra—a simpler, sunnier view which finds endorsement in Michael Kennedy's commentary—Sinopoli takes us much further in the opposite direction. There are times when his tempos recall the lumbering trudge of late Klemperer (EMI, 9/69—nla), except that they rarely settle for long. As in his rather less problematic account of the Sixth (DG, 1/88), Sinopoli has the benefit of first-rate playing from the Philharmonia and ample yet detailed sonics from DG. What he does with them is more deeply unsettling, and intentionally so. (author name missing on the article?)

A baritone Kindertotenlieder accompanies the symphony. I'm not into male lieder so I'll pass but if you are, I've read good things!
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been far too long since I last listened to these but first time with this recording, now playing. The recording comes with some other goodies too, plus anything with Hough is usually pretty good.

start of Brahms: Cello Sonata No. 1 in E Minor, Op. 38

Dvořák: Silent Woods, Op. 68 No. 5, B.173

Dvořák: Rondo in G Minor, Op. 94, B. 171

Suk: Ballade in D Minor, Op. 3 No. 1

Suk: Serenade in A Major, Op. 3 No. 2

Brahms: Cello Sonata No. 2 in F Major, Op. 99


Favorite recording(s) of Brahms' cello sonatas?
I like Fournier.
Yeah if I could only have recordings of repertoire cello works from one cellist, it'd be him for sure.
He wrote a biography on Karajan and is a long time Gramophone writer.
Some years ago I used to listen to a comfy radio station. Only classical music, with erudite commentary before or after a piece. Does something like that exists nowadays? No spotify or podcast, but old school radio (can be radio on streaming ofc).
Why do you guys love Mozart so much?
>Mozart makes you believe in God because it cannot be by chance that such a phenomenon arrives into this world and leaves such an unbounded number of unparalleled masterpieces. It represents neither the prolonged sigh of faith that characterizes so much of the music written before his time, nor the stormy idealism which cloaks most music after him. Rather he is that mercurial balance of the skeptic and the humane. Like him, and in him, we can always discover new worlds.

I agree.
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What are some more arias like this that arent from the same cantata? I really like the organ obligato
Who did the best Tristan and Isolde? Solti or Böhm?
Bach is shit.
Animeschizo only listens to the most tourist composers aka the 'trinity' of shit
Kill yourself
Cream rises to the top
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>well regarded composers are le bad because... They're popular
You're a very interesting person, anon. Totally.
contrarians in this general tend to be people used to regular /mu/ discourse and think that the "popular bad obscure good" holds up when discussing classical, which is one of the few cases of the opposite being true, it leads to embarassing results
There are other good composers, animeschizo. But I guess you're stuck on three of them like a tourist baby
Holy fucking cope kek
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>one of the few cases of the opposite being true
Behold, greatest piano piece ever written
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>There are other good composers, animeschizo
Okay? Doesnt change that Bach is also a good composer. One of the best. I know that you probably have problems with your identity due to being a black tranny, but being a mindless contrarian is not the way
Its about composers, not individual pieces, retard. If you cannot appreciate beethoven, you have no soul
am I wrong? You believe that composers who have been studied and were foundational in the art are bad because of their popularity. you treat a composer like a >>>/mu/ tard treats a band.
Bach was not foundational and had no lasting impact, retard sister
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Ah, you were just baiting. Had me for a bit.
>black tranny
Total schizophrenia.
>nuh uh
Don't overdose on that copium
Didn't say they are bad. But you have shit,baby taste it appears.
>Didn't say they are bad
You started this conversation with "Bach is shit"
Kill yourself, unironically. Nobody likes you, not on this general or IRL
Wrong anon, schizotranny
Ok melty
Bach is shit. Listen to Mozart.
You will never be an interesting person
Soulless golem
Bach made music for degenerates.
Bach never managed to compose anything of even relative worth. Rather than exploring new styles he preferred to jack off alone to the outdated style of ages past, in a manner very similar to modern "wrong generationers."
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Bach is popular but all for wrong reasons. Lady Gaga is popular too but if you respect her you are as retarded as average normalfag
So true sister
I get you despise classical music, just head to >>>/mu/ in that case. You seem to be lost.
His most famous keyboard work, the Goldberg Variations, was originally written to put an aristocrat to sleep. And, bearing in mind that it consists of 30 variations on not only the same theme but also the same fucking harmonic sequence, it has the very same effect on modern audiences.
The Well-Tempered Clavier is garbage and taught Mozart and Beethoven bad habits that forever stunted their expertise in composition.
The Brandenburg Concertos, Violin Concertos, Orchestral Suites, Mass in B minor, Passions, and Musical Offering are plebeian trash written with mass appeal in mind.
The Art of Fugue is utter dreck and the worst piece ever written. It's a load of worthless pedantic wankery which literally serves no purpose other than to demonstrate counterpoint. It's hilariously samey and repetitive, which makes sense since it inverts the same fucking melodies to create new counterpoints and does this over and over and over.
People who like Bach are simply closet autists who have no idea what good Western Art music is.
I get it, you hate western art music. Go to >>>/mu/, you're lost.
You need a soul to understand bach. Sadly you are brown and lack one.
Bach is the greatest composer who ever lived. Only a braindead retard who only listens to romantic slop would disagree
Romantic period "classical" is peak golem music
His music is so lifeless like it was composed for math class or something. It sounds like an exercise that he had to write. there is no heart in it like Beethoven or Vivaldi who was a better baroque composer anyway.
As the other anon said, you need a soul. You like vivaldi better becsuse he appeals to soulless romantic sloppers like you
Bach is the only composer actually worth listening to. All others are secondary and not neccesary. He solved music.
Based and true

>muh soul
Keep repeating that, tranny
Trannies dont believe in soul. Dont pretend you dont have more in common with them. Especially with you talking to yourself manianically
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>filtered by bach
Why? Seriously, just listen to the Art of Fugue? Like, who does he think he is just abandoning randomly harmonic conventions like he is better than every one else. Look at Contrapunctus 3 where his countersubject bears no interval or tonal resemblance to his subject. He is boring and dumb, the worst combo.
Rachmaninoff > Bach
Soulless post
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This general sucks
>Trannies dont believe in soul
Yeah, you would know that. KEK
Uneducated copium
Yes. Now get the fuck out and leave us alone. Thanks.
I will not leave specifically to annoy you.
You should probably not enter a thread full of things you dont like to get angry in.
>romanticslopper switches between "bach is too complicated" and "Bach was actually too simple"
If you killed all romanticsloppers, /classical/ would be a better place.
Then stay and seethe lol
>not enter
Your implication here is that I left the thread, I've never left the thread.
Who is "us"? Nobody likes you here and nobody agrees with you. Take your own advice
>has to pretend all anons he dislikes is one anon
If you killed all bachspergs ALONG with romabticsloppers, now that would be delightful.
You reek of newfaggotry, so you probably entered it.
Go back to >>>/mu/
Meds, rachjeet
>speaks and acts the same the entire thread
Total Romanticslopper Death
You reek of low IQ and lack of musical education. Leave the board altogether.
Says the brown tranny, kek
Projection, leave the site. Go to reddit, your kin goes there
>speaks and acts the same
Nice strawman.
>uses """"m-mmuh soulless""""" as counterargument against thr case made here >>123938711
For me, it's BWV 1068
Nobody laughs at your jokes and you have no friends, genuinely kill yourself.
Handel >>>>>> Bach
I see a lot of degenerate philistines saying that Bach is “greatest composer to have ever lived” and I can’t believe my eyes when I see such a statement so today I will explain why Bach is the worst composer to have ever lived.

He’s just counterpoint, there’s no polyphony, no melody, no harmony, nothing. Just counterpoint. Listen to his invention no.8 in f major for reference, where’s the melody? Exactly, there is no melody. Surely someone who is the “greatest composer” would know more then just writing pretty canons and fugues!

He didn’t write an opera. At first this doesn’t seem like a big deal but to be one of the greats (i.e Brahms Chopin, Liszt) you have to write everything including a opera. Bach never wrote an opera. The closest he wrote was a bunch of boring cantatas that have no purpose whatsoever.

He had no sense of dynamics and other markings. I recently opened up my 50 dollar Henle urtext from the Juilliard store that had Bach’s well tempered clavier and I saw no dynamics, no crescendo, no tempo, nothing. It was just the notes, to be a great musician you have to understand dynamics and phrasing not just knowing how to write notes on a manuscript paper. I then opened up my 100 dollar Henle urtext also from the Juilliard store Beethoven sonatas and I saw so much expression details which there is none in Bach.

I already see you philistines typing trying to say something to dispute my knowledge and facts and I would be more then happy to answer your questions.

“No one is more hated than He who speaks the truth" - Plato
Post your compositions.
You're not fooling anyone, filthy aggressive pedo.
I have all my compositions published. I won't be doxing myself nor bothering with some filthy aggressive pedo replying to me twice
"Stick to monophonic music" -Plato
Ok brown tranny
Bach fans are insufferable. They can't comprehend that not everyone likes Bach's terrible music. Most people have not even heard of him.
Space your posts evenly so it doesn't look like you're samefagging, filthy aggressive pedo
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>its so shit he doesnt dare post it
My favourite classical piece is either Strauss' Also Sprach Zarathustra or Ravel's Gaspard de la Nuit
Handel >>>>>> Bach

Daily reminder that Bach being considered good is a modern phenomenon. In his time he was considered inferior to Vivaldi, Handel and every other relevant composer.
>has to samefag because nobody agrees with him
>No one is more hated than He who speaks the truth
Fag cope
"[Handel] is the only person I would wish to see before I die, and the only person I would wish to be, were I not Bach." - J. S. Bach

And when Mozart heard this:

"Truly, I would say the same myself if I were permitted to put in a word"

"Handel understands effect better than any of us -- when he chooses, he strikes like a thunderbolt... though he often saunters, in the manner of his time, this is always something there." - Mozart

Upon hearing the 'Hallelujah Chorus' from Messiah, Joseph Haydn is said to have "wept like a child" and exclaimed: "He is the master of us all."

"Handel is the greatest composer that ever lived... I would uncover my head and kneel down on his tomb." - Beethoven

Beethoven, when asked to name the greatest composer ever, he is said to have responded: "Handel, to him I bow the knee."

In 1819, Beethoven told Archduke Rudolph: "not to forget Handel's works, as they always offer the best nourishment for your ripe musical mind, and will at the same time lead to admiration for this great man."

"Händel is the greatest and ablest of all composers; from him I can still learn." - Beethoven on his deathbed
Handel is gutteral nonsense, truly the worst composer
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*Ahem* Is this thing on? Good

Gentlemen, I have a brief manifesto I would like to get off my chest

Bach is perfect
Mozart is underrated
Schoenberg is underrated (and Trinity worthy)
Zelenka is underrated
Reicha: Underrated
Czechoslovakia is underrated
Gesualdo: Underrated
Langaard: Underrated

Faure is based
Ravel is based
Messiaen is based
but fuck The French!
Sibelius: The program sucks ass but the composer is based
Rautavaara is based
Finland is our final hope
Bruckner: Likes cunny

Haydn, Brahms, Dvorak Shostakovich, Stravinsky, Bartok: All based and correctly rated

Beethoven is overrated, though admittedly a tremendous composer
Wagner is overrated and his piano music sucks
Liszt is overrated
Tchaikovsky is overrated and a flaming faggot

Fuck Mahler and his wooden box
Fuck Strauss (Just pick one)
Fuck Chopin
Fuck Saint Saens
Fuck Debussy
Fuck Satie
Once again I say: Fuck the French!
Fuck Boulez
Fuck Berio
Fuck Schnittke
Fuck Babbitt
Cage is a worthless AIDS riddled faggot
Fuck Gershwin
Fuck Kapustin- its just Jazz that's written down
Fuck Copland
Fuck Glass
Fuck Adams
Fuck Poly
Fuck American ((((composers))))
Handel sucks
Holst is an unmusical buffoon
Vaughan Williams sucks
Fuck Jacob Cholera (in the boipussy)
Fuck England!
Africa is a musically-- and in every other respect-- worthless continent.
Yuja Wang and Alma Deutscher should be brought into sexual bondage.

And last but not least


*throws mic violently to the ground* *dabs ceremoniously*
Handel was a homosexual and therefore not worth listening to
>Fuck Poly
all the best composers are or were gay
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>The children are finished bitching
Wagner. Lets move on.
Wagner sucks cock.
If they're gay, they're bad. Cope harder
Bach. Lets move on
So true tranime sister
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Is the Philosopher's Stone any good? Saw Mozart wrote an aria for it.
Gayest post I’ve seen in this general and that’s counting the tranny jannies’ posts
Nah, hes based and redpilled. Anyone who disagrees should leave.
Bach is truly the greatest composer of the repertoire, everyone else pales in comparison.
Nope cringe and blupilled. Very gay post
It’s pretty damn good. The Prisoner Of Azkaban has traditionally been my favourite though
I tried listening to handel but it sounded like music written to be fucked in the butt to. When he used the oboes to to recreate his moans is when i had to turn it off and play some Bach.
>it sounded like music written to be fucked in the butt to

Try and see if it works.
I shall not. Doesnt sound very enjoyable.
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Really? Are they playing Handel in the gay clubs these days?
Yes, have to hear his organ concertos every friday night which only barely covers the moans
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Sisterjanny is not gonna like this, will he start labelling anyone who posts DG a tranime sister?
Imagine limiting yourself to few tourist composers who you think of as "underrated" lmfao.
Truly shameful, if you had any sense or taste you'd never think like this. Hopefully it's just a bait, in which case I half-approve since some bachfags ITT are the most insufferable and deserve mocking
Back to plebbit with you.
>tranime avatarfag had a meltdown while i was asleep
He took every bait and almost killed himself kek

Imagine seething this hard at the greatest composer who ever lived because he wasn't trans like wagner.
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The anti-Bach poster is just a Bach lover in disguise. He knows the baits fuel a Bach thread.
I'm with you mate, please DONT listen to Bach toccatas ;)
>Made 2 responses before figuring he was baiting
>Ceased replying, made a comment about the general and then asked a question about a mozart opera
You have very mild standards for what you define as a meltdown
Bach is shit. Listen to Beethoven.
Beethoven is literally the worst composer of the canon tho
viva Bach
Even worse.
kill yourself

Posting more Bach links isn't going to make his degenerate music any better.
McFucking Bach yourself
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And his Goldberg Variations, oofff, NEVER ;)
Was Karajan trying to say he was God with this cover?
what happened to your avatar, tranime sister? go on, post it again lmao

Listen to Milhaud
Listen to Honegger
Just because I like using reaction images that I find cute doesn't mean I identify with the character as an avatar.
>just because i like avatarfagging doesn’t mean i’m avatarfagging
schizophrenia at its finest
You don't seem to know the definition of avatarfagging

imagine investing this much effort into rules lawyering over being an avatartranny LMAO

Only Glen Gould makes Bach tolerable
Don't care to "lawyer", just calling you a retard
Oh and captcha was XDPP
>don’t care to do the exact thing i’m doing right now
seems like a trend with you. sounds like someone hasn’t been taking her pills
So true gould ghoul
Exact opposite, tranny
He’s figuratively the best composer of the canon?
9th is literally a trans anthem that caused Wagner to transition and become a queen composer
Both figuratively and literally. He's the alpha and omega of music.
Total brain rot
So true Beethoven sisters
Fucking idiot
not very wholesome sister
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>those legs

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