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Post your music on vocaroo

Give Feedback
Let it die. This is a bad op
No other OP was up
then you should've copied the old op instead of fucking it up just to make a shitty thread 1 minute faster
Learn how to check the archive and copy and paste. We had a string of good OPs until now
rate me webcore pls

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Learn how to paste edition
Previous Thread: >>123963058
>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Use vocaroo to post WIPs.
No youtube, soundcloud and other shilling websites allowed
What's the actual reason why phone speakers, laptop speakers and other SMALL speakers can't do bass?
I've always been under the assumption that it's simply not physically possible, because you actually need speakers to be a certain size so the membrane is big enough to vibrate at low frequencies.
But if that is the case, then why can I put earphones into my ear and their bass response is just fine? Not 20hz and lower, but at least like 50hz, which isn't audible on a phone.
Would it be audible on the phone if the phone was just louder? Or what circumstances exist inside the ear specifically that the bass can be heard in there? Because like I said, the assumption was that the membrane can't even produce frequencies that low for you to hear in the first place.
I want to know this too
Physics. the low frequency is simply larger than the diaphragm of the phone speaker
You need to explain betters. Frequencies are cycles per second; size is a dimension.
If it's small and it needs to move slow, it's not going to move much (air), so it's not going to be loud... and I guess it gets to a point where "it's not going to be loud" becomes "it's just not audible" because hardly any air was moved at all.
My guess is that the air from a (relatively) slowly moving diaphragm pushing air directly into your ear canal doesn't get dispersed/diluted/whatever because your ear canal is such a small space compared to that same amount of relatively small energy just getting dispersed by a large open volume of air with convection currents and all that shit whereas higher notes have a higher energy that is harder to disperse.
is sidechaining the most powerful mixing technique?
The distance between peak and trough of the 50hz air wave (7 meters) is much larger than the size of the diaphragm, it's not capable of reproducing the frequency (((at audible levels))). It can ofc vibrate at 50hz, but it's a very small amount of air being moved and the wavelength is very large in comparison
IEMs use resonance black magic they're tuned to the ear canal. The speakers are about the same size or so perhaps but the proximity plus magic means it works. Its significantly less air being moved by an IEM
nah, it's a beginner crutch
no, eq is

and profession crutch
damn. why is it a crutch?
That's just automation
Yes, if they doubled the size of the phone, they could have a network of tubes amplifying the sound
But they'll never do that
>IEMs use resonance black magic they're tuned to the ear canal.
Neat. Thank you for explaining.
I feel dumdum for not thinking about the speed of sound to convert frequency into length.
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Nah this is
Please don't revive this discourse
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this dude is such a chad
whats the difference between a de esser and a multi band compressor
A de-esser is a specialized dynamic processor targeting specific high frequencies (usually 5-10 kHz) to reduce sibilance (sharp "s" and "t" sounds) in vocals. It attenuates only those frequencies when they exceed a threshold.

A multiband compressor splits the signal into multiple frequency bands (low, mid, high, etc.) and applies compression independently to each band, allowing for more control over the dynamic range across the frequency spectrum.

In short, a de-esser focuses on controlling sibilance in a narrow high-frequency range, while a multiband compressor offers broader control across multiple frequency bands.
A de-esser is a specialized form of frequency-specific compression for vocals, while a multiband compressor is a versatile tool for managing dynamic range across the entire frequency spectrum.

De-essers target a specific problem (sibilance) in a narrow frequency range, while multiband compressors manage the dynamics of multiple frequency ranges simultaneously.

Multiband compressors offer more control over the entire frequency spectrum, while a de-esser is more of a single-task tool for high-frequency control.
I thought i posted twice lol our answers were both so close
Any one have any experience with E-drums? I'm thinking about buying an electric drum kit to help with programming VST drums. I would use it alongside my MIDI controller to help with fills and whatnot. Should I get a cheaper kit for my use case or should I just bite the bullet and get a higher end kit from Roland like the td-27? I'm a mediocre drummer but I've got some more time now to get my chops up.
if you already play drums to some extent, i'd skip right to the higher end roland. anything below that is almost disposable and really flimsy with bad sounds
how would you guys order your dynamic processing? limiter>compressor>saturation>eq?
or if you wanted to add something like a tape machine vst, would it look something like: tape machine>limiter>compressor>saturation>eq?
im sure this is genre and song dependent, but just seeing how else people do it
depends on the sound, but usually eq first.

why would you compress / limit the base sound unless you had some really heavy peaks?
so how would your whole dynamic chain look or rather how did it look in your last project?
retarded question with no context
context: you're mastering a track
there you go
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Bros.. I JUST learned that you can save multiple Ableton Live Sets within Projects.
What else am I missing?
context: you're still retarded and i won't be replying
you know you can take different takes of your vocals/recordings and mix and match them with lanes?
context: i dont care
I'll have to read up on this. I knew comping was added in 12 (or 11?) but I haven't tried using that feature yet.
/prod/ ded ? :0
schizos killed it
Keep saying it maybe it'll come true
i am a schizo, everything in my mind is true
When do we think Elektron will drop more details on the Tonverk? I need it now! NOW!
We do create our own reality...
I just had a lucid dream where I started to get pulled up into the sky and I got a little scared, but then I realized it was a dream and everything would be okay, and at that point, I was slowly brought back to the ground and shortly after woke up. It's like the spirits didn't want to take me unless I was scared so they could feed off my negative emotions or something... sucks because it was a really cool feeling to be pulled way up into the air and look down on my neighborhood at night.
I've worked very hard to bring what I hear in my head into reality
i hope this isn't some kpoop or vtumor shit
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i just made a cool drum sound in cubase (it sounds like shit)
I just made a wind instrument for the purpose of recording it to use as wavetables in vital because uhh I guess I just wasn't busy enough today (it doesn't sound like shit but probably isn't going to be that useful).
saturation, compression and limiters i find are all you need for a drum kit. the envelope shaper and noise gate in there was just to add a glitchy/techno sound
Sometimes when I'm recording I'm not even hearing the notes. I don't hear the backing, I don't hear what I'm playing, I'm just in the vibe. And then the vibe sometimes, it changes. A happy innocent nice thing can become very mean and angry. Vibes are complex things
Vibes aren’t real Morty it’s just synapses firing in your brain after you lock in whether you’re in time or not

i like to make cool slasher music, like carpenter brut type beats. it is just a side thing but it is fun :D
pretty good stuff man
In time? You mean on groove? Like I said I'm not even hearing what I'm playing. At all. Nada
and then something like this ? <.<


(singles i get drunk and delay finishing writing a whole day)
Small drum and bass project:
depends on whatchu mean by "cant do bass." here's my two cents.
its easy to forget that most of the experience of bass is feeling it through your chest and through the ground in your feet.
so even if earbuds had "PERFECT BASS," you'll always be missing the full dopamine hit that only the entire house and your entire body being shaken can deliver.
really good cans can actually shake your head and deliver some goods, but even then it'll never be "enough" without being too loud for hearing safety.
this is because "volume" does actually mean "volume of air being moved," and you're always better off moving MORE air consistently than small amounts of air harder.
shitty loud earbud blasting daily is probably worse than a concert every weekend without earpro.

tl;dr: i really wish someone actually made a buttplug subwoofer
>Like I said I'm not even hearing what I'm playing. At all. Nada
This does explain the quality of a lot of stuff posted here.
very cool (singles counteracts your singles and you have to go to therapy)
It's got no sense of energy at all so the drop suffers. Are those splice vocals?
thanks but alcohol makes everything better and therapy does not

THE WORLD IS AGAINST ME and no amount of talking will fix this.
I do concede however that therapy would have made me realize some things sooner and it would have been useful like ten years ago
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Is the Focusrite still the go to for My First Audio Interface? If given the choice between Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 and MOTU M4, which one would be better? Any other recommendations welcome. I'm just looking to plug in my electric and play into FL, that's it really (hopefully for <200 bong bucks, but can go a bit higher if it's actually worth it).
What do they mean with "projects"?
Like the project folder that all the .als files go into?
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Join the listening party for the 13th >>>/g/dmp/ album, "The Mongolian Basketweaving Book of the Dead"

Live in less than 6 hours @ cytu DOT be/r/dmp

Sunday 25th:
>US Pacific time: 13:00
>US Mountain Time: 14:00
>US Central Time: 15:00
>US Eastern Time: 16:00
>Rio de Janeiro: 17:00
>UTC: 20:00
>London: 21:00
>Berlin: 22:00
>Moscow: 23:00
Monday 26th:
>Dubai: 00:00
>Mumbai: 01:30
>Beijing: 04:00
>Tokyo: 05:00
>Sydney: 07:00
>Auckland: 09:00
lol nerd
>It's got no sense of energy at all so the drop suffers. Are those splice vocals?
That bad? Yeah splice vocals.
always been shocked by the supreme idiocy of this idea
>x thing isn't really happening, it's just y stuff causing x thing to happen
It's not my problem you have never experienced the highest level of improvisation. Yes the notes fall away and all that's left is pure emotion
You're either too obsessed with ensemble orchestration, or you're not an experienced improvisor
At the end, all that awaits you is a feeling. No music at all. Just pure emotion. And as I process/experienc e/explore this emotion, the sound is shaped as a consequence

You're likely underestimating the amount of time this has taken, and how much work was involved crafting the elements that mix in order to get this vibe. I don't post anything within 1000 miles of the vibes I'm trying to profit from. At best you get my 2 years old prototype workshop shit, and you usually get my off genre experiments where I have little to no exp

It will always be like this. It must be like this
lmao if you were legit you would be able to shit out *something* worth critiquing, either you're profiting from your music right now or there's something you're missing
fried remix by ys/ye
it's too easy
You're such a noob it's amazing you think your opinion has value
You are never getting my sound here, ever.
get ready boyos, only one hour left
it really should be, people like >>123991725 are why I stopped talking here. the absolute stink of "you should be grateful that I deign to allow you to hear my transcendant art" artists really are just fucking irritating narcissists and I actively would like to avoid knowing what they think of my shit.
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Bossa Nova / Jazz song I've been working on for a while now
Is it good?

drums are too robotic and sound like a bad vst. imo too loud/reverbed, don't need to be so present in the mix with that cross stick. :43-:59 the guitar on the right sounds like it gets microtonal? it's kinda weird sounding, not sure if that's tuning/intonation
Thank you, I have ear fatigue but you're right about the drums. I might just use a preset for the drum mix. Other than that the composition sound good or is it incoherent? It's that that I'm mostly worried about.
Again, I appreciate the feedback mate!
when you're featuring an instrument (the piano solo/feature), you should play the comping guitar a little quieter/muted and not let it ring out. compositionally seems mostly fine but there isn't really a noticeable "head." i'd work on trying to make the head/chorus a melody that's memorable and that the features can riff over, right now it's just a smattering of things in bossa style. the change after 1m is a good contrasting section and my favorite part of it but it's priming us to go back to a head of some sort
thoguhts on this remix guys
I agree with your points, and it's good to have another opinion on stuff like this so thank you!
The chorus needs a lead. The song also needs to be more structured so I can go back to the chorus. And instruments need some work.
It's lots of work but I think that's what the song needs right now.
>Is it good?
Almost, but it's a little messy. The composition needs fine tuning and tightening as it sounds like a few ideas that are a little too separate to be one cohesive piece, but it feels like mostly you needing to move bits around, chop, rearrange etc. into something that flows better. I feel the drums aren't so robotic that they are distracting other than the rim shot, you need to lower/soften that and play with the velocity so it's more natural sounding.

how do i make acid tracks, and acid house? I have an mc101 and a tb3 mo to use.
Been listening to the Selected Ambient Works Vol. 2 Expanded Edition a lot lately and was inspired by it. I imagine the high pitched noises as little creatures in a forest scurrying about.

This is a public blog collective not an attention exchange forum
You're right, the snare has the same velocity through almost all of the song lol
I'll also try to make it more cohesive, thank you !!
Really good, enjoyed it thoroughly
Although it doesnt develop much but stays on the same idea for the whole song. Maybe at some point you can introduce some new elements or maybe even drums, or some chamge up
Thanks! Yes, this was just me doing a quick recording fucking around with my modular basically. I'd like to develop it more.
You have a modular? Is it worth it? Is it a pain in the ass to ude/ learn?
Which modules do you have?
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rate me atmos d&b

Yeah, it's a small one. And maybe there's a little bit of a learning curve, but to me it's very logical, and I have a lot of fun using it with my other synths and samplers. I have:

Pamela's New Workout
Ornament and Crime
Make Noise Maths
Doepfer A-135-2
Mutable Instruments Plaits
Mutable Instruments Ripples
Doepfer A-140-1 ADSR
Mutable Instruments Clouds
where are the schizos? they're the only reason I come to these threads
The dmpfags drove them off
I like it
too bad, I use it for attention and you can't really stop me
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Accordion bros, we eatin' good
i'd love to learn to play but they don't seem cheap at all to get into
i have behringer umc404hd and its totally good by my standards. id assume that the preamps in the ones you were looking at might be slightly better, but what i got has four channels and midi in/out as well.
this any good?

we are all the schizos
yes, the vocals could be better but in the way that I think only time and experience will improve, I wouldn't know how to give advice on it but I thought the instrumentation was very nice and the vocals aren't really bad just unrefined.
in any hobby, the more you learn, the more the 4chan threads start to look like a daycare center. with how subjective music is, /prod/ and /dmp/ are like a primordial soup.
some /g/ tards use IEMs without even applying EQ, so their audio is many kinds of fucked up, so they'll for instance praise this track:
while having nothing but hate for artists that succeed in connecting with people on a massive scale, not recognizing the talents of people like ed sheeran or taylor swift
those IEM tards have such a fundamentally different world view that you can't possibly have a meaningful discussion with them about how to make make music
many /prod/ tards similarly have narrow subjective taste or lackluster technical knowledge etc
and frankly, most people don't belong in the music industry, even those tutorial youtubers who seem really well educated at first turn out to make cringe music
I don't intend to, some anons however
ai music gives me an existential crisis about sound design. how can i ever compete with a machine that randomly generates every single sound and has access to millions of timbres to randomly pick from at any new generated second?
how do i even compete? playing everything in by hand, using 100 sound variations for every sound, turning knobs non-stop and having 1000 modulations happening over the song?
like, what takes ai a minute to generate would take me weeks or months of hard work to fine tune every detail of the song.
real music sounds so dull and repetitive in sound design compared to ai music.
no on gives a shit about your "design," write songs instead of sound design, retard. simple as
this post TOTALLY wasn't commissioned by the pr team of a tech company subsidiary to push "ai" dependence propaganda onto the masses. just an unadulterated opinion of a random anon
There's too much fucking noise on the internet for fucks sake
>Vocalz near the end
>Messin around with samplez
why would i care what others think about my music? i personally enjoy good sound design. why is everybody on 4chan so obsessed if others like their stuff or what others want or not? same on gamedev thread on /vg/, same in art threads.
>why would i care what others think about my music?
because you're blogging about it here and people rightfully assume you make art to eventually show other people
Why am I alive?
what is life?
Look man I just made some music using a big piece of poly pipe from bunnings just have some fucking fun and worry less.
why do i always say im gonna work on a project, fuck around with some vsts for five minutes then do nothing for the rest of the day? why am i such ap iece of shit? the passage time is taking me into an endless spiral, we will never escape this coil or mortality and worthlessness and yet i still cant conjure the will to make something that will last long after im dead
fuck oath cunt. my local one is still recovering from the floods we had here in 2022. care to post your pvc creation?
why didnt anyone here tell me about the magic of saturation and envelope shapers? i hate all of you
oh this is why we occasionally get good shit, we have Aussies
the combo of schizo and aussie is the hero archetype
I do wonder though, is music that you've changed based on the opinions of others still "your" music? I feel like it's not right? because once you've taken other people's direction, you've kind of softly formed a band and you're no longer the artist, just one of them. even if you did 99% of it yourself, if I posted here and an anon suggested a change of but a single note, I would have to delete the song because now we're doing a collab and I don't want to do that. is this overthinking?
most of them really are wild cunts, I'm not in aus but I deal with them every day and it sounds like it's sometimes a good time over there.
nah it's a capitalist shithole being sold down the barrel of fossil fuel oligarchs and property developers. Pure bourgeois decadence
sure but isn't that the case everywhere even slightly developed or is Australia especially bad with that? I would believe that they are but it seems less like they're super capitalist in the way you describe and more like they're bad at hiding that they, like everyone, are super capitalist in the way you describe.
wait no they did do some nannystate shit recently didn't they
while it's true neoliberalism is the framework for every modern economy, Australia had strong socialist roots in the late 19th and early 20th century but after ww2 and ever growing military ties with the USA, our autonomy depended solely on the military prowess of the USA. we had a government in the 70s which, with the help of the CIA, was dissolved after our prime minister attempted to nationalise the natural resources and grew discontent with our role in Timor and Chile. we are a glorified military base for the USA, the government is a mere middle man for this power dynamic, controlled by landlords and venture capitalists.
always some fascist shit going on here. they couldn't ban gambling ads because of how strong organised crime is so they banned people under 16 from social media. because tiktok actually has a shitload of critics of the government with valid arguments which is radicalisating the next generation against landlords
interesting, I didn't know any of that. it's genuinely so annoying how Americas fuckups seep into the rest of the world. I'll hear about Americans doing some wild shit and mention it to friends and they're like "why do you care, they're in another country" and they just don't understand.
yeah they're real chummy with landlords where I live which is in the general vicinity of Australia. but
>they banned people under 16 from social media
wtaf they didn't actually think that worked did they lmao. what am I saying, these laws are made by ancient people with no understanding of how the internet works, ofc they think that worked.
it's annoying how often life feels like a stage but your only actual option is for the show to go on. can't acknowledge it, can't expect shareholders and landlords to dip into their pockets and actually pay workers for their time, can't expect anything to actually change because liberals are so fucking ineffective
I put reverb on my kicks
guitars and bass for an angsty rock song ive been working on. i have vocal melodies written but i need to finish lyrics, then ill record vocals and drums. i just DI'd everything into my interface and used digital effects; maybe ill re-record using mic'd up amps later but i think it sounds decent rn. the guitar tuning is one i made up (Eb G D F Bb F)
everything about this is bad so far, but maybe by chance the missing pieces can save it
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Pack a bag cunts we going to the dreamtime.
low effort punk song. i didnt want to write lyrics so its just incoherent whispering with added distortion
Fiddled with the drop a bit, still have no good idea how to give it more oomph

Any ideas?
my ccpmostion teacher is bitch she dont know musichttps://vocaroo.com/1eJWVFXMygfh
Fuck aus
don't know what the other reply is talking about, sounds great so be careful not overproducing it with the drums and vocals added. there's already a really strong pulse with what you have there
Where is the low end? The snare roll build-up is buried behind everything so creates 0 tension, the bass is overwhelmingly loud, but also has no impact at all due to aforementioned missing low end. I'm not great at identifying this stuff exactly, but it feels like everything is in the mid/high range. Have you done some weird EQ fuckery and accidentally cut off all your lows?
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>any ideas
how about you add bass?

wtf cunt that's sick. I'm gonna need info on how you made this. I fucking love that sound. I've always wanted to incorporate didgeridoos in my music but they are hard to play and tb h it feels a little insensitive of me as an anglo to take aboriginal instruments so making my own would suffice.
fuck you and your corn syrup filled brain you little bitch
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Nobody will match me.
Very nice. Any chance of Verk Byatch?
It's got a wide double reed like a duduk. Made out of the same pipe, hammered flat with the edge trimmed using some scissors, then fixed using a piece of pipe with an inner diameter equal to the poly's outer.

The accessibility of upper harmonics on any wind instrument is a relationship between the bore diameter, the length, and the method of generating the vibration. Long and thin means easier access to upper hamonics but means your fundamental will either be quiet or inaccessible. A fipple mouthpiece makes jumping through the harmonic series easy, but depending on the air hole distance and other factors can make actually locking in and holding a note difficult.
On a double reed like that one, I generate upper harmonics via embouchure altering the vibration, or by gently pinching the mouthpiece, or via changing mouth resonance using tongue position and jaw posture. The benefit of the reed is that you can blow the fundamental hard or with tremolo without changing pitch by an octave.
Then I added some reverb to some samples of me playing it.
My """setup""" is nearly complete.
Model:Cycles, Reface CP, Drumbrute Impact, Minilogue, with special mention to Minibrute and Keystep and PO-33 which I'm not doing much with but have room for in various ways.
My old sheet music stand holds the Minilogue perfectly, some cheap riser thing holds up the Impact.
Behringer UMC404HD as audio interface, and probably into Reaper but I also have a dumb portable bit that's actually pretty cool but I've forgotten about it, Tascam d006. It's kind of a decent little thing but the power is a bit jiggly and has turned off when nudged so I've only used it on battery.
Most of this shit I bought many years ago except for the M:C and audio interface, and I don't intend to buy much more (until I begin building a video-synth modular and electro-acoustic drumkit but that's separate)

One thing I would like is a compressor, and maybe an effects unit, though I'm pretty lukewarm on "effects" compared to myself 10-20 years ago. But the outs on the DB: Impact and how it clips the audio interface at surprisingly low vols particularly make me want these.
I would like these in kit form as I'm getting (back) into electronics and also have no income.

Thanks for reading my blog, any suggestions for effects/compressor diy kits that are particularly good value?
I need more info idk what this is.

i have something tangentially duduk related but not actually
>idk what this is.
Is that not your cover of Oops!...I Did it Again?
I'm getting an Ableton Move, I struggle with getting started and getting distracted with tiny details of mixing, next stop a Grammy, later virgins
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slept 20 hours yesterday

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>I have trouble making music so to solve that problem I'm going to buy a piece of gear
Looks good. I hope you have tons of fun with it :3
Too good. This calms and inspires me and reminds me that Ableton Live is the correct choice.
Is that the G Jones stab from a couple weeks ago? ^w^
how is this wrong?
lol yeah it is
I got out of bed just because I had that pluck melody in my head and then once it was down it was immediately “oh that sounds like…” so it had to be done lol
should i upgrade cubase to artist or pro? i feel like pro is the better long term investment
my bad broeder, I didnt register you were typing that in slavic accent, but should have.
A bit generic if im honest, maybe toxic or womanizer?

is brainworx a meme company or do they genuinely good vsts? they're always bundled with hardware and software purchases.
>There is no difference between a shit instrument and a good instrument
Looks like you're good at making things up, try directing that energy towards your music instead
no one agrees with (you)
anyone else sick of boomer fuckheads demo'ing guitar pedals with shitty rudimentary blues riffs and barely adjusting the parameters past 12 o'clock? it's the worst genre of gear videos online. so fucking infuriating man.
A bunch of tonedeaf schizos who've never written a song don't agree with my posts, how will I be able to cope???
>A bunch of tonedeaf schizos who've never written a song
that's a strong admission there. we're here to help if you need
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no because i'm not retarded

you don't need pedals because you can do it in the box
>you don't need pedals because you can do it in the box
im not buying your bloatware, tyler
idk who tyler is

you're buying physical bloatware ignoring the fact that the sound comes from within
not downloading your third party plugin managers, tyler
Only boomer fuckheads buy pedals to begin with, when you can spend 100 bucks on a MIDI pedalboard and load up 500 emulations of whatever stupid pedals you want and cycle between presets in a heartbeat.
they have a neve plugin, lindell or something, that is really good.
but that could be a plugin alliance plugin idk
I'm really not sure where you guys are getting no bass?
I haven't done any weird eq and i'm hearing the bass just fine
This is... odd
How about this one then:

Maybe the sub was just too quiet?
I've put an eq on the master, listened to everything sub 200hz and i can clearly hear and differentiate the kicks low end and the bass low end
not investing in your startup tech company, tyler
I'm getting sick of always making EDM with four-on-the-floor, backbeats drum patterns

Do you guys have any good examples of songs that use somewhat different drum beats, for inspiration?

I know jungle/DnB has more complex drum parts and there's the whole dembow/reggaeton thing but I'm curious what other stuff might be out there that doesn't fall into those categories
listen to your own music
switch it up
use dubstep
use other genres for the break
i feel these drum vsts are holding me back a little. it sounds these ones just get killed by compression no matter how much i tweak it.
bruh wtf are you doing just listen to more music lol
i had a dream where i was writing new melody based on one i heard in a trance mix except i kept hesitating because it sounded too similar so idk if it's stolen or not and also i can't figure out the harmony on the accents :(((
It's the only music i listen to.
literally no difference. I dunno what the fuck you are doing, but this track is being smothered. Post the track raw without your eq tomfuckery and let's see how that sounds.
Yes, that's literally why I'm asking for recommendations.
Well what do you already like?
I take it back, after another listen I can hear the sub, but it's minimal and not very impactful overall. I hear it a bit better after dropping it in fl, not sure if vocaroo loses some quality or something. Still seems like everythin git too mid/high heavy so it sounds a bit flat and tinny. This is just boosting the lows and I think it sounds better (not good, but at least it has more low presence):
I see
Ok i'm gonna revise what on earth is going on with my mix then
idk there is probably more but i just pay attention to what i like.
I bought an EWI. It's cool, but I didn't think I would have to bite it quite so hard to make the bite sensor work. I guess it's in the name but still.
Do saxophone players really fucking chew their instrument like this?
use a reference track in the same genre with one of those frequency response visualization tools. anon's boosted bass might be too much though.
I'm a bit disappointed. I had a decent drum vst that I can no longer access because it came with a different daw but I think it responded better to dynamic editing better than my current one. could someone recommend me a drum vst that is based?
>wanted to release my first song this year
>2.5 months left
>i got nothing
What type of drums? Real kit or like electronic?
start now, faggot. open your daw, lay down a melody, a bassline and some drums, make it a 16 bar loop, add whatever basic flair you can mix wise, time box yourself to half an hour for the whole thing, post results here for brutally honest criticism.
acoustic. I try adding saturation, compression and limiters and it sounds the drums can't handle it
>16 bar loop
i get boxed in by doing this, a LOT
my arrangement sucks asshole no really it does
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I didn't expect you to be this fast on the excuses, anon. You need to try.
god damnit i know
i know but fuck man
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>i know but
open that daw and get to it. that goes for all the other procrastinating anons.
>>2.5 months left
MONTHS. you have MONTHS left stop being a little bitch and just finish something dude
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I'd rather have 100 16-bar loops under my belt than nothing at all and whining on 4chan about it. At least between loop 1 and 100 something would potentially be learned and progress made, however small. Between your first sad blog post and your 100th, however, nothing would be gained.
ok besides getting out of a loop
i got NO idea how to master a track
i don't even have good-ish equipment
>i don't even have good-ish equipment
okay and? how exactly is that holding you back?

write a song before worrying about any of this
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>worrying about mastering before you've even written a song
start finishing tracks, then you can worry about mastering them and having good equipment. it is 2024, if you were able to post here, you have access to good enough equipment. seriously, I can't even begin to express how little you should be thinking about mastering at this stage.
i can't upload a track that sounds like shit
when I get stuck with loops I don't allow myself to use them in order to break out. I just don't copy/paste as a rule and go from there. currently I do but I'm not stuck in loops ATM. maybe try that.
then you will never upload a track ever.
you can you just don't want to

i'm starting to think you just don't even want to write music with this many excuses already

stop being a faggot
I will tell you a secret, I have posted here for some time and gotten good feedback and I do not know how to master.
It's funny how /prod/ flips so hard between posts of encouragement to shitting on your work when you do have the courage to post something you're working on.
depends, I encourage that person to make their stuff but I personally don't want to listen to what is probably not very good music. I think it's important that that anon makes a lot of not very good music but they don't need to post it here.
Seeing people bitch and whine that they're in some kind of no-win situation when they're clearly not even trying is way more offensive than just posting shitty songs.
but if anon doesn't post it how will they know what they are doing wrong?
you need another set of ears to reign in bad choices sometimes. I'm not saying all anons on /prod/ are bad eggs, but many of you are. It speaks to a broader shift on 4chan as a whole, it's much easier to shit on OC than it is to create new OC.
>how will they know what they are doing wrong?
Do they have ears? Do they have taste? Are they capable of and familiar with the process of trial and error?

Being pointed in the right direction is obviously a great help but literally nobody who made any good music in the past century needed to habitually post to an online forum to learn how to write good music.

People can generally hear when their music isn't good, they just can't explain *why* it isn't good.
Being told why it's not good isn't a fast track to correcting that habit save for specific technical situations ("you're clipping by the way").

>It speaks to a broader shift on 4chan as a whole
it's gotten more hostile as a whole for obvious reasons but that really doesn't have anything to do with OC
this is seemingly someone who is just getting started, I'll tell you what they'll be doing wrong, pretty much everything and the best way to fix that is to hear with your own ears why what you're doing isn't working. another set of ears is great, when you understand your own ears enough to know what you're likely missing and you only get that by making a bunch of shit.
>It speaks to a broader shift on 4chan as a whole, it's much easier to shit on OC than it is to create new OC.
I agree but I don't think this is a 4chan thing, I think it's an internet thing. perhaps a society thing.
What gets met with hostility are either the songs that are clearly anons first few attempts within their first few months (probably not even that) of using their DAW/learning music prod, or flat out trolls. They often don't request feedback or have anything to discuss, they usually just want validation or attention. It doesn't make for good discussion. My other hobby is skating and you only need to spend 5 mins on reddit (inb4 go back) or elsewhere for a video to pop up of someone with their andy anderson board in the grass spazzing out like a retard and calling it their first ollie. Why you would post your learning process online (and here of all places) is beyond me, but it's the same in almost all hobbyist places. Too many beginners or dabblers that just don't have any self awareness actually ruins generals, even if it makes the threads look more lively. At least here we can try to self-moderate, which is where the hostility comes in. It's a good thing and I couldn't give a fuck about your hugbox excuses for why it's not.
m8 this is a thread FOR beginners and pseuds to misguide them

I don't know why you're acting like every spot has to be gearslutz.
Like if that's what you want then go there, don't be the lone "moderator" by acting like a dick just because you want this place to be something it's not
>I encourage that person to make their stuff but I personally don't want to listen to what is probably not very good music.
>Too many beginners or dabblers that just don't have any self awareness actually ruins generals, even if it makes the threads look more lively
that I think you are wrong about, the trolls are bad but beginners/dabblers occasionally do present something interesting, if not always good. and at the end of it all, we are on 4chan, there's not ACTUALLY any reason why we should expect more than trolls and beginners.
ok, from this moment onwards, I will never submit a post here again.
>ok, from this moment onwards, I will never submit a post here again.
finally, an honest anon who I trust will definitely follow through on this bold claim. godspeed and I hope we never meet again.
artists/musicians/anyone who does artistic stuff are all fucking babies just the biggest whiny babies there are. to make art you have to already be a narcissist, you have to be starting with the assumption that you have something valuable to contribute and to be honest most people just don't. it's not a coincidence that the best artists are people who don't think they're artists and don't try to make art.
cringe post
yes confronting your nature is painful, it always is
go back to your board you fucking neanderthal
I never left it. you should have more respect for stupidity and ignorance, it's more useful than you think.
many anons hate on successful artists while huffing their own farts
i think this video is laughable because he's like an out of touch hipster who reminisces of a simpler time and he's butthurt that submithub didn't make him rich with his low effort music that sounds like it belongs in an indie game from 10 years ago (most people will no longer coddle indie game devs because the youtube algorithm has been tweaked to move away from lets plays and the video game market has matured, youtubers who were once big like jim sterling are now irrelevant)
This anon has never made a song.
>walls of text
i am not going to read any of that but you guys seem butthurt
if you aren't butthurt about your art you didn't really care about it
bro be real, most of the people who tend to get into these arguments aren't doing it because they're invested in the art they're not making, they're just run of the mill 4chan losers who will argue about anything.
what makes music sound porny to you guys? like a driving bass or a simpler drum pattern? I don't mean like porn music, I mean music that sounds hot.
I think people here are often both of those things at the same time.
I've literally never seen these arguments stem from somebody's actual music.

It's always about some theoretical music that they might make in the future, or somebody else's music, or how they might eventually make music.

Case in point >>124017174
It's always those dweebs who are spamming walls of texts.
full cooming no blueballing
maybe, all I know is that I engage in arguments like that and I do make music but none of what I make is ever relevant to post. so since this is the case for me I know it's theoretically possible that it's the case for others and I choose to believe that it is.
but the logical endpoint of that is a track that is brickwalled noise. not very sexy imo
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gonna let it sit...

this is great, but I don't like those stab sounds very much, they feel a bit lacking, but I can't properly place why. Almost like they are out of place compared to the rest of it.
>I can't properly place why
exactly i can't fucking even

tried more reverb, less reverb, super distorted, not, like??
it's not any masking because i was super autistic about that like...

I actually think it's the drum selection being too clean and it just sounds confused as a result or something; the only other way i can imagine the song is with excessive bleep bloop autism but that's my answer to everything so obviously no
Whats the deal with sampling? Can you put a song with a sample on spotify and no one will care or is it a no- go?
i'm interested in one too once i get the cash. what fingerings are you using?

>Do saxophone players really fucking chew their instrument like this?
yes lol, they chew on everything. a few i knew in school had bad oral fixations, chewing on straws and all sorts of other random crap all the time
it really only matters when it gets big enough for the copyright holders to notice, you'll be fine.
Whats the treshold for that?
you're too retarded to sample or probably get caught so just go for it
Im gonna inform myself a bit more cuz i dont wanna get rammed in the ass with fines
The akai stuff is pretty tough with those silicone nubs. The Roland stuff is closer to a real instrument, less pressure involved, but your EWI could have the bite sensor a little misaligned, it's literally just two pieces of bent metal with a plastic spacer between them. Mine was too close, but it was second hand, someone probably dropped it or something.

>what fingerings are you using?
Only the EWI fingerings make any real sense unless you're coming from a sax background or something and you can't handle objective improvements.
The virgin copyright respecter vs the Chad uses what he wants
I read that burial didnt clear his samples beforehand and only did so when the record sold a lot, makes sense since how underground garage was originally and since its so heavily sample reliant
you're posting here, you don't need to worry about that
How does it sound with some/more delay? Best I can describe it listening to it on my headphones is that it sounds airy and too seperated when it's at it's loudest and a bit lost in the mix when it dips/the bass takes over sometimes, so it's got this 'dipping in and out' effect that's kind of unpleasant (whether it's intentional or not). The rest of the mix feels nice and glued, but that is just doing it's own thing. Maybe it's just not suited to the track, could try using it in something else. Good shit regardless.
I was a clarinet player once upon a time, so the standard ewi mode is pretty close to what I'm used to. The lack of a thumb rest and the pinky keys being touch sensitive on their sides is throwing me but it's pretty cool. It's weirdly low airflow, thing is tight.

It was "second hand" but like new in the box. The neck strap was still in its little bag with the moisture absorber. So it might have been taken out dropped and put away I guess. It works, I can get a response from zero to one hundred percent, but it takes a lot more than I was expecting even at max sensitivity.
I was just listening to Underworld's dubnobasswithmyheadman and wondering how it would do in 2024.
I think it would have a couple hundred plays on bandcamp or something.
And I was thinking, "Yes, the equipment/process/tools/... have all gotten better, so they would also need to be better."
But then I slapped myself for being retarded and asked, "Better how you moron? More elaborate patterns?"

I don't know, it's interesting. I think it's just a grim sight to set oneself to "making it" in music in this day and age. Keep it a hobby, play some live shows and make some friends & colleagues.
Yeah, you have to get used to leaking air out of the sides of your mouth. I found it a little easier on the Roland/Yamaha style mouthpieces, because they open up on the sides while the EWI is a solid hunk of silicone in your mouth.

I like the idea of EWIs, but these days I've fallen for the MPE meme instead because I like expression AND polyphony.
I posted a voc in previous thread no one responded. So i wont post any henceforth. Congrats, you are actively killing your own thread. Bunch of crabs in a bucket. And to be frank, its all slop advice anyways.
I had one of those, but sent it back after a few days. I think you need to breath to hard to make it work.
Making it more sensitive doesn't really solve the problem, because it's still so unsatisfying to use it, if you can get only so little air through it.
not every /prod/ thread is the same bunch of people. I skipped several threads and so did others.
Just post it again, I guess it's shit anyway judging by your attitude.
https://voca.ro/1252eoVHikhj it cant be THAT bad, can it?
if you're going to have long ass intros, don't waste people's time. say what it is you're going for and then when the actual piece starts.

feedback is bimodal, if you're intermediate and competent then there's not much to say. every hobby at intermediate skill is like this once you stop getting clowned on for not knowing fundies. it's downtempo vibe music, not much to critique because there isn't much it's aspiring for
Sorry for trying to be original. Ill just make a house or dnb track next time for you clowns to enjoy. If you think youre all that, lets see something youve cooked up . Long ass intro.. the whole track is a minute long, you aint got a minute?
hey now mate dont be so hard on yourself
i like it, granted i played it through laptop speakers so i didnt hear any low end
its interesting, sort of ambient but not really
Thanks pal, all i was looking for was a pat on the back
Yeah i could have added an extra note every 3 repetitions, got lazy, said fuck it. It happens.
>Sorry for trying to be original.
lmao hope you're young and will grow out of the pissy attitude and inflated ego
i explained why you don't get feedback, it's fine but nothing that sparks emotion enough to feedback and most will think it's boring (hardly the most original thing either)
what do you want people to say? millions of things are posted that go unresponded to into the void, it doesn't mean it's bad. you have to be able to objectively look at your music and think about what people will and won't like about it if you're going to solicit feedback
yw, i can see an addition of hi- hats in some rumbly manner, also some kind of a bass wobble when the drums kick in would be cool for this kind of a track

people here in general are too harsh
You need to link the previous thread, and in the previous thread you need to add a link to the new thread..please
its not that bad, i do think it could do with some more percussion/hats and maybe a bit more stuff though, like something like this sorry i didnt mix it its just to show what i mean https://vocaroo.com/13RlpTMqaovv
Im just fucking with you man, i know its bland af, I just learned automation and thought id flex it, is all. I dont even like it myself, its a boring guitar riff with a phaser automation over some drums kek. I get what youre saying about looking at it objectively, I agree. Godspeed.
Agree, maybe also some incoherrant distant / distorted vocals for that fucked up vibe too. But lets be honest, im never gonna touch that project, i never do haha.
I'm really more of a composer than producer. I can side chain and stuff but like 60% of what you guys talk about is gibberish to me.
I'm just here to hang out.
Damn, that gives a new perspective on it, way more energetic, i like it.
You're right and it's sad to see people disagree. These kinds of threads years ago were not full of the abjectly inept people we have now. Mentality of younger people now is to beg for attention instead of being introspective about their work. The first response is to show others and ask for congratulations instead of stewing about, "what will people dislike alike this, how can I improve on that?" The result is every creative space flooded by beginners spazzing out on the grass like you said
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>what will people dislike alike this, how can I improve on that?
we making haunted music box core https://vocaroo.com/17PLu3wgt7EV
Nice giphy gif you fuckin pleb.
funny you mention that thats exactly where i found it
yeah i really prefer the original now i think too much energy would ruin the vibe. but i only make really fast energetic music https://vocaroo.com/1a8mWwfHTF6A
>want to be producer
>all my mixes sound like shit
>can't even perform basic functions in my DAW
>never know how to apply plugins
>cant program drums
>almost zero music theory knowledge
>autistic retard
I hate myself
woe is me, give up then
yeah well if youre made of the right stuff youll have to do all that anyway. even if you try to avoid it you eventually end up finding reawsons to open your sofware and make shit. you are condemned to a life of being a creative you poor, poor soul.
>all my mixes sound like shit
time and experience will fix that
>can't even perform basic functions in my DAW
already 3 minutes out the pussy and he cant sidechain ngmi
>never know how to apply plugins
you just learn when you do
>cant program drums
you can you just think you cant its all in your head. try meditating and eating more hazelnuts.
>be me
>try to cover a seemingly easy autechre song
>already up to 50 tracks and only 20 seconds in
>song is 7 minutes long and the sound design changes drastically every other bar and gets increasingly more complicated
how tf do these nerds do it
>you are condemned to a life of being a creative you poor, poor soul
a dream inside a locked room
wtf is the controversy surrounding vst2 and vst3 plugins?
I made something I just named "music box" when I first got in to using a DAW, but I don't know if anyone else ever heard it.


The bell sample library is a little detuned amd flat at the bottom end, in hindsight a decent synth bell might have been a better choice. As for why it takes almost a full minute to actually start? We just don't know.
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Touched up the mix after the feedback (especially the drums but not by much)
added a proper progression melody for a smoother transition into the next part

It's a start, but it already sounds better, thank you anons. I want to finish the song
Ahh I forgot the link

I think the choice of bell works really well but I'm biased. this is really nice, it's vaguely Christmas-like but also not Christmas music at all.
>wears a hat indoors
>has a giant disgusting unkempt beard
no thanks
Of all the things you could rightfully bitch about with YouTubers you picked two of the dumbest
their unkempt beard and hat wearing behaviour is indicative of something significantly worse
let balding men have some peace
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and you guys thought prod was bad
Your post is indicative of something significantly worse
I just put an extra gain knob on the master channel and turn it up.
i dont wear hats indoors (or at all for that matter) nor do i have an unkempt beard, my work requires me to be well presented and hygienic, unlike these youtube slobs who can't stop ordering uber eats

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