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Chad Schumann edition

This thread is for the discussion of music in the Western classical tradition.

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous thread: >>123977031
based chad schumann
cringe tranny

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cringe tranny
Sorry, anon, this one was first, them the rules :/
by 20 seconds and it's shit. OP is a fucking faggot.
Without first come first serve, it'd be anarchy!
still not as much of a faggot as the pedophile dogfucker kraut though
Schumann’s piano pieces alone (to name but one work) prove that you do not need atonality to express the full range of human emotions. Any suggestion otherwise is sheer absurdity. Forms of tonality and tonal organization reign in virtually every form of music produced by every human culture prior to the cataclysm of artistic “modernism”. (Modes, raga, microtonality, etc.)

Atonality is, to me, a sign of petty angst, pretense, contempt for other human beings, and a general dearth of creativity or artistry. Good art, to me, communicates to its audience in a language they can understand; it is self-evident; I don’t believe it should require explanation or erudition to be understood and appreciated (though erudition can and should enhance the experience for those fortunate enough to have it.

Atonality is, to me, the Ivory Tower of music, a baleful snobbery that deems anyone who points out what is obvious to all—that it does not sound pleasant—as an inferior peasant. I see it as sound and fury signifying something only its composer is purview to—and hence, barely distinguishable from signifying nothing at all.

Speaking as a mathematician, it is also an technically insult to noise to compare it to atonality; statistically speaking, random sounds are more likely to have quasi-tonal, modal, or honestly tonal passages in them than, say, your average piece of serialism.

I see tonality is an abrogation of music’s inherent teleological capabilities as a narrative art (the narrative being the establishment of consonance, and the creation and resolution of dissonance); analogous to music to what, say, Finnegans Wake is to literature: interesting from a technical or theoretical perspective, and that’s about it.

I can’t stand atonality for the same reason I can’t stand alcohol: it burns going down, causing me physical (and psychological) discomfort in the process.

Listen to it if you must, but please... don’t say it is necessary.

based chad schumann poster
Schumann couldn't orchestrate to save his life.
How do I compose like Scriabin?
that’s ok, he’s still based
step 1: be a schizophrenic incel with delusions of grandeur
I personally like this thread, it has content. Op provided content, the other thread is rushed. The just said "Babbitt" and boom, left it as it is. This OP provided content, even if it was just memes, but still he provided the variety in Schumann and I enjoyed it alot. It is like tasting a different type of /classical/ all together. The other just feels robotic and typical.
Now we got two, great.
favorite composers before Bach?
Ockeghem, Josquin, Monteverdi, Gesualdo, Lassus, Obrecht
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Unfortunately, methods in music teaching, instead of making students thoroughly acquainted with the music itself, furnish a conglomerate of more or less true historical facts, sugarcoated with a great number of more or less false anecdotes about the composer, his performers, his audiences, and his critics, plus a strong dose of popularized aesthetics. Thus I once read in an examination paper of a sophomore, who had studied only a little harmony and much music appreciation, but who had certainly not heard much “live” music, that “Schumann’s orchestration is gloomy and unclear.” This wisdom was derived directly and verbally from the textbook used in class. [...]
Thus, there is not the same degree of unanimity among experts of orchestration as there is between the sophomore girl and her textbook. But irreparable damage has been done; this girl, and probably all her classmates, will never listen to the orchestra of Schumann naively, sensitively, and open-mindedly. At the end of the term she will have acquired a knowledge of music history, aesthetics, and criticism, plus a number of amusing anecdotes; but unfortunately she may not remember even one of those gloomily orchestrated Schumann themes. In a few years she will take her master’s degree in music, or will have become a teacher, or both, and will disseminate what she has been taught: ready-made judgments, wrong and superficial ideas about music, musicians, and aesthetics.
Sure. Just the mono ones? I only did edits on 2, 4, 5, and 8, since I don't care for the other mono recordings in that cycle. It's really just small EQ tweaks, and cleaning up a few ticks and pops.

This may be of interest to you too, btw. A performance of Beethoven's 5th at more or less the metronome markings, with a full orchestra, and no HIPisms. It's conducted by Gunther Schuller, a jazz musician, and, as such, it's a bit stiff, but hey. The orchestra is actually the New York Philharmonic basically, with a few other famous american musicians thrown in.
oh hey, gunther schuller did a beethoven 5? that’s funny. thanks for the links.
Yes, the booklet is actually kind of a funny read. He throws some shade at HIPsters and interventionist performers alike.

He wrote a book on conducting. I haven't read it, though.
neither have i, but i’m not sure what a third stream guy would have to say about orchestral conducting if i’m being honest.
If you can get your hands on it, Rudolf Kolisch's "Tempo and Character in Beethoven's Music" is a great read. Goes into the MM back during a time where it was still blasphemous.
"Atonality" is not real, anon.
Both threads are at 32 replies, Christ. Tiebreaker.

start of Beethoven: Piano Concerto No. 5 In E Flat Major Op. 73 -"Emperor"

The Final Blow to this thread:

Haydn, Mozart except shit.
J.S Bach, if I wanted to listen to a good Bach, I would listen C.P Bach.
Beethoven, his music was so shit it literally turned him deaf.
Schumann, couldn't pleasure his wife and tried to kill himself. couldn't even do that lmao.
Mozart? More like Mofart.
Schubert, if I wanted to listen to incel gibberish, I'd browse /r9k/ instead.
Alkan, the definition of style over substance.
Wagner, music by a beta neckbeard for beta neckbeards.
Vivaldi, David Guetta wanna be.
Tchaikovsky, gay composer and even gayer compositions.
Cage, pretty good for an American.
Mahler, if I wanted to listen to unresolved garbage, I would listen to Lil Pump.
Stravinsky, niggers with sticks in Africa did better rythms than him.
Scriabin, "I am God", dies of a fucking pimple.
Rachmaninoff, too retarded for atonality, writes mediocre tonal works instead.
Schoenberg, he was so shit he couldn't even write proper music. Everybody calls it Atonalty.
Messiaen, le whacky Bird dude.
Brahms, over dramatic farts for plebs? I liked him more when he was called Beethoven.
Webern, a one hit wonder.
Weber, US had to invade Europe just to save us from his garbage music.
Shostakovich, more remembered as Stalin's fuckboy than as a composer.
Paganini, Vivaldi 2.0.
Chopin, too scared to perform his own works because he knows he is shit.
Rossini, known for his Operas, that's how you know a composer is shit.
Liszt, shitty composer, even worse pianist.
Berlioz, Symphonie utter dogshit.
Bruckner, some old German fart.
Strauss, no matter which one you pick, they are all shit.
Sibelius, if I wanted to listen to a good scandinavian composer, I would listen to Grieg.
Debussy, Reddit: the composer.
Berg, records his boring soldier life. Calls it "art".
Bartok, if you are too stupid to listen to Schoenberg, you listen to Bartok.
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now playing

start of Mahler: Symphony No. 10


I think after this one I'll be out of new Mahler 10 recordings to try, which is kinda sad because as excellent as Dausgaard and Chailly's recordings are, along with Slatkin, Sanderling, and, yes, Rattle, I don't know, I feel like it can be better done still. Maybe someday.
It's an incomplete work so I think there's always going to be a degree of unsatisfaction to it
Yeah that could be it, I definitely tend to default to placing the blame at the performers feet when all the recordings seem to fall just short of capital-G Greatness when it's most likely the work itself. Still, I'll hold out some hope until a really great conductor takes on the work (sorry, Chailly) and it continues to fails to fully satisfy.
OP wars are one of the worst things that can happen to a general. Hope this doesn't become a pattern.
it’s just the pedo kraut being a spamming dogfucking pedophile as usual. always remember that duplicate threads are against the rules.
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>According to my opinion this is "The most important publication of all time". Do I exagerate? There are no common words to describe the universe of magic sounds of Celi's Bruckner cycle with the Munich Philharmonic orchestra and the emotions they can give. Buckner is my favorite composer and I have almost all the recordings,Celi is simply unique. I hope you'll enjoy Celi's set,and the 8th in particular as much as I do! Maybe Celi's monumental view is not indicated for 'beginners' but if you like the composer and you love this music, Celi will make more beautiful your life !

Wholesome, this review brings a smile to my face. With that said, I much prefer listening to Celi's Sony 8th; 97 minutes is plenty enough, 107 is obscene.
i detest boomers so much it’s unreal
That review made you upset? I'm sorry to hear that. Gotta find joy in the joy of others, especially when this one is welcoming you to join his artistic, spiritual nirvana.
Nothing like getting (You) notifications (!) in a thread one made to get hits of dopamine, I guess.
no, i’m not going to find joy in the senile bastardization of music into a glorified buddhist chant for strings and brass. there is a reason classical music is considered “boring” to the average person today, and it’s not just because of low attention spans or a lack of a rocking beat, it’s also because the entire classical music industry is obsessed with boring fucking old man performances that smear phrases and lines across the walls and ceilings to the thunderous applause of baby boomers who require literal retarded tempi to comprehend what’s going on. i’m fucking sick of it.
That's a valid perspective of someone who wants to become a conductor themselves, I suppose.
it’s a valid perspective of anyone wondering why the average person doesn’t give a shit about beethoven or mozart anymore; because it sounds bad now.
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schumann did what???
Is Celibidache a meme or should I actually listen to his Bruckner?
>Hope this doesn't become a pattern.
nah i don't think so, this just was a one time ocurrence
his bruckner is sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow
retarded meme
Celibidache brought Zen Buddhism to the conductor’s podium along with a Japanese concept called ichigo ichie. The phrase comes from the traditional Japanese tea ceremony and was first developed as a concept in the 16th Century.

Ichigo ichie means “one opportunity, one encounter.” Each time we interact with someone it is a unique experience and should be treated as a once in a lifetime event. It will never recur in the same exact way.

Celibidache famously did not condone recordings of the concerts he conducted. If we consider his dedication to the concept of ichigo ichie then we can begin to understand his position.

Celibidache tried to create an environment of transcendence at each of his concerts. He required extra rehearsals and was mindful of the atmosphere in the physical space of the concert hall. He felt as though recordings did not support a transcendent experience.
We can see and hear how Celibidache's contemplative style lined up well with the compositions of Anton Bruckner, the most contemplative of composers. The videos of Celibidache conducting Bruckner are monumental. It is as if they are carved in stone for the ages.
retarded hippie babble
>“To him, time is different than it is to other composers. To a normal man, time is what comes after the beginning. To Bruckner, time is what comes after the end. All his apotheotic finals, the hope for another world, the hope of being saved, of being again baptised in light, it exists nowhere else in the same manner”

These were Celibidache’s words when asked about Bruckner.
in other words, he was a braindead new age hippie
Shoe man
Sergiu Celibidache had four doctorates in philosophy, psychology, higher mathematics, and musicology.

A comment by someone on a post about the greatest conductors of the world, mentions Celibidache and refers to him as “the best of the best” and the author replies: “Celibidache is sadly overlooked.”

The fact that he was accused of not being fond of women playing in orchestras, may be one reason. Although, women were to be seen in his orchestras.

I also came to understand that he was a perfectionist and would make any orchestra rehearse several times, leading it to exhaustion. RAI orchestra (Rome) players refused to be conducted by him because of that.
During his studies in Berlin, Celibidache was introduced to Zen Buddhism and his whole life was influenced by it.

And at the end of this post I can honestly say that I won't be thinking of him as a conductor anymore, but as a philosopher of music... something I have never considered before.

Maybe the players of the orchestras he's conducted weren't very happy rehearsing to exhaustion, but he had such a deep understanding of music, he couldn't comprehend that, for some, playing was and it is just a job. He pretended perfection. That must have been terribly frustrating for both Celibidache and players.

Celibidache deserves more appreciation.

You get the message.

all that effort to be the greatest braindead hippie in the world
One of these threads really ought to be the sisterpisster containment
what about pedophile dogfucker containment?
woof woof
fucking dogs again, pedophile kraut?
You what now?
I remember when I first started browsing here there was one guy who used to recommend Celi till sisteranon drove them away lol. I'm going through his cycle again and honestly, I'm finding it even more extraordinary this time around, as I know what to expect. I wouldn't try his stuff before you're quite familiar with the symphonies first, but if are, couldn't hurt, you'll either love or hate them. Plus it has the added benefit of once you hear Celibidache's recordings, you'll never find another Bruckner recording ever slow again lol.
false, i still find the vast majority of bruckner conductors too slow even after having heard celibidache. celibidache is just exaggeratedly slow.
Well that's probably because you're familiar with actually fast recordings, whereas I still haven't delved into that stuff; Karajan, Jochum, Tintner, etc, are still the fastest I've ever heard. Obviously I know they aren't fast, but I just meant relatively.
schumann 2
wtf I literally just post that on before seeing your post
cunnyboy thread
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kill yourself
Oh, you hate that recording?
No, no, that's a fine recording. I just want you to die.
Ah, well maybe once I finish listening to it.
dynagroove? no thanks
What does that mean? Sounds cool.
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Has anyone bought from prestomusic? How often they do label sales?
>just pirate bro
That's the thing. The albums I'm looking for aren't on soulseek or rutracker. On top, they aren't available in deezer in CD quality either.
>The albums I'm looking for
stuff from naxos
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now playing

start of Scheherazade, Op. 35

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They are on blogspot very often, dunno about quality, I dont mind 320 mp3s
>there are people here who don’t realize that every streaming service in existence is an unwitting free download platform with the right tools
immensely annoyed at the fact that there are virtually no recordings of the 7th in stereo that take it at beethoven's tempo markings AND take the exposition repeat without also containing insufferable HIP-isms. i hate conductors so much it's unreal

Is there any composer of baroque/early classical opera that has really long, 10+ minute arias?

may i ask you to be more specific, senior?by the way i deleted shostakovich from my hard drive yesterday..it wasn't a very difficult decision. his treatment of jewish people ticked me off.
you are fucking retarded. Shostakovich sucked Jewish cock, but his music is sublime.
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now playing

Alright guys, so get this.

Richard Wagner right? We all know who that is. Big operas, bigger forehead, you know the drill.

What if we replaced the Wag in Wagner with Vag for Vagina? Like this: Richard Vagner. Wouldn’t that be so funny? I think it’s hilarious, the greatest joke ever made. I bet /classical/ would love this idea. Thoughts?
what if I strangled you with your own intestines and stuffed barbed wire into your eye sockets?
Oh Brahmscuck! What a prankster, what a jokester!
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>Mozart was perhaps the most ambitious composer in the history of music. He produced at least one, and generally several imposing masterpieces in almost every genre of music— concerto, song, opera (serious and comic, German and Italian), string trio, string quartet, string quintet, quintet for piano and winds, trio and quartet for piano and strings, quintet for wind instrument and strings, divertimento for wind octet, double concerto for violin and viola, symphony,piano sonata, violin sonata. Although he left no completed major work of religious music, his two fragments—the C Minor Mass and the requiem— are monumental even in their unfinished state. In comparison, Haydn’s major successes were largely restricted to the two genres of symphony and string quartet; only when he was much older than Mozart ever became did he create his most impressive piano sonatas, piano trios, and the important vocal works with the late masses and the two oratorios. And only after Mozart’s Prague symphony had surpassed in size and weight any of Haydn’s orchestral works, setting an example, did he expand his symphonic style.

>Mozart enlarged the forms of his time by combining genres. The finale of his Piano Sonata in B-flat, K. 333, is a large concerto movement, with imitations of the contrast of orchestra and soloist, and a huge cadenza like an improvisation. He introduced operatic effects in his chamber music, and symphonic and concerto passages into his opera arias. His concertos have moments of intimate and complex chamber music. The finale of the Jupiter symphony has an unprecedented display of learned counterpoint, simultaneously combining six themes. He magnified almost every genre in which he worked.
Have you properly rated Mozart today?

He also died from stress at age 35. what a role model, lol.
Is there any composer of baroque/early classical opera that has really long, 10+ minute arias?
someone purchase pic rel, scan it and upload thanks
>>Mozart was perhaps the most ambitious composer in the history of music. He produced at least one, and generally several imposing masterpieces in almost every genre of music
Composing the Ring Cycle is still more ambitious.
>mozart died at 35
its over for me then
That exposition repeat sucks tho
Is there any composer of baroque/early classical opera that has really long, 10+ minute arias?
he didn't died he was murdered and although that may only diminish the ill feeling emulating from your carcass, it should unravel an energy of deep memory from past atrocities by the money changers behind his murder.
So true sister
Is there any composer of baroque/early classical opera that has really long, 10+ minute arias?
Sex and Wagner.
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Is there any composer of baroque/early classical opera that has really long, 10+ minute arias?
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Nah I know the tools. But I like my ss and blogspot for several reasons:
>I like the chats on my blogspots
>I care a lot about covers and metadata
>I like the discovery and serendipity aspects of blogs
>Several blogs do collections. For example, if disc 1 of 10 drops, they announce that all the disc are intended for release
>I can manage my downloads on third party tools
>I still use RSS to get updates, so I like my little routine of starting the day, see whats new, grab it, listen to yesterday downloads, etc.
There are obvious drawbacks as always, but I like it my way
do any of your blogs have >>124002094 thanks sister
Is there any composer of baroque/early classical opera that has really long, 10+ minute arias?
my friend is keen on finding the warner remaster (art et sons) of Victoria de los Angeles, and his friend is just as eager to find 10+ minute arias. are you willing to help?
I’m generally not impressed with his results
Fake and gay. The sisterposter doesn’t know how to capitalize
Is there any composer of baroque/early classical opera that has really long, 10+ minute arias?
just deleted bernstein from my hard drive for obvious reasons
Ignore all posts from the Sisterposer or to be safe any lowercase posts-

Probably because i'm not the sisterposter
Lack of hard drive space?
insufferable neurotic slave garbage
>I care a lot about covers and metadata
if you aren’t editing that info into your files yourself you’re goyim cattle.
>I can manage my downloads on third party tools
what does this even mean?
the rest of this stuff is just social networking features with almost nothing to do with downloading music so i don’t care.
sounds great to me
Yes but you’re imitating their ways
Sounds like a you problem
Nope it’s Mozart’s fault
I should add that it's perfectly okay not to "get" Mozart immediately. I'm not trying to shame anyone for being under informed, because nobody starts out knowing anything. My condescension is only directed at those arrogant plebs who, upon listening to and not enjoying some music by one of the most scholarly acclaimed musical geniuses of all time, immediately leap to the conclusion that _Mozart_ must be the weak link in the chain, and not their dumbass ears.
Ruins the momentum of the music to me
exposition repeats are about proportion, not momentum, and the intro of the 7th becomes disproportionately long when skipping the exposition repeat.
Sure. But it's still a huge blue ball to me
Well I’m less impressed with the idea that there’s certain artists who have to be worshipped. I don’t owe Mozart anything certainly not my admiration or unconditional worship. If he doesn’t reach me that’s his fault, I’m not going to smash my head against a wall because I think it must mean my ears are defective.
He’s a a genius because he wrote a ton of music and at a very young age- that’s undeniable. However I’m generally not a fan of the music he wrote. Perhaps its even well constructed but that doesn’t make it objectively good or enjoyable.
Scholars love Mozart and such cause it let’s them endlessly analyze and rationalize music and Mozart is good fodder for that. It appeals to a certain type of mind
To me Karajan will always be 3430914
did you check out Slatkin? It's definitely my favorite
doesn't matter. it's in the score.
I mentioned his! Yeah his is fantastic, definitely one I'll be revisiting often.
I'm counting on you, sisteranon, to record the reference M10 when you become a big-name conductor.
Mozart is more difficult to appreciate without an intermediate grounding in music theory and history, because the aesthetic conventions he perfected became templates which echoed through the centuries even to today. This is just because haters don't have an informed frame of reference. An uneducated person hears Mozart and just thinks "I don't get it... isn't this just a pretty melody?" whereas an educated person is able to appreciate the graceful organic transitions, the perfectly proportioned phrase shapes, the dense concentration of ideas, etc.
Mozart raped me.
Actually, I lied. I'm not sure why I forgot about this. Scherchen recorded the 8th in stereo in Lugano, with the Orchestra della Radio della Svizzera Italiana. Yes, it's a 3rd rate orchestra. Actually, it's probably a 4th rate orchestra.
Somewhat typical of Scherchen, he's even crazier live, and it's actually faster than his mono RPO recording. It's not well played at all, but considering the circumstances and the insane tempo that he takes it at, it's surprisingly well put together.

Well, if you think about it, this may be the most historically accurate Beethoven we have on record, considering Beethoven famously had many horrible results from the orchestras that premiered his music.
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let's start the day with

start of Symphony No. 2 in C Minor "Resurrection"


On the bus ride home I was planning on listening to Eschenbach's fantastic recording of this symphony but it's always more fun trying out an unfamiliar one. Hopefully I won't regret it. I've also decided that I really detest slow tempo interpretations of this work -- Bernstein's DG recording, for example, is almost unlistenable to me now. It's funny because I enjoy the occasional slow tempo recording of just about all of the others (I'm starting to feel this way about the 5th too, again with regards to Bernstein's DG), but with this one, I don't know, turns it into a snoozefest, removes the power.
Sometimes I wonder if Beethoven really was a rapist or maybe he had the mind of one
Ten best works for solo piano?
I am burning, burning.




you’re unsatisfied with mahler 10 because you’re listening to a performing edition of a sketch, not a finished piece. unless the ghost of gustav himself possesses me and tells me what i need to do to add all the missing counterpoint, restructure the last 2 movements and flesh out the orchestration as he would have, there is no making it “satisfying” like the 9th or das lied von der erde.
>there is no making it “satisfying”
Not with that attitude there isn't
i think the proportions of the work could be improved with slightly more intelligent tempi, but that’s really about it. for the most part, dausgaard has the right idea with how the work should be paced; if that’s not enough (and it isn’t), nothing will be.
My music teacher called Ives an idiot

He usually has great taste and opinion, but when I showed him the concord mass sonata (a piece I’ve grown to love for its beauty and philosophy engraved within) he said “Sounds like he just hit a bunch of random notes and wrote it down”. I also showed him three places in New England (my personal favorite) and he said it didn’t sound like actual music. My music teacher has been a composer and director for more than 20 years, as well as the music director for a local parish, and I’m not sure where he got such an interesting view. Is this how a lot of musicians view Ives, or is he an odd one out?
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now playing

start of Dvorak: Cello Concerto in B Minor, Op. 104, B. 191

start of Tchaikovsky: Variations on a Rococo Theme for Cello and Orchestra, Op. 33

your music teacher is right and you are a retard
Thoughts on Clara Schuman?
your teacher is an exception and if i were in your shoes i'd launch a campaign against him to effectively cancel his livelihood. he does not seem fit to have an opinion on compositions let alone teach students about it. i would also encourage you to open an investigation against anyone who is associated with him, who mentored him and who or what was responsible for giving him the authority of music director.
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Favorite recording of Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 24?

funny bait
it’s the facts, ives’ music is the work of a dilettante insurance salesman.
Glen Gould
Doesn't mean it's not rude, which it was.
Haebler, London Symphony Orchestrong, and Colin Davis. I really like the way philips recordings sound.
cry me a river
I don't say this often, but this is so much better than Karajan's well-known recording of these. A lot of his concerti stuff is rather meh, his Dvorak I'm still mixed on, and his Tchaikovsky I go back and forth.
Ives said the work was his "impression of the spirit of transcendentalism that is associated in the minds of many with Concord, Massachusetts of over a half century ago. This is undertaken in impressionistic pictures of Emerson and Thoreau, a sketch of the Alcotts, and a scherzo supposed to reflect a lighter quality which is often found in the fantastic side of Hawthorne."

The piece demonstrates Ives' experimental tendencies: much of it is written without barlines, the harmonies are advanced, and in the second movement, there are cluster chords created by depressing the piano's keys with a 14+3⁄4-inch (37 cm) piece of wood, as well as clusters marked "Better played by using the palm of the hand or the clenched fist." The piece also amply demonstrates Ives' fondness for musical quotation: the opening bars of Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 are quoted in each movement. James B. Sinclair's catalogue of Ives's works also notes less obvious quotations of Beethoven's Hammerklavier Sonata as well as quotations from Debussy and Wagner.
Thanks, added! Might listen to her Mozart violin (with Szeryng) and piano sonatas later today too.
too bad the end result sounds like dogshit
it’s ok, charles isn’t around to call you a sissy for crying. you can yet those tears flow.
Ives wrote: "I find that I do not play or feel like playing this music even now in the same way each time... Some of the passages now played have not been written out, and I do not know as I ever shall write them out as it may take away the daily pleasure of playing this music and seeing it grow and feeling that it is not finished and the hope that it never will be – I may always have the pleasure of not finishing it."
wtf i love Mozart now
>How to stop your dog from shitposting
Anything else like Beethoven's "Choral Fantasy?" I know it's a little kitsch but goddamn do I love it, it's so life-affirming, beautiful, and glorious. Doesn't even have to be for piano, I'd love to hear something like it for violin or cello or orchestral (I guess Brahms' orchestral chorus stuff is kinda like it), but if piano then I'll gladly take it.

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decca released a complete package of her works in 2021, including the violin sonatas for mozart and the beets. but her solo piano work of mozart is where it's at—nothing compares.
what about how to stop your pedophile kraut from fucking dogs?
Any good instrumental Renaissance music?
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>what about how to stop your pedophile kraut from fucking dogs?
you never get tired of dumping pics from your fap folder huh, pedo kraut?
An excellent question
oh I didn't notice it. I mentioned it because I felt just like you untill I heard that one
It has a lot more emotion and warmth than Dausgaard's and Chailly's, which is my primarily (and possibly only) issue with theirs, so I'll revisit it on my next listen of the 10th, and who knows, maybe it'll click that it's my ideal, as I've only heard it once but I loved it.
So you don't think you'd be able to improve on Dausgaard's? Out of curiosity, what is the first work you're looking to record once you get to that position?
slatkin's mahler 10 is a waste of time because it uses the mazzetti completion which is awful. not even worth considering when the score itself is dogshit.
i can imagine how i could improve on dausgaard, just not by a huge margin.
>what is the first work you're looking to record once you get to that position?
whatever is programmed.
The Tim Burton Batman Concerto
pieces about mental illness?
whatever the sisterposter likes
Anything by Stockhausen
And Schoenberg

Will you still say "thank you wagnersister" and such when you get this position. Will you call your player's sisters? How will you post on 4chan 24 hours a day?
Schoenberg is pretty sane
He'll have someone in the orchestra whose position is posting on /classical/ and he'll conduct the posts.
I've decided to get back into the recorder
I hope I can find a teacher who is capable of teaching me the fundamentals instead of just dicking around on the recorder
it wasn't that funny
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Haskil/Markevitch, Schnabel/Susskind, Casadesus/Monteux, Casadesus/Mitropoulos, Curzon/Kubelik
I might do too with my Soprano recorder, although I only intend to play very basic stuff-probably no classical stuff

I thought it was funny. I didn't actually laugh out loud though
Damn, thanks.
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I don't get it

Vaughan Williams
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now playing

start of Mozart: Violin Sonata No. 26 in B-Flat Major, K. 378

I use deemix, retard. That is why I mentioned deezer.

deemix is literal plebeian bottomfeeder shit, cannot believe people use it.
Scriabin's 5th is one of the greatest piano sonatas ever written, and one of the perfect pieces of music.
comically embarrassing
Why? It just works.
cosmically based
because there are a zillion services out there that provide the same thing but for literally every streaming service you can think of, including the ones that specialize in hi-res formats and provide digital booklets. why on earth anyone would stick to deezer in light of that is beyond me.

based on inceldom maybe
about bad music?

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now playing (Symphony No. 4)

start of Prokofiev: Symphony No. 4 in C, Op. 112 - Revised version


I gotta admit, when it comes to Russian music, Gergiev is impressive.
you mean scriabin? yes, he was an incel crybaby

>Great. Imagine Beethoven's Ninth twice as long and seven times as freaky.

a review on Bernstein's Sony Mahler 3, lol
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>based on inceldom maybe
I said Deemix, not Deezer itself. Deemix is a defunct tool used to download from Deezer in either mp3 or flac. You don't even need an account, only an api. There are similar tools for Quboz and Tidal.
You just reminded me I still have to listen to Wim's Double Tone Pathetique(the first part should be 10bpm)
stop dumping your wank stash and put your trip back on, pedophile kraut
yeah, i'm talking about tools for ripping from streaming services. deemix sucks because deezer itself sucks.
Hmm, y'know what, I think my love for Prokofiev has dimmed considerably. Sad. Hopefully it eventually comes back around.
i'm sure scriabin is.
Let's hope not!
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What about Deeznuts?
baby don't cry
nvm,s he says 16=92.

Hearing this -I am starting to have my doubts though that's what Beethoven really intended

it may be too late for that for scriabin, the incel’s already dead after all
Favorite piano Art of Fugue?
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now playing


and he cried
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Imagine making a guitar with 16 strings and 9 frets rather than the other way around! LMAO what were these dumbasses thinking?!
rest in piss, scriabin the incel, rest in piss.
Pollini by a lot
he can't he's dead
good riddance
great music in this video for lovers of good music only
Have you heard Sultanov's 5th? Best I've ever heard.

>scriabin the incel
He had 2 children
Would Karajan be in the same league as Taylor Swift for album sales?
He had 7 children.
and yet he was still an incel, how strange
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now playing

start of The Art of the Fugue, BWV 1080

And yet the Sp will still keep calling them an incel even though they know for a fact this is wrong
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>her face when she comes over and hears me playing Scriabin
looks like an incel, walks like an incel, talks like an incel… yep, he’s a scriabincel
You sure never get tired of talking nonsense
i never get tired of calling incels what they are, yes.
I don't like that, it sounds too disjointed and slow. I'd prefer it smoother and at least twice as fast-
You never get tired of lying

indeed, i find it hard to be tired of something i've never done.
accusing anon of lying when he is not lying might be construed as a lie in certain circumstances. although you had no intention of doing so, by projecting your own vices and ill feeling onto anon, a confession had been made. still waiting for my victoria de los angeles remaster by the way.
When you're older I'll tell you where babies come from and how Scriabin having 7 children means he can't have been an incel
Would you hug the sisterposter?
inceldom is a state of mind, scriabincel. if nick fuentes impregnated a woman tomorrow he’d still be a homosexual incel.
only if it killed it
Scriabincels, Lisztcels, Chopincels, we won and wagmi
quite unlikely, scriabincel
Incel composers:

I'm more of a Lisztcel myself
a liszter sister, sister
I'm considering getting a traverso to play very basic stuff as well
the word you're looking for is introvert.
Scriabin, the only composer who gave "sound" a "Phallus".
anything else like this?

because he couldn’t stop jerking off?

This is not music.

This is "Sex".

This is "Sex" transformed into music.
Scriabin, the inventor of penis music
Scriabin, Beethoven, Chopin
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>26/48 time
Also this is sex transformed into music
solo sex maybe
but beethoven wasn’t a talentless hack
There will never be another composer like Scriabin, the man who combined sex and music into a beautiful concoction.
mostly because no one else could ever be as addicted to jacking off
are you challenging me?
He raped you.
what's so bad about Mazzetti?
I'm interested in early music instruments. A lute is expensive, difficult and hard maintenance. Maybe a wind instrument, not sure yet.
I wanted one of these beasts, but the tuning alone will consume all my time. Also, there are no cheap versions. Yes Im poor.
>>I care a lot about covers and metadata
>if you aren’t editing that info into your files yourself you’re goyim cattle.
I do. I curate my collection. And the rest of the stuff that you dismiss is important to me. I dont carr about socialization at all, but some communities are better than others and gain yout trust. I dont even comment there, but I know the posters that share high quality uploads, complete metadata, good cover scans, etc.
the incel to tranny rapist pipeline in action
for one, he thinks he’s smart enough to pretend to be mahler, which is always bad news, and also precisely the reason cooke’s edition is indubitably the best: he makes the least modifications and additions to mahler’s short score.
if you want community, join a private tracker. anywhere else is still subject to a nonexistent quality control policy, no matter how good your “community” is.
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now playing, Schumann's piano works are sounding so good to me right now

start of Schumann: Kinderszenen, Op. 15

start of Schumann: Kreisleriana, Op. 16

>for one, he thinks he’s smart enough to pretend to be mahler, which is always bad news, and also precisely the reason cooke’s edition is indubitably the best: he makes the least modifications and additions to mahler’s short score.
just sounds like Cooke didn't even try to make it not sound like a sketch while Mazetti gave it a shot
>for one, he thinks he’s smart enough to pretend to be mahler, which is always bad news, and also precisely the reason cooke’s edition is indubitably the best: he makes the least modifications and additions to mahler’s short score.

Don't care, sounds good to me :^)

No but seriously, both sound good, I'm happy listening to either, I just see it as two versions of the same work, as in why not enjoy both?
>join a private tracker.
I'm fine, thanks
>just sounds like Cooke didn't even try to make it not sound like a sketch
because he knows he's not mahler. mazetti is delusional enough to think he is, and the results are obviously subpar because he isn't.
>I just see it as two versions of the same work, as in why not enjoy both?
because mazetti sounds bad and is therefore unenjoyable.
then don't pretend you care about any pretenses of quality control, because it's obvious you don't.
>because mazetti sounds bad and is therefore unenjoyable.

The Slatkin recording is great and the Lopez-Cobos one is neat; idk I like both.
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>don't pretend
Read what you wrote. Your conclusion is that ONLY people on private trackers can say they like quality on their downloads. I care about good covers and good metadata. I download from various sites and platforms. I check my downloads. I use picard and mp3tag to fix them if necesary. I create custom covers for unofficial releases like live recordings. In short, I like to spend time curating my collection. Maybe I do it all wrong, but I do care.

C - GIV11 - - - Cvi7 - BV7b13 - E7b5
>Perhaps the most discussed and most controversial issue relating to Gould’s health and personality is the claim that he had Asperger syndrome (now included within autism spectrum disorder). This claim has been passionately accepted, tentatively considered, or flatly denied by people who knew Gould personally and by doctors and scholars who have studied his life.
they’re not great because they use mazetti’s edition (and also because slatkin is a subpar mahlerian, but that’s a different story). you’re free to like it, but don’t pretend that they’re good recordings.
if you cared about good metadata, you’d join private trackers that enforce tagging rules instead of relying on the good will of randos on a blogspot with a 3 digit monthly visitor count. also, i have no idea why you worry so much about the tags on the files you download when it literally takes 5 minutes to correct them. cover art and liner note scans are a different story (assuming the release is so obscure that the cover art can’t be ripped from online webstores and the scans aren’t available on discogs or musicbrainz), but tags are literally the most inconsequential part of downloaded files, because literally nothing is stopping you from changing them yourself.
>In short, I like to spend time curating my collection.
i do too. the difference is i’m better at sourcing my files than you are.
Oh, I'll pretend alright!
you’re only deluding yourself, quite frankly
sir redacted relies on the good will of its users to report torrents and to upload replacements. the latter may be incentivized but as far as classical music is concerned good metadata is clearly not a primary goal for its users.
>sir redacted relies on the good will of its users to report torrents
not really, anything with bad tags is automatically marked trumpable, even if the argument for the tags being bad is extremely spurious, which is usually the case.
>good metadata is clearly not a primary goal for its users.
yeah, because metadata is literally the easiest thing in the world to fix. again, what a weird thing to complain about while also claiming that you like to spend time curating your collection.
sir torrents uploaded with bad tags must first be reported as having bad tags. put another way, a user must first download a torrent, recognize the tags are either missing or wrong, and then only if he feels like it, report the torrent for it to then be marked as trumpable. for instance, i never report torrents with bad tags.
as opposed to a blogspot or soulseek which has no function for reporting and replacing uploads with bad tags.
>if you cared about good metadata, you’d join private trackers that enforce tagging rules instead of relying on the good will of randos on a blogspot
sir redacted has really poor metadata for classical music which relies on the good will of its users to report and upload a replacement to trumpable torrents.
as opposed to a blogspot or soulseek which has no rules for metadata and no option for users to report and upload a replacement to badly tagged uploads. what is your point here again?
my point is that you shouldn't lambast anon for not being on private trackers when they are notoriously known for having the very characteristics of which had been applied to anon's means of gathering music
i will lambast him because soulseek is literally no better on the best of days and a million times worse on average.
maybe it just depends on how you use the service. soulseek has groups committed to certain genres whose files aren't shared publicly, for instance. and i'm sure not all blogspots, of which there are many, have as bad of tagging as you suggest.
i wouldn’t trust the provenance of the rip or tag quality on either of those services regardless, and rip quality matters far, far more than something you can fix yourself like tags.
>you’d join private trackers
Again, no, thanks.
Mate I care about my collection AND I like to visit my blogs. Those two are not opposed. Im not even preaching about them, I just talk about my personal interest. You reasons for joining a PT are valid and all that, but its not my cup of tea. I have my files, my cover and my tags.
>what a weird thing to complain
Nah mate, you are reading all wrong. Im not complaing about tags, I stated what things are important in my collection (all equally important), including covers and metadata.
i fail to see how covers and metadata being important to you has any relevance to blogs whatsoever, but sure, if you say so.

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