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There is no /prog/ only /zeuhl/ edition

What is Progressive Rock?

Good albums to start with?

Obscure prog gems

Previous >>123964642
this is Akerfeldt's favorite album of all time
didn't know Jared Leto played in Magma
checks out
The motherfucking Magma CARPET in this image always gets me.
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Prog metal good :)
cool go make a prog metal thread though
prog metal fags are like the jews of /mu/. constantly in exile, constantly getting kicked out from threads and generals
I always liked Terria more
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Did someone say Jews
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prog metal wouldn't get the hate it gets if more bands went down this path

Post more psychedelic prog like early PT

Funeral is one of my favorite songs of all time. I just can't explain why or how

I never listen to his newer stuff but ocean machine is a 10/10 album
What do you guys think of Neptunian Maximalism?
As metal music it's groundbreaking, as jazz music it's been there done that
any droney prog rock kind of like Swans but more "proggy"?
Pretty much anything considered groundbreaking in metal is just aping what another genre did 30-70 years ago.
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Is Dan Aykroyd a Magma fan? It would still not be the weirdest thing he's into.
that can be applied to any genre, the thing that makes it groundbreaking is the fusion with different genres, besides why does something need to be "groundbreaking" to be good anyway? no one truly has "ideas" anyway.
Are there any 70s and 80s bands that sound like Meshuggah?
there is nothing, there is never anything.
metalfag gibberish cope
So weird I am listening to the Greed/Holy Money comp right now and am about to dive back in to Soundtracks later on. They were my favorite band for a few years and I never really found anything close to them even the post-rock monoliths from GYBE & Year of No Light don't come close to their creativity. I would say MAYBE This Heat especially the debut

or something like Glenn Branca or late-era Scott Walker could be considered. Godflesh. You've probably had all of these recommended before but that's because there's really nothing else like what Swans do
ruins and some of magma's bass-heavy stuff had very similar polyrythms and sounds to meshuggah and early djent
i'm not a metalfag, in fact i can't stand metal, there are better arguments against metal, like the fact that it sounds like shit.
no one is truly original because all ideas are echoes of a higher truth, drawn from the divine realm of knowledge that transcends our individual experience. the material world is a mere shadow of a deeper spiritual reality, and our thoughts are reflections of that greater wisdom. we are not inventors but rather seekers, inspired by the sparks of insight that come from beyond our immediate perception. our creative expressions are channels for these divine revelations, this is why many people can have the same "ideas" at once.
Ruins kinda

>prog metal band
>the frontman does not even like metal much and his favorite bands are Radiohead and Massive Attack
Damn I need to check Ruins out
>Radiohead and Massive Attack
even worse honestly
Are there any trip hop prog bands besides Archive?
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this but unironically
Hmmm, The Gathering?
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I don't know, this is bad but it could be worse, I guess? Starless and Shine On are probably my two favorite prog rock tracks, so I'm glad at least both of them are up there? Roundabout is obviously only at the top of that list because of the memes (I can think of a dozen other Yes songs that deserve that spot), I don't mind classifying Radiohead as prog but I definitely wouldn't put Paranoid Android as high as something like Starless and Shine On and I have no idea as to what Stairway to Heaven is doing there. Supper's Ready deserves way higher and that Greep song is definitely just a matter of recency bias, but eh, such is life. Could be more terrible coming from RYM.
Not bad except for Georde Greep and Queen
>Roundabout is obviously only at the top of that list because of the memes
You might not like it but it's been a Yes staple since forever
I always felt the same about Trout Mask Replica, but for blues rock instead of metal.
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Progressive rock
I can see that too. I like that album but I never found to be as out of the box as its biggest fans claim
Let me put it this way then: if it can be applied to any genre, then it can still be applied to metal the most by far
Awesome picture. And i know it's from their not great album but Dondai from Attahk is the most life affirming song i've ever heard, it brings me close to tears.
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tiktok shitpost music
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Here comes right now
Listening to this album is like peering for half an hour or so through a window into a universe that has fully comprehended the absence of God. There's no instant of music on the LP that isnt pregnant with existential fear, and the program of the music plays like a series of responses to this fear ultimately ending on a note of of apprehensive calmness (which is incidentally the first semi-coherent lyrical content presented to the listener). It's one of the most subtly constructed and deeply affecting philosophical and poetic statements in the history of rock music.

It's fine if the musical content isn't your thing, since it doesn't exactly make many concessions to popular aesthetics, but acting like it isn't an extremely significant album is plain and simple ignorance.
caveman prog
Wyatt was trying to warn us about the glowies.
>The Gathering
not posting planet...
is magma's latest album good
is magma's latest album prog
Jackass Number 2 syncs up perfectly to Animals like Wizard of Oz with DSOTM
Is there any prog crossover with math? Does /prog/ like any math?
help i'm a prog
>he fell for the meme that prog is for smart people
>he fell for the meme that math is for smart people
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Is it prog?
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Did you listen to it? Did you like it?
prog folk, yes
i prefer Zess
The 2019 studio release of Zess is the weakest version and is surpassed by the 2005 Mythes et Legendes version and 1981 Bobino version

zess is one of magma's weakest and least interesting suites and carried entirely by the energy of those live performances which the studio release lacks

/x/ Prog?
yeah, the live versions are great, and probably objectively better, but there is something about the studio version that keeps bringing me back to it.
I dunno, I've always thought that Zess is compositionally not that interesting
It's the same two keyboard keys for 30 minutes.
>least interesting
i mean musically maybe, but i love the way it sounds, i love the repetition, it adds a hypnotic quality, Zess is also the most conceptually interesting to me, and it's by far their most spiritual work.
I'm going on vacation to the forest next week and I need more autumnal countryside prog like this
take acid and listen to Jan Dukes de Grey
it's gonna be the trippiest autumn of your life
Jan Dukes De Grey – Mice And Rats In The Loft
Tim Buckley - The Peel Sessions / Once I Was
Comus - First Utterance
Fairport Convention - Unhalfbricking
The Pentangle - Basket Of Light
Harmonium - Si On Avait Besoin d'une Cinquième Saison
Strawbs - Grave New World
Carol Of Harvest - Carol Of Harvest
Gryphon - Midnight Mushrumps
Emtidi - Saat
Folque - Landet Ditt
Eden - Erwartung
Gentle Giant - Gentle Giant

these next albums aren't exactly "prog" but they are folk with some proggy elements and have a very "autumn" feel
Nature And Organisation - Beauty Reaps The Blood Of Solitude
Pearls Before Swine - Balaklava
Tenhi - Maaäet
Vashti Bunyan - Just Another Diamond Day
Third Ear Band - Third Ear Band
Current 93 - Of Ruine or Some Blazing Starre
Empyrium - Where at Night the Wood Grouse Plays
Of The Wand And The Moon - The Lone Descent
meant to reply to
where did everyone go?
suicide cult
It's a Traffic kind of Tuesday.
>It's the same two keyboard keys for 30 minutes.
that's the best part, just like that floating points pharoah sanders album
Huh, this came up on shuffle, I thought it was Hatfield and the Norf
Some great recs in here
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I feel the same way about Soft Machine's Third to be honest.
Third's best aspects are the psych-rock infused jazz, especially Moon in June
Ratledge thought Wyatt was holding the bad back, when he was actually their best quality
Soft Machine isn't anything that much like Jazz other than some of the drumming and the fact that they use Saxophones, they are still very much a rock band, this can also be applied to any jazz rock band, you would know that if you knew anything about jazz, they are completely different and good for entirely different reasons.
But no one listens to jazz rock bands (apart from maybe Chicago)
Wyatt was holding the band back from Ratledge’s autism
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pretty much
I mean, just look at the dude, with his ugly mustache, ridiculous haircut and stupid sunglasses all the time
same desu. it's a good album but the solos don't do much for me. i mentioned in an earlier thread that KC's Lizard is the better album, it does what i was told Third would do
>Third's best aspects are the psych-rock infused jazz
I agree, but this is also why I prefer Volume Two over Third
Redpill me on Chicago, what are their jazziest songs
reminds me more of return to forever/chick corea, but i see what you mean, this is pretty good
Nah fuck Chicago they hog all the spotlight, meet Archie Whitewhater

or, IF
They weren't that jazzy, it's just rock with horns. But here's a jazz musician playing chicago.
yeah, a pleasant surprise, forgot about them. Love these shuffle reminders of things that exist (and I already downloaded)
is there prog that's fun and danceable? or are we forever doomed to be nerds who stay in the corner at a party?
Roundabout is pretty danceable i reckon
>doomed to be nerds who stay in the corner at a party
you are allowed to listen to other genres of music, anon
>fun and danceable?
magma did disco prog in the late 70s that's kind of danceable but not the kind of thing you'd ever play at a party
Metal zeuhl is going to have the same problem as prog metal, i.e. get influenced in a second-hand manner and ignore the primary influences that made the original bands so good in the first place.
dancing is pretty gay anyway honestly.
Yes there is. But I won’t share my fave bangers, you gotta earn that
Are you challenging him to a dance-off
have you ever cried to prog?
No, prog doesn't really activate those kinds of emotions for me
mostly to Yes
>And You and I
>The Revealing Science of God (Dance of the Dawn)
>The Remembering (High the Memory)
>To Be Over
just a godly band
Robert Wyatt - Rock Bottom
Gentle Giant - Think Of Me With Kindness
there are more but i can't think of them at the moment.
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almost cried to the ending of Starless once
Do you consider Cardiacs prog?
The Unthanks' arrangement of Starless is a close one. Not prog, but their version of 'King of Rome' gets me every time.

The Magician is prog song of the year
yeah with
Camel's Ice
KC's The Night Watch
Pink Floyd's Shine on
Magma - Zëss, specifically Zï Ïss Ẁöss Štëhëm
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here's my Autumn Core Prog chart, is there something that you think should be added? or something that you think doesn't belong?
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>Old friend charity
>Cruel twisted smile
>And the smile signals emptiness
>For me

Shine On is also a great crying song too
I can't help but wonder, is there any relationship between Starless and Shine On I-IX seemingly being two of the most universally beloved prog rock tracks (or the two most beloved if KYM is anything to go by) and also both being essentially about the loss of friendship and human connection? I've always found that they're very comparable in terms of structure too, both of them start with a long-ish mellow contemplative introduction, both of them go into their own styles of long-form instrumental musings after the opening verses (even if Starless doesn't have a second round of lyrics like the second half of Shine On does), and both end by slowing down their tempo and closing with a variation of their main motifs. Maybe both of these are very popular because they scratch a very similar itch for /prog/heads?
I have cried to music only three times. Once while seeing King Crimson play Starless live (I was not the only one), another was hearing The Night Watch on shrooms, and the other was to this song
only once.... technically wasn't even a prog song although it was on a prog album
do tell will ya
third song from this album... 'Is She Waiting?'
wind & wuthering?
Spirogyra - Bells, Boots and Shambles
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Is there any prog that has twinkly guitar tones like youd find in pic related or midwest emo?
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So did Cuckgau
>Third (Columbia, 1970) Robert Wyatt's light touch imbues these pleasant experiments with their own unique pulse, but only because the music is labeled rock is it hailed as a breakthrough. It does qualify as a change of pace--on the group's last album three musicians put seventeen titles on two sides, while on this one eight musicians put four on four. But though Mike Ratledge's "Out-Bloody-Rageous," to choose the most interesting example, brings together convincing approximations of Terry Riley-style modular pianistics and John Coltrane-style modal sax (Hugh Hopper has Jimmy Garrison's bass down perfect), Riley and Coltrane do it better. Only Wyatt's "Moon in June" is eccentric by the standards of its influences--which must be why it's hard to name them all. B
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What do we think of Japanese jazz-fusion
is this considered prog?
What Third really is about is Moon in June. For the rest of the album I agree with you, but Moon in June has no counterpart neither in rock nor in jazz. Wyatt would go on to refine his style in his subsequent works, culminating in his undisputable masterpiece Rock Bottom, but as a single song I still think Moon in June ranks above all else, objectively speaking. I say that even thougu my favourite Wyatt album is Ruth is Stranger than Richard and my favourite song is probably Muddy Mouse or something from Matching Mole.
I think there was some anon in here last year searching for Stubb's Idyll Party. If you're still here, it was uploaded to youtube a while ago. Don't know if you listened to it, but here it is
Well now this is another group I need to download, that song is great.
Tried listening to Gentle Giant Octopus. Was some terrible, fruity shit
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listening to Breathless
Feeling UK. Finally got my pedalboard together. Chuffed about that...used to just daisy chain my pedals.. noisy buggers. Got a proper board and isolated power supply for gigs. Getting good chorus tones for that 80s crimson sound. Fripp's part on frame by frame is an utter cunt. Not the stuff during the chorus, just that repetitive 6 note pattern in the intro gives my arm a lot of gyp real workout Keith
For me it's Sonhora
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It's one-half prog, one-half post-rock.
What would you say is more post-rock about it? I'd say a lot of Pink Floyd albums are very post-rock in a sense (Animals for instance) but not that one specifically desu.
This release was an insult
The second half felt a lot more post-rock-esque. More emphasis on sonic textures and atmospheres, as is a mainstay of Floyd's material, but not that that's a bad thing or anything, feels more reminiscent of that style
I thought it was okay.
it's Dave so it's a mild insult
I can't say for certain, but I'd like to know. Pic rel is not a bad album.
i just thought it was kind of shitty of David Gilmour to release a solo album as a new Pink Floyd album, but other than that it's an okay album.
Yeah, I'm not a fan of David's decision to do that, but it's an okay album like you said.
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>i just thought it was kind of shitty of David Gilmour to release a solo album as a new Pink Floyd album
I'm still surprised Zeuhl in general isn't more popular.

Some of the more instrument music sound similar to great video game music.

I love Christian Vander so much. He's so charming even outside of Zeuhl.
I think the melody from the first song ended up on Magma's new album
Do you get angry over swedish jazz fusion too? Considering jazz-fusion didn't originate in sweden, after all.
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Pretty much only Yes, they tend to find that sweet spot in music
>Close to the Edge
>And You and I
>The Ritual
>Gates of Delirium/Soon
>To Be Over
Magma themselves and Magma specifically predicted a lot of elements which became standard I would say much much much later on. The rest of Zehul doesn't really live up to the innovations that Magma created or the artistic and creative promise. The best Magma inspired bands probably were unironically The Sex Pistols,The Dead Kenedeys,and Gojira.
Pr any time a white person plays jazz at all really+any Japanese classical composers+classical music from realistically outside either Germany or italy+chiptunes from outside japan+rock from outside The USA.
oh no, it's back
Fuck, he's finally come to contaminate our genny....
Not if you just ignore it. Time for the superpower of /prog/ being so fucking slow
See no evil.
Childlike Faith in Childhood's End by VDGG has fucked me up from time to time. I also unfortunately associated Two Hands by King Crimson (if that even counts as prog) with an ex which has gotten to me a couple of times.
would you mind leaving the thread, please? /prog/ is a nice general, and we can do without your inputs. Thank you
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met a prog girl that thinks radiohead is prog
then she's not a prog girl
fuck some sense into her
She is correct
It's the musical equivalent of the Witches from Madoka
aggressively explain why Radiohead is awful and definitely not progressive rock. Start with something like, "Radiohead? Are you kidding? That's just a laughable way to try to sound intelligent. You're just being a dumb bitch trying to be edgy without actually knowing real music. Maybe you should stick to your pop nonsense." you can throw in a few "retard"s or "dumb cunt"s, Then, really get into a detailed explanation of why they don't fit the prog genre, and go on a long autistic rant about your favorite REAL prog bands. That’ll definitely make her want to fuck you.
OK Computer is objectively prog rock.
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>Math rock isn't pro-
Magma is love, magma is life.
Go listen to heavy metal/hard rock then if beautiful music is "fruity shit" to you.
How do I meet a prog girl?
You don't, they don't exist.
No such thing exists, unfortunately. those who claim to be as such are Radiohead fans
There's a few out there.
Not prog.
Yes and Genesis are literally mom-rock bands
Once they stopped being prog yes.
Marry her
Stop trying to correct things you know nothing about, arrogant midwit
80s Genesis is not prog.
Debatable. Did you not notice her ItCotCK T-shirt?
ok so women didn’t exist at all in the 70s, thanks genius
nope, i'm talking about early yes and genesis.
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>write two great riffs
>repeat them over and over
>stop the song just before you're sick of it
What were the leafs thinking with that title track?
I'm a huge Rush nut and this is the only album I haven't even finished. As terrible as it was for them, they needed that hiatus to recharge.
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listening to any thing john wetton as i too have a drinking problem
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>the horrible 2007 mixes of the Gabriel era albums are the only ones on streaming platform's
Losing my hard drive was a mistake
Sometimes a remix is an improvement
That's pretty good.
But Pete knows good shit.
The current "canon" Genesis mixes are travesties
ask her "how many prog bands have you heard?"
post the answer
Alright well I think I found exactly where that black midi guy got his schtick from
Check musify
I cried when I got to see Jon Anderson earlier this year
Kek they dropped a ton of bricks on that crowd.
>posted it again award
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I did it. I pulled it off. And these tickets were expensive. But I'm going.
Not much
stay filtered bitch
It is astonishing how frequently you come up with the most retarded, braindead opinions. Leave and never come back.
pick one
unbelievably based
Nice. It’s absolutely worth it
OGWT/prog parody skit from the 70s. Pretty funny
i'm too lazy to redownload all my original database but i see the original mixes are up on rutracker anyways.
what they have done to Nusery Cryme and Dancing with the Moonlit Knight is a travesty
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>groupe s'appelle Harmonium
>l'album s'appelle Harmonium
>chanson s'appelle Harmonium
>regarde à l'intérieur
fuck I was sauced during my stint in Asia lol
Oops I listened to "The Geese & The Ghost" again haha
i'm so sorry
black midi female fans today will be the qts of tomorrow.
Saw them in Boston. Great show.
Barclay James Harvest
This was great, thanks
Different takes used for vocals.
Too much bass and drums.
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thoughts? is it worth listening to?
Robert Fripp emerges from the shadow-drenched corridors of contemporary music like an enigmatic sorcerer, conjuring soundscapes that reverberate with the echoes of a forgotten cosmic order. His guitar wails with the agony of lost souls, each note a haunting whisper from the void, as he navigates the labyrinth of existence with a blend of transcendental skill and esoteric insight. The cacophony of distorted melodies intertwines with the fragile threads of sanity, creating a tapestry thick with morbid imagery where dissonance reigns and beauty exists as a flickering flame, an ephemeral mirage in a decaying world. To be enraptured by Fripp's work is to witness the dualities of creation and destruction, an odyssey through the shadows where light is but a fading ghost.

In this profound journey, Fripp invites us to confront the darkness lurking in the recesses of our minds, acknowledging the gruesome reality of human experience, sorrow entwined in delight, chaos leading to catharsis. Each composition becomes a vessel, transporting listeners to the depths of existential dread, where the specter of mortality lingers like a shroud. Yet within this morbid embrace, there exists a flicker of understanding, a glimmering truth that the music is not merely an escape but a confrontation with the absurd. As he weaves these intricate sonic tapestries, Fripp remains an alchemical figure, transforming the most harrowing emotions into a universal language that echoes through the void, reminding us that, regardless of our despair, creation persists, even in the depths of oblivion.
this post is so long it could be called a prog post and I ain't reading that
>this post is so long
kill yourself phoneredditor.
Yes some live songs are really long and then the mics resonate in emphasis harmony near the end
Some Dead too can get me there, you gotta dig for live recordings in the 70s same with Yes because sometimes the mics are just done right of the amps.. studio stuff takes away the massive sound 20 speakers gives a single instrument
idgaf about your EQ and panning, play sentimental songs on huge stacks and see how many are really that soulful
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>where did everyone go?
>suicide cult
Yes is the only prog group I've actually teared up to and cried which is weird considering they're not in my Top 5.
Tears of joy from Marooned by Pink Floyd.
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Why is "Yes" so overlooked? It's genuinely one of their better albums and is a really solid debute.
Better than "The Yes Album" which seems to get far more attention.
Based. Been obsessed with their debut recently.
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>Robert, your tea's ready
there's unfortunately nowhere near as many harmonic peaks that all the later stuff reaches
Listen to Isotope.
I don't like either Yes or Genesis.
Robert Fripp was #50 on Rolling Stone's top 250 guitarists of all time. Adrian Belew #118. Annie Clark #26 & Tom Morello #18.

What number is Steve Vai? #127
Somebody at Rolling Stone deserves a painful death.
yeah, Fripp should have been #1
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You mean #0
I can’t imagine caring about that shit.

Meanwhile when he finally tours I get to see one of my absolute heroes Trey Spruance for a pittance, have a chat after the show if I’m feeling groupie, etc.
I didn’t look but obviously he’s nowhere near that list…

It’s like the “rock n roll hall of fame” scam, it’s so sad to see people fall for it as if it were something to be taken seriously…
Listening to some live Lamb again = obligatory HOLY FUCK Phil was good
>no Andrew Latimer
Their version of I See You is awesome
yes only has ONE good album, and it's Tales from Topographic Oceans
>Tales from Topographic Oceans
proof not all pretentious wankery is fast
this is a really weird position to have.
but that album is really separated from the rest musically speaking
i just know you would like the new blood incantation albums
The midi instruments really hurt it a ton but there is some really beautiful moments on it. I get parts from the "Les Oiseaux En Colère " section stuck my head often.

Here is a bootleg of a live version from 1994. The drums add so much energy to the piece, wish I knew who the drummer was. I used to have it on youtube but it got copyright striked from seventh records.
there is ONE good Yes album and that is Time And A Word, because the tits on the cover.
there is ONE good Yes album and that is Going For The One, because the ass on the cover.
there is ONE good Yes album and that is Tormato, because the tomato on the cover.
there is ONE good Kang Crimzun album it is LOrkss's Tungz in ASS pick, B.CUZ sex on the cover
there is 1 good Magma album. (more like 40 if you count all the other ones)
Acknowledge Walter Wanderley
Acknowledge CUNT
imagine getting filtered by Siberian Khatru fucking retards
imagine getting filtered by Owner of a Lonely Heart fucking retards
"Close to the Edge" by Yes is an exploration of spiritual awakening, the search for transcendence, and the tension between the material and spiritual planes of existence. The lyrics evoke a journey from disgrace and confusion ("a seasoned witch could call you from the depths of your disgrace") to enlightenment, suggesting that music, often seen as a divine force, can facilitate this transformation. The repeated refrain of "I get up, I get down" symbolizes the cyclical nature of existence and the ups and downs one experiences on the path to self-realization. Phrases like "the time between the notes relates the color to the scenes" highlight the importance of the in-between spaces, akin to the esoteric thought that emphasizes knowledge hidden in subtlety and silence, rather than overt wisdom. Overall, the imagery of rivers and edges, a boundary between worlds reflects the notion of crossing from ignorance to knowledge, motivating individuals to seek deeper truths beyond the physical realm and engage fully with the cycles of life and the divine.
pretty much
people be saying this
Patrick Bateman if he liked prog
Family - Fearless
halloween music!
they exist but they're all like 60+ years old
finally, someone understands, i have met a few girls in their 20s that like stuff like King Crimson, and Magma, but it's rare, most art hoes like shit like The Antlers and Bright Eyes
My mom is one of them
I said it once and I will say it again
You don't need a girl that's into prog, you need a girl that can tolerate that you're into prog
Also when girls are into cool stuff 70% of the time it's passed down by their boyfriend, so you'd have more luck getting her into prog
KC's Exiles
i personally haven't but this is the most understandable one in the thread
Drip Drip by Comus, my mother used to sing it to me as a kid, so now when i hear it i can't help but tear up.
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Unfathomably based, Marooned really is the peak of the Floydian phenotype of blues-based, spacey, artsy prog rock: a slow tempo, no lyrics, no time signature shifting hijinks, just one man doing a deeply emotive five-minute-long guitar solo, and it fucks.

desu Rolling Stone's top guitarists list has always been trash
Went to a prog rock bar in Kabukicho a few years ago called Hammond Orgasm, really nice couple owned the place. I wish more countries appreciated this music like them
can someone list every single band ever that could even barely be considered Prog Rock or Prog Folk? thanks in advance.
forgot to mention not just bands but solo artists too, preferably in either alphabetical order or even chronological order.
Jackie Chan
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More on this, one of the best lyrics in CTTE is ”a constant vogue of triumphs dislocate man, so it seems”, meaning that a constant stream of gratification makes one’s life feel meaningless
>meaning that a constant stream of gratification makes one’s life feel meaningless
So that's why they recorded crap in the 80s, gotta put some spice into life eh
The 80’s for Yes, as rocky as it was, was really good in the end. Drama and 90125 were both good albums, and Big Generator wasn’t really bad by any means, just a bit lukewarm. It’s the 90’s that was like a decade-long Titanic in slow motion: Union, Talk, Open Your Eyes. The only saving graces were the Keys to Ascensions, and only good Studio album of that entire decade, The Ladder
Couldn't have said it any better.
>as rocky as it was,
you mean poppy
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Acknowledge Potemkine.
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Op here. I will take your word. Forgive me, I really don't talk to women in the first place, but I suppose that's not much of a surprise.
I will not tolerate Talk slander.
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>Prog qt's don't exi-
daa da-da-da daa da-da da-da-da-da daaaa
that's my sister
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don't summon him

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