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Ockeghem edition

This thread is for the discussion of music in the Western classical tradition.

>How do I get into classical?
This link has resources including audio courses, textbooks and selections of recordings to help you start to understand and appreciate classical music:

Previous thread: >>123983603
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Do you Fuchs?
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wait a fucking second, The names in the track list are names used in Devil May Cry IV, WAT.
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now playing

/v/ tourist discovers that DMC character names were just ripped straight from sections of the mass ordinary, news at 11.
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now playing

start of Elgar: Violin Concerto in B minor, Op. 61

Chausson: Poème, Op. 25

That Chausson piece might be one of the worst violin works I've ever heard.
Wait till you discover where the Dante's Inferno video game comes from...
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Anyone know which Giulini Beethoven 9 is better, this one with the BPO on DG or the one with the LSO on EMI?
now playing

wait until he finds out where dante and vergil take their names from
both are bad so i don’t see the point
Need a favor: can someone smarter at music and Bach than I am articulate why exactly the first (Jochum/EMI) sounds so much better than the second (Rilling/hanssler):



To my ears, the Jochum sounds so much better but I'm not sure why, much less able to explain why, so if someone could help me out I'd greatly appreciate it.
Give me the essential John Barry
gonna assume it's the slower tempo + more audible organ + more vibrato in the singing
these are my favorites:

soundtracks are classical if they are in the classical/romantic/baroque style.

>not sure what this has to do with /classical/. maybe try >>>/mu/ instead?

kill yourself, TJ.
finally done fucking dogs? time to put your trip back on, pedophile kraut
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everyone here hates you. fuck off and stop shitting up /classical/ threads.
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put your trip back on, ban evading pedophile kraut
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Any baroque operas that utilize very limited instrumentation for their entirety? As in, something like a trio sonata or a flute /violin + BC? Anything similar in later periods would also be cool to listen to as well.
>you don’t get it, i was only pretending to be a child grooming pedophile
LMAO the absolute state of pedo kraut defenders
>bans him because he called you brown
Janny fag
And yes, calling a pedo a pedo by pretendjng to be one is infact a joke
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The name is Wagner. Richard Wagner.
Not an opera but

>noooooo i’m being pedosecuted, save me mooooods!
ROFLMAOOOOO it’s not looking good for dogfucker sisters
Is Bernstein Vienna the best Mahler 6? What are some other favourites?
Are the obligato parts for continuo instruments that occasionally happens a sign that they might have used to improvise more than just harmony in those pieces?
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the only six i have is from barbecue and the new philharmonia. it isn't the best performance, especially with his incessant humming, but it probably is the best sounding (remastered by art et sons). also i really dont like those kinds of people, the steins, you know?
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>ask for opera
>"not an opera but"
Barbirolli's 6th is an abomination. Figures you're a stupid antisemite.
Post UNIQUE continuo playing or i will shit my pants
can anon confirm if bernstein was really a homosexual zionist?
Post UNIQUE continuo playing or i will shit my pants
It's gotta be the vibrato, yeah. Much appreciated.
For a long time I always appreciated something about every recording I heard, that's how much I loved the work, but lately I've started to become more picky. I would suggest checking out Solti, Eschenbach, Chailly/RCO, Haitink/RCO, Karajan, Tennstedt, and Bernstein/Sony. Levi if you want a fast first movement but, outside of the rare occasion, I don't like it that way, at least not ~17min fast.
Cats with magnifying glasses?
That was blatantly obviously you carrying out a false flag. Also no one cares. Even if he was permabanned and I’d ban evading the mods clearly don’t give two fucks
The name’s James Bond JAMES BOND
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and to add a lil' quote about Brahms 3

>"A life's story in ten bars - there is no more magnificent opening of a symphony than the first 34 seconds of Brahms' Third." -- Ivan Fischer

This is the most relentless, unsympathetic D.935/1 I've heard. Absolutely not what Schubert likely had in mind, but I can't help but enjoy it like this. Almost like a march.
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Hope you like it
I often imagine I'll be on the bus and I'll see someone with a vinyl of one of my favorite recordings and it'll spark a great conversation about music.
What is a HIP musician?
Historically informed performance (also referred to as period performance, authentic performance, or HIP) is an approach to the performance of classical music which aims to be faithful to the approach, manner and style of the musical era in which a work was originally conceived.
just deleted On the Waterfront 1954 from my hard drive for obvious reasons

Always thought that film sucked anyway.
literally one of the worst mahler 6ths ever recorded, what a clown LMAO
>actually it is YOUUUU who is the discord pedophile, stalker child!
laughably pathetic defense
giulini was such a bad brahmsian
itinerary of a retard more like
Give it up honey. No one’s buying your bullshit
>literally one of the worst mahler 6ths ever recorded, what a clown LMAO

It has an appeal. Better to be interesting and have heart than to be boring and soulless. NTA but I been planning on re-listening to it myself.
only after you give up grooming minors, discord pedophile
but it's not interesting, it's a fucking abomination. that's not something that can be redeemed.
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>literally one of the worst mahler 6ths ever recorded, what a clown LMAO
>giulini was such a bad brahmsian
>itinerary of a retard more like
dumping your wank stash again, pedophile kraut?
thank you sister
What's up with this guy spamming dogs for the past two threads
he’s obsessed with fucking dogs, he can’t help himself.
i don't understand. the context was him concern trolling the tranime poster. is it not obvious that anon was trolling?
he was banned tho
I make tape loops off classical tracks, who's interested to hear?
it’s obvious that he was banned for breaking rule 1 and is now ban evading.
Ive been banned for breaking Rule 1 and it was only temporary(posting an AI Pic of Taylor Swift sucking a dog cock)
rule 1 is about illegal content/CP, not NSFW AI generated images.
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let's start the day with

start of Grieg: Violin Sonata No. 1 in F Major, Op. 8

Tell that to the mods. Anyway that anon DID not post illegal content or CP as you well know
>You will not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to anything that violates local or United States law.
he was discussing grooming children which is illegal, ergo he broke rule 1, which is why his post was deleted. not hard to understand if you’re not a pedophile apologist.
No he wasn't. Saying send me your discord so we can groom some kids together sometime;) is not illegal.
it’s discussing illegal content, which breaks rule 1. stop trying to apologize for pedophiles.
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Show anon
Just listen to the final trio and be done with it.

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I'd like to stitch together 5 second clips of every Youtube link posted here to make Aleatoric music of maybe 4 minutes. I don't think I have the expertise though to do it.
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Milton Babbitt
post it
Well go ask the mods then. I doubt it's actually considered illegal though. The mods clearly don't care if they actually are ban evading. I'm pretty sure you've been banned multiple times for sisterposting and immediately started ban evading yourself
I love the suite, though. However it seems Previn picked an uncommon version of it, the common one is much, much better.

no, i’m not going to join IRC just to ask about a ban from 3 months ago when he was obviously banned, that’s why his post was deleted and he immediately changed his tripcode right after.
>I'm pretty sure you've been banned multiple times for sisterposting and immediately started ban evading yourself
I don't have proof you dickhead you're the only one who knows that, But likewise you have 0 proof that that other anon is permanently banned and you refuse to find out
thoughts on Schnabel's music?
the proof is in his actions, the fact that he refuses to reuse that tripcode is evidence that it’s probably banned and unusable.
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now playing (I believe the recording I'm listening to is the one in pic, as it's not the EMI one -- if someone could confirm I'd appreciate it)

start of Symphony No. 9 in D Minor, Op. 125 "Choral"

Nope not proof. Just guesswork on your part.
still more proof than you claiming that i’m banned and ban evading, pedophile apologist
Well there was a couple of threads a few months ago where multiple people reported your posts and finally they all got deleted at once, only for to immediately try and post the same stuff that got deleted, which also got deleted and then you didn't appear for a few days. This happened at least twice. It sure looked like you got banned. Frankly if you weren't banned I'm not sure what the mods were playing at.
if i disappeared for a few days then it sounds like i sat out my ban and didn’t ban evade, doesn’t it? sounds like you weren’t thinking about this one hard enough.
>pedophile apologist
you continue to use this phrase without acknowledging that anon was concern trolling. his ban is irrelevant to his alleged pedophilia.
Good one
i have no reason to believe he was concern trolling, the pedophile kraut is an autistic faggot who wouldn’t know irony if it smashed him over the head with a baseball bat. the idea that his (germanic) sense of “humor” is sophisticated enough to concern troll is comically preposterous.
post about classical music or shut the fuck up
No because you tried several times to keep posting by the looks of it
so according to you, i was banned several times and then suddenly decided to sit out my ban because…?
Because you realised the mods would just ban you or delete your post right away and there was no point.
literally the most retarded train of logic ever, holy shit.
let me provide you with a far more sound explanation. have you ever heard of a group of people with the ability to delete posts but not to ban called janitors?
Peter Pears was a good tenor and i especially liked him in Billy Budd.
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The most over rated, over hyped composer. Mahler symphony cycles in Manchester, Birmingham, London and an almost complete cycle at the Proms. I can hardly turn on Radio 3 without hearing a Mahler symphony or song cycle. How did this come about? How did this composer, hardly ever played or even heard of in my youth, become so popular? The Proms have not been slow in promoting new music and yet with the exception of the 4th no Mahler symphony had ever been played at the Proms until the 1960s when the Mahler explosion started and since then it seems almost every conductor has to have a Mahler symphony cycle under their belt. I can't think of another composer who has had such exposure. One would hardly have known it was a Schumann anniversary last year. Mahler got more exposure than Chopin, whilst Barber's centenary was virtually ignored. I doubt if even the Beethoven symphonies have had such exposure in one season.

The music is over inflated, sometimes banal and generally too long but I suppose my main problem is that it just fails to connect with me emotionally, apart from the fourth symphony which I have to admit I quite like in Reiner's and Klemperer's recordings although I don't find any connexion between the final movement and the rest of the work. No doubt the problem is with me but despite listening to Solti, Klemperer and Mehta the much lauded second symphony now recorded again by Rattle just leaves me cold and unmoved.
nooooooooo not the heckin SCHUMANN anniversary! think of the gloomy orchestration!
>How did this come about? How did this composer, hardly ever played or even heard of in my youth, become so popular?
Jews needed their own Beethoven, so Mahler was hoisted into the ranks of supreme creative genius.
An organ sonata on piano?!

I think Olafsson might single handedly save classical music.
The core repertoire has been done to death so many times, and we don't need the umpteenth recording of Beethoven's piano concertos or Chopin's nocturnes.
The only thing that would fix the current state of affairs is what Olafsson is trying to do with his concept albums and mixed up programs with a unified theme. It's a refreshing way of looking at the music in a new light.
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Bew Bew, Bewbewbewbewbew, Bewbew BewBew Bewbewbewbew
stale pasta, should replace it with makela or something for maximum effect
Not sure what part you don't understand? Your posts got deleted all at once, you then tried to repost them several times and they all deleted nearly right away and there was no further post from you for a while. However you but slowly returned to sisterposting not right away ie not someone who had simply served a ban but someone who was trying to slowly see what they could get away with. Frankly if you weren't banned then I'm pretty pissed off since I've been banned for far far less.
This is all pretty simple If you can't understand that, that's your own fault
This happened several times at least twice, again for all I'm aware you are still banned. Maybe not but I have there is as much if not more evidence that you yourself are a ban evader than the other guy.

At any rate as you well know, the mods don't care in the slightest if that person is ban evading so you saying the same bullshit every single thread is tantamount to you just spamming and shitting up every thread
This has gotta be the best Mahler 7.
literally none of this implies that a mod was handing me bans instead of a janitor impotently deleting my posts without being able to ban me.
>there is as much if not more evidence that you yourself are a ban evader than the other guy.
LOL, delusional leap of logic.
>the mods don't care in the slightest if that person is ban evading so you saying the same bullshit every single thread is tantamount to you just spamming and shitting up every thread
every pedo kraut post is shitting the thread up (including and especially the dogspam) so it doesn’t matter.
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Is this like Bieber's usual music or this just a good interpretation?

My fellow metronome autist, please listen to this recording of the first movement of Beethoven's 4th. I intentionally removed the metadata so you can't identify the performer. I'll tell you after you listen to it and give me your impressions.
Turn it up a bit, it has a very wide dynamic range.
No it absolutely implies it, it doesn't prove it is what you meant to say.
>LOL, delusional leap of logic.
et tu

>every pedo kraut po....
No. They are a normal poster. You on the other hand reply with word for word the same bullshit every single time including that screenshot, which is basically amounts to spam.
I think I could maybe guess the composer
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Yeah, why Mahler
it's a mistery
mahler never existed. look it up, mandella effect.
You mean the Mahler effect?
>No it absolutely implies it
maybe in your storm cloud of a mind, but the everyone else who reads your posts sees you for the mentally ill freak you are trying to find patterns in the numbers.
>They are a normal poster.
he is a musically illiterate delusional moron (much like yourself) shitting the thread up with fake music theory, and also with dogspam and discussions of child sexual abuse, for which he was banned.
i’ll check when i get home
it's a bit of a mystery.
Delete all off topic comments. Including this one.
Are bagpipe recorders a good idea? Not for the little ones but for the big boys like the Bass, Contrabass and Subcontrabass recorders
Please tell me the conductor, I'm not going to wait for that slowpoke.
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now playing

start of Mendelssohn: Violin Concerto in E Minor, Op. 64

start of Bruch: Violin Concerto No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 26

Imply means to suggest something, it isn't proof.

>he is a musically illiterate...blah blah blah
No they're basically a normal poster musical illiteracy or whatever is irrelevant-there's no requirement to know what you're talking about. They aren't however simply posting

"put your trip back on, ban evading pedophile kraut"
or words to that effect over and over again
And this one
Be patient.
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Jean-Féry Rebel-Les élémens

but not this one please

Mahler needed an editor to cut his symphonies down to never be longer than like 50 mins - 1 hour and then they'd be S tier.
>Imply means to suggest something
except nothing is being suggested, only the fact that my posts were deleted multiple times and then i received a ban that i sat out. none of this necessarily includes your ridiculous explanation of “you were actually banned 6 million times and you decided to suddenly be a good little boy for the 6,000,001th ban”.
>they're basically a normal poster
normal posters don’t talk about grooming kids on discord
>musical illiteracy or whatever is irrelevant-there's no requirement to know what you're talking about.
you know what is a requirement though? not being permabanned for being a child grooming pedophile.
>They aren't however simply posting
they are however simply spamming pictures of dogs in a manner identical to basedjak posting without the humor.
>blah blah the same shit as before, nothing learned or understood
We're done here Trannyjanny
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Can you guys fuck off already? You do this in every thread.
guess the compositions






maybe consider the fact that there’s nothing to learn from your oblivious retarded ass, obsessed concern troll.
Imagine my surprise then, during the next Brahmscuck post, when the Vagner surprised me further by not showing up at all!
autism is literally defined by 1. A considerably weaker capacity to infer the mental state of others thus leaving one to spend more time "in their own head" (hence AUTism, auto=self) and 2. A tendency to hyper-focus on repetitive behaviour as a way to cope and relax, because since you can't infer things unless they're outright stated to you, anything outside of your 'comfort zone' (read: the same repetitive behaviour and rigid routine) leaves you utterly disoriented and in fear of what could happen next. These guys are NOT going to stop repeating the same shit any time soon.
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a fantastic Rachmaninoff Symphony No. 2, easily one of my new favorites, highly recommended

psychology is bullshit.
>t. unmedicated autist or schizo
>t. Psychologist who refuses to do honest work for a living.
You're glib
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Saved for later.
Although I think I've listened to more than enough of different recordings of Rach 2, I'll have to settle on just one and be done with it, I don't get the thrill of exploring 10+ recordings of the same piece.

Currently listening to Takacs' Schubert. I don't think I'll ever listen to anyone else other than Takacs cus it's perfect.
That Takacs is pretty mediocre.
Really? Okay I'll give another a try I guess, who's the best for Schubert quartets
I like Szecsei & Fuchs
I lieb to schmücke dich

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https://files.catbox.moe/r4z0qt.mp3 d810 replacement
i think their hyperion remake is better for death and the maiden
never liked this recording, juilliard have a pretty poor sense of rhythm and momentum and it’s especially apparent when they do classical repertoire
you know who probably has a worse sense of rhythm and momentum? someone who has difficulties discerning a concern troll from real and then goes on spamming kraut pedo this and kraut pedo that, shitting the thread over a long string of accusations because of an inability to read between the lines.
Beautiful cover
nah, the pedo kraut is too much of a retarded sperg to concern troll, irony is beyond him. nice try though, obsessed pedophile apologist
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These are pretty neat but I'm none the wiser as to what they are. Do the names reflect the pieces their based on at all?
Please help an anon. How do you filter comments?
>I don't get the thrill of exploring 10+ recordings of the same piece.

It's not even that I'm unhappy with the ones I've heard, it's more so if I'm wanting to listen to the work many, many times, why not try an unfamiliar recording about 70% of the time? Adds a bit to the fun.
What comments would you like to filter?
Filtering comments on 4chan is so cringe. Plus beyond that you never know what quality comments will get filtered out just because they happen to get caught up.
Oh no!
Kill yourself
"Oh no" indeed! Suppose you filter the word 'sister' and someone gives a long, informative post that happens to mention a musician's sister or reference the sister-posts, stuff like that. Just filter using your own eyes and brain.
>and someone gives a long, informative post that happens to mention a musician's sister or reference the sister-posts
Oh I can't even count how many times that's happened lol
me? just listening to wolf's lieder
Variations on a theme of Sisterfugue Op. 1
Bach got nothing on Sisterfugue Op. 1 (or Op.Posth). Even Art of Fugue barely competes.
Dude chill.
Sisterfugue Op 1 TJ1

Ok Op.Posth was a bit brutal, sorry.
OMG beautiful. I remember this note by note should be performed on an organ <3
Terrible fugue.
Filtered slaveslopper.
in what way?
I actually think it's not bad I think it'd benefit from being a little faster though. 3.6 not great not terrible
>Do the names reflect the pieces their based on at all?


Just "prelude", which is Wagner's prelude to das rheingold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDBa1jgwR7k
>Sister Concerto No.1 in C major Op.2 (TJ+4chan national orchestra)
How much would you pay to see it?
"the blue seems eternal" is my favourite
Nothing. They'd do it for free
>Filtering comments on 4chan is so cringe
literally only annoying spammers who realize they might get filtered ever believe this
see >>124020860 and take your meds
I've never spammed in my life. It's a principle thing. I don't believe in automated filtering the speech of others. I skip over plenty of posts but I wanna make the decision on my own, on a case-by-case basis.
original: https://youtu.be/0iMrxCopzNQ?t=4637
I'm not going to die in 7 days after hearing this am I?
honegger's symphonies are pretty good
just got home, listening now.
first impression is that the orchestra sounds very round and soft edged, indubitably a modern recording because all orchestras sound like this now. some of the dynamic transitions are kinda unwieldy and the orchestra sounds a little underrehearsed in that regard. the tempi and dynamic range are exciting (perhaps a little too exciting, some sections like the bassoon solo in the exposition are clearly rushed) like you implied, but i'm not super fond of the actual tone of the orchestra itself or the production quality.

ready for your performer reveal whenever you are.
It's from Gielen's EMI cycle, which I had previously completely forgotten about until now (was digging through my collection). The production quality is indeed super uneven overall, but it is another Beethoven cycle played with a full orchestra that adheres to the metronome markings. I actually like the unwieldiness here since I think it adds to the excitement, but the production is seriously turning me off to it on the whole. The 8th in this cycle is pretty good, though.
it’s not bad for what it is; i’d take it over his repulsive mahler cycle any day of the week. i’ll check it out.
There's an SWR release from 2012 that's more recent than the EMI. It's possible those are performed with more finesse since they're newer, but I haven't heard it yet. From the timings it does seem a bit slower, but still within range.
where did you download this from? i don't see it on red or ru and the links on pippo9 are dead.
i did see the SWR cycle, but all his SWR mahler/SVS stuff is so coldly and stiffly produced that i’m kind of wary of it. the razor thin orchestra tone on those recordings is somehow more unlistenable than hisster sister shit from the 30s and 40s.
also, you’ve turned me onto the fact that gielen actually has a missa solemnis and, surprise, it’s speedy and exciting. i might check it out as a szell alternative.
I don't remember. Probably from Baidu forever ago, it's from 2013.
No logs, no scans. Haven't touched up the metadata. I may buy it just to throw it up on red since it seems like it's a bit of a rarity.
Yes, I like that Missa Solemnis. I did some personal EQing on it though because it had some pretty bloated bass. The organ is quite audible in that recording, which I appreciate very much.
just sounds like you're willing to eat a bunch of shit in name of your "principle" because maybe someone someday might say something that is only half-retarded instead of fully retarded like every post containing "sister" in it
You lack the ability to determine what a post is about on a cursory glance and skip over it on your own terms?
What do we think of the ocarina?
yeah, you should put it on red. seems like no one has this recording. gonna check out both the EMI cycle and the SWR recordings.
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now playing (various piano sonatas, starting with no. 8, op. 13)

start of Beethoven: Piano Sonata No. 8 in C Minor, Op. 13 "Pathétique"

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Yes, valid argument. But its my loss, so if I dont care and prefer to filter 50 off topics and miss a couple of great comments, thats on me.
If you'll grant me one more point: it's not just you losing out, posters being unable to see other's posts means we *all* lose out, there's a multiplier effect.
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Wild or mild?
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Early Music is so comforting.
Of all of the classical I've heard, to my ears the Scherzo of Mahler 5 is the greatest instrumental movement in the history of music. Listening to it is like witnessing a miracle, I can't believe this was even possible of composition.


Man... how? How did he do it?
more like MEHler.
i like mahler as much as the next guy, but this seems like the oddest single movement to fixate on.
Just hits my ears and brain in the right way I guess. Holistically I'd admit it's no 9th Andante or 6th Allegro or Bimm bamm of the 3rd and some others, but goddamn it's like auditory sex.
just looked through your upload and it looks like it's missing the overtures from the original release
someone should buy it and rip and scan it for real, it's probably a decent cycle. i'll listen to the SWR boxset for now, it's very extensive.
Solti died before he recorded the St John Passion, so sad.
not like he was a very good bach conductor to begin with
On the contrary, I find his Mass in B minor and St Matthew Passion to be very exciting proto-'third way' style recordings.
all flash, no substance.
I already purchased it, for 5 bucks. Will rip when I get it.
awesome, will keep an eye out for it
then blame the people who spam in the first place
yes that's music as an art in general
lol, lmao, rofl even
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I am in a world, where I am taking a stroll in a beautiful park built by the divine, suddenly my legs feel tired and request to stop. Cordially I went on ahead to sit under the shade of a chestnut tree. My fatigue washes away from me as I slip into my imaginative daydreaming, I can hear the melancholic chirping of the sparrows and the water flowing from the creeks, feel the gust of a chilly wind approaching my face, smell the rejuvenating fragrance of the good earth. But then I realize I was just listening to the start of Lohengrin. I a poor soul, venerate the gods for creating such beauty and allowing an inferior soul like me to experience it!

if you want substance go read literature
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thank you /lit/tourist
a sexless Christfag tonalbaby made this post
missing incels like scriabin and chopin and gay guys like the bussy and britten
based as fuck.
for my fellow cover art obsessives; just chanced upon this certifiable goldmine of old LP scans. take a look, you'll probably find something you've been looking for.
Seconding. Is there any opera that just uses recicative instrumentation for the entire thing?
Post UNIQUE continuo playing or i will shit my pants
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What are some classical pieces that embody this image?
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Listening to this recording. It's pretty nice.
Post UNIQUE continuo playing or i will shit my pants

Kek /classical/ fucking BTFO
stale pasta
Scriabin's piano music makes me feel things no other composer does. If I had been a composer in a past life I would have been him. Right down to the mediocre orchestral music too; sorry guys, my fault, was only good at writing for the piano but had to give it a shot.
Admittedly because I'm good at and content with skimming and skipping over posts I'm not interested in I just kinda ignore them entirely. You're right, posts that drive away other quality posters is a detriment, but there's nothing I can do about it. The 'spammer' posts plenty of music-related stuff of quality, just skip over the times they get into an autism food-fight with someone else.
Schoenberg made better music than this turgid cow ever could.
Don't get me wrong, there are some individual pieces that I really like, and only because they were adapted for theatrical performance or something, or to tell a story, like Peter and the Wolf symphony. But 95% of classical music is just an absolute bore and chore to listen through. Yes, I'm very impressed by all the 32nd note arpeggios. Very technical. Does not evoke the soul.

That's just honestly the problem with most classical music. It's just empty filler noise. Yes it's technically impressive, arranging the notes all in such a way to make what could be considered music. But it's boring.

>inb4 it's supposed to make you contemplate
It doesn't even do that. A redneck noodling on his banjo in Appalachia unironically makes better sounding and evocative music than the vast majority of "opus'" and "symphonies" and "concertos".

Classical music is not fun to play, and is not fun to listen to. Maybe because in the past it was such a limited thing, sensibilities evolved around that. But after hearing what music can be in the modern age, classical music is an antiquated relic only reserved to keep the tradition alive out of politeness.
It's more of a philosophy of how music should be. I believe music should be social and communal, a thing you do with your friends. A spontaneous expression of joy about life, ephemeral, can't be replicated. Folk music was the TRUE European music (most anons in this thread don't know this of course). They think classical music is the historically European music, but just like how they replaced the pagan gods with the jew god, they systematically replaced the folk music of the people (which sung about enjoying life) with depressing dirges about how you must worship the jew god. Also, since copyright law didn't exist, the elites straight up just stole melodies from the folk songs and added new lyrics on top of it. So songs that used to be about peasant fun like slapping the tavern wench on the ass are now about how you are going to burn in hell for not worshiping a kike.
There's levels to this that most people in this board don't understand, or most people in general.
That's why I love folk music so much, and why I play it almost exclusively. It IS about the expression of living and sharing communal joys and hardships together. It's very grounded, yet simultaneously ethereal. It speaks through ancient traditions, of PEOPLE. And that's what music should be about. PEOPLE. Doing people things together. Expressing people things together.

I'm planning on putting together a session group of my own here soon, and it is in this same spirit I do it. Because it's about having fun. Music that isn't fun can hardly be called music at all. Its just sounds.

I just adore the sounds of traditional Celtic and Americana folk tunes. Fun to play, and says much while speaking little. The opposite of classical.
There are times and places where large musical ensembles can sound good, great even, and can only be done with many people in order to create a certain moods or atmospheres requiring large harmonizations. Modern day soundtrack compositions routinely make use of larger ensembles of multiple instruments, and it sounds no less worse for it. Take the Lord of the Rings OST. Howard Shore is a genius, and actually made orchestral/symphonic music that spoke much. It didn't meander, it did exactly what it was supposed to.

And folk sessions can and often do exceed 4-5 people. You can have a session group of 20 people. Last year I was at a session, and it peaked at like 23 or 24 people. And it was still a blast to play with them all.
My position is that the majority of classical is just "boring".

But perhaps it was as I stated above, that my experience of classical music was spoiled because of bad teaching. The music I was forced to learn and play just got to be so intolerable that I quit music for a whole decade and caused this bias within me.
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Alright, enough Fournier, Starker, Rostropovich, Casals, Yo-Yo Ma, and the like, what's your favorite modern recording of Bach's Cello Suites? Trying this one out.


Or am I descending into darkness, as modern cello playing is inferior?
try the Queyras one
Will do, thanks.
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I love this little set (cello = Kirshbaum)
Thank you. I was enjoying Tetzlaff's Schumann violin sonatas recently so will check out his half of it too.
Proves my point that this general is too low iq to respond
There's nothing to respond to. You like folk music, cool. Go enjoy that while we listen to art music.
i deleted glass from my hard drive because i never realized he was one of them!! i still am opposed to deleting mahler who, despite being used as a means to further political goals, has produced quality compositions worth keeping.
>Tetzlaff's Schumann
Beloved here
He's trying to be cool keyboard warrior as a result of being totally filtered by classical music due to his low IQ.
lol the double exclamation mark is a nice touch
>no argument and just dismisses points
Dont you have israeli forums to discuss your garbage? Speak with fellow jews and fuck off from here.
The fatal flaw of Bruckner's 7th is the third and fourth movements.
Beethoven's 9th > Mozart symphonies
Beethoven's late sonatas > Mozart sonatas
Beethoven's late string quartets > Mozart's chamber music
Beethoven's 4 and Emperor > Mozart's concertos
Missa Solemnis > Mozart

Remind me, when was Mozart ever as much as an equal to Beethoven?

>chamber music
>solo keyboard music
>choral music

Mozart: 3.5
Beethoven: 2.5


Choral is a tie, Beethoven wins on chamber, it's 4-2.
er, 3.5-2.5 the other way :p
can someone recommend me meditative organ pieces?
Arnold Bax - "The Garden of Fand" Symphonic Poem
Why are they going through a wheat field carrying a cello above them? Are they on the way to the concert?
Actually in my opinion their regular posts are even worse than the spam posts but that’s just me
Glass, Reich and Ligeti are all good guys.
And I do enjoy Rhapsody in Blue
that + An American in Paris
so true RYMsister
i rly dont like how boosted the sound is on that link, for example, here is vernon handleys actual recording of the grater and the sand
https://files.catbox.moe/118l2x.mp3 bryden thumbson as well
I’m glad you agree
thank you RYMsister
You’re more than welcome.
Brahms - Cello Sonata no. 2
Is this the greatest cello sonata ever written?
much appreciated RYMsister
No worries
how gracious RYMsister
I am very graceful
Like Jackie-O?
quite true RYMsister
What to listen to, what to listen to...
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now playing

start of Brahms: Liebeslieder-Walzer, Op. 52


I love these works, Op. 52 and Op. 65, so much.
Beethoven's 8th sounds so much better following Wagner's instructions over the metronome markings.
so true wagnersister, your mother is always right.
Is there anything else like this? Surely Brahms couldn't have been the only one to have written cheerful, choral love songs over a piano waltz?
You said it
What changes did Wagner make?
What are some composers that focus on Timbre?
great question RYMsister
Well what’s the great answer?
a mystery indeed RYMsister
It's Rostropo and Richter! It's not my favorite recording but it's up there. Feel free to post your own.
That's the one I posted the other day! I only listened to the 1st off of it, didn't quite care for it desu. But I'll check out the second on your recommendation.
please try to make better posts shlomosister
Do you think the sister poster looks and sounds like Linkara? That’s my theory anyhow
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Chopin, my beloved.

Ballades can bring a man to tears...
Here I improved classical for you >>124020530
>gay incel
I identify as a Chopincel.
that’s what i said, gay incel
Chopincels are suicidal, please no bulli...
so what they say about the incel to tranny pipeline is true, then
Chopin SUCKS.... my soul into the music. The utterly sublime Barcarolle is how I imagine euphoria would feel like
Bach and before, Ives and after.
poor man's taste
More like, Bach and after, Ives and before
No Boulez
The tranny to Janny pipeline is alive and well too
O heavens, it's that time already?

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