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previous thread: >>123977785

>1) Don't worry, it's just fiction.
>2) We just talk about pop music and flirt with each other.
>3) We don't hate pop stars. We just hate the posters.
>4) All Swifties are Tayzos, and Tayzos are Tayzos.
>5) I love her!
>6) We engage in a moderate amount of tomfoolery.
>7) Everyone is gay on /wpop/, even the straights.
>8) /wpop/ has found no link between itself and making shit threads.
>9) We're all retarded.
Those drums sound like shit
This is a horrific shoop, shame on you OP
Many such cases.
We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Mixed races are sexy. Their genitals and nipplea are cool colors. Also music.
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SW is mid tbqh. I enjoyed the Archgoat split and that's really all.
Olivia a cute.. a CUTE!
When you’re American and everyone looks like all races put in a blender, it’s easy to think this. But for those of us who have actually been exposed to actual genetic diversity, she is painfully mid.
As long as one of the races is not black i agree.
She's by far the cutest popstar in decades.
Lmfao presumptuous much ?
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fridaybros... GET HYPE
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new rebacca and new dorian on the same day
Everybody's getting butthole raspberries!
>facelift at 32
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What the fuck is Dorian doing???? That's so quirky what the fuck???
Choli SEXO
Crane style TayTay
she's the best around
If that football player doesn't fill her up with strong seed, I will!!!
damn Charli thickenin up on the dead homies she getting some meat on them bones
Pic related
replace that pizza with a fat cock please
I'm going to marry Charli and become her feeder and place snacks like pizza and fish and chips with extra peas, and the rice from Nando's into her open mouth as she lounges luxuriously on a couch
>17 /wpop/ adjacent threads in catalog
gaybros.... we won!
It’s weird that there aren’t more deepf*kes of choli considering you could swap her face onto multiple “actresses” such as Nina North who I’ve seen a couple and Valentina Nappi
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Im officially out of jizz. This has never happened before. Just getting that weird funny feeling
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I Lover <3
Truly a historical day
>bbc mic
They can't keep getting away with this symbolism
who the fuck has a wooden dick, Pinocchio?
It's a metaphor stupid. You'd think the music board would be media literate
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Vothana is so good, basically the musical equivalent of Olivia’s perfect breasts
do you also look at desks in OfficeMax and think "he looks like he fucks white laptops"
What I like about her boobs is the gap in between you don’t see that very often
Do you go to officemax and say mean things to people who are just trying to help you for no reason?
I wish I was that sushi
Maybe I’ll Taypost a little, for variety
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Did someone say Tayposting?
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I bet Taylor smells like vanilla
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She's so gorgeous
black metal sucks albeit all metal sucks
I can't say anything to her face
She is very pretty but for some reason I can’t jork it to her, in my head she’s like a virgin or something even though logically I know her body count is probably closer to 100 than to 1
It’s a drum machine. 888!
bet liv would love this too
Because she's a pure angel so lewding her doesn't feel right.

Thankfully there's sexbombs like Hayley and Lavren for lust to be directed at instead.
Lauren? More like Wallen!
what about Morgan Wallen
It must be hard for her boyfriends to take her to pound town, they are truly soldiers to the cause of keeping Tay happy cuz it couldn’t be me
Realizing you'll never be Taylor's little spoon and killing yourself
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Idk with me it's for that reason I *can* lol. One of few I can think of as wholesome AND absolute boner fuel. It's often one or the other.
youd make a good fap buddy :p
I spoke too soon. I just needed water and a meaty sandwich. Fap on!
Can you guys imagine choli jois? Imagine if you could pay her for joi audio in her sexy husky voice?

Night wpop!
that new poppy was really good
I love you Ava Max. I love you
what's better the new linkin park or the poppy and knocked loose song?
her and dua holy fuck
theyre all shit. fuck off. not pop either.
I love you Jesus Christ
Dua doing a joi pretending to be your sister and being mad at you for perving on her and showing her sexy legs.

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