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cubase is based edition
Previous Thread: >>123979292
>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

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who is renoise? do i owe him money? i dont interact with glowies
is there a way to achieve the stereo effect on a guitar the same way you would when recording two different tracks and panning them hard left and right? or is this the only way? i swear there are some mixes that achieve it without having to record a second guitar track.

if you're gonna boom do it right bro come onnnn don't you like abbey road? huh?

or just actually do a 2nd take wtheck dude
but what if I couldn't be fucked and would prefer a stereo plugin to do it for me?
Well then just make sure you're being autistic about how it sums to mono or it will sound shitty.
It's common. It's not wrong.

do you guys track multiple instruments without plugins? i find tracking without using shit like eq, compression and saturation makes everything way too quiet and unpronounced.

the percussion is way, way overplayed and some moments hit a bit too dissonant imo.
otherwise you're chillin dude, very cool so far
Change one of them slightly. Like have one with a short reverb and one with a short delay, or change the distortion. It is better just to have two takes i think though
Fuck, other anons told me the drums suck and even after tweaking it it’s still bad. Ahhhh I hate drums ;_;
Honestly after listening back a few times i can hear the logic of what you're going for and my initial reaction was too harsh; i think the velocity range you use kind of throws it off and makes it kind of jarring: the lowest hits of rims, and hats (in the second half) specifically should be moderately lower.
Also the cymbals in general should be lower for this style imo.
I think you should address the disonant bits as >>124026476 said first - the drums are servicable for now, they are whatever and it's mostly velocity issues, worry about them later. The bass is really meandering which is where it goes off key a little sometimes. I reckon the track needs to be a slightly lower BPM too. It sounds like it's being slightly rushed, which does not lend to a chill vibe.
Alright next attempt at the low end:

If there's still next to no low end i really have no idea what i'm doing wrong
Dog it’s been days wtf are you doing.
Use a reference. Use SPAN. Use your meters.
I am that's the thing
I'm seeing plenty of low end on my side
Alright got you, I can definitely hear where it sounds a little off key. It wasn’t noticeable to me at first.
As for the drums, I’ll leave that for last, as it takes too much time haha
Really appreciate the help anons!
can Bitwig or Logic turn audio into automation as well?
I need to stop stealing scales from bulgarian folk music or something because that sounds pretty consonant to me.
I mean obviously there's a little dissonance to it but it feels like a normal amount.
I gotta stop adding sharp 4s to minor scales.
>that thumbnail
no fucking thanks
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Right here
That’s the kick
This is a mess, anon. I feel like I hear it a little on my mixing headphones, but when I played it on my speakers with a sub, it's just all kick with a little bit of sub bass. That main low synth sound is lackluster/buried and doesn't carry the song, the vocals are sitting too upfront, the snare and hats are really tinny and separated from everything and the kick is just dominating while simultaneously having no punch.
You guys said dance music is easy what the hell
reposting from last thread. slightly edited. im interested to know how to make the drums more present and wider. they just sound stuck in the middle behind everything.
this is a different genre but i want a wide sound like this https://youtu.be/qcHBCFLZeYg?si=KVvEdip0nSpfgPzK
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Recorded my yamaha synth with my cell phone...
And added some weird percussion....
turn down a little bit of the kick high end and a harder sidechain for a bigger punch, also agree with this >>124026839 anon about the lackluster sub. I would also adjust the velocity of the harmony notes in your synth chords to sound louder
OR you could add a warm synth for harmony, your mix needs some warmth
I've read a few comments about the difference between R2R and VR releases and how R2R blocks any attempts to connect to the developer. So should I avoid any releases by VR? If this is an issue why are they still getting downloaded and used by many without any problems?
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>Recorded my yamaha synth with my cell phone
>with my cell phone
>nearly 5 mins of this shit
and what should we do with this exactly? i'm not listening to it if that's what you're thinking.
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I tried to make it sound perty tho
I want to be helpful but I don't know where to begin if you thought those sounds were remotely close to the reference drums. Like there's no kick and those hats...wtf man
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gib step by step instructions to piano like tim hecker RIGHT NYA within 5 minutes or i'm going to drink again out of sad / emptiness of night

all i hear is that major/minor thing on that one (like linkin park (or the radioheads or NIN or countless others i guessss but mainly LP) so it's kind of easy to mimic but idgi I DON'T GET IT


if singles it's over and tomorrow too i cannot cope
Based can-do attitude.
Your percussion did a great job of convincing me for a moment that my headset was broken.
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This is what sonible comes back with with the average EDM reference for balance. The sub is ok but the low mids have a dip that might make the bass too clean to come through on all speakers. Highs are a bit over and you could slightly boost mids. Bass was ok on mono check
use your fucking ears, it's definitely not as simple as that to fix it.
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you use both retard. Differing headphones/speakers give differing responses so you use analysers to see what is ACTUALLY going on that your equipment might not be catching. Dumb fuck
>it's definitely not as simple as that to fix it
actually it is that easy. this is one of the easiest things to do actually but people don't know what they're looking for.

the sound just sucks for establishing this balance
It is sometimes that simple. I downlaoded the snippet and applied some EQ on the highs, took down even more than suggested by true balance above. Guess what happened? Your low end is not overpowered by the highs anymore. I don't like the kick itself, but I guess this is personal preference. Also there is not much happening in the low end besides the kick.
i didnt quite use it as a reference, just linked an example of a nice clean drum sound that is also heavy

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