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Varg hate edition
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Fuck Varg,.
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Varg love edition.

Old: >>124073915

FAQ: https://pastebin.com/vHeAR1Bt
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Damn! That white boi cute!
Coming back to post about this. Currently in the middle of blasting it, holy LMFAO at the solos on this. Its total whiplash from AOTY tier metal to the most cringe inducing spoke word section back to some of the best guitar production riffs right into some guy literally just playing a random weedly scale overtop of said riff.

I really want to love this, but man they really do just inject some pure cringe in for seemingly no reason at all.

>Coming back to post about this.
Fooling no one here Heckcel.
reign in blood is the most overrated classic thrash metal album, everything after the first two tracks is just a mind numbing blend of decent riffs overshadowed by shitty songwriting and some of Tom’s weakest vocals among their first 6 albums
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Nothing. It's ten in the morning.
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Have you made an attempt to seek help for these delusions
Effeminate brown hands typed this post
*objectively* peak of thrash metal.
And it's not even close.
Yeah, peak of shittiness.
Varg will always be a great guy.
>solos = random weedly scale
Yeah it's him
First of all it's the first black metal album and second...lol, lmao even.
>>124083021 (OP)
Based OP.
>first black metal album
Picrel, sorry that you're mentally damaged.
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Alright I can't do it, I got all excited for that Ingurgitating Oblivion release, but the solos... holy fucking lolz what an absolute train wreck of an album. Its like someone made a fantastic piece of artwork, but then had someone else also come and throw some crayon stickmen on it randomly. What the FUCK were they thinking?

Post your opus right now. No more stalling.
Stop responding to yourself to justify your continued garbageposting here.
>already samefagging xir own posts
I’m white and medium masculine sorry
please stay, we need you here
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Diaperfill sucks
This song sounds incomprehensible.
I generally agree but horrorscope specifically is masterful
demon bitch
Anyways, I guess I blew my load too quickly thinking 2024 finally had something special to post about.

Its not really anything too crazy, itssomething like Mitochondria except with jazz breaks and really embarrassing lead work.


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I have given up on music. Everything has been done before. My new passion is art. Even made a DeviantArt. Mostly anime/furry stuff so far, based on the Doom Eternal universe.
I both strongly disagree and love that album.
It's on Willowtip records, you know it's going to have some nonsense to some degree
Any updates on this year's chart?
This general has been totally useless since almost every good poster left.
So does Shatboring
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the last good sepultura album
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>good thrash metal doesn't exi-
How fucking obvious can you be
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any questions?
Lord Hector, post the music you made before you leave again.
Are any of those re-issue bonus tracks good and why aren't they on a compilation
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>*outriffs dissodiaper*
Just bought my first guitar, how do I start? :)
Buy a bunch of pedals.
Yeah, actually. Between what hours does your retirement home allow internet access?
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some literal who Hungarian black
it's ok
i did NOT think it was possible but i have found a gothic metal band active in 2024 that i actually like
Which is?
literally anything then realize it's way fucking harder that you thought
and then you stick with it because you aren't a fucking bitch...right?
unto others
Burzum (NEW)
Why are you listening to the butchered remaster?

The studio recordings are essential, but they're randomly scattered across the titles, instead of within the appropriate sessions.
>If you'll just tuuuuurn onnnn yooour liiiiight
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Still until to this day I can't decide if this is a joke or what. This is legit a shit tier album and I like Incantation.
Barely metal, but has anyone seen Anvil live recently? If so how were they? I could go and it's pretty cheap but if they're just another sad bunch of guys who should've retired I may just skip.
>varg wearing a von shirt
USBM confirmed trve
anvil are definitely metal, one fag may call them diapershit but they are metal shit
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I love Bolt thrower so much it's unreal.
hector's done with metal? i called it 6 months ago.
I mean fair, I'm just in the deep end with all sorts of tech and other shit that they feel comparatively light lmao.
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>anvil are definitely metal
we hate bore snorer here
Let's be nice here, they might be a bit cringe by modern standards but their influence on the development of metal was huge.
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Not really, Blood Incantation is still reddit metal that thinks generic OSDM is progressive if you play some prog rock and space ambient before the alopecia riffs come on, Pyrrhon still can't write anything coherent. I was genuinely excited enough to want to post about it here when I first clicked on the Ingurgitating release, but alas its a disappointment.

I've been busy digging through the more aggressive black/death albums lately because of my ever increasing obsession with Teitanblood's Death album. The layering is just so insane on that album... actual studio genius. Pic related is all that sorta stuff, although I think I've posted about most of it in the past already. Ain't too much under the metal sun I haven't already blasted I guess.

Along with the topic of increased interest in aggression, an interesting album I previously dismissed as a meme has been seeping into my mind more and more lately... and that is Valis by Mastery.


Pure chaos, pure aggression, frantic, manic, jagged, sharp, in your face, unrelenting, noisy, cacophonous mayhem. Antaeus and Katharsis having nothing on this.
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I was thinking about seeing them in December, but I probably wont go
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Alright, enough joking around...
dont try to understand MA reviews, you'll hurt yourself
No, it wasn't. They were bums who couldn't sell out a phone booth. A pathetic movie got made praising them for never giving up their dream. Then came the sympathy sex.
There never has been, nor will there ever be, a better guitarist than Yngwie Malmsteen.
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Yeah I've only got a few days to decide. In fairness 30€ isn't bad and I'd get to check them to the list of bands I've seen but something about aging metal bands makes me wary. Maybe it stems from seeing Megadeth couple of years back and just how fucking sad Dave's vocals were but yeah.
I never talked about commercial success you fucking retard. If anything them still being out there touring is a miracle by how they fucked their promos and finances multiple times. But that has nothing to do with inspiring basically the entire 80s thrash generation.
>Mastery - Valis
>Similar Artists: Jute Gyte, Krallice, Liturgy
Thanks for the input, poser.
Has nothing to do with Jute Gyte, Krallice, or Liturgy. Listen to the actual music for once you sad retard. This is why /metal/ is such a fucking disgrace, literally no music: the general.
LOL he is getting mad.
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>Has nothing to do with Jute Gyte, Krallice, or Liturgy.
So it is not a tranny band for once?
>But that has nothing to do with inspiring basically the entire 80s thrash generation.
They have nothing to do with that, you zoomer mongoloid.
and most importantly: do NOT learn how to use them properly
Well you've bamboozled me before and I'm listening to something else atm
why are his eyes bulging out wtf?
Obviously whatever I like you won't, that is a given, never reply to me again.
I like this solo, my AOTY so far
>Obviously whatever I like you won't, that is a given
Yeah same for every sane person, as you're the only guy who enjoys rolling in turds.
Shame you're not actually dead this general was vaguely usable.
immolation sucks
obituary rules
>another wall-of-noise dissoslop band
yup, that's an ick
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I'm almost glad I got dragged along to Wacken last year so I could witness one of the rare occasions where Megashit was actually decent live in the current year.
Even had Friedman with them for the Rust in Peace stuff.
Never going to see another concert of theirs, they will never be able to top that one.
7/0 at best

that's the highest anybody could rate yangwie's music, true
thank you for your input poser sister
Why are you so desperate to be liked. And that's not true
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thank you for your input concert-going chad
If he stays, do you promise to leave?
You can't be right all the time.
I hadn't been here for months until a couple weeks ago so sure, I'll leave you to simp over your online bf with shit taste in dissoslop.
If you dig along deeper in the Hecklore, you will realize he has been desperate for acceptance for most of his life.

Such a shame because if Dave would let go of his ego a bit(never going to happen) and hired another vocalist, the band could go on for 10-15 more years. He's still a great guitarist and the musicianship was definitely the highlight when I saw them.
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This is the single most insane howl in all of metal, https://youtu.be/-W_mFmV6i0A?t=367 NSK is the peak of metal vocalist to the point even Mikko looks third rate in comparison. Another highlight is the entire ending section of Burning In Damnation Fires https://youtu.be/SR147UtwSTU?t=488, actually pure lunacy.

Imagine listening to that and still pretending like 90's baldcuckery such as David Vincent still belong in the conversation for best metal vocalist. Its such a brutal fucking mogging across an entire genre like never seen before, NSK is the KING of metal vocals https://youtu.be/6QkAryDjWZk?t=206
Sheitanblood sucks and so does Dikko Asperger
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What is it about dissoshit that attracts so many fart-huffing pseuds?
sounds like a tranny screeching when they can't get their dose of HRT
It's for posers too dumb to listen to actual intellectual music
You asked that in that other retarded thread a while ago
It's not bad but it doesn't sound convincing like MkM for example.
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>He's still a great guitarist
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>And that's not true
You wish.
>Why are you so desperate to be liked
I don't even know who you are
Ok ok maybe overshooting a bit but there are far worse guitarists in his age bracket.
You really have never listened to much metal if this is your idea of best lmao
he is not the same since mcdohl killed himself
He had like 60 years to learn the fucking guitar and he's still a complete shitter.
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Hes not really that good to me, monotonous and lacks variation. I don't see the argument for him being good, hes not even better than the Katharsis vocalist. Let alone as good as the top vocalists like the duo from Swallowed, Mikko, Attila, or obviously as mentioned before : NSK. I don't even think he beats out someone like Adam who isn't exactly a vocalist icon to me https://youtu.be/lBlJ52_MLyo?t=750

Name something else then, I'll wait.
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ofc he hasn't listened to much metal. the fagboy has admitted he doesn't even like the genre. you are conversing with a textbook poser.
>The layering is just so insane on that album... actual studio genius
What kind of layering is that?
MkM is convincing though which is why I mention him. Some others with more variation:

Arioch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=72MoT6NSQzA
Daniel corchado https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtAXYfNhaks
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The Katharsis vocalist would actually be pretty top tier, except he pushes it too hard sometimes and loses the edge in favor of sounding almost comedic in effect. Small moments like that really pull the wind out of the sails of any metal, in those cases I might even suggest a less ambitious vocalist would be preferable since they remains a background sound. Dodsengel's vocalist for instance turns about half of their songs into a comedy act, much more preferable would be to have a boring plug and play member like MKM at that point. Not that the Katharsis guy is that bad, just that he has small bad moments that cross the line to almost cringe sometimes.

Vocal layering in particular, but also all the guitar feedback they have playing at the same time, might also have some chorals in the background. Its really what gives Tetianblood their franic and hail of bullets feeling that other war shital bands miss completely.

Idk, just calling it "convincing" isn't very convincing. The Funeral Mist guy is much better than MKM for sure, it might just be how hes used in the band, but I don't find him able to completely drive a song like the Katharsis vocalist or Nordmann from Kaevum can. Good, but just not unique or forceful enough. Same really with the Chasm vocalist, good, but not like allstar stuff where he could save a terrible song just from his performance alone.
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What don't you like about it
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Infernal storm shits all over anything they released before that except for their demos. Diabolical conquest is a boring piece of shit, their worst release in that time period.
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>>What don't you like about it
>x bad, y good!
/metal/ "discussion"
lmao you must be joking. diabolical conquest is one of the greatest dm albums of all time. infernal storm is some haphazard shit they threw together in the studio out of a label obligation.
4chan** discussion
I feel kinda bad that I don't really like Blaze Bayley because he's a cool dude who genuinely loves metal but his music just does nothing for me.
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>ur wrong. y bad, x good!
Another fantastic /metal/ baldcuck conversation. So this is the high quality posting I ruin according to the general beta orbitors, kek.
this is some serious cope, lmaoing@you
The sign of a super high IQ is spending your weekend in a internet imageboard you hate
The sign of ultra mega high IQ is spending your entire life posting about someone you hate.
you motherfuckers legit piss me the fuck off, I have to contain my rage
Another H victory kek
Also I find Antaeus to be a band that is better live, so stage presence comes into it as well.
unironically how do I square scoring high on an official IQ test with wasting my life in this shithole
why am I like this
>except he pushes it too hard sometimes
I don't hear that. He's consistently savage.
>Vocal layering in particular,
I shall listen to Teitanblood again, it was run of the mill war metal on my first listen.
this kills the poser
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>the chad that eloquently sums up his opinion with "it was good/bad"
>the virgin who writes a novel of pretentious drivel like he's on the MA forums that no one reads
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>the chad redditor who still uses this meme format unironically in 2024
>the virgin 4chan user who still uses this meme format while talking about hating reddit and redditors every day
My HDS is starting to kick in
name a website that's better than 4chan other than tiktok
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Just blasted Kultur followed by Taste Our German Steel! followed by Following the Voice of Blood on my run. Fall is for Black Metal
Implying you weren't out of breath by the time you got to the mailbox muchless the duration of those albums
Popper desperately wants some attention
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gimme shit like this i've been blasting it for like 2 weeks i need new stuff
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kultur is so fucking good
Kaevum - Kultur
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>I don't hear that. He's consistently savage.
An example is right here https://youtu.be/y6qYZfKBugw?t=503, or here https://youtu.be/y6qYZfKBugw?t=892
begins to sounds like a high pitch effeminate sequel rather than anything I would declare as "savage". Now I wouldn't state it as album or song ruining (unlike in the Dodsengal vocalist example), but its a case of pushing something a tiny bit too far that it begins to get that a touch of that overdone parody-like effect.

Here's the thing, I understand how and why it happens, and its very hard to stop or really know its happening. When you are putting yourself out there to have variation, develop your own style, and put emotion in - these things will occur. Its easy to focus on just mastering one boring plug-and-play growl or whatever, but nothing ventured, nothing gained. Even Attila has his bad moments, its bound to happen sometimes, and especially if you are attempting to have that great variation or unique flair. When you reach for a greater height, you risk a greater embarrassment.

> it was run of the mill war metal on my first listen.
Seven Chalices is pretty close to run of the mill war shital, and the last album The Baneful Choir is closer to normal as well. Its really the album "Death" that you should be blasting, is the first track Anteiferno doesn't convince you then the ending of Burning in Damnation Fires will.
This is a Ramones general. Basado.
No one would give this much shit nowadays to record a videoclip. Fuck yall.
Guess you have to open the youtube links in a new tab, first one is at 12 seconds into Kross Fyre, and the other is 36 seconds into VVytchdance.
this kills the bmcel
yes my fellow brown man
Not metal.
Hails from Brazil
Whoops, meant to reply to >>124084726 >>124084795
simple as
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>This is a Ramones general.
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>kaevumsister HATES being reminded what skin color they are
haha guitar go vroomvroom
I saw him earlier this year doing an Iron Maiden set. He was excellent, but deserves a better band. Did a meet & greet right up until it was his stage time. Not the Ozzy £500 version, but a table at the merch for free. He's a good man.
>This is the single most insane howl in all of metal
Actually it's this
Empanada RIFFS
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Ishahn is literally the worst BM vocalist to exist, why the FUCK would you post him as a showcase for vocals? Also I never knew Emperor had a literal rock n roll riff on ITNSE, thanks for showing me another piece of cringe for my disneydisgrace collection, holy fucking kek. Ishahn and Hasjarl meeting up for the next rock n roll classic of all time?
It's a mercyful fate cover lass, why do you think the nosecuck also fellates that shit all the time?
>Also I never knew Emperor had a literal rock n roll riff on ITNSE
It's a bonus track that's a cover of Gypsy by Mercyful Fate
looks like gelato's bandmates also are his best costumers
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King Dogshit and David Dogshit harmonized vocals
Ishahn for the rock n roll riffs
Hasjarl for blues solos
Lemmy on bass
Gorgoroth's punkfaggot drummer

Peak 0% metal, 100% cringe
hector being a nu-male redditor is so fucking funny to me. it explains everything: the rym tourism, the smug sense of self-importance, the onions “analysis” of a genre he doesn’t understand, it’s all there
>seethes over one of the seminal 2nd wave black metal bands
>can't recognize that they covered one of the the most venerated metal bands
these are the tourists that we have to deal with in this shit general
he listens to metal like he's doing a book report kek
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I don't remember being a 90's/80's reddit tourist like yourself though?
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Pure and utter reddit moment. Reminder that Mercyful Fate and Emperor are beloved and cherished by reddit.
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>"I HATE REDDIT" - says tourist who has the exact same opinion and taste as shreddit does
/metal/ moment.
The funniest thing is that he even has positive karma
reddit also leaves eating food and breathing. fucking cringe! better stop doing that too. you're not a faggot redditor are you?
Hasjarl on his musical influences (direct quotation):
>I am, so to speak, only influenced by Metal, and more precisely by Black Metal, Dark Death Metal and some old Heavy Metal bands. Some bands I worship are Marduk, Ulver, Abigor, Rigor Mortis/Immolation, Mayhem, Arcturus, old Katatonia, Morbid Angel, Immortal, Bal-Sagoth, Limbonic Art, and the very first Helloween and Metal Church albums.
kek, got 'em
in fact those band had to be banned because redditors couldn't stop talking about them, so they came here.
Pretty based taste desu. Too bad his own music sucks.
>So what if I walk like a duck, talk like a duck, and act like a duck?
>I'm actually a woman you chud!
Bullshit, /metal/ is literally and non-figuratively pure reddit. The baldcuck who posts here shares the literal exact same taste and opinions as shredditors do. Objectively proven by their charts being the same as the slop promoted as "da classicz mane" by 4channelers.

/Metal/ should be renamed to /shreddit/
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this whole board has generally had the same tourist taste as reddit but pretends to be superior for some reason
>Hector, Hector I'm over here, talk to me
The veganism seems to have further rotted away what little brain he had left.
All that shit (at least anything older) was popular before Reddit and will be popular after Reddit. Fuck off.
reddit is based for banning the same 20 bands being discussed over and over again. it's why this place blows. imagine if burzum was banned from discussion here. the norsecuck would commit suicide and all the tourists would evaporate.
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>reddit is based for banning the same 20 bands being discussed over and over again.
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>I was a redditor before reddit existed
I was alive and listening to metal before reddit existed, unlike you.
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>I was alive and listening to metal before reddit existed, unlike you.
Summoning krvsty
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>only person itt confirmed to have a Reddit account calling everyone else Redditors
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I did laugh that he only showed back up as soon as I left (or at least only put on his trip), same thing with N*gro.
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>This album they keep talking about has a message that triggers my neurotic paranoia
>What can I do to convince people to not listen to it? What do the people who this album is made for not like?...hmmmm...Non-Whites!
>"Hey, you don't want to listen to this, otherwise you're non-White! You don't want to be non-White do you, go---guys? No of course not
Your highest average IQ rhetoric, sir
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>your average Deicide fan is either a low t obese baldcuck or a literal teenage tiktok female
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love these riffs so much
Black Curse, everything OSDM wished it was.

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Any Chucky from Child'd Play metal
horna is the Great Value brand of black metal
same t levels regardless kek
I thought that was Dark Funeral's red album era though?
Cannibal Corpse for death metal
Anthrax for thrash
there's a lot of bargain bin-tier bands that get posted here
the best part of this post wasnt that he didn't recognize the mf track , but that he correctly judged that it was rock and not metal while thinking it was made by emperor

diaperbros, your response?
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Metal for this IQ level?
black metal
Jungle Rot
FFDP and similar wannabe Pantera retards
They expect you not to notice.
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Terachad here.
If you said this in my presence, I'd make you eat those words.
The worst part of being an oldfaggot is that you know this used to be /metal/'s taste, too. Not just that, but /metal/ used to have lots more discussion about genres like European power metal, stoner metal, sludge, melodeath, just general stuff that people now think they're too cool to listen to. Metal discussion is much less varied here than it used to be. This thread, and /mu/ in general used to be great for finding new music. Now it's just shitposting, purity testing, and posting the same handful of bands for weeks at a time.

Two things happened. First, and I know this kills them to hear it, /pol/fags shit up the board. I know polfags can't read, but this is different from having people who like NSBM or whatever in the general. You can't disagree with a /pol/fag about music without them derailing the thread with schizoposting. This drives away people who don't want to deal with low quality discussion. Second, oldfags left and newfags joined. Newfags are obsessed with being the kind of person who posts on 4chan. They're cultivating an aesthetic by posting here. Basically, /metal/ has been overrun by faggot zoomies who seem to be less interested in talking about music than signalling how cool they are to strangers online because of politic or, the websites they like. It's a bunch of losers arguing online with the thinnest pretense of metal discussion.
Fun fact that's probably the least cringy looking FFDP fan I've seen
Fuck is that thing?
>Dominus wimps out, splits up, band members form Volbeat
>Oppressor wimps out, splits up, band members form SOiL
What other great bands suffered from wimpification?
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>know this used to be /metal/'s taste
>used to be
Brother, /metal/ is still sharing a 1 to 1 shredditor taste, you can literally see the outrage and butthurt upon shitting on "da classicz" like Emperor and Mercyful Fate, what the FUCK are you talking about?

The only people we lost are those who used to like stranger metal including more advanced prog/tech/avant stuff. All that's left are the shreddit tourists you are currently suggesting are no longer here. Now this place is basically full of MA tier 80's/90's tourist boomers crying about how good things "used to be", like yourself.
Based as fuck. The whole rise of /mu/core as a term people use unironically has made the whole board a shithole too. It went from, like you said, a place to actually find good new music and recs, to a place for circlejerk for people who think they're too cool for social media platforms.
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We hate every band on these lists
Drops his look from canoe to full blown Bubbles
not saying anything we didn't already know. it's time to actually leave this place...for good. i'm so tired of it...
See you here tomorrow, Shredditor.
Repugnant broke up and formed Ghost afterwards. Sucks because Epitome of Darkness was a banger and I wish they did more before deciding to play buttrock in clownpaint.
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Popcletus was a mistake.
It's time to move on to dungeon synth
Guess he feels the need to make up for the week he didnt spam this general
varg is incredibly reddit though. Blocks anyone who disagrees with him and as a result his comment section is an echo-chamber of larpers
Guess she feels the need to make up for the week she didn't talk about H
Redpill me on Deathspell Omega
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Only Synarchy, Fas, and Katechon are good. PopcIetus is a disgrace, Kenose/SMCR are overated. Probably the most influential and important band to metal in the past 30 years.
Made a few pretty decent and semi-unique black metal albums. Started huffing their own farts big time and formed a legion of shitty clones. Beloved by reddit and midwits alike. Fantastic drumming though.
>incantation, but söy
all contemporary death/black, particularly dissoshit, is just injecting estrogen into a sound that was already finalized 30 years ago and repackaging it for reddit/rym
Paracletus is the /metal/ mascot
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Sounds nothing like Incantation, get your ears checked boomer. I'm sorry it was too intense for you, maybe try some disney tunes if dissonance is hurting your effeminate ears again?
Damn I’ve seen you on RYM but I’m too lazy to look you up rn, good taste
The sad part is that there aren't even any real clones of DsO in the Fas/Synarchy/Katechon style. At least Morbid Angel fans have like 200 different bands that copied them properly, DsO only gets retards who basically play Averse Sefira with some sp00ky disso melodies.
Is he back for good?
Black Curse and Mitochondria are releasing an album this year. Technically according to their release schedule Teitanblood should be releasing a new album this year, although no confirmed news on that. This end of the year should be good eatings for blackened death aka 4chan metal.

But I thought that dissotreasure was 4chan metal?
dissoshit is the reddit genre, as seen here >>124085853 which is funny because he just completely ignores this
You'll not find a greater fan of Morbid Angel than me, and I've no desire or intention of listening to any of those 200 clones. What the fuck for?
You can rely on metal musicians to have some cool ideas, but not taste.
For a very specific niche of post-2000 extreme metal, thats actually very consonant heavy for a metal list basically proving hector right.
You are responding to Hector responding to himself
4chan metal = Third Wave Black Metal, Dissodeath, Blackened Death, Blackened Death Doom, NSBM, Prog, Tech Death, Industrial (Real) Metal, Tech Thrash, and Neoclassical Shred
Reddit metal = Da Classicz, OSDM, Second Wave, First Wave, Thrash, Death Doom, Heavy Metal, Flower Metal, Stoner "Metal", Industrial (fake) "metal", Traditional Doom, Epic Narwhal Doom
Third Reich Wave Black Metal
Reddit is so anti disso that Morbid Angel and Immortal still appear on their 2000's dm list LMAO.

The BM list especially is a joke, 2000's BM and it not being totally dominated by third wave shows you the shreddit mindset
check out my new genre NSAIDSBM, short for National Socialist Autistic Incel Depressive Suicidal Black Metal, which combines NSBM and DSBM with Autistic and Incel themes and is thus a unique genre
new bloody dropped
you faggots would jump off a bridge if reddit said it was a bad idea
Nope, /metal/ is literally just /shreddit/ and so I don't see why they would do anything a shredditor doesn't like.
>Mgła is reddit's top 00s BM
the masses will always choose banality
I thought his entire shtick was that the past was better.
this is "good metal" according to Proztate and his drones
Mogs the shit out of Jude Shyte or Diapersmell Omegamale
>Why would I want more of the thing I like, potentially adding little different flairs or potential slight improvements.
Yeah who would want that?
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>painted nails
Babe, hambeast, or homosexual?
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Finally found a rip of an early CD issue last night, shall be blasting
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Truly superb übermensch
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>generic and inoffensive sleep inducing nothingburger
About what I expected.
>Why would I want a zoomer cloning something I like plus another thing declared as an "improvement"
You can have my share, and good luck to you.
you wouldn't have a single thing to say to any one of their faces, coward.
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>Nothing can be improved or changed ever, I am a walking corpse merely waiting to die
Yeah I know, so hurry up and die already old man.
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>you wouldn't have a single thing to say to any one of their faces, coward.
Anything I see anything Indian now I feel like I can smell feces
Think someday you'll change and improve enough to make your parents love you?
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Did I hit a little too close to home ol boomie? I'll see you on the hospital bed dying of cardiac arrest in a few years KEK.

>people are STILL butthurt about deathmetal.org after all these years
How did he do it?
Does your hatred for boomers stem from the mistreatment you suffered by the hands of your boomer parents?
Does your hatred for zoomers stem from your wrinkles, obesity, shiny head, and nearing mortality?
You want to rip-off the work of others and claim to have fixed it. You are a woman. A woman with a prominent nose.
Answering a question with another question is a sure sign that you try to avoid answering the original question because you feel uncomfortable
Nothing is unique, nothing is special, everything is built off of something else, the first concepts are never the ultimate finalized idea. You are a retarded polcuck mongrel.
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You mean like how you just did, and also did before, and will do again now? Projecton and dementia from the poor tired retarded ol boomie.
So who "invented" black metal
This, except not SMCR or PopcIetus
Snorre Ruch
awesome collage, r/metal will love this
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Make this, but with Katechon on the left. Then it will be a 4chan collage.
A decade before you were born, zoomer.
Best blastings of the thread
I see I struck a nerve, lass.
>why do you think the nosecuck also fellates that shit all the time?
I've loved Fate before Emperor (and most BM)
>in my mind, it was real
Varg should open for Pantera
these OPs get worse and worse

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