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Fuck DIssoshit edition
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
kino cover
Fuck wigger slam
Fuck coreshit
Fuck your mom
BASED edition
That nicki minaj sample straight heat
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He got a Best Blasting finally, everyone clap their hands
That is cool as fuck of him
I've already had many before, as I've said before, all you have to do is post the most generic shreddit approved OSDM and you will get a "best blasting". If anything it might be a sign that the album is probably not very good if he replied to it, like a touch of someone with leprosy.
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Keep on rocking, everyone lml
Watch, you want a BB reply? Here, the safest most plebian mass band possible, I'll see you again in 300 posts if hes not going to piss himself in rage and refuse to reply because of my mentioning of this obvious fact.

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This has no right to be as awesome as it is. Does /meal/ like Danzig?
Excellent choice
Watch out, another epic BB coming your way, only the hardcore elite can get these replies!


Thank you shreddit sister.
WoooooOOOOOooooo heres a deep cut for the ultra rare BB prize... I know a lot of you haven't heard of this band and it never gets discussed, only for the true metalfans....

Why is Slipknot so good guys?
Nice another great influence on the budding Hasjarl
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Think I'll BLAST Amon Amarth.
Limp Bizkit is heavier than this
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I just listened to this again yesterday and confirmed once again that it is indeed the greatest Horna album by an incredibly wide margin. It's actually the only Horna album where they seem to actually understand what riffs are
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Name one (1) trey influenced riff post SMCR. Hasjarl also suggested he was influenced by Magma at some point, you can point out a zuehl moment in their discography too I assume?
First time someone praises him and it breaks his mind completely
Thanks for the recs big dawg. Got a good line up of albums to spin now.
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>Thanks for the rec
Anytime shreddit tourist.
oh no he's about to have another melty
Trick question. DsO doesn't have riffs.
we love danzig here
It already began
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>DsO doesn't have riffs.
If only this was true, we would finally have good metal.
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The VVytchdance one to me sounds great, the scream has a unique feeling to it, but you're right, the more risk you put and less 'safe' you play, more ups and downs you'll have usually, that's normal.
>why do you think the nosecuck also fellates that shit all the time?
I've loved Fate before Emperor (and most BM). Nothing to do with that cover (which I don't even like, since melodies are lost to harsh vocals)
Why are there so my Homosexuals in Black Metal?!??
That's the key word. Influence
doesn't mean imitation. He could be influenced by the smiths and that doesn't mean he will be playing like Johnny marr. I hate how people who never picked up an instrument like to talk about shit they can't even comprehend. Let me guess you like the Beat nigger faggot
>Horna has been criticized for NSBM ties.[5] Former lead vocalist Nazgul von Armageddon was alleged to have expressed Nazi views in his solo project Satanic Warmaster.
Thank you seething sisters
You mean OSDM, genre founded by 3/4 homosexual band lol
Genital Shame
i've been getting into samhain for the halloween season. it's...not bad really. it's like a rawer proto-danzig
says the mass replying faggot
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One of the greatest albums of all time turned 20 yesterday
Thank you samesister
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>That's the key word. Influence
Yeah, name even one single section you can identify a single moment of Trey influence kek. You won't, because it doesn't exist. What someone says and what is reality can be two completely different things.

Hasjarl has also to my knowledge never once mentioned Ved Buens Ende, but are you to suggest the beginning of Repellent Scars is not a literal textbook case of a Crzal riff? Despite them always using the same open string chords as Czral? Have you ever thought that maybe a human being might lie, or withhold information? Have you thought about using your own admittedly very tiny mind to think for yourself, or is the best you have just being a braindead useless reject that accepts anything anyone tells him at any time?

good album but it's very temperamental. i can only listen to it when i'm in an actual shit despondent mood which isn't often
ah, yes, he needs to clone the riff and fix it, right? stupid cunt.
No one should clone OSDM, it should be left to rot and ignored. Like trying to fix African, best to simply start fresh with that one I'm afraid.
I want a metalhead bf
loving that song. think i saw it on shreddit a couple weeks ago too. pretty cool we all share similar tastes despite hating each other haha
I've come to the conclusion that all forms of extreme metal are for faggots. Turn back to bad trip metal.
Right, this album is Funeral Mist with some dissonant interludes but no mention of them and who would mention a band from only a few years earlier that you ripped off.
The extreme genres has always and will always be utter dogshit. Traditional has always been the real man's metal.
I honestly don't listen to post metal much anymore, it seems the genre reached its conclusion with that album and SATH by Cult of Luna though CoL and The Ocean still put out solid albums
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>we all share similar taste
Based, we all love Jute Gyte here on 4chan.

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Imagine getting publically disowned by your favorite artist and still defending him like a loyal dog afterwards.
Peak cuck.
based. we do indeed love her efforts here. black lives matter.
I love black metal and gay sex
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I will fix Adam. He will be mine eventually. Oh, how I long to have a real life conversation with him.
Finally talking to someone of my intellectual equal.
Is this real?
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Fraid so...
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Aesthetics and interlude wise yes, I agree its heavily influenced by Funeral Mist and even Immortal for the Sola Fide riffs. The main interesting part of SMCR are some of the harmonies on things like Jubilate Deo and the main melody of Carnal Malefactor plus the classic dissonant riff that would become they main sound for Kenose + the two splits with the tracks MGA and DA.

Why would I give a shit about what Adam thinks of my beliefs lmao? Arguably in his mind having me represent him would be the ultimate offense I could deal to him I suppose. Ultimately we have never met so its hard to say if he would or wouldn't hate me, his political mindrot might blind him from any real truth.
do you find him sexy?
Gift for him, cute
I'm afraid I don't find the contradicting of his philosophies with the moralized crypto-christian political views to be very sexy.
Hector go here

He's old enough to be your father, zoomer.
Cowardly of you to use Bongman's name to do that.
It was the real Bongman that did it. It was his revenge for Hector messing with him and almost driving him to suicide a few years ago.
No thanks, the actual punks are already doing my job of disgracing their LGBT genre for me there. I really don't care about punk music, its existence is not of any real concern and its destiny is as it always was: death. I mean who really cares about punk """"music"""" to begin with? Its nothing but political posturing and I can always go to /pol/ if I wanted political shitposting.

>boomie tries not to mention his obsession with age for a single post
You've lost it old man, just get it over with and die of diabetes already!
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>punk is le bad!
Why are you editing in a pic of Fenriz when hes literally a punkfaggot who denounces le evil racism but spends his lyrical sheets talking about being evil and killings?

Punk is barely music, its a sad excuse to shit out some barely coherent political view you have under the guise of "art" while actually being a braindead subhuman who instead of looking at his own failures blames it on the world around him.
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>Dissoblack gives me an epic pump!
>I donated to the National Center for Transgender Equity
>another trannypopper and hector turn the thread into a discord chatroom episode
fire these writers
You are confusing heavy with over compressed. Brickwalled music isnt heavy, just obnoxiously loud.
>I donated to the National Center for Transgender Equity
he's too frail to even attempt lifting weights
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>Hi Jay.
>Thanks for contacting me.
>To be as clear as possible. I'm totally opposed to to the entire ethos and raison d'être of black metal music. I totally support LGBTQIA+ rights, as is evidenced by the artwork for my album "Unus mundus patet" which depicts a bunch of sperms swimming around and into a butthole.
Trannypopper doesn't listen to music so she has nothing to talk about. Its already been proved by her yearly having less blasts than the average poster should have in a week and a half. All thats left is her obsession on a single poster and Ben Garrison edits until roughly around 12pm German time depending on how many stimulants shes smoked that day.
There are far too many transgender black metal artists creating wonderful genre-defining masterworks for transmisogyny to be tolerated here. Leave the hall if you think otherwise.
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I hate women so if you're going to identify as a woman then I hate you too. Simple as.
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>I hate women
Is this a containment thread or did you buy a 4chan battle pass? Whats with all the off topic spam here 0
Its just about 12pm in Germany and shes trying to get in some extra posts before xer bedtime and she wakes up for xis secretary job, I shit you not.
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>Fuck DIssoshit edition
>BASED edition
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>>Fuck DIssoshit edition
>>BASED edition
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>Nithing - Agonal Hymns edition
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Gets better each blast.

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Better or worse than SotS?
god I hate death metal
>>boomie tries not to mention his obsession with age for a single post

You have 0 self-awareness
>n-no u
NGMI Iass.
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>he comes back
>threads go from extremely pretentious cringe to comfortably cringe
What a relief. Got into burzmood, blasting UmSKIBIDItar no cap fr lol
… is the pinnacle of extreme metal
Estrogen requirements for OSDM are too high, I didn't qualify for it, sorry Iass.
Has Hector returned?
*burps into a microphone over random shitty riffs and pinch harmonics*
OLD (PREVIOIS) THREAD: >>124083021

fuck you OP
Yes, but I will leave in roughly 15 minutes.
Nithing - Agonal Hymns will probably require 4 or 5 listens before it clicks for you. Not everyone has the patience for art though.
Jewte Goyte is garbage.
>t. lover of atonal and minimalist music and hater of jews
He gets a pass now out of respect for his grandfather.
King Diaper is comedy rock
>dies in a war so his grandson can be a transgender secretary who spends 16 hours a day crying about xir unrequited love on an online forum dedicated to a music genre he doesn't even listen to on a day to day basis, in fact he barely even listens to any music on a day to day basis
What a family embarrassment kek.
i still don't know what a "trannypopper" is bros
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15 minutes up. Later shredditors, only be back if there is a really good release like I thought Ingurgitating was going to be (those solos though lol), so probably not for a long time.

Put me to sleep, evil angel......
What with the time limit?
None of us do except one mentally ill spammer
metal music is for racist white ah crackers. Hip-hop is better.
>metal music is for racist white ah crackers
Incorrect. Allow me to prove you wrong.
kpop -> kpopper -> trannypopper
Resident low IQ secretary kraut who posts low IQ garbage such as power chord sloppa, -core etc. Easily one of the worst posters here along with the melanated schizo.
you can just say "the tranny that posts kpop girls and blogs about going to shows"
shit i didn't know the trannypopper was based
>low IQ garbage such as power chord sloppa, -core etc.
Beloved here.
Based on soi diet in secretary office maybe.
Thank you samesister



>Heavy metal
Not listening!
finally, some actual listenable metal posted.
based. Only death and black metal here
the duality of /meal/
I'm balding, and I think this sounds great.
Finally, something listenable.
It’s 1:06 AM in Tromsø and Kultur is blasting under the shimmering Northern Lights
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