Back to /metal/ edition.Blackened Death Reigns.Horvath clock of 99:>>124257750Manor
Only first wave is real
My non-anti dog metal created by Suno is good also. Fuck the gatekeepers. UFO truth now! :) \\m//
>>124260902lord of retard manor, sure
>>124260937Mindbroken and mentally dominated.
>>124260902Guys, I don't mean to be overly dramatic, but metal kinda sucks a prolapsed asshole.
>>124260946Incoherent post.
>>124260976>ItagakiBlessed and beloved here.
>>124260970>prolapsed asshole.We love that here.
This is metal. Youtube algorithm recommended it to me. Its fucking great!
I only use AI for my job to make it even more easier and boringusing AI to make art however, is pants on head retardedLiterally soulless>OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ
Name a better vocalist.Impossible.
Medieval grind
>>124261025Depends on if you're good at writing the prompts or not though :)
>>124261051True, but some styles are easier for the model to create than others
>>12426107080s hair metal and black metal is very successful for me on Suno. Also the NWOBHM. I guess it's because not many others have used it. Suno is awesome. It's kinda my song writing ouija board lol.
>>124261034>generic black metal screechingwow amazing. i love fuzzy hipster pseudo war metal it's so crazy and evil!
Is there a warshital knower who knows of the band with the most slayer "solos" and pick slides per song?
I own none of the rights to my songs btw. Suno owns it all. I wish I did have rights to some :(
This Chinese instrument sounds like a crying woman. I thought it was someone singing the first time I heard it.
>>124261100for me, it's 70's funky Motown
>>124261101>GenericNGMI Iass. >complains about production NGMI Iass.>complains about dude evilNGMI Iass.
>>124261122Nice. Not into that genre myself, but Suno is impressive for any genre and the least used it is, the better I find.
>>124261102Psyopus is almost all "dissonant" leads and pick slides.
>>124261034he's fine, don't get me wrong, but I don't understand the appeal
Artist: DarkthroneAlbum: PanzerfaustSong: Beholding The Throne of Might>And destruction upon the holy man>Who hails a jew
Suno sucks>type in Doom metal, slow and heavy riffs, thick bass, rhythmic drumming, dark themes, eerie atmosphere>get Nickelback vocals with piss-poor Sabbath riffs
FUCK SHIT UPI don't like politicsI don't like CommunistsI don't like games and funI don't like anyoneI don't like Jesus freaksI don't like circus geeksI don't like summer and springI don't like anythingI don't like sex and drugsI don't like water bugsI don't care about povertyAll I care about is meWell I'm against itI'm against itWell, I'm against itI'm against it I like? HUGE FUCKING TITS
Serbian AI metal will be the next Hectorcore
>>124261176That will happen. Just change the prompts. Its part of the fun when you do actually get a good song. Like winning the lottery kek. doesn't miss
>>124261204>it's a gacha brogrim
>>124261202We serbs are always rising up :)
listen to the new MITOCHONDRION
>>124261158Sure, but it also has no aggression, troon vocals, and no writing. So basically I'm left with only the shit parts of war shital (no writing mindless meme music) and none of the benefits (aggression and energy).This is really just a bad version of Behold the Arctopus or some Jarzombekian band. Not what I'm looking for.
>>124261247's what's up
>>124261247 I hyped it up myself before blasting, but eh, it wasn't that great. I had a feeling based on the ultra shit cover art that it was going to be bad and that they would have learned nothing in these years. Basically turned out true, still can't believe they kept the vocals the same, incredibly sleep inducing.
>>124261258The drummer is actually in Behold The Arctopus now.
>>124261289Dogs true face. That's one evil looking muthafucker.
post some more first wave black metal
>>124261289I agree the cover is dogshitbut the music is right up my alley and I love that style of vocals so I'm glad they still do itIt's like if portal and tomb mold had sex
>>124261316Based. Also:
there is a mouse living in my room for several days he slept under my bed and shit and piss. and now im worried? is mouse poop toxic? I keep smellig it and think it's me but its the mouse. is it toxic?
>>124261298 I'm not surprised, these guys usually have a load of different bands they swap between all the time where they play their hyper technical stuff. Mathcore ideas are usually popular because you can just write total and utter bullshit to basically just play any note at any time and have it sound intentional.What do you think of stuff like Skin Tension where its half improvised? Basically the next area I imagine them moving into
>>124261347Put a mouse trap there. Sad to kill the mouse, but problem solved.
Mice are less worse than dogs for sure. Hate this corrupted world.
>>124261345Ehhh that song sucks brah brah. But that is one of my favourite movies. Combo and his gang did literally nothing wrong. Just look at the absolute state of London today. Fucking lmao.
>>124261378maybe i can lure him to a mason jar with cheese and set him free outside
>>124261347>>124261378Actually there was a mouse stuck in a glue trap at my work and I guillotined it myself, blood all over the fucking place. Just thought I would like the furry faggots who worship animals know that, especially trannypopper.
>>124261396i am going to cum
traps are brutalI will never use them againI once had two mice caught in the same trap but one lived and was suffering so I had to smash his skull in with a hammer
>>124261388Based. Great song!>>124261389Masons don't set people free. They rope people into secrecy bullshit and riding goats.
>>124261396Okay :)
I want to see Municipal Waste at least twice every month.
I hate mainstream pop, but this is good. I want a Rihanna gf, but only if she's smart and against dogs and freemasons and rich and has a Ferrari :)
>>124261426they're getting a bit old for their shtick desu. I've seen them a load of times in the last 20 years and the shows now don't compare, I dunno if if it's sobriety or just aging kek
I want a tsundere Muslim gf who hates me for being a filthy Westerner but is helplessly seduced by my virulent anti-Semitism
i can only jack off to pictures of shirtless varg
Legendary Early Demos
>>124261344Yeah I guess if you really like the Abyssal/Parasignosis style its probably just more of the good stuff for you. I've always hoped they would bring Archaeaeon back and refine it into what it could have been, it was rough on the transitions, too quick on those same transitions, and the sections might have been a bit too light at times, BUT if they have really spend a bit more time ironing them out and working on blending it in more, I think you would have had a much better style for years to come. I find the Abyssal/Parasignosis to hold up at first for like 15 minutes or so, but its a bit monotonous and really starts to feel stale after 45 minutes. I think it can maybe work if you are literally perfect at everything, and step one for me is at least giving the vocals something besides the same deep rumbling, like give it anything else, I don't even care if its some out of place thrash vocals, anything besides the exact. same. noise. for like 80 minutes straight.
>>124261484Who jerks off to that loser? You should be ashamed of yourself.
Bon Jovi anti-dog song time! :)
>>124261462one thing I know for sure that nothing will top seeing them at obscene extreme
>>124261529For me its guillotining that mouse.
>>124261347you're fucked
>>124261550Cruel, but I understand. Dogs are worse vermin than mice in my opinion. Hate the way they're 'protected'. Fuck dogs.
>>124261574True, same with cats. Total animal destruction.
>>124261574>>124261581i am so tired with you people. Animals are ten times better then shithumans will ever be
>>124261581um sweaty cats are heckin beloved furbabies here
>>124261581I've seen videos of cats saving kids from dogs, so my hatred doesn't extend to cats. They bury their droppings if they do it in an unfamilar place out of respect of the owner. Not into total animal destruction. Just hate dogs.
>>124261601fuck off, ildjarn
>>124261601Dogs aren't natural animals. They're mutants.
>>124261616you are brown
>>124261612Cats give you toxoplasmosis aka freemason mindcontrol.
>>124261581cat general, fag
>>124261601>bro fell for weak bait
>>124261631Only if a person is retarded, will they become under freemason control. That is nothing to do with animals.
>>124261641>mortiis picrelOpinion discarded
>>124261641>mortiis picrelOpinion regarded.
It's metal to me :) I seriously like this.
>>124261642All cat lovers are retarded, they are easy prey for the toxoplasmosis freemason mindcontrol.
>>124261660i am going to cum in you(this is a code that the freemasons are monitoring this thread)
>>124261660Cats are smarter than dogs. Dogs worship any person that gives them food. That includes people who break in, and they turn against their owner in a heartbeat. Cats are more loyal to their owners, even though they don't have the aggressive force of dogs. Therefore cats are better.
>>124261681>panda face cringe>catfagPure numale.
>>124261681Based. The dog nutters hate to hear the truth about their stupid mutants.
>>124261689This is true. Dogs actually have to trained to protect you and your property. There are videos online of cam footage of mock burglaries and the fucking mutt just stood their barking and it didn't do shit.
>>124261689>Cats are more loyal to their ownersI don't think you've ever met a cat in your life.
>>124261703Sorry for the ESL
>>124261703I have some of those vids in my playlists on Youtube. You are right.>>124261704I've met plenty of cats. No problem with them at all.
>>124261703>train dog to never bite anyone under any condition>cry that it doesn't know how to save you after you cut off his balls and told him to be a cuck forever.
dog haters should be sold into slavery
>>124261721I bet you ride the goat? :)
Feline supremacy
>>124261719Dogs bite when they're scared. Puppies are scared of literally everything and have to be constantly socialized and trained or else you have an unpredictable loose cannon that will never change once it reaches adult.
>>124261733I am a satnic ofc i want to fuck satan and offer him up goat sacrifices
>>124261117what makes you think you'd even deserve the 'rights'?
>>124261762It's a grey area, but whoever created the prompt could have the rights in the future. I don't give a shit though. I did it for the lulz and to expose truth.
>>124261750You obviously didn't see the video taken after the photo. It can't be posted here, by the way.
>>124261783Literally the only good metal band
>>124261780>the fag who wrote the text gets the rights>not the company who paid a team of engineers to design the software that wrote the music and emulated the instruments
>>124261755Dogs are what you make of them, teach them to be a forever cuck and they will cuck forever. Cats treat you like a food machine and will stretch anything they don't like, but because they can't really maim you they are allowed to run around shitting the place up with toxoplasmosis and scratching things they don't like. Cats are for women who each other cannot control themselves but ultimately are too weak to be bothered to train.Dogs are for men who like each other have to be trained properly to control and use their strength only when needed.
They want us to be conformist retards accepting corporate bullshit. Not me or alot of other people.
I'm sick of metal guys, metal for this feel?
>>124261794>stretch anythingscratch*
>>124261793Well, they have the rights, but the text is also part of what's generated. Like I said, it's a grey area.
>>124261801Metallica - Metallica
>>124261805Imagine if users get executive producer rights kek
>>124261793Also, there's lawsuits from record companies because they're greedy fuckers and don't want people to easily create music. I support Suno for that reason.
i want to make love to avril lavinge's perfect feet
>dude what about who holds da rights!No one should, who even fucking cares about rights unless you are a retarded popslopper slave to corperations?
>>124261811Fuck Trump and Harris.>>124261818Certain people want to keep humanity down. I call them out.
>>124261829>DUDE, no one really owns anything when you think about it.
Bonemarch Tower of London! \\m//
Have a good one guys/gals. Pleasure talking to you as always. Catch ya next time :)
>>124261845>DUDE ITS REALLY IMPORTANT THAT WE DECIDE WHO HAS THE RIGHTS TO... AI prompts?Utterly enslaved. Do you even know how much slop will be generated a second when its perfect? I don't think you understand that no one cares, or rather no one will care about your two microseconds of fame before the next slop is generated.
Every time you make a shitty AI song it contributes to the global clean water shortage
>>124261880Do you eat vegan?
i had an entire vodka bottle tonight (:
>>124261889NopeHowever don't believe the lie that vegan food consumes even more energy/water to produce
>>124261807honestly a good palate cleanser
>>124261914>NopeThen shut the fuck up.
>>124261925I need to eat meat for proteins so I can survive the upcoming urban race war
heh, listening to metal. couldn't be me!
>>124261941Incorrect, I guarantee you there are vegan bodybuilders twice your size.
>>124261953I'm 195cm and 120kg, bud
>>124261966>120kgSo you are a fat disgrace? Guaranteed there are still vegan bodybuilders bigger than you too. Although maybe not as fat.
>>124261953vegetarian sure, vegan no
>>124261986You wish.
>>124261985>do steroids for years>switch to a vegan diet>I built this body with le heckin veggies (and labratory refined chemical filled protein shakes)!
>>124261995Time to stop watching agenda driven youtube personalities
>>124261995Wolverine if he söy
>>124262022Post physique
>>124262016>le everyone who mogs me is le roids (I would never take aaaaanything to boost my "gains")>le refined protein is bad (except when we have refined whey and take our 9000 different refined chemical factory supplements like creatine)>>124262019>I'm mogged, but youtubelol.
who needs whey protein when you have.. CHICKPEA protein
>>124262047ULTRA BASED
>>124260902Hectorian metal
>>124262065Disney metal
What am I even doing, I would rather most of you died earlier anyways, please continue in your normal eating paths. Anyways, blasting this hidden find from the guitarist of Psicosfera.
>>124262045>pro body builders>not roiding kek m8
>>124262065A Disney delight!I would like to post the Scriabin "metal" piece on youtube, but its so horribly butchered (it even has the worst instrument of all, the dreaded drum) that I cannot bring myself to post it.
>>124261247I listened to parasignosis and then the new one. I think that was probably a mistake. The new one is much more like a blend of war metal and portal.
>metal song tries to portray serial killers as badass, when in reality every single one of them is a pathetic loser and/or a literal fag
>>124262172>redditfr*g>garbage postNever a more iconic duo.
>>124262180Serial killers and being mentally ill gays.
>>124262204>killerchads>asshurt normalfag instantly seethes and cries as he is murderedNever a more iconic duo.
>>124262172>frogchad>scathingly insightful post that causes instant seethingNever a more iconic duo.
>>124262213>>124262204>redditfr*g poster>can't even reply to the right post Never a more iconic duo.
Why hasn't he released it yet? all the momentum is dead now
Damn no Palestrina metal compositions on youtube, its over.
>>124262225because he is gay and has AIDS.
>>124262225He realized his fans were incapable of understanding that its his best album along with the unused riffs compilation
I actually love the unused riffs compilation, this is how Varg's music should have always been, just him and guitars. Fenriz loves talking about "primitive" or "simple" but he has no idea about the power of removing garbage noise makers like drums and simplifying it down to pure instrumentals.'s extra rehearsal/riff tracks on his patreon (lol) too, both of them miss what is staring them in the face. The basics, the purity, what matters most. Why can't they understand? caught up in what they think they ought to be instead of realizing what they have before them.
>>124262389Didn't read, didn't listen.>>124262381LISTENING!
The best foods are a single item, I wish for a simple fresh slice of bread from the oven over a sandwich.They have it all wrong, they just don't understand. They don't get it.
>>124262495based monk taking the vow of poverty
>>124262495This doesn't work in murica where everything needs a generous helping of mayonnaise or ranch dressing to hide the fact that it's a tasteless conglomeration of food byproducts
do whole foods just not exist in murrica? just eat meat and vegetables, those aren't processed kek
>>124261161Huge variation in his delivery, its mean and ugly and none of it ever devolves into anything that sounds self-defeating, pained, cartoonish, theatrical, or weak. Literally does everything flawlessly in what I personally want in vocals, especially for this kind of metal its all about confidence, arrogance, and aggression. Even his small touch like a laugh here or there such as in Anteinferno that he does adds a ton to the overall feeling. I have no idea how for instance anyone can take someone like the Revenge vocalist seriously, utter circus show tier. Other vocalists can hit the variation, but they usually are weak at a few of the styles and don't have their own unique identifiable aspects. Or others have a pained/tortured screech that I have no interest in, if you want to sound like you are being raped than its not for me and I think just comes off as annoying mostly.I mean just listen to the entire ending of Burning In Damnation Fires from the linked time till the end: gargle at the end as well, just a rotten evil vomit it is.
How come industrial black metal rules but industrial death metal sucks?
Thoughts on Shylmagoghnar? I think they're pretty tits and also big fat metal titties too, but that's just me
>>124262556You poor sweet stupid simpleton.
>>124263118industrial everything is cringe
>>124262172the vocals and lyrics are just to fit the sound of the riffs, which is the main focus. you're a normalfag who immediately only focuses on the vocals and knows fuck all about music
>>124263648>>124263759YOU SUCK!
sleep well nice metalheads
Solitude Aeturnus
Sunrutea Edutilos
Why didn't Mew blow up?
>>124263931Not metal.
Morbid Angel
>>124263944Nobody cares.
Cats are metal
Is the new Paysage d'Hiver any good or is it an overlong schnoozefest like his last two albums?
>>124261034dave desantis, noone has copied that successfully(ive tried real hard, i dont understand, its all exhales, i heard him do it off mic once and its loud)
>>124261119daym i saw this like 12 years ago and didnt appreciate it, they didnt have an erhu live, or it was just a back track, neato
>>124264740because they infect your brain with an incurable disease? pretty metal, should write a song about it
Any melodeath recommendations for me?I've heard Cryptopsy's Phobophile described as "brutal melodeath" before and I think that's actually a pretty good descriptor. That's my favorite Cryptopsy song, and then pic related is one of my favorite albums. I do like Dissection but I'm not looking for stuff like that. Any recommendations for me based off of the first two things?Thanks.
>>124264887 slipped this into a torrent ages ago and idk where i got it fromits dying fetus shauns old bandmelodeath that isnt cringymaybe not brutal enough, being "brutal" often kills the melodic. the wintersun s/t is "brutal" because its melodic and it makes me want to kill people with a sword
>>124264887if yyou like phobophile maybe check out early kataklysm (they became buttmelo later)
>>124264887wasnt "brutal melodic" the whole point of TBDM?
>>124261176>I CANT PROMPT
>>124264989I wouldnt call them brutal, pretty standard pre-buttrock melodeath but perfected
Gonna shmonk sum weed and listen to the new Paysage d'Hiver. Hope it's not boring, bloated bullshit like his last few albums! space metal
the fuk is dis
>>124264975This is decent. Not quite as brutal as I'm looking for like you said, but still good>>124264988I'm listening to Sorcery right now and it's really good; thanks for the recommendation>>124264989I dunno, I'm not familiar with TBDM. I'm not a fan of the shrieking vocals for this to be quite honest.Thanks for the recommendations (all three of you)
>>124265488the fake drums tell me this is you
>>124265501its mephorash, drums are real
What's so special about this?
>>124265552It got better.
Finally getting stoned enough that I can listen to metal.
>>124265623weed lowers your test and makes you play sloppier, stick to stimulants
>>124265676Correct. This is a pro-meth general.
>>124265676Not even kidding, it legitimately helps me appreciate extreme metal more.>>124265687Meth smells like burning plastic.
>>124265695We love weed here. Don't listen to the retards.
Stoner doom is the worst genre.
>>124265715Correct. grind, death and other extreme genres are the ones that really benefit from partaking in the devils lettuce.
Unironically I will admit that I am constantly angry, which is probably why I can't leave this genre and why I'm here to begin with. Classical is infinitely better, but its just not... the tension isn't right, it doesn't sound like how I feel. I want something that sounds like pieces of steel being twisted and the creaks of it piecing all around, a pile driver slowing crashing down, a thousand angry wasps buzzing, someone yelling in my ear. Ban is like that on TTWTG [Open]Most metalheads don't get it, they just get drunk and blast loud high energy sounds that could easily be replicated in any other genre like EDM. Dubstep and metalfans are the same shit. We don't share a bond
Pestilence - Consuming Impulse
Deicide - Deicide
Excruciating Terror - Divided We Fall
Devildriver - Clouds Over California
>>124265796I am listening to more and oh my god it's so good.
Candlemass - Bewitched
Satanic Warmaster
>italian power metallmao not listening
>>124266533But it's Icy And Stunning - 79%
>>124266527she's so mid looks and music wise
>>124266559That's where you're wrong. She's a Hyperborean Aryan goddess and you owe her your undying adulation and obeisance.
Post black metal in the other thread or shitpost in here, I know which one I'm choosing today
>>124266579I haven't even opened the other thread.
>>124266579I don't do the reddit event
>>124266559true, for me it's chromazz
nigga you're wasting your time trolling in a korean cartoon forum, like how do you end like this, like nigga close your eyes
>>124266576No fanks >>124266593what is it with Latina pop stars and basically being pornstars
>>124264766>dave desantisno idea who this is
Going to blast the entire Abigor discog today
>>124266836Vektor singer/guitar player
>>124266860The single worst thing about Vektor's music is who you picked as the best vocalist?
>>124266869That was not me, just wanted to explain who he meant.That being said I like his vocalsTeitanblood vocals aren't anything special though good, van drunnen or vincent for example are way better
>>124266869Vektor vocals are great
>>124266856You can skip the first album and that Invoke The Dark whatevever. And you can stop after Channeling The Quintessence of Satan, unlesa you're a mashochist or enjoy mediocrity.
>>124266889>That being said I like his vocalsHow can anyone enjoy high pitched screeching like that? Its whiny annoying trooned out nonsense more befitting the corefaggots than metal.>Van Drunnen, VincentHoly fuck the baldcuck delusion is unreal around here. Prop up any middling mediocre vocalist as long as hes tied to some 90s tourist band. Drunen is at least better than Vincent, but these are are fucking mid. Pure Nostalgia or boomer asslicking, both are wrong. >>124266892You guys have to also be King Dogshit fans as well I assume lmao?What do you make of Flourity's first demo are the only way I'll accept high pitched vocals.
>>124266899.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Satan
>>124266929can u write less I don't feel like reading all that
>>124266929I hate king diaper. I LOVE screeching vocals.>flowerty's demoToo echoey, not pained enough. Good atmosphere. I feel like I'm in a castle with a gargoyle speaking. He's trying to tell me something.
>>124266897I've already listened to all of it except Fractal I think. I prefer the later stuff, the new album especially.
>>124266966Fractal is wild.
>>124266949I see, so more like Silencer, early Varg, and theres another band I'm thinking of who is similar to the Silencer guy.... Idk its been so long since I went though the 90's BM tourist catalog. Personally I hate these vocals and find them extreme irritating to listen to, like a pure negative.What do you think of HWWAUOCH's vocals at least? buried under production a lot, but might be your thing if you like autistic screeching?
>>124266897Fractal and Leitmotif Luzifer is their best album however. Peak TT autism leads
>>124266984Too autistic and monkeylike.I love Varg. I like when Werwolf goes EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEuh.
>>124266929>>124266949>>124266984>>124266994Talking to yourself is unhealthy
>>124267000Touch me
>>124267006We hate discourseslop here
Schizobabble is the preferred mode of discourse
>>124266998Ah I finally remembered the band I was thinking of... Bethlehem anything you like? I can't stand them personally, but like I said I also dislike early Varg and much prefer his later whispers.
>>124266966Fractal is the worst.>>124266994Mediocrity.
I will also blast Bal sagoth, am I in for sporktime?
>>124267029no, Bal-Sagoth is kinotime
>>124267028>Mediocrity.So business as usual for Abigor? Fractal is their best because its TT at his most autistic, but the writing is normal for Abigor where its all bombast all the time and makes for a cheesy carnival ride that lacks depth. If you just want to hear him add strange leads with his computerized synth-like tone then Fractal reigns supreme
>>124267019That album is nice. I don't like listening to it. Nothing tops Varg.
>>124267041>So business as usual for Abigor?Not really, Nachthymnen and Opus IV are 9-10/10, only behind Obtained Enslavement. Fractal is incoherent slop.
Like The Abyss, Abigor represented a tail-end movement of the first wave of black metal bands that stood evenly between the arch majestic poetry of Norwegian black metal and the thunderous over-the-top theatre of riotous absurdist extremes that bands like Cradle of Filth made home with their brand of Iron Maiden-derived heavy metal.Abigor is less heavy metal than Cradle of Filth, and less minimalistic than The Abyss, but is nonetheless designed without the grace of the original Nordic black metal; it is like a carnival seen from a merry go round, where different sections of the show flash by as one rotates, each screaming at top volume in its own way for attention. Lightbulbs flicker, balloons pop, clowns dance... in Abigor, keyboards bang out a melancholic version of Billy Joel solos while guitars cycle through riffs that although arrayed linearly do not flow well into one another and even more, represent no consistent style or vision; palm-muted speed metal riffs clash with lead-picked black metal riffing, followed by a heavy metal riff repeated at two points in the diatonic scale.
>>1242670619-10/10 on the cheese scale for Castlevania vidya music cringe, sure.
>mfw the disso stops and i can hear riffs that are actually memorable
>>124267069>Castlevania vidya music Inherently black metal!
>>124267065For once a Pozzak review I can nod my head to. I think this is the first time hes said something correct.
>>124267080He's already in your subconscious
Norway had a killer black metal scene in the mid 90s
>>124267087Sure Iass, wake me up when I start listening to OSDM unironically and spend my days calling anything dissonant "jazz".
>>124267090if you mean "killer" as in they're a bunch of wiggers who could only kill each other like monkeys then yes
>>124267093When does he call dissonance jazz? can't find it
>>124267137Its so bad he even does it on Immolation of all bands lmao
I think I can say that Katharsis are the kings of Norsecore.
>>124267215will you still say that when you're over your vocal nitpicker phase
>>124267215Norsecore is undefinable. If blast beats and chromatic tremolo chords are "norsecore" then Dark Funeral blows Katharsis away. Only thing Katharsis did great was the guitar tone of their first album.
>>124267242I mean who else is even in the competition for Norsecore? The only other two valid options I thought of was Antaeus and Funeral Mist. I would certainly prefer Katharsis over Antaeus I think, but Funeral Mist is pretty good for this micro genre I suppose. Who would you pick for king of Norsecore?Anyways the only reason I'm thinking about vocals so much recently is because instrumentally everyone is playing repetitions, so its not like there is much to talk about there, while at least vocalists aren't repeating themselves as much (sometimes...). I don't mention vocals much in regards to bands like Ad Nauseam because they actually have stuff going on that I care about and keeps me interested instrumentally. Realistically there is simply not much else to pay attention to in most metal bands besides vocals as the bass follows the guitar, the drums are overglorified metronome noise makers, and the guitars are playing parrell fifth repetitions. >>124267278As I've said before, Dark Funeral has no interesting form or dynamics, and what you are left with is neither the aggression of something like Antaeus or Katharsis, nor the beauty of real proper art. Dark Funeral is a half measure of indistinguishable concessions, and we don't tolerate that here.
>>124267307>As I've said before, Dark Funeral has no interesting form or dynamics, and what you are left with is neither the aggression of something like Antaeus or Katharsis, nor the beauty of real proper art. Dark Funeral is a half measure of indistinguishable concessions, and we don't tolerate that here.Based
>>124267307>Dark Funeral has no interesting form or dynamics, Songwriting is definitely comprehensible, if not better, dynamically it is no different from Katharsis and Antaeus either. Quit babbling sister.
Autistic sister will defend his sacred cows to the death
>>124267365>Songwriting is definitely comprehensibleComprehensibly monotonous blastbait where every point of every song is the exact same, correct. Except the problem is that instead of indulging in this mindless aggression, Dark Funeral attempt to write nursery melodies over top of it, so that you are granted neither the aggression that ought to come from such a manner of composition, nor are the melodies treated properly as they are constantly being run over by the mindless noise and 0 dynamics that come from the lazy writing. Dark Funeral are themselves one big fat concession from a band who can't decide if they wish to prize aggression or beauty. I understand, they want both, but they won't have it, certainly such an idea is never going to spring forth from this lazy half assed mockery they copy paste every song and every album.
>>124267416>Comprehensibly monotonous blastbait where every point of every song is the exact sameFeel free to compare soundwaves to compare dynamics, write out the temp changes (although, that's not dynamic by the standard definition) - as in how drastically and how many times the tempi is shifted.Feel free to make distinction between Dark Funeral's and Katharsis/Antaeus songwriting by analyzing keys and chords with roman numerals and explain how the former's one section doesn't connect to the other while the latter's does. Then your argument might be worth a damn.Furthermore, feel free to point out what makes the two sections 'exact same' in the formee than in the latter.>Dark Funeral attempt to write nursery melodies over top of it,Glad you came to the conclusion. The filtration is caused by actual musicality, not the lack of. Concession accepted.
>>124267307Watain is good but lacks the bite the other three have
>>124267460>former than in the latter.They don't Norsetourist, thats the point, all of these bands are writing garbage, but at least Katharsis and Antaeus provide real aggression in return for the lack of any real writing.>The filtration is caused by actual musicalityYet I listen to all the Classical you do? Norsetourist, do you truly believe these basic melodic repetitions to be "actual musicality", because from what I remember you've also written that all of metal is like 4/10 on the music scale at best. So heres my question to you, why bother defending this band's sub standard melodies at all? The truth is Norsetourist, the only way you will end up defending this band compared to classical is that it has "aggression", which inevitably means what you are valuing the same basis of the argument I provided. The problem is that Dark Funeral is bad at providing aggression, their post african repetitions are simply not worthy of discussion, the dynamics don't exist, the "tempi" is the difference between sonic and sub sonic speeds, and there is realistically no reason to ever listen to this bad besides a lack of taste. If you were half as elitist as you like larping as, not only would you not be on this general to begin with, but you certainly wouldn't care about the garbage this band produces.
>>124267108>wiggersYou have 0 self-awareness
>>124267521>They don't NorsetouristSo you don't get to use songwriting argument while comparing those two garbages to the less garbage (dark funeral), ergo you backed down. Concession accepted.>Yet I listen to all the Classical you do?You listen to all 4 Brahms, all 9 Bruckner, Beethoven and Mahler symphonies? Based. >these basic melodic repetitions to be "actual musicality",Compared to power chord sloppa of Antaeus? Yes. Compared to Mozart's clarinet quintet? No. Everything is relative.>that all of metal is like 4/10 And you fell for the pasta, kek. Measuring music on a scale is nonsense.>why bother defending this band's sub standard melodies at all?Because the obvious fallacy here is (reverse) ad populum where kvltfags and autistic contrarians (if you're in i'm out type) praise garbage over the better garbage alternative for the sake of obscurity and nothing else. Additionally I'm taking a break from writing sheet music exercises.>their post african repetitions are simply not worthy of discussionAs opposed to Antaeus same """post african repetitions""" you just admitted, kek.
TI - Dead and Gone Fiasco - Break the Chain - New York which pk video these pk-core songs are from!
>>124267307Almost forgot about this
>>124267571You have 0 new catch phrases
>>124267577>And you fell for the pastaYou're a complete pussy scared to stand for what you say. Waste of my time as per usual, "sister".
Norsewhore is owning Hector rn
>>124267577>Measuring music on a scale is nonsense.aren't you the guy who says there is higher and lower art lol
>>124267604 I'll stand by it, even if I didn't even write it lol. I can still enjoy a 4/10, it has a unique timbre, it's not a 0/10 is it?
>>124267652>>124267645His arguments only exist when they benefit him, hes completely dishonest in nearly every conversation I've had with him. Chronic liar.
>>124267652Does that mean we can accurately measure it on a scale every time? Maybe to some degree, yes. Would be a tedious task and useless at that.
>>124267659>>124267659>even if I didn't even write it lolWhy would it matter when you post it? More importantly is the fact you support it as you are willing to do even right now. Even if I accept the lie that you don't post it, the reality is that its no different than what you cannot deny to have written in the past when you do your sad Baroque conservative larp.>it has a unique timbreWhich Dark Funeral doesn't, so what are you talking about?
>>124267590You have 0 self-awareness
>>124267675Dodging the issue completely, higher and lower art means you use an scale no matter if you wish to pretend you don't. You dance around the fact because you don't want to engage with the arguments, you would rather be dishonest and run away from your previous statements and convictions because your retarded Baroque larps contradict you even being here to begin with.
>>124267586This would be so much better if they kept the aggression at full throttle and ditched the rest. Antaeus + Mayhem
>>124267746Good stuff
>>124267704>Which Dark Funeral doesn't,Yet I could tell the guitar tone right away, how come? Even on EQ it is visibly unique(as is every guitar tone).>>124267728>higher and lower art means you use an scaleNo it doesn't. If you insist,then the scale has 2 categories aka ""lower"" and ""higher"".I'm not going to engange further in this nonsense. What needed to be said has been said.
>>124267746>>124267586Its a bit muted production wise (sounds like they are playing in a room besides me) and the vocalist is rather boring. Now that I think about it, Wolf's Lair has to be considered norsecore too right?
>>124267826>Wolf's Lair has to be considered norsecore too right?It's norsecore's peak
>>124267818>(as is every guitar tone).So nothing is unique? You become more stupid the longer the conversation goes on Norsetourist. Always willing to quadruple down into pure nonsense like this to defend mediocre disneycore. >the scale has 2 categories aka ""lower"" and ""higher"".So Steve Reich and your beloved Beethoven are the same to you? Or is Steve Reich the same as 100 gecs despite him holding a far greater mastery of nearly every aspect of music in comparison?Stop lying. Stop being dishonest. Make a choice Norsetourist, are you willing to stand behind what you say, or act a coward your entire life with bullshit like this?>>124267844Yknow... Kinda wondering if thats true myself, I would prefer Attilla on it, but at least Maniac isn't going peak cringe on this album
>>124267215>Their second demo cassette stated that “Katharsis strongly disdains any form of so-called ‘sophisticated’ or ‘political’ Black Metal. Misanthropy towards everyone !”,[8] and Drakh expressed the view that “everybody who really believes in those stupid ‘14 words’ meaning, belongs into the oven, too”;[1]Correct.
>>124267967how egalitarian
>>124267967>regardless, more people should be killedbased
>>124267967>Katharsis strongly disdains any form of so-called ‘sophisticated’ black metal>joins label with DsO on itThere is the joke to make that it means DsO aren't so and so, but the obvious remark to make is that clearly they didn't care that much if they joined literally THE band known for being exactly that.
>>124267967It is no secret that Kikethrasis are posers and Drakh is a leftist journalist now, complaining about trannyphobia lmfao
>>124268020Antisemitism is not tolerated here
>>124268026Thanks antifasister. Now go back >>>/lgbt/
>>124268034We love that community here
>>124268040Gaahl poses with his twink. I will pose with a giant plush.
>>124268040Thanks antifasister. Now go back >>>/lgbt/
No one posted that darkthrone lyric in this theead :( or the stuff about a guy from mayhem saying black metal is racist
>>124268681Tick tock
>>124266296Holy dogshit taste
Listening to this today trying to not stab myself <3
>>124267307I don't think you can leave Marduk's classic albums out of the conversation, even if you think they fell off later, it's still foundational stuff in a way. Antaeus, Katharsis both definitely upped the ferocity and abrasiveness though