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Thumbs up for metal edition
old >>124520874
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too early. kys op.
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Metal is based
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Wish I could find a better thrash album than pic rel.
i wish the best albums of every other genre were that great
>you are more interested in shitposting rather than listening to metal
metal for this feel?
Thrash bores me
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death metal is superior to thrash
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
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thrash sucks
Obituary - Slowly We Rot
No metal album will ever be this good.
Jute Gyte
More like Slowly My Brain Rots. What a poopy diaper disgrace!
I love Judas Priest.
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Thrash is way too hetero for me
Shame she is old and ugly now and that her music is dogshit
Blood Incantation
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Any Havok album is a magnitude better.
Pretty good band
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lol pathetic
List bands you like, but try to avoid overly racist ones. Saying you like Burzum should be acceptable, for example. Give people a questionnaire when they reach out. Tell them it is because you had a lot of people reaching out and you want to narrow it down. You can have questions like: what instrument do you play?, how long have you been playing?, do you like rap music?, Do you know who George Soros is?, What is your opinion of him?, etc.
have you tried not being an incel chud?
Also one question could be Do you know what NSBM is? What do you think of it? And if anyone complains you can tell craigslist you're just vetting out racist people when in reality you're doing the opposite.
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Not off to a good start with this thread
4 of these things are not like the others
Needs Chris Barnes on it.
Yeah Cannibal Corpse is pretty shit
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Best death metal album of the 2000's.
Bon Jovi, Def Lepard, Motley Crue
best metal sub-genre:
worst metal sub-genre:
That's not Close to a World Below.
Best: death metal
Worst: industrial
thoughts on Death Doom Metal?
wtf i just suddenly started liking slipknot and linkin park
>linkin park
I have been taken a liking to new metal as of late. I don't know what's happening. I've always hated new metal. Even Evanescence...
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>new metal
it's nu-metal
why is it spelled nu anyway? does it anyone know?
>The origins of the term "nu metal" are often attributed to the work of producer Ross Robinson, who has been called "The Godfather of Nu Metal" between producers.
>In the book Brave Nu World, Tommy Udo wrote about the nu metal band Coal Chamber, "There's some evidence to suggest that Coal Chamber were the first band to whom the tag 'nu metal' was actually applied, in a live review in Spin magazine."
Uh ackshually it is spelled nü-metal. (:
So how many white children do you have, fellow white warrior? You are having white children and saving the white race, right?
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>British "humor"
the nu spelling was meant to be insulting, it was originally a pejorative term. like "they're so dumb, they can't even spell". a moronic element was added to metal courtesy of rap and hip hop. the reason metal bands incorporated that stuff was to get airplay on MTV which was only playing "urban" music
what's bacofoil
what would sell more in current year
new Megadeth studio album
a Metallica Greatest Hits album with no new songs
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go back
Metallica has their own label so they don't need to make a greatest hits album, that's not enough of a sleazy crash grab
Instead, they remastered their entire discography and sold that
stay here
§6 > §1 > §3 > §7 > §2 > §5 > §4
which band that takes 5+ years between albums is most likely to release their next studio album first:
Iron Maiden
Judas Priest
Angel Witch
Angel Witch had a 26 year gap
Satanic Wars Master
Yiftfanic Furmaster
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what is the metal equivalent of Dirty Work?
Iron Maiden
Kultur poster shows up and tries to copy Nordmann's vocals.
there's people who don't post here?
Carelian Satanist Madness
I know for a fact the FBI agent tard wrangling me is a hot shortstack Latina with H-cup tits
Cannibal Corpse: GOAT or just really really great?
Aleksandr Skrjabin
It's often been said that metal peaked with Cannibal Corpse.
Deicide - Legion
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
why and where
Eaten back to life is probably their best album
Saint Vitus
Solitude Aeturnus
Altar of Oblivion
classical slop goes in its containment thread
you can't exclude the early albums. but the best they put out was around Vile-era. bass player was writing brutal death metal that had actual musical sense.
Pompous, righteous, aggressive the guitar duality merges in constant interplay between harmonies and unified rhythm shifting subtle texture within constant iteration of theme in usefully changing avenue, pointing units at one another across a tonal divide of vast yet often chromatic advances; its arrogance is its elitism, and its elitism is to encode its masterview within the next intensity level of the technique used by Discharge, then Slayer, and then Sepultura in its evolution. Warring between two statements, if each self consistent justifies its melodic balance with rhythm and structural management of tonal division to resonate with conceptual position, naturally invokes the human cognitive apparatus toward perceptual tokenization and thus statement, in language as in natural resolution to gaps in data, of x-compare-y as the weapons of battle are unsheathed.

From this modal playing framing atonal song development is a dying Baroque gasp given ferocity by the gutter logicianship of death metal in a rising force of logic within the decaying realm, a negative truth within a larger existential conception which can never be reconciled with the forces of Judeo-Christian morality; its expression (cause and effect as self-inventing forms of calculation and change) brings to mind the ancients alongside the more recent philosophical efforts in Nietzsche and Heidegger to replace morality with a primal, natural valuation of a constantly changing aesthetic landscape with unaltering core values, as seen in the modern time.
Pee smells but poo's drying
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I don't posts more than 2 lines long
And it still sucks!
Slobtastic Knobmaster
Why are you replying to yourself, lass?
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Jute Gyte - Helian

This along with the Abyssal/Tchornobog split are the only splits I've seen done properly. Both parties take the same subject matter and basic theme, formulating an original interpretation upon it.


>Sofronitsky wasn't born in the era of modern recording
The only equal disaster to musical history since that was Snorre's jailing. Still, even through the cracking, the popping, the hiss, the reverb, there is the burning spirit of a man most in tune with Skrjabin.

Sofronitsky Skrjabin.
Schutzstaffel Sonata.
Sublimity Supreme.

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His newest meme is making his already cringe posts even more pretentious and faggy sounding
Its pretty good tongue in cheek humor
He's 110% serious
>Schutzstaffel Sonata.
>100% serious
>Heckston defending his own shitty joke
>100% serious
110% serious
SupraSkryabin reigyns supramely.
Nice Reddit humor
Nice 4cuck humor.
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he mogs u breh
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The music here is a continuation of the post-prison ambient albums. The same patches are used, the same simple ambient chord progressions divided up with simple folk pieces. Even compared to the prison albums this is intentionally sparse, barren music with very little to latch onto intellectually, paving the way for a penetration at a deeper subconscious level. At least that was true of ‘Thulean Mysteries’ two predecessors. Here, the same basic ideas are applied, but with even less structure or logic. The tracks cut off, sometimes mid note. A chanting vocal piece will be bookended by two synth passages too short to even be credited asOH MY GOD IS THAT A SAXAPHONE TONE USED ON ‘THE RUINS OF DAWRFMOUNT’???!
wondering if its just you and transpopper left in this dump, im still laughing at the fact that she follows you around on other generals, very sad shit
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>very little to latch onto intellectually
Totally can't tell it's Hector trying to strike up a lengthy conversation with himself
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jutying my gyute rn
always with this boring ass shit from you
like a broken chatbot
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>muh context
>muh subtext
what's the term for somebody who wants to be anti-intellectual but the intellectuals are actually retarded?
Somehow more embarrassing than anything Prozak wrote.
I like Amon Amarth but that shit sucked and melodeath is not death metal.
I'd say Tool
>like a broken chatbot
The fucking irony
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What is even happening
megadeth because they don't take 5 years between albums. last album was an exception.
they release an album every 2.5 years
Start a blog
(Being serious, I would read it)
good posts about metal
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Anyways, back to the Jute Gyte general posting. Another lesser known album compiling a split and EP, fantastic artwork, The William Blake artwork on the Helian compliation is also great too. Adam has much better taste than the average metaltard.
>Thulean Mysteries
Some of the random pieces are good as furniture music, I like Varg most when its all stripped back such as on ForeBears, hearing the fingers sliding across the strings in the meditative repetitions is wonderful. Of course for every good furnature track there is some unforgivable trash like Heill auk Sæll which is just a really awful tinny drum beat and him repeating some corny unconvincing chants.

Repetitions in active listening music is unforgivable, but furniture music can benefit from it.

>im still laughing at the fact that she follows you around on other generals
I've been saying since day one shes had a crush on me unironically, every since she wrote that mindbroken essay after I mocked her for not even being able to listen to more than one Voivod album in 30 days its been like this. Like actual literal obsession, its even to other boards like /v/ btw, I wonder if she just looks through every board everyday attempting to find me posting LMFAO.

yooooo this metal shit kinda slappin
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Anyways, back to the Jute Gyte general posting.
Poppy, Vana, or Scene Queen? Choose ONE.
lesbians with liberal arts degrees destroyed the world
I can't decide... they're all amazing...
But enough about Jute Gyte already...
>best combination of metalcore and pop i've heard in awhile
More jute gyte please, I can’t get enough
The multilayered soundscapes of Jute Gyte's oeuvre reach their apotheosis in this transcendental meditation on corporeal expulsion, an opus as sublime as it is scatological. In "Symphony of the Flatulent," Kalmbach channels the crude physicality of the human body into a microtonal labyrinth, where dissonance and harmony engage in an almost ontological dialogue. The flatulence becomes metaphor—a sonic exhalation of existential despair and liberation, echoing the post-structuralist notion of the abject. Each ruptured tone destabilizes hegemonic notions of "music" and "taste," forcing listeners to confront their own biases about what is pure, what is profane. The interplay of distorted guitar timbres with bowel-like groans transcends mere parody; it is a Derridean deconstruction of the taboo, a radical critique of the boundaries separating art from excrement. In its audacious irreverence, Kalmbach's composition dares us to embrace the base as sublime, proving that even the wind of digestion can birth profound art.
A legendary metal musician gone before her time. Her name will live on next to Ronnie James Dio and Lemmy Kilmister as one of the greats.
Correct and well said.
Ennio Morricone + Adam Kalmbach linked up for the funeral doom track.


Mindbroken and mentally dominated. The filter KING claims another victim.
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Hey little lady, won't you come on down?
Grab your partner, swing 'em around
Hey little lady, won't you go down south?
Do-si-do and eat me out
Hoe down, beat down, swap spit, rough sex
Break down, line dance, everybody two-step
You wanna save a horse, ride a scene queen
Honeysuckle up this pussy like sweet tea
Cherry pie, everybody wanna piece of me
I'm mommy on the beat 'cause I'm mothering (mommy)
Ooh, man, I love fuckin'
Tickle me pink, smack my ass 'til it's blushin'
Down home, cornbread, butter my muffin
Rhinestone cowgirl, buck, buck, buckin' heehaw
Me, oh, me, oh, me, oh, my
Hot and wet, just how I like
Oh, good lord, it's gettin' wild
Serve it up, country-style
Country cunt, pull a pussy stunt
I'm a metal MILF 'cause you bitches are my sons
Put my dick into a song, leave the genre changed
Big shotgun cock, 'cause you know I got range
Ooh, man, I love fuckin'
Tickle me pink, smack my ass 'til it's blushin'
Down home, cornbread, butter my muffin
Rhinestone cowgirl, buck, buck, buckin' heehaw
Giddy up, giddy up!
Want some milf?
Everybody two-step
ppcocaine general
>Ennio Morricone + Adam Kalmbach linked up for the funeral doom track.

What's with the Rothko painting? I would've figured his work wouldn't be to your taste given the other stuff you attach to your posts.
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naaaaah why this go hard tho
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Pg. 99 is coming to town are they any good?
It's out.
direct quotation?
first for grindcore
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Is that one person yourself?
>Literally only here to talk with one (one) person
Yourself? No idea why anyone should take you seriously when you're such an embarrassing loser that you can't even quit 4chan lmao
the king of yapping

I should probably take a quick proofread more often, but I'm lazy on this garbage site.
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>you can't even quit 4chan lmao
Weren't you the guy screeching "u-ur addicted" and then I left for multiple months with no notice LMFAO? You should be thanking me for even showing up to this shitheap.
so i herd u liek shitty dbeat
Hey Heck the lavadome guy followed up again and says he didn’t stop, just taking a break.

>As for AI. I really doubt Ad Nauseam have ever used AI. They are all into analog natural sound and into things hand-made, building their amps etc., so maybe just someone has issued a rumor and it's spreading. At least I doubt it.
is the gif from a gta game or something? looks really familiar
>As for AI in general – the most important and valuable thing today is IDEA. Quality of execution is next. I can probably enjoy the result, no matter the ways which led to achieve it. I obviously have my preferences. If you see a product of laziness or just something that you find mediocre, it's bad no matter who created it (a lot of prominent artists do not deliver good enough results in my view and the general "artistic" level in metal is rather low which sometimes makes it special but oftentimes not. I prefer paintings and drawings and I have always been more or less hesitant towards digital art done by humans.

>As for label, I like to use some AI quick generated pics for Bandcamp newsletters/announcements where no cover-art is suitable to post. I am not artistically gifted and can't paint or draw, so this helps me to create some images to accompany a post or text and I do not need to search the internet to steal some generic images or do something lame on my own. Also when I was creating a printed zine back in the day, I had visions of images and art I would use but to get someone who would invest his/her time into that was tough and today, it is even tougher. We all get older and everyone needs and asks for money, haha. I am leaving aside the ethical, moral and copyright sides of the AI matter now. That is something which needs to be sorted out. The zine called Massacrement (I just screwed up the name) has great graphics or Feed the Beast zine is also doing an exceptional job typographically and when it comes to use photos of various statues and so on.
Oh FUCK, I forgot about Ennaria. My bad.
>/metal/ dead
long live /fineart/
Fine art.
finally, some good fucking metal
kys samefag
Why would you even ask him about AI? Its just a incoherent shitpost from some guy who lives on 4cuck.org all day orbiting his most hated enemy. Hope he continues supporting good artists like AN.

>the general "artistic" level in metal is rather low

As Garm put it so aptly:
"What is behind Metal "ideology"? The source of Metal is beer-drinking, base-minded rabble, icons of Heavy Metal idiocy. The essence of Metal is Heavy Metal culture, not philosophy. Just look at our audience – the average Metal record buyer is a stereotypical loser – a good-for-nothing who was teased as a child, got bad grades at school, lives on social welfare and seeks compensation for his inferiority complexes and lack of identity by feeling part of an exclusive gang of outcasts uniting against a society, which has turned them down. And with Heavy Metal as a cultural and intellectual foundation, these dependents on social altruism proclaim themselves the "elite"! Hah! Could it be more pathetic?"

They are meditative for sure, furniture music + Rothko painting is an ideal fit. I am a particular fan of pic related.

>They're surprisingly large.
A lot of the modernist works are this way, they seemed to prize the monumental feeling of the piece, he also told people to stand close to them, 18 inches away, so to have the correct perspective of its mass. I highly doubt my garbage museum has any of his pieces. More likely to see a sculpture of someone in the middle of autofellatio or some obese landwhale coating herself in paint.
Gayest painting I've ever seen. Looks like a second grader made it.
Thank you base-minded rabble.
you are the type of retarded faggot who'd call a triangle high art
Thank you base-minded rabble.
Another brilliant work of art by Rothko!
Another brilliant work of art by Trannypopper!
mindbroken and mentally dominated
Wow, that song you linked might be Jute Gyte's best work yet
Her finest masterpiece, chiefs kiss for this one. Can't wait to see it at the museum one day
very minimalist
Not feeling this one, kinda seems just like all the rest of her works really. Mid at best.
Mindbroken. Mentally dominated.
Reminds me of her other piece, was put in a case and I was lucky enough to snap a picture of it.
That's way too good to be a Rothko painting.
>girls can't shre-

Anyways, I guess the other poster left. Enjoy talking about Judiac Prophet, Tourtallica, and Gayer again. Going back to my lectures.
Rank the following bands
Judas Priest
watch some Reaper tutorials while you're at it
you mean pseud podcasts and videos on youtube
>Judas Priest
The definition of metal.
1. Metallica
>(feat. Chino Moreno)
Not metal.
Beloved here
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i love this album, but what the fuck is that cover?
i can't tell, is it a bat or something?
A dead decomposing raven
would i like this album
i can't look it up because i can't even read the logo
ok i found it by searching the album title
Maybe. I like the one before this better. Worth a listen.
Priest > Slayer >>>>> Metallica

damn some of you are truly low iq retards
if you like Mikael Åkerfeldt's early Opeth growls you would (it's literally him who's growling on this album)
>Priest > Slayer >>>>> Metallica
>talking about low iq retards
huh, anon...
Saccharine metal
metallica is goyslop for posers
You're a poser if you don't respect Kill Em All and Ride the Lightning
this is the shit deftones should be writing
Revenge - Mindbroken.Mentally.Dominated
metal for this feel?
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I forgot how few riffs are actually on here
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>not bluesky
most early death metal has suprisingly few riffs
i'm a chud now for using Twix?
Judaic Prophet
mmm judaism

Why don't they have arms. Metal for this feeling of having no arms
Def Leppard
wow thanks for posting this anon, I will most certainly drop $18,000 on these two post-modern futurist sculptures
chuds be like
>oh my odin these rednecks from bumfuck nowhere USA sure know a lot about european culture! black metal is saved!
wow you were gone for like an entire hour! impressive!
surprisingly well researched reply
Nice Heckbait
Not metal.
unsurprisingly poorly researched reply
we love lenny here
One of the heads is a rubix cube
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Jute Gyte
is a joke
See janny? this discussion is about Jute Gyte, no need to investigate further
marge moment
is that more white nationalist shit
it's getting tiresome
see >>124538122
Metal to help prepare for psychic battle(s) with aliens in my dreams?
cockney rejects
these guys are jews
The Horah inspired synth solos didn't give it away?
imagine thinking I actually clicked on such a degenerate album
Imagine having no fun and never getting any bitches
couldn't be me
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Cannibal Corpse is more brutal than 90% of black metal bands
American't Death metal.
OK incel
why does german thrash shit on every other country
>that one guy who puts Parmesan cheese and crushed red peppers on his combination pizza
what the metal equivalent?
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spine sucks. give me more of this
what's the metal equivalent of john lennon beating his wife?
Listening to Slayer and Iron Maiden.
post bizarre covers
dopamine can't cross the blood brain barrier. but what if it was injected directly into the brain?
Kanye West
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Then you would be this guy
>Iron Maiden: every song has a melody
>Slayer: no songs have a melody
bros how can both bands be metal yet sound completely opposite?
are these the two most opposite metal bands?
you know fuck all about music
you know all about music
you are really fucking annoying doing this shit
you are really fucking endearing doing this shit
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well /mu/?
Riffless garbage
Debuts worth listening? any genre but tech death, brutal and black metal preferred, hopefully some mathcore if any of you guys is into it but only from this year :=)
show me your album of Abundant Riff Treasure
also riffs are fucking led zeppelin ass shit brain thinking
I like the one with the blue guy on the cover, haven't listened the rest of their records yet
yeah, fuck riffs!
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>riffs are fucking led zeppelin ass shit brain thinking

>led zeppelin
we try not to mention them here because they mog all our favorite metal bands. just so you know.
Imagine banging 18 year olds on a private jet that has a fireplace
its like every riff is theirs
NEW: >>124542856

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