Mefitis editionOLD: >>124535032FAQ:
get mogged single guitar playing shitters
>>124542856Mefitis? More like Mefitits LMAOOO
>>124542873does this add more riffs
Nocturnal Blood
>>124542910It quadruples the riffs
>>124543045what's with the buttplug on the cover? this looks like trannyshit.
>>124543065how did you even recognize what that is?
>>124543076too much time online
>>124542856whoops wrong pic
>>124543298another one i can't readwhat the fuck does that say
So what's the verdict?
>>124543491Can it just be "good" without having to shit out a wall of text to justify it? Can we just enjoy it as entertainment without trying to fabricate some profound meaning about it? I say it's pretty fuckin' goodsimple as
>>124543512>X good, Y bad>No! Y good X bad!
>>124543651"Fuck you, I like it" is preferable to essays written in Retardese
You're a peon death metal
>>124543730incoherent post
Death Grips is metal
Morbid Angel
>>124544143deeside thoughver
>>124543491it’s ok I guess I don’t think they will ever reach the peaks of their 2000’s album era ever again. mikael vocals have also visibly aged
>>124543591his drumming and vocals are great desu
So, what's your AOTY?
I love Summoning :)
>>124544288not metal
>>124544335Yes it is