Much love to da jan for this one
>>124823031Another blessed edish, this is the one
So whats da move jan, waitin for da nuke eh jan?!
Yeah I'm thinking /shreddit/ is winning hard rn eh jan.
>>124823105>>124823051>>124823066>>124823031Cringe autistic posts
>>124823108Whats the matter jaACky? Still waiting for da nuke btw.
Just me and jaACKy left after the poor Iass has been shitting her pants in frustration all day. Who put this retard in charge btw?
Has to be a bit embarrassing no? I mean at this point you might as well throw on the jan tag on and announce it to everyone lmfao. If anyone didn't believe me before, you sure helped me out convincing them.
We did it /shreddit/, we won! jaACKy saved us!Anyways, another GG blast >>124823134 my favorite track he ever did.
Still waiting, any day nowhttps://www.facebook com/ttnbld.official/
>>124823108jaACKy baby, why won't you come show us some jan luv!
>>124823121Still waiting for your meltdown to resume btw
>>124823251Think thats been you all day jaACKy, you've really gone all out for me lmfao. All that power and yet you're still stuck reading my posts
No more metal posts for you
Welp feel free to nuke da thread whenever lil jan, I'm off to bed, see you tomorrow lmfao.
>>124823263Your soul is mine forever sucktor, never forget
>>124823287goodnight :P
Thread got binned.
They delete /metal/ threads now?
>>124823894>>124823895At least he's done posting for at least a few hours>>124823428Gimp lmao
>>124823894>>124823895/mu/ jannies are actually the worst. Deleted the actual thread in favor of the one just full of Hector’s whining.
>>124820274>>124820274Previous thread
>>124823983Woman-beater metal synth hours
Morbid Angel
>>124824044Kind of reminds me of this one ngl
>>124823151Wishing you luck on your transition, lass
Yngwie Malsteem
good night metalheads
>>124824132I click on this everytime its posted
>>124824179its literally morning
>>124823953>implying they aren't one and the same
Hell of a day
>>124824223I know but i say it for those who are at night which is the majority
>>124824179Not a metalhead but good riddance
>>124824218The solo is the best part
>>124824027Isn't that most metal
>>124823895first the War on Christmas, now the War on Metal
Welcome to the revolution
>>124824361why do you post women?
>>124824529Dreams about being one
>>124824550No I like being a dude but it's true that a lot of metalheads do, very trans-friendly genre :)
>why do you post women?
Knocked Loose, motherfuckers
>>124823983Dungeon synth
Dumb hoe's without an ounce of femininity
Also be careful posting right now. Tranjan will ban anyone for anything just to vent their frustrations.
>>124823983And they said metal couldn't be cool, holy shit
>>124824643Don't disrespect our resident trans metalhead like this please, thanks
>>124824529Why do you type like a woman
>>124824638Hfw metal is being mean again
Mfw metal a shit
>>124823134Not as good as Here in After so far...
>>124824705If you don't like metal then why are you even here?
>>124823983Some atmosynth, bit late for heavy riffs imo
Okay so "atmospheric" makes any subgenre of metal better, got it
>bit late for heavy riffs imo
Metal should be more tourist-friendly, maybe the genre wouldn't be so dead
>>124824768yes if you lack testosterone
>>124824785My testosterone levels are higher than anyone else here (off the charts really) and that's why I'm able to think a bit more critically and tastefully. Atmospheric metal is better than your taste is not as good as mine, this has been well established by now
>>124824776>>124824798Thank you so much sister for this input
>>124824276She can't sleep because I'm still awake and she doesn't want to miss out on my great metal-related posts, can't blame her I guess
>>124824801I'm a dude and my takes are better than yours because I'm not stuck listening to metal all day lmao
Industry plants can only go so far in less mainstream genres without being genuinely goodThat being said the new Knocked Loose is shit in my opinion, sounds too much like generic overly technical metal like the stuff posted here
>>124824805So true popsloppergobbler sister
>>124824823I'm a dude and I like that your first assumption is pop music. Brainlet metalhead
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
Atmosynth lol
>>124824838And they said Varg was crazy... stupid peasants
Mfw he's actually smarter than the average metalhead
>>124824744definitely adding this to my sleep playlist
Mfw it's 2010 again
>>124824818how the fuck is it technical lmaoknuckledragging riffs lass
>>124823983I don't care if she's a biofem or a trans woman this music is nice and peaceful, great chillout after a long day digging for new metal tracks
>>124824921I'm a dude and if these are knuckledragging riffs I'd honestly hate to listen to the utterly autismic metal you would suggest instead. Go to sleep already jfc
>>124824936Nah but you sure sound grouchy, think you could use the chill music more than me. Go to bed
kill yourselves
>>124824937based retard
>>124824951Based KYS poster. You always know when to post.
>>124824924I like how she calls herself "Evergreen", sounds slightly autistic but in the sweet endearing way (not like the grotty bint itt lol)
>>124824937>>124824948Mfw when a tourist retard faggot was near me
>>124824951After all the great music I've shared here this is how you decide to repay me. A good reason for the word "bitch" >>124824966Epic retard post lol
Tfw metal
All abooooaaard ah ha ha ha haaa
>>124824985>cool intro riff>embarrassing verse riffWHAT WAS RANDY THINKING
>>124824981He looks so fucking cool holy shit
>>124825004soiled nappy metal
>>124824990Randy never liked metal to begin with.
>>124823956God knows he's gonna be thrilled to see this one here when he wakes up until he sees all the metal posts I've made which will promptly reignite the meltdown phaseRinse and repeat
>>124825064Unlike are furfanfic wulfmaster, goated
>>124825004All in all, a pretty bloated and generic release. Satanic Warmaster was never an act known to break boundaries, but I did expect better from this.5/10
>>1248248183.66 / 5.0 from 9,576 ratings >>1248250043.66 / 5.0 from 187 ratings Lmao why do you guys even bother with this slop
>>124824953Technical riffs don't equal intelligence it just means you think you're smart without actually being smart enough to realize the metal you're listening to is garbage
>>124825108>no u
Like oh yeah, I listen to TOOL because that's like, what us intelligent metalheads actually listen to. You know they use 5/4 time signatures, right? Wow, simply wow
>>124825112Thanks for at least being smart enough not to share with us your dogshit riffs. Go to sleep already
>>124825120I'm waiting for you to go to bed so we can start serious discussion.
A Dead Rose for a Dying World
>>124825120Sorry I'm pulling an all nighter, have a lot of studying to do. Gonna need some more dungeon synth however
>>124825126Thanks for giving me the floor, I know that most people both in and outside of the metal community are glad to finally have some quality posts in this bastion of troglodytes
>>124825139No, it's more like how people look the other way awkwardly when a mentally retarded person is present
>>124825145Spoken like a truly low IQ metalhead. Clueless lmao
>>124825153>no u
>>124823983And they said Germans couldn't make good metal>>124825156Yes, you are incapable of explaining any level of disagreement because you're not smart enough
>>124825159>And they said Germans couldn't make good metalLike I said before no one has ever said this you retarded tourist
>>124825166You sound like a nazi but okay. Shouldn't expect much from metalheads
>>124825159>And they said Germans couldn't make good metalCorrect.
>>124824771She's pretty, does she have an instagram
>>124825199I don't know maybe ask one of those boards for coomtards such as yourself
>>124825004ULTRA BASED
>>124825213I know that's what you believe following women on social media is for but that's probably more of a metal thing, no worries though>>124824529I post women because I think they add character and artistic merit to these discussions
>>124825217More like ultra cringe lmao
>>124824818B R U T A LRU TAL
How important are album covers?
>>124823983Holy shit
And they said groove metal couldn't be great
>>124825289Mfw nappy is soiled but forgot to buy more at the store
>>124825172Also the initial post was a joke but I know us metalheads try to keep the genre serious
>>124824990The intro riff is in a minor key (F#m) and the verse switches to a major (Amaj), but your ears reject the verse riff because they're one dimensional and not able to appreciate music in a maj key.
Possessed - Seven Churches
Why don't we ever discuss Buckethead here? Probably one of the best guitarists of all time also he has way more albums
>>124825367Lol yeah like 300 of them.
>>124825367>After one of Rose's dogs defecated in the coop, Buckethead insisted it not be cleaned up as he liked the smell. After three days, the smell had become overwhelming and the studio staff removed it, upsetting Buckethead.Damn, he is like Hector was a musician
>>124824229Probably right. All the bitching was just a cover
>>124825388Correct and checked
>>124825379>The smell is actually divine, your nose is simply too beholden to traditional Western olfactory norms
>>124825401Holy kek
>>124825065Keep it up bruddahHis seethe is hilarious
>>124825159>And they said Germans couldn't make good metalThey can but that album you posted is quite mid. Has a couple good bits and a lot of ehhhhhhhhh
>>124825100>ad populumFucking lmao
>>124825854We talking trench coats or trenches?
>>124825100>muhh ratingConsumerfag detected.
>>124825127ULTRA BASED
Black Metal is inherently Satanic.
Gotta laugh at JaACKy deleting her own threads and spending her whole night talking about her unrequited love. I guess it was the only way to attempt to convince anyone some brain damaged jan isn't sitting in da thread having a psychotic breakdown 18 hours a day.
>>124823134Anyways, heres a song I'm sure jaACKy can relate to a lot
>12 hours ago>check /memetal/>no good recs>leave>go finish an online course>make dinner>fuck a cheap slut>go to sleep>wake up in the middle of the night>get a snack>check /memetal/>heccy still shitpostingDoes he even sleep?
>>124825931Not sure who your imaginary friend is, but try >>>/soc/ next time. Anyways, heres some Jute Gyte if you are still looking for a good rec.
>>124825941ULTRA BASED
>>124825854would be cool if it was a thing
>>124825960Yeah, problem?
>>124824838Artist: DarkthroneAlbum: PanzerfaustSong: Beholding The Throne of Might>And destruction upon the holy man>Who hails a jew
>>124825957BestBlasting throws on his trips and thinks "yeah I think I'm going to reply to a BleepRodent post", no wonder he listens to so much OSDM, dumb as dogshit lmfao!
>>124825941Sumblime, simply superb!
>>124825966Black Metal is inherently anti-Semitic.
>>124823134Back to 3 unique IPs. My favorite type of /shreddit/. Anyways, hard with style.
>>124825941The king of /metal/
Talk about a dead general, all that effort she put in to "save" /shreddit/ and now its /gg/ tier. Gotta laugh.>>124826021>/metal/Not sure what you talking about, this is /shreddit/, a shitpost /schizo/ pen for whoever jaACKy is currently infatuated with, has been since b*ngman times.
>>124823134Why does she riff so hard? finished the PEAK of metal.
>>124826074Same Iass, same. Metal is forever, endless love to the music and da jan.>>124826037Then again when jaACKy's pet Rodent comes online I'm sure after 3 threads worth of spam maybe she will convince anyone there are more than 4 unique IPs here. When the target audience are dumb as dogshit like BB and Tard Doom who spend their time replying to his posts, I mean she can't lose lmfao!
>>124826074Who's that? Some kpop singer/government actor?
We won't let it die!We will keep posting!We are three unique posters and counting!Every post will be replied to, because we have no pattern recognition. Every schizo will be support by da jan, for those with power always have our best interests!Welcome to /shreddit/, home of balding old retards, troons, and the mentally deficient.The future is BRIGHT here.
>>124826145The king of /shreddit/
You wouldn't even need an advanced bot to trick /shreddit/ to be honest, the Rodent basically showed you could feed this place one of those really shit chatbots from the early 2000's and they would still reply in earnest to it. Literally just write "x metal" and they will slurp it up unironically. Crazy part is that he intentionally makes himself obvious, but the dumb as dogshit balding rejects here like tard doom and BB are still too stupid to pick up on it. If there is one thing ol Bleepy has right with his spam, its that metaltards sure are fucking dumb lmfao!I wonder if even a /hardstyle/ general would be more intelligent than this place.
>>124826214>I wonder if even a /hardstyle/ general would be more intelligent than this place.No doubt lmfao
>>124826219>>124826170>>124826165>>124826152Why are you replying to yourself, Iass?
>>124826227Because its only one unique IP, including you (me)!LMFAO
Honestly I make for a better conversation partner than the average scum here. I should have started talking to myself soon if I had known it was going to be so much better.Anyways, much love to da jan for da dead thread, heres another tune for ya
>>124823134Postan quality in my pen, a good rec for all the other posters here (zero).
>>124826270Thanks for the epic rec my anonymous friend!
>>124826276Save it, its all yourself anon!
>>124826283>>124826276>>124826270Wholesome 4chan moment, sceencaping this moment!
/shreddit/ metal
>>124826300Here you go, as per your (my) order sir!
>>124826306Thank you, anonymous poster, much love!
>>124825296OMEGA BASED
Have you guys heard of this?
>>124826337yes! i hecking love Megadeth!
>>124826337holy shit
>>124826337Why do so many bands title their albums Metallica?
>>124826371It was some kind of pre-Internet viral marketing or some magazineAnyway the first band that did it (Kill 'Em All) had the best album titled Metallica
>>124826247Which are your favourite metal leitmotifs?
>>124826386I've considered doing it myself.
>>124823134Shower (something not done around here often): completeHarder styles: currently playing
>>124826407Only dirty people shower
>>124826412>>124826394>baldNot listening, not responding, sorry!!!Heres another one for da jan, I wan ur luv
>>124826427Do you really listen to that shite?
>>124826443Of course,Honestly prefer the 1 unique IP vibe over the 3 unique IPI"M BETTER OFF WITHOUT YOOOOOOOU
>>124826457Are you Hector or El Bleepo?
>>124826496This is what I mean by pattern recognition of /shreddit/, this place is a 3 unique IP comedy show with me as the audience and the two poor sods on the stage as my jesters. Eh jaACKy, I guess you're the theater manager, are ya breaking even yet on those costs Iass?With only one audience memeber I imagine not!
Tubes are warming up
>>124823134Ok but fr heres something we 3 unique IPs can all enjoy, metal with style
Only 3 hours left of /shreddit/ not spending its bald headed time replying to a bot trolling them while jaACKy cackles in the background. Gotta laugh, its like a doomsday count for this shitheap. T-minus 3 hours until old men spend the next 18 getting angry, agreeing, disgreeing, replying, all to some 45 degree angle chinless rodent who doesn't give a shit and never willL M F A O
>>124826630Filename ought to be 3 turns into 2 (unique IP).
>>12482614510/10, would read again!
>>124825987Why are you replying to yourself, lass?
>>124826772Who are you talking to Iass? There are only two unique IPs on rn and here you are replying to someone that isn't me. Literally who are you addressing rn?
>>124826622How old are you?
>>1248267721 more shekel has been deposited in your account.
>>124826837Thank you 4chan outlaw
>>124826337Its shit
>>124825957Hey BB, heres something useful for you >>124826837I know you are an old dumbfuck, but maybe a bald dog can learn a new trick!
Hey jaACKy why did you delete da timer eh? You really think these senile goofs are intelligent enough to figure it out if you let them know when it starts. Not a chance lmfao!
Based autistic schizos
Poor ol /shreddit/ is left in ignorance now without the guiding timer to show them the light. I'll be blasting some Aphex till then in honor of the tourism of this general lmfao1 hour 30 minutes thoughever.
>>124826782>>124826376>In her head, it was real.
>>124827207>herDon't think Troony is online rn lmfao, so I gotta ask who are you talking to Iass? Do you even think I made that post, what other IP do you believe is here rn for you to be talking to?
>>124827207Are you mocking Anne Frank with that greentext? Looks anti-Semitic to me.
>>124827293You just going to continue talking to yourself all day eh you Brazilian Loony? Lifetime of self-trolling, much love to the favelas allowing their local wildlife to post here.
>Brazilian boogeyman: blamed>Scriabin: blasted>Style: hard
>>124826337this clears radiohead and slint
>>124827293i didn't see anyone mention herwe don't mock her here.
>>124827396We INHERENTLY do. Hard Magazine: The best 250 rock and metal songs (Germany, 2011)i wonder why they forgot to include Deicide
>>124827396>>124827437I didn't see anyone mention the third world and yet here you are still posting straight from the Favelas right back to the same tin-sheet shack you call a living space. Why don't you hop outside and enjoy your local jungle instead of talking to yourself all day Brazilian Loony?
>>124827444there's 3 worlds now? i didn't even know there was a second
>>124827438no Morbid Saint either
>>124827322>>124827444Bleepschizo has left you mindbroken and dominated. Impressive tbqh.
some metal thread.KING DIAMOND released a new song today and not person here posted about it. you people suck
>>124827486King Dogshit is best left forgotten about least we all have our sides explode remembering his high pitched female squeaking. Maybe he was just attempting to mating call the Rodent when he did his vocals.
>>124827508King Diamond remains the ultimate pleb filter, I see
>>124827532>King Diamond, one of the most popular touristic bands>pleb filter
>>124823134re-reading The Hobbit currently, absolutely amazing book.
>>124827556King Dogshit and Dog Haltour, both sound like helium filled homosexuals, both beloved by shreddit. Poor bald men still pretend like these wrinkly old faggots filter anyone besides straight young people who walk without a cane.>>124827574Problam?
>>124827591OK, trannypopper
Not even Negru made these threads so unusable
>>124827653at least Negru actually posted stuff with riffs
>>124827665Me with the whip/shreddit/ baldies pushing the wheeljaACKy is Davy JonesThe ship in the background is this shitheap lmfao
>>124827293>Anne FrankNo. Mocking you.>>124827287Looks like ya ain't right in the head. Lmfao
>>124827437Please articulate what you have against Jews.
>>124827728>>124827710How long is this third world slum dweller going to continue talking to himself? You just going to spend your entire life talking about middle eastern people instead of learning to use a toilet or have clean running water?
15 minutes
>>124827768Maybe hes gonna sleep in, we'll have to ask jaACKy to phone and wake up him. Don't want him to be late to da partay eh?
>>124827728It was inherited inherently
>>124823031What kind of metal do you think she listens to?
>>124827879exclusively -coreshitand she has never even heard of Anathema, My Dying Bride, or Paradise Lost
>>124827901>she has never even heard of Anathema, My Dying Bride, or Paradise LostGood.
>>124827901PL sucks so that's fine
>>124827728why do you deny being one, when your only reason for posting here is to "combat" antisemitism?
>>124827742>t. Ain't right in the headLol
>>124828150>combat antisemitism Wrong, lass lol. It's to combat stupidity.
>>124828338>t. REALLY ain't right in the head. At all. Just read her posts lol.
Nattens Madrigal has really good riffs and the 2014 remaster is pretty good
>>124827927Yeah and all of them involve you monitoring this general lmfao.
>>124827603>making fun of old faggots is exclusive to some troon in germanyNah.
disso-chads we can't stop winning
>>124828724>Willowtip records
>>124828724Bit too similar to Ulcerate for me Iass, although it has more actual movement rather than just meandering single theme textureslop, so I won't call it a clone or anything.
>>124828308You can't even combat your own homosexuality lmao
>>124828870He combats it by putting a plug up his butt to prevent dicks from sliding in
>>124827879>zoomette poserprobably nothing. Or the whatever is on the top 20 metal songs spotify playlist
I don't get this stupid gerbil talk
>>124829101>heres my avatar (please notice its me!!!)Thanks for the update troony.
>>124828870>>124828891>>124828906See. It works. Lmfao.
>>124829165Your meds aren't working. Real schizo vibes tbqh.
Based schizos
Crüe or Immo for today
>>124829402>rock n roll transexual or baldcuckeryDo yourself a favor and blast Gigan instead.
>>124829449>yawn-inducing "2deep4u" deathshityikes! no thanks
>>124825941Blasting this again simply because I love it so much.
>>124829488>feed some wrickled old retard a straight forward riff focused song>"i-its 2deep4me"Baldcucks are better at insulting themselves than I am, literally just try to feed them something nice and they shit their pants instantly. Loving Every Laugh!
Gaygan sucks peepeecacacock
>>124829527wow my post upset you that much? lol
>>124829553You forgot the gook avatar, Troony.
>>124829565Do you also punch yourself in the face and when people laugh at you the only words out of your dry cracked old man lips are "heh u upset?"
>You forgot the gook avatar, Troony.
>>124829591holy shit look at the tears come lol
>>124829613LMAO Crytor
Fucking idiots>>124829715>>124829715>>124829715
>>124829527What's with your follicle fetish?
dissodookie sucks