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Metal inspired breakfast edition
but i havent been inspired to eat breakfast yet
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she keeps playing devin townsend deep cuts and i dont have the heart to tell her it's gay
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Thank you retarded sister
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I'm in a goth metal kind of mood, recommend me something tragic and beautiful. Was browsing, came across the Polish bands Artrosis and Closterkeller. Worth checking out?
I'm a dude and I'm smarter than you lol
>le quirky middle aged chungus reddit female
run away as fast as you can
>le quirky middle aged chungus reddit female
give her children as fast as you can
Funeral - Tragedies
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Audrey my problematic queen <3
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maybe the eagle is a metaphor for hitler, how about that
jokes aside, the only true metal 'philosophy' is fuck off faggot
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Cattle Decapitation reigns supreme
Audrey Plaza?
no you silly goose. Audrey Sylvain. formerly of Amesoeurs. our reddit trans allies discovered she has ties with Famine so we had to cut her out of our listening.
kek based reddit
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this is actually how chuds view themselves lmaoo
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Metal is cool.
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>no you silly goose. Audrey Sylvain. formerly of Amesoeurs. our reddit trans allies discovered she has ties with Famine so we had to cut her out of our listening.

>kek based reddit

>this is actually how chuds view themselves lmaoo
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Indeed we do, kpop bug troon.
>"ties" with Famine
You mean literally being in Peste Noire? Fucking retards.
So did that faggot Niege but he bent over enough for them to forgive him I guess

Good to know she had another project, I'll check it out, thanks for info troon-chan.
Morbid Angel
Artist: Darkthrone
Album: Panzerfaust
Song: Beholding The Throne of Might

>And destruction upon the holy man
>Who hails a jew
Amesoeurs is blackish post punk revival. Excellent very solid self-titled album. Amesoeurs also has Neige.
She also has a neofolk project I haven't listened to yet.
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How many more days of your fast do you have left
so is d-beat just that badass drumbeat played throughout the album?
No it's when they use the double kick drums to play twice as fast and twice as loud, usually in heavier style like death and metalcore
why do you post women?
Because I like looking at them and want a metalhead gf
You won't find one in mom's basement
What album?
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My parents don't have a basement and I don't live there anyways


why havent you found one yet?
>>>/s/ or >>>/gif/ for cooming
>>>/soc/ for retard sister posting
I just started looking
Not sure what this has to do with metal
is djent finally dead?
imagine tossing a frag grenade right on that table and running out of the house
imagine the smell of burning flesh, scorched wood, strawberry shampoo and nail polish
lumps of blackened THOT everywhere
metal for this feel?
I would rather imagine being romantically involved with all of them and then having a party :)
you're the real psychopath here
That would be a fucking awfully tense party
Hecturd-tier incelpost
I think they'd have a good time being able to bond over their shared interests (aka me lol)
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Merry Christmas metal fags
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Hehe whoops. Metal
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>see redditors saying USBM is dogshit compared to European BM
>listen to pic related
>it’s really good
I’ve been lied to.
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Grand Belial's Key
it ended the second i woke up
Varg Vikernes about the Early Norwegian Scene gathering in Helvete(direct quotation):

>Turns out that, pretty much everybody were so-called "racist", they were anti-immigration, they were pro-nationalist, we cultivated this
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They named it 'djent' because that's the sound the guitars make. Pretty cool huh?
i need to djent her holes
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Miasma [1992 Death Metal]
Is this a reference to the Skyrim mission? Cool!
Not sure what you have to do with metal
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Stoner Doom
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Alt and core are the only things keeping metal relevant
>keeping metal relevant

I don't care about that
Some evil riffs here.
Their reaction when I show them my Destroyer 666 discography
Some stinky diaper "riffs" here.
Beloved here
The US bands that suck are the ones copying the euro sound (which sucks)
Diapers and their diapersound are hated here.
I didn't know there's a Slipknot Jr lol. Learn something knew every day itt
Beloved here
I don't practice santeria
Just curious, how do you guys know so many bands?
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Metalcore is a subgenre of metal
Objectively correct.
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Trying to forget how meh the 2024 release was.
this isn't what -core girls look like but god I wish it was
Is it any good?
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Whenever I find a band that might be worth listening to, I almost always go to their most popular / highest rated album and then move on to another band
Missed a thread yet? Second question: what do mods do for Christmas?
Simphonic prog? Probably not
It seems less prog than I expected.
Fuck me, it even has growls.
Imagine Dragons
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Morgue Breath is what I have when I forgot to floss for a couple days. Haha
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Apparently she listens to Sleep Token
Ah, good to know she's a metalhead.
bad breath should be punished by Berserk Death
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She looks like she grubbed up all those clothes at a Goodwill
Dave "Megadiaper" Mustaine
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Mocked here.
No presents for Christmas?
Exact opposite
It literally has metal in the name
Rate your music
Indeed. We all agree with that assessment here.
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How influential were Slayer really?
They influenced everything basically
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Metalcore is better at making you groove than groove metal is
metal-archives. I don't know if other genres have anything quite as comprehensive.
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Why is there one fag constantly sucking metalcore's dick recently
This totally kicks ass
Did you forget that the objective 2024 metal AOTY is metalcore, grandpa?
you pick these genres you "like" just to piss people off

Dude is 75 and had cancer and shot heroin on the first 3 shitty megadave albums and he's still a brick shithouse.
Gigacringe. He wet his diaper when the fan called him gay.
metal is dead
Oh he's a shithouse alright
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I'd wet my diaper for one of those Gibson signature models, those look fucking sick. The Kramer version in green is cool too, but it doesn't have the nuclear inlays and the other fancy shit that the Gibson has.
Carrot-haired diapertranny. Should be shot with a pistol.
He'll always be a hero of mine. No matter what fucked up shit happens he keeps going. Real alphas are Dave fans
real homos, maybe
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Marty was the tranny all along and dresses like Baby Metal and has a dildo headstock on his Jackson sig
Post hand faggot
That's hot though.
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Stoner, Sludge, Drone, Groove, and Doom
you like it nice and slow
Absolutely disgusting post
beggin' you losers to touch grass and a titty too
thirsty ass MFs
Heavy, Power, Speed, Death, and Progressive metal are the worst subgenres in my opinion
You're literally the diaper tranny on the cover of countdown

The only thing I'm thirsty for is cool metal riffs, haha
Kreator - Pleasure to Kill
Dave Mustaine soiling himself
So just every day?
They can't keep getting away with it
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This mostly just looks like cocaine, improve your AIslop
Lifetime supply of fresh nappies lml
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Not for diaper shitters
Now what?
Haha you want to sniff diapers
It's literally made for diapershitters
Now you go spray a pentagram on your wall using diarrhea from your bum bum
Why does it rock so hard then?
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We'll be Back to shit in our diapers
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Because you started cognitive decline after turning 60 decades ago
Dave doesn't need them, your band does
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Diaperdave's youngest groupie
I buy the official Megadeth branded diaps from their online store, YOU wouldn't know what's it like to afford luxury poorfag zoomer
Didnt even know my idol Dave Mustaine shits in a diaper. What a coincidence, I wear depends as well!
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can’t wait for the meltdown on here when Knocked Loose is added to the archives
and when they win the grammy
I love power metal
If Integrity is on there, there's actually zero reason why Knocked Loose shouldn't be
MA is weird about what they allow as far as metalcore goes. For example they include Merauder but Hatebreed don't get included.
Dream Theater
You still gave these gay iimages saved to your computer after all these years, faggot?
Beloved here
You're beloved here.

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Thanks, I already know
The only good female musician in Metal is great... The Great Kat.
Does Serbia have a decent metal scene?
Kat Von Deez Nuts, Serbians
I want it to happen so MA reviewers will tear the albums apart like with Lorna Shore.
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>I want it to happen so MA reviewers will tear the albums apart like with Lorna Shore.
We've got no time to looz
Can power metal have some teeth to it, or does it turn into something else at that point?
Yeah when I hit you in your ugly face and you spit your teeth on it
sounds like all you've heard is flower metal
no one gives a shit about what MA uploads as metal
that fucking died when they uploaded Rush
I'd believe it. if that's a sub-sub-category that might have been what I've heard. It's like Dragonforce and Halloween, and Nightwish if that counts (and some other stuff that I forgot).
and no they're not flower metal, but they inspired it
Power Metal more like Poo-yuk bad y'all
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Look rat, this is the standard of women we expect around here
cute metal girls owe me sex
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this is a man
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Deftones, the list could go on
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Listening to Megadeth
>>>/wpop/ you can finish the list there
Looks like he had a Megaaccident lol
why is your pocket wet brahbrah
Piss drips... but who's drying?
Happens to me all the time.
Rust in Piss
She doesn't make music
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All metal and beloved here.
Music is hated here.
Interesting development, sister. So why are you posting it?
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peak of physique
I'm a dude but because she's the supposedly ideal metalhead gf phenotype
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That's kinda cool. Thrashing.
Iced Earth also gets more bite to it for Power standards, but it largely depends on the album and usually only a few songs.
That is a naziband. Fuck that filth.
Jag Panzer?
The singer reminds me Kiss.
Marty Twinkman and that silverburst Jackson, lol Dave would never
he is obviously a very talented musician. influenced many people.
Dave would break his arms trying to lift that based guitar because of his AIDS cancer
I prefer Tim Owens vocals for iced Earth, but the albums he's on are usually shit.
Influenced them by being gay
how do you get a death metal guitar tone?
lol. dave's guitar weighs twice as much as Marty's jewpanese twink body, you didn't drink your söy shake today and it shows
Wrong but true for their wives
Detune to A#
Crappy distortion pedal
Boss Death Metal
18 gauge strings
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Devin Townsend of the Devin Townsend Project
Oh right, women.
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Groundwork - Hungry

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Death metal tone can mean a lot of different things.
Generally though, distortion pedal + amp.
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better band than Dream Theater in every way
Ghost fucking SUCKS
holy filtered
True but that album sucks
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Objectively overrated tasteless GARBAGE
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The riffs are good but the burping vocals are kinda shit. 5.5/10

Crossing the Triangle of Flames
but enough about Darkthrone
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Is anyone else Christian and a deicide fan
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Who's Kat
Thats my wife youre talking about bub
Yes and I am also gay
your wife is my mistress :^)
They are also crap, yes. Good riffs bad vocals = bad metal

No she's not, you should be respectful towards women here
especially robot women
>deicide fan
No, I can't say that I'm a double retard
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>Traditional Doom Metal is good!
Viking Pirate Symphonic Prog Metal
That diapershartbage is hated here.
Russell Brand looking pretty rough nowadays eh
I miss macho man savage and the band will never be the same without him


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