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Previous: >>1962890

US Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1lxDKFTLO4x771l06T9y331XYhlc6TqYj-hfhl91iXXU/edit?pli=1
UK Mariners: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yjRTjwJRkW_wYqis7E-c9U0xTQZWLXbsP--2qgYKUdM/edit
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will he be promoteD?
where did you guys get your physical and drug test for mmc application? the place near my house said they only do dot physical :(
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Approximately the damage is about 40 million dollars so I guess yes!
i called around and explained my situation and form requirements and eventually found a doctor that was familiar. pick up the phone, get to calling not much else you can do the resources arent there to just google an answer
Anyone have any hourhi pooll closed kino?
What should I do if I have an unrelated degree and looking to change to this career? I'm open to anything
SIU is a year and debt free and it seems like ABs will always be in demand. I'm partial to getting started sooner rather than going through years of school
I'm not sure how realistic hawespiping is maybe someone can speak to that
Becoming an officer would be 3 years and ~100k in debt but less grunt work and better pay. I've read where 3rd mates sometimes struggle getting their first gig. If I got a great lakes pilot license that seems like it would help in that aspect
Engine work seems enjoyable I like working on machines but I'd like to be outside I feel like that would be better for my soul
msc up to 8 weeks of training and up to 4 weeks of waiting for any entry level and youre out to sea. they have an ab to mate program where they pay for and send you to a essentially a cram school for a 2 year commitment contract
So I would be working as an OS after those 12 weeks then could become an AB after I get the sea time?
I've read nothing but bad things about msc. Have you worked with them? How easy is it to join a union after become a AB or is it better not to?
get all the government docs you need, apply, wait, get a date for NEO and the next 8 weeks is training. wait around 4 weeks to get picked up by a ship and start your sea time, watch time, and getting sign offs to reach ab requirements. you can join the union while in training its like $20/month or something.

ill be in the pool for msc next week. its bottom of the barrel hoodrats that cant even read that comprise 90% of the people at training. theyll all get fired for uniform, attitude, or unwillingness to work within 12 months from what ive been told by multiple instructors. the 8 weeks feel like a complete waste of time, it can all be reduced to around 4 weeks honestly.

the instructors like me because im educated, prior military, play their game and rules, (seriously you cant imagine how many idiots get fired over a beanie and uniform protocol) and white so they let me know after a few weeks that training is essentially meant to filter out people that wont hack it on a ship. for the record ive never sailed anything but since i am prior army i understand what its like to be gone from friends and family for an extended amount of time with no internet access. this will be a major reason for a lot of people to quit.

my understanding to get ab from os you need to get watch time done as well as certain assignments written off by an authorized officer and then your sea time begins to take into account for what you need to reach ab. pass some silly test in training (if you arent a retard you will) and all your watch and sea time requirements are cut in half: 120 days watch and like 180 sea time. from my understanding watch time is the biggest hurdle and if your chief mate is okay with it on your off time you can do watch but wont get paid for it but will get the time/days for it. its worth it as ab is a flat $30k base salary increase from os with the exact same job responsibilities.

i choose msc for the federal pension since i already have time toward it.
pretty cool, the ship moved the crane like it was nothing. what are the chances that the ship suffered structural damage, enough to put it out of comission, because it doesnt look like it took too much a hit to me.
i dont know personally, but I've heard that engine work is gross, at least at first and at least if you're not educated. I know a guy that is, and they still make him do all kinds of dangerous stuff, put him in the various garbage tanks, he constantly inhales hidrocarbon fumes and shit. deck work might not get paid as well but at least you'll reach your 70 with more or less the same number of arms and legs you started out with
goddammit my off brand wireless earbuds better not have been in that container
Got mine done at an occupational health clinic but had to explain multiple times that no I am not joining the coast guard
Third engineers deal with more literal shit than anyone, same with going into tanks, everyone inhales fumes. Deck work is stupid and gay and youll get sliced in half by a line and wreck your knees from needlegunning everyday.
Maritime work in general is very bad for your health. The lack of sleep, long hours and general stress levels do a number on your body. If unlicensed both deck and engine work is pretty physical and entails climbing and crawling around in tight spaces compartments, hauling heavy shit and repetitive movements.
Large quantities of food are available every day and it’s usually not very healthy. You don’t normally have control over what is made available unless your company lets you or your crew do the food order or cook for yourself. There’s also usually unlimited candy, soda, chips and ice cream for snacks.
Unless you make a very concentrated effort to eat healthy at sea you will get fat.
Big ships may have a gym or fitness center and will at least be large enough to allow you to go on long walks around the ship for exercise but smaller vessels won’t have that capability.

Deck or engine you need to have a plan to get licensed ASAP so you can escape most of the grunt work. The higher your position onboard the better your watch schedule is as far as the time of day. Captains and chief engineers stand a day watch and get to sleep at night so they escape the circadian rhythm destroying night watch which over time will fuck with your hormones and flood you with cortisol.

I haven’t had to stand night watch in 4 years but I still can’t get to sleep before 0300.

Old men who are still working deck are the most fucked up people at sea, health wise.
From OP's image I can tell it's just a scratch for the vessel. I don't think there's a single frame that needed to be fixed or changed.
I've been thinking a lot about going on long contracts and working seasonally or just some odd jobs when I'm ashore, but for some reason I feel stuck in my country

should I just start selling stuff in my apartment to make the eventual transition easier?
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Bad day at the office.
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This raises the bar 0_0
this is amazing. how does something like this even happen
a boat hit it
There's footage of the ship on approach from that same webcam, and 5 minutes before impact the ship blacks out twice. I bet you fucking anything they shut off the bow thruster and either forgot to tell the engine room or the the engineers didn't shut off the second generator in time.

I went through the stream (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=83a7h3kkgPg) and took timestamps
1:24:30 ship power off
1:25:30 ship power on
1:25:40 thick smoke coming from funnel
1:25:50 ship turning sharply to starboard?
1:26:37 ship power off again
1:27:10 ship power on
1:28:00 ship turning to port?
1:28:43 ship impacts pier
1:28:49 bridge collapses
1:28:50 ship power off
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Boat had right of way.
Bridge had bad seamanship, ignored nautical law, prudence, and common sense, maybe a malfunction somewhere in there, and paid the price.
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Do you have a list of must-have books for marine engineers?
god i wish that were me
Didn't notice the balckout, but i did notice that black smoke. clearly is a sign of serious shit going on onboard
>that fat fuck waddling for his life
real adrenaline powerhouse rush there huh
What bridge lol
Reading normgroids talk about this is topkek

>Uh like why didn't they just put down the anchor bro?????????
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>tfw your funko pops you ordered from Amazon are gonna be late now
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Nothing good has ever happened or will happen in Baltimore.
How many tow boats were attached to the ship when it crashed? Why didnt they steer the ship right?
1. All Indian crew who didnt properly maintain the ship to black out
2. Maryland port commissioner is a DEI consultant

**caused the ship to blackout
Kill yourself, redditor.
evergrande was also caused by an all indian crew btw
Hey little redditor, obviously you dont work in this industry. So you should fuck off back to wherever you came from.
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I meant evergreen
the suez blockage
I dont its true
but it doesnt take a genius to realise the the power going out and losing control of steering wasnt caused by the pilot
>I bet you fucking anything they shut off the bow thruster and either forgot to tell the engine room or the the engineers didn't shut off the second generator in time.
Can someone explain what on earth this guy was trying to say?
Ever Given, buddy...
How about just kill yourself. You're not contributing anything here. You're just making yourself look really stupid.
I accept your concession
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Ramesh, please
maybe you should choose a line of work more suited to your proclivities
Little redditor replied twice he's so mad.
How fucked will the traffic in Baltimore be because of this? I’ve heard from news that trucks cannot use the Baltimore harbour tunnel, and are prohibited from using the inner city highways for chemical transport.
This seems to be a major deal on top of the port being blocked and the massive cleanup.
I don't think the container ports being blocked is a huge issue since there's Norfolk and New Jersey as well, but I don't know. I don't know how important the car terminal is.
I would have simply braced square the main yard and hoven to, perhaps deploying a drogue.

I think he means to say that she lost electrics on account of the donkeyman, probably tanked up.
Makes sense. Thanks!
New Jersey is already a traffic nightmare, adding this kind of volume to it would annihilate it. Every Mercedes runs through that car terminal and who knows how many other cars, it's very important. Going to take them quite a while to clean that shit up too while they buck pass over who pays.
Biden announced today that they're going to pay for the cleanup and reconstruction of the bridge because they want to expedite this and minimize the economic impact. Baltimore handled $80 billion in cargo last year, they're not going to just wait on this.
>Can someone explain what on earth this guy was trying to say?
A guess on what happened to the power plant.
And if you don't know what the fuck generator load sharing is, what the fuck are you doing in the MARITIME GENERAL? Go back ashore or get back to the galley, faggot.

>2. Maryland port commissioner is a DEI consultant
Good for her. How does that have any bearing whatsofuckingever on a ship blacking out under pilotage outbound from the port? Did she activate her Diversity Beam™ on the Singaporean ship crewed by Indians and make them have a spontaneous Privilege-Off or something? Are you going to try to claim that Maryland Pilots aren't like 95% White and a massive old boys club?

Go the fuck back to /pol/ already.
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>How does that have any bearing
actually it turns out to have had direct bearing because just a week ago the port of baltimore released a video for womens history month to promote getting women into piloting the bull dyke in that video happens to be the pilot who was piloting the ship when it crashed
heres the video https://youtu.be/gtO0Dtq0_LM?feature=shared

a sheboon with absolutely zero regard for keeping the port safe whos entire goal is to promote shuttling niggers and women into the industry regardless of merit is just one manifestation of a larger trend that manifests in planes falling out of the sky and going forward, ship collisions

maybe this instance was not directly caused by her and the pilot but if you dont see a direct link between increasing incidents of freak accidents like these and incompetent third worlders, niggers, and women occupying positions theyre not qualified for, then you are the deluded one here
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>well maybe they're not at fault this time BUT FUCKING FEMOIDS NEED TO GET OUT OF THE FUCKING MEN'S WORLD

Please, oh Great /pol/ack of the Sea, tell me. What else was the pilot supposed to do? If that IS the pilot, which we don't know because they're keeping their IDs tightly guarded because the pilot who hit the Sunshine Skyway Bridge got death threats for years...they still did everything right you fucking retarded faggot. They had a blackout approaching a bridge with either wind or crosscurrent pushing it to starboard. They put the rudder hard over, they let go the port anchor to try and slow the ship down and adjust its course to port, and they immediately made a mayday call to stop traffic on the bridge. What more could the pilot have done, master mariner?

The "sheboon with absolutely zero regard for keeping the port safe" also doesn't have any fucking say on who the Maryland Pilots Association takes on as a pilot. Literally zero say, pilots associations are basically fucking guilds. If you can't hack it, they don't let you in, and they can find ways to make sure you don't get in.

You don't know jack fucking shit about which you speak, /pol/ack. Your infographs don't actually impart detailed knowledge about shit you don't know.
That bulldyke made it to unlimited tonnage masters back in the fucking 90s before any of this poz shit happened. You have no idea how difficult that kind of rating is even now, let alone back then as a women. She has more sailing knowledge and ability in her little finger than you ever will, despite being a female, what does that say about you tourist?
Nta but stop simping
Not just that, she did it in under ten years. That's motivated even for now. Most of the diversity mates flame out without ever sailing as second mate, let alone doing enough time as Chief Mate to make captain.

It's called professional respect, anon. I'll happily sail with a cigar-chomping bulldyke who had to fight for all of her respect over the average screamer boomer captain any day of the fucking week.
I gaurantee you this dude blames the El Faro capsizing on the female 3rd Mate despite her advocating against sailing into the storm in the days preceding the disaster.
>It's called professional respect, anon.
You're going way past that
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Holy fucking Reddit
>HURRR actually the Patton-Oswalt-With-a-Vagina Pilot that kamikazied her 100,000 ton ship into a bridge is a better sailor than any man around
>Kind of like how pic related just happened to be the most competent candidate for mayor of Baltimore...
>So anyway uh y-yeah, ships demolishing entire highway bridges is normal, that's always happened...
Go back
>So anyway uh y-yeah, ships demolishing entire highway bridges is normal, that's always happened...

Yes it has you fucking moron. You gonna blame these on women, too? It's not normal, but it has happened. Ships are not trains,and sometimes when making an approach on a bridge shit goes wrong. You'd know this if you didn't get spoonfed your entire worldview by grifters.

I notice you never actually answered my question about what else could be done by the pilot, but I know why. Because you're a fucking board tourist come over from /pol/ and has never actually worked on ships in his pathetic life.
>Mommyyy, what does PMS mean??
Please do expose your own retardation some more, retard. Have you been promoted to wiper yet?
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While it is fun to see yet another evangelical tourist poltard and his infographic stash get blown the fuck out you really should just report them not reply.
>power goes out on a ship
>lose all rudder control
>Harbormaster quickly calls to port authority to shut down the FSK bridge
>power turns back on, then off again, then on again
>basically incapable of steering or power control
>Crashes into bridge, collapsing it
>This is somehow the fault of the Harbormaster, the Dem mayor, and any person my retarded Daily Wire podcast host doesn't like
If you lack critical thinking skills to realize the fault here is with Maersk and the captain for not addressing a known power issue, then there's no hope for you.
It happens when someone screws up, for example, by not maintaining the ship such that it loses power, and none of the safety systems that are now in place that didn't use to be can do anything about it. Ships with GPS and digital computer assisted navigation crashing into bridges is not normal.
Im not him and i'm not blaming the pilot, but the crew or whoever was supposed to be maintaining or inspecting the ship definitely screwed up here.
>If you lack critical thinking skills to realize the fault here is with Maersk
The ironing.
Could be purely operational as well. Personally glad I've never been on a ship with a third-world Captain or CE.
To be fair, it is the fault of both the shipping company cheaping out on hiring useless cunts and their useless workers being unable to maintain vital equipment and (very likely) falsifying inspections and tests. Captain and bridge crew are blame free as they aren't expected to personally inspect ranjeets hydraulic work, they pretty much have to take reports on faith from their poojeet in charge of whatever equipment. If the captain knew in advance that poojeet engineering was causing issues then yeah, but I haven't seen that.
The Captain knows damn well what the fuck is going on on his ship. If he doesn't it's his own fucking fault. If shit is bad, everyone on the ship is well aware. And everyone onboard was Indian btw.
It honestly depends. Sometimes your engine just decides "Fuck you, you're getting combustion in a part of the block that isn't supposed to have any". It could be a Maersk-charter ship gundecking everything because they have a budget the size of a tomato, it could be human error fucking up something in the engine at the worst time, or it could be a total freak accident. We won't know for sure for months while the NTSB does their investigation and writes their report, and I guarantee they're already on-board that ship pouring over the engine since it'll be weeks before they're free.
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I haven't noticed this before but the vessel trimmed ahead by the weight of the debris on the forecastle. Quite an interesting sight.
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Get the fuck out kiddo this is a specialist thread, take your laughing stock ideas and never come back.
>Hi Sal; As a former Navy officer (subs), I seem to remember that the stern of a single shaft vessel will walk to the left when you go astern on the shaft. That tells me that when they lost power, got it back and went full astern, the stern walked left adding to the turn toward the bridge. They could have gone hard left on the rudder, but the thrust astern would nullify the effect of the rudder. So, 20/20 hindsight tells me they should not have gone all astern and focused on steering back into the channel, but in the heat of the moment went panicked and went full stern. The same response on the Titanic caused a wider turn and the impact with the Iceberg.
Makes sense. Either this, or it was a Russian revenge for the mass shooting.
Steel is heavy
>Sal got a short segment on fox
That turn straight toward the pillar is odd to me. SOLAS requires a rudder to be powered by emergency generator in case of blackout, so they should have control.
maybe if you read the thread you will have a better idea of what happened
otherwise I would recommend that you post things like this on random youtube videos
People here told me that democrats and diversity hires are responsible for this accident.
So that's the better idea?
Ok, thanks
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Guys guys guys, settle down. Russians, pol/posters, Ben Shapiro, blacks with dubious qualifications, 5ft tall Rosie O'Donnell lookalike pilots.... What if the real culprit was under our noses all along.... What if the real culprit... was Indian people
If you luck out the "harbor master" they had on board will turn out to be some sort of female, gay, or ethnic minority or perhaps jewish, maybe even more than one of these
You're scaring me, please stop
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These kind of things (black out) occur. Happened to me twice both because of blownout turbocharger. Once right after the exit lock at Antwerp the other is out bound river passenge from Bordeaux. First one we dropped anchors immediately and nothing serious happened at Bordeaux yet again swiftly dropped anchor but alas tidal stream carried us and smack the vessel right on the bank of the river we're luck local pilot direct the ship to sandy banks rather than rough bottom after high tide we grounded there for 6 hours discharged ballast and freed with the next tide. The thing with Dali is wrong place wrong time. Que sera sera.
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Just wanted to remind everyone that "Trolling outside of /b/" and "Flooding" are both reportable
I saw a post on the gCaptain forums that speculates that they'll start requiring tugs when maneuvering around bridges, seems reasonable considering the potential damage.
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Definitely possible, if expensive. Course, bridges aren't cheap either. Upgrading fender/dolphin systems around bridge supports probably a good idea too.

Thank you for the reminder, anon. Have you considered joining r/maritime?
>Upgrading fender/dolphin systems around bridge supports probably a good idea too.

I don't think there is any system on the planet that will stop a loaded 8k TEU moving at 8 knots. The inertia behind it is retarded.
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must be better than nothing
according to Baltimore authorities the bow is touching the riverbed.
Posted last thread, got a job on a day cruise boat and I figure for want of nothing better to do to eventually better my circumstances I might as well stick with it seeing as I accrue sea time whenever I work. Not that it's worth much but the company is putting me through my Coxswain's ticket.

Same firm runs a nature/adventure focussed small boat cruise line so that could be an option if I get some international tickets, but also have any of you worked on the yacht circuit? With both of these I imagine being an officer is beneficial for a bit of distance from the passengers, but any thoughts?
another one on a big carrier style catapult that gets launched at the out of control ship in the event of an emergency
>I don't think there is any system on the planet that will stop a loaded 8k TEU moving at 8 knots.
As an admitted idiot who has heard friends (IRL) make the point that the lack of installation of elephants was evidence of willful negligence due to ignoring their mitigating impact:
Can you provide me links to resources so I can actually calculate the benefits of the elephants, both for myself and my friends?

I know I'm arguing with people who want there to be a bogeyman, but I'm in a position where I cannot disprove them with my current understanding, and your word is only more convincing for its conventionality.
Ship itself is over 100k tons empty, without counting cargo weight. That's a fuckload of momentum that such a system has to stop. Also, I will point out that there were dolphins in place to protect the bridge, they were just undersized and completely inadequate for the task. The ship didn't hit them at all. You can compare to the adjacent power line, with it's much larger dolphin system. I dont think that would have stopped the ship in time either, if hypothetically it had hit the power line tower instead of the bridge footing.
Thanks for the thoughtful response
The structures around the power lines look like breakwaters, the interior is just bay water. I don't know what their strength is in comparison to the dolphins protecting the bridge, but I can't imagine they would fare any better against a vessel of that mass.
Photo for comparison. The little white circles a good distance from the bridge are the dolphins that protect the bridge pylons. Compare to photos of the current Tampa Skyway bridge. As for why the protective infrastructure is so inadequate in Baltimore (and for most other major bridges near ports in the US, not kidding, San Diego-Coronado bridge doesn't have them and neither does the Arthur Ravenel Bridge in Charleston), the vast majority of people and politicians in the country don't interact with merchant shipping in any way. DOTMARAD, the maritime equivalent of the FAA, has 800 employees compared to the FAA's 45k, despite maritime shipping have a much higher impact on our economy and much more impact if something goes wrong.

The two closest to the shipping channel do both. Notice how the ones farther from the channel have much less of a barrier between them and potential ships.
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Woops, forgot photo
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>The two closest to the shipping channel do both.
The most reliable way to stop a moving mass is with mass acting against it, which is why the dolphins for the Sunshine Skyway are so large and completely filled in with solid material. The interiors of those pylon structures are hollow and open to the harbor. That leads me to believe that their main function is to act as breakwaters to mitigate the wakes of passing ships on the pylon base itself, and as an added benefit they provide some impact protection from smaller vessels.
Yeah that pylon is standing on narrow stilts, that's all just the nautical equivalent of the chain fencing around a substation.
Anon, so are the dolphins protecting the bridge. That's all a dolphin is. A bunch of pilings driven into the river bed, maybe capped by reinforced concrete. Your pic is going to be more than adequate to stop anything other than a major commercial vessel. The wire tower is relatively cheap to replace compared to the expense of protecting it from a commercial vessel.

What you're thinking a dolphin is is the actual artificial islands that some bridge pylons stand on. Those are not dolphins.
>That's all a dolphin is. A bunch of pilings driven into the river bed, maybe capped by reinforced concrete.
Not always, the large circular ones (like the ones the Skyway in Florida have) are made with steel sheet piling and filled with solid material their entire height above the bed.
I'd just like to say I started the First Maritime General. And funny enough, I'm from Baltimore. Happy sailing.
>And funny enough, I'm from Baltimore

My condolences
Wtf is a cock swane. Are you the guy who lives in the bilge?
I don't know what you do now, but if you're white and an officer I don't think it's too hard to get a yacht job. Didn't seem too attractive to me because too much time away and some tax stuff compared to a locally registered ship, so I didn't really look into it, but some people took that route. Probably don't want to be on a chartered one though.
Is this (you)
Kek. I'm almost heartbroken that the bridge isn't there anymore. And it sure was amazing to drive over it. RIP.
just entry level deckie/hospo/tour guide stuff
haven't been in it long enough to get any formal marine training but I don't want to make the mistake of being stuck in a job treading water again, want to be looking forward to options later
Still young enough that doing yacht work seasonally might be decent

near coastal small boat ticket

work also runs a small ship cruise line rather, 120 pax, not sure I'm cut out for the level of customer service cruise lines demand but the customers on that line seem decent, it's got more of a nature/natural history focus, and I'd aim to get some international tickets and more experience prior so I could slot into a less intensely customer service oriented role
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How common is it to use Fresh water as ballast?
Why didnt your EDG kick on so you atleast had steering?
Depends. Some companies only use fresh water to preserve their ballast tanks.
MSC ship USNS Button towed into Mobile after "major" engine room fire
I just realized - imagine how much old rotten forgotten shit in the port they'll be able to clean out.
I'm looking to join the International Seafarer's Union but I need to write an essay and have two letters of recommendation but I'm hearing it's optional now. Is that true? It still lists them on their website and I imagine it probably helps in getting accepted, I have no issue writing an essay but I have no idea who to ask to recommend me that isn't family.
Any leafs frequent these threads?
Trying to navigate the bureaucratic hell up here just to scrape paint off the side of a boat is mind numbing.
I'm trying to just get an entry level position on any floating vessel anywhere in the country and its been 2 months of hurry up and wait every step of the way.
So far I've got a valid passport, criminal record check, marine medical examination, and contacted the SIU to join but I'm still waiting to hear back to finalize things on account of my contact over there taking a week off from his email job.
I just need a discharge book from transport Canada and I think I'm good to go

Any info from fellow leaf anons would be greatly appreciated.
You won't *really* need them. Fill them out anyways just to show admissions that you're capable of following basic written instructions because ever since they restructured the program they've been denying people left and right who caught whiff that the program is now way shorter than it was before and that you actually go straight out from phase 1 to phase 2 on a real union scale job instead of making like $5/day as an apprentice
Are Tidewater really as bad as the folks on g-captain make them out to be? I heard they occasionally fund DP courses. I'm international if it makes any difference.
FUCK THIS INDUSTRY ID RATHER BE POOR (now that ive made enough money to have it compound into a decent retirement over the next 20 years).
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this is at the top right corner of the mmc application from the nmc website. is it expired or can i use it?
It's still valid
How hard up is SIU for unlicensed Deck apprentices?
I have my port interview with them, what should i expect from it?
Never knew i'd find something like this on here. I'm a maritime electrician, now working for Fugro (more legs on solid ground yay). Thankfully the illusive cargo ship that wrecked a certain bridge didn't have Fugro systems on board.

My counsin works for Maersk, can confirm they are cheap af
Surely no US company tests for psychedelics right? Has anyone here passed a drug test after taking one?
dont do drugs
Anon, I literally don't eat poppy seed bagels anymore. I take zero chances of pissing hot, not when a single failed drug test is immediate grounds for the Coast Guard to pull your MMC.
Im a maritime electrician too, what kind of work do you do and how is the pay?
hi, I'm an autist with no social prospects or interest in pursuing college. Would maritime be good work for me? I was originally thinking about becoming an oil-field trucker but I just discovered the maritime community. Is there much room for growth and pay for someone without a degree? I was a mechanic in the Army and like working with my hands.
welcome aboard, wiper
yet another confirmation that this general it's just a not so much elaborate ruse by big ship to recruit medium iq autistic neets
>big ship
the consensus I'm picking up from skimming is that the maritime industry is heavily unionized
it is. and thats a good thing (for now).
Makes getting a job easy to get, and keeps wages up. Compare/contrast union ships with non-union, and the union ships have better working arrangements and pay.
>but they both still suck
And they're still better than non-union. The best union ships blow them all out of the water. Keystone now has the best tanker contracts in the US flag by a large margin.
I was employed as a marine electrical officer on vessels up until 2019, work consisted of general maintenance and installations on whatever vessel i was on at the time. Pay was dependant on my days on board, but i averaged around $140 000 a year or so.

Then i switched to working for Fugro who produces navigational equipment on larger vessels. Now i usually travel to do installations and/or comissioning in docks around the world, sometimes i also join for the seatrial. Pay is around the same. Base is $80 000 with added benefits for my travel days. I don't have turnus though, i have an office job for most days and enjoy about 80-100 travel days per year.
You’ll be a good fit. There’s some similarities with the military in that you have zero control over anything and you can’t escape from the situation once you’ve left the dock. You’ll have a watch/duty schedule and you’ll do the same things at the same time every day and meals are provided.

Advancement opportunities are very good if you’re motivated and at least average intelligence and able to navigate the USCG bureaucracy. You can start as a wiper and a license that will earn you $100k in 4 years, though that’ll be limited tonnage (tugboats etc) a few more years and you can get 3rd assistant engineer unlimited, but the STCW stuff is a pain in the ass to hawsepipe.

You definitely want to be union.
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Redpill me on smoking. Will it help cope with the stress of 6&6?
I don't think so. Strangely enough eating lavishly help combat fatigue.

At the 36th hour of tank cleaning me and the boys stuffing our faces with food AHH feels so good.
finally got my first assignment. time to start making money
Quitting and finding a better job would help more
i found out that im colorblind. will i be denied the medical certificate because of this? can a colorblind person work in maritime?
It really really depends how colorblind you are. Check your licensing agency's website, they'll have the required medical tests you'll need to do for colorblindness. I can say as an American that colorblindness is about the only thing you cannot get a waiver for from the Coast Guard; it's a straight up medical pass/fail.
yeah i only get like 2 numbers right out of all the color dot panels
my ship assignment was cancelled because whoever i was going to replace decided to extend :)
That might make it impossible to get a medical certificate.
Anyone working as an engineer on Yachts?
Working offshore right now myself but if they dont extend my contract im looking to switch up
Took a bus the other day take a bus through Baltimore. Was cool to see what's left in the distance. Gotta time your shots though, a lot of buildings cover the highway before the 95 tunnel.
I have my port interview with Seafarers International later this month, what are some pointers i need to know before the interview?
>Not a felon
>And not a drug addict
I've heard that the test is the hardest part but is there anything else i might get blindsided by?
Im afraid it will stop you from working on a ship.
In italy is like this at least. Check your country rules.
I haven’t worked on them but I looked into it when I saw an interesting opening on a mega yacht. Pay is lower than offshore. Much of the time is just spent at the dock when the owners aren’t using the vessel but then you can be randomly called out when they want to go for a little cruise. Didn’t really seem worth it for me but if you don’t have major financial obligations then it would probably be an interesting experience for a while.
ffuuuuuuuuukk I have to sail to Hawaii for work and be paid handsomely to do so.
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>take a bus through Baltimore
Fuck the busses in Baltimore/Dundalk. Retarded female drivers that don't even fucking know where they're going. The drug addicts were actually more helpful.
Ive basically saved up a years salary and have close to zero financial obligations so i dont care too much about the money.
Sounds cool to go to these super touristic places and if the owner/guests are cunts i can hide in the engine room. Also hoping on having a hot steward to bang on the owners bed when he isnt around lol.
My current company is basically perfect so i feel like i will not enjoy another in the same industry
We are truly in a terrible work enviroment. Absolutely elder horror tier. If god only allowed me to sit in an office for 9 hours, stuck in traffic for 2 so i can have 2 days to do house work :)
Anons first mistake was being anywhere near baltimore
You're an engineer, right? With a license? Get ready to get treated like a servant instead of an officer.
Sure am licensed. You have some experience getting treated that way?
I've worked with people who've done yachts before. Unless you're the captain, and you know the owner like a friend, you're going to be treated like servant because that's what those kinds of people are used to dealing with as employees. You're just another servant that caters to their whims, and they don't give a shit beyond your ability to do that.
>you're going to be treated like servant
And how's that different from any other company?
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Most likely you're done for but that's good.
>SIU STILL requires the clotshot
Would it just be more worthwhile to get the three year degree from a maritime academy since I already have a bachelor's? That's 85 grand (closest one is Great Lakes) but I just finished paying off my student loans and going through all that again would be a headache.
Assigned to my first ship and been here four days. I've been told by 15+ people if I am serious about getting AB to put in a ship to ship request so I did yesterday. We'll be in port except for maybe a month until January. Hopefully it goes through quick!
Fuck the SIU. Any reason you're not considering hawespiping? I was in your shoes (held bachelors) and there was no chance in hell I was going back to school for another four year degree. Bonus: you quickly learn if this line of work is even for you. I think a fair amount of people get the expensive academy degree, finally start working, and then quit. My two cents.
I've considered it. I'm not a stranger to hard work; hell I hated working in finance and did some electrical work for a local utility completely green for a while and was at least recognized by managers to not be a retard and be given more intricate work. I'm 29 and just kind of aimless right now. How was your hawespiping experience?
>How was your hawespiping experience?
Been ok, I sailed AB on tugs for like six years, but that's because I was being a dickhead and not taking advancement seriously. Sailing mate now. Most of the younger mates probably make in the 500s/day, some 600s. In the long run you can probably make more money as an academy grad, but I liked learning my trade from the bottom up. Definitely not for a lot of people but worked for me. Just wanted to make sure you were aware of that option.
Yeah I've heard of the option when browsing through these threads occasionally but haven't read too many experiences from other posters. I appreciate your insight anon, it's probably the best option since I'd rather not be fully obligated via loans/apprenticeships before giving the job a try.
It’s not going through LOL enjoy your subtender or epf faggot
I dont know shit about ships but I had a random thought
surely the shipping volume in the atlantic is larger than the pacific right?
theres more population and its a lot denser
going for my first apprenticeship in the engine room this summer and I've had no former experience there, is my best bet to hope for patient engineers?
Your best bet is being active, listening to others and showing that you're willing to learn.

Also, socialize with the crew after work. Don't stay in your cabin.
Where are you from?
what? no. Far East is where all the consumer crap industry is, so there's more traffic of shit coming from China and going to the Americas/Europe.
OS aren't allowed on epf and I'm on a TAO.
Lol, lmao even
Heres how to survive ER as an apprentice:
>dont be a smartass
>take advice to heart
>show interest by asking questions (at the appropriate time)
>"hey Anon i saw you do X in the Y way, why like this"
>if they explain something write it down in a notebook
>grab tools and shit before they even ask
Good luck if you have the stressed out engineers who yell at you for everything and anything. Theyre assholes and dont mind them too much.
Don't touch clipboards unless you're told to. ESPECIALLY don't move them unless you're told to.
does SIU still require you to take a covid vaccine in order for you to begin training?
this anon >>1992703 just told us that they do. you could also... call them on the telephone and confirm for us.
Plenty of private companies don't require it.
Greenhorns afraid of a gelatin and aluminum shot but think they wanna go work on a benzene tanker going around thirdie terrorist ports. newfags in this industry are so gay and soft, this job is only for you as long as you’re willing to die for money/status, hope you realize that.
rats, gotta wait till monday in order to reach out then. I'm on my last legs financially so I may finally get it if it comes down to it. Hoping I get MSC to respond fairly quickly
Why do they never answer this question?
>why don't people doxx themselves on a website full of angry mentally ill loners
Yeah this is a real mystery, I wonder why
You won't doxx yourself by saying that you're from UK, Finland, Greece or Germany.

inb4 I know, the other half or more is from Burgerland
American cruise lines, thoughts?
dude there's literally just one cruise ship with usa flag.
If you're green, do a single hitch with them to get your foot in the door, then hop somewhere better. Maybe steal some silverware on the way out. When I was trying to get my first job in the industry I wasted my time driving to one of their job fairs, interviewing with a recruiter, etc. and didn't get a call back. But that was back when the job market sucked. I think they have a reputation for low pay / overwork, but it would be fine for a spell if you're young and want experience.
Never been on one, but I'd love to go on a Paddlewheeler one day.
Shit company that’s always hiring because nobody wants to stay there, but if you’re totally green with no credentials beyond wiper/OS you might as well jump at anything that will get you experience. Bank that seatime and upgrade to AB or QMED after 6months/year and the whole industry opens up for you.
>if you’re totally green with no credentials beyond wiper/OS you might as well jump at anything that will get you experience
I did that and just got an hr email from them that my application is declined.
You can expect a lot of that. Getting your first job on a boat is the hardest part. Once you’re in, you’re in, assuming you can handle the life.

Mass apply to every listing you can find. Tugs are probably your best bet for a job that actually pays ok. If you’re really desperate you can go for tour boats. Pay sucks but it at least counts as experience and you can get an AB special that way.
Take initiative to acknowledge the alarms whenever possible so the engineers don't have to rush away from their projects to take care of it
Literally how
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>was looking at SIU past 2 days
>mfw fucking clot shot requirement
Any decent alternatives to SIU that won't require me to go in massive debt? I kinda want to make money right away so I do consider hawespiping maybe on a river barge or something. Been out of work for a while now getting bored of NEETing and want to start making money again.
Imagine making major life decisions based on schizobabble about microchip bill gates vaccines that you took seriously
>getting an experimental RNA vaccine just for something a tad deadlier than the common cold
That's not for all of us but everyone else can be guinea pigs if they want.
>I'll be an unemployable freak because of something I saw on 4chan
But what else is new right?
I'm still able to go back to what I was doing before if I had to but I'm not gonna get a jab for something that wasn't even close to being as deadly as the Spanish Flu.
What's it feel like to be a real life lolcow?
I wouldn't know I'm not an eceleb that attention whores or anything. Honesty I wish Covid was as deadly as they were hyping it up to be because it would cull guys like you from the gene pool and open up the housing market a lot more.

It was a nothing burger.
Unlike a tiny jab, which is profoundly terrifying
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You've met our resident libtard, let's give him a head pat for being a good boy and taking the unnecessary pharma product. In other news, many (most?) smaller maritime companies dgaf about the vax so get applying. Pic unrelated
>many (most?) smaller maritime companies dgaf about the vax so get applying
Got any recommendations? I'll see what is nearby first I live next to a river and see barges every day I might start off doing that.
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Got the call from the crewing. About to embark on a ship company newly acquired. Selling my life for four months for a fistful of dollars.

Just about the damn time I can have a five star panic attack at any minute.
You guys hear anything about a war starting this week? or is it still 2 more weeks
my application to msc finally went through and they offered me a position as SU. i did apply for any entry level position but i was hoping they'd want me as an OS since that seems most interesting to me. i dont mind cooking and cleaning even if its kinda lame, its what i do all day already anyway. is there decent opportunity for advancement at least, or am i gonna be stuck as a glorified busboy for years? i consider cooking one of my major hobbies and being the ship's cook eventually does sound neat.
Youre going to be mopping the floors and washing dishes while ex convict niggers complain and yell at eachother. Think of prison but with a good retirement plan. Just go be an OS through a union.
hey, i know its shit, but it seems like a decent way to get my foot in the door and get some experience. im not planning on sticking around if there arent any good opportunites to move up or change to os or something
Is it feasible to find love overseas?
No all you will find is whores and low iq third worlders who want your money while people at home move on without you
No he's right.
>whores and low iq third worlders who want your money
How is that different from the rest?
It’s not, the only way to find love is to be very succesful and pick a girl from a good family or be medium succesful and pick an ugly girl from a good family
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>realize my TWIC was expiring around when I'd be going back to work
>finally clear up a delay with the TSA and order my renewal
>"Just so you know there's a lot of applications, wait-time is about 45-60 days since they need to do the background check again. You can accelerate the process after 30 days if it's needed for a job."
>start really worrying about if it will arrive before I need it and if I'll lose my job if it doesn't
>new TWIC comes in today

It just took 5 days.
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Preliminary report about the Dali is out.

https://www.ntsb DOT gov/investigations/Documents/DCA24MM031_PreliminaryReport%203.pdf

It's honestly really fucking weird. It sounds like they managed to burn out one of their transformers but I have no earthly idea how the fuck they could have managed to do that in normal operation.
Didn’t read but if that happened i bet it was from a hydraulic line breaking then they tried to redeem the emergency pumps that dont work while they crashed, i just hope they release the audio
Any UK lads here, is joining the RFA later in life during a mid-life crisis a good idea? I'm not there yet but always thought about joining the navy and never did so though it was always an option if I got sick of being a code monkey and wanted to see the world.
Nope. EDG worked fine. Their main HV and LV breakers shut which killed the engine the first time but the generators were still running. Then when they opened the breakers again and restored power, they shut AGAIN and took the generators with them that time. They got power back online with the standby generator but they couldn't restart the engine again in time before they hit the bridge.

The weirdest thing is that those blackouts at the dock actually happened, but it wasn't the reefer boxes blowing the breakers. Somebody shut the wrong exhaust damper while they were doing scrubber maintenance, then the standby generator (which came online automatically as it should) lost fuel pressure and coughed out causing the second blackout at the dock. When they got the original generator working again, they swapped transformers on the busses since they had been using the other one for months, and the one they swapped to is the one that failed during departure.

As I said, it's weird.
Russian hackers
If you can code just be a defense contractor
Sounds like overall incompetence, leaving grounds on the bus and not maintaining fuel pumps and filters or something. I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often most ships are held together by one guy whos not a total retard speaking common sense to people about to do retarded shit.
Read the report, it doesn't sound like it. Just a normal departure maneuver. Could be a defect in the transformer itself.
Did all of you mariners have to get the covid vaccine?
Already done that, sadly software engineers don't really get sent out on the ships to fix things, it's mostly the electronics blokes that get sent.
The CG is taking sooooo long to process my request to test fuck
Military Sealift Commandchuds, report in with the latest bullshit you’ve had to deal with.
My friends have many stories from their work on board meanwhile I have mostly forgotten what was happening aside from a few events.
Am I retarded?
Any of you watch the Port of LA episode of Nerve Center on Prime Video? It's repurposed footage from a show nat geo did in the mid 00s. It's kinda corny and has that mid 00s reality show energy. But its not bad.

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What's it like working on river barges? Is it a 2 weeks on 2 weeks off sort of deal?
Probably. I'm the same. But it's a general thing.
Nothing super interesting happened during my stints though, which is probably a good thing.
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So.. HR1 and LR1 tripped unexpectedly. Then they decide to close them again instead of using the other transformer/breakers?
They had been using TR2 for months before but switched during a prior blackout (which was caused by closing an exhaust damper)..
Indian geniuses at work it seems.
I've sailed engineer for 15 years in industry.

If the phone rings more than twice when I phone the bridge I'm already in a blind rage.

So idk what you're talking about, no patience.
Any of you unlicensed retards should join SUP MFOW instead of SIU. Do it now and be home by christmas, fucking idiots.
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How hard is this Maritime on the body? Is it like some trade jobs where if I work 20-30 years I'll end up on pain meds?
Hello ca/mg/irls, I'm about to join a cable laying vessel as a 3rd eng. Not worked on a cable layer before, anything I should know?
>bow thruster on the high voltage side
With the EDG running, they should have been able to have some steering authority via the bow thruster even with TR1 and TR2 inoperative.
Not that bad desu. If you're a deckhand rigging up barges all day long in Mississippi or needle gunning a boat top to bottom in the summer yeah it's grueling. Or an engineer doing major maintenance in a 120 degree engineroom. But if you work blue water, and especially if you graduate out of entry level, it's generally not that demanding, at least in terms of your muscles and joints. The real health problems to worry about are sleep deprivation, microplastic in your nutsack from drinking bottled water every day, and turning into a fat ass from sitting around eating Little Debbies.
>sleep deprivation
What causes that? Rough waters throwing you around in bed? Or just longer than normal work?
On my boat (other types of vessels will have totally different arrangements) we work 6 hrs on 6 hrs off around the clock. If you're on the "back watch" you're working midnight to 6 am every night which kind of blows (in addition to noon to 6 pm obv). Not to mention sometimes you might get woken up when you're supposed to be sleeping to help out. And yeah, sometimes bad weather means it's kind of hard to sleep even if you're in bed. To me this line of work is much more about long haul endurance, than intensity.
I guess I'd have to get use to power naps, lot of things don't sound to unappealing to me but yeah the lack of sleep stuff sounds like a shitty.
non-boat person here, how does time work on ships? is 6 am local time or GMT or what? do you use star dates? how do you account for the time dilation when traveling at near light speed?
6 and 6 is inhumane. I hate it.
Worked 12s for the past 3 years and getting a full sleep is worth a long day.
Obviously 4 and 8 is the gravy
We just use local time, time zone is normally at captain's discretion.
And there is a time dilation compensation stipulated in the contracts.
True. Damn STCW not allowing 12/12 watches.
My dad is a harbor pilot, what do you guys know about that sort of job that I wouldn't have been told by him?
Are any of you fags going to LA Fleet Week?
That he’s a lazy faggot
I dropped out of college because i got filtered and failed a few classes, how hard is it to learn all of the things that go into being an unlicensed deckfag for MSC?
Supposedly if I wasn't being bullshitted some of the older guys in maritime can't even read, so I assume not hard to learn. What were you majoring in? If it was something hard don't beat yourself up to much some STEM guys wash out of the harder ones all the time.
I was doing a degree in Chemistry, I'm not really too upset about my failing, it's just it is what it is!
It's not the end for sure, I know dropouts that went into other things and even started businesses later down the line.. just don't fall into NEETdom for long it can be hard to get out of if you do.
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How many of you live in a city where you don't need a car and just fly out to port when you got to be there? I was thinking this is a good way of living while not at sea, maybe some not to expensive port city where my wage will work better in my favor.
What are some companies for an autistic web dev who likes ships, but doesn't care to actually live aboard one for work to look into? I might be moving to Norfolk in the next couple of years and would prefer something civilian, but I'm all ears for anything. Any cool companies doing neat web stuff for sailors?
Are you? I live nearby but I dont care about it. I went aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln when it was here a few years ago.
Holding out on me, eh? I see how it is. I'll build my own maritime apps, with blackjack and hookers! Come to think of it... That might be popular with you sailors...
Any jobs in alaska with good schedules for an unlicensed/ soon to be third AE? I know of the marine highway but I don’t really like passengers.
>TikTok Influencer Sheds Light on Merchant Marine Life
>“After six years of experience, I truly believe that merchant mariners do not receive enough recognition for what they do,” said Mongiovi. “I wanted to spread knowledge and shine the light on all that we do on a daily basis in order to supply the Navy at sea with cargo, food, fuel, mail, and everything else.”
Do cabin inspects happen regularly on international ships?
Dumb bitches like this is why they don’t deserve any respect
Not at 8 knots.

They don't even happen regularly on American ships.
It solely depends on company policy.
How hard is it to advance from OS -> AB by sailing with MSC?
Will they have the STCW course in house or will they make you pay for them on your own?
Also i noticed that alot of the requirements for the STCW overlap, theoretically could you get all the appropriate classes done at the same time?
It’s a dice roll, you could get put on a ship in the shipyard and stuck there for months and get pulled out of classes they pay for to relieve someone. Or have everything go smoothly. They will pay for things though.
It's a mostly thankless job, and it's far less publicly visible than truckers or train engineers. Transport jobs in general are economically critical and the people working them do sacrifice sedentary lifestyles, but the public don't often think about that or appreciate them.
Never happened to mine, but I only have 12 months of sea time. I feel like there might have been some random inspections during PSC or something.
Been assigned to a ship for over a month and a half and done 4 days of sea time. Putting in another ship to ship request soon to get off this and get my ab asap
I can see this ship right now kek
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Anybody knows how to bypass the shitty internet restrictions when using on board internet? I want to access my favorite Tibetan basket weaving forum in the middle of the ocean and not have to wait until port call to get phone signal.
I run a VPN server on my home network which I connect from whilst travelling using OpenVPN, which I install on my laptop, my ipad, and my iphone, because you never know what shitty ISP I might be using that has filters. So even if I'm thousands of miles from home my home IP address is all I ever connect to 4chins from

t. never touched grass before
Based, might do something like this when I'm back.

I tried the built-in VPN of airlock browser but it doesn't seem to be working. Maybe I just need to git good.
Try ProtonVPN, which has free mode, or MullVad ($5 per month).
Depends how it's blocked. When I first started sailing it was just a DNS block, so it was very easy to get around. On my third trip they had locked down everything, even google play store, and I had a lot of trouble connecting to proton as well..
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Fuck ARAMCO sand niggers
I hope they get nuked by iran
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GM Kings.

*Brought to you by starlink*
Where are you sailing to, big man?
To the vast ocean!
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>you took the cable-knit pill, didn't you anon?
so if I graduate a 3 year university nautical science university, I'll still go to work as a low level greenhorn, same as someone doing a cople of months of vocational school? is the progression to captain faster or anything like that? I'm trying to decide on what should I do next
Yes, vocational school is faster but more expensive, at least in Europe.
People go to maritime universities to get a degree that they probably won't ever need and because they're free. Many later complain it was a waste of time.
I am in europe and thinking of doing a 3 year uni program which seems interesting enough but if I'm graduating 2 years later and at the same rank as a deck officer who did it differently then it's not really worth it, right?
Not sure what you mean
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>C/E I know has a beef with a superintendent (a ukie/rus mixture one) while doing his contract
>after C/E contracts ends he's called into office together with ship master
>superintendent rats them out for supposed invalid procedures in regard to ship cranes and fuel managing
>they're both fired from the company
>office was likely looking for excuse due to them being just over 60yo and company selling ships
>C/E laughs them off as in the same day he already had 4 phones from different crewing offices
Engine-chad will surely find new job super easily, but I kinda worry about master.
Oh well, one more reason to disdain office-cucks. Even deckies are kept higher in regard than them.
(unless your 2/O is retarded - can't do much about it)
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2000 miles/15 days left on just this leg of the voyage. Damn I love long hauls. Pic unrelated
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Extra sleepy on this watch (0400-0800) barely kept awake. Sometimes sleep hits you just right.
>cable-knit pill
>not a cable knit
>voyage crosses numerous timezones
>sailing with a mentally disorganized captain that is easily confused by things
>instead of changing clocks each time we cross a zone, decides it's easier to just skip all the way to the destination time zone the minute we depart
>now I'm watching the sun rise at like 4am
SS United States getting evicted from its temporary home in September. Feels bad man
Death to sailors who need their doors pounded on to get up for watch
Sailors get doors?
Who the fuck does that. Shame.
How many hours did you reversed?
Engine room fucked up big time.
>now I'm watching the sun rise at like 4am
Sunrise today was at 02:14 where I live. Stop complaining.
I work with a bunch of rednecks and rejects, everything is a struggle
I don't take orders from Eskimos
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Ok this is comical

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Did you notice how they disguise the drone as a legit pirate boat? Man those ghats give you brain powers.
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Yep this thread is done for. Hey cook bake us another. Ahoy!
Can it be towed or will it simply be abandoned?
Abandoned. Marines rescued the crew.
This one hasnt hit the bump limit yet, retard.

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