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bring back the orange color. at least they promised more seat pitch in the new trains. meanwhile RENFE is getting their new Talgo Avril train sets that they want to use on their competing services. I don't know if that 2+3 seating in the RENFE trains will be very comfy.
also Jacques Cooper the designer of the original TGV just died recently. pic related. F
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What could have been...
idk... the only thing I feel looking at that is inoui.
>bring back the orange color.
They chose the white color because the train need less power for air con, the TGV-M is meant to be more cost and energy effective.
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yes, it's a train. SNCF ordering from CAF instead of Alstom for once.
>The Corail coaches are old but offer a good standard of comfort. Dominique Le Frère, head of inter-city rolling stock at SNCF Voyageurs, said the new trains would offer a level of comfort comparable to a TGV, with modern seats and better dynamic performance than the Corail coaches.
this doesn't look comfy at all. Corail coaches would only need air conditioning and a tank for the piss and shit instead of deposing it on the rail tracks like in India. they are to this day still unsurpassed in comfort. now we get these aluminium commuter boxes for long distance services instead.
>aluminium commuter boxes
What's wrong with aluminium?
nothing, it's light and allows for faster acceleration than with rigid stainless steel cars. I'm just not a fan of short carriages with shared bogies and ramps everywhere inside the trains. it just makes me feel like I'm in a commuter train. but that's partly to blame for the uncomfortable seating installed nowadays.
>ramps everywhere inside the trains
That's because of accessibility regulations. Corail coaches are high floor, so they don't have that problem, but they make accessibility for wheelchairs (and prams for that matter) very difficult.
However I think trains should simply be mostly high-floor, with just one or two coaches with a low floor section. It would make for a more comfortable interior design, and likely be cheaper too, since you get a lot more space for the mechanical components.
Ride them while you still can anon.
>Pierre, how should we, cheaply, renovate the Corail interiors for our Ouigo Train Classique?
>I don't know Jacques, maybe we could change nothing and just add a few blue and pink stickers here and there?
>You are a genius, Pierre.
The sleeper corail coaches did get a proper modernization and are really nice. Frogs should restore more sleeper trains.
Couldn't agree more but SNCF really doesn't. Maybe ÖBB will save us and extend the Nightjet network into France.
25 or so years ago as a kid from bumfuck-nowhere (25,000 pop.), north-eastern France, I could take a direct Corail sleeper to anywhere on the Mediterranean coast for summer holidays. Now there's only the one service linking Paris with some minor cities deep in the Pyrenees.
>Ride them while you still can anon.
I will as long as Grand Est is keeping them on their TER services.
just checking
>TER Grand Est
Damn haven't visited in a while but if Wikipedia is up to date you guys still got some soulful rolling stock. Shame about the AGCs but it is what it is.
RRR cars are still in use around Strasbourg. So Wikipedia is up to date on that.
>They chose the white color because the train need less power for air con
Lol the difference in the two is negligible compared to the power needed to move

White is the cheapest paint you can buy, it's why all airlines are minimizing colors in their fleets.
Shinkansen always looked better than TGV tbdesu
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But OP's pic is both the most Shinkensen looking one and the ugliest of the TGVs.
Reject wind tunnel. Embrace orange pointy end.

>Diesel-hauled RRRs in 2024
Unfathomably based.

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