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Lycrachads, what about us makes everyone seethe so hard?
they hate us cuz they aint us
op is a faggot
hi angry cager
I actually don't know. Could be that lycrabrahs flew past them on the MUP, were faster in grid locked traffic, or they are all having a good time not having to go to work at the moment.
>what about us makes everyone seethe so hard?
I can take a few good guesses, see >>1994487
not a cager, i just hate you.
ok cager we know you hate everything, why are you so angry at the world?
I think it makes the fat people insecure to see other people go out of their way to do something athletic and challenging which they’d never even imagine, so they invent reasons in their head why the person doing it is in the wrong or a bad person.
Sometimes they say shit like bicycles are kids toys and are not a real vehicle but then get upset when a cyclist runs a red light and say that cyclists need registration and license plates.
The stupidity of some carcucks really amazes me, it's like they are incapable of understanding there are things that are not a car or pedestrian
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Few normies know how to cope witih the fact that a nice body is a fact that doesn't care about their feelings. They see our bussies and their desire kicks in before their monocope defense mechanisms can activate. This enrages them and they start screaming about how we're faggots like it's somehow our fault for looking this good.
normies? it's because they have to slow down to get around you, and tend to be of the mindset that roads are for cars, and they all grew up riding in flip flips on schwinns, so they see a special outfit as ridiculous. it's not about jealousy you coping retards, it's about inconvenience, mostly.

other riders? i don't know, probably because most people ride bikes for fun, and you guys are all about performance and efficiency and people tend to think that takes some of the enjoyment out of riding, i would guess.

also you look like huge faggots, i mean, that's got to play a part.
>you guys are all about performance and efficiency and people tend to think that takes some of the enjoyment out of riding
Wtf does that mean? We're not forcing you to be hardcore, what are you angry about here? Unless there are cyclists pressuring/terrorizing you to ride only for performance you have no right to be mad because of how they like to cycle
>also you look like huge faggots
I guess that's fair, but the lycra makes it way easier to breathe and doesn't flap around. We simply don't give a shit
>what are you angry about here?
lol take your meds, i said nothing negative about lycrafags except that you look like retards and i loosely implied you have some persecution fantasy, which you quickly proved
I do think it has something to do with jealousy, because seeing a cyclist run a stop sign, a red light or ride against traffic (when it's safe) creates literally 0 inconvenience for drivers, but it seems to be the thing that pisses them off the most.
They think "Wow what an asshole, if a car did that they would lose their license immediately" without ever considering that bikes are not cars. They seethe because a tiny bicycle without a motor is way more versatile than their shitbox they have to pay way more than the cost of the bike itself every month just to be able to drive legally
i don't know if jealously is exactly the right word, but yeah, that's a fair point. "this fucker gets to ignore the laws i'm forced to follow, fuck him" sort of thinking.
1. You said we look like faggots, not retards
2. You never said or implied we had a persecution fantasy, could you point out where exactly you did if I'm wrong?
3. OP is asking why others seethe about lycrafags do much, so by saying other riders you are implying that they are angry at lycrafags and then stating the reason: "Because they are all about performance and efficiency and people don't like that"
oh, you have autism, my bad.
applies to anyone on a bike, not a lycrafag thing
When you're baiting you want to repeat more dumb shit instead of making it obvious like this, make it sound like you actually believe what you're saying and you'll almost always be successful in sparking a heated argument
lol autism and a personality disorder*
It might not create inconvenience at that moment but the drivers will not feel safe moving when the light is green because they might hit a red light running cyclist
In my experience on the road, lycra cyclists run red lights a lot more than regular bicyclists do
I don't think it's bait, if you've been around here for longer than one hour you'd realize people resort to calling you a faggot or autist when they can't come up with anything to say
Basically every pedestrian runs (or walks) their red light when it's safe, do the drivers complain about that?
didn't disparage any lycrafags, i dont even feel strongly about it. you like to go fast, you ride often, and you don't want to be wearing soaking wet cotton. seems totally logical to me. i gave a dispassionate answer to the OPs question, and you guys are butthurt that my comment wasnt "YEAH WERE AWESOME AND EVERYONE ELSE SUCKS"...

1. yes. what's the difference?
2. when i said that normies dislike you because they're inconvencined, not because of their jealously that they're too fat or lazy to wear bibs and ride a roadbike, or whatever. i loosely implied you have a persecution complex
3. you asked me personally, and i'm not against roadbike lycra gelpack eater types. do whatever makes you happy.


>Wtf does that mean? We're not forcing you to be hardcore, what are you angry about here? Unless there are cyclists pressuring/terrorizing you to ride only for performance you have no right to be mad because of how they like to cycle

I said the average person, having never donned a special outfit or purchased 4,000 dollars worth of gear, to go on a bike ride, sees you guys as absurd.


chill out. i see why people don't like you cocky retarded bastards. absolutely insufferable. i watch and enjoy all kinds of competitive cycling, and enjoy goofy shit like track sprints and stuff. i'm not anti-lycrafag at all. but i fear if i actually converse with many more of you faggots i will be.
Sir have you been drinking tonight?
Now that's weird. I never run or walk a red like, wether im on the bike or on foot.
People running red lights all seem to have one thing in common: They're slow. As cyclists or as pedestrians. Probably trying to make up for that.
Either way experience shows you sack people that go on red again a bit later.
I only do it when no one is around, or I am going left and just go straight then left. Can't be bothered camping in the left turn lane slowing drivers down.

Dead of night is a good time to run reds
Dead of night is a good time to ride in general, wearing all black just like my bicycle with no lights
Nah I run lights and shit. All black is a good way to get run over. I almost ran over a homeless who was loitering on the crosswalk at 5 am one time. On a freaking 50+mph road.

Swore that dude was committing suicide.
The road was made for cars. Ride on the sidewalk if you don't want to get run over
I do, and I ride in the bike lane.
do you even ride?
Good, stay there and off the road. I don't ride kids' toys of course because I have enough money for a car
I'd be embarassed posting bait that weak. Is this your first time?
What bait? We are both in agreement here
yawn, try harder wagie get in your cagie.
At least you admit you only ride a bicycle because you're poor and don't work. As I said I don't have a problem with you guys, just keep to the sidewalk or bike lane while the working class citizens use the road because they can afford a car
My point was you are calling bikes "kids toys" so you must be an angry cagie, getting to his wagie.
Why are you here?
>My point was you are calling bikes "kids toys"
That's because they are, can an 8 year old drive a car? Bicycles are merely toys kids use to have fun, but some poor people use them for transportation too until they save up for a car, because it's eighty times better and more practical in every way
>so you must be an angry cagie, getting to his wagie
Sure, I really wish I was a broke NEET riding kids' toys instead
>Why are you here?
Because... this is the transportation board?? I drive a car and that is a mode of transportation. I saw this thread asking why lycra-wearing middle aged men riding kids' toys are hated so much, and I answered by saying it's because they ride on the road which was made for cars
This whole thread could very well be AI generated, by an AI trained on fat, low effort nerds of course
Ok? Don't reply then if you think everyone is secretly an AI because they disagree with your douchebaggery and entitlement
cagie is seething!!!
I like riding bikes, but hating cars or pretending bikes are a better alternative to cars as a mode of transportation (instead of a different tool with a different use case) is cringe and reddit-tier, especially if you live in the USA.
Just say you don't like bicycles, and everyone who does is a kid.
Demeaning bicycles and bicyclist by calling them "kids toys" is the issue I have with your post.
Driving is quicker, it's not 80x better unless you can't cycle or your destination is far away.

Again, if all cyclists are broke NEET's who is a lycrafag and how do they afford it?

Guess your parents or grandparents in the 70's were kids too riding around on 10 speeds going to class and shit.

Have a nice day.
They hate us cuz they anus??
Bicycles historically were not a kids toy, just because you had one as a kid and neglect yourself as a fat adult doesn’t mean they’re just for kids. For a good period of history, a bicycle going down a hill was the fastest thing on the planet, and outside of a dead sprint a modern bicycle is faster than a horse, average speed and the amount of distance it can cover in a day is much higher for bicycles. Considering most roads and infrastructure were originally made for horses, bicycles are better suited to travel than cars imo. Only fats hate bicycles because it highlights just how disabled they are that they’d never be able to utilize a bike like that.
>Considering most roads and infrastructure were originally made for horses,
Side note: the League of American Wheelmen was one of the biggest early lobbyists for road improvement innaUS because horse roads suck to ride
I agree with what you're saying, but in these anti-car discussions long distance travel and the value of time is completely downplayed or unaddressed. Even if you suggest public transportation for long distance travel, that's still significantly longer than a private car and a logistical nightmare if you are traveling from/to anywhere that isn't an urban area. And no, the solution to this isn't just "get rid of suburbs." Big sweeping suggestions like that don't make a compelling or realistic argument.
I don't care if you're a lone bike autist. The problem is the massive fucking normie faggots that ride in packs and think they own the road and it's tour de frog. MTB fags can fuck off as well unless they're riding on roads.
mirin those digits
I don't like bicycles when they're on the road, because the road is for real vehicles and not kids' toys. Bicycles can still be fun like other toys when you're not bothering drivers trying to get to work, so it's unfair to say I don't like them.
>Driving is quicker, it's not 80x better unless you can't cycle or your destination is far away.
How much can you carry on a bicycle? You can carry almost anything you will ever own in a car + several passengers and it won't slow you down or make it impossible to get up a hill. I guess you are right about the 80x thing, because 0 x 80 is still 0
>if all cyclists are broke NEET's who is a lycrafag and how do they afford it?
If you ask any lycrafag almost all of them will tell you they have a car, they are simply entitled assholes who want to ride kids' toys on the road and bother drivers instead of going to the gym or exercising at home like a normal person
>Bicycles historically were not a kids toy
And lobotomies were historically not pseudoscience, next.
>For a good period of history, a bicycle going down a hill was the fastest thing on the planet
Except you could easily go faster than any bicycle going downhill by just jumping from a tall structure or mountain. Also, cheetahs can run up to 80 mph. Next.
>Considering most roads and infrastructure were originally made for horses, bicycles are better suited to travel than cars imo.
Do you eat shit off the ground because it was originally food too? Bicycles are way less useful for travel than cars in every way. You can't carry more than 100~ pounds if you want to go any meaningful distance and if you do then I hope you love walking it up a hill and having your speed reduced to 10 mph, next.
>Only fats hate bicycles because it highlights just how disabled they are that they’d never be able to utilize a bike like that.
Or... people "hate" bicyclists because they ride kids' toys on the road? Have you ever thought how maybe people don't hate you because they're "jealous" but because you're annoying as shit and block traffic?
I treated your mom like a kids toy
This dude thinks you can ride cheetahs. Also you could have said you were fat/otherwise enormously insecure with 3 less paragraphs. I pity that you will never get to experience wanderlust or the feeling of motion viscerally, stay in your cage you pig beast.
I have both. I actually take my bike in my car to go ride places. If I ever want to just “go for a ride”, I’m not taking my fucking car, it costs $10-20 in gas to drive 3 hrs but it’s free to ride my bike for that long and I’m actually present of where I am and the sensation of moving. You sound like you’re arguing against playing the guitar when you could use ableton.
So there you go, you only ride for enjoyment because bicycles are toys. Driving will always be faster and more practical in terms of transportation. Just stay off the road and you can play with your kids' toy all day
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> Driving will always be faster and more practical in terms of transportation
Not when you're behind me!
I had a motorcycle as a kid too, is that also a toy? Uninteresting loser alert
(You) suck, and i don't like (You), specifically.
Bike is faster and cheaper in cities. Also saves you time you'd need to waste on doing cardio you'd need to do anyway (unless you're fat and don't care about your body).

Imagine wasting time, money, and not even having fun. How miserable must it be.

You don't wanna know it but cars are kid toys as much as bikes are.
yeah, that guy is unhinged
>Bike is faster
never was, never will be
>and cheaper in cities
get a job, hippie
I like riding my bike, and I like driving my car. I don't ever get on one and wish the other didn't exist. Ya'll niggas goofy as fuck for real.
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>don't actually ride to go anywhere, just "cruise"
>refuse to follow basic courtesy
>refuse to follow the rule of law
>fantasize about vandalizing property
Gosh I can't imagine why anyone would hate cyclists, truly a persecuted race
True, it's crazy how many drivers are killed by cyclists every year. These entitled pricks deserve to get run over the moment they set foot on asphalt
/n/ has always traditionally been full of total casuals who either can't or won't do the work to actually improve, and like a bucket full of crabs, they can't stand the idea of anyone rising above them and getting out of that bucket, so just like crabs they'll do anything to drag you back into the bucket down with them.
If you go to the expense of actual cycling-specific technical clothing, that means you care enough about your career as a cyclist to dress appropriately for the sport, and generally you're going to be doing work on some level to improve yourself overall as a cyclist, whether it's for just recreational or commute cycling, or if you're actually thinking about competing. The rest of /n/ seethes because they can't stand being reminded that they're fat, weak, and slow, and haven't got the ambition or personal discipline to even try to improve themselves.
Crabs in a bucket.
Hi fatass weakling.
Wassamatta? You get your crush taken by a road racer? xD
Seethe harder, faggot. xD
>posts pic of pooh-bear
>probably as fat and weak as pooh-bear
tryhards are never run to be around.

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