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Team Ouch! edition

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Almost crashed twice
They keep opening construction sites wherever I find a nice route without any options to go around them forcing me onto heavy traffic roads. This is the third time this year already and I'm slowly going insane
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/n/ can I get your opinion on my daily route home. I've ridden this every day for over 5 years. Sometimes people who also live at the top have told me they can't believe I ride up this every day. It's 4.5 miles total from the subway station. It takes me around 27-28 minutes to ride it, maybe closer to 25 if it's a good day, google maps says 40 minutes. I can't really get above the low 6s mph on the steep parts. Going down in the morning I hit between 35-40 mph coasting down this same steep part.

I dunno, just wondering how you think my performance here is.
How do you not go insane doing 17 miles in prospect park?
If you like pushing yourself and riding it why not? Seems based to me.
I need distance and gradient too to judge if based , not some random google maps screenshot
Idk, it’s just five laps. Wasn’t super crowded cuz it had just rained
>90 degrees already outside

time to bust out the dorky bandana and do the daily 25 miles
I've been unlucky lately.
Took a short ride yesterday, crashed from braking on asphalt that was wet on a section. Bruised my elbow up good and skinned my leg.
Punctured a tube on the past 2 MTB rides before that, pretty sure due to a fucked up rim or something.
>rode new route today
>route was a paved cycling trail
>trail had underpasses under the road
> a few of them had thick patches of sand
>rode through them without issue but it scared the fuck out of me
>took them slow coming back

I don't care what anyone says, sand and gravel patches scare the fuck out of me. I don't care if "you maintain 20mph and hit them straight on you won't have issues" it's that one time you slide and crash and it's all fucking over. Maybe I'm over reacting?
Nah you good bro.
I had my worst crash on strewn sand over a concrete turn. Whacked my hip into a bridge at 5-15mph. Don't even remember the impact, just my mom pouring hydrogen peroxide over a big gash on my knee.

I would recommend you slow down, get in an easy gear, and spin through the sand. Carrying momentum is safe, until your front wheel gets a little off track.
Today's ride was a good one
One great thing about riding in summer is seeing all the sweaty women in cycling and fitness gear. A good number of them even have their armpits exposed for anyone to see.
Did around 25-30 miles today(no bike comp).
Was cooked 3/4 the way through with some crampage so I was camping in the 39-24 to 39-28 gear range.
Tons of people out today.
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>need to pick up order at a place that sells hotdogs
>owner is a faggot who looks like tobias funke
>takes almost half an hour to make a pair of fucking hotdogs
>need to deliver it in the middle of a fucking favela
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>road is two ways, but there's barely enough room for a single car
>there are cars parked everywhere
>LOUD exhausts everywhere

All this for less than 2 bucks
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Used little ring(38t) once on an 18% hill, otherwise did most of this in 52x11-34, wide range cassettes are the future.
I’ve been riding casually for a while but does /n/ think I could get competitive if I’ve been doing rides like this 3-4 times a week? I need to get my workouts a little more dialed so I can actually be fast over these distances but I think this is a good baseline for fondo racing this fall.
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It took a few brain cells to figure out how to get this to the post office without needing to drive
Rear rack and bungee cords, think this will do
I’ll just have to make more trips Monday

Total today was 12 miles of errands around town, mostly raiding the local hardware store for tools and electrical stuff, nothing crazy
Tomorrow I embark with that box and many more, items I sold on eBay to afford to build a high end single speed
But I also kinda just want to put stupidly high end parts on the melon bike
Like imagine that meme machine but with
>phil woods bottom bracket
>thomson seatpost
>industry nine hubs
>mavic ceramic rims
>paul components linear pull brakes
I put platform pedals on my mountain bike because I have something coming up where I'll need to do a bunch of walking off bike. Its hard to fight the muscle memory of having used SPDs exclusively for about 12 years. My feet keep sliding off the pedals and heel hitting the crank arms. I'll try swapping out the plastic pedals for a pair of pedals with pins so at least my feet won't slip.
Do you wear that full face helmet in the heat bacon?
>high end single speed
Like a track bike? Unless actually riding track I think that’s kind of lame, brakeless with an insane gear ratio for street riding can’t be fun. If you’re talking about a single speed CX bike, I’m all for it, that’ll make you a better rider in every way possible, and you can actually race it and have a cool life and not be an autist doing autistic things for his own autistic amusement.
protip, cross the two bungees together instead of just going over each other for ultra stable packing.
>brakeless with an insane gear ratio for street riding can’t be fun
while this is true, track bike with brakes and a tall non-leglet ratio (greater than 3:1) is insanely fun on the street but the handling is so spicy it can highside on command. I feel my track bike has more dangerous handling than some motorcycles I've owned, so yeah, that's what makes it fun on the street
Less track bike, more commuter.
Idea was 44/16, freewheel, linear pull brakes
But 700x32 tires for mixed terrain
A commuter, but I wanted to use really high end components.
And I’m leaning away from the idea now thinking about having too many bikes, I already have 2 that barely if ever get ridden, and 3 I do ride regularly.
The two red ones go across eachother, the green one is actually just one long one, it’s solid, I test fit it today and ripped it around to see if it would go anywhere and it did not
45 miles today.
Bonked again, but this time at 23 miles in and it felt like shit again...... At least I was flying pretty good before that, bringing some food next time. I am such a retard.
Man the bike trail we have is smooth.
You can be competitve. DESU I used to race junior xc mtb and I was cat 3/4 while carrying 20lbs of fat extra and not that good.
Really depends on how competitive your location is, your goals, and type of race, but if you are doing 50miles 3-4 times a week, you are already training 9-12 hours, which is a lot for your average joe shmo.

If you do plan on racing do some research on "peaking" and of course training. Doing that right and not coming in rekt for a race is huge.
If I was building a super melon bike it would be
>campagnolo record hubs laced to nice 32 or 36 spoke rims
>carbon seatpost
>conti 2.2 tires, or rene herse. Something fast
>super cool brake levers, don't know enough.
Also, just looking on ebay for weird esoteric fancy 90's stuff.

Oh, but a high end single speed is awesome. I ride one a ton
I run a 46/18 freewheel, ancient caliper brakes, 700x28s, campagnolo front hub with mavic g40 rim, suzue rear hub with mavic reflex rim all 36 spoke

It's fun, but if you have plenty of bikes I wouldn't bother. Ride more and then decide later.
My favorite part is how quiet it is, how it makes you ride differently(standing lots+building momentum for hills), and how efficient it is.
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Thinking of adding some fenders and a rear rack and do some bike packing next weekend.
sweet tourer
those hoods look too high and the saddle looks too low and what the heck is that cable routing, but i do like the miyata frame regardless
Saddle looks fine for that frame geometry. It’s that wacky stem that’s making it look weird. I couldn’t do with that much weight on my ass.
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isn't that supposed to be a triple crankset?
Squeeze your front brake hard, does the cable stop flex? I bet it does. You're losing braking there.
You should file the keys off your headset washers (useless form of neanderthal adjustment that is prone to strip steerer tubes when the washer and nut sieze together and then the keyed washer gets threaded off the fork)
You can then delete some of your headset and fit a chunkier brake cable stop in there.

also clamp bottle cages on your fork and put storage containers in them
and clamp 2-3 inside the frame triangle for water

That is a gorgeous bike btw.

I would also look for a different seatpost, flutes inside your frame is not good
he's got his hoods setup on the edge of being able to brake in the drops, which is a fair limit of how you can do it, then, point the bars at the rear brake, also a fair limit.

It's cruisey but i would find it awkward having my wrist at that angle for braking in the drops, even with one finger braking. Because he has bar end shifters and a high bar, the drop position should be comfier imo. I like to put a flat edge against the lowest flat bit of the bars and butt the brake levers against that.

Think he may prefer a different shaped bar or a shorter stem, maybe not, iunno, if it works it works. It's also annoying to experiment with.
oorah, Bacon
wow a freedom bell
/g/ here. What's the least botnet ride tracking app?
Today I saw a reverse trike with the hand crank. Was pretty cool and we were having a good time.
I believe so, the guy I bought it off of changed it as he lived down the beach and liked that more. Been putting off changing it for a bit, you have any recommendations for a triple crankset?
I like the tech for the storage up on the front fork. Going to look for a new seat post as well.
Yes when I am riding in the drops I can still hit both brakes with my pointer finger pretty easily. I'm usually riding with my hands on the hoods or the flat part of the bar.
>least botnet
>tracking app
pick one
Pinned pedals made for a much more pleasant ride without my feet slipping. During a slow hard left near the beginning of the ride I had a pedal strike, the pedals are pretty wide. Still had myself lifting my feet on the up stroke a few times.
Rode to work today and HEEMed my record.
On a friday? wow
I tend to feel tired on friday
25 mile ride today. Stood up all the climbs and got my heart rate going well since it was a shorter ride.
Still need to get better at calf utilization while riding.
Whenever I ride and pass by other riders that wear sporty clothes, fancy road bikes with their power meter and bike computers they tend to look at me like "why is this guy riding"... Is it really that shunned as an adult if you ride the bike you should either only do commute or go full pro gear and bike or go home
I don't have this issue, most of the people I ride past are old, and I say "on your left" and they may say something. like thank you, okay, have a nice ride, etc.
I only wear bike shorts sometimes, then a normal T-shirt.
That's just how people look

t. Fred on fancy bike
Went for a ride before midnight and got back just after 1 am. Nice and quiet, a bit cool as the temp dropped to 5C and I just had my winter base layer on with no jacket.
It's wonderful, just run good lights and watch out for things in the road.

Did another 45 miles, recovering quite good now compared to the first time a week ago.
bacon, is this a baby bear?
stop shooting bears you insane cripple
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i forgot about bacon rider and his cryptic posts tbqh
Biked into Boston with my dad for a late father's day dinner last night, it was a short ride maybe 9 miles each way but the tracks on comm. ave scare the shit out of me. Biking into MGH today for my doctor's appointment.
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OpenTracks from f-droid
he was scaring it away from his ebike so it didn't get electrocuted. it was the humane thing to do
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first ride in 6 months did 17km

sold my ebike and friend lent me a mountain bike
pretty happy considering im used to the pedal assist
Nice tit.
its a grey fantail
really sharp focus on the bird, is that a phone camera or like an SLR?
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Just went to a great little bike park, it's on the site of an old golf course, has several tracks each one very different, with easy non technical to black run highly technical runs.

I was the only one there on a rigid mtb, most were full suspension, a couple front suspension only, was so much fun.It's great that we have this in our town, where the roads are narrow and full of traffic.

No pics but lots of fun moments, there's one short fast track that is basically 3 jumps and a high speed berm that propelled you into a climb back to the start, doing that on a rigid bike was pretty scary, but I never came off.

Picrel my trusty steed
That's in nice shape.
My dad has a fat chance setup for MUP/bike trails.
20-25 mile ride today. Saw a small car(not park ranger) on the trail pull off which was weird. Had to tighten my seatpost clamp due to my fat ass hitting bumps.
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its a lumix g85
>moved to new area
>tons of beautiful cycling/running trails that aren't even busy
>lost all will to go out cycling
One of those evenings where the sky was clear except for a huge thunder cloud in the distance. Its crazy how far away you can see them. I checked the radar when I got home and it was 70 km away.
>see guy up ahead
>pass him
>he's riding one of those ebike/road bike hybrids by giant
>laugh to myself that it's not even that fast
>flies by me a little later on
>can't catch up to him

Guess he wasn't using the "ebike" part when I initially passed. I was a little upset that I actually got passed by someone using some cheater ebike bullshit.

maybe you're just slow
I finally figured out my drive train creak. It was the saddle creaking as my weight shifted from side to side while pedaling. It only became obvious since it has gotten louder.
I've had a loud saddle creek that's been unaddressed for ages because I'm pretty sure I either need a new seatpost clamp or a new saddle and I'm fine with both as they are other than the creaking
depending on country the ebike assist cuts off at like 26kmph
cyclists passed me all the time but id catch up immediately on hills

its not cheating, its not a race, and he probably didn't think about you at all

clean every part of the seatpost clamp, and put a thin film of grease on all the mating parts including where it clamps the saddle rails and the thread of the bolt.

This is routine maintenance.

i think we need a fucking sticky saying this
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I can't get gradient but here's the distance across the entire route

I can post a few screenshots of the biggest hills on the route next
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heres' the two main hill segments
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thats a bike
Uh huh. Are you that youtuber who greases his rims so the brakes won't squeal?
you're just not good at bike wrenching
Never said I was, but it's you isn't it.
no lol and i don't know why you're hostile to good mechanical practice.
It took me countless hours of headache and ruined rides to even get the rails to stop slipping, and I had to torque them down to a point where I was afraid it was going to break something, I'm not greasing them you troll
Grease on bicycles helps things clamp tighter (unless it has ptfe in it).
Lubricating the threads of a bolt allows it to torque more, easier and safer.
Grease on mating surfaces acts like a washer (which will deform). Mating surfaces do not perfectly align and grease basically fills the gaps/imperfections and allows you to clamp over the entire surface.

It's funny that you struggled so much over something basic and yet are hostile to the idea that you might have been doing it wrong, or have anything to learn.
I'll just say again though, a -very thin- film of grease, onto a clean surface. Not loads of it.

Practically every mating surface and bolt thread on a bicycle should be greased.
for example you should also be greasing where your handlebar clamps.
Threadless stems should have the steerer greased.
Quill stems should have a shitload of grease around the wedge and on the shaft.
broke another two spokes, c'est fini
Evading a ban is easier when you don't wave it in everyone's face like this
I was faffing around on the beach cruiser seeing how much lean I can catch and lost front grip on a coaster brake only bike and 27.5x2.4 slicks. Then I recovered it by donkey stomping the ground. First time I ever recovered losing front grip and I have a lot of mileage under my belt. I'm still riding the adrenaline high
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ipayed,,,my time.,
,,,,andgothe sponge.,
,,that pic of beefarmers wastoomuch?,
i got a propah bike again after 5 years. Canyon Grizl gravel bike.
2 50km rides later my ass needs a small break. First ride was pretty miserable desu, HR kept rocketing up, position felt really bad. 2nd ride was great, HR behaved like it shoudl, position felt good, etc. So rest day tomorrow with some roonning, then again longer ride on sunday. Feels good mangs.
Helps that my new living area has much more variety in riding, instead of just like, 3 road loops.

reminds me of my old Avid brakes that would squeal like a pig if they as much as even saw moisture. Used them instead of a bell often. Like souls of the damned moanings to be released from hell.
Can you put it in the PYBT with some pics? I have some questions for you

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too lazy, but ask away here if you want and I will try to remember and aswer within 3 business days.

why does my bike start wobbling at 41mph
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Ok I went and did it. Lithium grease on the clamps and rails. Triflow injected into the joints where the rails are connected to the saddle body. Something worked, dunno if it was the triflow or the grease, but my bike sounds expensive again. Who would have thought the hacker known as 4chan would know things.
Weak frame and tyres not meant for speed
Lots of bikes are like that especially ones with really steep angles.

Can be a lot of different things.
Potentially your frame or fork are bent. If it's a steel bike you may want to check the alignment as it can be repaired.
Headset bearing and wheel hubs can cause this.
Cabling can also cause it.
many other things.

The first thing to do is overhaul your headset, and experiment with having it slightly tighter than normal. Then service your hubs.
Good lad. You're learning.
Care with the triflow though. The PTFE in that will make things slippy, also spraying gratuitous shit in places will build up dirt/gunk.
Also straight up, check your quick release skewers are correctly tightened and your wheels are seated properly. The cam should be at 90° when it loses play and begins to tighten fully.
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Hell the fuck yeah bro

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