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It's beyond over now.
Stop making 737 Max threads
That's a separate topic of discussion.
Just stop making low effort threads for every single 737 Max bit of news you run across
Zip it, Calhoun.
There is no 737 in that photo
>ignoring the Triple-737 Max ER in the background
>ignoring the wellknown 737+10 MAX like an elephant in the room
BIDF please
Why won't they just ban this plane? How many people need to die?
>Triple-737 Max ER
Don't give them any ideas, next thing you know we'll see a 737ULTRA15 with fucking GE90s mounted on top of the wings.
Was it DEI that caused the downfall or was it corporate greed?
>inb4 Both
Ok, but which had a leading role? How did top managers get so out of touch with physical reality?
what else? Don't tell me this debacle is blown out of proportion cuz it isn't.
They're the same thing.
wouldn't you wish to hire the smartest engineers to make the best bang for buck products rather than designing half assed average products that don't sell well?
Aircrafts are so complex that all it needs is one bad bolt for the entire thing to come down & kill all on board.
Every single thing the US Justice Dept does at this point is political.
This whole shit stinks to high heaven at this point.

Dem politicians are probably shorting Boeing stock or something gay.
Broken 737 claw-like wheel struts typed this post
I'd rather qualify for dei kickbacks and cut costs to make the accounts look good in the short term. What's the worst that can happen? Airbus hits their construction capacity and then everyone has to buy from me again because it's too expensive for anyone else to get into this business.
File: james-smith-mcdonnell.jpg (34 KB, 200x269)
34 KB
The ghost of James Smith McDonnell.
>James Smith McDonnell
>starts aviation company
>1929 market crash
>works for Martin
>leaves to try starting his own company again
>puts all his eggs in the military basket
>"oh no the war is over! what will I do now?"
>move all the eggs to the space program basket
>get BTFO by NAA
>buy Douglas
>infiltrate and replace entire management team with like minded individuals
>destroy their reputation with the Death Cruiser
>cry for Boeing to save you
>infiltrate and destroy their management team after the merger
He's like some sort of reverse Midas goddamn
>5k ft/min emergency decent rate from FL250.
Makes sense at .80M/320 kts.
tread carefully m8. Chinks may soon end up replacing you as a competitor to airbus
You are clueless about the business world (not an insult), investing 10M dollars to create a lasting product looks much worse than saving 8M and creating a turd in balance sheets. Good quality is never in the mind of the MBAbrained kike.
> dropped
>Airbus has pressurization issue
I sleep

>Boeing has pressurization issue
Ban this plane NOW

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