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LA metro now actually enforces fares. For a while they didn't since it's racist or whatever and I got caught. Was only let off with a warning though.
Good. I've been seeing somewhat more enforcement on the NYC subway too. Not as much as it should be but hopefully enough to pare it down to the more committed fare evaders. It reached a point where people in office clothes and nice shoes in nice neighborhoods were doing it. Someone in the police union must want something out of someone in power.
my thread will soon become reality

>For a while they didn't since it's racist or whatever
thats literally what it is. like as in its in writing in interviews that, even if fare inspectors just check everyone who is riding the subway, a certain group gets hit way more often for fare evasion, like 60-70% of the cited people are a certain group, and this just means its unfairly targeting them, ratehr than the fact that they are doing it much more often

its pretty funny actually, i ride the subway daily and will hang around entrances and exits for a bit and almost every member of certain groups ill say that theyll fare evade and they do
I had the most insane thing happen last year. I scanned my card out but before leaving I stopped for a few seconds cause I thought I saw someone I knew, then walked through my still open faregate. Cops were outside and stopped me and told me they didn't see me go through the gate. I said what the hell are you talking about. They stopped me, ran my ID, wrote my naame on their little sheet but didn't fine me. I was showing my fare history but apparently the thing doesn't update for a few hours so it didn't show that I had scanned in or out even though I scanned at my home station about 10 minutes earlier.
I encountered fare enforcement when I was visiting London last month on the Overground, was using a contactless card and had genuinely tagged in but it wasn't reading on the guy's scanner. He let me off with a warning though, so it was ok.
>Someone in the police union must want something out of someone in power.
That or someone realized they went away too far on the progressive politics and the 1970s are back in the worst way. The people who actually work for a living are leaving NYC in droves and they aren't coming back; the denizens of the city are increasingly bums and illegals, neither of whom get taxed.
This back and forth has been going on since there was an NYPD. They do some outlandish act of violent public sadism, there's backlash, someone in politics tries to be a hero, the cops all stop doing their jobs for a couple of years, the public cries to them about crime, they revert back to their usual "crime fighting" (which barely differs from what the italian mafia did in the old days, which is unsurprising because it's the same people operating by the same rules). And every time the "anti crime" (aka pro corruption in civil service) people say it's going to be like escape from new york or something.

Given a choice between people pissing all over the floor of every subway car, and violent long island thugs gang raping teenagers in the back of a squad car, I guess I'll take the gang rapes but let's not act like this is some victory over crime, it's just moving the pieces around.
What certain group?
nta but it used to be at "certain precincts" they would actually go out and break all the metrocard machines and then wait for people from the neighborhood who were late for work to jump the turnstile, they were called "strike teams" and I assume they were disbanded which is why there's no fare enforcement at all now. the pig apologists will frame this as an either/or: you have to either tolerate shameless lawbreaking on the part of the pigs, or you have to have total anarchy in the streets, you can't possibly expect taxpayer funded services to behave professionally because that's "woke" or some shit

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